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Army of None Page 24

by Paul Scharre

  Brumley explained to me that there are actually several steps in this process. The first is finding a vulnerability in a piece of software. The next step is developing either an “exploit” to take advantage of the vulnerability or a “patch” to fix it. If a vulnerability is analogous to a weak lock, then an exploit is like a custom-made key to take advantage of the lock’s weakness. A patch, on the other hand, fixes the lock.

  Developing these exploits and patches isn’t enough, though. One has to know when to use them. Even on the defensive side, Brumley explained, you can’t just apply a patch as soon as you see an exploit. For any given vulnerability, Mayhem would develop a “suite of patches.” Fixing a vulnerability isn’t a binary thing, where either it’s fixed or it isn’t. Brumley said, “There’s grades of security, and often these have different tradeoffs on performance, maybe even functionality.” Some patches might be more secure, but would cause the system to run slower. Which patch to apply depends on the system’s use. For home use, “you’d rather have it more functional rather than 100 percent secure,” Brumley said. A customer protecting critical systems, on the other hand, like the Department of Defense, might choose to sacrifice efficiency for better security. When to apply the patch is another factor to consider. “You don’t install a Microsoft PowerPoint update right before a big business presentation,” Brumley said.

  Today, these steps are all done by people. People find the vulnerabilities, design the patches, and upload them to an automatic update server. Even the “auto-update” functions on your home computer are not actually fully automatic. You have to click “Okay” in order for the update to move forward. Every place where there is a human in the loop slows down the process of finding and patching vulnerabilities. Mayhem, on the other hand, is a completely autonomous system for doing all those steps. That means it isn’t just finding and patching vulnerabilities blindly. It’s also reasoning about which patch to use and when to apply it. Brumley said it’s “an autonomous system that’s taking all of those things that humans are doing, it’s automating them, and then it’s reasoning about how to use them, when to apply the patch, when to use the exploit.” Mayhem also deploys hardening techniques on programs. Brumley described these as proactive security measures applied to a program before a vulnerability has even been discovered to make it harder to exploit, if there are vulnerabilities. And Mayhem does all of this at machine speed.

  In the Cyber Grand Challenge final round, Mayhem and six other systems competed in a battle royale to scan each other’s software for vulnerabilities, then exploit the weaknesses in other systems while patching their own vulnerabilities. Brumley compared the competition to seven fortresses probing each together, trying to get into locked doors. “Our goal was to come up with a skeleton key that let us in when it wasn’t supposed to.” DARPA gave points for showing a “proof of vulnerability,” essentially an exploit or “key,” to get into another system. The kind of access also mattered—full access into the system gave more points than more limited access that was only useful for stealing information.

  Mike Walker, the DARPA program manager who ran the Cyber Grand Challenge, said that the contest was the first time that automated cybertools had moved beyond simply applying human-generated code and into the “automatic creation of knowledge.” By autonomously developing patches, they had moved beyond automated antivirus systems that can clean up known malware to “automation of the supply chain.” Walker said, “true autonomy in the cyber domain are systems that can create their own knowledge. . . . It’s a pretty bright and clear line. And I think we kind of crossed it . . . for the first time in the Cyber Grand Challenge.”

  Walker compared the Cyber Grand Challenge to the very first chess tournaments between computers. The technology isn’t perfect. That wasn’t the point. The goal was to prove the concept to show what can be done and refine the technology over time. Brumley said Mayhem is roughly comparable to a “competent” computer security professional, someone “just fresh out of college in computer security.” Mayhem has nothing on world-class hackers. Brumley should know. He also runs a team of competitive human hackers who compete in the DEF CON hacking conference, the “world series” of hacking. Brumley’s team from Carnegie Mellon has won four out of the past five years.

  Brumley’s aim with Mayhem isn’t to beat the best human hackers, though. He has something far more practical—and transformative—in mind. He wants to fundamentally change computer security. As the internet colonizes physical objects all around us—bringing toasters, watches, cars, thermostats and other household objects online in the Internet of Things (IoT), this digitization and connectivity also bring vulnerabilities. In October 2016, a botnet called Mirai hijacked everyday networked devices such as printers, routers, DVR machines, and security cameras and leveraged them for a massive DDoS attack. Brumley said most IoT devices are “ridiculously vulnerable.” There are an estimated 6.4 billion IoT devices online today, a number expected to grow to over 20 billion devices by 2020. That means there are millions of different programs, all with potential vulnerabilities. “Every program written is like a unique lock and most of those locks have never been checked to see if they’re terrible,” Brumley said. For example, his team looked at 4,000 commercially available internet routers and “we’ve yet to find one that’s secure,” he said. “No one’s ever bothered to check them for security.” Checking this many devices at human speed would be impossible. There just aren’t enough computer security experts to do it. Brumley’s vision is an autonomous system to “check all these locks.”

  Once you’ve uncovered a weak lock, patching it is a choice. You could just as easily make a key—an exploit—to open the lock. There’s “no difference” between the technology for offense and defense, Brumley said. They’re just different applications of the same technology. He compared it to a gun, which could be used for hunting or to fight wars. Walker agreed. “All computer security technologies are dual-use,” he said.

  For safety reasons, DARPA had the computers compete on an air-gapped network that was closed off from the internet. DARPA also created a special operating system just for this contest. Even if one of the systems was plugged into the internet, it would need to be re-engineered to search for vulnerabilities on a Windows, Linux, or Mac machine.

  Brumley emphasized that they’ve never had a problem with people using this technology for nefarious ends at Carnegie Mellon. He compared his researchers to biologists working on a better flu vaccine. They could use that knowledge to make a better virus, but “you have to trust the researchers to have appropriate safety protocols.” His company, ForAllSecure, practices “responsible disclosure” and notifies companies of vulnerabilities they find. Nonetheless, he admitted, “you do worry about the bad actors.”

  Brumley envisions a world where over the next decade, tools like Mayhem are used to find weak locks and patch them, shoring up cyberdefenses in the billions of devices online. Walker said that self-driving cars today are a product of the commercial sector throwing enormous investment money behind the individuals who competed in the original DARPA Grand Challenge a decade ago, and he sees a similar road ahead for autonomous cybersecurity. “It’s going to take the same kind of long-term will and financial backing to do it again here.”

  Both Brumley and Walker agreed that autonomous cybertools will also be used by attackers, but they said the net effect was to help the defense more. Right now, “offense has all of the advantage in computer security,” Walker said. The problem is right now there is an asymmetry between attackers and defenders. Defenders have to close all of the vulnerabilities, while attackers have to just find one way in. Autonomous cybersystems level the playing field, in part because defense gets a first-mover advantage. They write the code, so they can scan it for vulnerabilities and patch them before it is deployed. “I’m not saying that we can change to a place where defense has the advantage,” Walker said, but he did think autonomous cybertools would enable “investment parity,” wher
e “the best investment wins.” Even that would be “transformative,” he said. There’s big money in malware, but far more is spent annually on computer security. Prior to joining DARPA, Walker said he worked for a decade as a “red teamer,” paid by energy and financial sector companies to hack into their systems and uncover their vulnerabilities. He said autonomous cyberdefenses “can actually make hacking into something like our energy infrastructure or our financial infrastructure a highly uncommon proposition that average criminals cannot afford to do.”

  David Brumley admitted that this won’t stop hacking from advanced nation-states who have ample resources. He said limiting access was still beneficial, though, and drew a comparison to efforts to limit the spread of nuclear weapons: “It’s scary to think of Russia and the U.S. having it, but what’s really scary is when the average Joe has it. We want to get rid of the average Joe having these sorts of things.” If Brumley is right, autonomous systems like Mayhem will make computers more secure and safer ten years from now. But autonomy will keep evolving in cyberspace, with even more advanced systems beyond Mayhem yet to come.

  The next evolution in autonomous cyberdefense is what Brumley calls “counter-autonomy.” Mayhem targets weak locks; counter-autonomy targets the locksmith. It “leverages flaws or predictable patterns in the adversary to win.” Counter-autonomy goes beyond finding exploits, he said; it’s about “trying to find vulnerabilities in the opponent’s algorithms.” Brumley compared it to playing poker: “you play the opponent.” Counter-autonomy exploits the brittleness of the enemy’s autonomous systems to defeat them.

  While counter-autonomy was not part of the Cyber Grand Challenge, Brumley said they have experimented with counter-autonomy techniques that they simply didn’t use. One tool they developed embeds a hidden exploit targeting a competitor’s autonomous system into a patch. “It’s a little bit like a Trojan horse,” Brumely said. The patch “works just fine. It’s a legitimate program.” Hidden within the patch is an exploit, though, that targets one of the common tools that hackers use to analyze patches. “Anyone who tries to analyze [the patch] gets exploited,” he said. Another approach to counter-autonomy would move beyond simply finding vulnerabilities to actually creating them. This could be done in learning systems by inserting false data into the learning process. Brumley calls this the “computer equivalent to ‘the long con,’ where our systems methodically cause our adversary’s systems to ‘mis-learn’ (incorrectly learn) how to operate.”


  The arms race in speed in cyberspace is already under way. In an unpublished 2016 working paper, Brumley wrote, “Make no mistake, cyber is a war between attackers and defenders, both who coevolve as the other deploys new systems and measures. In order to win, we must act, react, and evolve faster than our adversaries.” Cyberweapons of the future—defensive and offensive—will incorporate greater autonomy, just the same way that more autonomy is being integrated into missiles, drones, and physical systems like Aegis. What would a “cyber autonomous weapon” look like?

  Cyberspace and autonomous weapons intersect in a number of potentially significant ways. The first is the danger that cyber vulnerabilities pose in autonomous weapons. Anything that is computerized is vulnerable to hacking. The migration of household objects online as part of the IoT presents major cybersecurity risks, and there are analogous risks for militaries whose major platforms and munitions are increasingly networked. Cyber vulnerabilities could hobble a next-generation weapon system like the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, which has tens of millions of lines of code. There is no reason to think that an autonomous weapon would necessarily be more vulnerable to hacking, but the consequences if one were hacked could be much worse. Autonomous weapons would be a very attractive target for a hostile state’s malware, since a hacker could potentially usurp control of an autonomous weapon and redirect it. The consequences could be even worse than those of a runaway gun. The weapon wouldn’t be out of control; it would be under the control of the enemy.

  In theory, greater autonomy that allows for off-network operation may appear to be a solution to cyber vulnerabilities. This is an appealing tactic that has come up in science fiction wars between humans and machines. In the opening episode of the 2003 reboot of Battlestar Galactica, the evil Cylon machines wipe out nearly the entire human space fleet via a computer virus. The ship Galactica survives only because it has an older computer system that is not networked to the rest of the fleet. As Stuxnet demonstrated, however, in the real world operating off-network complicates cyberattacks but is no guarantee of immunity.

  The second key intersection between cyberspace and autonomy occurs in automated “hacking back.” Autonomous cyberbots like Mayhem will be part of active cyberdefenses, including those that use higher-level reasoning and decision-making, but these still operate within one’s own network. Some concepts for active cyber defense move beyond policing one’s own networks into going on the offense. Hacking back is when an organization responds to a cyberattack by counterattacking, gaining information about the attacker or potentially shutting down the computers from which the attack is originating. Because many cyberattacks involve co-opting unsuspecting “zombie” computers and repurposing them for attack, hacking back can inevitably draw in third parties. Hacking back is controversial and, if done by private actors, could be illegal. As one cybersecurity analyst noted, “Every action accelerates.”

  Automation has been used in some limited settings when hacking back. When the FBI took down the Coreflood botnet, it redirected infected botnet computers to friendly command-and-control servers, which then issued an automatic stop command to them. However, this is another example of automation being used to execute a decision made by people, which is far different than delegating the decision whether or not to hack back to an autonomous process.

  Automated hacking back would delegate the decision whether or not to go on the counteroffensive to an autonomous system. Delegating this authority could be very dangerous. Patrick Lin, an ethicist at California Polytechnic State University who has written extensively on autonomy in both military and civilian applications, warned at the United Nations in 2015, “autonomous cyber weapons could automatically escalate a conflict.” As Tousley acknowledged, cyberspace could be an area where automatic reactions between nation-states happen in milliseconds. Automated hacking back could cause a flash cyberwar that rapidly spirals out of control. Automated hacking back is a theoretical concept, and there are no publicly known examples of it occurring. (Definitively saying something has not happened in cyberspace is difficult, given the shadowy world of cyberwar.)

  The third intersection between cyber- and autonomous weapons is increasingly autonomous offensive cyberweapons. Computer security researchers have already demonstrated the ability to automate “spear phishing” attacks, in which unwitting users are sent malicious links buried inside seemingly innocuous emails or tweets. Unlike regular phishing attacks, which target millions of users at a time with mass emails, spear phishing attacks are specially tailored to specific individuals. This makes them more effective, but also more time-intensive to execute. Researchers developed a neural network that, drawing on data available on Twitter, learned to automatically develop “humanlike” tweets targeted at specific users, enticing them to click on malicious links. The algorithm was roughly as successful as manual spear phishing attempts but, because of automation, could be deployed en masse to automatically seek out and target vulnerable users.

  As in other areas, greater intelligence will allow offensive cyberweapons to operate with greater autonomy. Stuxnet autonomously carried out its attack, but its autonomy was highly constrained. Stuxnet had a number of safeguards in place to limit its spread and effects on computers that weren’t its target, as well as a self-termination date. One could envision future offensive cyberweapons that were given freer rein. Eric Messinger, a writer and researcher on legal issues and human rights, has argued:

  . . . in offensive cy
berwarfare, [autonomous weapon systems] may have to be deployed, because they will be integral to effective action in an environment populated by automated defenses and taking place at speeds beyond human capacities. . . . [The] development and deployment of offensive [autonomous weapon systems] may well be unavoidable.

  It’s not clear what an offensive autonomous cyberweapon would look like, given the challenges in both defining a “cyberweapon” and the varying ways in which autonomy is already used in cyberspace. From a certain perspective, a great deal of malware is inherently autonomous by virtue of its ability to self-replicate. The Internet Worm of 1988, for example, is an example of the Sorcerer’s Apprentice effect: a runaway, self-replicating process that cannot be stopped. This is an important dimension to malware that does not have an analogy in physical weapons. Drones and robotic systems cannot self-replicate. In this sense, malware resembles biological viruses and bacteria, which self-replicate and spread from host to host.

  But there is a critical difference between digital and biological viruses. Biological pathogens can mutate and adapt in response to environmental conditions. They evolve. Malware, at least today, is static. Once malware is deployed, it can spread, it can hide (as Stuxnet did), but it cannot modify itself. Malware can be designed to look for updates and spread these updates among copies of itself via peer-to-peer sharing (Stuxnet did this as well), but new software updates originate with humans.

  In 2008, a worm called Conficker spread through the internet, infecting millions of computers. As computer security specialists moved to counter it, Conficker’s designers released updates, eventually fielding as many as five different variants. These updates allowed Conficker’s programmers to stay ahead of security specialists, upgrading the worm and closing vulnerabilities when they were detected. This made Conficker a devilishly hard worm to defeat. At one point, an estimated 8 to 15 million computers worldwide were infected.


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