Burning for Love

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Burning for Love Page 9

by Evangeline Anderson

  “And what will this new mate of yours do to you?” James demanded.

  “I…I don’t know, exactly,” Rissa confessed. “But whatever it is, it will stop my Heat Cycle and then I shall be safe from combustion.” She shrugged. “Until then—until I find the proper suitor and marry him—I must simply keep taking ice baths and wearing the ice gel packs under my clothing to help keep me cool. There is nothing else I can do to control my Cycle.”

  James shook his head.

  “I still don’t understand—why are you not allowed to know what will be done to you in order to control your Cycle?”

  “Because it is something only married people may know,” Rissa said, repeating the words that Lady Mildew had said to her many times when she, too, had asked why she could not know more about her Heat Cycle.

  “I don’t think it is right or wise to keep you in ignorance of your own body simply because you are not Joined,” James said, frowning. “I am also un-Joined, but my neural implants send me constant updates on the state of my body. I never have any doubts about the functioning of my organs and limbs.”

  “But I don’t have any, er, ‘neural implants,’” Rissa pointed out. “And besides, you are a man while I am a lady.”

  “Why should our respective sexes have anything to do with it?” James demanded.

  “Well, because…” Rissa said, frowning. “A man moves more freely through society. There are not so many constraints on him and he may know more—much more—about…things of the flesh, than a lady may know.”

  “So you’re saying that only males should be allowed to understand their basic biological functions and females must be kept ignorant simply because they are female?” James said flatly. “Does that sound right to you, Princess? Does it sound fair?”

  “Well, no,” Rissa admitted. He was saying what she had often thought, but she was surprised to hear a man speak so. “It is not exactly fair, but it is the way things are,” she said. “At least, it is the way they are here on Regalia Five.” She looked at him curiously. “Is it really so different on your home world?”

  “As I told you, Zeaga Four has no females,” James said. “So the question is moot. But aboard the Kindred Mother Ship, where males and females interact freely, things are very different—at least from what I have observed. I have never had many interactions with females myself.”

  “Different how?” Rissa was consumed with curiosity. Regalia Five had space flight—even interstellar flight—but only men were allowed to strap themselves into a ship and blast off for the stars. Women were considered much too delicate for such activities and so she knew she would never be able to travel beyond her own planet. Still, she wished she could—it would be so interesting to meet a whole new race of people and study a new culture!

  “Well, the main difference from Regalia Five—at least that I have observed so far—is that aboard the Mother Ship, males and females are considered equal,” James told her. “They do the same jobs for the same compensation and neither sex is restricted from knowledge of their biology.”

  “Oh, men and women are equal on Regalia Five too,” Rissa said quickly. “It’s only that women are considered to be the weaker sex—we are supposed to be more delicate—more easily shocked. We are protected from forbidden knowledge for our own good—or so everyone says,” she added, frowning.

  James gave her a skeptical look.

  “Princess, tonight you went out and danced for hours wearing heavy weights on your head and body, despite the fact that you were close to fatally overheating at any time. How, exactly, does that make you weaker than a male?”

  “Oh, well…” Rissa trailed off, uncertain how to answer.

  “I didn’t see any of the males in the ballroom wearing clothing as heavy as your gown or a wig as big and elaborate as yours. And none of them was worried about bursting into flames as they danced,” he went on. “I think that makes you braver and stronger than any male there—would you agree?”

  “I…I don’t know.” Rissa looked at him in surprise, as the things he said sank in. “I never thought of it that way,” she murmured. “I have always been taught that women are fragile, weak creatures who must be treated delicately and not overloaded with too much thinking.”

  “You don’t really believe that, do you?” James demanded. “I know I certainly don’t.”

  “Well—” she began.

  But just then there was a loud banging on the front door of her rooms.

  “Oh—it must be Lady Mildew, come to take off my Chastity Wire!” she exclaimed. “And we’ve just been standing here talking—we do not even have the bath run yet!”

  “I can take care of that,” James promised. “But first let me make certain it really is Lady Mildew at the door.”

  “All right,” Rissa agreed. She liked how protective the big Kindred was, though she had to admit, she was nervous about encountering Lady Mildew again. Who knew what nasty things her old chaperone might say? But there was no help for it—she had to take her ice bath before she went to bed and Lady Mildew was the only one who could remove her Chastity Wire so that she could safely get into the soaking tub.

  Rissa sighed. Still wearing her chemise, stockings, the ice gel packs that fit over her points, and her pantelletts, she wrapped her white silk robe around herself and followed James to the door.

  She only hoped they wouldn’t have another unpleasant scene, as they had in the ball room!


  If James was honest with himself, he was glad of the interruption. He had been enjoying talking to Princess Ka’rissa much more than he probably should. And before that, he had been touching her soft, warm skin and long, silky hair, which he also, should not have enjoyed.

  But I only enjoyed it because of the pleasurable sensations I got from the textures of her skin and hair, he tried to tell himself. However, he had touched soft things in the past. The material of his own uniform shirt was made of a soft, heavy, silky fabric that was pleasant to feel, and yet he had never had the urge to go on stroking it over and over, in the same way he had wanted to keep massaging Ka’rissa’s soft skin and playing with her long, curly hair.

  He had also never undressed a female before—not even the single Pairing Puppet he had been with aboard the Mother Ship, who had undressed herself with mechanical, jerky motions. He liked the feeling of helping the Princess—of easing her pain and releasing her from the bondage of her clothing.

  Why in the universe did the people of Regalia Five insist on constricting themselves with torturous items like the corset and weighing themselves down with heavy clothing and wigs, James wondered? The petite, curvy Princess had been wearing an outfit and wig that was nearly a quarter to a third of her own body weight and she had been forced to dance all night in it, which amounted to fairly vigorous exercise. Why did they put themselves through it?

  Ka’rissa’s explanation of it being “Court fashion” didn’t sit well with James. He himself had worn a heavy, metal exoskeleton for years, but it—like his enhancements—had been made of smart metal, which molded to his body and moved with him. The Princess’s dress and wig lacked any kind of helpful electrodes or sensors that might make them anything other than a burden.

  Also, the idea of females being weaker and more fragile than males was patently ridiculous. Yes, they were not as strong physically as males but that didn’t make them less intelligent or less able to think. How was it that Ka’rissa had been kept ignorant of her own biology? There must be some way to control her Heat Cycle, other than some mysterious function her future mate might serve, whatever that might be.

  His thoughts were full of such ideas as he put his eye to the peep hole in the door and looked around…and then down to see a sour-faced Lady Mildew standing there, tapping her foot. Once more, James thought the female looked like she had been sucking on sour citrus. Why was she so unhappy all the time?

  Since he had no emotions himself, he had a hard time analyzing the cause of others’ emotions. But h
e didn’t really care about the Princess’s old Companion enough to try, anyway.

  He opened the door and nodded at her.

  “Lady Mildew.”

  “Get out of my way!” the older female declared, brushing past him. “Where is that girl? I’ll not be kept waiting all night. Ka’rissa?” she called impatiently. “Where are you?”

  “I’m here, Lady Mildew.” Ka’rissa stepped out from behind James and bobbed a little curtsy to the other female.

  “There you are—and not a moment too soon! I’ve been kept waiting outside for ages!” Lady Mildew complained.

  “I will go and draw the bath,” James said to the Princess.

  “What? The bath’s not even ready yet?” Lady Mildew exclaimed.

  “It will be in a moment,” James assured her. He went into the bathing chamber and began to run cold water into the large, oval tub. But his Kindred hearing was still sharp enough to hear the two females talking, even over the rushing water. He looked through the crack in the door, observing them quietly.

  “Thank you for coming, Lady Mildew,” Ka’rissa said politely. “I’m ready for my bath.”

  “No, you’re not! Look at you—you still have on your chemise and pantalettes!” Lady Mildew exclaimed. “Can’t this new Companion of yours even manage to undress you?”

  “He was, er, undressing me.” For some reason, Ka’rissa’s cheeks went rosy in a blush of apparent embarrassment. “But we started talking and, well, we rather lost track of time.”

  “Talking, were you?” Lady Mildew gave her a skeptical look. “Are you sure that’s all you were doing, girl?”

  “What else would I have been doing?” Ka’rissa protested, still blushing.

  “Things you’re not supposed to!” Lady Mildew snapped.

  “James is a robot—a cyborg with no emotions,” Ka’rissa protested, defending him. “He doesn’t want to do any wrong things like that with me.”

  “That’s what he says—that’s what all males say,” Lady Mildew said ominously. “But you mark my words, my girl, they all want the same thing!”

  “What is that? What do they want?” Ka’rissa looked honestly confused. “You always say such things but then you never explain them.”

  “Never you mind—an unmarried girl doesn’t need to know,” the other female snapped. “Just you be careful he doesn’t take any liberties with you.”

  “I wouldn’t let him kiss me, if that’s what you’re worried about.” Ka’rissa looked shocked.

  “You’d better not!” Lady Mildew said sternly. “Now come on, girl—let’s get you in and out of the bath. I don’t have all night!”

  “Yes, Lady Mildew,” Ka’rissa murmured.

  The two women approached the bathing chamber and James stepped quickly away from the door. He supposed what he had been doing might be what some people considered “eavesdropping,” though he preferred to think of it as reconnaissance. The conversation between Princess Ka’rissa and her former chaperone had given him much to process and ponder, but for now, he must see to the Princess’s bath.


  “Well, are you planning to take a bath in all your clothes?” Lady Mildew demanded. “Take off your things, girl, since your new Companion was too lazy to take them off earlier!”

  “I can help the Princess remove her other garments now,” James offered. Shutting off the water, he stepped forward to stand in front of Rissa. “How may I assist you, Princess?” he asked formally.

  “Oh, er, well…” Rissa began, feeling herself blush to the roots of her long, curly hair.

  “Embarrassed now, are you, my girl?” Lady Mildew looked at her shrewdly. “As well you should be! Letting a man undress you!”

  “James is no man—he is a cyborg!” Rissa cried, but it was hard to remember that when he was standing there in front of her, so tall and handsome with his broad shoulders and his shirt sleeves rolled up to expose muscular forearms—though one of them was made of metal.

  That’s right—metal! He’s no different from a butler droid and I would not be embarrassed to let one of them undress me, Rissa reminded herself.

  Focusing on the big Kindred’s metal arm helped her regain control of herself and vanquish her embarrassment.

  “Sir James,” she said formally, looking up at him. “Will you please help me to remove my underthings so that I might get into the tub?”

  “With pleasure, my Lady,” James returned, his deep voice as formal as hers. Bending a little, because he was so tall, he helped her out of her robe and draped it over one arm. Then he pulled her chemise over her head and helped her step out of he pantalettes, which he also draped over his arm.

  At that point, Rissa was naked except for her thigh-high, white silk hose and the ice gel pads which were stuck to her points with the sticky glue on their backs.

  She held her head high, but couldn’t help blushing as James knelt before her and helped her take off her stockings. Her nether mouth, with its delicate fuzz of brownish-blond curls, was so close to his face!

  But she reminded herself that she had been undressed by Lady Mildew many, many times and it had never embarrassed her—she would not be embarrassed now. After all, a Royal Princess must have help to remove her clothing and her new Companion was just a kind of robot—why should it be embarrassing to let him help undress her?

  Then James looked up at her, frowning. He was so tall that he didn’t have to look far—in fact, they were almost eye-to-eye, even with Rissa standing and him kneeling before her.

  “I am not certain about the, er, items you have on your chest, my Lady,” he said. “Are they also to be removed?”

  “Oh, yes—they, er, peel off,” Rissa exclaimed. “Like this…” She pinched the edge of one ice gel pack and began to tug it away from her stiff peak, but Lady Mildew stopped her with a derisive snort.

  “Are you trying to undress yourself, girl? You know Royalty must have help with such things!”

  “Why?” James asked, frowning, before Rissa could react. “I can understand the Princess’s need for help in getting off the heavy wigs and gowns she is forced to wear,” he continued. “But why must she have help removing her undergarments?”

  “Why…why because!” Lady Mildew exclaimed. “It is our custom. And who are you to question our customs?” she added, glaring at the big warrior.

  He shrugged, his broad shoulders rolling.

  “I only asked to acquire information that will aide me in serving the Princess and keeping her safe. I wanted to know if there was a practical reason she was unable to undress herself.”

  “If you’re too lazy to undress her properly—” Lady Mildew began.

  “Of course not,” James interrupted smoothly. “Please, allow me to do that, Princess,” he added, and grasped the edge of the right gel ice pack and tugged it gently but smoothly away from her glowing point.

  When it came away, his metallic blue eyes rested briefly on her red-hot nipple and Rissa had the idea that he wanted to ask her a question. But then his eyes flickered quickly away and he pulled the pad off the other nipple and nodded at her.

  “There, Princess—you are ready for your bath.” He rose and took a respectful step back.

  “Not quite.” Lady Mildew stepped forward and pointed the small, black remote control as the silver Chastity Wire. It made a sizzling sound and then Rissa felt its steady, constant hum cease abruptly as it went dead for the time being. Lady Mildew took the wire from around her waist and nodded at her. “Well—go on, get in.”

  Feeling more naked than she ever had with the big Kindred in the room, Rissa walked to the tub filled with icy water and stepped down into it.

  As always since her Heat Cycle had begun, the frigid water made her shiver but felt good at the same time. When she sank down so that it covered her large breasts, twin puffs of steam rose from her peaks and they went from glowing cherry-red to their normal berry-dark.

  Below, Rissa could feel the cool water caressing her nether lips as well.
She wished that she dared to reach between her legs and spread herself open to allow the cold water better access to her forbidden regions—what a relief it would be to cool the burning down there!

  But even without the Chastity Wire to shock her, she didn’t dare. Lady Mildew was standing there, glaring at her, and the water was crystal clear—it would be obvious that she was touching herself in places she should not. So she simply sank further down in the tub and sighed as the cold water did its best to chill her Fire Blood.

  But she wasn’t allowed to relax for long.

  “Well?” Lady Mildew exclaimed, glaring at James. “Why are you not scrubbing the Princess, you great oaf? Do you think your job is just to loll around watching her all day?”

  James frowned at her.

  “You know, Lady Mildew, you have accused me more than once of wishing to touch Princess Ka’rissa in an improper way, though I have told you I am a cyborg and have no desires in that direction. But then you urge me to undress her and scrub her naked body. There would seem to be a dichotomy between your words and actions.”

  “How dare you accuse me of having a…a…whatever it was you just said?” Lady Mildew exclaimed. “I’m just trying to tell you to do your job, you idiot robot! The Princess must be bathed. As her Companion for many years, that lot always fell to me. So if you’re too stupid to do it, I can show you how—”

  “No, please!” Rissa exclaimed. She had always dreaded the scrubbing part of her nightly bath with Lady Mildew. Mostly because her old chaperone had always insisted on using the stiffest scrubbing brush possible—the blue one with the metal-tipped bristles that left her pale brown skin red and raw afterwards.

  “So you’d rather be dirty?” Lady Mildew demanded, glaring at her.

  “No indeed, but it is no longer your job to scrub me, Lady Mildew,” Rissa said quickly. She looked at James. “If you please, Sir James, the scrubbing brushes are in the second drawer under the sink,” she told him.


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