The Dirty Texas Rockstar Box Set (Books 1 - 5)

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The Dirty Texas Rockstar Box Set (Books 1 - 5) Page 92

by JA Low

  “He told me that he would make it work.” This surprises her.

  “He spoke to you?”

  “Yes, the other day, he apologized and told me about your little…um…indiscretion at the wedding reception.” Penny looks surprisingly embarrassed.

  “Oh that…yeah…well…um…I’m an idiot. I just wanted to hurt Eddie. I’m sure he didn’t tell you about his indiscretion at the reception either.” I look a little shocked. “Yeah, I didn’t think he did. So, I needed to pee and all the toilets were full, so I went up to one of the bedrooms on the second floor, I also needed a moment after the surprise wedding I just had. So, after I finished my business I heard voices in the room. I stuck my head out and what do I see? Eddie, getting a blow job from one of my friends.” I shake my head. “Yep, never going to guess who?”

  “Who?” I ask, Penny chuckles.

  “Karma, I think you told me one day karma would get me and well it did, in the form of Arabella on her knees sucking off my brand new husband on my wedding day.”

  “I’m sorry, Pen.” She waves her hands at me.

  “Don’t be, I deserved it. I was horrible to Arabella and Isadora, treating my two best friends as my minions, not as my friends. I shouldn’t be shocked that this happened to me at all.”

  I know I shouldn’t feel bad for my sister, not after everything she has done to me, but I do.

  “So, you see, our wedding day wasn’t the happiest.” She shrugs her shoulders nonchalantly.

  “Are you worried that you might end up being a single mother?”

  “Yes and no. I mean, I know our parents will help me, but I know that my friends will look at me differently. The stigma is still there. I’m sure Eddie would be relieved if he wasn’t the father.” Eddie is such a douche. “Look, Liv, thank you.” I am genuinely shocked by her thanks. “I know I have been a bitch to you.” I guess she is growing up. “Eddie demanding this paternity test has really made me see things differently. I have made some stupid decisions in my life and now I need to stop doing that because I now have a little person involved.” Wow, who knew getting knocked up would mature my sister. “Do you want to see a picture of it?” she asks quietly.

  “Of course, that’s my niece or nephew in there.” I smile as she hands over her phone. The black and white image of a little bean, the image of her baby, makes me all emotional. “I am so happy for you,” I say through my tears. I look up and she is crying as well.

  “I’m sorry, Liv. I’m sorry for everything. I know we will never ever be close because I was so horrible to you for as long as I can remember. The things I did to you, I would never forgive me for them. But what you have done for me today, giving me this chance in the company, you are truly a better person than me. I honestly don’t know how I can ever repay you for this opportunity.” Now I am bawling. In all of my life my sister has been a bitch, but this side, this new mature side I have never seen before, is what I have always wanted. “I know it’s going to take time to repair what I have done to you, but I would like to try.” I honestly believe her. I jump up out of my seat and make my way over to her, I bend down and give her a tight hug. Penny stiffens but eventually hugs me back.

  “I would like that. It’s going to take time for me to trust you again, but I would like to have my sister back.”

  “Is everything okay?” Axel asks from the doorway, looking at the two of us crying.

  “Just me doing some groveling,” Penny responds as she stands up and straightens herself. “I’m sorry, Axel, for the stunt I pulled with the photo.” She puts out her hand for him which he takes and shakes. He is looking at me a little bewildered. “I better go. I have to meet Mother down in the village to pick out which house to live in.” And with that statement, she walks out of the room.

  “Seriously, did I walk into the twilight zone?” I walk over to Axel and throw my arms around his neck.

  “No, but apparently Penny is growing up.” I kiss him passionately because I am so happy that I found him. He lets out a groan as he picks me up, my legs wrap around his waist. He places my bottom on my desk.

  “Well, that’s good.” He smiles, pushing up the hem of my skirt, his calloused fingers rubbing along my inner thigh. His stubble tickling me as he nuzzles my neck. “Can you trust her?” he mumbles against my skin.

  “I think so, she genuinely seemed happy about the job.”

  Axel moves away and looks at me with surprise in his eyes. “I’m guessing she is maturing.”

  “She showed me a picture of the baby, it’s a tiny jelly bean.” Axel smiles at me. “I think seeing her baby for the first time has kind of hit her that her actions now have consequences. She’s worried that the baby isn’t Eddie’s.” Axel doesn’t say anything. “She might end up being a single mother.”

  “Maybe that’s a good thing. The child won’t grow up in a home where his or her parents don’t like each other.” Maybe Axel is right.

  “It’s all a bit of a mess, isn’t it?”

  Axel pushes himself between my legs. “Can we stop talking about your sister and fuck?” Axel’s words jolt me and hit my core with desire.

  “I think I can arrange that Mr. Taylor,” I purr, giving him a seductive smirk.

  “Good, now take off your clothes so I can feast on you.” I quickly follow his orders, throwing my dress to the floor.



  I’m whisking Olivia away for a holiday to France; she has a country estate in the Loire Valley. Somewhere we can spend some time together before I have to go back to LA. I spoke to the boys about the two locations for the London office and we agreed on the office in Peckham, in south-east London. The area has a cool artistic vibe about it. Alex assures us that it’s one of the up and coming trendier neighborhoods, hence why he has purchased and developed in the area. I also asked him to find me a house near the office that we could use as a place for bands or staff to stay at as we will be commuting between LA and London. Alex did find this cool warehouse apartment in an old piano factory. If that wasn’t fate telling me that I had made the right decision, then I don’t know what would be.

  I am also looking for an apartment in London where Olivia and I could live. We need somewhere secure. I may not be touring or releasing music anymore, but that doesn’t mean our fans have died down either. I know when they find out how serious I am about Olivia there is going to be some backlash on social media about it. All the other boys have been through it. I want her to be safe; a penthouse apartment somewhere with twenty-four-hour security is exactly what I am looking for. Somewhere near Ivy would be perfect as they are pretty tight.

  “I haven’t been to our place in Amboise for years,” Olivia says excitedly as we take a chauffeured car from Paris. “I am excited to show you this place. I remember so many summers spent running around the country side, riding my horse and picking berries. It was divine.” Apparently, Olivia’s mother’s family is equally as rich as her father’s side, and this is some of what she inherited from them. They also own a vineyard in the Champagne region, a chalet in the Alps and an apartment in Paris as well as some more properties scattered throughout Europe and other exotic locations. Olivia is richer than I ever thought she was. It’s safe to say she isn’t a gold digger.

  A couple of hours later and we are pulling up through the large gates of Olivia’s home. There is a long, rocky driveway with large oak trees sprawling on either side.

  “This home has been in my mother’s family since before the revolution,” Olivia tells me excitedly. Damn, history wasn’t my strongest subject, but I do know that was a long time ago. I might have to brush up on it if I am going to spend the rest of my life with this woman. We pull up to a large chateau and the driver gets out and opens Olivia’s door. I follow behind her.

  “Bonjour, Mademoiselle Olivia,” A small, older woman greets her, they quickly start conversing in French. I had no idea Olivia spoke French, another little bit of information I am learning about her. Shit, that accent is hot
. I stare at my beautiful girlfriend in amazement.

  “Sorry, this is Frieda, the housekeeper. She was just telling me everything is set up for our stay.” The older lady starts talking again, something she says makes Olivia laugh and blush then she gives her a double cheeked kiss and is gone.

  “What did she say?”

  Olivia hooks her arm with mine. “She said that you are sex on legs and that she will disappear so I can ravage you.” My eyes widen in shock.

  “No way she said that.” Olivia just giggles, pulling me into the extravagant house.

  “Oh yes she did.” Olivia gives my ass a slap; she’s in a playful mood. She lets go of my arm and runs away from me.

  “Does the Lady want to play a game?” I see a flash of her brunette hair disappear around a corner. I follow after her as she runs up the stairs. My legs are longer than hers as I take the stone stairs two at a time. I reach out to grab her which makes her squeal, but she slips through my fingers. Olivia runs down the long corridor and skids on the polished concert floors. She opens a door and slams it shut. I follow after her and thankfully the door isn’t locked. I pull it open and stop when I see the room. My eyes widen at the four poster bed. It’s a dark, chestnut color, but the thing hanging from the bed is what truly has my attention. Are they restraints? What has my little minx been up to?

  “Olivia?” My voice is low; my chest is pounding from the exertion of chasing her. “What…what is this?” Olivia moves from her hiding spot behind the ornate curtains, her cheeks are pink from running, her chest is moving rapidly. As she moves toward me I watch in utter fascination as she slowly starts undressing. Her thin fingers unbuttoning the pearl buttons of her blouse, the silky material falling to the floor and only her white lacy bra is left. I am in awe of what is happening before me. Her shoes have been kicked off at some point, I’m not sure when, but it doesn’t matter. I watch as her hips sway with each seductive step toward me, hypnotizing me. I am ready to fall to my knees and worship at the altar that is Olivia Pearce. She is breathtaking. I try to speak but my mouth is dry, my throat is tight, it’s not the only place that is tight. Her fingers find the zipper of her jeans. She slowly unzips them; the sound of the metal teeth fills the quiet room. My heart is beating inside my chest and I swear she can hear it. I am so used to being the one in control, but since meeting Olivia, all that has changed. However, this is the first time she has taken charge. I watch in appreciation as she shimmies out of her jeans and kicks them to one side, leaving her in nothing but her innocent, white lace underwear. My God, she is a vision and she is all mine. I try to reach for her but she stops me and moves away from me. She moves toward the bed and I watch as she jumps onto the soft mattress. Olivia positions herself in the middle of the bed, she looks up and pulls one of the furry covered wrist restraints down and secures it around one wrist. She then tries to secure the other but she is unable to move, a little frown surfaces on her face.

  “This worked out differently in my mind,” she pouts. Her statement makes me laugh.

  “Do you need some help, princess?” I kick off my shoes and toe off my socks.

  “Yes please,” she answers, giving me a flirtatious smile.

  “So, you have something planned for me, hey, sweetheart?” I pull off my shirt and take my phone and wallet out of my jeans and place them on one of the bedside tables.

  “Yes, I wanted to seduce you.” She gives me a slightly defeated smile.

  “Oh, sweetheart, you most certainly have done that.” My comment perks her up and I make my way to her. I step up onto the bed, my feet sinking into the soft mattress. She hands me her wrist as I take the other restraint and secure her.

  “There are foot restraints as well,” she whispers and I raise my brows at her.

  “And how did this little set up come about?” I ask, because I am truly curious about why my girlfriend’s bedroom is set up like a mini sex dungeon.

  She lets out a heavy sigh. “I asked Frieda to set it up for me. I bought it online…” Her teeth catch her bottom lip.

  “Frieda, the old lady that we just met?”

  She nods her head. “She was my nanny; she knows everything about me. Plus, she’s French, she is pretty sexually explorative.” I shake my head of the mental images of Frieda in a sex swing.

  “Babe, seriously, are you trying to get my dick to retract on itself?” Olivia giggles. “Okay, enough about your kinky housekeeper, back to my beautiful girlfriend and the sexy surprise she has set up for me.” I stare down at her. I am so much taller, especially without her heels on and her sinking into the mattress. Her brown colored eyes look up at me, her cheeks glowing pink with lust. “You set this up for me?” She nods. “Have I corrupted the Lady?” She gives me a wicked smile. “Hmm, so many things I want to do to you.” Rubbing my thumb across the apple of her cheek, I notice the rise and fall of her chest. My eyes travel over her milky skin, over her not so innocent white lace underwear. Where to start first? I just stare at the goddess before me. “You forgot something though.” Olivia raises her brows at me. I jump off the bed and head toward the curtains, I grab what I need and return. Olivia’s eyes widen as she watches me pull the curtain sash from my hand. “Trust me?” I ask. She nods furiously which makes me smile. I tie the gold, silk sash over her eyes, taking away her sight, knowing that her other senses will heighten. “Remember the last time I blindfolded you?”

  “Yes,” she says breathlessly as she remembers her fantasy at The Paradise Club that first night I met her. She was so naive and inexperienced. It was all about this one night, her one and only night of freedom, and I gave it to her, along with some extra pair of hands.

  I kneel before her and secure the ankle restraints around each one of her petite ankles. My lips caressing each one as I secure them. She is spread out before me like a beautiful star. “Do you remember the things we did to you?” She nods, moving against her restraints. God, she is beautiful and she is mine. I move around the bed to her back, her head moving around trying to follow my movements. I lean in and whisper into her ear, “Do you remember Stacey’s lips on you?” I ask her. Olivia sucks in a heavy breath. “Seeing her lips on you was so fucking hot, Liv.” Olivia’s breath quickens. “Would you like to do it again?” I ask, knowing we had a conversation a couple of weeks ago with Stacey and Oscar.

  “I think so,” she whispers. My hands travel over her body, her skin prickling with goosebumps as I touch her. Over her shoulder, down over her breast before traveling further along her slim stomach until I reach the edge of her lace panties. “I remember the way you brought her to orgasm with your fingers, the pure ecstasy on Stacey’s face made my dick hard. Two beautiful women pleasuring each other.” My fingers slip beneath the lace and dip between her legs which are soaked. Hmm, seems like my Olivia also likes that scene from the club. I’m not sure if I could watch her fuck another man, but maybe I could handle her lips wrapped around another cock, of someone I trusted, as I licked her pussy. My dick twitches achingly at the thought. Interesting. Dipping further between her legs, I swirl my fingers around her slickness and feel her heated breath against my cheek. “God, you are so beautiful, Olivia.” I continue to play with her clit. “You are the most beautiful woman in the world.” Olivia lets out a breathy moan. “I am the luckiest son of a bitch to call you mine.”

  “Yes.” Olivia pulls against her restraints as my fingers bring her to the edge.

  “You’re mine, Olivia.”

  “Yes,” she moans again as her body arches against my fingers.

  “Mine,” I growl into her ear as she shatters against my fingers. Her body shaking as she finds her release. The tiny sparks of her orgasm make her body quake as she slowly comes back down to earth. I pull my fingers from her soaking panties and suck on them. Fuck, she tastes so sweet. “Your pussy tastes like heaven,” I murmur against her milky skin. Olivia just mumbles something incoherently. I pull myself away from her; my dick aching to be inside. She still has on her cute, little, white lace pa
nties. My fingers find a hole in the lace and I start to rip the material.

  “Axel,” she squeals.

  “Babe, I’m not uncuffing you to pull these off.” There is a large hole exposing her ripe little ass. My fingers dip between her ass cheeks, her body tenses. Tonight is not the night that I take her virgin hole, but one night I will. “Don’t tense, sweetheart. Your hole is safe…for the moment.” She relaxes ever so slightly. I unzip my aching cock; it springs free from my jeans. I pull them down enough so that I have movement and I line myself up to her entrance. I rub my cock through her juices making her hum. Slowly, devastatingly slowly, I sink inside her.

  “Axel,” she moans as I fill her up. God, I hope these restraints hold her because I can’t hold back, I don’t want to hold back. I pull myself nearly all the way out as my hands slip to her hips and I drive myself into her again. “Yes,” she calls out over and over. I thrust into her, the sound of the straining restraints mixes with our moans. My fingers dig into her milky skin as I hold her in place. I love that she has given herself over to me like this. It’s been a while since I have felt the need for control. Since meeting her, for the first time in my life I didn’t need to control every single sexual situation. “Yes, Axel. Harder, harder…” The words falling from her lips on a moan. I do as the woman asks and continue to drive into her. My balls begin to ache, the tingling rises up my spine, her pussy tightening around me as she comes again. My cock can’t take much more as she clamps down on my dick and I come. Hard. Holding her delicious ass in place as I empty myself into her. Mine. She is mine. Olivia sags against the restraints, my legs are like jelly and I lean myself against her. One moment we are upright; the next we are falling. Olivia lets out a squeal and I follow suit. Luckily, my dick falls from her and I roll to the side. I don’t really want to end up in the news headlines. Axel Taylor, front man for Dirty Texas, in hospital with a broken dick.


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