Money- Wealth Creation Guide

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Money- Wealth Creation Guide Page 30

by Phillip Seanego


  Congratulations and thank you for reading this far. I am so happy to have written this far. I hope you feel the same, happy to finish what you started, which is reading this book. I hope there is something you can take from this book, something that clicked with you, something that just jumped out from the pages, making you nod as you read, something you agree with in this book, something that opens your mind and makes you know exactly what you need to change about your approach to making money, and what you need to do differently. I hope there is something that will make you say, ‘this is me, this is what I live by’; something to try and implement in your life, and see if you can achieve different results. It is always the case that if you take a different approach, you will get different results.

  We live by sharing ideas. Everything starts as an idea, and this book is my idea. I hope you discover that what I would like to share with you, you would like to share with me. I hope too that you can create value that other people can feel blessed to have come across your work, value that makes other people’s lives easier, better, joyful, and so on, and find a way in which you can touch another person’s life. This is my way, and this is what I choose to share with the world. What do you choose to share with the world?

  I hope there are some things that you picked up from this book, underlined, and took notes of. Remind yourself about what you picked, live by them, and take ownership of the words to be able to live by them. If you agree with what is written, it is no longer what I said, but what you said too, because you agree with me. This is what I mean when I say take ownership of the words. This is the only way you will be able to live by them. They are no longer the words from this book, but your words. When you make them part of your attributes, when you live by them, when you incorporate them in your life, when they are part of your values and your conduct, they are no longer anyone’s words. They become your words, when you live by them.

  I tried my best to explain economics without referring to economic books to allow myself to make it simple and easy to understand by just explaining what I understand about it, without getting into deep basic economics and using core economic words, and so on. I just wanted to give you an idea, some basic understanding, without the subject becoming complicated and hard to understand. The first thing that started my thinking processes was what physical money is and who controlled it…

  Money is created by people and is managed by people. They put it into circulation through investments, the government and the private sector, banks and companies. They manage the most funds, which makes them the people who control how much money is in circulation. Since they own the most basic resources, they have the most control over money and its movements, which is wealth and its movements. Since most people are in the working class, it leaves only a few people with direct control over wealth, which is the only solution I could come up with. The only way you can have some control over wealth and its movements, to be able to create wealth for yourself, is independence. Through self-employment, and moving from being in the working class, create your own value, and work for yourself.

  We looked at the elite group, the people who control the most money. Their accounting conduct is not perfect as the people who make up the elite group are human and have flaws, but that is not an excuse for people not being able to create wealth for themselves, because physical money is not wealth. Physical money is not directly linked to material wealth. Money is just a tool of exchange, which means that the amount of money in circulation is not directly linked to wealth. Wealth is in the productivity of people. The more productive people are and the more they produce value, products and services, the more money will be put into circulation to enable trading, because money is nothing but a tool of exchange, a measurement tool for value.

  Just like a measuring tape for distance, money is the measurement of value. When people produce value, products and services that are valuable to people, people will trade with them and exchange whatever they have got with them for their value. Wealth exists independently of physical money; money is just vital to facilitate fair trade. So, what comes first is value, you being valuable to the next person through your services or products, then money follows. When people pay you for your products or services, the Reserve Bank has no choice but to increase the money in circulation to accommodate an increased availability of created value and people willing to trade.

  Based on this, it works to our advantage to concentrate on creating value. Money will always follow after value, and where there is value, or in other words what people find valuable, there is wealth. As long as you create value, you will become wealthy. As long as you concentrate on how you can be helpful to other human beings and useful to the next person, answering to human challenges, and having a solution for human challenges, which is their wants and needs, you will become valuable to people. You will supply the answer to one of their challenges, and they will pay you for your usefulness and for your contribution to their lives. That is what will bring you wealth.

  The rest of the book deals with the core tools to find financial success and wealth. When I closely observed what the causes of lack and failure for people might be, it was obvious to me that most financial challenges are psychological. It is our mental approach to money that causes lack and poverty. We forget that everything is controlled by people. No alien forces, no other living creature, controls wealth and its distribution, but people. You are in control, and you have the ability to choose how much wealth to accumulate, by just choosing to.

  Your attitude, your strengths, your willpower and your power to choose your actions determines your future. It is up to you to choose to use your attributes, your free will and your strengths and adapt an attitude for success. You have the power to influence things; you can make things happen in your life, by just taking on an active role, by believing in yourself, and by fighting in a civilised way, if it is going to take fighting to get what you want from life. It is up to you. You must take a more active role in how your life turns out. Stop blaming other people for your circumstances, stop blaming the government, and take a leadership position in your life. This is how you will achieve your success.

  I tried my best to write everything that comes to mind when I think about the creation of wealth and financial success. I discussed things from different angles to share my thoughts with you on the topic. However, as written in the beginning of this book, my motive is to provoke your thoughts on the topic. I also wanted you to form your own opinion, which is exactly what will enable you to take ownership of the written word and put it to use to find the success you dream of. Good luck and GOD BLESS.

  The circulation of money – the movement of wealth

  Notes: Money is pumped into circulation by the government, through projects and developments. Investors also pump money, through investments, business growth and new business investments. All this money goes to businesses, where value is produced. Money is multiplied through using a small amount of money to creatively create more value, by using people’s skills and professions.

  Workers are paid a salary by these companies for their skills and time, for the value they produced for the companies. This makes them the last people in the movement of wealth. They are the last to receive the money since it was released by the government and investors. They receive the least money because it is every business’s plan to use less money to produce more value. Businesses aim to use the workers and machines to produce more value for less cost, and workers must be paid as little as possible to allow profitability. This makes it hard to earn a fair salary, given the over-supply of workers.

  The workers now use the money for a living, by buying products and services produced by these companies. Money is now starting to go full circle; people consume products and services produced by these companies.

  Government collects tax from the companies and people, and investors collect dividends from the companies. Money has come full circle from where it started. It didn�
��t just come full circle, it has multiplied, in the form of more business assets and ongoing returns for investors, and more development and growth for the government, through more tax from new businesses and satisfied citizens to keep them in power. Wealth exists at the top. People who have the opportunity to possess wealth are the ones who position themselves at a higher level, at the company owner level or even better, at the investor level. Start investing your money today, be the investor, and make your money work for you. This is the ultimate goal. That must be your ultimate goal when you want to reach the highest level of financial freedom, which is wealth. There is no wealth from a salary, and no financial freedom; it is the entry level to money. Being an investor or company owner is the ultimate goal.

  You should not stay at the working class level if you want wealth. You must move up, and you must be prepared to own your own business to position yourself well to receive the most money from its circulation.


  Notes: Failures make up the steps to success. We should not be discouraged to try out things by failure, which is part of success. We learn and grow from our failures; they bring us success. You will know that your success was worth every failure when you finally make it. There is no other way of making things happen than by just taking actions. Regardless of how many times we fail, as long as we learn from our failures and do things differently every following attempt, we will find success.

  Money is stored VALUE

  Notes: Money represents the work you have done for other people, the value you have created to share with the world. It might be a product or a service; this is represented by the money in your bank account. If you have no money in the bank, it simply means you are not being useful to anybody, or that you are being used, if you do work and you don’t get recognised for your work.

  When you produce value for other people, they automatically owe you when they use your value. They must also create value for you to use. This process happens in real time because of the existence of money. When someone wants your value, he or she must produce money, which is stored value they got from other people for the work they’ve done. They pass on the value to you, as money, for the amount you and they agree on as a price to exchange that value. There is no other way to get money honestly other than to be useful to the next person. Create value that can be used by other people.

  Money exists in your mind

  Notes: Everything starts as a thought, and money is no exception. You create money by putting your mind to use, seeking knowledge and coming up with ideas that meet human needs or wants. You just have to pick one need or want, create value, come up with a solution to meet that particular human need or want, then sell it to people. Exchange your value with people to get their values.

  Then the tool money is introduced. It is made out of thin air to facilitate trading. Money is nothing without value. It depends on the existence of value to exist, value which is created by the use of your mind. That’s why all the gold you need exists in your brain. Put it to use; dig out that gold, refine it by seeking knowledge, and then think creatively. Put those thoughts to action and create value. Money will always follow after value.

  Hierarchy wealth

  Notes: This is the current wealth status. You either work yourself up the hierarchy or forget about wealth. You will not achieve any notable financial success when you stay a member of the working class. You will just work for the investors; you are the servant to the hierarchy, and you will stay in the low or middle economic class. The investors and the government run the show, and you have to follow their lead in everything you do. They control your destiny, as long as you follow their lead. If you never start leading yourself, by creating your own value, by taking the initiative and by being self-employed, you serve them. This is not to say that the world doesn’t need leadership; it just doesn’t need too much dependence on leadership.

  Only true independence, which starts with self-employment when it comes to financial success, will change things around. There is nothing common in the levels of a hierarchy. Equality and common wealth can only be achieved when more people become independent. The existence of big companies is vital and will persist, because of the natural growth of everything, and because of the need for big capital organisations to provide and share scarce resources and high-cost investments.

  The problem is that far more people depend on these big business organisations, to the point where they can’t hire everybody. They can bully their employees, they can exploit workers, and they can exploit the consumer because no one can compete at their levels. Better yet, no one is trying. There must be a balance between employers and employees, and between self-employment and job employment. If 50 percent of people start creating value, in no time, there will be more wealth, more independence and an improved and equal quality of life. But still, it starts with you. Do you think the people at the top will want to come down to your level? No way, you just have to leave the hierarchy and start creating your own value. Act more independently, be a servant to yourself, and work for yourself. Only depend on leadership where it is really necessary, where no one person can create a certain value on their own.

  Self-employment is a gateway to true independence. There are places where social cohesion and where organisation is useful, but when it comes to wealth, more often than not, it creates a hierarchy. There is no equality in a hierarchy. You have to be independent to dream of any equality. For you to achieve any wealth you want, you must create your own value, become a leader and be at the top of the hierarchy. That’s where real wealth exists.

  You must also take into consideration that desperation leads to exploitation. Because of high levels of unemployment, people are more willing to be exploited, so you will be more vulnerable if you still believe in being employed. You must at least go for contract work, or as discussed throughout the book, use employment as a ladder, as steps to self-employment and steps to business ownership. That’s how you are able to create wealth for yourself, when you reach the ownership level, as demonstrated below.

  Money is worthless without real value

  Notes: In this book, we define money as a tool, an object, used for exchanging values. Given this, money itself exists because of the existence of value. Without value, money is useless. The crazy thing about the world is that people still fail to get this. When you tell people to ignore money and concentrate on value, they find it hard to comply.

  I firmly believe that this is what causes economic failures. Unemployment is a result of a failing economy; poverty is a result of a failing economy. All this is caused by the economy’s leaders, investors, the government, the banks, in fact, all the drivers of the economy, AND YOU. We are more focused on money. Even our leaders depend on money and make economic decisions with their minds focused on money as wealth, which is a wrong perception. Wealth is value. If we focus on creating value, we will all achieve wealth, not only for ourselves, but the whole environment we live in will be wealthy.

  We have also lost the definition of value. We forgot that there are levels of value, and that there are needs and wants. Our focus here is also vital. It decides if we achieve equal wealth or inequality, which is prevalent in our times. It is caused by the way we treat our wants and needs. They are different kinds of values, and need to be treated differently. That’s why we have people having all their needs and wants met, even to the extent of being able to afford to explore outer space. Governments are happy to fund that, while other people have no food to eat that night. It is priorities. You can’t put wants before needs for a good economic system, you have to prioritise needs and meet them first, before you can even think about wants.

  Today we see people paid crazy amounts of money to provide for wants, while the economy fails to meet basic needs for other people. This affects the validation of the money in circulation. The money in circulation loses value, and we have money in circulation that doesn’t fulfil human needs. It doesn’t carry that much value to be valid
ated, which means real value, in other words, value that meets human needs, is bought with money that carries no value. This results in poverty, inflation and higher prices. It is like when the government pumps money into the economy for sports and recreation, while farming is struggling. Food carries more value than sports, and people will starve to death without food, but people will live without sports competitions.

  This results in the money in circulation containing less value, because it is invested in products or services that don’t contain real value. Even if they cost billions in the marketplace, no matter how profitable the investment is, as long as it doesn’t circulate in the creation of real value, like food, housing, and so on, the money will have no real value. It will just cause prices to go higher because there is less supply of real value. Real value starts with human needs. More money in a healthy economic system is invested in real value, value that meets human needs, not wants.

  There is real value and supporting value. Money also falls under supporting value. It allows trade to happen, but without real value, it is worthless. It is important that you know and understand the difference in types of values. To spend your money well, you must invest in real value first. With wealth as well, to spend your money well, towards wealth, invest in real value and buy real value first. Meet your needs first before you think about wants. Levels of value compared to money value are demonstrated below:


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