Douluo Dalu: Volume 33: Seven Devils Avatars

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Douluo Dalu: Volume 33: Seven Devils Avatars Page 5

by Tang Jia San Shao

  Nobody noticed that, at this moment, a trace of strange blue light flashed between Tang San’s eyebrows.

  An itchy feeling throughout his whole body almost made Tang San moan. To him, this feeling wasn’t great, but the golden light merging into his body seemed to rouse all the abilities in his body. All damage quickly recovered, the sensation of imminent collapse quickly retreating, and everything around seemed to grow clearer.

  Xiao Wu’s body was shot away by the golden light. The red dot of light on her forehead flashed continuously. There was no scene of a screen of light shattering like for the others, but a dignified voice also echoed in the depths of her soul.

  “Never leaving, never abandoning. Able to sacrifice oneself for one's lover. Perfect accompaniment. Peak level one trial one ninth complete, superimposing reward.”

  The golden light over Tang San continued for a full hour. When the sky darkened once again, his wounds were already completely healed, and even his spirit power had recovered to its peak. That golden trident on his forehead subsequently dulled, returning to its brand shape.

  “Xiao Wu.”

  After Tang San’s gaze recovered its spirit, his first action was to pull Xiao Wu into his arms. Holding her tightly, refusing to relax no matter what was said. When Xiao Wu fully used Nothingness and Instant Kill Eight Stage Drop, Tang San had once again deeply felt that he would lose her. Even though he could reverse the crisis this time, that kind of feeling had still shaken even the heart that hadn’t swayed during the limit ordeal of the God Bestowed Spirit Ring.

  Xiao Wu didn’t speak, only closely hung on Tang San’s neck. The feelings between her and Tang San no longer needed to be conveyed with words. They would both pay everything for the other, truly everything.

  Only once Xiao Wu’s soul had again returned within Tang San, her body softly sleeping in Tang San’s embrace, did he gradually return to his senses. Turning his head, he looked at his smiling companions.

  Seagod Douluo Bo Saixi had already arrived next to them at some point. Seeing Tang San awaken from his deep emotions, she said with a smile:

  “Congratulations on passing the first trial. However, even more difficult trials still await you. No matter black or peak level trials, you must never forget the importance of the team. Another two people will accept the God Bestowed Spirit Ring. When you have finished absorbing the spirit ring, it will be time to begin the second trial. It’s still a one year time limit.”

  Two specks of golden light flew out from Bo Saixi’s hand, and Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing who had both reached the seventieth rank sat down. Golden light mist filled their bodies, the spirit ring trial beginning.

  Pulling the sleeping Xiao Wu close, Tang San said:

  “Senior, may I ask a question?”

  Bo Saixi nodded to Tang San,


  Tang San said:

  “This God Bestowed Spirit Ring, is it your power, or the power of the Seagod?”

  Bo Saixi calmly said:

  “Of course it’s the lord Seagod’s power. This is a miracle. Whenever a black level examinee appears, the lord Seagod will grant one chance for a god bestowed spirit ring. Besides an act of god, who could bestow spirit rings? I’m human, not a god.”

  Looking deeply at Bo Saixi, Tang San nodded, saying:

  “Many thanks senior, I understand.”

  Having clarified his doubt, Tang San very unceremoniously sat down on the ground, using his thighs as Xiao Wu’s pillow. Even though his body had already recovered, his taut mind relaxed with the completion of the first trial. One year of seemingly unceasing cultivation, even though his strength swiftly advanced, at the same time it also kept his mind under constant strain. If he didn’t relax now, his heart might truly collapse.

  Dai Mubai said:

  “Senior, can we take a look in the Seagod’s Hall?”

  Bo Saixi shot him a glance,

  “It still isn’t time. There will be a chance for you to worship the lord Seagod. If you insist on entering the Seagod’s Hall right now, it’s not like there isn’t a chance. As long as you can defeat me. En, I’ll tell you now. If you can defeat me, besides Tang San’s Seagod nine trials where only the first six can be completed, the rest of all your other trials can be considered completed. I don’t mind if you try. I will face you with all my strength. However, I won’t start off leniently.”

  For some reason, hearing the lure in her voice, the Shrek Seven Devils all shivered in their souls.

  Defeating Seagod Douluo Bo Saixi? Even though everyone’s strength had progressed rapidly in the last year, they still wouldn’t be so arrogant as to think they could defeat this peak existence among Title Douluo. That was a ninety ninth ranked super power!

  His butt dropping to the ground, only a wry smile remained on Dai Mubai’s face. Oscar, Ma Hongjun and Bai Chenxiang also sat down one after another. Their experiences in this year had really been too exhausting. Cultivating without any buffer time had stretched their bodies and minds to the limit.

  Six hours later, as the sky gradually brightened and a marble white smear rose on the eastern horizon, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing finally absorbed to the limit of what they could bear, finishing the god bestowed spirit ring trial.

  Just as the two absorbed their spirit rings and entered cultivation to recover, the just brightening sky abruptly darkened. Besides Bai Chenxiang, the brands on each of the Shrek Seven Devils brightened simultaneously.

  Black clouds gathered densely in the sky. Above Seagod Mountain was abundant momentum for mountain rain. On the once again darkening sacred mountain, that Seagod’s Light became especially clear. But the ring shaped sea outside the mountain began to boil violently.

  Waves rose, one bizarre energy fluctuation after another moving in the ring sea. On the horizon, seven lines of golden light once again cut open the sky and converged. This time the position they converged was the peak of the Seagod’s Hall. The golden light gathered for a very short time, flashing and disappearing. But as that golden light scattered, to the eyes of the Shrek Seven Devils, the ring sea was covered in a golden barrier of light.

  This barrier was only ten meters or so from the surface of the ring sea, just like when they arrived at the Seahorse Sacred Pillar. It seemed to block the rage of the waves. This golden light spread the whole way to the shores of the ring shaped sea.

  At the same moment, a brand new screen appeared in the minds of all the Shrek Seven Devils. Their second trial was starting.

  When the ring shaped sea roiled, Seagod Douluo Bo Saixi’s figure had already disappeared. None of the Shrek Seven Devils had noticed her leave.

  Dai Mubai said in a low voice:

  “Second trial, Break Through, Ring Blockade. Conditions to pass, pass through the ring sea blockade and reach the other shore, without killing any sea spirit beast.”

  Oscar and Ma Hongjun looked face to face, both nodding. Clearly they had received the same trial. Without need to ask, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong’s trials weren’t much different, only because of Ning Rongrong’s peak level trial, her difficulty was a bit higher.

  Tang San’s face carried a slightly wry smile. Seeing his comrades’ attentive gazes at him, he said:

  “My trial is the same as yours, with the caveat that I can’t use any spirit ring abilities.”


  Dai Mubai and Oscar frowned practically simultaneously. If Tang San couldn’t use spirit abilities, that meant his strength was enormously restricted. Most crucial was that his two great domains couldn’t be amplified by Spirit Avatar. Spirit Avatar was equivalent to Tang San’s seventh spirit ability, so it would naturally be restricted. Even though the domains could still be used, it was without the Spirit Avatar amplification. The domains wouldn’t be able to display their true power. They of course wouldn’t think that passing through this ring sea would be as simple as when they landed on the Seahorse Sacred Pillar. No need to ask, waiting for them in that ring sea, besides violent wav
es, would be unknown amounts of powerful spirit beasts. And nobody knew how to swim. That golden light barrier also restricted flight. Just how difficult this trial was could only be known after going deep into the ring sea.

  “This trial really is simple!”

  Ma Hongjun leaned smiling on the stone steps, without any nervousness.


  Tang San, Dai Mubai and Oscar couldn’t help looking towards him.

  Fatty grinned, saying:

  “Of course it’s simple, did you forget how we landed on Seagod Island? Third brother still has that Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud! That’s not a spirit ability. We’ll stealthily run the blockade again. No difficulty.”

  Hearing Fatty speak, Dai Mubai and Oscar couldn’t keep their eyes from brightening. Right! How could they have forgotten a treasure like the Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud.

  Only, they very soon grew disappointed, because Tang San’s expression didn’t relax because of what Ma Hongjun said.

  Sure enough, Tang San immediately broke everyone’s expectations, helplessly saying:

  “I just tried it, the Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud seems to be restricted by some strange force, I can’t summon it. It seems that we can only rely on our own strength for this trial. It would be nice if the spirit beasts in this ring sea aren’t too powerful.”

  Oscar said:

  “Maybe not. Our mission is to break through the ring sea’s blockade, reaching the other side counts as passing. This trial isn’t that difficult. The distance across the water is just a few hundred meters, with our strength, crossing without killing spirit beasts has a very high probability of success. And there are only two powers that can stop us in this ring sea. One is the sea itself. And the other is naturally the spirit beasts. No need to kill, it’s fine as long as we dodge. Like this, it won’t matter how strong the spirit beasts blocking us are.”

  Tang San said:

  “We still have to face another problem, the ring sea has now already sealed our way out, and at the same time it naturally seals the way in. Starting from today, we won’t have any food resupply. Moreover, we can’t kill the creatures in the ring sea to make up for it.”

  Dai Mubai was eager to give it a try:

  “It would be better to let me give it a try first, take a look at just how powerful the spirit beasts in this ring sea really are.”

  Tang San hastily blocked him:

  “No. The circumstances are still unclear, we can’t move rashly. Rongrong and Zhuqing are still cultivating too. There’s still a year’s time, the we don’t have to worry about food either, we just won’t have any delicacies. Right now little Ao and Fatty’s spirit power is also at the sixty ninth rank. Within one year they can also break through to the seventieth rank. Even though Fatty has already had his got bestowed spirit ring quota, little Ao still hasn’t. A food system Spirit Master will be a terrifying existence at the Spirit Sage level. I believe that little Ao’s Spirit Avatar will definitely surprise us. It won’t be too late to try the second trial once we have this guarantee. I don’t know what surprises Rongrong’s seventh spirit ability Spirit Avatar can give us either.”

  Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing spent another two hours before waking up from cultivation. Certainly, the two both had another black spirit ring.

  Because the two women had endured the trial of the god bestowed spirit ring, they were still a bit weak after waking up, even after two hours of recuperation, but their minds still seemed extremely excited. The seventh spirit ring, to any Spirit Master, was extremely important. It could also be called a watershed for Spirit Masters. Past the seventieth rank you could be considered having stepped into the ranks of powers.

  Dai Mubai and Oscar stepped forward to support them. Before anyone could ask, Ning Rongrong already took the lead to speak up:

  “My god bestowed spirit ring is equivalent to a spirit beast between forty and fifty thousand years, the seventh spirit ability is Nine Treasure Avatar. Besides making all my spirit ability amplification levels reach eighty percent, in the Nine Treasure Avatar State, the spirit power consumed by all boost abilities is reduced by half. Moreover, I believe that the Nine Treasure Avatar condition will let me multitask a lot more smoothly.”

  Oscar looked distracted while supporting her,

  “Worthy of being a first rate spirit, the Spirit Avatar effect really is abnormal! Reducing spirit power consumption by half, doesn’t that mean you can boost us for twice as long?”

  Ning Rongrong nodded:

  “Exactly. Only, for now I can’t use Nine Treasure Avatar.”

  Oscar looked distracted,


  Ning Rongrong smiled wryly:

  “The peak level second trial, Break Through, Ring Blockade. The seventh spirit ability is sealed. Look.”

  While speaking, she released her Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda. As that sparkling and translucent resplendent pagoda appeared in her palm, everyone immediately saw the difference. Among the seven spirit rings circling the pagoda, the last black one that should be a black ten thousand year spirit ring was now grey.

  Everyone couldn’t help frowning, and Tang San sighed:

  “My circumstances are the same as Rongrong, only all my spirit rings are sealed.”

  He also released his Blue Silver Emperor. Hilariously, only ten odd strands of Blue Silver Emperor shot out, and the originally dazzling seven spirit rings were now already completely grey. They were clearly unusable.

  “Yi, Rongrong, how did your second spirit ring turn purple?”

  Zhu Zhuqing originally wanted to explain the circumstances of her seventh spirit ability, but Ning Rongrong’s spirit ring colors made her seem to discover a new world. Actually, this was already the case when Ning Rongrong helped Tang San pass his trial, only at that time everyone’s attention was focused on Tang San, basically without any thought to this. Nobody had never imagined Ning Rongrong’s second spirit ring would change color either. That’s why it was like this.

  Ning Rongrong giggled, saying:

  “Passing the first trial, besides spirit power rising one rank, my six spirit rings also all received five hundred years of cultivation. The second spirit ring was originally from a five hundred year or so spirit beast, with another five hundred it turned into a thousand year spirit ring. That’s why.”

  Fatty couldn’t help saying:

  “As expected, the greater the difficulty of the trial, the greater the rewards! Third brother, what about you? You have Seagod nine trials, the first trial was also so difficult, you should have two ranks of spirit power. Go on and say it.”

  Tang San then thought of the dignified voice that appeared in the back of his head when he passed the trial, and shook his head:

  “There’s no spirit power reward, it seems it only rewarded something called Seagod Affinity, five percent. Altogether only these five percent, I don’t know what use it is.”

  “Seagod affinity?”

  Hearing these words, everyone were a bit puzzled.

  Tang San casually said:

  “Doesn’t matter what the rewards are, since coming here, our strength has made a qualitative leap. This is already the best reward.”

  Dai Mubai said:

  “Agreed, we also face the danger of losing our lives at all times. But we will definitely crash our way through the challenges, completing all the trials here. Zhuqing, what’s your seventh spirit ring?”

  Zhu Zhuqing said:

  “My seventh spirit ring can be used, my second trial is only Break Through, Ring Blockade. The seventh spirit ability, Civet Avatar, can incarnate as the Hell Civet, speed increases fifty percent. In the Civet Avatar state, all spirit abilities are boosted by fifty percent, mainly in terms of attack power.”

  This was clearly the proper results of a normal Spirit Avatar. Even though it wasn’t extraordinary, it was still a substantial leap in strength.

  * * *

  [1] Asura Hell - (修罗地狱)

  Chapter 228: Oscar’s Vulga
r Seventh Spirit Ability

  Tang San looked at his companions:

  “Having finally passed the first trial, no matter how difficult the second, we should all properly rest a bit now. This year has been too exhausting. We’ll rest for three days, adjust your conditions properly, we’ll start cultivating again afterwards. For the next period of time, our main cultivation direction will change from spirit power to ability use and cooperation. After all, everyone’s spirit power has increased substantially, and we also have some even more powerful spirit abilities. Everyone’s seen the difficulty of the first trial, the second won’t be any easier. We need to not only grasp our own abilities, but also our comrades’. Only by improving our teamwork as far as possible will we have better certainty for the second trial.”

  Dai Mubai nodded:

  “I have no objections, let’s do it like that. We can finally relax a bit. Haha. Rest, rest, come, Zhuqing, we’ll find somewhere to sleep a while……”

  Zhu Zhuqing shot him an angry glare, her whole face flushed red.

  Before Oscar had opened his mouth, Ning Rongrong was already glaring unhappily at him, and he could only swallow back what he had been about to say.

  Just as everyone were preparing to disband to rest, Fatty suddenly leapt up,

  “Hang on, hang on, don’t rest yet. Big brothers, big sister, little sisters, you have to stand witness for your brother!”

  While speaking, he turned to Bai Chenxiang, his face all smiles, only small cracks left behind by the fat crowding in his eyes.

  Bai Chenxiang looked at him mystified,

  “Damn Fatty, what are you on about?”

  Ma Hongjun’s smile instantly froze, his little eyes opening wide once again,

  “Damn, did you forget? What you said when third brother passed the first test?”

  Everyone then understood Fatty’s meaning. Bai Chenxiang said that if Tang San safely passed the first test, she would give Fatty a chance. The others had forgotten about it, but how could Fatty forget?

  Bai Chenxiang then reacted, so Fatty was thinking about that. Feeling everyone’s eyes gather on her, she confidently said:


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