Jacob's Sweet Temptation

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by Angela Franklin

  Jacob’s Sweet


  Cedar Springs Book 2

  By: Angela Franklin

  This book is a work of fiction. The town, characters, and situations have no bearing in the real world. If you expect it to be true to life, please do not read this, but if you want to let your imagination wonder, enjoy!

  I would like to dedicate this book to all those who read it. I am a new author, but I do it because I enjoy it!

  Welcome to Cedar Springs, NC

  Where the ladies are voluptuous,

  And the men are good ole country boys

  Trying to corral them!

  Chapter 1

  “Thanks for inviting me Luke.” Jacob said as he walked in to the big ranch house.

  “Anytime. Make yourself at home. There is beer in the fridge and Chase is ordering food.” Luke said as he showed him in.

  The house was large, but felt homey. Jacob hadn’t been here before, but that was a good thing, that meant there wasn’t a fire here. As fire chief, he would know if there had been. Luke had invited lots of the guys who weren’t on duty today and some of the other guys from town to hang out at the ranch for the night. Jacob seemed to be the first to arrive.

  “So are the others comi...” Jacob started.

  “Luke, I swear I will kill you. I know you did it on purpose.” He heard coming from the front door as Luke busted out laughing.

  “Is there a problem?” Jacob asked as the girl started kicking the door.

  “Luke Collins, I swear I will castrate you if you don’t let me in NOW!” At that Jacob snapped his eyes up and watched Luke wiping tears from his eyes.

  “Guess I better let her in.” Luke said. “She may actually do it one day.” Luke walked to the door with Jacob right behind him.

  “Damn it Luke. I will tell Callie.” The sweet voice yelled.

  “Oh don’t upset her. She needs her rest.” Luke said as he opened the door.

  “Stop being a brat.” She said as she stomped into the house as Luke stepped back and ran right into Jacob. “Oh, sorry I didn’t know anyone was here.” Chasity said as she wobbled trying to catch her balance. Jacob’s arms automatically went around her to help steady her.

  “Hey Chasity, how are you?” Jacob said looking down at her.

  “Um hi.” She said wiggling away, but he didn’t release her. “You can let me go. I’m fine you big brute.” Chasity told him, her beautiful blue eyes snapping fire at him.

  “Well, you just threatened Luke and he has to work tomorrow. I don’t want to cover for him, so if I let you go will you refrain from killing him today?” Jacob asked smiling down at her.

  “Fine, but if you don’t let me go now, you will have a very bad day off.” Chasity told him and kicked his shin.

  “Damn Luke, no wonder you didn’t want to let her in.” Jacob said as he leaned over to rub his shin. “She’s a hell cat.”

  “I’m not one of your little damsels in distress, and you would do well to remember that.” Chasity told him as she stomped up the stairs.

  “Sorry about her. She is part of the package here now.” Luke said laughing at her as she went.

  “I heard that, and I can take away your bear claws.” Chasity told him as she disappeared up the steps.

  “That’s just cruel and unusual punishment. I didn’t mean it, I LOVE YOU CHASITY!” Luke yelled up at her.

  “That’s what I thought.” Chasity replied leaning over the railing and smiling at Luke. “ I will have them for you tomorrow, and get your box out of the car please.” She winked and walked away.

  “God she’s great.” Luke said as he walked out the door.

  “I don’t understand what just happened.” Jacob admitted as he walked with him.

  “That’s how we always are.” Luke said shrugging.

  “So you’re dating Chasity and Callie is engaged to Chase?” Jacob said and wasn’t happy with the jealousy he felt toward his friend.

  “Oh no. That’s just wrong. She would murder me if I even thought about it.” Luke said pulling a box out and opening it. “And if she murders me, I can’t have these anymore.” He bit into one sighing happily.

  “Where did those come from?” Jacob asked eyeing the box.

  “You have lived here forever and you don’t go to Sweetastics?” Luke asked him.

  “I have been once or twice.” Jacob shrugged.

  “Chasity is the best baker anywhere. Try one, but don’t tell the guys about my stash.” Luke said as they went back in.

  Jacob took one of the large pastries out of the box and smelled it. It smelled amazing. Taking a small bite, he sighed. It was so sweet and fluffy; it would melt in your mouth. He was just finishing it when Luke walked back in with a beer for him.

  “I think I just fell in love with a damn cake.” Jacob said shaking his head.

  “I know. These are my favorite, but there are so many to try.” Luke said. “Why don’t you ever go there? I thought everyone went to Sweetastics.” Luke asked him.

  “Just never really thought about it.” Jacob shrugged.

  That was such a lie. He didn’t go because he knew better. He was doing just fine working the firehouse and playing the field, but if he got too close to her that may change. He felt like something was missing lately and it worried him. He always avoided the one thing he wanted most.

  “Is Chasity always so violent?” Jacob asked to distract himself.

  “No, it’s just me. She says I’m the big brother she never wanted.” Luke told him smiling. “I do my best to annoy her as much as possible, but she usually wins with the threat of cutting things off or taking away my bear claws.”

  “I’m sure she’s harmless.” Jacob started. “Then again, my shin still hurts where she kicked me.”

  “Yeah, she is definitely not harmless.” Luke told him with a shudder. “Chase and I got in a fight a while back and the she demon turned a hose on us. Can you believe she would actually do that?”

  “I remember you coming in looking pretty rough. Must have been pretty convincing with that water hose.” Jacob said smiling.

  Jacob sat with Luke on the couch as they waited for the others and watched tv. He could occasionally hear Chasity upstairs laughing. As the others arrived, so did several women he had seen around town. They were lead upstairs by Chase. The guys gathered in the living room where Luke had set up a card table. After Chase came back down he ordered them pizza and then came to play cards with them. Jacob was amazed at the number of times he left to go check on Callie. She had people with her, he couldn’t understand the need to check on her.

  “Is Callie okay? Chase keeps checking on her like she may disappear.” Jacob asked Luke.

  “We just found out she is actually having twins, and she has been put on bed rest so that they don’t come too early.” Luke answered as he looked up the stairs as if wanting to check on her himself.

  “Oh. I couldn’t figure out why he kept running the stairs. I guess that makes sense.” Jacob said shrugging.

  “She was in the hospital last night. She went into preterm labor and they had to stop it.” Luke told him.

  “Oh. I’m glad she is okay.” Jacob said feeling bad he had even questioned why Chase would go upstairs so much.

  “No worries. She just has to stay in bed now. Unfortunately, that means Chasity will be here a lot more.” Luke told him not looking like is really bothered him.


  Chasity had been upstairs with Callie and the girls for a few hours but she was starting to get tired. She had another long day at the bakery tomorrow. Callie seemed like she was getting tired too. The night was winding down and she had heard the door downstairs open a couple times, so she figured
the guys were leaving too. Good, maybe Jacob was long gone too. She didn’t know why but something about him bugged her.

  “Callie, I think I’m gonna head home. I’m getting tired and it looks like you are too.” Chasity told her sister with a smile.

  “Are you sure? I don’t mind if you want to stay longer.” Callie tried to say around a yawn.

  “Yeah, you need to rest and keep those babies happy.” Chasity said smiling at her.

  “You’re right. Will you send me long johns tomorrow?” Callie asked her.

  “Of course. That man of yours would kill me if I didn’t.” Chasity laughed.

  Chasity kissed her and went out behind the other girls. As she got to the bottom of the steps she heard voices. She walked the other girls out and watched as they started their cars before turning back to the living room.

  “Is Callie feeling okay?” Chase asked with a frown.

  “Yeah she’s fine. She was looking tired so we decided it was time to let her get some rest.” Chasity told him quietly.

  “Thank you for coming. I know it makes her happy. Please be careful going home. I will send for her long johns tomorrow.” Chase said looking back at Luke.

  “Let me help you clean up. It will make it go faster, so you can get upstairs to Callie.” Chasity said walking around him, only to run straight into that hard wall again.

  “We meet again.” Jacob said wrapping his arms around her.

  “Why are you still here?” Chasity asked him fury in her eyes.

  “I was just about to leave, but I think I need to stay a little longer now. You seem to have a habit of losing your balance around me.” Jacob said pulling her closer.

  “Don’t flatter yourself. Why do you think it’s okay to keep putting your hands on me?” Chasity bit out angrily, realizing she hadn’t even tried to pull away.

  “Ah my sweet, I will always use any excuse to put my hands on a beautiful woman.” Jacob said smiling at her.

  “Luke, didn’t you warn him I don’t make idol threats.” Chasity said never taking her eyes off of Jacob.

  “Your so cute when you threaten me. I do find it odd that you haven’t even tried to pull away. That’s probably because you don’t really want to, but I don’t mind holding you.” He said watching as she gasped.

  “How dare you, you man whore.” Chasity said as she gave him a right hook he didn’t see coming, and pulled away glaring at him.

  Chasity stepped back and shook her hand. At least Jacob was rubbing his cheek. It made the pain in her hand worth it to know that she had hurt him. As she watched him, he smiled at her before walking over and taking her hand in his.

  “That was a good try, but next time try this.” Jacob said as he molded her fist into the correct position. “This will keep you from hurting your hand next time.” He smiled at her again.

  “What is wrong with you? I hit you and you decide it’s best to show me a better way.” Chasity glared up at him.

  “Dude, she is right. Why show her how? She will just use it against you.” Luke told him. Chasity had forgotten he was still there.

  “If she needs to defend herself, she needs to be able to so with little damage to herself.” Jacob said rubbing his thumb over her knuckles.

  “If my hand didn’t hurt so bad, I would hit you now. Why are you still touching me?” Chasity asked trying to pull her hand away.

  “I do have training in first aid. I’m trying to see if you did any real damage, and I just like to touch you. Your skin is so soft.” Jacob said and moved his hand to her wrist as he pulled her to the kitchen.

  “You are really getting on my nerves. Stop manhandling me!” Chasity told him jerking her hand away, only to hit it over the door jam.

  “Would you just stop fighting me. I am only trying to help you, my sweet.” Jacob said as he sat her at the table and opened the freezer getting ice to put on her knuckles.

  Chasity really wanted to fight him, but the ice felt good on her hand. Crazy man seemed to think it was okay to hold her hand while he held the ice on it. Were all firefighters as annoying as Jacob and Luke? She really needed to get out and meet new people if this man was enough to make her crazy and turn her on at the same time. She was just tired, that had to be it.

  “Why is it necessary for you to hold my hand? I am perfectly capable of holding it myself.” Chasity glared at him.

  “So feisty. Are you like this to all of your customers too?” Jacob asked with a smirk.

  “I’ll have you know I am actually well liked.” Chasity huffed at him.

  “From what I have seen, you are always like this. You have argued with me and Luke both, and that’s just today. Doesn’t it make you tired? Why don’t you just relax and go with it?” Jacob said rubbing his thumb over the pulse point on her wrist.

  “Relax and go with what? I’m very tired, but instead of cleaning up and going home, you are manhandling me. So, if you would just leave me alone, I can get it done.” Chasity told him wishing she wasn’t enjoying the feel of his touch so much.

  “You are right, I will let you get what you need to done.” Jacob told her as he walked to doorway. “But this isn’t over.” He said over his shoulder with a smirk.

  “What isn’t over?” Chasity called to him, but he just kept going.

  Chasity pulled the ice pack away and fisted her hand. It still hurt, but she could deal with it. Getting up she went to the living room and began cleaning. She was almost done when she heard someone clear their throat. Looking up she saw Luke watching her. She had forgotten anyone was here.

  “You getting ready to head home?” Luke asked her.

  “Yeah, I have to be at the bakery early in the morning.” Chasity told him quietly.

  “You okay?” Luke asked coming closer.

  “Yeah, my hand is fine. Just a little sore. I will be fine in the morning.” Chasity said flexing her hand.

  “I’m not talking about your hand, Chasity.” Luke replied putting his arm around her.

  “I know, but I’m good.” She replied as she leaned into him.

  “I’ve never seen you let anyone get under your skin like that, what happened?” Luke asked her.

  “I don’t really know.” Chasity told him honestly. “I have no idea why I behaved that way. It was like I had no filter and he knew all my buttons.”

  “Do you need me to talk to him, keep him away from you?” Luke asked her frowning. “I will, I don’t mind.”

  “I know you would and I really appreciate it, but I’ll be okay. Maybe it was just because I’m so tired. I’m gonna head home. See you tomorrow?” Chasity asked looking up at him.

  “Yeah I’ll be in sometime. I’m here if you need me, you know that right?” He said hugging her.

  “I know and if I need you I will call, I promise.” Chasity laughed as she walked away.

  When she got home, she took a long hot bath. She couldn’t help but remember the feel of his arms around her. She felt so safe. Chasity had never needed comfort, but she felt it with him. Her reflex was to fight it, that was what had her fighting him. She felt overwhelmed when he pulled her close and called her “my sweet”, that’s why she punched him. The pain had distracted her, until he held her hand. Going to bed she knew her dreams would be filled with him, it was going to be a long night.

  Chapter 2

  Chasity was right, she didn’t get much sleep. Now she was at the bakery and she was not happy. She had burnt two batches of muffins today, she really needed to find her happy place. After carefully taking out the next batch she decided music was a good distraction. She found her station and went back to baking, that was much better. Chasity danced around the kitchen singing and pushing yesterday from her mind.

  Tina came in to open the bakery and Chasity made sure she was set, then went back to her kitchen. Tina had been working for her for a while and could handle the bakery. She would let her know if she needed anything. A few hours later she was still happily singing and dancing, when Tina said someone was as
king for her up front. Luke was working today and, glancing at the clock she noticed it was his normal time to come in. Chasity grabbed the extra-large bear claws she had made just for him and walked out.

  “See, that is why this is my favorite place to come. You know me so well.” Luke said as he walked to his usually booth.

  “You’re easy. Keep you feed and you’re a happy man.” Chasity laughed as she sat with him.

  “If you weren’t my sister, I would marry you.” Luke sighed as he bit into his yummy treat.

  “Then it’s good Chase and Callie are getting married or I would have to break your heart.” She replied smiling as Tina brought her a cup of coffee. She sighed around the first sip. “So, how has work been so far?”

  “Nothing going on, so great. How are you? You look tired.” Luke asked her, as he inspected her.

  “I’m fine. I just couldn’t sleep last night.” She smiled at him, but he lifted one eyebrow and waited for more. “Fine, I didn’t sleep and I burnt two pans of muffins this morning, but I’m good now.” She rolled her eyes at him and he smiled.

  “I heard the music in the kitchen and figured you were trying to push something out of your mind. Wanna talk about it?” Luke asked as he continued to eat his bear claws.

  “No. Nothing to talk about, just couldn’t sleep and I was frustrated I burnt the muffins.” Chasity told him shrugging.

  “I know you’re lying, but I will let it go. If you need me, I’m here anytime. Well, as long as nothing is on fire anyways.” Luke smiled at her. It was what she called his big brother smile. She was use to it and just nodded.

  Chasity sat and drank her coffee as Luke talked about getting a cat out of a tree and other random things. She was safe here. He never came so that meant she didn’t need to worry about another confrontation. She was a bit snippy and she didn’t back down, but with him she was downright mean and she didn’t like it. Most people loved her, the ones that didn’t had done something to deserve her wrath.


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