Prince Charming (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Book 9)

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Prince Charming (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Book 9) Page 16

by V. Theia

Oh, god. She imagined how he’d feel, and her pussy fluttered, hormones screaming.

  Drunk on power, she nuzzled all over his chest, rubbing the lower half of her body against his thickness.

  Tag grunted, trapping her against a hard, hard man and the counter.

  Easy-going, unpretentious Tag, was irresistible. A grown-up catnip.

  She wriggled along his body, kissing his sternum, the side of his neck, and lingered on the stubble dusting over his chiseled jawline. He grunted, and she moaned. That’s when he dropped his hands and cupped her full behind.

  She gasped as pleasure slithered through her.

  “Behave, Prince Charming.” Not meaning it. She was so mindless, she could crawl up his body and lick him raw.

  Squeezing her ass, he seemed to know what she wanted, because he looked as lust filled as she felt. “Darlin’, my hands and your ass are meant to be together. Don’t fuck with the natural order of things.”


  “You gotta ask if you want something.” He told her in that demanding voice she loved so much.

  “I want your hands on me, inside me, making me feel.”

  Yeah, she wanted an orgasm tsunami to blow her away. And he was the only one who could make that happen.

  His grunt had her underwear like a river. “My fucking pleasure, Anna.”

  The erogenous zone on her belly she was not aware existed came screaming to life when Tag crouched low. Pushing her shirt up to expose her skin, he kissed and licked her senseless. Using his teeth, he scraped them around her navel until she was recklessly tearing at his hair.

  He grunted.

  She whimpered.

  Using the sink to keep her pinned when he rose back to his feet, Tag spun her around, grinding his arousal into her ass. “Fuck, this ass drives me crazy.” And then his hand pushed down into her pants, between her legs, and her brain checked out.

  Oh, god. He felt good all over.

  For a woman once locked in ice, she wanted to gorge on this for as long or as short as it lasted for, her lust sharpened like a blade.

  Her head was light, her body felt heavy with need.

  “Please.” She groaned in both Russian and English. “Please, Tag.”

  “Anything.” He rumbled. “Take what I give you.”

  She would. Oh, she would.

  The orgasm increased.

  It built and roared to life inside her.

  No self-pleasure would ever feel this good. She knew her body, what it liked, but Tag… oh god, this man knew it better. He toyed expertly in her wetness.

  Pushing her head back on his chest, she widened her legs and concentrated on his fingers circling her clit before shoving slow and deep inside her. It took no time to take her there. Free-falling into bliss where she opened her mouth and emitted a ragged moan as Tag sucked on the side of her throat, praising her.

  “That’s my good girl, feel how wet I make you. Fuck, you’re shaking on my fingers.”

  Breathless. She rolled her hips, chasing the last bit of pleasure.

  He unraveled her thread by thread, until she was nothing but shudders and breaths.

  Not allowing her any thinking time. She chuckled when he made her airborne before he placed her onto the table.

  “I’m going to kiss your pussy, Marianna.” He declared crudely, a voice like raw arousal.

  Air whooshed out of her as easily as it would from a popped balloon. Her legs weakened as she gripped onto his hair, nodding. “O-okay.”

  The first touch when it came, was electric.

  She felt stung and revived all at once. Hissing when his tongue split her pussy open and lapped from top to bottom, swirling around the very sensitive bud. Oh, dear god.

  How good it felt. How wonderful.

  Oh, she was flying in the clouds.

  She was airy, like bubbles were filling her insides.

  A chocolate addict never forgets the taste of sweetness on their tongue, however long the fasting. Marianna would say she’d had good sex in the long past. Starting young, she went a little crazy with feminine power and euphoria of how good sex felt.

  And then the last few years it wasn’t so good, and it became unimportant to her.

  But she’d never craved sex. Until Tag.

  This was shaking her to the core. How utterly changed she felt under the power of a wicked tongue licking her so greedily. His sucking sounds turned her on. The way Tag’s large hands held her still, bruising her hip bones renewed a lust in her she was sure was long dead.

  Rough. Wet. Messy.

  She wanted it all, and she wanted it from him.

  When she strained toward him, he held her fast, cutting his hungry, hooded gaze up. He issued in a forced growl that sent shock waves pulsing through her middle. “Keep still, I haven’t had my fill yet.”

  He made her come over and over.

  Taking her to a limit she’d never been to before. Holding the enjoyment out of reach, chuckling against her sex while he dug his tongue inside her.

  He wants me. So fucking much.

  She wanted to give him so much.

  Taste him, touch him, make him fall apart, the same way he did to her.

  Wet, horny, under his control, begging with small pants.

  It made her feel like a slut. His slut. Horny and shameless.

  Marianna clawed his shoulders, arching her hips up from the table. She heard him groan as he cast his eyes up, satisfaction in their depths. “You can’t stay still, can you? You can’t stop tempting me for one fucking second.”

  “No, I can’t,” she admitted. “I don’t know how.”

  “You’re such a fucking tease.” After that he made her come so hard she lost all sense of time and sprawled on the table like she’d died and gone to heaven.

  Back on her feet minutes later, it wasn’t hard to notice how aroused Tag was as she stumbled on unsteady legs. His pupils blew out to pure black, breathing in rapid pulls and the bulge at the front of his pants almost gave her a black eye.

  “Please.” She whispered, reaching for him, “let me do something for you too.” She couldn’t stand it if he went into the bathroom again to come on his own.

  She wanted to be the one to make it happen for him.

  It was as if he were waging a war inside himself as he stared. Marianna stroked her hand from his stomach down, cupping him tightly.

  Tag groaned, dropping his head lower. His lips brushed hers and when she gasped, opening up for him, he dove inside.

  It was like a synchronized dance as they kissed in ravaging bites. She unzipped him at the same time and slid her hand down into the material. Grabbing him, she swallowed her wheeze of pleasure.

  Big didn’t describe Tag.

  Good lord in heaven. It was just as well she wasn’t ready to commit to sex with him if he was this huge. He’d probably tear her open clean to her stomach.

  But oh, he felt incredible, pulsing thickly in her hand.

  She couldn’t span, but she gave it her best, and it ripped moans out of his throat.

  “Fuck my hand.” She told him boldly once she’d translated the dirty talk in her head first and hoped she’d gotten it right. She must have, because Tag shunted his hips forward, sliding his cock against her palm.

  He was satin over steel, and she was the one who moaned into his eating lips when she felt his wet crown. She paid attention there, pumping harder. “Marianna.” He said thickly into her mouth. “Tighter, darlin’.”

  She gave him tighter and harder when he demanded it. She had his cock in her hand, but Tag still ran the show. She happily followed until his body became stiff and he came with a groan that rattled the ceiling.

  “Jesus, fuck. Fuck.” He rasped, holding her firmly around the back of her neck.

  Again, it might be the wine freeing her morals, but she felt on top of the world. Sighing into his chest, “you destroyed me,” he said.

  “In a good way?”

  “The best fucking way,” he grinned down at he
r. “Never been so happy for a handjob.”

  She already wanted to do it again. His climax was beautiful.

  Would it feel as good if he fucked it inside her?

  She bet it would. She’d ache for days.

  Could she give him that last piece of herself?

  Trust was there. But was she ready? It was so silly to be this hesitant.

  As though he saw into her thoughts, he licked the seam of her lips. “You’ll know when you want my cock inside you, Anna.”

  She’d never known a patient man before. Was he for real?

  “Will you allow me to feel your weight on top of me?”

  The words came as a shock.

  He grunted, squeezing her into his chest. “What am I gonna do, Anna, say no?” He followed it with a chuckle, then she was in his arms and he was striding to his bedroom.

  Nerves attacked her belly like a swarm of angry butterflies wearing steel toe boots. There was nothing to worry about. This was Tag, the nicest man alive. If she said no, he’d listen.

  His eyes hooded as he looked at her. Kind and sweet, but so aroused she could hardly breathe for wanting him.

  She all but flung herself on the bed, not thinking about her actions. If she did, she was likely to change her mind.

  He watched.

  And waited.

  “Okay.” She said, giving him the go ahead.

  And when he prowled on the bed, he was like a demon ready for possession. A nervous giggle almost choked her. She waited until he was fully poised over her, using his arms to hold off most of his weight.

  “Ready to feel me, darlin’?”

  Oh, yes. She nodded frantically, her thighs churning together, and he grinned at her eagerness. She slid her arms around his waist and pulled him down.

  They both groaned together.

  Oh, wow. He felt amazing.

  Hard, weighty, yet she could breathe fine.

  Ah, god. It would feel nice to sleep with him exactly this way. Pinned and safe under a mountain.

  Tag gave one lazy drive between her legs, hitting her soft place with his hardness, and she almost came. Her neck arched back on the pillow, she gripped the hem of his shirt in her two fists, groaning low. He chuckled and pressed his face into her neck. “Like that?”

  “Da. So much. More, please.”

  “Let’s see how fast I can dry fuck you into pouring a climax.”

  Arms braced up by her head, breathing the same air, he dry humped between her legs better than any sex Marianna ever had before.

  She panted and grabbed him all over.

  Tag grunted and sucked hard on her neck.

  It was building for them both.

  And then his phone blew up.

  It went on and on, beeping maniacally.

  “Goddammit. I gotta shut this thing up.” He groaned, rolling off her so he could fish it out from his back pocket. “Fuck’s sake.” Regret in his eyes after reading the screen. She wasn’t so drunk that she knew this had ended.

  “What is it?”

  “There’s some trouble with Dix I gotta go take care of.”

  Air left her lungs, and she felt the disappointment coming off him in waves. Crawling up to her knees, she rested her chin on his shoulder. “Go get cleaned up first.”

  “Sorry, darlin’.”

  “There’s no need for apologies. I will shower and curl up to watch TV, if that’s okay?”

  “I want you in this bed when I get home.”

  Heat filled her stomach. She smiled, accepting his fast kiss.

  He cleaned up and then she walked him to the door where he kissed her again, letting her know he wouldn’t be gone long. Standing on his doorstep, snow falling slowly as he rode off up the street.

  Whatever had interrupted them—fate, or coincidence, she didn’t know if she were happy or annoyed by it.

  Marianna took a long shower, pulling one of his t-shirts on, she curled up in his bed. He wasn’t home by 2 a.m. when she woke to video call with the kids who were just waking up. He wasn’t home when she crawled back into bed, but warm arms came around her an hour or more later. Her rattled heart settled into a steady thump.

  “Mmm. Glad you’re home. Merry Christmas, Luke.” She murmured.

  Lips touched the back of her neck, his body plastered to hers from top to toe, his knee wedged between her thighs.

  “Merry Christmas, darlin’.”

  “Is everything okay?”

  “It will be. The little shit crashed one of the club’s SUV’s in a ditch. Cops took him. Luckily, he hadn’t been drinking, acting the fucking fool, showing off for a chick.”

  “Oh. Will he get into trouble?”

  “With the cops? Probably a fine. With the club? Yeah. He knows the rules. He’s been acting up for a while now.”

  “He’s one of those… what did you call it, probation boys?”


  “Do you think he might have changed his mind?”

  “I think so, darlin’. Gonna talk to Snake about it, he’s the one who put Dix forward to be a prospect, so he gets the final say.”

  “Sometimes,” she started, surrounded in darkness and a good smelling man. “A person’s ambitions change. Maybe Dix found the club because of a need he had inside him, but that need has been met and he’s ready for something new.”

  “Yeah, you’re probably right. Shame to lose someone who we know is a good fit for us.”

  “Does this mean he can’t join the MC in a few years? Perhaps when he matures and finds his place in the world.”

  “Not sure, actually. Never happened to us before. Rider is a fair prez. If he likes someone he gives them a chance. But if Dix keeps fucking up like he has been, then there’s no second shot for him.”

  After a beat of silence, his lips touched her neck again. “Catch some sleep, Anna. You got a big Drake Christmas breakfast to face tomorrow.”

  She smiled into the pillow, not much of a big breakfast person, but she’d eat anything he made.

  They slept. And then they went for a Christmas morning run together around the neighborhood. The breakfast he made was colossal. Barely finishing a quarter of the cheesy egg and hash browns casserole concoction. Luckily, hungry Tag was more than willing to clean his plate and hers. Learning about a fighter’s routine meant she had a front-row seat to the calories he ate and his training regime. He ate like a horse and looked like a Hollywood actor.

  God had seriously blessed this boy.

  After breakfast, she cleaned. Then, with Tag in the background chilling on the couch, she spent a few hours on a video call with her family. It was mostly Marianna watching as they caused a giant mess in the living room with their new toys. It was perfect.

  She came away with a smile and happy tears in her heart.

  Things had to work out, she decided. She couldn’t accept anything else. She’d have her babies with her, no matter what she had to do.

  And like fate was on her side, she received a text late on Christmas night from Mister G to meet him the following morning.

  Lightheaded, Marianna danced around Tag’s kitchen. He walked in, catching her in the middle of a spin. He grinned. “What’s all this?”

  “Feeling happy. Spasiba. Thank you for a wonderful Christmas, Luke.”

  She truly meant it. All these memories were stored in her heart forever, to dine on them when times became lonely again.

  His smile was dazzling. A little dirty and altogether too hot as he strode across the room, bringing the smell of snow with him. His hand was ice cold when he gripped her chin, tipped it up and kissed her soundly.

  A kiss for Christmas.

  She wound her arms tightly around his neck and kissed him, holding nothing back. Pouring her happiness into him, she fed on the euphoric feeling inside her.

  She was getting her kids back, and soon.

  She could feel it.

  It was going to happen.


  “Secrets and exes.” – T

  It was the stillness in the bedroom that woke Tag.

  Marianna wasn’t a quiet sleeper.

  His girl had restless dreams a lot. He’d gotten used to holding her like a football to keep her still.

  Foraging a hand through the sheets, all he felt was the coolness on her side.

  Lifting his head from the pillow, he listened for movement from downstairs.

  Frowning, he flung his legs out of bed.

  “Anna?” He called out.

  The shit with Dix last night meant he’d already lost precious hours with her.

  Her purse, phone and coat were gone.

  Where the fuck was his woman at this time of the morning?

  Her phone went to voicemail telling him that service wasn’t set up.

  Tag stomped back upstairs to pull on some clothes.

  It was her day off. He bet she’d gone into work, anyway.

  Or she’d taken off to lick her wounds in private because of the call last night with Galina.

  Preacher was at Charming Souls lifting weights when he got there, Tag didn’t stop to chat, other than to lift his chin to his buddy. A search of his gym brought no answers.

  Where the hell was she? He tried calling again and got the same result.

  He didn’t want to worry, but he kept replaying how upset she’d been over her kids.

  Did it become too much for her to cope with?

  Fucking shut it, dickhead. His Marianna wasn’t like that.

  The thud in his chest became a boom, boom, boom.

  No doubt about it, the moment he got his hands on her, he was gonna redden her little ass.

  Stomping back out to his bike, he rode to her apartment, thumped a few dozen times on the door.

  An hour passed of aimless riding, looking for any sign of her.

  It was cold. He couldn’t think about her out in the snow without feeling his stomach clench.

  Outside his place, he was about to call his brothers for a full-scale search when he saw a white coat in the distance, his heart ramped up in his chest. Bundled up, a bobble hat pulled low over her ears. He wanted to throttle her.

  He swung a leg over his bike and reached her in a few long strides.

  She appeared shocked to see him. Goddamn right, she should be shocked. He was fit to string her gorgeous ass up for making him worry.


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