My Christmas, My Crooked Bend: Men of Crooked Bend Book 6

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My Christmas, My Crooked Bend: Men of Crooked Bend Book 6 Page 2

by Taylor Rylan

  I sat shivering in the truck, thinking about what Simon had said. “Don’t you think you’re exaggerating just a bit?”

  “No. You’re gone before I get up, and you arrive home late at night. I love you so much, baby, but you’re working yourself too hard.”

  “I’m sorry, Simon. I’m dealing with a difficult client. I just need him to approve the blueprints I’m working on, and then things will get better. Until the spring that is. Then we’ll start building his place and he’ll be an ass again.” I listened to Simon groan through the phone. Yeah, I had to agree with him.

  “Should I turn around and head back home? I’m pulling into Jackson now, and I’ll be at the restaurant in about ten minutes.”

  “No. I’m in the truck. I was calling to let you know I’d be a little late. I’m sorry. I’m trying. I’ve really been looking forward to our date, too.”

  “Well then, get your hot ass here. I’ll go in and get a table. Do you want me to order you a glass of wine or anything?”

  “No. I’m not drinking tonight. I really hope to have some sexy time with you later.” I couldn’t help it; my voice automatically got husky when I thought about being naked with Simon. He still did it for me, and I couldn’t get enough of the man I’d been lucky enough to marry.

  “Baby, if you keep that up, I’m not going to be able to walk into the restaurant.”

  “Then just know I’ll see you in a bit and I love you.”

  “Okay. Love you, too,” Simon replied before the call disconnected. I put my truck in gear and pulled out of the parking lot of our firm. I wasn’t lying when I said I was looking forward to our date. It seemed like it had been forever since we’d been out. I thought about that as I left the town limits and realized it had been too long, I couldn’t remember the last time we’d been out. Damn, Simon was right.

  I glanced at my phone when it rang and groaned. I chose to ignore it because I wasn’t going to let Mr. Browne ruin my evening. It was after hours, and nothing he had to say could be considered an emergency, so whatever it was could wait until tomorrow. I ended up turning my ringer off when he wouldn’t give up. I needed the night off, and I needed to focus on my husband. He’d been so understanding.

  Twenty minutes later, I entered Jackson, and ten after that, I pulled into the parking lot of the Range. If I hadn’t gotten stuck behind a slow-moving truck, I’d have been five minutes earlier. It couldn’t really be helped though.

  I parked next to Simon’s truck—a lucky thing as the parking lot was filling fast—and hurried inside.

  “Hi, I’m meeting my husband. Should be under Simon Redfeather.”

  “Oh, yeah, he’s toward the back of the restaurant. Follow me and I’ll take you to the table.”

  “Thanks,” I told the hostess as I walked behind her. She led me to the tables that were against the windows in the back, and when Simon came into view, I couldn’t contain my smile. Neither could he since his face showed nothing but happiness as he stood.

  “Mmm, hey there. Sorry I’m late,” I said after our lips parted from a quick kiss.

  “It’s okay. I’m thankful you made it.”

  “Yeah, sorry about that.” I took off my coat and hung it on the back of my chair before sitting across from Simon. When I glanced up at him, he had a huge smile on his face again.


  “Nothing. Can’t I simply be happy you’re here?”

  “You can. And I can’t tell you how sorry I am. Let me make it up to you when we get home?” I gave Simon a heated look, which he returned. Oh yeah, it was going to be an enjoyable night. Now all I had to do was stay awake long enough to get reacquainted with my husband’s body.

  Once we ordered, I looked at Simon, who had reached across the table and grabbed my hand.

  “So, I was thinking about your Christmas present.”

  “Yeah?” I asked excitedly. Simon knew I loved surprises, so I knew he wouldn’t spill the secret.

  “Yes. It’s two parts really, and I’m trying to figure out how to go about giving it to you. I’m actually still working on the second part of your gift, but the first is good to go and ready.”

  “Hmm, what are you trying to figure out? Or do you not want to say?”

  “I feel like I’m in a difficult position. Your gift is a huge deal, but I don’t want to ruin your surprise. But I also don’t want to spring it on you in front of the entire family.”

  I could see the stress on Simon’s face, and that was the last thing I wanted. We were supposed to be having a date night. Those were supposed to be relaxing and fun. I gently stroked my fingers across the top of Simon’s hand, causing him to twitch. Good, I was doing what I set out to accomplish.

  “You’re distracting me again.”

  “Yes, I know.” I raised my eyebrows at him, and a chuckle replaced his scowl. “So, are we going to discuss Christmas presents? Or what I want to do to you tonight when we get home?”

  Simon groaned and closed his eyes, then looked up. “Neither. You love surprises, and if we talk about getting naked, we might as well leave now. I’m looking forward to getting naked with you later, but we have to pick a different topic. Tell me about the asshole. That’ll kill my hard-on, and it’s a safer topic.” Simon took a drink of his water, but when he looked at me, his eyes were still heated.

  Yeah, I knew those eyes. I loved and missed seeing them. There had to be more to life than just work. I adored my husband and we had a great life together, but it felt as if something was missing. We’d only been married a little over two years, and already it seemed like we were getting into a routine. That was the last thing I wanted.

  “I know that look.”

  “Do you?” I asked as I leaned back so my plate could be set in front of me.

  “I do. What’s going through your mind, baby?” Simon asked as he unrolled his silverware and placed the napkin across his lap. I did the same, and we both dug in and all but devoured our steaks. I told Simon more about Mr. Browne, the uncertainty with his own design, and how difficult he’d been to work with.

  “I don’t understand. Your firm is at a place where you don’t have to accept every client that walks in the door. Why are you still dealing with the asshole?” Simon asked as we continued to enjoy our meal.

  “I didn’t deal with him before. I’m almost positive it was Jasper. Even he said how the man has become such a complete douche.” I spent the next thirty minutes telling Simon all of the crap Mr. Browne had put not only me, but the rest of the firm as well, through. No matter what design we drew up, he wasn’t happy. Even when I followed his exact instructions, he still wasn’t satisfied. He wouldn’t listen when we told him those building materials wouldn’t withstand the harsh winters, he didn’t want to use double-pane windows, and no matter how many times we argued with him, he simply wouldn’t listen to a bunch of “California Boys.”

  “Is there a reason why you’re still working with him?” Simon asked before he redirected his attention to the waiter that had brought the check. Simon simply handed over his bank card and looked back at me, an “I’m waiting” look on his face.

  “I’ve already discussed it with Jasper and Collin. If he turns down this next set of blueprints, I’m finished. This is my third set, and he just can’t be pleased it seems.”

  “Third? I knew you were busy, but I didn’t realize it was only one client.”

  “It’s not. Which is why I’m so busy. This guy can’t be pleased. He’s never happy.”

  “When does he get the next set for review?”

  “Day after tomorrow. Why?”

  “Just curious when I’ll get my husband back full time.” Simon chuckled, and by the time the waiter came back with the receipt and Simon’s bank card, my husband was laughing like a loon. I shook my head and threw a loopy smile toward the waiter, who didn’t quite know what to make of the situation.

  “Okay, sorry. I’m actually serious though. From what you’ve told me, I don’t see him as actuall
y agreeing to anything.” Simon signed the receipt and put his card back in his wallet before he simply sat there, staring at me.

  “Me either. Which is upsetting since I’ve spent so much time on the blueprints. But that goes with the job.”

  “It does. Now, what do you say we go home and we can discuss those looks you’ve been throwing at me?”

  I did my best to appear shocked and innocent, neither of which I was good at. “I don’t know what you’re referring to, Mr. Redfeather.”

  “Well, Mr. Redfeather, you’ve been sending heated glances at me since you arrived. It’s not even seven yet. There’s plenty of time for me to get reacquainted with your body.”

  I got up from the table probably a little too fast and grabbed my coat. I pulled it on before I started walking toward the front of the restaurant. When we arrived at our trucks, I turned and smiled at my husband.

  “First one home gets to wear a plug while fucking the other?”

  I found my back pushed against the hood of my truck the same time Simon’s mouth covered mine. I gasped when I felt his hand wrap around my rapidly filling cock at the same time his tongue thrust into my mouth. Fuck!

  I was panting when Simon broke the kiss, his hand continuing to run up and down my now hard dick. I moaned, loudly, and started pushing my cock through his fist, fucking his hand right there in the parking lot.

  “You’re on,” Simon said before he quickly pulled away his hand and took off. By the time I realized what the fuck he was talking about, he was pulling out of the parking lot and I was still standing next to my truck with a throbbing dick. Damn. Guess I was the one getting fucked tonight.

  Although, that wasn’t exactly a hardship. Until Simon, I actually preferred it—still did. But who could blame me when my husband had a Prince Albert piercing that pegged my prostate perfectly?

  Simon — 3

  I should have felt bad. I really should. But when Sean had made that challenge, I couldn’t help but play dirty. I wanted to remind my husband who he was married to. And if the way Sean was hobbling this morning was anything to go by, mission accomplished.

  We spent several hours making up for missed opportunities over the past several weeks. And when we fell into bed an exhausted mass of tangled limbs, I finally got a good night’s sleep. Even if it was only four hours’ worth.

  Sean promised to be home in time for supper, and that was good enough for me. I missed spending time doing simple things with my husband. But at the moment, I was on a mission. If my brothers would leave me alone that was.

  “Will you two stop?” I snapped at Graham and Isaac. Both were in my office, bickering at each other.

  “Wow, someone’s grumpy today. What’s wrong? Sean not put out last night?”

  “As a matter of a fact, my husband was actually limping this morning, thank you very much. No, my problem is you two bitching at each other over the Carmichael offer. I already read it, offered suggestions, and sent it back to the both of you. Why are you here bitching?” I asked, throwing my pen onto my desk. Couldn’t they bitch in their own offices?

  “Wow, okay, tell us what’s really going on,” Isaac said with a concerned look on his face. Dammit. It was difficult to say no to my younger brother.

  “I’m trying to research Sean’s surprise Christmas present, but I keep getting interrupted. I only have a couple of weeks left before Christmas, and you two aren’t helping.”

  “Wanna tell us what the surprise is? You know we can keep it from him?” Isaac asked.

  “Wait, I thought you were taking him to Nassau? Did you change your mind?”

  “No. That’s already booked. But Jasper pointed out that what Sean really wanted was to start a family.”

  Isaac and Graham both gasped when I told them. Well hell. Was that a good thing or bad?

  “You can’t just bring home a kid, bro.”

  I glared at Graham, making sure to give him a well, duh look as well.

  “Are you two ready for that?” Isaac asked.

  “If you mean, are we in a good place with our relationship, then yes. We’re not having any problems, and I cherish everything about him. I don’t see that ever changing. But I’ve never made it a secret I’d be ready for kids when he was. What’s most concerning is that he hasn’t said anything to me, but he has to Jasper.”

  “Well, they’re twins, and they’ve gotten close again, so maybe it just slipped?” Isaac suggested. Perhaps that was it. I wasn’t sure though.

  “I haven’t seen much of Sean in the past few weeks. He’s having trouble with a difficult client. But I’m not sure how to even, what…gift the idea? Bring it up? And the adoption agencies I’ve called are all telling me there’s a two-year wait. That’s after we go through the application, interview, and approval process.” I rubbed my forehead, trying to fight off the headache that had slowly been setting in.

  “Maybe you could find a surrogate. It’s what a lot of couples do,” Graham suggested. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow in question. “Yeah, no. Ty and I have decided that we’re perfectly okay with not having kids. Ever.”

  “Then how would you know to suggest using a surrogate?” I asked, curious.

  “It’s pretty common knowledge, Simon,” Isaac replied. I nodded; he was probably right. And I had looked into surrogacy as well. After all, my husband and his brothers were all born through surrogacy. It definitely looked like a better option for us.

  “Here’s a suggestion,” Graham said, waiting for me to make eye contact before continuing. “Find the name of an agency, or hell, you’re a lawyer, find some names of surrogates and fill a box with cute heart-shaped papers or something with their names on them. You two can have fun contacting them after the holidays.”

  “Hey, that’s not a bad idea. You know, Ty’s good for you.”

  “Yeah, don’t tell him though. It’ll go to his head. Speaking of my husband, I need to go find him. Good luck and let me know if you need any help with anything.”

  I had enough time to give a nod before Graham was out the door. I looked at Isaac, who had his signature smile on his face.

  “Give Connie at Forever Smiles a call. She’ll hook you up,” Isaac said as he got up from the chair he’d been sitting in.

  “They were on my list. How did you know? Wait, are you and Jacob—”

  “Maybe. Give her a call. She’ll have any and all information you need,” Isaac said from the doorway before disappearing. What the hell? Was my baby brother already working on number two? Shit. I was behind. But then again, Jacob made it no secret he wanted at least one more.

  I quickly jotted down Connie’s name and put it in the notebook where I was keeping all of my notes. But really, I needed to discuss this with Sean. This wasn’t something I could gift to him. The trip, no problems, but not a baby.

  Me: Hey, you still on track to make it home for supper?

  SAF Hubby: Yes. I’m going to be home before you. I have news to share! But I’m headed into a meeting now. Love you!

  Me: Love you too.

  Hmm, okay, he had news and he’d be home early. Maybe I should have made a date night weeks ago. I tossed my phone onto my desk and went back to the contracts I was working on. What I really wanted was to spend some time with Two Shoes. If I was lucky, I could get Sean and Spock out there as well. Perhaps this weekend.

  I focused on my tasks and became so engrossed that it was my phone vibrating on my desk that brought me out of my zone. I glanced at the window and realized it was dark outside already. Shit.

  SAF Hubby: I expected you home by now. Everything okay?

  I hit Talk instead of replying.

  “Hey, baby. I’m sorry. I’ll be there in five.”

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah. I was trying to get ahead so I could spend more time with you over the holidays. I’m logging off the computer now. See you in a few.”

  “Okay. Be careful. It’s snowing again.”


I disconnected the call and left my office. Except for the Christmas tree, the house was dark, meaning Mom and Dad had gone out for dinner. Or…yeah, not going there. I quickly left my childhood home, and after brushing the snow off my windshield, I started the truck and was on my way home to Sean.

  Unlike my parents’ place, our cabin was lit up and had a welcoming feel when it came into view. Weren’t we just the pair? When Sean finally came home early, I was the one that ended up working later than intended.

  I pulled into the garage, and after plugging in the block heater, I walked into the cabin I called home. The smells that hit me were wonderful and reminded me of so many nights in.


  “In the kitchen.”

  I smiled as I pulled off my boots and hung up my coat. I padded through the house, getting pounced on by both Bones and Khan along the way.

  “There you are,” I said as I saw my gorgeous husband standing in the kitchen, drinking a beer.

  “Here I am. I stopped and got pizza.”

  “So I smell. Is there a reason?” I asked as I gave his lips a lingering peck. He smelled like beer and Sean.

  “Hmm, there are lots of reasons. Want one?” Sean asked as he held up another bottle.

  “Always.” I took the offered bottle but didn’t let go of Sean’s hand. He smiled at me as I moved in for another kiss. When our lips met, it was both familiar as well as exciting. I still got tingly every time Sean touched me. All too soon, we pulled apart, but I didn’t move. “How long have you been home?”

  “About twenty minutes. The Italian Place was busier than I expected, and it took a while for the pizzas to come out of the oven.”

  “You said you had news. I take it the news is good?” I asked as I tugged Sean to the counter where the pizza boxes and plates were sitting.

  “Yep. Remember the pain-in-the-ass customer I mentioned yesterday?”

  “Yeah. Aren’t you having a meeting with him tomorrow?”

  “I was. He called today and canceled.” Sean piled several slices of pizza on his plate, and I did the same before closing the box and pushing it off to the side.


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