The Dirty Texas Rockstar Box Set (Books 1 - 5)

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The Dirty Texas Rockstar Box Set (Books 1 - 5) Page 133

by JA Low

  “I’m at your service, sir.” I give him a seductive wink.



  We’ve arrived in Vegas for Christian and Axel’s thirtieth birthday. Everyone is looking forward to this weekend away, especially Vanessa, who is finally healed enough from her double mastectomy. The past couple of months the gang has rallied around Vanessa who tested positive to the BRCA gene. She took the extreme measure of removing her breasts to give herself a fighting chance at life as her family has such a strong history of cancer. Through it all Christian has been her rock. It took her diagnoses for them to put all their petty bullshit aside and decide that they would be together. They have been happy ever since.

  Oscar and I are still seeing each other. We still frequent The Paradise Club, but I have been dating as well, mostly to help Isla move on from Finn, but also because why not. Since we had our chat months ago about defining us as non-monogamously loyal it has strengthened our friendship. We communicate more and he comes over to watch movies with me. We’ve become a little more open with our friendship amongst the group. They might all assume something is going on but they don’t actually know. Isla of course knows because she busted us coming home early one night after a date. It was the only time we actually did anything at his place for that exact reason. Thankfully, we were just making out in the kitchen and hadn’t gone too far when she walked in. Oscar and I sat her down and explained that we are good friends who have fun at together. At first Isla was a little confused, a tiny bit pissed, but in the end she was fine. She confessed that Oscar is always happy when I’m around and she thinks I’m good for him. I told her that my feelings for Oscar are only friendship and sex; she just rolled her eyes as if she didn’t believe me. I knew she wouldn’t understand, so to save an argument I just let her think what she wants.

  “Spa day,” Sienna says excitedly as we meet at the hotel’s luxurious spa. The boys have gone out on some ultimate guy day thing Derrick has planned for them, which should be interesting. I’m looking forward to getting pampered and catching up with the girls. “I have been looking forward to this day for so long.” Sienna sounds almost giddy, which makes us laugh. “Don’t look at me like that, just wait until you have kids one day, ladies. You have no idea how much you crave your own personal time and space. Having a kid is so claustrophobic, Ryder is always on me.”

  “Lucky he’s cute,” Charlotte adds.

  “Yeah, he is.” Sienna practically glows talking about Ryder. He is cute, but kids are not in the cards for me. I have no interest in having any. The spa director comes out and greets us all and directs us to the VIP spa area. We are welcomed into our own private room where there is a heated spa, a bottle of champagne and a tray of chocolate dipped strawberries waiting for us. We strip off our robes and lay down on the beds beside the pool. We are each given a glass of champagne by the spa director.

  “Please press the buzzer when you are ready for your treatments.” The spa director points to the button on the wall then disappears.

  “If I fall asleep, ladies, I apologize now, because this is so relaxing and I am so tired,” Sienna moans as she sinks her teeth into a chocolate strawberry.

  “So, you and Christian seem to be doing well,” Isla prods, sipping on her champagne.

  “Yeah, we are. He’s been brilliant, especially with the whole boob and cancer thing.”

  “That’s because he loves you, Ness,” Sienna states.

  “Yeah, he does, it took me a long time to realize I felt the same way, but I’m finally there. I am one lucky woman.” We all shout cheers in wishing her well.

  “Thank fuck, because having you two at war sucked,” Isla moans.

  “Yeah, sorry about that,” Vanessa apologizes. Isla smiles and waves her away.

  “So when are you two going to get married?” Charlotte asks making Vanessa choke on her champagne.

  “Um...” Vanessa stutters.

  “Please, you two will be married by the end of the year, that boy is so desperate to lock you down,” Sienna adds.

  “I think you will be pregnant again before Christian and I walk down that aisle,” Vanessa fires back.

  “Oh fuck off. You’re probably right though. Evan is hounding me for more babies. I’m like no way, our life has just started to slowly settle down. He’s crawling and that creates so many hazards, throw in a baby and fuck me dead,” she groans. We all laugh because she is so going to be knocked up by the end of the year. There is no way in hell Evan will let her get her own way; he wants babies and lots of them.

  “And what about you and Blake?” Sienna asks her sister-in-law.

  “Being on tour with them sucks,” Charlotte groans. “We are both so busy. He’s got shit going on in his home life and we are both young. I don’t want to lock myself down yet.”

  “Sowing your wild oats, are you?” Vanessa asks.

  “Yeah something like that, we are friends and that’s kind of how I want to keep it. My career comes first.” Charlotte’s photos of the band on tour have been selling out. Magazines and collectors have been contacting her about them, she’s super talented.

  “And what about you and Finn?” Vanessa asks Isla.

  “Nothing’s going on there, in fact my crush is one hundred percent done and dusted.” The room erupts into laughter, not because we are mean but because we have heard this a thousand times before. “What happened to Wes?” Vanessa pushes. Wes owns the California Bros. Brewery down in Venice Beach, we go there a lot. He and his brothers who run the tattoo parlor and barber shop next door are really close friends with the Dirty Texas guys.

  “We’re just friends, he’s a nice guy but you know...” She twists her glass in her hand.

  “He’s just not Finn,” Vanessa says quietly.

  “I hate it, I hate that he has this hold over me and I can’t get over him. Why the hell can’t I get over a man that isn’t interested in me?” Isla’s eyes fill with tears.

  “Hey, hey, don’t cry over him.” I sit beside Isla on the couch. I know how much this whole Finn thing gets to her. “He’s a boy and boys suck. They are so blind when it comes to a good woman,” I reassure her. You can see Finn likes her, but he’s still too involved in the rock star life. He’s not ready to give that all up just yet, but when he does I don’t know if Isla will still be waiting for him.

  “Is that what you think of my brother?”

  The room goes silent. All eyes are on me. I think Isla forgot we weren’t alone in that moment.

  “Your brother’s cute but...”

  “Back this train up, you and Oscar?” Sienna looks a little confused.

  “I didn’t tell you because it is nothing, Oscar and I hooked up at your wedding.” Everyone looks at me; I can see they have so many questions.

  “So it was like a one-time thing?” Vanessa asks.

  “No, I’ve done it a couple of times since being back in LA but nothing serious. Sorry Issy, close your ears.” Because I know she doesn’t like hearing about the two of us. “Your brother is kind of kinky.” She rolls her eyes. “We have an understanding.”

  “So you’re saying you’re kinky as well?” Vanessa stares at me, trying to work me out.

  “Maybe.” I’m a little hesitant to say anymore.

  “Come on, don’t leave us hanging,” Sienna pushes.

  “There’s nothing to tell. Just that I like to, you know, experiment with things, and I’m okay if that is either with a guy or a girl.” The room goes quiet as I look at the shocked faces of my friends. My stomach sinks. I’ve said too much.

  “You like girls?” Charlotte asks quietly.

  “Yes.” This was something Oscar really helped me explore recently. It’s been fun. “I’m not looking to date a woman, I’m heterosexual in that aspect, but sexually I like to play with both. Is that going to make things awkward?” I’m feeling a little judged at the moment.

  “Hell no, babe.” Sienna gets up and sits beside me. She takes my hand into hers. “We still lov
e you. We don’t care who you’re sleeping with as long as you are happy. And who hasn’t kissed a girl and liked it.” Sienna giggles. There’s a story there and I think I need to know more.

  “Thanks guys.” I feel like a weight has been lifted from me.

  “Girls, forget about rock stars, we’re in Vegas. I’m sure three sexy single ladies are able to find some hot men or two or three to play with.” Vanessa raises her glass.

  “Yes, give those boys a taste of their own treatment,” Sienna adds.

  “Take it from us, one thing those rock stars hate in this world is sharing their women.” Vanessa has no idea how wrong she is with that statement, but I cheers with her anyway.



  “Fuck, what are you doing here?” Christian looks a little scared. Totally pussy whipped. Poor fucker.

  “This is my club,” Nate states as we head toward the entry. Nate Lewis owns The Paradise Club; he has clubs all over the world. “It opens next month, thought I would let my best customers check it out first.” That doesn’t ease Christian’s tension, which is the complete opposite to the look that Axel is wearing. They may be twins but they are complete opposites. We have come straight from experiencing Derrick’s man day, so after changing our clothes and freshening up we follow Nate through the club to whatever Derrick has planned next. Nate leads us into a dark room where there is a stage and a couple of stripper poles.

  “Derrick, this better not be strippers.” Christian sounds pissed.

  “Dude, we are in Vegas and it’s your birthday, of course you are getting strippers.” Derrick must have a death wish.

  “No, I don’t want to be here, I won’t do that to Ness,” Christian tells him.

  “Fuck, I just lost a twenty dollar bet. Ness told me you wouldn’t be into this, but I thought you would be. I honestly thought you would be up for strippers just like the old days.” The spotlights on the stage turn on and out walks Vanessa with two strippers, each carrying a chair. They place them back to front in the middle of the stage.

  “Axel, Christian, your ladies are waiting,” Vanessa calls down to them. Axel practically sprints to the stage. Christian begrudgingly follows his brother. Vanessa whispers something into his ear, which calms him. She walks off the stage and behind the curtain leaving the boys with the two blondes. The lights dim, the music begins, we all take a seat in the front row. Christian’s face is hilarious; he is not enjoying any of this at all. Axel on the other hand has a Cheshire grin on his face. At least someone is enjoying his birthday. The curtain pulls back again and more women come out, this time they head straight off the stage and into the audience. A stunning brunette stands in front of me and starts grinding on my dick.

  “I’m out.” Evan stands up and walks out of the club with his phone to his ear.

  “You should be a bit more inclusive for all tastes, Nate,” Derrick complains beside me.

  “I didn’t forget you,” he says, just as a man enters from the other side of the stage.

  “Yippee. Daddy is going to have fun tonight.”

  “Follow me.” The brunette who has been giving me an incredible lap dance takes my hand and escorts me to a private room. “Sit,” she instructs me then disappears. In comes Jackson who takes a seat beside me then the birthday boy, Axel, who has lipstick all over his face.

  “What are we doing in here?” Jackson asks.

  “I have no clue. But it’s probably going to be good.” Axel grins, rubbing his hands together. There is a black curtain in front of us, which has me intrigued. The lights dim, slowly the curtain pulls back exposing a glass wall. Whatever is behind it is bathed in darkness. We look at each other wondering what is happening. Slowly, light begins to filter through the room, exposing what it is. There is a king-sized mattress in the center of the room, white sheets and pillows scattered across it, but it’s made.

  “I think we are getting a show,” Axel states. I guess we are. I kind of wish Stacey was here to watch with us. The four of us have been having some fun lately. We introduced Jackson to the club, not long after he started working with us. The first time Axel and I brought him there, Stacey asked if she could show him around. I had a millisecond of jealously hit me when I watched them walk away hand in hand to play. But she made it up to me, sending Natalia over so I wouldn’t be lonely. That just made me fall for Stacey that little bit more. From that first night, Jackson plays with us regularly, he gets along with Stacey. Who doesn’t? She’s an easy going person. There’s loads to like about her, and not because she’s turned into this sexually confident woman who knows exactly what she wants and goes after it, she’s just a good person inside and out. I’ve never really developed feelings for a woman before beyond my own sexual need, but Stacey Ferguson does something to me. She’s embedded herself inside of me. Once a week we catch up at her place for a regular ‘date’, I guess you would say it was a date. We get takeout, we watch TV and I stay the night. I even have my own key. It’s as close to normal as we both want it to be.

  The sound of high heels grabs our attention, it echoes through the room in stereo. It’s the brunette that gave me the lap dance earlier, she kicks off her heels then slowly and seductively slips out of her dress, which she is completely naked under. Her back is to us as she rubs her hands all over her tanned body. Another echo of heels filters through the room. This time it’s the blonde that was with Axel, she does the same thing as the other girl, undresses herself and makes her way over to the brunette who pulls her into a kiss. We all groan in appreciation. They pull apart and both move to a side of the bed and look to the back of our room where another woman appears.

  “No fucking way,” Jackson groans.

  “What is she doing in here?” Axel questions. Stacey slowly walks around the room and stands in front of us, a smile nestled on her face.

  “Happy birthday, Axel.” She blows him a kiss. “I hope you like my present.” Axel’s head is nodding enthusiastically, I’m not sure if she can see him or not. Stacey unzips the dress she is wearing and it falls to the floor, she is standing there naked in front of us. Jackson bites his knuckles. Axel claps his hands with excitement. I’m left staring at the most beautiful woman in the world. Stacey turns and saunters back to the bed, her hand lazily caresses one of the girls as she passes them. She stands in the middle of the bed where the two girls join her. Something begins to lower from the ceiling. We all lean forward a little closer to get a better look. It’s a swing. I grin. Stacey has just started using the swing and she loves it. The girls help her into it and move away when she is put into place. Stacey rises higher, positioning herself at not quite standing height for the other two girls. Her bottom is nestled inside the harness, her legs are bent into the foot holds, but she’s able to straighten them if she wants. The girls walk around her, touching her, teasing her until she is wriggling in her restraints. It doesn’t take the blonde long to position herself between Stacey’s thighs.

  “Shit,” Axel moans. Whatever audio equipment they have in that room is five-star. We can hear every mew, every gasp, every heavy moan. We can hear how wet Stacey is with each lick. The sounds are driving me crazy. I have to adjust myself in my pants. I’m not sure how long this little show is going to go for, but I don’t think we are going to be able to wait all night. Stacey archers her back so she is lying flat in her harness. The brunette straddles her face and lets out a hiss as Stacey’s tongue connects with her. Fuck. Fuck me dead, this is hot. I think I might ask for this for my birthday.

  Suddenly the wall between the two rooms begins to open. We all look at each other. Is it an invitation to join what is happening on stage or are they giving us a better view?

  “Fuck it, it’s my birthday.” Axel starts to head toward the stage. Jackson and I look over at each other and do the same. The brunette gives us a welcoming smile, maybe it is okay. I tap the blonde on the shoulder, she moves away. It’s my turn to be between those thighs now. God, she tastes so sweet. The blonde is unzipping my f
ly as I feast on Stacey who is writhing now she realizes someone else is between her legs. The blonde’s wet mouth is on me and I hum against Stacey’s cunt. Axel has replaced the brunette and has his dick down Stacey’s throat. The brunette has moved over to where Jackson is standing and drops to her knees.

  “I love seeing you in the swing,” Axel tells Stacey as he plucks her nipples. “You are completely in our control. You like that, don’t you?” Stacey hums against his dick. “You’re such a good girl.” Axel runs his hands over her body. “You wanted to please me for my birthday, didn’t you?” Stacey’s body moves as she nods her head. “I am very pleased, Stacey, very pleased indeed.” Stacey becomes wetter listening to Axel’s words. Axel moves away from Stacey’s mouth and over to the draw which is always stocked with necessities. He pulls out the condoms and lube. He undresses as he comes back to the action, handing out the condoms and placing the lube beside me. Moving away from Stacey and the blonde, I quickly undress and sheath myself as I grab the lube. Stacey is sitting up now, those green eyes watching me. She knows exactly what I have planned for her. We’ve spoken about it but haven’t gone there. But tonight is perfect. She licks her lips and gives me a knowing smile. Axel pulls over one of the bench chairs and positions it underneath the swing, he sheaths himself too and the blonde lowers the swing. She moves Stacey’s legs so that she is kneeling on either side of Axel’s hips.

  “Want to wish me a happy birthday, princess?” Axel asks. Stacey nods and lowers herself over him. He moves her hips ever so slowly, making sure she is comfortable. Positioning myself behind her, I squirt the lube onto my fingers. I start to circle her puckered hole with my thumb. The blonde is sitting on Axel’s face facing Stacey. She leans forward and captures Stacey’s nipple into her mouth. This will distract her enough for me to get her into position. My fingers work their way through the resistance and inside of her, she bucks at the intrusion but she’s soon humming with satisfaction. I keep working Stacey until she is ready. When she starts pushing back against my fingers then I know it’s time. I pour a generous amount of lube over me and slowly start working my way in, bit by bit. Ever so gently until there is no resistance and until I am snug all the way inside of her. Axel would usually like to set the pace, but seeing as he has his hands full with Stacey and the blonde, I start to set the pace. Slowly, I move inside of her, with each thrust she pushes against Axel. The sound of sex begins to echo through the room. Panting. Swearing. Grunting. Moaning. Screaming. All melding together like a beautiful symphony. Thankfully she is harnessed, because I have lost myself to it all, the room has turned manic with need as we all chase that euphoric bliss. The blonde is the first to climax, which sets Axel off, which in turn has Stacey gripping his dick tightly which makes me come.


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