My Twist of Fate

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My Twist of Fate Page 4

by R. A. Krauszer

  “She is in shock, just give her a damn minute!” Ashton told him.

  Ashton turned her toward him, “I need you to tell the officer what you know, sweetheart. Ignore his attitude, it will be adjusted later. He just needs you to tell him what you know alright?” Ashton told her calmly. He turned her back to face the officer but kept his arms wrapped around her waist, so she would stay calm.

  Adalyn took a deep breath and tried to steady her nerves. She was going to lose everything after telling this story, so she was going to soak it all in while it lasted.

  “I moved here a few weeks ago because I need to start over. I needed to leave the town I had currently been living in because I needed to get away. It wasn’t a good environment,” Adalyn explained, hoping that would be enough. Unfortunately, it wasn’t.

  “What do you mean it wasn’t a good environment?” Officer Hayes asked, sounding annoyed at having to listen to girl drama.

  “I had started taking courses at a trade school near my parents’ house. I wanted to get a degree. I was working as a waitress when I wasn’t in class. I didn’t want my parents to have to pay for anything. We have never had a lot of money, so I helped them as much as I could. Anyway, I met this guy while I was at work one day. After that he continued to come in every day. He would hang out and chat with me while I was working. At first, it was flattering, but after a couple days it seemed weird. I told Andrew, that was his name, that I wasn’t interested in dating him, or anyone. I thought that would be the end of his coming around. He wouldn’t stop coming around my job, so my boss had him banned from the premises. Then he started showing up at my school. When the dean of the school threatened him with the same thing he left. The next day when everyone was coming to class the windows were all shattered, the classroom that I was in normally was totally trashed. Paint was thrown all over the walls and desks. It was an absolute mess,” taking a few deep breaths after trying to get all that out.

  “So, you think some guy that you never went out on a date with has a hard-on for you and followed you across state line?” Officer Hayes asked in disbelief.

  “I already warned you once, douche. Watch the way you talk to her,” Ashton growled.

  “Are you looking to spend the night behind bars, Mr. Montgomery? Keep running your mouth and that is where you are going to be,” Officer Hayes told him cockily.

  “You asked me what I thought was going on. I told you! I am sorry if you think it is hard to believe, but you can look into it,” Adalyn told him angrily.

  “You seem to have no issues getting men all riled up…….” Officer Hayes said, unable to finish his statement because he was on his ass on the ground. Ashton had quickly moved her toward Aislyn and had punched Officer Hayes in the mouth before he could finish his statement.

  “I told you to watch your fucking mouth!” Ashton growled.

  Before Ashton could wrap his arm back around Adalyn, he was placed in handcuffs by Officer Hayes’ partner.

  Adalyn started having a panic attack at the thought of Ashton going to jail because of her. It was starting already; her world was falling apart.

  “What is going on in here?” she heard George yell from the living room.

  “I will go explain it to him,” Aislyn told Adalyn.

  “Ais, take her home until they clear her place safe to stay in,” Ashton told Aislyn as he was being escorted out of the house in cuffs.

  An hour later, Adalyn was finally able to breathe a little easier. She still felt horrible that Ashton had gotten arrested, but she found out George wasn’t upset with her at all. In fact, he had called a security company to have a security alarm installed for the next day.

  “Come on girl, let’s get you to the house. You can’t stay here tonight, you know that” Aislyn said to her as she gently pulled her out the door.

  “I know I can’t stay here, but I can’t bring you guys into this mess more than you already are. I can’t bring possible danger to your home as well. That wouldn’t be fair of me,” Adalyn told her, arms folded across her chest.

  “Trust me when I say, if I don’t come home with you, I might as well find another place to sleep myself. Ashton is not one to be argued with. He told me to bring you home, so that is what I am doing,” Aislyn laughed, shaking her head at Adalyn.

  “I just don’t want to bring drama to your lives. That is why I didn’t want anyone to know my story, or anything about me,” Adalyn explained.

  “Well, you can tell Ashton that when he gets home, and let him make his decision. If I know my brother the way I think I do though, he has already made up his mind up. I mean he did knock Officer Hayes on his ass, not that he didn’t deserve it, because trust me he did,” Aislyn laughed.

  A few minutes later they were climbing into Ashton’s car, so they could head to his house. They pulled up in front of a colonial style looking house. It wasn’t huge like a plantation house, but it wasn’t small by any means. It was also very well taken care of. Adalyn couldn’t believe her eyes; the house was absolutely beautiful.

  “Let’s get in the house and get some tea,” Aislyn told her with a smile.

  Adalyn climbed slowly out of the car and followed Aislyn up the wrap around porch to the front door. Where they were greeted by a huge dog.

  “This is Ronda,” Aislyn explained pointing to the dog. She was a beautiful rottweiler.

  “Interesting name for a dog,” Adalyn giggled, finding it cute.

  “Well, her full name is Ronda Rousey the Rottweiler. And yes, before you ask, she was named after the female MMA fighter,” Aislyn explained with a grin.

  “Let’s go get some tea,” Aislyn told her as she walked toward the kitchen, Adalyn following along.

  Adalyn climbed on one of the stools at the breakfast bar and watched as Aislyn puttered around the kitchen, like she owned the place. Ronda had made herself comfortable on the floor at Adalyn’s feet.

  “I feel absolutely horrible that your brother was arrested,” Adalyn told her as she placed a cup of tea in front of her.

  “Don’t worry about it. If Officer Hayes didn’t deserve it, he wouldn’t have done it. He is actually very lucky that Ashton didn’t do more,” Aislyn told her. “Let’s go into the living room and watch some television.”

  Adalyn followed silently behind Aislyn as she led the way into the living room, Ronda right on her heels. As soon as Adalyn got comfortable on the couch, Ronda jumped up and laid her head on her lap.

  “Dogs don’t normally like me,” Adalyn told Aislyn confused, looking at the massive head on her lap. She found herself subconsciously petting her head though. It was quite soothing to her nerves.

  They were watching some cooking show when there was a knock on the door. Aislyn looked over and realized that Adalyn had fallen asleep on Ronda.

  “Hey Dad, what are you doing here?” Aislyn whispered, pointing toward a sleeping Adalyn. Without a word, he pointed toward the kitchen so they could chat without waking Adalyn.

  “Did he call you and tell you what happened?” Aislyn asked.

  “Yes, he wanted me to let you know that he isn’t sure when he is being released. With it being Saturday, he may not be released until Monday afternoon,” he explained.

  Aislyn understood what he was saying. She didn’t like it, but she understood.

  “Your brother really punched a cop?” he asked his daughter in disbelief.

  “In his defense, it was Officer Hayes and he deserved that and so much more. He was instigating Ashton, being rude to Adalyn. Ashton saw red, but he had warned him a few times before he finally knocked him on his ass,” she explained with pride in her voice.

  “Were there other witnesses?” he asked.

  Aislyn nodded but wasn’t sure what good it was going to do since it happened to be Officer Hayes’ partner.

  “Try and get some rest, I will keep you updated if I hear anything. You do the same,” he told her as he began walking toward the door to leave. “Sweet dreams, princess.”

Locking the door, Aislyn walked quietly back over to the couch. She placed a blanket over Adalyn because it would get chilly the later it got. She sat back down and continued watching the show that they had been watching.


  Adalyn woke up the next morning to the sound of voices, female voices. She stood and stretched, realizing how stiff she was from sleeping on a couch. She headed toward the kitchen, which is where the voices sounded like they were coming from.

  “Good morning,” Aislyn said as soon as she saw her. She placed a cup of coffee in front of Adalyn as she climbed onto the stool she had sat in the night before.

  “Good morning, Aislyn. Oh coffee, thank you,” she giggled.

  “Adalyn, this is my mom. She stopped by so she could check on you and see how you were doing,” Aislyn explain explained.

  Adalyn was surprised at her statement. “I don’t want to sound rude or anything, but why would you do that?”

  “That is not rude at all, sweet girl, but you have been through a lot since yesterday. You are a friend of my daughter’s and you have obviously caught my son’s eye. So, let’s just say, I was curious,” she giggled and winked at Adalyn. Adalyn instantly felt put at ease.

  Adalyn looked down at her feet where Ronda had come to lay down. That dog had stayed by her side all night. She must have felt her anxiety or something. Whatever it was, she helped calm her.

  “I didn’t grab any clothes,” Adalyn said suddenly, breaking the silence, as if she had just realized she needed clothes.

  “I am sure I have something you can wear. You can’t go into your house, they haven’t cleared it yet,” Aislyn told her.

  “I need to get to the grocery store to pick up stuff for dinner tonight. You are both going to be there, right?” Aislyn’s mom asked.

  Adalyn didn’t answer, she just stared at Aislyn, not knowing what to say.

  “Yeah, mom we will be there,” Aislyn told her as she gave her mom a kiss on the cheek as she was headed toward the door.

  “It was very nice meeting you, Adalyn. I look forward to seeing you tonight,” she told her as she left.

  Aislyn saw the look of panic on Adalyn’s face. “Everything will be fine, do not panic. Ashton isn’t here to calm you down,” Aislyn giggled, trying to ease the tension.

  Aislyn and Adalyn spent the day lounging around the house watching movies until it was time to go over for dinner. Around three, the girls started to get ready. Aislyn had given Adalyn a flowy spaghetti-strap dress to wear. It was a little shorter on Adalyn than it was on Aislyn; it came about two inches above the knee. It hugged her curves in all the right places. She paired it with a matching pair of ballerina flats. She had flat ironed her instead of leaving it up like she normally did. She wanted to look nice.

  By the time Adalyn was finished getting ready, it was time to leave. She found herself becoming more nervous the closer they got to the house. She had met their mom but hadn’t met their dad and wasn’t sure what he would think of the crazy situation. Hell, she wasn’t sure what to make of the crazy situation. They pulled up to the house much faster than Adalyn expected.

  “Let’s get in there before mom sends out a search party looking for us. We should have been here already,” Aislyn giggled.

  They walked slowly up the sidewalk toward the house. Adalyn was so nervous she couldn’t even take in the true beauty of the yard that surrounded her. The fear of these people not liking her scared her to pieces. She really felt that she had become friend’s with Aislyn and didn’t want to lose her. She still wasn’t sure where she stood with Ashton, and if she was being honest, she didn’t have the guts to even think about it.

  “We’re here,” Aislyn yelled as they entered the house.

  “In the kitchen girls,” her mom yelled back.

  As they entered the dining room, Adalyn came face to face with Ashton. Without even thinking about it, she burst into tears and hugged him.

  “It’s alright, sweetheart, you don’t need to cry,” he whispered in her ear as she clung to him. Ashton wrapped his arm around her pulling her tighter to him, inhaling the sweet smell that was uniquely Adalyn.

  It took several minutes for her to loosen her hold on him, and when she finally did, she was fighting with hiccups, she had sobbed so hard.

  Adalyn was so lost in the moment that she hadn’t realized that everyone was standing around watching their interaction, especially Aislyn. Adalyn finally unwrapped herself completely from Ashton and stepped back by Aislyn, who was standing there with a huge smile on her face.

  “Glad you are home, Ash,” Aislyn told him with a wink.

  “I’m glad to be home,” he told her, his gaze never leaving Adalyn.

  “Now that everyone is here, we can eat,” said Mrs. Montgomery.

  Adalyn followed behind Aislyn silently as they sat down to eat.

  Dinner with the Montgomery’s was interesting for Adalyn. Everyone was speaking to each other, at the same time. They were loud, but it wasn’t in anger. No one brought up the fact that she threw herself at him, and clung to him like a baby monkey, and she was grateful for that. She didn’t know what had come over her to cause her to do that, except for the fact that she was happy he was alright.

  After everyone had finished eating dinner, everyone moved into the living room. Adalyn sat quietly on the couch. Aislyn sat next to her. Mr. Montgomery sat in his recliner; Mrs. Montgomery sat in hers. Ashton had disappeared.

  “We are so happy you joined us for dinner tonight, sweet girl,” Mrs. Montgomery told Adalyn with a smile.

  “Yes, cupcake, you are welcome anytime,” Mr. Montgomery told her.

  “Thank you very much for the wonderful meal. It was very nice,” she told them both sincerely.

  “Mom, where did Ash go?” Aislyn asked curiously.

  “He had to take a phone call, but should be back shortly,” she told her daughter sweetly.

  “I didn’t expect him to leave her side is all,” Aislyn grinned nodding her head in Adalyn’s direction. Adalyn turned a deep shade of pink due to embarrassment.

  “I am just happy to see him interested in someone finally. He has been so focused on his fighting and the shop. It is nice to see him show an interest in someone,” cooed Mrs. Montgomery.

  “And a mighty cute one at that,” Mr. Montgomery grinned, winking at Adalyn.

  “Look, I don’t know what you are thinking is going on, but it isn’t what you think,” Adalyn tried telling them. “We barely know each other. I just feel horrible that he was arrested, and it was my fault.”

  “Oh, my sweet girl. It was not your fault he was arrested. You didn’t make him punch that egotistical man. He did it because he cares, and if you think he doesn’t, you are blind,” Mrs. Montgomery smiled. Adalyn turned a deeper shade of red at her words.

  Aislyn sat quietly next to Adalyn grinning the entire time. She hadn’t said anything since her statement several minutes prior. Adalyn wasn’t sure how to deal the situation but would take it as it came. She couldn’t force anything. But she could resist it. She still didn’t feel right bringing this wonderful family into her drama. With that thought, she made her decision. She could not get involved with Ashton; no matter what.

  As if the thought had conjured him, Ashton entered the house. He walked straight toward Adalyn. He held his hand out to her. Putting her hand in his, he pulled her gently from her spot on the couch. He sat down where she had been sitting, pulling her back down onto his lap. He wrapped his arm gently around her waist, holding her against him.

  “I just got off the phone with the lawyer. He needs me to go to the office tomorrow and give my statement. He also wants Adalyn’s and Aislyn’s statement as well,” he explained.

  Adalyn turned to face him the best she could, considering the grip he had on her waist. “I already gave my statement. I am not sure why he needs it again.”

  “He needs your statement about me hitting the douche, not the break-in,” he explained rubbing his hand across her knee.

  “Break-in?” Mrs. Montgomery asked in confusion.

  “Yes, Adalyn’s place was broken into, which is why the cops were there to begin with,” Ashton explained. He and Aislyn explained over the next several minutes the situation that happened. The more they spoke the more embarrassed she became.

  “I hate to cut this evening short, but I am getting a headache and need to go home to sleep it off,” Adalyn said, not meeting Ashton’s gaze.

  “That is understandable, sweet girl. A lot has happened the last couple of days,” Mrs. Montgomery told her.

  “Your house hasn’t been released for re-entry yet, sweetheart,” Ashton told her, giving her hip a squeeze. She still didn’t meet his gaze.

  As if on cue, her phone rang. She leaned down and plucked it from her purse that was at her feet. “Hello.”

  Ashton sat tensely as he listened to a one-sided conversation, with very few words.

  “Thank you very much for letting me know, George. I will be there shortly to begin cleaning,” he heard her say before she hung up.

  Finally turning around, she looked to Aislyn, “would you mind taking me home. I am allowed to go in and clean and would like to get it done as soon as possible.”

  “If that is what you want,” Aislyn told her, standing from her seat.

  “Thank you very much for a wonderful evening, Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery,” she said giving them a smile.

  “I am glad you are home and safe, Ashton. Thank you for everything you have done,” she told him as she walked toward the door behind Aislyn.

  Ashton sat on the couch staring after her in complete confusion. What had happened in the last couple hours to change her reaction to him?

  The girls made it to the car before any other words were spoken.

  “What’s wrong, Adalyn?” Aislyn asked her, concern all over her face.

  “Like your mom said, it has just been a long couple of days, and I want to get everything situated and ironed out. I need to get back into my routine,” she explained.


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