Dungeon Crawl

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Dungeon Crawl Page 13

by Drew Jager

  The Elf walked through his Alcove tunnel and Will was pleased to see how impressed the man was with his statues. He had put a lot of work into them after all. When the Two-legs sidestepped his hidden Boulder trap, his dissapointment was palpable.

  Will knew this might very well be the funniest thing he had ever seen, so he ordered Grizzly to put on a good show for him and Bel. The Bear growled in response and, to his surprise, walked right up to the Boss door that the Elf was struggling to open.

  He had no idea the door was that heavy, but now that he knew, he was extremely happy. The mutant was so busy trying to open the door he closed his eyes.

  "Bel! This idiot actually closed his eyes! Will all of all of them do that?" He asked excitedly.

  "Hah, he did?! No, most of them won't. This guy must really want to die if he would do that." She replied with tears welling in the corners of her eyes.

  Will held his breath as the Elf finally opened the door far enough for him to see inside. Then watched as the Elf took in everything around the room except Grizzly, who was staring down at him.

  He was worried the Elf had broken when he seemed to register there was a Boss infront of him.

  To his credit, he didn't flee. He was shaking like a stalk of corn in the wind though. Will watched with unrestrained glee as the Elf reached towards his Dagger. Then he spoke some nonsense about who he was, and why he was there. Will didn't even listen, just kept his eyes locked on what his Boss would do.

  Grizzly did not dissapoint, as soon as the Elf stopped talking he let out one of the most vicious growls he had ever heard. It was quiet and booming at the same time, and Will saw the Elf visibly crumble under the weight of the sound.

  The elf sprinted back towards the Troop.

  Will, now wheezing, told the Monkeys to get ready to fight. Then many things happened at once.

  First, while the pale freak was busy begging, he heard a distinct sound.


  When no Blue Box came though, he ignored it and would worry about what caused it later. Bel had stopped laughing though, and now looked worried for some reason.

  Then, not three seconds later, the Elf fell on his face. This wouldn't have been terribly funny, just marginally, if he hadn't triggered what was now Will's favorite trap. He watched as a rock the size of that disgusting Human fall on top of the Two-legs back, crushing him instantly.

  Will wasn't able to think straight, his vision flooded with Blue screens and he didn't pay them a single bit of attention. It took well over five minutes before he had transitioned from wails and high pitched laughter, to small sobs and giggles.

  All of the Monsters, sensing their creators happiness, joined in. The entire Dungeon was laughing, laughing at the death of the Sentient. Will would have called it morbid, if he wasn't so busy leading them. Bel, for her part, just seemed relieved. Weird.

  Another solid minute passed of light wheezing and choked out commands for his Monsters to return to their old positions. His old Monsters, the ones who were killed by the Two-legs, had already come back the moment the Elf died.

  After all that, he finally noticed the screens cluttering his vision. Bel had gone back to the Crawl room, and was looking both fearful and excited.

  Congratulations, Willem and Annabelle!

  Your Dungeon has defeated its first Hero! This is no simple task, as Heroes are the strongest of the Sentients. You will receive a reward based on the power of the Hero you have slain.

  You have slain, Tannar El Verandin, the 604th Hero of the world. As the weakest Hero in all of Bermin, your reward will be the minimum that can be offered.

  Will felt many emotions after reading this. One was fear at what could have happened to him and Bel should the Elf have come into his powers before he died.

  Another was joy at the thought of defeating a Hero, and that he would be rewarded for it.

  Also, he now knew the Elf had become a Hero. Right before he died no less. Will wanted to start laughing again. He was worried he might not stop laughing if he started though, so he bit back his giggles and kept reading.

  For recieving the (Minimum) reward, please choose (1) Unique tier compensation.

  (1) Random Unique Ore, the Dungeon will recieve heavy discounts in Resource cost when using the Ore/Metal. Ores in this tier are capable of creating some of the strongest Armor/Weaponry/Utility Items available to the Sentients. May also be used to strengthen items in the Dungeon far beyond their normal capabilities.

  (1) Random Unique Plant, the Dungeon will receive heavy discounts in Resource cost when using the Plant. Plants in this tier are capable of creating some of the strongest Potions/Utility Items available to the Sentients. May also be used to enhance certain aspects of the Dungeon depending on what Plant is received.

  (1) Random Unique Cloth, the Dungeon will receive heavy discounts in Resource cost when using the Cloth. Cloth in this tier is capable of creating some of the finest Armor/Utility Items available to the Sentients. May also be used to enhance items in the Dungeon far beyond their normal capabilities.

  Will groaned, mainly because he had to read all of that.

  When he was finished, he knew without even having to ask what to get.

  "The Cloth."

  "The Plant."

  Will looked at Bel and she looked at him.

  "Bel... Sweetheart... Why would we want the Cloth?" He asked, slowly and carefully.

  "...It would make for really comfortable bed sheets." She said, looking hopeful.

  Will slammed his mental finger down on the Plant option. Bel just looked dejected and sulked on her Silverbark and Moss bed.


  For choosing the Unique tier Plant reward, you have received (1) Treant!


  An exceptionally rare form of Tree normally only found in a Dryad's Grove, it's wood is a highly sought after Crafting Material. This tree has been blessed with partial Sentience from a Dryad, imparting a piece of who they were into the wood. Since it will be created from the Dungeon, the Treant comes with a random personality.

  May only have (1) per Floor.

  "Okay, that seems pretty cool. I guess." Bel was playing hard to get, but they both knew she was interested in this new development.

  Will just chuckled and was about to summon his new tree when a shiver ran throughout his Dungeon.

  "Again? Ugh, it's not easy being this popular." Will said with only a hint of sarcasm.

  Bel rolled her eyes, and flew off to get ready for another show. They both had the time of their lives when that pale freak came into their Dungeon, and they couldn't wait for another.

  "Oh Will, it's the muscle guy. I think his name was Brian, I heard some Sentients talking about him outside the entrance once." Bel told him.

  "Damn it. Fine, but make sure he's alone before we say anything." He said, good mood now thoroughly ruined.

  Will turned his attention towards the man and was surprised to see him wearing some strange clothing he had never seen before. It looked soft.

  "Bel, what is that he is wearing?" He had to know.

  "I think it's called Pajamas. The Sentients wear it at night when they sleep." She didn't seem very interested.

  "Why wouldn't they wear their armor when they sleep? Just seems impractical to have to always take it on and off." Two-legs were so weird.

  Bel just shrugged and began mumbling her lines to herself. She had been practicing in case she ever had to talk to him again.

  "Dungeon, I have come to speak about what happened here tonight. I am alone, and promise to do no harm." The man said.

  Will just scoffed, but Bel beat him to it. "We will promise no such thing. What happened was what will always happen. Your Adventurer entered our depths, but did not leave." At this the man just let out a long sigh.

  "Was the one who came in an Elf? Tannar El Verandin?"

  Will started chuckling at the memory of him whispering his name towards Grizzly.

  "That was him." Bel repli

  Brian took on a dark look and whirled around to rip the Dungeon Serpent sneaking above him in half. Will didn't even flinch at the brutality.

  "Damn it. That pompous fool just caused me weeks of paper work. How did he die?" Brian asked angrily, only as an after thought. He seemed to care more about paper work. Whatever that was.

  "He lost his nerve when he reached our Boss, and fell face first into a trap." Bel was barely restraining her laughter, and Brian twitched at the obvious mirth in her voice.

  "I see, and... the Voice of the World?"

  "Huh?" Will asked.

  "To the Two-legs, Mr.Blue is called the Voice of the World. They like to give dramatic names to everything." She whispered to him.

  "He was a Hero all of five seconds, then died. We do not know what he did to complete his Quest, aside from run and beg for his life. We appreciate you sending him to us though, very helpful." Bel actually sounded a little scary. Then Will remembered seeing her yell 'Yee-Haw' while riding Grizzly once, and stopped worrying.

  Brians face darkened considerably at this. "What did you receive in return?"

  "Mind your business, Two-legs. You will find out soon enough." Bel replied testily.

  Brian took the rebuke in stride though, and said more to himself than the Dungeon, "I didn't think that arrogant child would be able to make it to the Boss. Im actually impressed."

  Bel just laughed at him, and Will started chuckling again. "He only got as far as he did so he could amuse us for a longer time."

  At this Brian looked uncomfortable, "Did he suffer?"

  Will saw Belles eyes soften for just a moment. "Not as much as you seem to think. You can only feel so much when a boulders falls on top of you."

  "Thats one silver lining, I suppose."

  "What will you do now, Human? Will you judge us for doing what we were intended, will you keep more from entering?" Bel was teasing him now.

  To Brians credit, he replied, "No, he made his choice. The Elf you killed was a Noble, and I would not be surprised if his families influence comes back to bite you in the future. I know it is going to bite me."

  To this, Bel didn't have a witty response, so Brian turned to leave. "I will see you in the morning, Dungeon. Then maybe not for a long time after, try not to piss off any more Factions before you grow."

  She flew back to the Crawl room, and he turned brighter as way of welcome.

  "A very dramatic Human, isn't he? Will said.

  Bel just giggled, "As far as Humans go, he is actually very calm. Some of them scream at every little thing, like that Elf."

  She smiled down at him. "You know you're almost level 4 now. That Elf only turned into a Hero right at the end, so really we only got Mana proportionate to his current power. Which was probably a D rank."

  "Tomorrow it is then. Once we see how the Two-legs do in our Dungeon, maybe I can finally start upgrading some things." He said hopefully.

  Bel just lay atop his Crawl, kicking her feet in the air in anticipation.

  * * *

  Eight hours later, the Adventurers gather outside of the Dungeon entrance.

  Brian saw nearly a hundred people crowded around the area, and he knew that number would only grow as time went on. The majority were F and D rank adventurers. C ranks were allowed in, but they would gain minuscule amounts of experience, so most would not waste their time.

  Brian took his place aside Holly and Joy, then addressed the crowd. He made sure he was standing just inside the Dungeon. This way he knew the Crawl and Herald would hear everything he said.

  "Greetings. Today is the day we begin sending people into the Dungeon. Know that should you become injured, or a team member of yours dies, we will not come to save you."

  A few Adventurers looked uncomfortable at this, but didn't leave or voice an objection.

  Brian nodded, no one's nerve had broken. At least not yet. "As you are all aware by now, a resident of our town snuck into the Dungeon late at night, and was subsequently killed. Take it as a warning, you are not as strong as you think you are. You are not as clever as you think you are."

  He watched with a small smile as the other nobles of the various races winced at this. They had known Tannar personally. He continued, "All groups who go into the Dungeon must have either four F rank Adventurers. Or, if you are foolish enough, any D rank may go in with as few as one teammate. It is recommended that even at D rank you bring multiple team members."

  Once this settled in, especially towards the more disgruntled Nobles, he moved on. He pulled out a medium sized glowing crystal. "This, is a Life Crystal. All of you should already have one. When you go in, you will connect your Life Crystal to one of ours. This way we can monitor your team. If you die, the Crystal will turn grey. If you are injured, it will turn red. Know that if all of your team's crystals are grey, we will assume you have died. We will send in the next team shortly after."

  He took another deep breath, then looked everyone around him in the eyes. Most flinched from his view. "We will not mourn you. If you die, it was because you did not prepare."

  Many seemed angry at the scolding, but he ignored them. "Finally, remember why you came here. There any many more people back in town who will want things from the dungeon. If you came for money, I suggest taking in requests from the Craftsmen. If you came for fame, train hard and don't die." There were a few forced chuckles at this.

  "What of the Voice?" An Elvish Noble interrupts.

  Great, theres more.

  A lot of people focused intently on him, it seemed like everyone wanted to know.

  He sighed, it was bound to happen eventually, may as well tell them now. "It is the Adventuring Guilds belief that when Tannar entered the Dungeon, he completed his Quest." Many people started whispering amongst each other, he even saw two Humans exchanging money at his announcement.

  Joy walked forward and threw a knife at the foot of the loudest person, "Quiet!"

  The man who was nearly impaled bit back a curse then mumbled an apology.

  Brian hid a smile, then continued. "While he did complete the Quest, we believe he died shortly after. He did not have the time to learn about his new abilities, and thus died anyways. Take it as a lesson, power is useless if you don't know what you are doing."

  At this statement both Holly and Joy nodded. Holly stepped forward, sensing Brian was finished speaking. "Alright cuties, all of you line up in the order you were given before. It's time to start!" Men visibly flinched at being called a cutie by the Gigant.

  She pretended not to notice though, and shuffled the first team through the entryway once she verified they linked their Life Crystals.

  Chapter 11 - New Addition

  * * *

  In the Crawl room of our Nature Dungeon, a few hours after Tannar's dive.

  "Can we finally go over what we got from that Elf, I feel like it's been weeks since that happened!" Will complained. He tried to keep the whine out of his voice, but he was too excited to see what a Treant might be.

  "It's only been a few hours since that happened and that two-legs came into the Dungeon. We don't know what will happen when we make it, young Dungeons definitely aren't supposed to have something that powerful so early on. Especially before you even open up to the public! I think it will be best if we wait at least until we see how normal Adventurers do against us before we make any drastic changes." Bel was having none of it, and tried to be the voice of reason. Being only a few inches tall didn't help her case though, she was far too cute to be intimidating.

  He knew she was right. That didn't mean he couldn't tease her anyways. "You know, I bet that pale freak probably had some fancy cloth on him. You said nobles are the rich ones right? Why wouldn't he have the best cloth money could buy? Maybe it could go on somebody's bed..." He hit her where it hurt.

  She visibly winced, but quickly turned away from his Crawl and said, "No!" She seemed to forget he could see everything in the Dungeon, and he saw her wiping the beginnings of a small tear
from the corner of her eye.

  Great. I might be the only Crawl to make their Herald cry over something as dumb as bed sheets.

  He swallowed his curiosity and hedged, "You know what...you're right. Let's just wait until a few more groups have come in. Look Bel, that disgusting Human is back. Let's see what he has to say."

  The Human, Brian, had walked right into the mouth of the Dungeon. Except instead of going farther in, he turned around and addressed an unseen group.


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