Saving You

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Saving You Page 7

by Kelly Elliott

  “Well he certainly remembered you.” I turned to look over my shoulder. “And he is staring at your ass as you walk away.”

  Grace threw her head back and laughed. “Thank God I did some squats last week.”

  Grace’s phone buzzed and she began reading a text message. The smile that spread across her face had been the first real smile I’d seen in the last few months. She looked over at me and winked. “Looks like I’ll be getting laid after all.”

  My mouth dropped open. “Grace, I thought you were just saying that. Are you sure about this? You said yourself you don’t really know this guy.”

  Grace looked behind her and I followed her gaze. Noah was now walking to his truck that was parked on the beach.

  “Oh, I’m sure. I’m very sure,” Grace said as she turned back around and walked with a smile on her face.

  SITTING AT THE table, I glanced over to Grace. She had hooked up with Noah last night. When she got back, I could tell something was off. What I couldn’t tell was if that something was bad or good. Her face was flush as she leaned against the door like she had just had the most amazing time of her life. She reached her fingers up to her lips and closed her eyes. She quickly changed and crawled into bed. I had tried to talk to her, but she said she was exhausted and we would talk the next day. She avoided talking to me about it all day. I was hoping she had talked to Alex at least.

  Staring back down at my espresso-soaked brownie sundae, I began to pick at it. This was the first time in the last five years that Luke and I didn’t share this sundae. I peeked up and saw him staring at me. I smiled weakly and his eyes lit up before he looked away from me. My heart dropped and I closed my eyes. I hated how my body reacted to him. I hated that the more I tried to push him out of my heart, the stronger he held onto it.

  Alex sat next to me and bumped my shoulder. I smiled and looked back at my sundae.

  Taking a bite, I looked back up, only to find Luke looking at me again as he began to talk. “I say we camp on the beach tonight. Throw up two tents and build a fire.”

  Lauren began to hop up and down. “Oh my gosh, yes!”

  Meg smiled and said, “Totally sounds like a good time.”

  Colt talked about making s’mores as I watched Alex and Will exchange looks.

  Turning to Taylor, Colt asked if she was in on camping.

  She nodded her head and said, “I’m in. Sounds like fun.”

  Luke looked back at me. “Lib? You down for some camping?”

  My stomach dropped as I thought how much I wanted to be with Luke. Zach’s voice popped into my head. I smiled weakly and nodded. “Why not. Sounds like fun.”

  Luke’s eyes lit up before he turned and gently hit Grace on the side of her arm. “Grace? You down?”

  “Hell yes, I’m down for that!”

  Glancing around the table at everyone, Luke smiled. “Then, it’s a plan. We’re camping on the beach tonight.” His eyes landed on mine and something happened. It was as if he was trying to tell me something but didn’t know how.

  Swallowing hard, I stood and threw my sundae out as I made my way outside. I needed fresh air.

  I leaned against the railing and took in a deep breath. If he wanted me … he’d take me.

  Zach’s words came back to me again.

  “I can’t wait to make you mine.”

  I GRABBED A few sticks and the bag of marshmallows and made my way over to the fire. I wanted to put this whole day behind me. The arguing with Libby, listening to her talking to Zach on the phone, and telling him how much she missed him still played through my memory.

  Sitting next to Libby, I held out the sticks. “Grab a stick and roast some marshmallows, y’all.” I took a marshmallow out for me and then asked Libby if she wanted one. She nodded and stared straight into the fire.

  I put a marshmallow on her stick and handed it to her. “How is school going? I don’t see much of you anymore.”

  Swallowing hard, Libby said, “It’s fine. I hear you’re busy, with other things.”

  I pulled my head back and looked at her. What the hell is that supposed to mean?

  I turned and focused on the conversations around the fire. We laughed and talked about everything from school to how much Maegan hated the country life. When I said I would lock Taylor away if she was my daughter, everyone laughed. I glanced over to look at Libby and what little happiness I felt was gone the moment I saw her smile at her phone. She must have gotten a text from Zach. I watched as she stood and made her way out to the water.

  “God, I need to get laid, again.”

  I jumped up and looked at my sister. “What? What the hell did you just say, Grace?”

  Rolling her eyes at me, Grace said, “Please, don’t even go there. How many girls have you hooked up with during the last two days we’ve been here?”

  I glanced back to where Libby was standing. “None,” I said as I turned back to Grace.

  My sister shrugged. “Well, look at you. I’m impressed.”

  Glaring at her as she walked by, I wanted to know who in the hell she hooked up with in the last two days. I was going to kick their fucking ass.

  Alex, Colt, and Will were all talking, but I tuned them out. Libby was no longer on the phone. I barely whispered, “I’m, uh … going to say good night to Libby.”

  Walking over to Libby, I stood next to her and looked out over the black ocean. “I miss you, Libby.”

  I felt her turn and look at me. “What?”

  Looking back at her, I smiled. “I miss talking to you. Hanging out with you.”

  Libby quickly turned and looked back out over the ocean. “You miss hanging out as friends.” I was about to say something when she laughed. She shook her head and looked at me. “You changed all that the night you kissed me. The night you told me you wanted more, Luke. Then …” She shook her head and looked down before looking back at me. “Then you just acted as if nothing ever happened between us. Do you have any idea how that made me feel?”

  “Libby, I …”

  She held up her hand. “No. I’m tired of arguing with you, of wondering why I was never good enough for you. I’ve found someone who does want to be with me. Someone who wants more than—friendship. Just like you found with Abigail.”

  I stood there stunned. “Abigail? What the hell does she have anything to do with this?”

  Libby let out a nervous laugh. “Please, Luke. Don’t play stupid. I’m tired of this. I’m done.”

  Turning on her heels, Libby headed back toward the tent. I so desperately wanted to go after her. I started after her before I stopped myself. She deserved someone who would never hurt her.

  “I found someone who wants more than friendship.”

  I WALKED ACROSS campus in a daze. Every time I saw Libby with Zach, I felt sick to my stomach. This morning had been no different. Seeing the two of them walking together holding hands caused me to turn in the opposite direction and walk further than I needed to go. Thank God there were only a few more days left and the semester would be over.

  Walking in, I shut the door and called out for Will.

  I threw my backpack down on the sofa. Walking to the kitchen, I ran my hand through my hair and let out a sigh. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out. I had a text message from my old girlfriend, Karen.

  Karen: Hey there stranger. You up for pizza tonight?

  Me: Sure. Where at?

  Karen: Luigis? They’ve got live Jazz tonight.

  Me: Meet you there at six.

  Karen: Looking forward to it.

  I opened the refrigerator and pulled out a beer. Twisting the cap off, I tossed it onto the counter and made my way into the living room. I wasn’t sure why Karen wanted to meet for pizza, other than to catch up. We had kept in touch and spoke once or twice every few months. Reaching down and grabbing my backpack, I threw it on the floor. I sunk down into the cushions and turned on the television.

  I downed my beer and set it on the coffee table and leaned
back. Closing my eyes, I thought back to the last night of Christmas break, when Libby and I ended up alone together in my barn.

  THE MOMENT I smelled her perfume, I stopped moving. I turned and looked at Libby standing in the middle of the barn. I began walking out of the stall when she held her hand up. She started laughing and I knew she was drunk.

  “Lib? Have you been drinking?”

  She nodded her head and stumbled. I dropped the rake and quickly reached out and caught her. I pulled her into my arms and helped her to stand straight.

  “Don’t let go of me, Luke,” Libby said as she looked into my eyes.

  I smiled and shook my head. “Lib, where have you been?”

  She tilted her head and bit down on her lip, causing my dick to jump in my pants. “I’s been drinking with Meg. We were drownin’ our sorrows with Jack.”

  I nodded my head. “Baby, you’re gonna be drowning in a hangover come tomorrow.”

  Her eyes lit up and she took a step forward, causing me to take a step back. “Why do you call me baby?”

  “Um …” I looked around. Where the hell is Grace? “I won’t if you don’t like it, Lib.” Libby’s eyes lit up, even through the drunken haze, I could see her desire for me.

  Libby stopped right in front of me. “I like it, Luke. A lot. More than I should. Just like I like you more than I should.” Her eyes moved up and down my body and I was cursing myself for the thoughts I was having. I slowly licked my lips as Libby’s eyes drifted back to mine.

  The moment she placed her hand on me, my heart felt like it slammed against my chest. “Do you know what I want, Luke?”

  Swallowing hard, I whispered, “A cup of coffee and some aspirin?”

  Libby giggled and shook her head fast. “Nope!” she said popping the p. Moving my eyes down her body, I took in every inch of her. Those short blue jean shorts were begging for me to peel them off of her. I could see her hard nipples through the old Mason High T-shirt she had on. Her beautiful blonde hair was down with just the sides pulled back. “I want you, Luke. Since I could remember, I’ve always wanted you. I saved myself for you. Do you know that?”

  Closing my eyes, I let out a moan as she pushed her body against mine. I opened my eyes and looked down at her lips. She smiled wide. “You want me, too. I feel your dick pressing against me, Luke.”

  “Libby …” I whispered as I placed my hands on her hips. “Not like this, Lib. Not like this.”

  Her hand moved up as it pushed through my hair. She grabbed a handful of my hair and leaned up on her toes. “Kiss me, Luke. Please kiss me. I want to remember what you taste like.”

  My heart was pounding in my chest. I placed my hand at the nape of her neck and leaned down, capturing her lips with mine. Libby wrapped her arms around my neck and moaned into my mouth. The kiss was passionate, yet gentle. Libby pushed herself into me more.

  Pulling her lips from mine, Libby whispered, “Touch me, oh God, please touch me, Luke.”

  I moved my hand from her hip to her breast and cupped it in my hand. Libby’s head dropped back. “Yes, oh God, yes.”

  “Libby, you drive me fucking mad with desire,” I said as I pulled her head forward and smashed my lips to hers again. Libby began pulling my shirt off as I did the same with her. She stood before me in a pale-pink lace bra. My dick was so hard in my pants, and one painful throb after another reminded me of how much I wanted the woman who stood before me.

  Pulling her bra down, I cinched her breasts up. I reached down and put one of her nipples into my mouth. I sucked and pulled on her nipple as Libby let out moan after moan. “Oh God. Luke, I’ve waited so long.”

  Pulling my mouth away from her nipple, I lifted Libby up. She wrapped her legs around my waist and I carried her into a clean stall. I knew what I was doing was wrong. She was drunk. Very drunk. I didn’t care though. I’d waited so long for her; I was tired of pushing her away.

  I pushed my dick against her as I slammed her against the barn wall. “Libby, I want you so fucking much.”

  She smiled and looked at me. “Take me, Luke. Please take me.”

  I shook my head to clear my thoughts. “Baby, I don’t want it to be like this. Not with you drunk, Lib.”

  “You can’t hurt me this way, Luke.”

  I pulled back and looked at her. “What?”

  She stared at me. Then, she laughed. “Don’t you see, Luke? You always make me fall so head over heels in love with you. A dance in the rain. A soft whisper in my ear. Then you pull away. If we do this and I’m drunk, I won’t remember. You can’t hurt me, ‘cause I won’t remember.”

  I slowly let her body slide down mine as she leaned against the wall. I turned and walked out of the stall. Reaching down, I picked up her T-shirt. Turning around, I walked back over to her and adjusted her bra.

  “Wh—what are you doing?” Libby asked.

  “I’m sorry, Libby. I’m sorry for what I’ve done to you.”

  Her eyes filled with tears. “Even with me drunk, you still don’t want me. Why?”

  “I care about you, Libby. I don’t want to …”

  Libby quickly pulled her T-shirt over her head the best she could in her drunken state. She stumbled forward and pushed me as hard as she could. “I hate you, Luke Johnson. I don’t want you to care about me! I want you to love me!” Libby shouted.

  I grabbed onto her arms and looked into her eyes. “I love you more than you’ll ever know, Libby.” Libby sucked in a breath as I slowly let her go.

  I pulled out my phone and called Will. “Hey, Will. It’s me, Luke. Can you come get Libby? She’s drunk out of her mind.”

  Libby stood there and stared at me as tears rolled down her face. She slowly walked past me and out of the stall. She made her way to the end of the barn and sat down. She began crying as she said, “I hate you, Luke. I hate you …”

  THE DOOR SHUT and I flew up. “Damn dude, did you fall asleep or something?” Will asked as he walked in. I glanced around and saw the three empty beer bottles sitting on the coffee table.

  “Ah … yeah, I guess I did.” I dragged my hands down my face. “Shit. I’ve gotta meet Karen for dinner.” Glancing at the clock, I saw I only had thirty minutes to meet her.

  “Karen? The girl you dated when you first came to A&M?” Will asked as I began sprinting up the stairs.

  “Yeah!” I shouted back as I rushed into my bedroom and changed. Five minutes later I was back downstairs. I reached for my truck keys.

  “Are y’all dating again?” Will asked as I grabbed a quick drink of water. I spun around and looked at him.

  “What? No. She just said she wanted to meet up and talk. I have no idea what about. I haven’t seen her in months.”

  Will nodded his head and smiled. “Have fun then.”

  I grunted as I headed out the door while Will laughed. I had a bad feeling this night was going to be anything but fun.

  ZACH AND I walked into Luigi’s and I instantly felt the hair on my arms stand. I glanced to my left and saw him.


  Then I noticed the blonde sitting across from him. Her wavy hair fell just below her shoulders. She had the sides pulled up and her bright-red lipstick stood out like a sore thumb. She smiled and Luke’s laugh moved through my body.

  I felt Zach take my arm and begin leading me over to a table. I turned to him and smiled. “They have a jazz band here tonight,” Zach said with a smile. He loved jazz. I personally could pass on it.

  I sat down and let out a groan. Straight ahead was Luke’s table. I looked away, but my eyes were drawn up again as I looked at the gorgeous girl sitting with him. Who was she? Were they dating? What about Abigail?

  “Lib? Are you even listening to me?”

  Zach’s voice pulled me from my thoughts. I shook my head. “Sorry, I was lost in thought there for a second. Guess I have a lot on my mind.”

  Zach reached across the table and took my hand in his. “I’m here, Lib. All you have to do is talk to me.”

sp; Smiling, I nodded my head. I was constantly in awe of how Zach treated me. He was everything a girl could want in a boyfriend. Attentive, caring, an amazing kisser, and he’d do anything to make me happy.

  He just wasn’t Luke.

  The waitress came and took our order. As we ate, Zach began talking about plans for this summer. He wanted to come to Mason and see where I grew up. I laughed. “There isn’t anything really there. It’s a really small town.”

  Zach gave me that panty-melting smile of his. “You grew up there; it’s a part of you. That makes me want to know more about it.”

  My stomach dropped. I knew I was getting closer and closer to giving myself to Zach, completely. My eyes lifted and I saw Luke stand up and hold his hand out to the blonde. They made their way to the makeshift dance floor in the middle of the restaurant. I had somehow managed to keep my presence unknown to Luke. He began looking around once we sat down, but I hid behind my menu.

  The band began playing “Let’s Fall in Love” as Luke pulled the blonde into his arms and they began dancing. She dropped her head back and laughed and my heart was hit with a tinge of jealousy. Glancing back to Zach, I smiled.

  “Want to dance?” The moment the words slipped from my mouth, I regretted it. I knew the only reason I was doing it was to try and make Luke jealous. Clearly he was enjoying himself though, from the smile on his face.

  Zach stood and extended his hand for mine. “I’d love to dance with you, sweetheart.” I gave him a weak smile. Shit. Shit. Shit. There were only two other couples on the dance floor. Zach walked up to the dance floor and spun me around and pulled me to him. I kept my eyes off of Luke and the blonde. I focused on Zach only. We danced in silence as he held me close to him.

  I could feel Luke’s eyes on me. One peek showed I was right. Luke smiled slightly at me and I gave him a weak smile in return.

  The band finished the song and made an announcement. “We’re taking a break, but please keep on dancing y’all. We’ve got some Frank for ya!”


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