Celebration Bear

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Celebration Bear Page 2

by Scarlett Grove

  "Hello sweetheart," it read, “I’m your fated mate, Thorian Reed."

  "Hi Thorian," she typed out, still not breathing that well.

  "I'd love to see you. Can we meet tomorrow night?" he asked.

  "Tomorrow night, as in New Year's Eve?"

  “I have a gig that night, but I would still like to see you.”

  "I would love that."

  "I can show you all the fireworks,"

  "Fireworks?" she typed, wondering if that was code for something sexy.

  "I'm a pyrotechnician. I'm running the fireworks display this year."

  "Oh, that's what a pyrotechnician means," she said, blushing. "I thought you meant something else by fireworks."

  "What else could I mean by fireworks?"

  "Never mind," she said and then added LOL with a winking emoticon.

  "I can show you those kinds of fireworks too," he said.

  "Well, it is New Year's Eve, and I don't have anyone else to kiss."

  "Then you can kiss me. I'd be honored to oblige."

  Cici felt the heat rising all over her body, and she had to fan herself with her clutch.

  "It's a date then. I’ll meet you at the Fate Valley Resort. That's where they shoot off the fireworks, right?"

  "That's right. There's a big party. We can have our celebration, and I can show you the fireworks," he said with a wink emoji.

  Cici was positively flushed and sweating from her every pore after that conversation. She scrolled through his photographs. A picture of him in a military uniform with his hair cropped. A picture of him with his shirt off in the water that almost made her faint dead away. A picture of him in his coveralls, fixing some wires in a building. A picture of him chopping firewood.

  Her friend Stephanie walked up beside her at the bar and ordered a glass of champagne. Stephanie was also a shifter girl like Melody, but she hadn't been matched with a mate yet.

  "What's that all about?" she asked.

  "I found my mate," Cici said, breathless.

  "You did?" Stephanie asked, her voice whining and obviously jealous.

  "Don't worry Stephanie. It'll happen soon for you too. I promise.”

  "That's what everybody keeps telling me. Well, let me see him."

  Stephanie leaned over Cici shoulder and gazed down at the phone as she scrolled through the pictures of Thorian.

  "He is freaking hot," Stephanie said, her lioness tongue lolling out.

  "I know. Can you believe it? He’s so handsome. I can barely stand it. I think I'm going to need another glass of champagne to calm down.”

  The bartender filled her glass and she downed it as she continued scrolling through his photographs, opening them up, enlarging them and focusing in on the more delicious aspects of his physique.

  “I like the cropped hair look," Stephanie said.

  "Are you sure? I like him with it longer," Cici said.

  "Either way, he's handsome as heck," Stephanie said, leaning against the bar.

  "I'm sorry that you haven't found your mate yet, Stephanie," Cici said.

  "It's not a big deal. I just have to wait for the hands of fate to give me good fortune," she said. "Maybe my mate is a billionaire or a famous athlete or something equally amazing."

  "That's the spirit," Cici said, her grin too huge to be contained on her face.

  "I'm happy for you though, Cici. It couldn't have happened to a nicer girl.”

  Cici leaned in and put her arm around her friend’s shoulder, giving her a big smooch on the cheek.

  "Well, I'm off to mingle," Stephanie said, taking her champagne glass with her.

  Cici hoped that her friend would find her own mate soon, but she was so happy that she’d found hers that she couldn't be too sad about anything at that moment. She wanted to proclaim it from the rooftops. She wanted to jump up on the stage, grab the microphone from the singer, and scream to everyone, “I found my mate and he is freaking gorgeous.”

  Chapter 3

  Cici prepared for her date with Thorian with anticipation building in her chest. She pulled on the sparkly rose-pink dress, complete with a black sash around the waist. She’d worn her best bra and panties, to make herself feel sexy, she then slid on black tights and rose-pink pumps that matched her dress.

  She'd been planning to go to the event at Fate Valley Resort with her girlfriends, but now that she was going on a date with Thorian, she was a thousand times more excited. She couldn’t believe that she was going to meet her fated mate tonight!

  She was so ecstatic to meet him, she could barely line her eyes with the bold, black liner she used on special occasions. Steadying her hand, she drew cat eyes with wings over her lids. She put on her favorite red lipstick and brushed her short jet-black hair into a sexy sleek style.

  When she was done, she giggled and kissed herself in the mirror like she used to when she was thirteen. She was so happy she couldn't help it. Her kiss left a red lip mark on the mirror. So she winked at herself and kicked up her heel as she left the bathroom.

  In her tidy living room, she grabbed a fur jacket and sparkly pink clutch, and made her way outside. She knew that Thorian would be busy tonight, so she wasn't upset that he couldn’t pick her up. She was just glad that he wanted to see her on a night that he had to work. She didn't want to wait any longer to meet him and was glad that he was eager to meet her too.

  She climbed into her bright blue sedan and drove through the snowy streets of Fate Valley, taking the road into the resort. The parking lot was packed for the party. She finally found a spot to park squeezed between a truck and an SUV at the edge of the lot. She stepped out into a snowdrift, and almost got snow in her shoe, but she didn’t care.

  Inside, she found Stephanie, Melody, Kirk and Meredith. Meredith, Kirk’s human sister, was there with her human husband. Everyone was dressed to the nines. Stephanie, the unmated lioness, was wearing a sleek, form-fitting black dress. Melody was wearing a gold sequin dress that hugged her shapely curves. Meredith wore a pretty white lace dress, and the guys were all wearing suits. They had party hats on and were blowing noisemakers with tassels on the end. Melody handed Cici a glass of champagne and she took a sip, looking around the lobby for Thorian.

  "I'm supposed to meet him here tonight," she said to Stephanie.

  "Oh yeah, where is he?

  "He's running the fireworks," Cici said.

  "They're shooting the fireworks off the dock. I think the technician is preparing them under the tent out back," Kirk said. "You want me to take you out there?”

  "Would you?" she asked Kirk.


  “We can all go," Melody said, threading her arm through Cici’s.

  They all piled out of the resort, champagne glasses and noisemakers in hand, and walked around the porch to the path that led out onto the grounds. The Christmas lights lit up the trees, illuminating the frozen ground and sparkling in the lake waters.

  A white tent was nestled in the trees by the lake, just beyond the dock. As they drew closer, Cici could see a figure moving about in the tent, silhouetted by the light inside. Her heart leapt and she started to hyperventilate, her heavy breaths blowing out in puffs into the cold air.

  "Are you okay?" Stephanie asked, her arm threaded through Cici’s other arm.

  With Melody on one side and Stephanie on the other, Cici felt she had all the support in the world. That helped her calm down. It was a little awkward approaching her date with five friends in tow, but she wouldn't have it any other way. Her people were her life. There was no better way to be introduced to her fated mate.

  They approach the tent and the figure continued to move about inside. He stopped when he heard them and peeked out of the tent, smiling broadly in the twinkling Christmas lights glowing all around.

  "Cici?" he asked, gulping. "It's you, isn't it? I would know your scent anywhere."

  “Yes, it's me, Thorian," she said, unhooking her arms from Stephanie and Melody.

  She moved forward an
d lifted her hand out for him to shake. Instead of shaking her hand he brought it to his lips. His hot breath blew over her knuckles, and he kissed her hand with his full, warm lips. A tingle of desire ran through her entire body, trembling like an earthquake from her brain into her heart and down into her core.

  "Oh," she gasped.

  "I'm so pleased to meet you," he said. "And your friends. I think I've met some of you at the Shifter Community Association.”

  "I'm Kirk Handy," Kirk said, reaching out to shake Thorian's hand.

  “I’m Melody Handy, his wife and mate," Melody said.

  "And this is Stephanie, and Kirk’s sister Meredith, and her husband Hank," Cici said, introducing everyone to Thorian.

  "Nice to meet you," they all said.

  "Well, it looks like we're leaving you in good hands," Melody said, nudging Cici in the arm. "You two have fun now.”

  She was nervous as her friends started to turn and leave her, and she clutched the throat of her jacket with her hand.

  "I was just about to take a break," he said. “The fireworks don’t go off until just before midnight. Would you like to take a walk with me?" he asked.

  "I would love to," she said.

  He offered her his elbow and she hooked her arm through it. He rested his hand on hers as he guided her down the trail back to the resort. They walked inside the dance hall and he got her a cup of hot chocolate and one for himself. Thorian looked sexy dressed in all black: black slacks, a black button-down shirt and black jacket.

  "So how long have you been in Fate Valley?" she asked, taking a sip of her cocoa as she watched her friends dancing to the live band.

  "Just a few weeks. I went to the Association meeting as soon as I arrived. I just joined Mate.com yesterday. I have to say, I was surprised to find my mate so quickly."

  "Are you disappointed?" she blurted out.

  "Not at all," he said, his eyebrows crinkling up.

  "What prompted you to join Mate.com yesterday?"

  "It's kind of a weird story," he started.

  "Oh tell me, I love weird stories," she said with a giggle.

  "Well, I was out at a job yesterday and there was a woman, Mrs. Talbot, who kept touching me and flirting with me. It was a weird scene. Her husband was obviously jealous and there was a stablehand outside who was jealous too. After I left, I thought to myself, it's time to find a mate and settle down."

  "A cheating human flirting with you is what prompted you to join Mate.com?" she said with a laugh.

  "Yeah, I know it's a strange reason, but that's what happened. I’ve been a free spirit ever since I got back from my military service, wandering around the country, working here and there out of my truck. There are a lot of jobs for a licensed electrician. I found work wherever I went. I wasn't ready to settle down after I got home from my service, and I didn't know what to do with my veterans’ bonus, so I just became a vagabond. That's not really a life for settling down with a mate. But then my grandfather passed away just before Christmas, and he left me his house. So here I am. And here you are."

  "Here we are," Cici said, her eyes bright and her heart pounding.

  She wanted him to touch her, to kiss her, to hold her. But she didn't know what to do.

  "Would you like to dance?" she asked after she finished her warm cocoa.

  "I'd love to," he said.

  They left their jackets with the coat check and swung out onto the dance floor as a slow song began to play. He wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her curves to his body. He was at least a foot taller than her petite form, and his hard muscles felt heavenly against her soft curves. She wrapped one hand over his shoulder as he held her other hand in his, his arm wrapped around her waist to hold her close.

  They danced in a casual waltz across the floor with the rest of the partygoers, her heart singing with excitement as she gazed up into his big brown eyes. His shaggy black hair was combed back, and she longed to run her fingers through it and muss it up.

  As if in a dream, he leaned down and kissed her lips. Sparks exploded inside her, as if the New Year's Eve fireworks were already shooting above the waters of the Lake of the Fates. It was a brief kiss, their lips barely brushing against each other. But that was all that it took. She was hooked and wanted so much more. Taking a deep breath, she rested her cheek against his chest, and he guided her through the dance. When the song was done, he led her back to the coat check and asked for his jacket.

  "I'm afraid I have to go back to work now, dear Cici," he said cupping her cheek in his hand and running the pad of his thumb over her cheekbone.

  His touch gave her such a thrill, it trembled inside her, like the vibration of a drum. She looked back into the dance hall and saw her friends.

  "That's okay, I knew you had to work. I'm here with my friends so they’ll keep me entertained. Can we meet up at midnight for the countdown?"

  "I would love that," he said in a low rumbly voice.

  "See you at midnight then."

  "At midnight."

  She watched him walk away, her body heating over the sight of his slim waist and tight behind. She growled at the base of her throat and tried to get a hold of herself before she turned and trotted back to her friends.

  "Did he just kiss you?" Melody asked, slapping her shoulder.

  "Maybe a little bit," Cici said, her cheeks hot with a mixture embarrassment and desire.

  "Lucky," Stephanie said.

  "I am, aren’t I?" Cici said.

  Chapter 4

  Thorian left the resort and walked back to his tent with a smile on his lips and a song in his heart. He was thrilled that he’d taken the chance to kiss Cici. He could smell the excitement rolling off her body, and he knew that she was as attracted to him as he was to her. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his entire life. The sight and the smell of her was making his inner grizzly growl with infinite desire. He couldn't wait a moment longer to be with her, but he had the fireworks celebration to put on.

  He went back to the tent and continued setting up his fireworks, sliding the explosives into the shells and wiring each one to the next. He took the case of fireworks and put them onto a rolling cart that he took out to the dock and set in place. Everything was wired together and was meant to go off to the beat of the music that would accompany the display.

  Speakers were set up around the resort so that the guests could hear the music while they watched the fireworks go off. He had done events like this more than once, and truth be told, it was his favorite thing to do. Unfortunately, there weren't enough fireworks events throughout the year to support his livelihood, so he made his living as an electrician.

  He went back into the tent and continued preparing the display that he'd been working on all day. When the last firework was complete, he made sure that everything was wired correctly and set up to go off at just the right time. He checked his watch and saw that it was 11:32.

  The people from the resort were filing out onto the porch. The fireworks display was meant to start at 11:40 for the grand finale to go off at midnight. He would run the sound and monitor the fireworks from a booth at the end of the dock.

  He saw Cici up on the porch with her friends and then spotted Mrs. Talbot with her husband and son. The same friend from the party stood beside the family, staring at Mrs. Talbot and her husband with a dark look in her eyes. He’d even seen the stablehand walking past with a shovel about an hour before, wearing a Fate Valley Resort workcrew jacket. The resort always needed more help this time of year.

  Thorian got to the queue from the owner of the resort at 11:39. He slowly turned up the music on the speakers and hit the button to set off the first burst of fireworks. They shot into the air and exploded right on cue with the beat of the music. His heart leapt and sang and danced along with the the song.

  The crowd oohed and awed from the deck. Thorian watched Cici as watched his work. Her eyes sparkled with the light of the fireworks. He smiled as he continued the sh
ow. The music and the fireworks went together perfectly.

  He’d started his display with ‘A Wonderful World’ by Louis Armstrong. Thorian felt right now, more than ever, that it really was a wonderful world. The words to the song made him think of Cici and how grateful he was that he had found her.

  The next song to play was Firework, by Katy Perry. Everyone cheered and clapped as the music pulsed and the fireworks blazed across the sky and over the lake waters. The last song was the thrilling orchestral number, Ride of the Valkyries. As the minutes ticked down toward midnight, he saw Cici trotting down the stairs toward him. They met each other as the end of the display continued to pop and burst overhead in blue, yellow, green, pink and gold. Their breaths blew out into the cold winter air as they faced each other. The people on the patio began to chant, counting backwards from ten as the seconds to midnight drew closer.


  Cici smiled up at him. He threw his arms around her, pulling her close and kissing her mouth at the stroke of midnight. The fireworks finale exploded overhead in a burst of color and light. He kissed her deep and long, wet and hot. His body hardened with profound yearning. The desire had been building for so long and deep in his belly. He hadn’t realized how lonely he'd been, or how sad he had felt at the death of his grandfather.

  And now, with her beautiful sweet curvy body pressed against him, her hot luscious lips tangling with his mouth. Her sweet velvety tongue dancing with his, her bubbly adorable personality that seemed so open and willing to mingle with his own. It was a burst of pure delight.

  The song Auld Lang Syne began to play as the last bursts of fireworks popped into the air. The crowd sang along as couples kissed on the patio overlooking the lake. He drew back and gazed into her eyes as he cupped her cheeks in his hands.

  "You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life," he said.


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