Hustle: Men of Inked: Southside #4

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Hustle: Men of Inked: Southside #4 Page 8

by Chelle Bliss

  She parts her lips, and it takes everything in me not to kiss her. “You want to date me?” She blinks a few times, probably just as shocked by that admission as I am.

  “I want to see where whatever this is takes us.”

  “Let’s see if we survive tonight, and we’ll talk.”

  She didn’t say no, but she’s making me more nervous about tonight than I already was.

  “Are they going to hate me?” I ask, trying to swallow down the nerves that have been climbing up my throat.

  “My brothers will both like and hate you. I’m their little sister, and they’re protective. The rest of my family might not be overly thrilled that I’m not dating a Latino guy.”

  “I can’t change who I am. I’m sure they’ll love me anyway. I mean, look at me, what’s not to like?”

  She laughs and slaps my chest playfully. “You’re okay for a white boy. At least my mother will stop trying to fix me up with every available man she knows.”

  Her mother sounds like mine, always sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong. I have one mission tonight. Win over Bianca’s family. It’s the only way there’s any hope of moving beyond our dry-humping on her couch.

  “I’ll make them happy I’m yours.” I usher her into the elevator as soon as the doors open.

  She inhales slowly and plasters her back against the wall. “My family isn’t going to be as easy to convince as your team, Vinnie.” She closes her eyes, resting her head against the wood wall. “I haven’t had a real boyfriend in a while, and if we’re not careful, they’ll see right through the lie.”

  “We’re lying?”

  “We are.” She nods.

  “You’re attracted to me?” I ask, touching her hips as I face her.

  “I am.”

  “I’m so attracted to you, Bianca. It’s taking all my willpower not to kiss you right now and fuck you right here.”

  She sucks in a quick breath.

  “I know what you look like when you come. I know the tiny noises you make as you rock against my cock. I’m pretty sure I know enough to make it believable.”

  “I wouldn’t announce that to my family.”

  “I’m not an idiot, and anything I do tonight will be real and genuine. I’m done playing, baby.”

  “Vinnie, I can’t make a commitment. Not now.”

  “You will,” I tell her. “After tonight, you’re going to be begging to be my girl.”

  That’s the one thing I’m sure of. I’ll do everything in my power to win over this girl and make her mine. The realization hits me square in the chest, stealing my breath like I was just sucker-punched.

  I’ve never felt this way before, and it scares the shit out of me.



  “I THOUGHT you said this was a small anniversary party.” Vinnie has his hand on my lower back, guiding me through the lobby toward the ballroom.

  The music’s so loud, the vases lining the hallways are vibrating against the tables, creating music of their own.

  “I never said small.” I hold in my laughter. The Hernandez family doesn’t know what the word small even means. From cooking to parties, everything is big.

  “This is a wedding, baby.”

  I shake my head. “It’s my parents’ thirtieth wedding anniversary, silly. Doesn’t your family do this?”

  He shakes his head as we continue walking toward the packed ballroom. “My parents just got married a few months ago.”

  I blink in confusion. “What?”

  “It’s a long story.”

  “Bianca,” my brother Luis says as soon as he sees us walk into the ballroom.

  It’s like he was waiting at the entrance for us, trying to get his first look at the new man on my arm. I’m pretty sure he wanted to put the fear of God into whoever is dating his little sister, but I have a trick up my sleeve with the hot footballer my brother can’t help but love.

  With my past boyfriends, and I use that term loosely, it was pretty easy for my brothers to intimidate them. The guys were always scrawny, nerdy types who probably couldn’t throw a punch to save their life—or my own. But Vinnie…he is the entire package and the perfect complement to my brothers’ sizes and attitudes.

  “Luis.” I smile, finally happy with who’s standing behind me.

  It’s a game my brothers play with the men in my life. It’s a wicked game of cat and mouse, putting the fear of God in them if any harm, including sex, comes to me. They’re lame. Always have been. From the day I first started getting boobs, it became their personal mission to keep me safe and my virtue intact.

  Luis’s not looking at me; he’s glaring at Vinnie like I don’t even exist anymore. Watching the two of them posturing is like watching an episode of exotic animal behavior on National Geographic.

  I place my hand on Vinnie’s chest and curl into his side, just to see my brother’s body puff up with anger. “This is Vinnie. My boyfriend.” I drive the second sentence home when I pop up on my tiptoes and plant a big, wet kiss on Vinnie’s lips.

  Vinnie’s hand goes to my waist, digging his fingertips into my skin through all the layers of lace. “What are you doing, baby? Trying to get me killed?” he whispers with a small smirk.

  “What’s going on over here?” Right on cue, Javier makes his appearance.

  I back away from Vinnie, smiling up at him. “Javi, this is Vinnie.”

  “Her boyfriend,” Luis tells him, waving his arm in our direction as I swing around to face them both. “If you can’t already tell by the way he’s sucking our sister’s face.”

  I roll my eyes because these two could turn the smallest act of affection into banging in public.

  “I see that.” Javi runs his hands through his hair like he’s debating if he should make a scene or not.

  He’s done it before. Hell, they both have.

  Vinnie puts his hand out, thinking maybe if he introduces himself, my brothers will somehow chill out. “I’m Vinnie,” he says to Javi like my brother’s instantly going to turn into someone other than an asshole because Vinnie extended his hand to him.

  They both stare at him, shoulders squared, and the tiny vein they both have in their foreheads starts to protrude like it’s ready to pop.

  “Vinnie Gallo,” I add with a smirk. “Maybe you’ve heard of him? He just got signed by your favorite football team.”

  They rock backward on their heels, acting more like clones than two separate people as the realization of who Vinnie actually is hits them square in the chest.

  “The rookie quarterback for Chicago?” Luis asks, like he’s not quite believing what I just said.

  Vinnie smiles with a quick nod. “The one and only.”

  “No shit.” Javi’s face softens, and for a moment, I’m hopeful my brothers will finally play nice with one of my dates.

  “The notorious womanizer,” Luis adds like he knows everything there is to know about Vinnie.

  Javi crosses his arms in front of his chest, and the hard stare he had earlier is back. “You have quite the reputation.”

  “It’s all lies. I’m dedicated and faithful to your sister. Look at her.” Vinnie dips his head to me. “She’s a knockout and smart, too.”

  “I don’t like this,” Luis says because he’s never been one to bite his tongue.

  “A professional football player isn’t the right match for you,” Javi agrees with Luis, telling me who I should date, as if their opinions matter.

  I want to knee them both in the junk. Instead, I slide my hand underneath the back of Vinnie’s suit jacket, loving the dip of his muscles near the center of his back. “Can you give me a minute with my brothers?”

  “Sure, baby. Want a drink?”

  “I’d love something stiff, sweetheart.” I smile when both of my brothers grunt their disapproval of the word I used, which I totally did on purpose.

  “Anything you want. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  I stare at my two brothers, none of us saying
anything until Vinnie’s a few feet away. I place my hands on my hips and glare at my brothers for being such enormous assholes. “You two need to stop right now. I like him. He’s been nothing but an absolute gentleman to me.”

  If you don’t count dry-humping me on the couch the other night, but I leave that part out.

  “Football players are dogs, Bianca,” Luis says.

  “All men are, Luis. You, yourself, are a total womanizer, and you don’t hear me trying to run off every woman you bring around.”

  Luis crosses his arms, not backing down, and I can tell this isn’t going to be as easy as I thought. “You’re my sister. It’s my job to protect you.”

  “It was your job to protect me when I was little. I’m twenty-five now. I can defend myself. And you—” I point at Javi, waving my finger. “I expected more from you.”

  Javi throws his arms out. “I didn’t do anything.”

  “You’re jumping on the Luis bandwagon. So help me God, if you two try to chase Vinnie away, I’ll elope with him as payback.”

  Luis’s eyes widen. “You wouldn’t.”

  I smirk. “Try me.”

  Luis runs his hand through his dark hair and glances down at the floor. “We just don’t want to see you hurt, Bianca.”

  “I’m happy for the first time in a long time. I just want you two to be supportive and not try to run him off. He doesn’t scare easily like the other guys.”

  “Well, yeah. He’s a man.” Luis laughs, jabbing my brother in the ribs. “Not a pussy like the other guys.”

  “Then be happy for me, or I’ll make you both sorry.”

  My brothers remain silent as Vinnie returns with two drinks in his hands. I take my drink, whatever it is, and drink half the glass before Vinnie says his next words.

  “I’d love it if you guys came to a game this season, or you could come by practice and watch the team work out.”

  That’s all he had to say to two die-hard football fans. Between my talk and Vinnie’s bribe, they finally chill the fuck out.

  “That would be great, man,” Javi says, almost cracking a smile.

  “We wouldn’t want to impose,” Luis adds, but he’s completely full of shit.

  “I insist that you come as my personal guests.” Vinnie tips his head, impressing me with his ability to think on his feet and not being the least bit fazed by my brothers.

  I wrap my arm around Vinnie’s back, practically plastering myself against him just because I know it’s going to piss off Luis and Javier. “Now if you’ll excuse us, we’re going to see Mom and Dad.”

  They don’t say a word, only grunt, the closest thing they can do without me losing my shit on them.

  “Sorry they’re assholes,” I tell Vinnie as we head toward the reception line near the steps to the dance floor.

  His arm is around my back, gripping my hip with his massive hand. “They’re your brothers. It’s their job to be assholes, Bianca. I’d be worried if they weren’t.”

  “My parents will be easier. My mother will be happy I’m not alone.”

  He glances down at me as we get closer. “And your father?”

  “He wants whatever makes me happy, and he’s your biggest fan.”

  My father’s eyes light up as soon as he sees me. That’s the way it always is with him. He says I’m his greatest joy. I can literally do no wrong in my father’s eyes. My mother is a little tougher, worried I’ll grow old and be alone forever.

  “Mija,” my father says, holding out his arms to me.

  I release Vinnie and walk into my father’s embrace, wrapping my arms around him tightly. “Hi, Papa.”

  “I’ve missed you,” he whispers in my ear. “You’re always locked away in that apartment of yours, typing away on your keyboard.”

  “I’m on a deadline. I’m sorry.”

  He backs away and cups my face. “Don’t ever be sorry for following your dream. I’m so proud of you.”

  My insides warm at his words. “Thanks, Papa.”

  My father’s eyes finally leave me, catching sight of the handsome man standing behind me. “Who do we have here?”

  I reach out, hooking my arm through Vinnie’s. “This is my boyfriend, Vinnie.”

  Vinnie holds out his hand. “It’s an honor to meet you, sir.”

  “You look familiar, son. Where do I know you from?”

  “Papa, this is Vinnie Gallo. He plays football for Chicago.”

  My father slides his hand into Vinnie’s palm. “The superstar?”

  Vinnie’s smile grows, and he stands a little taller. “Some people say that.”

  My father looks at me, his hand still shaking Vinnie’s. “You’re dating a professional football player?”

  I nod, unable to wipe the proud smile off my face. “Yes, Papa. He’s also my neighbor.”

  “Oh my word,” my mother finally says after an aunt once removed and someone I’ve only seen once in my life finally walks away, letting her come up for air. “That woman can talk.” My mother roams her eyes over Vinnie, soaking in his handsome face, wide shoulders, and all-around huge, muscular body.

  “Mama, this is Vinnie.”

  “The boyfriend?” my mother asks, still staring at him like a piece of steak.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Vinnie answers with that smile that could have just about any girl dropping her panties and begging to be fucked.

  My mother wiggles her fingers, motioning for Vinnie to come closer. “Let me get a better look at you.”

  Vinnie looks at me like I’m going to rescue him or give him permission, but I give him a little push in her direction. She’s the entire reason I asked Vinnie to come with me to this party. Maybe now she’ll get off my back and stop trying to fix me up with every available man she knows.

  She touches his face first. “Well, aren’t you handsome.”

  Vinnie smiles nervously, and it’s totally adorable. “You’re very beautiful yourself, Mrs. Hernandez.”

  She slides her hands down his thick neck to his shoulders. “Solid frame. Good genes. You’ll make wonderful grandchildren.”

  Vinnie stiffens. “I don’t think we’re ready to have children yet,” he tells her, letting her feel him up like she’s buying livestock.

  “I didn’t plan to have Luis when I did either. Accidents happen, handsome.”

  I bite my lip to stop myself from laughing because I’m pretty sure Vinnie’s going to be running for the hills by the time this evening is over. I haven’t met his family, but they can’t be as crazy as mine.

  “My daughter will not have a child out of wedlock,” my papa adds, still thinking of me as his virginal daughter, even though my books are as dirty as they come.

  My mother eyes my father. “I remember my father saying the same words to you.” She smirks and finally releases her hold on Vinnie.

  “I made an honest woman out of you, Luciana,” my father says as he pulls my mother into his arms and presses his lips against hers.

  So far, this evening is going exactly how I planned. My parents like Vinnie, and my brothers don’t. But one thing’s for sure; I’m no longer the lonely girl in their eyes, destined to be single forever.

  “Your grandmother is waiting for you, Bianca,” Mama says, glancing toward a table near the dance floor. “She’s excited to meet Vinnie.”

  “Okay,” I say with trepidation because my grandmother is like a human lie detector. If she doesn’t give her blessing, we are doomed. “We’ll be back.”

  “Should I be worried?” Vinnie asks as we make our way down the staircase.

  “Put on your game face, Gallo. My grandmother is a tough one, and she’ll see through any lie.”

  “What’s to lie about, baby?”

  He keeps calling me that, and I do nothing to correct him. Every romance novel I read where the man repeatedly calls the woman baby has me rolling my eyes so hard, I almost make myself dizzy. But for some reason, when he calls me baby, it makes my insides all warm and my belly flutter uncontrollably.r />
  I stop on the bottom step and turn to face him. “If she doesn’t think we’re in love, she’ll never give her blessing. She has a weird sixth sense about these types of things.”

  “I got you,” he says with absolutely no hesitation.

  I have no doubt he very much has me, and that’s not something that’s easy for me to admit.



  “COME CLOSER,” her grandmother says, holding out her hands as we stand a few feet away. “I don’t see so well anymore.”

  I don’t know how old the woman is, but her face is weathered like she’s spent most of her life in the sun. There are hints of Bianca’s much younger features in the woman’s face. The big, dark eyes, high cheekbones, and a small, delicate nose.

  Bianca tightens her grip on my hand as I take a step forward, and I give her a little squeeze, letting her know it’s okay. I’ve taken on way more formidable opponents than the tiny, frail woman in front of me.

  “Down a little,” the woman says, wiggling her fingers and motioning for me to leave almost no space between us.

  “Oh lordy,” Bianca whispers from behind me.

  I glance over my shoulder with a wink and take a knee in front of her grandmother’s legs, releasing Bianca’s hand.

  The woman places her hands on my shoulders, working her fingertips into my muscles. “Strong shoulders.” Her hands slide down my biceps, and there’s a hint of a smile on her lips. “Big arms.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” I smile, knowing this woman is feeling me up, but I’m okay with it because it’s Bianca’s grandmother.

  “What do you do, boy?”

  Bianca moves closer, casting a shadow over me. “His name is Vinnie, Abuela.”

  Her hands are on my forearms now, kneading my muscles through my suit jacket. “Do you work with your hands?” she asks as she moves her face closer, trying to see my features.

  “In a way.”

  “A farmer?” she asks, being more direct.

  “No, ma’am. I play football.”


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