The Dirty Texas Rockstar Box Set (Books 1 - 5)

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The Dirty Texas Rockstar Box Set (Books 1 - 5) Page 149

by JA Low

  “You’re the one sexting me while I was getting ready.” She points her finger into my chest. Okay, she got me there.

  “And my balls still hurt from that. Come on, be a good wifey,” I plead with her.

  “Fine.” She tries to sound annoyed but fails.

  “Come on then.” I grab her hand and pull her away from everyone.

  “Where are we going?” She calls out into the darkness.

  “I noticed some tress over here before the sun went down.” I switch the torch on my phone and shine it on the ground. “See, just here.”

  “If I step on a snake and die, I’m coming back to haunt you,” she tells me.

  “The only snake around here is my dick.” This sets her off into a fit of giggles. It was a bad joke but I’m fucking desperate. “Here. Put your hands here.” I point the torch to the tree.

  “Check it first,” she tells me. I shine the light over the bark to make sure there are no creatures anywhere then I check the ground too, nothing but red dirt.

  “Lift your dress up, little one.”

  “Do not ruin this dress, you hear me.” I hear the warning in her tone; do not mess up the dress. She lifts up her dress and places her hands against the tree. She spreads her legs for me like a good wife. She’s wearing nothing but a barely there G-string. Fucking perfect. My fingers slip between her folds and she is ready for me.

  “Fuck.” I swat away the little bugs. “I have to turn the light off, the stupid bugs are attracted to it.” She grumbles something incoherent. I plunge us into darkness shutting off the light. I place the phone back into my pocket and unzip my pants. I place my hand on her rump, basically to see where she is because I can barely make out her silhouette in the darkness. My hand slides over her soft skin, and every curve of her body. It’s like second nature as I move behind her, my fingers dipping between her legs, sinking into my wife’s cunt. “I’ve missed this.” I move my fingers inside of her. “I’ve missed feeling you. I’ve missed tasting you. I miss fucking you without a care in the world.”

  “Take me baby, please,” she begs. She pulls my fingers out from her, sucking her taste from them, replacing the space left behind with my dick. “We have to be quick,” she tells me. Both of us hiss as I enter her.

  “I don’t do quick, little one.”

  “You’re going to have to now. People will be looking for us.” She’s right.

  “Okay, it’s going to be rough, dirty and quick.”

  “Yes,” she groans. My hand moves around to her front and finds her clit as I start to increase my tempo. “Harder, baby,” she urges me on. “Harder,” she pleads. I give my wife exactly what she wants. Furiously, thrusting into her, I have never been so thankful for my skilled fingers than I am right in this moment. I am able to bring her to climax quickly while bringing myself to climax. I think that is the quickest I have ever come in my life.

  “I’m so sorry that was quick, baby.” Stacey slowly starts to fix herself up. I tuck myself back into my pants and pull out my phone again to check that everything is back in place with each of us. Stacey wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me.

  “You just fucked me up against a tree, in the middle of the Australian bush, at night, in darkness, during our wedding. That is pretty impressive, husband.”

  “Don’t get used to it. Next time I want to take my time with you.” I kiss her back.

  “Come on, let’s get back before we are busted.”



  What a year it has been.

  The kids settled perfectly into life in LA. Hunter moved into the dorms at UCLA to study business and he is coming up to finishing his first year. He’s been working with everyone learning the ropes of all aspects of business. He’s been working at Dirty Texas Records interning with them, answering phone calls, getting coffee, sorting mail and even helped the guys search through social media for the next new thing. He took his friends to a couple of festivals over the summer and they had a blast. He’s got a great bunch of friends now. He bought himself a new car, he insisted he buy it himself from his trust money and not from Oscar, who was really insistent on buying him a cooler car than he got. Hunter said he didn’t need anything flashy just something to get him around. I was so proud of him.

  Amelia, on the other hand, gladly took the car Oscar insisted on buying her for her sweet sixteen birthday; a Mercedes G Wagon. The car is the same price as a house. Those two have become thick as thieves. He loves to take her shopping. They planned her sixteenth birthday party together and I don’t think he said no to any of her outlandish requests. It wasn’t until later that I found out from Camryn, who organized the party, that most of the ideas came from Oscar. It’s like he let his inner sweet sixteen girl free. Amelia has her first boyfriend, Clay, the school’s quarterback. He seems like a good kid, his parents are doctors. She also joined the cheerleading squad and has become rather popular. I remember one night when Amelia pulled me into her arms, she was crying. I though at the time that it was bad news, she must hate it here, but she was so happy, because for the first time she felt normal, accepted, popular, something she had never been back in Australia. She’s happy and has her life in order, even if I feel like I’m on the set of 90210. Amelia is also obsessed with fashion and interns with Derrick. She is soaking up everything he has to offer her. Oscar has also taught her Swedish and German as well which are the two languages he speaks. She picked it up quicker than I have. Finn and I have been having lessons because we are sick of Isla and Oscar chatting away and not understanding what is going on. Emma, Becca and Lockie have all learned as well. Languages are so amazing for kids, especially when they are spoken at home, which we try to do. I fail, but the rest of the family all understand it.

  Emma and Becca, what can I tell you about them. They spend most of their time horseback riding at our place down in Malibu. They love it. Emma has been training hard and has started entering competitions, whereas Becca isn’t as competitive as her sister and just loves animals. Emma is a freshman this year, so she is feeling pretty mature lately, becoming more and more independent.

  And little Lockie starts school this year. He has really bounced back. He loved day care because he was able to socialize with other kids. He also spends lots of time with Easton and Oscar’s parents while we are at work. As soon as Easton started saying mormor and morfor which are Swedish for grandma and grandpa, Lockie started to do the same thing. They speak to him in Swedish, like they do Easton and baby Mia. Lockie loves having Oscar’s parents as grandparents; I think he really misses that bond he had with my mother and father, his grandparents. He sometimes asks about them, he blows kisses to the photo of his parents and mine every night before he goes to bed. He whispers little things to them before falling asleep. He was so young when they died, we don’t want him to forget about them.

  And what about us? Now celebrating one year of marriage. Well, it’s been pretty bloody fantastic. Oscar’s love of farming has taken off. He bought an old farm and we’ve spent the past year doing it up. It has an orchard, animal sheds for the horses, dairy cows, dairy goats, and a couple of alpacas. You name it he’s got it

  The Dirty Texas boys have started to slow down on the business front. They hired a heap of new people as they expanded offices around the world. London, Sydney, New York, Los Angles and Stockholm.

  That Stockholm office was for us. Oscar surprised his parents for their thirtieth wedding anniversary with a gorgeous home in Sweden, a place where we could go as a family and immerse our families into the culture. I love Sweden. Even though it is freezing cold in winter, I just love everything about it. It is slowly becoming our second home.

  We just celebrated our first wedding anniversary with a big party at our farm in Malibu. We also just celebrated the launch of our restaurant, The Nordic Table, which has been Oscar’s passion this past year. The restaurant is a great fusion of Nordic and Australian cuisine in Malibu, we use a lot of our produce in the restaurant, plus w
e sell great coffee. I never expected my life to go this way; being married to a rock star, a semi-mum to five kids, a farmer and now budding restauranteur. My life is pretty fantastic.

  I bet you’re also wondering whether we’ve gone back to The Paradise Club. Of course. Once we had settled into our new life in LA, Oscar’s family and the kids insisted that we have a honeymoon. We missed out on going on one as we were moving back home to LA instead. We took two well deserved weeks off from everything and spent one week in the Turks and Caicos and the other week, thanks to a very insistent Nate, we spent it rediscovering our kink at The Paradise Club Resort. It was like all this pent-up sexual frustration came out of us during that week, we may have gone a little crazy, but boy it was so much fun. We now try and include a once a month date night at the club; it’s the one night we allow ourselves to enjoy our desires fully. It’s hard trying to find time for ourselves to have sex; we usually have to be creative and quick doing it whenever and wherever we can.

  And that’s how I find myself in the predicament I’m in now.

  “Stace, are you okay?” Oscar knocks on the bathroom door. I hear the creak of the door opening, his footsteps across the tiled floor. I lift up my head from the toilet bowl, giving him a sad smile. “Oh, little one.” He crouches down beside me, his fingers pushing back my blonde hair from my face.

  “I don’t feel good.” My voice cracks.

  “I know, baby.” He gives me a small smile.

  “I don’t know what happened.” His brow rises at me in surprise. “You haven’t been feeling well most mornings lately.” What is he saying? “This is the first time you have physically thrown up.”

  “You don’t think?” He gives a shrug. “Fuck.” My stomach somersaults as I throw up again into the toilet. His large palm rubs my back.

  “Remember last month when we had a quickie before getting the kids and then went out for dinner and we all got food poisoning?” I nod my head slowly. “Do you think maybe something happened with your pill because you were so sick?”

  “Shit, babe.” I realize that I threw up for twenty-four hours straight. “There’s a test under the counter.” Oscar looks at me strangely. “Derrick gave it to us as a gag gift for our wedding anniversary.” Oscar grabs the packet for me and hands it over. “Let’s just check.” I slowly move myself off the ground and do the test. I place it on the counter beside us waiting for it to do its thing.

  “You think I’m pregnant, don’t you?” I look up at him.

  “I do. Your love for the toilet this morning makes it suspicious.”

  “What the hell are we supposed to do?” Panic laces my skin.

  “Babe.” Oscar holds me tight. “If you are then we have just expanded our family. I mean look at how well we are doing with the five we already have. In all honesty what is one more?” A huge smile is splashed across his face.

  “You’re actually happy about this?” He grins.

  “Yeah. I kind of am.” This surprises me. “I know we always said no kids, but I mean I already make a pretty awesome Mr. Mom.”

  “Can we do this? We have so much going on. I mean it was never in our plans.”

  “Sometimes the universe has other ideas.” I pick up the pregnancy test that has a big positive across of it.

  “Shit. We’re having a baby.” I look at the test in shock.

  “We’re having a baby.” He wraps his arms around me tightly.

  “I’m a little shocked,” I confess to him.

  “Me too. We should get you in to see the doctor to confirm it all and check you’re healthy and okay.”

  “Holy shit. I’ve been drinking and stuff. What happens if I’ve done something already to the baby? I’m a bad mum already.”

  “Stace, breathe.” He places his palms on my arms holding me. “We’ve got this.” How can he be so calm about this all?

  “What about the kids? What happens if they don’t like it?”

  “They will come around to it,” he reassures me.

  “Shit. We’re having a baby.”



  Stacey finding out that she is pregnant is a huge unplanned surprise. I don’t think we discussed having kids since she lost her family, I mean we just gained five kids overnight and they were mostly full-grown ones at that. Lockie was even toilet trained. With this little one we are going to have to do midnight feeds, mucky diapers, vomit, not that I haven’t done that for Easton or now little Mia. The only difference is this one is ours and we can’t give it back.

  Tonight we are telling the kids before we tell anyone else. Stacey is almost out of the danger zone, but we want to let them know first. We ordered takeout, something that doesn’t mess with Stacey’s stomach, so pizza it is.

  “Hunter,” Lockie squeals seeing his big brother walk through the door. Hunter picks him up and swings him around.

  “Hey, little guy.” Lockie giggles. Hunter kisses his aunt on the cheeks, shakes my hand and greets his sisters.

  “So, what’s with the family meeting?” Hunter asks, sitting down on the sofa. Stacey and I link hands and stand in front of the kids.

  “Well, we’re not sure how to tell you guys this,” Stacey starts.

  “You’re breaking up?” Amelia shrieks.

  “What? No,” I quickly answer. I can see the panic on their faces now. “No. No. It’s nothing bad.” I try to calm them down.

  “I’m pregnant,” Stacey blurts out. The room becomes silent. The kids’ faces are pale with shock.

  “Oh my God, congrats guys.” Hunter is the first to congratulate us.

  “Can I babysit?” Becca squeals realizing that a baby in the house means babysitting dollars.

  “Of course, when you’re older,” Stacey tells her, making Becca pout.

  “Can I be its stylist?” Amelia asks. “Because this kid needs to be cool. I mean it’s going to be hanging out with Sienna’s kids and they are trendy as.” Oscar and I look at each other and smile.

  “Is it a boy or a girl?” Emma asks.

  “We don’t know yet,” Stacey tells them.

  “Are you having a gender reveal party?” Amelia asks.

  “Hadn’t thought about it,” Stacey answers.

  “You need to have one. Like, you can’t be basic,” Amelia tells us. Basic? What the hell does basic mean?

  “What do you think, little man? Stacey and I are going to have a baby.” I pick up Lockie who seems very confused by what is going on around him.

  “Where’s the baby?” he asks.

  “In my tummy.” Stacey points to her belly, which I can’t wait to see full and blossoming with life.

  “Does that mean you won’t be my mummy and daddy anymore?” We all freeze. How the hell do we answer this? Lockie has never called us mom or dad; it’s always been Oscar or Stacey. Has he wanted to call us mom and dad? Is it okay if he wants to do that?

  “Do you think Stacey and Oscar are your mummy and daddy?” Hunter asks Lockie the question. He looks over at his brother and shrugs, then nestles his face into my leg. Hunter gets up and kneels down to Lockie’s height. “Do you want to call Stacey and Oscar, mummy and daddy?” Lockie nods his head, my heart breaking for the little guy. He was so young when his family passed away and I guess the others were always old enough to understand. Hunter looks up at Stacey and I, gaging our reactions to Lockie’s comments.

  “I think we would be fine if he wants to call you that,” Amelia jumps in, Emma and Becca nod in agreement.

  “There you go, buddy, Stacey and Oscar would love for you to call them that,” Hunter explains to his little brother. The smile on Lockie’s face melts me. He opens his arms for me to pick him up, and I do. He wraps his little arms around my neck.

  “Daddy,” he whispers my new title into my ear and it breaks me, my heart explodes with so much love that my eyes well up with tears. I look over at Stacey and she too is crying. He pulls away and looks at me. “Can I have a brother?” he asks, and I laugh.

�We will try our best, little buddy.” He gives me a nod and reaches out for Stacey and cuddles her before going back to his pizza.

  “Well that went well.” Stacey snuggles into me as we lay in bed.

  “Yeah it did. Once the shock wore off. And what about Lockie?”

  “That was beautiful. He is so sweet. I wasn’t expecting it at all. The poor little guy must have been thinking about it for ages and never knew how to mention it.” Stacey’s eyes get glassy again thinking about it.

  “I guess he’s going to be a big brother to this little one.” I place my hand on her stomach.

  “Do you think we should bring them up like that instead of cousins?” Stacey asks concerned.

  “Technically, they are cousins. But in the family if Lockie is going to call us mom and dad, then don’t you think that would confuse the baby if we say actually, your cousins? I think it’s something we can broach when they are older.”

  “I feel guilty though. I feel like I’m taking Naomi and Simon’s title from them.”

  “Oh, baby, no. Lockie is little, he doesn’t understand. Every night we tell him to say goodnight to his parents and grandparents, and he does. If we keep that alive and explain to him the story of what happened, their memory will always live on.” Stacey’s arm tightens around me.

  “Stupid hormones,” she grumbles as tears fall down her cheeks.

  “Little one.” I look down at her.

  “I know, I know. I just want to do the right thing.”

  “Our family may not be conventional, but it’s no different to us being called uncle and aunty by the Dirty Texas kids.” She nods in agreement. “We may not all be blood, but we are family.”

  “You’re right. We are all one big dysfunctional Dirty Texas family.”


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