The Duke's Yuletide Blessing: Christmas Regency Romance (A Regency Christmas Book 2)

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The Duke's Yuletide Blessing: Christmas Regency Romance (A Regency Christmas Book 2) Page 3

by Charity McColl

  “Yes, Your Majesty.”

  “Now, bind this man up and let’s pray that he doesn’t recover consciousness before we dock and get out of here.”

  The Duchy of Winthrop and its village lay about fifty miles northwest of London, and Andoria quickly found them a coach headed in that direction. She was glad they were finally in England, and no one spared them a second glance. They looked like ordinary women headed north for Christmas.

  But a new problem had presented itself. It was the day before Christmas Eve, and she knew the Queen’s time was very near. She seemed to be having contractions which she was trying very hard to hide. It had also started snowing heavily and the coach driver was already talking of abandoning the whole journey if the snow didn’t stop falling in the next few hours.

  “Please Sir,” Andoria begged. “I have to get my sister home before she delivers her baby.”

  The chubby man shrugged, “Can’t control the weather, Miss. I have to take care of myself and other passengers too. Why not get a room in one of the inns around and wait out the snow?”

  Andoria shook her head, “It’s important that we get home before Christmas, Sir. Please.”

  “Well, I can’t promise anything, but you better pray that the snow stops or else even if we begin the journey, we may have to stop at one of the inns along the way. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, and much as I want to rush and be back to London to be with my family, I may have to postpone the whole journey altogether.”

  But the weather favoured the journey, and they were soon on their way. Silver lay nestled on Naomi’s lap and seemed to be keeping her calm, even though Andoria could see that the journey was taking its toll. The coach driver promised that they would be in Winthrop in eight hours.

  There were two men who spoke in low tones, and from the clothes they wore, Andoria guessed that they were clerks probably going home for the holidays. Then there was a young couple, and from the shy looks they kept giving each other and the shiny rings on their fingers, they were obviously newlyweds. They were lost in their own world, and Andoria felt a pang in her heart. These two were so much in love, and they reminded her of King David and Queen Naomi and the love they had shared. As well, there was a woman with two children and a third on the way. She and Naomi chatted about their experiences but Andoria chose to stare at the passing scenery. This was home, her fatherland and she was finally here. Her journey had led her to this place, and she wondered how it would all end.

  Andoria had no idea what she was going to tell the duke when they showed up at his door. All she knew about him was what her mother had told her, which wasn’t really much, given that Georgia Shovia had only lived in Winthrop Village for three years. But according to her parent, the old duke was very kind and cared about all those who lived on his estate and Winthrop village. One way or another, she was going to convince the duke to help them, especially the queen. Then she would search for any of her father’s remaining relatives, though she didn’t hold onto much hope. At the time her mother had decided to return to Molorva twenty years ago, all the family had been wiped out because of a measles outbreak and the two of them were lucky to have survived it.

  “This is your stop, young ladies,” the coachman said, pulling into the courtyard of a small inn. “Good luck with getting to your final destination in this weather.”

  “Would you take us up to the Duke’s manor?” Andoria was hoping against all hope.

  The man shook his head, “This is as far as I can take you, because as you can see, I still have other passengers to convey a further twenty miles from here. But don’t worry, it’s just a mile down the road,” he pointed at a path.

  He let them down at the Stoke’s Inn and the coach left shortly after. Andoria looked at the queen with compassion.

  “Why don’t you stay here, my Queen, and I’ll go to the manor and ask for a cart to come and bring you there.”

  But Naomi firmly shook her head, “We’ve come this far, and the man said we only have a mile to go. Nothing can stop me now.”

  “But . . .”

  “Andoria, I’ll not have you arguing with me. Let Silver walk ahead of us and I will lean on you.”

  “Yes, My Queen.”


  In the Spirit of Christmas

  He was going to spend Christmas alone this year, and the thought filled him with much dread. Last Christmas, people who had come to help him bury Serena had filled the house, but that wasn’t the case this year. Everyone was gone, and he was sure Caleb would be leaving the next day to go and be with his family.

  “I hate this loneliness,” he murmured as he lit the fire in the living room grate. This house had been built to have many people and children in it, and he remembered all the Christmases when he’d been young and his grandparents were still alive. The house would be filled with laughter and the sound of music from flutes and harps. All that had ended five years ago when his grandfather died and his grandmother followed shortly. Even though he’d celebrated Christmas after that, it had been on a much quieter scale.

  He thought of asking Caleb to stay with him, but that would be selfish. Everyone needed to be with their families at this time and he’d even told Rupert not to report to work until the New Year.

  “Oh Lord,” he prayed, “If only someone—anyone—would come and celebrate this holiday with me, it would really cheer me up. Christmas should be spent with family, but I have none,” he sank despondently onto the couch in front of the fire, gazing broodingly at the fire.

  Emily had made him a large pie which he was sure would last him until Christmas Day, if he ate frugally. Then an idea popped into his head. He needed to get out of the house or else his dismal thoughts would drive him out of his mind.

  It had stopped snowing and even though it was late afternoon, there was some sunshine, and he decided to go hunting. Some wild meat would look good on his table over Christmas. As he stepped into the stable, he was surprised to find Caleb feeding the horses.

  “Caleb,” he looked at the stableman, “I expected you to have left by now, or have you decided that you will leave tomorrow morning? You need to be with your family over Christmas. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, and your family must be expecting you.”

  “Yes, Your Grace, I was just finishing up with the feeding and watering of the animals; then I’ll be gone,” he looked around the stable. “Who will take care of the horses while I’m away?”

  “I’ll do it so you can have time with your family. If you like, you can return in the New Year,” Connor reached into his pocket. “I don’t have much, but this sovereign should buy you something to bring to your family. Maybe some candy for your little ones.”

  “Thank you very much,” Caleb bowed.

  “Or maybe you can leave tomorrow morning,” Connor said, and Caleb looked at him questioningly. He gave a brief laugh, “Perhaps I could impose on your company for a few more hours.”

  “Whatever you need, my lord.”

  “At this time of year, my woods are teeming with wild hogs. Perhaps we shall be lucky to catch a sizeable one; then you can have something more to take to your family tomorrow.”

  “I’d like that very much,” the man said in his usual quiet voice.

  The woods were not only teeming with wild hogs but rabbits and pheasants as well, and villagers who started when the duke came upon them. “No, go ahead and hunt for as much game as can feed your families over Christmas but don’t be wasteful,” he told them, and they shuffled off.

  The two men returned home nearly two hours later with a large hog and broad smiles on their faces. The meat would serve them for a number of days.

  “I didn’t realise that my woods are so well populated with game,” Connor remarked, as they dressed the hog together and put it over the blazing fire in the kitchen. Soon there was a delicious aroma, and the duke couldn’t help but lick his lips with anticipation of what was to come. They both feasted well, and Caleb left after that. Connor assumed that he was going to bed early
so he could prepare for his journey home.

  When Connor was replete, he took his place in front of the still blazing fire in the living room and had began dozing with he heard a knock at the front door. Since there was no one else in the manor to open the door, he groaned as he got to his feet and shuffled barefooted and opened the door. Dusk was fast falling and snow with it, and he was surprised at what he saw.

  It was the most beautiful woman he’d ever set his eyes on, and his heart began racing. “I must be seeing an apparition,” he looked over her shoulder to see if there was a carriage waiting but the road was empty behind them and far beyond. He wasn’t aware that he’d said the words out loud until he saw the young woman smile. And a small dog barked at her feet then slipped into the house.

  “My Queen, you should have waited at the inn,” Andoria said when they’d been walking for about an hour. Silver would run ahead yapping at small rodents in the undergrowth but caught nothing, then would return panting and wagging his little tail. He kept them entertained but Andoria wished they would get to their destination. The queen was really tired.

  “Andoria, you know how impatient I get when someone keeps repeating themselves,” but her sweet smile took the sting out of her words. “I see a gate up ahead which means that we shall shortly be coming up to a house.”

  “You’re right,” Andoria was excited. She felt the heavy burden on her shoulders. If something happened to the queen or her unborn child, Molorva would never forgive her, and the wicked tyrants sitting unlawfully on the throne would have won without lifting a finger. The future of that country lay in her hands, and she prayed for strength for both of them.

  There was a large house ahead and she picked the dog up, not wanting him to rush into trouble. Andoria wished she could pick Naomi up and carry her for the rest of the way since it had started snowing.

  But finally, they were at the door and she placed the dog on the ground. A most delicious aroma assailed her nostrils, causing her stomach to growl in response.

  “Wait,” Naomi held her hand as she raised it to knock on the door.

  “What is it, my Queen?”

  “We don’t know what lies on the other side of this door, but I want you to promise me one thing.”

  “Anything you want, your Majesty.”

  “If anything happens to me, please keep this child safe. I know that the people of Molorva will one day come for him or her, so please do not let anything bad happen to this child.”

  “I promise,” Andoria saw how weary her mistress was. “Please allow me to knock so we can get you a place to rest.”

  “Go ahead,” Naomi leaned tiredly against the side of the door but was out of sight.

  Andoria raised her hand and knocked and a few minutes later, she heard footsteps walking up to the door. The man who opened the door took her breath away.

  She had seen a number of handsome men in Molorva but this one stunned her. Even though he was an Englishman with fair hair and blue eyes, his dark skin told of a man who spent a lot of time in the outdoors.

  “I must be seeing an apparition,” the way he spoke in a cultured voice told her that this was probably a servant of high ranking, or maybe the duke’s son.

  She smiled him, “I assure you that we’re real,” she said, then laughed. “Silver, come back here,” she called out to the dog which had disappeared into the house. “I’m sorry, but we’re so weary.”

  “You and the dog?”

  Andoria shook her head and pointed at Queen Naomi. “This is my mistress and she’s due to have her baby at any time.”


  Dream Me a New Life

  The queen was fed and fast asleep in the duchess’s beautiful suite. Andoria knew the man downstairs was waiting for answers, which she was now ready to provide.

  The moment he’d caught sight of Naomi, he had carried her into the house in his strong arms and then placed her on the couch before the fire. “You’re cold but thank goodness there’s a fire. And you look hungry too.”

  Without asking any questions, he provided them with a nice meal of roast potatoes and ham and then showed them to this beautiful room after they were done eating. Andoria had protested but he smiled at her.

  “This is the best room in the house and the only one which doesn’t need a fire lit in it. It belonged to my mother and was built to withstand the cold, because Mama was very frail, and smoke from the fire affected her,” he said. “Besides, the maid’s room next door is also warm enough, and the two of you should be very comfortable.”

  That was when she realised that this was the Duke of Winthrop, and a very young and handsome one too.

  He had showed her where to fetch water and heated it. “My stableman has gone to be with his family or else he would have helped you,” he’d said, but she didn’t mind. This felt like home and after giving her mistress her bath, she had dressed her in the warm clothes the duke had provided from one of his mother’s trunks.

  What’s more, he showed her the closet where rows and rows of beautiful gowns hung. “Feel free to use any of them, for they have been unused for nearly two decades.”

  After her bath and when she was sure Naomi was asleep, she chose a simple emerald silky gown and a shawl then combed her hair and left it flowing, then went downstairs.

  Connor rose to his feet as soon as she walked into the living room and she knew he had been listening for her. “Would you like a glass of spiced hot port?” he asked. “I use honey and lemons to make it very mild, but it’s good for the cold.” He couldn’t believe that this beautiful woman was in his house and so close. So, this was the passion that people sang about and which men had killed for. So strong were his feelings for this stranger that he thought he must be going mad.

  “You’re so kind,” Andoria said, waiting to be invited to sit.

  “Please sit in front of the fire so you’ll be warm,” he said. He couldn’t believe that his prayers had been answered, and he wouldn’t be alone over Christmas. Whatever happened, he was going to make sure that his two beautiful guests stayed for as long as possible. He poured out a generous amount of the spiced port and then handed the glass to her. “And tell me everything and why you would risk a pregnant woman’s life and drag her into the cold.”

  Silver was dozing in front of the fire and he flicked his tail lazily just to make them aware that he was present. Like them, the little dog had enjoyed a delicious meal, licking his plate clean.

  “Yes, Sir,” she took a sip of the drink and found that she quite liked the mild taste. Like he’d said, the honey and lemons masked the alcohol taste. “The woman asleep upstairs is Queen Naomi Kaffas, the wife of King David Kaffas of Molorva Kingdom in Northern Europe.” Andoria smiled at the stunned look on the duke’s face. “I gather from your expression that you’ve heard of the royal family of Molorva.”

  Connor nodded, “I’ve heard about the Kingdom of Molorva and the coup that took place five or six months ago and that the king was assassinated. But I’m not a politician and steer clear of anything to do with politics so I don’t know much else. But how is it that the queen sleeps upstairs and you’re here?”

  Andoria told him everything that had happened and also about their journey, pausing from time to time to sip from her glass. She felt warm and quite lazy, but she couldn’t sleep until she had finished her story.

  “Andoria is putting it all very mildly,” Naomi’s voice floated to her from the doorway and she quickly shot to her feet.

  “My Queen, I thought you were asleep.”

  “Well, I caught a brief nap but this little one,” she held her stomach with both hands. “Won’t give me any peace; it’s as though this child wants to come into the world as soon as possible.”

  “Are you in pain?” Andoria helped her to the couch and then put her feet up on a small footstool.

  “Andoria, would you stop fussing and sit down?” Naomi smiled and turned to the duke who was watching them silently. “This young woman is quite exceptional
. In all the time that I was a prisoner in the palace dungeons, she kept me alive and well fed. They would send her with food fit for pigs and dogs but somehow, I ended up eating steak and chicken instead. I don’t know how she did it but,” Naomi chuckled, “Andoria and the dog kept me alive and hopeful even when I would have given up. She risked her life so many times to keep me and the future ruler of Molorva alive,” her features fell, and Connor saw the deep sadness in her eyes. “My husband was taken away and assassinated but they didn’t even bring me back his body so I could bury him,” her voice caught on a sob. “I lost hope, but Andoria wouldn’t let me quit. She refused to let me give up, and here we are now. What makes me sad is that my husband never lived to see the birth of his first child.”

  “Your Majesty,” the duke’s voice was soft and full of compassion. “I’m very sorry for your loss, and I’ll do everything I can to ensure that you and the future ruler of Molorva are safe and remain so until he or she can assume the throne of King Kaffas. You’re welcome to live in my home for as long as you need to.”

  “We thank you for being so kind, and one day, the people of Molorva will reward you for your noble service to their queen and crown prince or princess.” Naomi yawned. “I’m so tired but unable to sleep.”

  “Before he left, Caleb made some hot chocolate. Miss Andoria, why don’t you fetch some for the queen.”

  “Yes, Your Grace,” and she hurried to do as bid.

  Naomi looked at the duke, “Caleb? Who’s that?”

  “He’s my stableman. The man came to me nearly six months ago, or rather I found him lying unconscious under my hedge. He looked like he’d been attacked by some people and I brought him here and when he was well, asked to be my stableman. Seeing as tomorrow is Christmas Eve, I believe he’s gone to be with his family. I pray that he gets there before the snow makes it impossible for him to travel.”


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