Apple of Fate

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Apple of Fate Page 7

by Elle Beaumont

  Don’t forget to eat.



  * * *

  No. No. No. No.


  No car meant no speeding down to Selçuk and apologizing to Acontius. It meant not being able to see his face or sort through her horrendous sea of feelings. This was all too much to process, and yet she was being forced to.

  Delia tried calling Acontius again. “Please answer…”

  No answer.

  At the risk of coming across as unstable, she called him again. This time, someone picked up.

  “Hello?” a groggy Acontius answered.

  Temporary relief flooded through her. “Oh, thank the gods.” She drew in a deep breath and threw caution to the wind. “Can you get here tonight? I know it’s late, but my dad returned the car, and I can’t get down there, and I really need to see you in person.”

  It sounded like he was rummaging through a cabinet, like small bottles clanging against the counter, then a string of curses sprung forth—some swears Delia knew and others she didn’t.

  “What is it?”

  “It’s three already?” Acontius swore again. “I’ll be there. Delia, I need to talk to you about a lot more than just what happened. I’m sorry. More sorry than you know. But I have to hang up… I need to contact someone.”

  Delia blinked. Whatever conversation she expected to have, it wasn’t this one. She frowned. “Okay. We’ll talk, but I leave tomorrow at two.”

  “I know.”


  * * *

  Morpheus held true to his word as Acontius knew he would.

  It was late, and it would be pushing the time constraint to its limit if he drove to Istanbul.

  He needed speed, and more than that, he needed…

  The sound of glass shattering in the kitchen broke through Acontius’ thoughts. He peeled back his blankets and jogged into the living room, then toward the small kitchen. Nothing was there except a shattered vase.

  “Morpheus told me you were sticking it to Artemis,” a voice rang out from behind him. “Can I help rile her up?”

  As Acontius turned to face the speaker, he wasn’t surprised to find a head of sandy brown curls and dark, mischievous eyes peering back at him.


  Hermes stroked a hand down his trimmed beard and leaned forward. “Artemis, though lovely, has quite a temper, much like her twin. The plight of your mortal girl hasn’t fallen on deaf ears. We all agree you’re an idiot, but she doesn’t deserve to suffer.” He paused for a moment, then reached out and placed his hand on Acontius’ shoulder. “You will owe me nothing for this.”

  “For wh–” Mid-sentence, Hermes pulled him in for what he assumed was a hug, but instead of meeting a firm chest, he met air. Air that had no substance, no ground beneath it, no sky above. Hermes had pushed him through a portal, away from his apartment and into… where?

  Acontius wasn’t new to traveling through a portal. He’d gone through several with Artemis, but this was too fast, dizzying even. Instead of a smooth transition, this one was rushed and choppy, like falling and hitting every branch on the way down. It didn’t hurt, but by the end of it, he didn’t know which way was up and which was down.

  Abruptly, the traveling stopped, and Acontius’ face connected with marble flooring. He swore and slowly propped himself up. The sound of footsteps caught his attention, and his eyes found a pair of bare feet. But it was the surprised gasp and choked sob that punched his gut.

  “Co...Acontius? Oh my god.” Delia rushed forward, her hands cupping his face tenderly as she gazed down at him. “H...How are you here?”

  He swayed, holding his stomach as he fought back the nausea from the rough trip. “Give me a second.” Once he gathered his wits, his shoulders sagged. “Hermes.”

  Delia’s eyes widened. “Hermes?”

  Acontius didn’t want to talk about Hermes, as thankful as he was for his meddling. He wanted to speak to Delia; time was running out. “Delia I…” Acontius started, then looked around the room, half expecting Hermes to stroll out.

  “I’m sorry,” she interjected. “I didn’t know… and this is a lot to take in.”

  “I wish there had been an easier way. It wasn’t like I could open up and say I was one of Artemis’ hunters… You’d have written me off and likely suggested I seek help, right?” He smiled wryly, lifting his hands to grab her wrists gently. “Don’t answer that,” he teased softly. “Listen, we have no time to waste. Artemis will come for me. I… we struck a deal. I tried to buy us more time, but I think I made things worse.” He sucked his bottom lip into his mouth. What he’d wanted was for Delia to have an out from the vow, but he’d only tangled the situation further.

  “What? Acontius, I know about the apple.”

  His name on her lips sent a thrill through him, and he wanted to hear her say it again. “That isn’t it. If by midnight I haven’t captured your heart, I’ll be cursed as a hound for eternity, and you can never marry, or if you do, your health will diminish rapidly.” Acontius frowned. “I never meant for any of this…”

  Delia sucked in a breath and pressed her forehead against his. “People do asinine things when they’re in love.” She released her hold on his face and sunk to the floor, shaking her head. “In two weeks, I’ve fallen head over heels in love with you.” She looked up at the ceiling with tears pooling in her eyes, then in a steady stream, they trailed down her cheeks. “When I left Florida, I wanted to heal and leave my worries behind, but what I found here was you. I found life, and through that, I discovered myself too.”

  Acontius let her speak, all the while, his heart hammered in his chest. He was afraid to breathe, wondering if this was perhaps another dream of Morpheus’.

  “I should have told you at the beach. I love you. You should have told me the truth, but maybe this was how it was all supposed to work out.”

  “Fate.” Acontius released a breath, his hands cupping her cheeks tenderly. “I’ve waited centuries to feel this way about someone. Centuries. Never in all of my lifetimes has someone ensnared me body and soul.”

  Light pooled into the room, crackling with a familiar energy. Artemis. In a quick movement, Acontius shielded Delia from view. He rolled up to his knee, ready to face his goddess if he must.

  “Acontius, you enlisted the help of not one but two gods against me.” Artemis ground her words out, seething. The chiton she wore billowed in a wind that wasn’t present, but the energy and fury radiated from her. “Why should I honor my deal if you gained aid?”

  “Because you never said I couldn’t receive aid. More than that, I’ve succeeded.”

  Fury flashed in Artemis’ silver gaze. She strode forward, eyeing the two of them.

  “I love him. Weren’t those the terms of your agreement?” Delia blurted. “I love him.”

  Artemis flinched. Her lips pursed as she visibly considered the information, clenching her fists by her side. “Very well. I’ll honor our terms. But know this, Delia Rentumis: should you not marry him, you’ll never be in a relationship henceforth.”

  “I know,” Delia murmured.

  “Acontius, you have served me faithfully until now, and you have been akin to a son to me, whether I’ve shown it or not. I wish you happiness, and you have my blessing.” Artemis nodded to him, smiling. “I release you from your service, and by doing so, I strip you of your immortality.” Artemis stretched her arm out, her fingers closed into a fist as if she were drawing a piece of him out. “Know that the storm brewing will touch you now.”

  Apollo. She meant Apollo’s plague.

  Acontius stood, unsure of his next move. Then, falling back on a very human sentiment, he rushed forward to embrace Artemis. The only mother he’d ever known. The one who raised him. “Thank you for everything. For the gift of life, motherhood, and so much more, Artemis.”

  She stiffened beneath his touch, but then relaxed. “Be well. And also you, Delia. A storm brews on the horizon. Be prepar
ed.” The last of her words faded as her image rippled. One moment she stood there, and the next, Artemis was gone.

  Bone weary, Acontius dropped to his knees, nearly sobbing. Delia approached him from behind and rubbed his back, her arm slipping over his shoulder.

  “I never meant…”

  “I know…” Delia’s lips pressed soft kisses against his cheek. “I didn’t either, but we both did. Let’s forget what we’ve done and make our own way.”

  Their own way… Acontius liked the sound of that. “To Greece it is, then?”

  Delia laughed. “Our own way… In Greece, laying on the beach, watching the sunset.”

  That sounded lovely and perfect, but there was something he needed to get off his chest first. “Yes, but I have to tell you something. It’s about Apollo, and it’s going to affect us all...”

  To be continued…

  Fear not, there will be more Gods Among Us stories coming soon!

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  * * *


  Thank you for reading Acontius and Delia’s story. This is actually based off of the greek story Acontius & Cydippe. A tale about a beautiful male who saw a young noblewoman and was enamored by her. Who says love at first sight isn’t real? I decided to rename Cydippe for obvious reasons, and it didn’t fit with a modern girl’s name. In the original story, this all took place at a festival in Delos–hence me picking Delia, which means, “born on the island of Delos.”

  I actually did a lot of research for this! I took my liberties of course, because it’s fantasy! But it was fun to research locations and actually realizing that Artemis’ temple is in modern day Turkey was pretty cool!

  The deeper I dove into the geography and history of this story, the more I realized I wanted to expand on the stories within. So… if you’ve made it this far… Stay tuned, because Artemis, Apollo, Morpheus…and a whole lot of other characters will be making an appearance in more stories.

  A huge shout out to Candace Robinson for helping me out and beta reading it! You’re a gem and I don’t know where I’d be without you.

  Thank you Meg Dailey for agreeing to take this little nugget on and editing it. Without you…it wouldn’t be polished and it certainly wouldn’t be pretty!

  An on-going thank you to my new and old readers/reviewers. Without you, I wouldn’t have the heart to continue writing.

  Thank you, Tanya for listening to me meltdown on occasion when I think I should throw in the towel, and again thank you for beating it out of me.

  A massive sloppy kiss to Lou Wilham and Christis Christie, who are always there for me no matter what. My original writing crew, shoulders to lean on, and ears who listen to help me hammer out some details.

  About Elle Beaumont

  Elle Beaumont is a writer who loves creating vivid fantasy and science fiction worlds in the young adult genre as well as new adult. She lives in southeastern Massachusetts with her husband and two children. When not writing or chasing around her children she can be seen crocheting, candle-making and taking care of her animals. More than once she has proclaimed that coffee is life blood and it is how she refrains from becoming a zombie

  For more information visit

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  The Official Playlist

  You can find the complete “Apple of Fate” playlist on Spotify by searching for Elle Beaumont.

  * * *

  Lost and Found by Katie Herzig

  Perfect by The Piano Guys

  Something Just Like This by The Chainsmokers ft. Coldplay

  Waiting for Superman by Daughtry

  Let’s Hurt Tonight by OneRepublic

  Forgive Me Friend by Smith & Thell ft. Swedish Jam Factory

  No Vacancy by OneRepublic

  Can’t Let Go by Faydee

  Good Years by Zayn

  Under The Stars by Charmes ft. Andres Sierra

  More From Elle Beaumont

  Gods Among Us Series

  Apple of Fate

  The Hunter Series

  Hunter’s Truce

  Royal’s Vow

  Assassin’s Gambit

  Queen’s Edge

  Baron Weaver Series

  Game of Bezique

  * * *

  Wraiths & Music Series

  The Spirit of You

  * * *

  Secrets of Galathea Collection





  * * *


  Cirque de vol Mystique

  Of the Deep

  Blood from a Stone

  Something in the Shadows

  Link by Link

  * * *

  Veiled Allurement

  Die From A Broken Heart

  The Dragon’s Bride

  The Castle of Thorns (November ’21)

  Seeds of Sorrow (2022)

  The Dragon’s Thorn (2022)

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