The Dirty Texas Rockstar Box Set (Books 1 - 5)

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The Dirty Texas Rockstar Box Set (Books 1 - 5) Page 81

by JA Low

  “Lovely to meet you, Layla. At the moment I would love something to eat and some beer.”

  “Of course, what do you desire?”

  “Anything is fine, I’m not fussy.”

  She gives me a smile and nods. “Anything else, sir?”

  “That’s all thanks.” As beautiful as she is, my cock remains deflated. I stare out toward the ocean because I need to get my head together. I’m acting like a damn pussy.

  There is a knock at the door.

  “Hey, man, are you ready for the tour of the resort?” Nate smiles handing me a beer.

  “Damn right I am. If this place is as awesome as your clubs are I can’t wait to test it all out.” We jump into the buggy and tear off into the rainforest.

  “The island has been split off into sections, just like the levels of the clubs. There is a beginner, intermediate and expert’s area. We have sections just for couples and just for singles and of course areas where people can all mingle. All beaches are clothing optional, well the whole resort is clothing optional except for eating areas or bars, no one wants to eat with a bunch of naked people.” This makes me laugh. “We have rainforest villas which are like luxurious tree houses set up high in the trees overlooking the resort. This is for people that like their space. Overwater bungalows with see-through floors so you can see the sea below. All guests get their own golf buggy to cruise around the resort, and their own butler to cater for all their needs. This includes possibly being the third person in their bed or just bringing them food and drinks to replenish. So, did you enjoy Layla?” Nate asks me.

  “She fed me and brought me beer, but that was as far as we took it.”

  Nate gives me a look but leaves it.

  “Now over here, set away from the beach is a large glass room. This is made for the voyeurs and exhibitionists; they can come straight off the beach to the open showers. As you can see there is enough space for more than a couple of people.” Yeah, it most certainly rivals the glass cube at the clubs, I can see many people having fun in there. We travel further and Nate shows me a hidden waterfall that has a grotto inside that people can enjoy. There is a whole section of the resort set up for kinks with playrooms tucked away between the rainforest where you would have no idea they existed. Each one is set up for whatever you could desire with high tech facilities and equipment. “I had my best Doms and Dommes at my clubs consult me on their wish list rooms and that’s what we have.” So many ideas running through my head of what I could do to Olivia if she was here, but I needed to shut that down really quickly.

  “We have a dedicated spa area for massages, the sexual and nonsexual kind. People here are also on holidays and not everyone wants sex twenty-four seven.” He makes a face which makes me laugh. “That’s why we have so many activities, day tours, the best restaurants, bars and everything you would expect from a luxury resort.”

  We continue on around the island, it’s huge and I’m totally lost so I’m glad he is navigating. “As this is a resort most of the play areas are set far and wide which might be hard for people to find, so I have also built a smaller version of The Paradise Club here at the resort. The only catch here is most of the rooms are open for everyone to see, no closed doors. If you want closed doors we have hundreds of closed door playrooms scattered around the island. One of our staff will happily drive anyone to a free one if they want to.”

  Nate has thought of everything; I can see myself holidaying here quite often.

  “I’m starved, let’s grab something to eat and then we can sample the delights the resort has to offer.” He presses the accelerator on the golf buggy and has us hurtling down the sandy path toward the restaurant and bar area of the resort. He parks outside of a large jetty and gestures for me to follow him. As I walk behind him I look around and notice all these villas jutting out into the ocean.

  “Pretty cool, aren’t they? You might want to try them out later in the week. These are further away from everything going on at the resort so that’s why I started you off at the beachfront villa.” The sun is starting to set slowly casting orange and pink shimmers all over the crystal clear water. Now this is paradise. I look over the edge and see tropical fish darting around, a lazy stingray gliding over the sand and a pod of dolphins are off in the distance playing around in the calm waters.

  “There is a restaurant and bar right on the point here, the sunset view is pretty spectacular.”

  “Aren’t you a romantic, Nate. Is this a date?” I joke, he flips me off.

  We finally reach the end of the jetty, the maître d ushers us into the empty restaurant and that’s when I notice three beautiful women sitting outside on the large oversized sofas taking in the sunset, cocktails in their hands. My feet start to slow because I do not believe what I am seeing. Nate’s slows as well.

  “Shit, man. I had no idea,” Nate curses once he realizes who is sitting there. “Camryn asked if she could invite two friends to the resort to test it out, I had no idea it was her.” I shake my head; I can do this. We will just go over and say hi, but leave them to their cocktails.

  “It’s okay, I knew I would run into her again at some stage. She’s friends with Ness, how could I not? I just thought I would have more time.” Two weeks hasn’t been enough time, I am still angry with her, I’m still hurt. I trusted her and she betrayed me.

  “You sure? They haven’t spotted us yet and I have another six restaurants.”

  I power on, my legs feeling like led. It’s probably better seeing her here instead of being a willing participant in some orgy. Nate pushes on ahead, I see Camryn stand up and smile when she sees Nate walk outside. He gives her a quick, professional peck on the cheek and says hello to the other two girls. Then it’s my turn to walk outside and that’s when Camryn spots me.

  “Shit, what are you doing here?” Never one to mince her words.

  I give her a smile but my attention is on the beautiful brunette dressed in an off the shoulder, white lace, 50s style cocktail dress. Even at a sex resort she dresses like a lady. I hate the way my body is reacting to seeing her again, her creamy legs crossed and her delicate hand holding the silver martini glass. Those doe eyes refusing to look at me, but I can see a nice shade of pink crawling up her neck, she is either embarrassed or angry.

  “Evening, Olivia.”

  Finally, she looks up at me, fire blazing behind those hazel eyes, her grip on her glass tightening, but years of training has her manners in check.

  “Evening, what a surprise.” She takes a shaky sip of her cocktail, I like that I affect her.

  “Certainly is, I’m surprised your fiancé would let you come to such a corrupt place.”

  Those hazel eyes flash daggers at me at the mention of him.

  “He assumes I am with my family in Mustique.”

  “Oh, that’s right, I forgot how much of a skillful liar you are.” Anger creeps through my veins now at her ice princess reaction to me. The pink on her neck has increased, flaming all over her décolleté and cheeks. She puts down her cocktail, uncrosses her legs, picks up her purse and stands.

  “It wasn’t the only thing I learned from you then.” She turns to Nate. “I’m sorry I won’t be staying for dinner. I have lost my appetite.” Ivy stands with her, they both turn their backs on us and walk away.

  “You’re such a dick, Axel.” Camryn gets up as well, quickly polishing off her cocktail, and with a perfect hair flick she struts away.

  “Wow, not sure what you have done, but they are three pissed off women,” he chuckles.

  “Not sure why they are angry at me, I don’t have a fiancée stuffed away somewhere.”



  Later that night, after one too many beers, Nate and I head out to explore paradise. We got a lift on a golf buggy by a staff member heading toward The Paradise Club. We are currently sitting on the first level watching the action unfolding in the cube, but my dick is not rejoicing at all, he is firmly tucked away not wanting to come out to play.

  “Fellas.” A tall man with a British accent interrupts us.

  “Bro.” Nate lights up seeing his younger brother. “What are you doing here?” He looks genuinely shocked.

  “I needed to check in on my investment,” he chuckles.

  “Silent partner remember,” Nate laughs and Alex rolls his eyes at him. “Hey, you remember Axel Taylor from Dirty Texas, don’t you?”

  His brother’s face forms a smile. “Yeah, man. Long time no see.” He shakes my hand. I’ve met Alex on and off over the years I’ve known Nate in a couple of places. He looks after the family’s property development business. Nate wasn’t interested in taking over the family business as he had his own ideas for success.

  “Yeah, good to see you again. I’ll tell you something, this resort is pretty amazing.”

  “I just flew in so haven’t seen much, but I’m pretty sure my night has just gotten better.” He looks at something off in the distance, we both follow what has caught his attention, and in the corner watching the cube is none other than Camryn, Ivy and Olivia. Now my dick decides it wants to come out and play.

  “They are nothing but trouble,” I mumble.

  “Ignore him, he has history with one of them,” Nate tells his brother.

  “Hopefully not the one in the pink dress?” Looking again, I notice Ivy is in pink.

  “Nope, lady in white,” Nate answers for me.

  “Good choice,” Alex chuckles.

  “Your brother has a thing for his new event planner, the one in red.” I throw Nate under the bus.

  Alex whistles. “What about your motto? Never mix business and pleasure together, only make business out of pleasure.”

  Nate groans, “Yeah well, that one is biting me in the ass at the moment. When we first met she had a boyfriend and now…now she is single and trying to get over the douchebag that fucked her over. It’s so hard because she is curious about everything.”

  “Stay strong brother, stay strong.” Alex slaps his brother on the back.

  “I’m practically a fucking saint,” Nate groans, which makes us all laugh.

  “Why don’t we join them?” Alex asks. We both give him a look. Are you serious? “Guys come on, I want to meet the beauty in pink,” he groans. And just like good wingmen we finally falter and follow Alex toward the girls.

  “Evening, ladies,” Alex starts, using his fancy British accent on them.

  “And who are you?” Camryn asks, looking him over.

  “My brother.” Nate glares at her.

  “Well it’s nice to meet you, Nate’s brother.” Camryn smiles at him.

  “It’s Alex, my name’s Alex.” He introduces himself to all three ladies, but pays special attention to Ivy.

  I look over at Olivia and she is looking everywhere but me.

  “If you will excuse us, I might show Camryn around, I haven’t had a chance to give her much of a tour yet.” Camryn smiles and follows Nate out into the crowd and then off down a secret passage. Now this is awkward.

  “So ladies, are you both single?” Alex asks the loaded question.

  “Yes we are,” Olivia answers for Ivy, I turn and look at her.

  “Really? I’m pretty sure your fiancé back in England might say something different, don’t you?” I bite back.

  “I’m pretty sure he is screwing every single woman in London as we speak, so I don’t think he has grounds to stand on to be upset.”

  Ivy and Alex look on as we throw barb after barb at each other.

  “Yet you still continue with this farce of an engagement. I don’t know if I should admire your loyalty or your stupidity for the cause.”

  Olivia is fuming, even in the semi darkness I can see the redness creeping up her neck again, she is so easy to read. If she’s so easy to read, then how the hell did I not know she was lying to me?

  “I was pretty stupid to think that you were any different to all the other men I have been with. In the end you are all the same, you think with your dicks.” She is shaking with anger.

  “Maybe we should leave them alone for a moment.” I hear Alex talking to Ivy.

  “Yeah, I think so.”

  “Of course I was thinking with my dick; it was hypnotized by magic pussy.”


  Olivia slaps me across the face and I am stunned into silence for a couple of moments. “Is that why you are here tonight, to mesmerize some poor guy with your damsel in distress routine?”

  “Screw you, Axel.”

  “You wish darlin’, you wish,” I bite back.

  “You think that I couldn’t get anyone else?” she questions me.

  “Oh darlin’ I know no one else out there is going to be able to compete with me. I’m the best you’ve ever had. I remember the way you screamed my name as I fucked you like no one has before.”

  If steam could come out of her ears, I think it would at this moment.

  “Fuck you.”

  Hearing Olivia swear makes me laugh, it sounds so foreign coming out of her mouth, it’s kind of cute.

  “I’ll show you, Axel Taylor. You are not as special as you think you are.” And with that she turns on her heel and makes her way through the crowd. She stumbles past half-naked people, people in the throes of ecstasy while they watch the orgy going on in the cube. I follow her, winding through the crowd. I notice she starts to unzip her dress. What is she doing? She doesn’t take her dress off but let’s it hang open, she then steps out of her high heels and places them in her hand. Then with her other hand she opens the door to the cube and disappears inside. What the fuck is she doing? My heart is racing. What is she playing at? I watch on as she throws her heels into one corner then shimmies her dress off, kicking it to the side with her shoes.

  One of the young men notices the latest addition to their show, he is well built, good looking and well hung, not that I’m looking but it’s kind of there in front of me. He is making his way over to her. I can see the feral hunger in his eyes, the knowing smirk that he knows he has hit the jackpot with Olivia joining them. The others are still playing around, but eyes are glancing every now and again looking at the new situation developing. The guy is saying something to her which is making her blush. He reaches out and touches her skin, I want to be sick. Why is she not telling him to fuck off? He says something again and she turns away blushing, her eyes locking on mine. She gives me a fuck you kind of smirk and drops to her knees and that’s it, I see red. I push my way through the crowd, I don’t care who I am pissing off, but there is no way in hell I am going to witness Olivia’s perfect lips on another man’s fucking cock. I yank open the door, the guy is whispering dirty things to her, his fingers are twisted in her hair.

  “Don’t you fucking touch her,” I scream at him. Everyone in the cube stops what they are doing. I stalk over to where Olivia is on her knees; I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder.

  “Axel,” she screams.

  “Shut the fuck up, Olivia, just shut the fuck up,” I growl. “Please carry on, just not with my girl.” I slam the glass door making the cube vibrate behind me and I push my way through the shocked crowd. Thankfully Olivia is not making any more of a scene than it is. I see one of the rooms is free by the green light above it and I walk toward it. Opening the door, I slam it shut again and lock it. The first thing I see is a black leather table with straps. I throw Olivia off my shoulder, turn her around and place her face down on the table, her bottom half bends as her feet land on the floor and she lets out a startled yelp. She is still wearing her flesh colored, lace underwear. I grab her wrist and shackle one to the bench.

  “Axel,” she screams, but I ignore her. I am so angry with her little stunt. Did she seriously think I would stand there and watch her give some fucker a blow job?

  “What are you doing?” She squirms on the table, I grab her other wrist and tie her down with some effort as she fights me on it. Her legs are still loose. She looks perfect curved around the table like that. “Axel, you’re scaring me,
” she whimpers and I can hear it in her voice. I move to where she is laying and let my hand touch her head.

  “Do you have any idea how jealous you just made me, little one?”

  Those hazel eyes focus on me. “That was the point.”

  “I know darlin’, but I couldn’t let you go through with it.” I stroke her cheek.

  She closes her eyes. “I didn’t want to go through with it either,” she confesses. Thank fuck! Hearing that makes my heart beat normal again.

  “Then why did you do it?” I question her, letting my fingers run down her exposed back, her body goose pimples under my touch.

  “Because I wanted to make you hurt as much as I do.” Another confession.

  “Do you think I didn’t hurt over what happened between us?” I let my hand trace the curves of her body, the ones I have missed these last couple of weeks.

  “I know so,” she says defiantly. I stop moving. I hear the anger and hurt in her voice.

  “No you don’t. You have no idea what I have been thinking.” Moving around her again, this time I let my fingers slide down her legs. There is an ankle restraint at the bottom and I tie it around one then I move to the other and do the same, she doesn’t fight me.

  “I know because you did the one thing you promised you would never do to me. You promised me you weren’t like all the other men before you, you made me believe you were different.” I watch as tears fall from her eyes.

  “I am. I trusted you, I trusted you with all my heart and you betrayed me.” I thump my hand against my chest, over my heart, the one that is a little bit chipped from her.

  “I know…” She lets out a sigh. “I should have told you, I should have been honest. But I was scared, confused, all those things, but in hindsight I know I should have maybe done things differently, but…” Tears fall rapidly against her cheek. “I would never change the time we had together, because for the rest of my life I will remember that as the first time in my life a man cherished me, worshipped me, made me believe I was beautiful. No matter what you did to me after you found out about my lie, I will never forget those moments.”


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