Charm City Part 1 (Welcome to Bodymore Murdaland)

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Charm City Part 1 (Welcome to Bodymore Murdaland) Page 9

by S. L. Walker

  “Hey sweety,” she said opening the door. She had been crying.

  “Call him back,” I told her.


  “Call Alex back,” I told her.

  “Honey, he’s-” she said.

  “Call…him..back mom,” I told her grabbing the phone and redialing it myself. She started to take the phone from me, but I pulled away.

  “Patty, I am not going to say this again,” he said answering.

  “This isn’t Patty! This is your daughter, Victoria!” I yelled.

  “Tori?” He asked surprised.

  “Don’t call me that. Don’t you dare call me that you selfish waste of sperm!”

  “Listen, I don’t have to listen to this,” he said.

  “Oh you’re going to listen to me. You maybe able to run away from mom’s words, but you will hear me out and hear me out very clearly. This is not over. I wouldn’t want you to be my dad or be in my life if you were the last piece of shit on Earth but you WILL help mom and you are GOING to help her and we will fight you until we-” I stopped when the phone clicked. My mouth dropped as I looked at the phone and then I looked at my mom who had her mouth covered and holding back her tears. I gritted my teeth and hung up the phone.

  “Fuck him,” I told her throwing the phone on the bed and walking out.

  My mom had an interview that Saturday morning so I surprised her with breakfast. She came in the kitchen to bacon, eggs, fruit, and waffles.

  “Oh Tori,” she smiled. “You didn’t have to, you could’ve slept in. I didn’t need all this,” she said.

  “It’s nothing, mom. You deserve it. Hope your interview goes well,” I told her setting her plate on the table.

  “Yeah, me too. It’s a nice boutique. Black owned,” she half smiled.

  “Well, you look nice,” I told her. She had on a slick black dress and black scarf around her neck and gold heels. “I hope you like it.”

  She gobbled some bacon and eggs and grabbed some sliced apples with her and got up.

  “I gotta get going,” she said kissing me on the forehead. “Oh and punishment is over. You earned it,” she smiled grabbing her keys. “I love you.

  “Yes!” I said to myself grabbing bacon off her plate and racing to call Raven to see what she was up to.

  I got to Raven’s house towards the afternoon where she met me outside.

  “I know you’re happy to be off punishment,” she teased walking up to me.

  “Yeah, I think she felt bad about Alex,” I told her.

  “That piece of shit. Karma’s a bitch, though,” she reassured.

  “So you and Eva make up yet?” I asked her sitting on the porch.

  “Yea we did. I still can’t believe she might move,” Raven said. Angel pulled up on her bike waving and parked it.

  “Hey y’all,” she said sitting on the porch with us. “What’s going on?” She asked.

  “Nothing, so where we getting our costumes at for the fair?” I asked.

  “I ain’t wearing one,” Raven shook her head.

  “Aw you a party pooper,” Angel laughed. Eva pulled up on her bike and joined us.

  “I guess we can hit the mall,” Angel threw out there.

  “You got off punishment I see, Tori,” Eva jokingly poked Victoria on the shoulder.

  “How the hell was I the only one that got in real trouble for that fight?” I asked. They all laughed.

  “Come on then let’s go before it gets crowded,” Eva rushed us.

  “Hol’ up,” Raven stopped us as we were about to get on our bikes.

  Zara pulled up on her bike, shocking all of us, especially Eva.

  “Hey guys!” She stopped on her bike, but stayed on it. We all said hi but were all wondering what she was doing there.

  “I invited Zara to come with us,” Raven told us, sensing our confusion.

  It wasn’t like Raven to add any new people to our circle but I guess there was no real surprise.

  “Well this is new,” I commented, but continued walking over to hop on my bike.

  “Very,” Eva glared.

  “Cool!” Angel said, breaking the tension.

  “I hope it’s okay. I wanted to find something for my birthday, which by the way you guys are all invited to,” said Zara, digging into her blue transparent backpack and grabbing some glittery invitations. “It’s just a little get together at my house,” she said.

  “Her house is so phat y’all,” Raven bragged.

  “You’ve been to her house?” Eva asked, irritated.

  “Yeah, the other day. Her dad wants to meet you guys, too,” Raven answered her, missing the frustration that was all over Eva.

  “I thought you didn’t have no friends?” Eva questioned Zara.

  “Come on, let’s go,” Raven said hopping on her bike before Zara could answer her. I could see Eva was going to make this a problem as we all hopped on our bikes for the mall.


  The Halloween Fair was a big community thing every year. There were rides, scary mazes, prizes, and games. The girls all went together including Zara, again. Everyone was dressed up except Raven, who had a gold masquerade mask on.

  “Raven, you could’ve at least picked a scary mask, geesh,” Eva complained.

  “I told her,” Victoria added.

  “Y’all better be glad I dressed up at all,” Raven said. “Y’all worry about y’all.”

  “I shouldn’t have worn this tutu, it’s so cold,” Zara complained. She had on a pink tutu and white corset.

  “What are you supposed to be anyway?” Eva asked her, still not happy that Zara was playing fifth wheel again.

  “A bunny, check the ears,” Zara pointed at the long headband ears she had on her head.

  “So you shoulda worn a bunny costume instead of trying to be cute,” Eva told her.

  “Leave her alone, Eva, really, damn. Like that skimpy nurse outfit ain’t got you freezing,” Raven scolded. Eva still didn’t like Zara and she was making it very clear. Zara didn’t need anymore convincing.

  “Whatever,” Zara responded. “You look cute, Angel. Perfect costume,” she said to Angel who was wearing big white angel wings and white jeans and a white shirt.

  “Thanks,” Angel smiled. “CatWoman never fails,” she said to Victoria who had on a pre-made Cat Woman costume from the Halloween store.

  “I know,” Victoria struck a pose as if she was taking a picture.

  “There’s Sam, be right back,” Angel said, trotting over to Sam standing near one of the games.

  “Hey Sam!” She said. Sam was dressed in a vampire cape and turned around with a surprised and lusty look on his face.

  “Hey, Angel, you look nice,” he said hugging her.

  “Who you here with?” She asked him.

  “Oh, my brother and his friend. They went to get popcorn,” he pointed towards the food stand where they were standing with a large crowd. “I’m just playing this until they get back,” he said pointing at the basketball game. He put two dollars in the jar.

  “Can I watch? Me and my friends just got here,” she pointed towards the girls who were still huddled in conversation.

  “Yeah, of course,” he told her taking the basketball from the check guy. He all of sudden felt nervous to shoot in front of Angel. He missed one shot and the other two. He shook it off, looking at one of the bears he wanted to win just for her. He made the last shot and Angel cheered. The guy gave him a choice of bear.

  “Which one do you like?” He asked Angel.

  “Oh? Um, that one I guess,” she pointed at a small white tiger. The guy handed it to her. “Thanks, he’s so cute,” she smiled.

  “Perfect fit then,” he flirted. Angel felt a sense of nervousness, too, but in a good way.

  “Hey! We are going in the maze, you coming?” Eva interrupted their moment.

  “Oh yeah, for sure,” Angel told Eva. She turned to Sam. “I’ll see you around, Sam? Thanks for the bear,” she said waving as she
left him and followed her girls.

  “That’s the guy from the center, ain’t it?” Eva asked Angel.

  “Yeah,” Angel replied.

  “Ouweeee,” Eva teased, grabbing her by the arm.

  “It’s not like that,” Angel shook her head.

  “He won you a bear that’s like buying you dinner,” Eva laughed.

  The girls walked up and stood in the short line for the maze.

  “This better be scary,” Raven said looking up at the darkly lit maze with scary painted monsters.

  “I mean it’s a fair, how scary can it be?” Tori joked.

  The girls each walked slowly behind other kids as the instructor pointed where to enter.

  “Hey, look. There’s your boo!” Angel nudged at Eva. Eva looked over to see Zero with a group of girls. She was holding a skinny blonde girls hand. Zero was wearing her same signature camouflage pants and a grey hoody with a camouflage baseball hat. Eva noticed all the girls had on camouflage pants, even the blonde girl. Zero seemed to be the only one who was dressed in boy attire and the only one not acting a fool. They were being loud and obnoxious, trying to be seen, dolled up with earrings, makeup and even heels.

  “Pshh, very funny,” Eva rolled her eyes and looked back at the instructor.

  “Do not touch anything! Do not push or pull or horseplay! Have fun and enjoooooy,” he said in a spooky voice.

  The girls cheered, excited as they entered the weirdly designed mirror maze. They wiggled around mirrors holding hands and teasing each other. Eva made faces at one of the mirrors that made her shape funny, Raven did too. Raven caught a glimpse of a boy in the mirror in front of her and jumped. He grinned, making her feel awkward. She turned and followed the girls through the maze. She saw the boy again, who was staring at her again. She gave an uncomfortable smile while Eva pulled her with them to the exit.

  “That was so whack!” Victoria laughed.

  “Seriously. What’s next? Y’all wanna hit the roller coaster?” Zara asked. They filed out of the mirror maze and walked next to one of the cotton candy stands.

  “I’m kind of hungry,” Angel said.

  “I’m not eating before I get on any rides,” Raven shook her head..

  “Well, then don’t eat then. We not supposed to eat because of you?” Eva frowned but Raven ignored her pettiness.

  “I’m just going to get me a pretzel,” Angel said walking across the way to the food stand.

  “Me, too,” Eva said, following her.

  “I am thirsty,” Victoria said following them and leaving Zara and Raven alone.

  “We can go without them if you want,” Zara offered. “I can eat before and after a ride.”

  “Ha! Nah it’s cool,” Raven wasn’t tripping.

  “Well, hey,” a male voice said behind Raven. The same boy who was in the maze was standing right in front of her with one of his friends to his left.

  “You don’t know me?” He asked her glancing over at Zara. Raven shook her head.

  “I’m Treach,” he said with a sly grin and looking back at Raven. Raven’s eyes widened as she looked at him closely. This was not a boy, but a man. He was styled in a regular white collared shirt and jeans; no jewelry or anything special about him. She almost wanted to ask how old he was.

  “I know your brother. He told me about you. About what you did,” he said, once again glancing at Zara.

  “Oh, yeah. I’m sorry see-” Raven began to explain but Treach interrupted her.

  “No worries. Save all that, you were trying to help. I told him I admired that. I need more ambition like that on my team,” he told her moving close and taking her hand in his. She took it back and shook it.

  “Listen, between me and you right now, I have a couple deliveries I need to be made next month. Just a couple. I’ll pay you top if you help me out,” Treach said, looking around and lowering his voice.

  Raven gave an awkward smile. “Why me?”

  “No one will suspect anything with you. It’ll go smoothly. I need more girls on my team. Plus, I heard you was tough and can hold your own. I trust that. So what do you say?” Treach asked.

  “Um, Raven,” Zara started to protest. She didn’t like this conversation. Treach cut his eyes at her.

  “Listen, here,” he said taking out a piece of paper and writing on it. “You let me know what you want to do. The amount I will pay you, the location and date, all on this piece of paper. You don’t even gotta tell your big bro. As a matter of fact, let’s keep it between us. A silent debt,” he said.

  A debt?

  Raven hesitantly took the paper and stuffed it in her back pocket.

  “You won’t regret it, baby girl,” he said touching her chin and walking away.

  Raven stood there in disbelief.

  “What just happened?” Zara asked. The girls were still at the stand across the way ordering their food.

  “I don’t know, but…” Raven started to say until she caught glimpse of her brother coming their way. “Come on,” she pulled Zara to where the girls were.

  Deon walked up behind them with his friends.

  “Wassup, Vee, you good?” He asked her. His eyebrows were scrunched up with concern.

  “Yeah, why,” she smiled, hoping he wouldn’t see through her fakeness.

  “Aight, y’all be safe,” he threw up the peace sign and him and his friends walked off towards the roller coaster.

  “Is there something I’m missing, Raven? What was Treach doing offering you a job?” Zara asked.

  “What?” Eva overheard.

  “Treach just walked up to Raven and wants her to be a delivery girl,” Zara snitched.

  “Wait hold up, hell no,” Eva said.

  “Are you crazy, Raven, I know you said no,” Tori added.

  “Wait first of all chill out! Zara, how do YOU even know him?” Raven asked her.

  “Everyone…does,” Zara hesitated.

  “No, everyone doesn’t,” Raven said. “At least not what he looks like,” Raven added.

  “Well, I happen to know,” Zara said.

  “And how is that?” Eva questioned her. “You fucked him too?” Eva couldn’t wait to disrespect her.

  “Hey, fuck you!” Zara said getting in Eva’s face who didn’t back down.

  “Can y’all stop?!” Victoria got in between. “Who cares how she knows him. It’s true that a lot of people know who Treach is. Question is, why was he in your face, though?” She asked, putting the situation back to Raven.

  “I don’t know,” Raven added. She pulled out the piece of paper and handed it to Victoria. “He gave me this.”

  Victoria took the paper and opened it.

  It read:

  $5gs 11/6 143 Burberry St. – pick up

  55th ave and 2nd st.- drop off

  Ask 4 Lo

  “He’s giving you five thousand dollars to deliver some damn weed?” Victoria asked. The girls all chattered at the same time. Raven shushed them and pulled them away from the crowd that was forming near the stand.

  “Must be a lot,” Angel said.

  “That’s a lot of money, Raven,” Zara said.

  “Well, you might as well throw that shit in the trash because that is crazy and Deon will kill you,” Eva said.

  “She’s right, Vee,” Victoria added.

  “I know y’all, geesh. Can we hit up the roller coaster now?” Raven said, snatching the paper back from Victoria. She was curious, but she didn’t want the girls to know that; not the way they were acting.

  The girls gave her an uneasy look.

  “Don’t do anything stupid, Vee,” Eva pleaded.

  “Okay, can we go, it’s getting crowded,” Raven brushed he off and walked off towards the roller coaster that rides in the opposite direction. Zara followed. Eva, Angel, and Victoria looked at each other all hoping they could trust their friend, for her sake.


  We forgot all about Raven’s run in with Treach by the end of the night at the Halloween F
air. We road so many rides and had so much candy we were just hyped to be out and about with each other. Towards the end of the night, I had run into Sam again at a lemonade stand.

  “Wassup,” he smiled. “You want one?” he asked me, pointing at the huge souvenir cups of lemonade.

  “Oh, no I’m okay. I am all sugared out. My mom will be here in a minute to pick me up,” I pointed towards the exit. Eva had already left and Victoria was standing with Raven and Zara trying to play one last game and win something.

  “Did you have fun? I saw you a couple times. You looked like you were,” Sam asked.

  “Yeah I did. Still have your bear,” I grinned, holding up the white tiger he had won for me.

  “It’s yours,” he said. He took his lemonade from the check guy. “You wanna get lunch sometime? When you get off work maybe?” He asked me. It threw me by surprise he was so forward. I even looked at the check guy, who acted as if he wasn’t interested in our conversation, but I knew he was.

  “Uh, sure why not,” I told him. He smiled from ear to ear.

  “Cool, Monday? I know this great sandwich spot on 5th,” he said.

  “Works for me,” I confirmed. I glanced over at the girls who were being nosy as hell. They were looking at me, laughing and making kiss faces. I brushed their immaturity off.

  “You really do look nice tonight,” he stared.

  “Thanks, I’ll see you Monday, then? I should go wait out in the front,” I said walking backwards.

  “Okay, Monday,” he waved at me and walked back towards his own friends.

  “What was that?” Raven asked laughing as I reached them.

  “Nothing, I’ll see you guys later,” I said, not wanting them to make Sam an issue.

  “Aight!” Raven shrugged and waved goodbye as I walked to the front of the fair to wait on my mom.

  “Later,” said Tori.

  “Make it home safe,” added Zara.

  My mom’s car pulled up as soon as I got there.

  “Hey,” I said getting in. She didn’t look happy.

  “You have fun?” She asked me with a slight attitude.


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