Don’t lose incidents to bring acquaintances. When you have diverse connections, your confidence will surprise you with helpful evaluative wisdom.
Define the level of people’s smugness in dealing. It would ease handiness to rate the potential of partners. It visualizes jeopardizing the future.
Don’t regret the time taken to discover matters. As a routine, recall the earliest missteps and falls. It will aid to produce antidotes against a premature waning.
Never set yourself only to win. Figure out what is a mind refresher. Watch hindrances that hold back your ascension. That is basic for the blast-off prospected advance.
You head only onward and never back. The routine will help you gain knowledge of what breaks the partition of escalating ambitions.
Celebrate your ascent to the upper level. But pay attention to signs when you understand personal blindness to the needs of others. Control your principles as the finest tool for the cool management of yourself.
Check what self-organization for readiness is. The best fighter uses technique to gather fingers into a fist in a single second. Verify what it is you can set up against the quick attack of adversaries.
Design your tactics. The most important is to search how to prevent not only critical losses but incertitude to danger. Resoluteness is also a weapon in the arsenal!
Toughness recalls no surrender to circumstances. Even small steps have a rough stop; do you rearrange all-in-all including upgrowth of your individuality?
Verify the weakness of own personality. Make repository traits for your character and free yourself from the love to oneself as shattering egoism.
Try never to depend on lawless ideas. Put yourself in a condition where you are not a survivor or presumptuous risk taker. While you do that, find a sole position for steady principles and support the materialization of the strong nerve strain.
Do not decide in fussiness. It breaks reputation and brings a crucial loss of opportunity. As it demands, build self-image as a conqueror.
Fearless realization is not a full success. Compare brave actions and stable safeness, and you will see when common-sense logic works as a conqueror and when as the inertia of the time.
Dense pretentiousness just brings perplexity. Do the hardest thinking about a guarantee of not appearing in the pictures of mad tumult.
Self-blessing conveys temporary self-satisfaction. But when you always intend to make their name known and acknowledged, keep your talents working and don't think about any personal stop!
14. Meticulous Look at Yourself
If you wish to review stances:
you can become scandalized with yourself about your self-worth by an irritating question: Why does your physical shape not match your far-fetched psychological opinion about yourself?
The answer is how often you think about personal perspectives? I found it helpful to examine myself from the angles. Have you heard the phrase, “If an individual is hard of hearing, he believes the entire world to be deaf?” What is your reaction? Will you think such determination can lead anyone to uniqueness? I hope not. Somewhat more critical is which position of life possesses each character. Believe or not, your location is irrelevant to the time when you come clean with understanding to what belongs all your qualities. Isn’t it worth it to rethink your existence as the materiality of things and answer:
Do you belong to an underdeveloped or manufacturing world?
Is your private environment regular or luxury?
Does your educational level help others or only your career-look status?
Do you agree that those questions can promote your view not only about the location but also your importance because
the MATTER-of-FACT WORLD is physical?
So test yourself, and first, verify how stable your vertical standing is on the ground. And I’m not kidding. Are you looking strong, smart, and attractive? Have you tried to assess yourself in such ways? I believe yes—and many times—because that is natural for every one of us. After that, again rethink which resultant materialistic side you belong to—standard or comfort. I suspect that when you stare at yourself a hundred times, you have already tried to fit into both these trends. What is your mark there? Do you have an amazing ability to generate and transform unbelievable new ideas into society or you are already popular as an athlete? Even you know talents don’t mature quickly; the only trust in self-ability is a serious introspection to prove progress in own eyes. Do we worry about eternal ideals? Let’s guess not because we are not godless creatures and just a mortal. But appraising yourself is vital to reinforce bodybuilding and mental health for being self-confident. Am I wrong? Could you accept these thoughts? I’ll support it by telling that even if you are an average man, you must be concerned about your looks. Would you like to test yourself by answering:
How vital is it for you to look handsome or hideous? Are you marvelously muscular or miserably crank? Are you inconspicuous or an incredible salient? Isn't
the BODY APPEARANCE your live reflection?
When you scan a large gathering of people, you can meet a rude person with a face that retells the tired expression, “Oh God, such a hideous snout!” In opposition, the kind face calls up only sincere sympathy, and then you won’t look away. Agree to control your appearance as the finest habit. When a young man has developed perfect muscularity, it’s like he has achieved sixty percent of success. Are you slender or Tarzan? And while you are gratuitously loud, will you let somebody offend a weak person in your presence? I hope not. Then again, have you guessed self-designation as being male? No doubt that for most men, an impressive animation of solid muscles on broad, squared shoulders became a typical braggart as an explosive mixture of testosterone and adrenaline. But that is ludicrous if your bodybuilding becomes your main task and model for life. Are you in the greatest shape or try to pretend to be in fashion only by physical worth? It makes it seem ironic, but with steps as soft as a cat, will any mouse be afraid of you? It means that a constant assessment of your own body will help in others’ assessment and perception of you. But for a woman, showing her beauty is a prevalent advantage. It’s a tough truth for today and better accepts it as the foremost feminine power. A pretty face with spellbinding eyes, stunning, provocative breasts, fantastic, curly hair, and sophisticated hands, along with a shapely pair of legs with a lovely gait, can challenge a man’s glance. Yes! Like many extras with her, you dream to go along with gorgeous divas. If she got exceptional artistic skills—unforgettable facial expression and unique body language—it tells, “I’m an expensive woman.” Sorry about such a comparison. I meant it only in a figurative sense of conduct never acknowledged. Thus, only men by unethical wishes make her “a queen of the market.” And when he brought such a treasure, he knew the reward, and nobody spoke about false love. But who loses in such lovely agreement time will show later. You can see that our bodies’ attractiveness for both genders support the best impression on high influential people as the jump to the next level. It also confirms your ratio of creating physical and mental makeup.
But when you get inspired to talk about your close-up physical view, an imperative is to speak about that as self-regard. Consider, what was your presumed love for yourself while you were young? What keeps you struggling with the supreme shape? Which improvements of your persona capitulate before your self-guessed age? Which integral values do you never overstep, no
t for first-rate looking stature but good morale as the pure condition of body and soul? And what is your emerging that may discard whichever negative opinions you have about yourself? The constant responses sound like doubt. But being specific, it should be better to count a person’s useful principles around you. Don’t lose control of likes or dislikes about you. And still paying attention to the physical expression of your body, watch what dis-harmonizes a person’s morale. And after passing such a point, you are able to answer:
Are you defiant if someone examines you?
Have you strengthened to overstep amorality for helping others?
Are you cruel or cheerful to love people?
You can direct yourself to many more of such questions and draw your real
ETHICAL PORTRAITURE—do not lie to yourself.
I hope you heard contention that your ethic is your introduction to the world. Are you estimating yourself as an outstanding man? Or do you hide your weaknesses to surrender before the laziness formula of nobody is perfect? Would you like to contemplate the following assumptions: an existence for the noble goals isn’t superb worry about your persona? Tracking information only about super-rich people is the wrong way. Resembling rumors about someone is a blunder road to failure. You can continue with a hundred more such inquiries. But better to ask yourself: What would you do if somebody detests you? How will you act? Isn’t that a chance to confirm your own morals?
I still haven’t forgotten the advice from my uncle, which I received when I was fifteen. “The hero doesn’t let weak people get hurt in his presence,” he said once without expecting a reaction. He was not mentoring but channeling my attention to distinguish between the weak and the strong breeds of men. This one time, I met a man who, in my attempts clarify his position, did not answer but only smiled. Then, I understood his spirit is not comfortable sharing the truth. I also remember how my friend compared features of his character to traits of his brother. He admitted his principles were a rotating wheel dependent on changing circumstances. It connotes losing integrity as an unfavorable condition, and it can become your constant consent to wait for a fitting, helpful situation. Have you ever tried putting your ambitions into a brave fight? If, yes, it shows you’ve realized to regard others as they deserve. But don’t take it wrong.
Every individual longs for starring people to admire his or her achievement at the highest level.
But did you pay attention who is the killer of such loud political murder? Or how civilized society was affected by an incomprehensible robbery in large scale made by a trusted official? As it comes from the beginning, no one guesses something wicked about a just born child. The educators confirm the person from the earliest childhood shows critical talents (not skills) like “who arrived.” But we know that a visible bombshell of authentic personality is charisma. Such a child is valued as distinguished that quickly. The scientists of pedagogy prove, when matured, children understand their dreams and become delightful. But when the kid gets contaminated by satanic ideas, to diagnose on time is very hard. Such task include a lot of components. That is the tradition followed by a family, the school’s disputable educational core and daily habitat for a boy or girl. But even the psychologists’ alert about recent falls of shared universal values, the parents do not hurry for sharper setup and more severe principles with their children. Nobody can retell as many stories about stealing, killing, lying, and results after that. From the outside, it looks as if the parents shifted these duties to school. But what is education today? If to advocate both the students and teachers together, you could ask whether parents and teachers are working as one team? No. At first, the teachers pressed; let’s call in outside challenges: classroom size, speeding new tech, bullying, and students’ behaviors, and the artificial law of testing “No Child Left Behind.” But however they're connected with parents, issues like parental alcoholism and drug abuse, poverty, even weapon possession creates a student’s apathy and absenteeism. Is it in such a calamity we worry about the purity of ethics? That is again the rhetoric question. But I’d like to involve you in the approaching side where you can learn variations of performing in the 'life scenes.' Had you ever a chance to differentiate characters of people like tragedians, personages of drama and comedians? The reason is when you open such the table of personalities, you will wonder about thousands of terms. So better remind diverse situations with people, and you get a picture. Can you recall how an ancient theatrical mask of tragedy looks? It shows, “Eyes and lips down, you’re sad.” Oh, we are by ourselves masters to draw episodes of how problems lead to violations and a bad finish. Then, will you agree that knowing which traits bring us problems help protect us? And let me remark that “tragedians” match personalities such as abusive, bossy, cruel, impatient, nervous, selfish, secretive, and much more. But using my life experience to define comedians, I will discuss the traits such as adventurous, cheerful, cynical, moody mix with funny, imaginative, sociable. I’ll not forget how one intelligent man told me that being very careful (scared of everything) belongs to the drama. And when I realized that our life is one endless performance, I found such people difficult to cooperate with. Because they are ambitious, annoying, compulsive, cowards, introverts, obsessive, pessimistic, reserved, stubborn; even you can't expect from them any good. And as we did not review many more traits, I’d like to ask a question. Have you ever grasped how character traits create bad attitudes? Doesn’t that pull a person back from any advance? The people often, after immoral steps, instead of self-test themselves to admit mistakes, get irritated and express, “Sorry, I am who I am.” But anybody can contradict this and say, “No, you can be kinder - just you have to wish it.”
To a close, let me ask:
Would you agree that the highest achievements is anyone’s stern dependence on control of their own character?
Doesn't that come from the best traits when you say, “I want to contribute to that?”
When you as a civilized person care not only about yourself but also about people's issues around, will you support that first you must
CONCUR with YOURSELF to withhold balance.
If you never tried to skip worries about yourself, will you have the strength to answer:
How do you estimate yourself? Do you belong to the company of enchanting dreamers or to the thinkers who achieved high worthy results in the
Why do the individuals who dedicate themselves toward dazzling success never focus on
If you have not yet tested yourself as a person with high sublimation principles, how will you portray your
What is the top price you are ready to pay
15. Broken Key
Would you like to review the following clauses:
And get familiar with what people feel after they uncover being whipped by deceit?
For everyone, it’s the same. When you got swindled the first time, you learned a bitter lesson. And from an experienced moment, learned how to prevent mishaps. Has anyone of us been curious about why the smith masters invented simple yet sophisticated locks? We all admit the locks offer safety against thieves. We are still surprised that thieves can unfurl any complex system or electronic strongbox with a puzzle. Those icebreakers of the gates referred to as safecrackers or lock-picking burglars. But let’s talk about men entitled to extra protection. They like to box off things using hundreds of locks. One wonders what goods might keep behind tightly closed doors. I hope you mean that locks introduce privacy with hassles, squabbles, problems for a pair of cohabitants, a company with illegal actions, or family with misdeeds. Aren’t those concealed places hiding round-the-clock, wheel-rotating act
ivity? We all have a right to keep confidential matters and assets behind locked doors. Maybe our intuition is self-preservation against given fear of not being tricked. But we aren’t compeling to talk about a hat with “sorry.” The reason is that after such an event, we must review all situations in detail. Then we can find when we’ve opened “internal locks” of our own principles, letting double-crossers get into our life. If you left with nothing, let’s assume you became not only cautious but re-comprehend the situation in minutes. Yes, it has to be rethinking—emphasize the most incorrect steps. If you teach yourself about not agreeing, you never pass it again. Can I offer you to think of arguments and answer only to yourself: Is that in our tricky time if it’s about your solid interest to trust anyone? Be sure to pay attention to your age and answer:
Why was the offer of an easy income a signal for you?
Are you ashamed of yourself?
Could you use all your willpower, pledge to yourself, “Enough! I will not lose anymore. I do not engage in any sweet transactions because I already distinctly know the floridly magnetic
ARTFUL MAN—trickster waits for me.”
Also, important is being not afraid of such the gentleman. That is a perplexing query, and I believe you will say: yes. For the first time, you are lost to a rogue man you paid heed to and could name such a reticent rogue. Later, you understood it must become an implicit necessity to find this man, who would like to woo you with sweet talk, a cajolery mouth, and watchful eyes, monitoring everything around better than you. So, if you consider trading with him further, know he can be circumspect (it will be on time) and expect many wiles. There will be inaccuracies, unfilled prompt information, no rush, keeping back, entanglement of simple matters, and much more. Be careful, that is a ruse strategy. You should remember to exercise your demeanor of being observant and continue to discover his ambiguity. So, don’t show even a tiny sign you disagree. Yes, you are glad about this chance and show him fake politeness with a broad smile. You should also play an involvement, grave concern, and please, don’t be greedy for generous promises from your side. Once again, return to your innermost feelings for a minute for the control you can’t afford to get befuddled. It’s so lovely to rethink it again.
Figures of the One Must Go Page 15