The Smuggler

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The Smuggler Page 10

by Leslie Georgeson

  The back door of the Escalade swung open and Grace and Alissa emerged. “Stop scaring the poor woman,” Grace ordered. She pushed me aside and put an arm around Darcy, pulling her into a hug, glaring at me over the top of Darcy’s head. Darcy let out a sob and clung to her. I tried not to be moved by Grace’s kindness. Grace didn’t even know Darcy. She was so open and caring, offering comfort to a complete stranger.


  I didn’t do comfort. I didn’t do touching. Comfort was something I was unfamiliar with. Unless you counted the few times Alissa had tried to “comfort” me, but I’d always jerked away. Comfort was for broken people like Darcy. I’d been broken many times in the past while a soldier for The Company, but I’d bounced back on my own with no comfort from anyone. I didn’t need comfort. Human touch was foreign to me. An anomaly.

  Strangely, I found myself wanting Grace to wrap her arms around me like she was doing with Darcy. I wanted her to hug me like that, press her gorgeous tits against me, and whisper dirty things in my ear.

  “There, there,” Grace murmured. “We’ll get you some help.” She lifted her gaze to mine. “Let’s get her to a hospital. You guys can question her later.”

  Murmurs of agreement erupted around the group, then everyone moved off to their vehicles. Grace and Alissa helped Darcy into the back of the Escalade, then climbed in on either side of her and closed the doors.

  Nate glanced at me. “We’ll drop Darcy off at the hospital in Eatonton. If she has a tracking device, I’ll remove it. We’ll take Grace home afterwards, so you can head out if you want.”

  I nodded and moved to my car.

  I hadn’t found Grace’s girls.

  Instead, I’d found a broken Darcy.

  That didn’t stop me from wanting my one night with Grace. But I hadn’t earned it yet. I might never earn it now. I needed to just stay the hell away from her.

  I drove back to Eatonton alone, my mind in turmoil the entire way. I should just go back to the maze and let Nate and Alissa deal with Darcy. They would drop Grace off and I wouldn’t have to worry about seeing her again.

  Except I wanted to see her again.

  The realization was shocking. There were very few people I liked and even less that I wanted to be around.

  The woman was becoming an obsession I couldn’t shake. I found myself gravitating toward her, being sucked in like steel toward a powerful magnet.

  I wanted her more than I’d ever wanted anything in my life. But I didn’t deserve her. And I wasn’t sure if she really wanted me or was just offering herself as payment if I found her foster kids. I needed to know if this attraction between us was real. Did Grace truly want me?

  My desire for the truth caused me to head to Grace’s apartment instead of going home. I found myself pulling into the parking lot of her apartment complex to wait. Since they’d taken Darcy to the hospital, I might have to wait awhile.

  So I parked in a dark corner beneath a tree and waited.

  About a half hour later, Nate’s Escalade pulled into the parking lot. I waited from my spot in the corner, watching as Grace climbed out and walked toward her door. Once she was inside, Nate drove away. I don’t think he saw me, as I was parked in the far corner near the woods.

  I climbed out of my car and headed for Grace’s apartment, unsure if she would welcome me or shut the door in my face. It was almost four in the morning now. She was likely tired and ready for bed.

  I knocked on her door, keeping my senses alert for danger.

  The locks clicked and she opened the door, eyeing me with wariness. She hesitated, then opened the door wider. It was all the invitation I needed.

  I followed her inside and she closed and locked the door behind me.

  “You want a drink?” she asked, her gaze still wary.

  I shook my head. “I don’t drink. Last time was a mistake.”

  Her lips twitched. “Yeah, I kind of figured as much. I’m sorry about that, by the way. I shouldn’t have drugged you.”

  I hadn’t expected an apology from her. I didn’t know what to do with it.

  We stood there awkwardly, eyeing each other. Then she motioned to the couch. “Want to sit? Thank you for going out there in search of my girls tonight. I appreciate what you did.”

  I nodded. “I didn’t find them, though.”

  We both sat.

  “You still went out of your way for me and I appreciate that. Thank you.”

  Another awkward silence fell. What the hell was I doing here? I hadn’t found her girls. She must be worried sick about them.

  I bolted to my feet and headed for the door. “I better go.”

  She jumped up after me, grabbing my arm as I reached the door. I halted, my skin tingling from her touch. I hadn’t been lying when I said I didn’t like people touching me. Jerking my arm from her grasp, I turned to face her.

  “No touching,” I grumbled.

  She stepped toward me, undaunted. Since I’d given my shirt to Darcy, I was bare chested. And suddenly very aware of that fact.

  Grace pressed a palm against my bare chest and ran a finger over my pecs, slowly circling my right pec. Heat shot straight to my groin. I flinched, grabbing her wrist and holding it away. What was she doing?

  Her gaze crawled up to mine, locking on. She stepped closer, wrapping her arms around my neck and pressing her body against mine. Her breasts squished against my chest, an obvious invitation. Her pelvis brushed against mine. Teasing me. Taunting me. Daring me.

  I froze. Swallowed hard. Fuck. Me. My heart slammed into my ribs. My senses came alive with excitement. Longing. Lust stirred, billowing out, hot and fierce and needy. Damn her, she was playing with fire.

  “You don’t have to leave,” she whispered in my ear. “Please. I need a distraction. Something to help me get my mind off my girls. And I want you. So much.”

  I groaned softly.

  I need a distraction.

  She wanted me to be that distraction.

  I want you. So much.

  I wanted her, too. Desperately.

  Her breath tickled my ear. “Please. You’re so sexy, Tony. Stay.”



  Tony had rescued Darcy and thoughtfully given his shirt to her, leaving his impressive chest bare. It was still bare. Distracting. And oh so sexy.

  I slid my fingers into Tony’s hair, gently stroking, marveling at how soft it was, and urged his head down to mine. I wanted to taste the wild beast. I wanted to drive him wild. He was so sexy. So hot. My breasts pebbled against his hard chest, seeking closer contact, wanting skin against skin. Was I forward? Bold? Yes, definitely. I knew what I wanted and I went after it. And right now, I wanted Tony.

  I needed something to help me forget my missing girls. Earlier, I had been distracted by taking care of Darcy. And now, Tony was a good distraction. Later, when I was all alone, I could allow myself to worry about them again. And mentally punish myself for not somehow keeping them safe.

  Right now, I needed Tony.

  I wanted that sexy, lust-hazed hunk of the night before. I wanted to make him lose control. I wanted him to get completely lost in me. Was that even possible now? He didn’t trust me and I didn’t trust him. Our battle of wills had plunged the initial lust aside, making us wary of each other. But I still wanted him. Did he still want me? I wanted to see some kind of emotion from him, something besides that expressionless exterior. I wanted to see Tony lose his composure. I wanted to crack through his walls, force him to open up to me. Let me inside.

  His hands landed on my upper arms. “You’re playing with fire, woman,” he growled out. “I said no touching. If you don’t stop that, I’ll fuck you right here, right now. Is that what you want?”

  Yes! God, yes!

  “Yes,” I whispered, holding his gaze.

  Something hot and needy flashed in his eyes before he pushed me away. “Be careful what you wish for, chica. You might be disappointed.”

  The sting of re
jection slammed through me. Was that a warning? Feckin arsehole! I couldn’t figure him out. Did he want me or didn’t he? I wasn’t so vain that I thought I was irresistible, but I’d never been rejected so forcefully before. And I wanted him to want me as much as I wanted him. Why was he suddenly so reluctant? Why was he now warning me off?

  Should I back off? Or give it one more go?

  “You don’t want me?” I looked deeply into his eyes.

  He didn’t answer, his smoky black gaze delving into mine. Unable to look away from his hot stare that I took that as an invitation to continue, I stepped forward again and tried to kiss him. He turned his head to the side at the last second, so my lips grazed his cheek instead. He let out a low growl and grabbed my wrists. Yanking my arms above my head, he shoved me back against the wall next to the door. Pressing his body into mine, he glowered down at me.

  “I warned you.”

  The unmistakable bulge of his erection pressed into my abdomen. He wanted me, yet for some reason, he was holding back. Feeling emboldened, I leaned forward and licked along his neck. “I want you,” I whispered. “Shag me, Tony.”

  He hissed out a breath and spun me around, pressing me up against the wall and grinding against my ass. Smashed against the wall like this, there was no escape. Nowhere to go. Desire raged deep inside, billowing out, making my limbs weak with longing. I panted with anticipation.

  I didn’t want to escape.

  Wiggling my arse, I pressed back against him.

  He groaned deep in his throat, his hand sliding down to cup me intimately as he ground against me again.

  Oh dear God. Yes, yes, yes!

  My breath caught as his fingers deftly undid my jeans and his hand slipped inside, gently brushing against me, seeking.

  I moaned and squirmed, rubbing against him. Yes.

  His hot breath tickled my ear, then his mouth latched onto my neck, sucking hard. I let out a soft squeal, desire raging through me. His other hand went to my breast, cupping, squeezing, while his fingers worked their magic down below. The onslaught was too much. He was too much. Within a matter of seconds, I completely lost it, the fierceness of my orgasm rocking through me swift and hard. I gasped, my body going limp, and sagged against the wall until the spasms finally passed.

  My cellphone rang from inside my purse.

  Shite! Not now!

  Tony jerked away from me.

  I turned around, my gaze seeking his.

  His eyes were black with lust and something darker, something that probably should have frightened me, but it didn’t. I’d finally gotten a reaction out of him. I’d pushed him until he’d given in. But I wasn’t done yet. I wanted more. Much more. I wanted this man more than I’d ever wanted anything before. I wanted him in my bed. Not just tonight. But tomorrow and the day after that...I wanted him to be my lover. For a very long time.

  Hold that thought.

  I hurried to my purse on the kitchen counter, fishing my phone out. The caller ID said, “Atlanta PD.”

  My heart leapt into my throat. Was it about my girls? I quickly swiped the screen. “This is Grace.”

  “Hello,” a male voice said. “This is Officer Johnson from the Atlanta PD. We have two juveniles in custody that we believe are your foster daughters.”

  Relief swept through me. Oh thank God! “You found them? Are they okay?”

  “They’re fine now, though they may need some counseling after what they’ve been through.” The officer explained how Teresa and Camille had told a story about being kidnapped by the Flesh King, and then sold to a truck driver at an auction a few days ago. The girls told the cops that the truck driver had forced both of them to have sex with him, and that they’d tried several times to escape, but he always kept them tied up in back of his truck. Finally, when they’d stopped at a truck stop in Atlanta, Camille had escaped long enough to alert someone inside the store, and cops had arrived to arrest the man before he’d fled with them. The man was now in custody. Apparently the man had told a completely different story to the cops, saying he’d picked up two hitchhikers who’d offered him sex in exchange for getting them out of Georgia.

  Now, Teresa and Camille were waiting at a police station in Atlanta for someone to pick them up. My heart squeezed as I imagined what they’d been through these past few days. They were just children. I’m so sorry, girls. So, so sorry.

  Tony’s gaze narrowed on me.

  “They found my girls,” I told him. “They’re in Atlanta. Vasquez sold them to a truck driver. They escaped when they reached Atlanta. Now they are in police custody.”

  Tony jerked his head in a nod. “And the perv who bought them?”

  “He’s in police custody, too.”

  Tony turned and headed for the door.

  He was leaving?

  “Tony, wait!”

  He paused, turning back to me. “I’m glad they’re okay, but I know you’ll help them the same way you helped Alissa, and then Darcy tonight. You’re a good woman, Grace.” He pulled the door open.

  “Will I see you again?” I asked. Please say yes. I’m not ready to let you go.

  He sighed. “I really need to get home before the sun comes up.”

  Shite, that wasn’t an answer! Feck!

  He went out, closing the door behind him.

  “Ma’am?” the officer said. “You still there?”

  I groaned softly. “Yes. I’m here. I’m coming to get them. I’ll be there in a few hours.” I disconnected the call and dropped my phone back into my purse. Would CPS take the girls away from me and put them in a different home after this? Would they think it was my fault the Flesh King had kidnapped them? Maybe I wasn’t the best foster parent for them. What if Teresa and Camille didn’t want to stay with me, anymore? What if they didn’t want to come back?

  Go get your girls, Grace. They need you right now.

  What about Tony? I didn’t want to end things between us like this. I wanted to see him again.

  Trying to catch him before he left, I ran to the door and glanced outside in time to see his Ferrari screeching out of the parking lot, then his taillights disappearing down the dark road.

  My heart sank. He was gone.

  Would he ever come back?



  Saved by a phone call.

  The night that I left Grace’s, I peeled out of the parking lot and raced for the woods. I hadn’t found her girls, so I didn’t have the right to touch her anymore. If only that call hadn’t come in for another fifteen or twenty minutes…

  Another few minutes and I would have been fucking her against the wall. That was all I had been able to think about over the past several days.

  It was probably a good thing her phone had interrupted us. When she’d tried to kiss me, I’d panicked, grabbing her hands and shoving her up against the wall. I’d wanted to kiss her so badly, but I’d known that would only end in disaster for me. I couldn’t kiss Grace. No way. No how. Ever. If I did, it would be the end for me. I would lose myself in her. I would become weak. I would develop feelings for her. And that couldn’t happen.

  So I’d gotten her off instead, wrenching an orgasm from her that made me hard every time I thought about it. Fuck. I’d wanted more. So much more. That call had saved me from completely losing control.

  I didn’t deserve Grace, no matter how much I wanted her. She was wild and free. Bold and strong-willed. Brave. Fearless. And so fucking beautiful. One night with her would never be enough. Since I hadn’t found her girls for her, there was no reason why she would ever want to see me again.

  Damn, that woman messed with my head. Even now, a week later, I still couldn’t stop thinking about her. I missed her spunk. Her boldness. Her fiery passion. I missed being in her very presence. Her laugh. The way her hips swayed when she walked. Her bold, confident, sexy stride. The way she always looked me in the eye with honesty and openness. When I was around her, I felt alive. Not this dead, soulless beast like when I was a
ll alone.

  My constant thoughts of Grace pushed the persistent souls far back until their voices were mere whispers. Thoughts of Grace saved me from their relentless harassment, their haunting cries of misery, their badgering, their rage, their torment, their disgust. Thoughts of Grace helped set me free from my past and what I’d done.

  Thoughts of Grace put me through a different kind of turmoil.

  I learned through Alissa that Grace had gone to Atlanta and retrieved her foster kids that night, but that CPS had decided the girls were better off in a different foster home, so they’d taken them away. The girls were currently in counseling, and Grace apparently went to visit them at their new home every afternoon. Alissa didn’t know all of the details of what had happened, but she’d said losing the girls had torn Grace up, and that Grace felt like it had been her fault. The fact that Grace still went to check on them every day showed how caring she truly was. The damn woman wore her heart on her sleeve which, in my opinion, left her too vulnerable to hurt. She should learn to hide her emotions better, not let people get so close to her.

  Apparently, Darcy was staying with Grace now. Just until she recovered from the abuse she’d received at the hands of Enrique Vasquez and his thugs. I wasn’t sure what to think about that. Grace was opening herself up for nothing but trouble by letting that woman into her life. Someone needed to warn her about the dangers of being associated with The Company in any way. Alissa told me she’d warned Grace about Darcy, but that Grace insisted she could take care of herself. Of course, she could. She was a cop. But The Company didn’t fuck around. They didn’t care who you were. If you got in their way, they took you out. Grace needed to be cautious with Darcy.

  “Grace isn’t afraid of anything,” Alissa informed me. “I swear, she’d take on an entire army by herself and not show any fear.”

  I easily pictured that image. A lone red-haired goddess taking on an entire army. She would probably take down several of them before they got to her. Grace was indeed tough. She was a cop, after all. She could take care of herself.

  But she needed to learn to be less trusting, less open. Or she was going to get hurt.


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