Charm City Part 1 (Welcome to Bodymore Murdaland)

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Charm City Part 1 (Welcome to Bodymore Murdaland) Page 42

by S. L. Walker

  “Few pounds,” DJ responded.

  “That’s a lot of coke,” Raven’s eyes widened. Raven had been doing her research whenever they handed off the coke for the runs. They barely did over $50,000 and in most cases, Treach still ran pounds of weed to some of his hittas on the blocks to sale. This Jack guy was a new customer and by the looks of it a good one. But Raven didn’t feel right about him and ever since Professor Heart followed them, she feared he’d sooner or later snitch, despite what Eva told her.

  DJ smirked to himself. He was growing more and more infatuated with Raven no matter what he tried to talk himself out of.

  “We’ve never done that much,” she reiterated. She didn’t like Treach randomly giving them more and more product. The more product they had the easier it was for them to be a target.

  “Relax, that’s why we are here and not your little driver you took with you last time,” Nine told her, referring to Zara. He made a turn onto the freeway heading towards the large Mansion. “Besides, you all will be taking home some nice coins after this one.”

  “Fine with me,” Victoria added in the backseat. She had grown accustomed to the money and now that her mother won her settlement, she felt on top of the world. The runs they did were easy. She had forgotten all about the shit that went down with Big Willy. But Angel didn’t and she looked over and could see the nonchalant in Victoria’s eyes. Angel made a mental note to talk to her when she had a chance. She wanted to make sure Victoria wasn’t becoming aloof to their situation. It was dangerous for them to let their guard down. Angel knew that at least Raven was playing her part and even if she didn’t care, it was only to get them to their next move. As far as Eva, Angel knew that Eva would be on her tippy toes thanks to Professor Heart’s carelessness, so she didn’t have to worry about losing Eva to this mess, but Victoria was becoming absent-minded.

  She looked outside of the window at the tall bare trees dashing by her. She wanted nothing more than this to be done and took her mind to the gold sequined dress she had bought and smiled knowing Sam would love it on her.

  Nick had driven around a few times, making sure the coast was clear before he parked his black unmarked town car a little ways from Jack’s mansion. He took out his binoculars and tried to scout over the large hill that blocked the Mansion windows. This was the only spot he could surveillance without looking fully suspicious to cameras that he was sure surrounded Jack’s home. He had been following Jack for a month now, knowing that Jack had been involved with numerous coke buyers, even some in Miami. Luckily for the girls, the day they had made their first run for Jack, Nick was on another case. He knew the DEA would soon get involved and wanted to bag him before they did. They were just as hot on Jack’s trail as him and Jack had absolutely no clue.

  “Anything?” His police walkie talkie chirped with his male partner staked out a few blocks away as back up.

  “Nothing. Looks like they are having a little party, but nothing yet. Was somebody able to get ahold of you about that warrant?” Nick spoke back into the walkie.

  “Still working on it,” they replied.

  “Wait, a white SUV is pulling up to the gate,” Nick told them as he watched Nine pull into the gate that slowly opened for him. The tints were a limo black so Nick couldn’t make out who was driving, even with his binoculars. “Maybe just more partiers,” Nick talked into the walkie. He leaned over the passenger seat and rolled his window down to get a better look. He watched the SUV turn into the driveway and head to the front door. He frantically reached into his backseat searching for his camera. He finally grabbed it and waited patiently for the driver to exit.

  His gut told him it wasn’t just partiers, not with windows that black.

  DJ hopped out of the passenger side and opened the door for the girls to all exit from his side of the car. He handed Angel a small black duffle bag and Victoria one, too.

  “What’s this?” Victoria asked, not used to holding on to any product.

  “They are split up into two. Just in case,” DJ told her, closing the door behind her.

  “In and out,” Nine reminded them as he looked around for anything suspicious.

  “No doubt,” DJ told him and escorted the girls to the side entry way of Jack’s home. The same butler, Franklin, was standing by the door, expecting them. He opened the door and nodded for them to come in. Loud rock music echoed in the distance. All of the girls were curious as to where it was coming from and how large this party really was. They followed Franklin through a few large living rooms, through the marbled kitchen and the music got louder. He took them through two double doors which were blacked out with tint. He opened the door and like a gust of wind, the music blasted in all of their faces. The room was dark only lit by purple and black lights. A few exotic looking women, half naked, walked around laughing and giggling with some of Jack’s friends. It wasn’t a ton of people inside, Raven counted twelve at the most, about four girls, Jack, and seven other white boys all stoned and drunk. Jack’s little party room was quite the site. It was huge, equipped with a full bar that his friends were helping themselves to. He had a dark purple round couch that curved next to the walls and a large, round black and white marble table filled with weed and open beer bottles. Jack looked up from devouring his face in some girls’ breast on the couch. He grinned.

  “Now the party can get started!” He yelled out, dismissing the girl and getting up and walking towards them. Franklin made his exit shutting the door behind him. The music was too loud and way too many eyes for their to be a neat transaction between them. DJ hoped Jack was smarter than he looked. He looked around at all the party people and then back to Jack.

  “Que paso!” Jack raised his arms out. “Nice to see you again!” He shouted over the music to the girls. “This way!” He motioned for them to follow him out other double doors, leading to a separate dining room.

  Victoria awed over the lavishness. She wanted this. She imagined her and Lance living lavishly in a mansion like this. Her mom would live in one wing separated from them and taken care of. Angel watched as Victoria touched expensive pieces and picture frames sitting on his coffee tables.

  “Ah, this is better,” Jack offered them a seat on his suede black couches. The ambience in this room was very different. It was dimly lit, had a black bear rug, and fireplace was lightly burn ing.

  “Feel free to place the bag there,” he pointed towards a small office desk that sat slightly next to the couches. The girls took a seat on the couch while DJ stood. Raven nodded for Angel and Victoria to put the bags on the table.

  “You got the doe?” DJ asked him, wanting to make this smooth and quick.

  “Ah, yes!” Jack stopped in his tracks from walking to the bags and back to a small shelf. He opened it, revealing a small safe. Angel and Victoria took the cocaine out carefully laying it out on the table, one by one. Jack pulled out his money and turned around to see the $60,000 coke placed seductively in front of him. “Oh man,” he said, dazed, handing the money over to DJ without taking his eyes off his new possessions.

  Three of Jack’s friends came bursting through the door, drunk and laughing, startling all of them. DJ, Raven and Victoria both drew their guns instantly.

  “Oh shit oh shit! We good we came to party!” A tall, dark haired, football player looking guy shouted with his hands up. He was pretty hefty in size which balanced out his short height.

  “Get the fuck out, man!” Jack frowned at his dumb friends. “You’re gonna get your brains blown out, dummies!” Jack continued to yell, but then started to laugh.

  “Awe come on man, it’s us!” Another dark haired white boy chimed in, stumbling towards Raven and Eva on the couch. He was the total opposite from the other guy. Too skinny, black hair was long, stringy and flew across his face. He had a chipped front tooth and looked like his breath stunk.

  “Oh shit, is that for us?!” The third guy, chubby blonde, slurring his words pointed, at the coke laid out. “Fuck yeah, man, let’s party!”
He quickly walked over to the coke, completely ignoring Victoria’s gun drawn.

  “Hey!” She reminded him, closing in on him with her gun.

  “Whoa, whoa!” He put his hands up as if he had just now seen her. They made her nervous with their stumbling and drunk speach.

  “Aye, chill girly, this is the homie, he’s good,” Jack told her. He had pretty much paid for the product and felt he could do as he pleased with it now.

  “Put the gun away,” DJ told her, putting his down and Raven put hers away too.

  “Money’s in our hands. Let’s go,” Raven told her. Victoria put her gun down and her and Angel moved away and let Jack and his friends drool over his product.

  “Y’all should stay and party for a while, y’all deserve it, maaan. What would Treach do without y’all?” Jack told them, drawing a line of coke on his table and snorting it. “Mmmmmmm! Come on y’all!” He motioned for his boys to have a taste.

  “Aye, you got a bathroom,” DJ asked him. He had been holding it the whole time and didn’t want to get back on that drive having to pee.

  “Yeah, right down that hallway,” Jack pointed down a small hallway, without even looking at DJ. He made another line on his desk and stinky breath dude was the first to fill his nose up with the powder. Raven rolled her eyes at the dope heads.

  “Be right back, then we out,” DJ gave Raven the money to pack in the bag and he exited out the room. The girls all watched the party boys snort and holler.

  “You’re pretty! Want some?!” The football player dude spoke to Angel. Angel looked around as if she didn’t know he was talking to her. “Yeah you, sweetness! Come have a taste pretty thing before you leave!” He boldly motioned for her to come over.

  “I’m okay,” she declined.

  “You?!” The chubby boy asked Eva. Eva’s cold stare told him no.

  “Ah y’all tight asses, especially miss Green Eyes,” skinny man bullied. Angel rolled her eyes, knowing that the cocaine and alcohol was making them bold.

  “Ah, shut the fuck up and leave em alone. Do another one!” Jack said to them.

  “Just come have one fucking line! Y’all know y’all do it!” The football player sneered at the girls. Impatiently, he dipped his finger in the coke and rushed over to Angel, pushing it in her face.

  “What the fuck?!” Raven hopped up in security mode while Angel slapped his hand away.

  “I said no!” Angel shouted. The powder fell scattered to the floor.

  “Bitch!” Football player yelled at her, offended that she slapped his hand and wasted a line of coke.

  Jack frantically threw the knife down and pulled his friend away from Angel. All the girls were on their feet now ready to go to war with this high motherfucker.

  “The fuck is the matter with you, Tony!” Jack yelled at his football friend. The girls frowned in disbelief, holding their composure. Raven looked back to see if DJ would walk in the room at any minute and then at Angel who had rage in her eyes.

  “Awe, I’m just kidding with the bitch!” Tony shooed her away and staggered back to the desk, barely able to stand over as he poured him another line.

  “Call me a bitch again!” Angel let the first insult go, but she wasn’t going to act like she didn’t hear it again. No one had ever called her that before and quite frankly she was tired of so many men calling her pretty but disrespecting her.

  Tony looked at her as if she was deaf.

  “Apologiiiiize,” Jack said to him, highly. He may have been high but these were his connects. Treach’s connects. He didn’t want that fucked up because his boy couldn’t handle his high. Jack knew that Tony had a hidden reputation for being disrespectful to women, but Angel didn’t and she took that as a direct hit.

  “I’m not apologizing, she should apologize for slapping my hand!” He slurred his words.

  Angel’s green eyes turned dark. Even the girls were a little surprised at Angel’s anger. Tony grabbed his beer off the table and began to walk back towards the party on the other end of the double doors.

  “I’ll leave. Even though she’s being a stuck up black bitch,” he turned to say, but he said it to Angel and not Tony. Angel’s skin crawled at the way his lip curled when he said it. Flashes of Big Willy’s grin, Treach’s grin, and all the other clients they dropped to that looked at her like a piece of meat.

  Angel snapped. She reached into her boots, grabbing her gun, and pulled the lever back, pointing it straight at the back of his head when he turned to leave.

  “Call me a bitch one more time,” her voice was low, steady and her hands trembled.

  “Angel, what the hell are you doing?” Raven charged for her but Angel pointed the gun at her, stopping her in her tracks. Surprised, Raven backed up. Angel turned back towards Tony who was now facing towards her only a couple feet apart. He laughed and pointed at her while looking at Jack. He thought it was funny. This bitch really crazy.

  DJ walked in and felt like he had just walked into show down. Everyone was on edge and Angel had her gun locked and loaded on Tony. Instead of Tony backing down, walking away or just apologizing, he did the worse thing a man could do.

  He had the grin of Joker himself. “You gonna shoot me? B…i…t-,” he sung.


  Angel’s 9mm went off like a small canon, straight through the football player’s chest, sending him jerking back, his eyes wide in shock. The heat of the bullet was a wake up call. Angel’s fed up eyes were the last thing he saw before she became a blur and then black.

  Before DJ could run up he saw the blood splatter between Tony and the smoke rising from Angel’s gun. She didn’t make a move. Raven darted over to get the gun from her while Victoria and Eva screamed in fear of what their best friend had just done.

  “What in the flying fuck!” Jack ducked in fear, searching for his own gun stashed somewhere. The other two men ran over to their friend, now lying on the floor, not breathing. None of them had weapons and was afraid it was about to be a shit show on them as well.

  “Oh, shit man!” The chubby blonde looked at them with fear. He was sure they would all be killed now.

  “Lets go!” DJ grabbed Angel who had just realized what she did and broke out crying. Victoria quickly grabbed the bag of money.

  “No, no fuck this, fuck this!” Jack frantically searched his drawers and cabinets. He was so high and frantic he couldn’t even get his shit straight.

  “Please don’t kill us!” The stinky breath guy pleaded on the floor next to his friend.

  “Call an ambulance, man!” Chubby dude freaked out, watching the blood trail over his hands from holding his friend.

  “No, don’t you call fucking shit you assholes!” Jack hollered. He knew damn well he had way too much coke in his house and the look DJ gave him warned they’d all have to be next then.

  The girls kicked it into high gear racing down the same hallway DJ had come out of when he went to the bathroom. They followed DJ through unknown territory. The mansion was like a maze as they searched for some kind of window or exit door. They finally ran down a few stairs leading to a back patio. They darted out the back and across the lawn.

  Nick, who was already on his radio for backup after hearing the shot, noticed a guy and four girls racing towards the white SUV. The hill still made it hard for him to see faces and all he could get was the back of their heads. He took his camera back out and took as many pictures as he could of the five young kids. Before he knew it, the SUV skirted off and raced through the gate breaking it. Nick hopped back in the driver seat and turned on his car doing a quick U-turn to catch up to the truck.

  “This is Sheriff Bradey, I am in pursuit of a white Ford Expedition, no license plate, limo tint windows, with five to six possible shooting suspects,” he said over the police radio. “Go ahead and head over to Mr. Harris house and see where that shot came from,” he cb’d to his partner.

  “10/4,” his partner replied.

  Nine darted down the two-way road and noticed a b
lack town car hot on his tail.

  “What the fuck?” He adjusted his rearview mirror. “Who’s that?”

  DJ looked in his rearview too. The girls were all frantic in the back trying to calm the hysterical Angel down.

  “I don’t know, it wasn’t one of their cars in the driveway,” DJ confirmed.

  “We got a tail,” Nine instantly knew that was a cop.

  “Put your seat belts on tight!” DJ told them.

  “Why, what’s wrong?” Raven didn’t like the sound of his order, but obeyed.

  “We got company,” he told her. Raven and Eva looked back.

  “Is that a fucking cop?!” Raven turned back towards the front, flustered.

  “I think so,” Nine answered her, high tailing it, running red lights and stop signs, watching the car behind him do the same.

  “Why doesn’t he have sirens?! Don’t cops use sirens?!” Eva cried.

  Nine made a hard right turn almost tipping them over. They all screamed and held each other.

  “I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry!” Angel cried, her face red and snot filling her nose. She had just shot a man over calling her a name. What had become of her?

  “Shhhhhhh!!!!” Victoria held her, trying to console her, but knowing Angel would never live this decision down.

  Nine made another hard right, checking his mirror every time. The car was hard on his tail. He then heard police sirens.

  “He called back up!” Nine clinched his teeth. DJ looked at him wondering what he was going to do. Nine was a pro at driving and more of a pro at ditching cops, there was a reason Treach trusted only him in driving his products around.

  “Start shooting!” Nine yelled at them. Without hesitation, DJ rolled out his window and started busting at Nick, hitting his front windshield and hood causing him to swerve but not deviate from the chase. Raven took out both of her guns and leaned out of her window and started shooting as well.

  “Shit!” Nick swerved from left to right trying to avoid the heavy fire. He reached out and tried to let off a few shots himself. The girls all screamed and Raven ducked back into the car breathing heavily.


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