Seas of the Red Star

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Seas of the Red Star Page 24

by Andrew Gates

  Natalie pushed through the crowd of onlookers as the ship touched down on the metal surface of the Patriot’s docking bay. So many people had come, some old, some young, some well-dressed and clean, others ragged and dirty. Natalie could hardly move through the mob. If the rumors were to be believed, she had to get up front. She had to see it for herself.

  How’s it looking? asked her boss, Rina, over the ATG.

  Still trying to get up front. Don’t worry, I’ll get you that footage one way or another, Natalie explained.

  A guard in a pristine white suit suddenly stopped her, his arm outstretched before him. Natalie froze in her tracks. She was not about to fight a guard to get through. There were some rules she was not willing to break.

  “Sorry miss, no one is allowed beyond this point. Only guards or media,” the man said.

  “Media! I’m media!” Natalie replied with excitement. “Check my credentials.”

  The guard quickly checked her info on the ATG. After a few seconds staring blankly into space, he nodded his head and stepped aside.

  “Sorry for the delay, miss. Come on through,” he said, motioning her onward.

  What happened? I missed that part, Rina asked. Did the guard say we can’t bring cameras in?

  The opposite, actually. He let me right on through. It seems like they’re almost encouraging cameras.

  That would be a first for Vexa Corp’s military.

  Yeah, you’re telling me. Should we be suspicious?

  There will be time to think about that later. For now, get me that footage.

  On it.

  Now past the guards, the crowd was non-existent. Natalie could move freely along the wide metal floor. She spotted the ship as it powered down. She promptly walked toward it. Several members of the media were already there. Natalie recognized the usual faces. A couple of guards held the reporters at bay, keeping them at least ten feet from the craft. A few more guards were positioned by the rear of the ship. Captain Daltus stood before them all, staring at the vessel, just waiting for the door to open.

  I made it, Rina. I’m not too late.

  Great, she replied. How does it look?

  There are a few cameras here already. We won’t be the only ones with the footage.

  At least we’re not missing out, then.

  The ship’s aft door slowly opened. Natalie quickly set her optics to the proper settings and zoom, making sure the image looked crisp and perfect. Once everything was ready, she began recording. Everything she saw was now being transmitted directly to Rina in the office and saved onto the TCP servers.

  I’m seeing your footage. Shots look great, Rina said.


  Once the aft door finally opened all the way, Natalie spotted Milsen and Cutter inside the ship. Their clothes were ancient and full of holes. Their hair was long and unkempt. They looked terrible. Natalie zoomed in to get a better look.

  So these are the long-lost saboteurs, Rina commented as she watched the footage.

  Alleged saboteurs, Natalie clarified.

  Right, good catch. I’ve got to watch my word choice until the court finds them guilty, she replied.

  Until the court finds them guilty. Rina spoke as if the outcome were already set in stone.

  “Corporal Ellen Milsen, David Cutter, if you two would please come with me,” said Captain Daltus as the two pilots stood in the open doorway.

  The pilots seemed nervous, but followed the captain’s orders without debate.

  “Gentlemen, if you would be so kind,” the captain continued, this time referring to the soldiers at her back.

  The soldiers stepped forward and grabbed hold of both Milsen and Cutter. They immediately placed restraints along their wrists and clasped their hands together behind their backs. The two pilots seemed genuinely confused.

  “Hey, what’s this?” Cutter asked.

  “Corporal Ellen Milsen and David Cutter, by order of Vexa Corp President Tano, you two are under arrest for sabotaging the terraforming operations of the VCS Euripides,” Captain Daltus declared.

  “Under arrest? But there’s got to me some mistake! We didn’t sabotage anything! Our ship failed. We were stranded!” Cutter debated.

  “Take them away.” Clearly the captain had no patience to argue with them.

  Cutter reluctantly let the guards take him away without a fight, but his fellow pilot was not as kind.

  Milsen kicked at the guards and squirmed in her restraints. More guards ran in to grab her, but they only made her fight back harder and faster. Finally, one guard lifted the end of his rifle and smashed it into the back of her skull. Milsen fell to the floor, immediately unconscious. Three guards had to lift her up and drag her after that.

  Natalie caught it all in crystal clear video.

  Damn, the viewers are going to love this, Rina said.

  Technology and Organizations

  AI – AI (Artificial Intelligence) are any intelligences that reside in computers or data matrixes rather than within organic matter. Colloquially, the term AI usually refers to sentient artificial intelligence, however, non-sentient programs like servitors are also sometimes referred to as AI.

  ATG – The ATG (Artificial Telepathic Grid) refers to an internal connection to computer networks. Though called the telepathic grid, there is no real telepathy involved in this process, only technology. This connection is inside of a person and directly connects their brain to what is essentially the totality of the universe’s interconnected communications networks. Methods of accessing the so-called “telepathic grid” vary between retinal displays to direct mental insertion of data.

  FTLT – FTLT (Faster Than Light Travel) refers to any speed of travel where a ship or object is able to travel faster than light.

  HUD – A HUD (Heads Up Display) refers to any type of display where information about surroundings and other data is directly overlaid on a person’s vision.

  HWST – The HWST (Habitable World Starbound Terraformers) is a program started in the 2300s with the purpose of terraforming worlds far ahead of colony ships. The process of terraforming is long, often taking hundreds or thousands of years. Therefore, HWST ships are sent well in advance of colonization vessels.

  When the world or worlds in question have reached a certain stage in the terraforming process, the Sol system is notified with a projected date for the planet’s expected habitability. The IDCW then handles the colony assignment. In the mid-3700s, the HWST program was discontinued by the Sol Government, making the last HWST ship to leave the system. Because the HWST ships are all self-sustaining, none of them came home after the program was discontinued. The HWST ships continued on their primary mission of terraforming worlds even after the program was discontinued as if nothing had happened, and continued to communicate with the IDCW when worlds were completed.

  IDCW – The IDCW (Interstellar Department of Colony Worlds) is a quasi-federal organization that handles the assignment of colony worlds. In some cases it also handles the construction of the colony ships. After the discontinuation of federal support and funding for the HWST project in the mid-3700s, the IDCW became self-funded by charging for the right to gain access to a colony world.

  Nanotech – Nanotech refers to very small technology or robots (nanobots). Something that is nanoscopic in size is one thousand times smaller than something that is microscopic in size.

  SDF – The SDF (Sol Defense Force) was originally the space force of the Earth. Over the years elements of different national and regional militaries merged into the SDF, bringing new elements and a mix of organizational structures to the military.

  The defense force is a mix of naval and army disciplines. It consists of sailors, Marines, pilots, and the regular army.

  Stasis – Early stasis systems were invented as far back as the mid-2500s as a means of ‘cryogenically’ freezing organic matter without using extreme cold (or lack of energy) to do so. The effect is similar in that all atomic motion is ceased, but not by a removal o
f energy by gradual cooling, but by removing the ability of the surrounding space to accept that energy and motion.

  Vexa Corp – Named after its founder, Shiva Vexa, this massive private conglomerate has grown to be larger than some governments. Originally based in Sol, the company moved to Thrace in 4163, making the trip while the first colonists were still on their way.

  Vexa Corp’s biggest opportunity came in 4370, when the company, led by President Gorez, planned its first terraforming mission in a nearby system recently named Vexa Prime. This was the first terraforming effort to be done completely in-house by Vexa Corp.


  Brown Sanctum – Also called the Governor’s Island, Brown Sanctum earns its name from the lush brown plant life on the island. It is home to the Governor, Ryan Lorde, and capital of Taspansa. Brown Sanctum is widely considered the largest island in Taspansa, though this is not technically true, as there are several islands of larger size on the dark side of the planet.

  Coral Cove – Coral Cove has long been considered a safe zone for sea scorgers. This is partly due to a large presence of sea scorgers on the island and to the establishment of Scabbard’s Inn, an inn of great renown founded by two former sea scorger captains, Rager and Spectre.

  The Dark Island – Hidden away on the dark side of Taspansa, the Governor, Ryan Lorde, is the only one left alive to know of this island’s existence. The Dark Island is host to the Governor’s stockpile of technology from the VCS Euripides, including the planet’s only faster-than-light capable ships.

  Jupiter Shipyard Ring (JSR) – Since its construction in the 3200s, this shipyard is a bustling shipyard in the Sol system. This ring was home to the Indomitable colony ship before its departure out of Sol.

  Mateo – Originally terraformed by the HWST, Mateo became Vexa Corp’s first colonized world in Thrace in 4280, when the VCS Nautilus delivered its first inhabitants from Sol. Shortly after the Nautilus departed to colonize this world, Vexa Corp moved its base of operations from Sol to Thrace, specifically in Mateo’s capital city, Neu Taargus.

  Neu Taargus – Surrounded by vast agricultural fields, the urban city of Neu Taargus is the capital of Mateo and home to Vexa Corp’s base of operations.

  The Silver Pearl – Considered magical and sacred by local sailors, this floating island is really nothing more than a Vexa Corp fighter containing the pilots Ellen Milsen and David Cutter. Sailors in Taspansa have come to use this sacred object as a helpful marker for navigation.

  Speartip Ridge – This naturally formed rock structure’s dark color and eerie spear-like shape give it the name Speartip Ridge. Sailors in Taspansa have come to use this unique structure as a helpful marker for navigation.

  Sol – The name “Sol” refers to the star at the center of Earth’s solar system. Until interstellar travel was developed, this star was simply referred to as “the sun”. As humanity expanded across the stars, the term Sol was eventually used to describe this system.

  Taspansa – Known as Red One to those outside the planet, Taspansa is largely seen as a failed world. The planet, part of the Vexa Prime system, was originally terraformed by the VCS Euripides in 4370. This was the first terraforming effort to be done completely in-house by Vexa Corp.

  The planet is considered a failure mainly due to the accidental overproduction of water. With an abundance of ice on both the poles and underground, the accelerated greenhouse affect melted all the poles too quickly, covering the world in ocean and an endless rain. Massive waves wiped out or damaged most of the grounded equipment. Those who were still able to leave did, realizing that this mission was a failure.

  With the outbreak of the Lightspeed Wars shortly thereafter, Vexa Corp no longer possessed the resources to fix the issues on Taspansa. President Gorez, head of Vexa Corp, scrapped the mission, acting as if it had never happened. Following this decision, many do not know Taspansa exists and Vexa Prime remains a largely unexplored system.

  Thrace – 30.1 lightyears away from Sol, this system, also called Gamma Pavonis, was originally terraformed by the HWST in 3989. This system is now home to several habitable worlds including Mateo.

  Vexa Prime – Also known as GJ 1277, this red star system is located 33.1 lightyears from Sol and only nine lightyears from Thrace. In 4350, Vexa Corp President Gorez announced a plan to colonize this system without the help of the HWST’s terraforming resources. This was the first terraforming effort to be done completely in-house by Vexa Corp. The worldbuilder Euripides first arrived in the system in 4370, but was unable to successfully convert the chosen planet, Red One, to a proper habitable state. Due to the failed terraforming mission, as well as pressures from the raging Lightspeed Wars, President Gorez ultimately decided to abandon the system. The colonization mission was scrapped.


  Vexa Corp and Mateo

  Bolton – Vexa Corp Chief Engineer.

  Cromwell – Captain of the VCS Euripides.

  Daltus – Captain of the VCS Patriot.

  David Cutter – Pilot for Vexa Corp.

  Ellen Milsen – Former SDF marine, now fighter pilot for Vexa Corp. Holds the rank of Corporal.

  Gloria – AI partnered with David Cutter.

  Gorez – President of Vexa Corp – Successor to former President Rupert Anderson.

  Ignacio – Commander of Vexa Corp’s private fighter squadron.

  Linda – Mayor of Neu Taargus.

  Melissa – Liaison to Vexa Corp’s Sol branch.

  Yuri – AI partnered with Ellen Jansen.


  Galbrix – Captain of the sea scorger ship, the Wave Rider.

  Igred – Member of the Governor’s personal staff.

  Jarkins – Captain of the sea scorger ship, the Pearl.

  Margery – Keeper of the Dark Island.

  Rager – Founder of the legendary Scabbard’s Inn along with Captain Spectre.

  Reaster – Captain of the sea scorger ship, the Mermaid’s Scorn.

  Reez – Captain of the sea scorger ship, the Adorned Lady.

  Ryan Lorde – Also known as ‘the Governor’ – Leader of Taspansa and head of the Navy.

  Spectre – Founder of the legendary Scabbard’s Inn along with Captain Rager.

  Warren – Captain of the civilian trade ship, the Flyer.

  Yasso – Captain of the Navy ship, Steel Victory, later promoted to the rank of Commodore.

  The Red God’s Gleam

  Captain – Azzorro


  Quartermaster – Briggs

  Sailing Master – Ellis

  Boatswain – Hector

  Master Gunner – Thomas

  Cabin Boy – Russell

  Other Crewmen

  Aiden – Friend and mentor to Russell.

  The Scorger’s Fist

  Captain – Bergh


  Quartermaster – Leston

  Sailing Master – Marcus

  Boatswain – Reggie

  Master Gunner – Don

  Cabin Boy – Warren

  Other Crewmen

  Doug, Garren, Jorge, Ross

  SDF and the JSR

  Garren – Mercenary hired by Volkro – Later taken prisoner by Milsen and Zheng.

  Rosh – Heavily modded mercenary hired by Volkro.

  Janice Markos – Member of the SDF military intelligence counterinsurgency branch. Last seen on colony ship the Indomitable.

  Volkro – Leader of group who attempted to destroy the Indomitable on the JSR.

  Zheng – Member of Ellen Milsen’s fireteam.

  Note from the Author

  Putting together Seas of the Red Star has been an interesting story in itself. This book was originally going to be a co-authored work with myself and fellow author, MD Cooper. The story was originally intended to be set in the popular Aeon 14 universe of novels. Many elements from that universe can still be seen in this story. For instance, Cooper’s concept of “the Link” was turned into “ATG” here. Alas, plans fell
through and the Aeon 14 elements of the story were scrapped, at least, direct elements.

  I hope you have enjoyed this story. I am always fascinated by the combination of genres that are typically not seen together (like pirates and science-fiction). Know that this story will continue with The Daltus Conspiracy.

  If you enjoyed reading Seas of the Red Star, a review on or would be greatly appreciated.

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  About the Author

  Andrew Gates was born and raised in Wilmington, Delaware. He now resides in northern Virginia, but frequently revisits his hometown.

  Andrew has enjoyed writing since high school but did not start writing seriously until college. He enjoys writing anything from short stories to full-length novels. His favorite book is The Lord of the Rings.


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