Human Nature (Book 1): Human Nature I

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Human Nature (Book 1): Human Nature I Page 3

by Borthwick, Finlay

  In another room, Gwen had discovered she had something in common with Erica – an untamed daughter. “What do I do though, Erica? How can I get through to her?” Erica placed her hand above Gwen’s heart. “You have to speak from here. The only way you can get through to someone you love is by speaking to them with love itself. You might think your daughter is lost, but she isn’t. Even so, you can always find her again.” Gwen smiled gently. “She told me something today. She told me that she flat-out killed two men… out of vengeance.” Erica nodded as if to tell Gwen to continue, “I was asleep unfortunately. If I was awake, perhaps I could have stopped her from doing what she did. In the future, I just know it’s going to haunt her.” Again, Erica placed her hand above Gwen’s heart, “Tell her ‘all is forgiven’. Tell her from your heart. Everything you tell your daughter now, it has to be from the heart. It’s the only way I can still get through to my own seventeen-year-old girl.” Their heartfelt conversation was interrupted by the muffled sound of a gun firing upstairs. “Isn’t that the room Elliot is –” Before Erica could finish, Gwen was rushing to the door already.

  Elliot had tried to tackle Steven, causing him to narrowly miss a bullet which went through the door. The two were now wrestling to acquire the weapon. “Don’t make this any harder than it needs to be Elliot!” Steven gritted through his teeth. Elliot grunted and drove Steven against the end of the bed. He slammed his arm against the frame several times. “Just give up!” Elliot gritted back. Steven looked up at Elliot, and with all his energy, he head-butted him. Elliot put his hand over his head, feeling the pain rushing around it. Steven stood over him, aiming the gun at his head. Elliot swung his leg out, causing Steven to trip over and the gun to fling away. Sliding out from beneath a fallen Steven, Elliot darted over to the gun. Once he picked it up, he dropped it several times in a panic while attempting to release the magazine. Once successfully doing so, he headed over to the balcony, and threw the magazine outside.

  Gwen banged desperately on the hotel door, “Elliot? What’s happening in there? Open up for goodness sake!” she banged on the door harder. Inside the room, both men were staring intently at each other from opposite sides of the room. “You really are an idiot aren’t you?” Steven spewed out amongst his excessive panting. “You could have had a quick and painless death, saving everyone here from the curse of Death which follows you around. But now, Elliot, now I’m going to have to make it slow and painful. For the few good things which you did, I was going to make it merciful. But now, you’ve left me no other option.” Steven charged at him, as Elliot rapidly produced his knife from his side. In a rugby tackle, Steven plummeted him against the wall, but he froze and his eyes widened. A few seconds passed. Steven dropped back onto the floor – Elliot had stabbed him in the intestinal area out of self-defence.

  “Right I’m busting this door down!” Gwen called through the door, pointing her pistol at the lock, blasting it off. Kicking the door open, she rushed into the room, Erica following her in. She looked to the right side, noticing an emotionless Elliot standing over a dying Steven. “What?” Elliot looked over to her, still gripping the bloody knife. Erica ran over and bent down to help Steven. “It’s ok, I have medical training remember!” she tried to add even some positivity to the situation. Elliot looked down at Steven gasping for air, bewildered, “Why are you helping him?” Erica angrily looked up at him, “Get out of here… now.” Stepping in, Gwen grabbed Elliot and pulled him out of the room.

  Again, Elliot found himself zip tied, against the end of a bed. Gwen paced the room with a look of distress on her face. “Do you think you could stop pacing maybe?” Elliot cheekily insisted, prompting her to slap him. “What the hell is wrong with you!” She shouted at him. “These people welcome us into their home, they give us a place to stay, and what do you do? You go ahead and assassinate the leader! Oh, but it’s even worse than that, because it’s your friend from the old days as well!” Elliot shook his head vigorously, “He was going to kill me, Gwen! I swear. I would never in my entire life try to kill Steven, even now I still won’t! I pulled the knife out in self-defence. I could’ve shot him dead if I wanted to, but I didn’t, I disposed of the gun magazine. I could’ve stabbed him in the heart, or the neck, if I wanted to, but I didn’t – I made sure it was in a less fatal area.” She slapped him a second time, “The intestines? Less fatal? Can you hear yourself right now, Elliot?” He sighed, “Alright then. Ok, let’s run with this idea then. Suppose that I’m the one trying to kill him and not the other way around. Why on earth then did it all go down in my room?” Gwen shrugged, fed up, “I don’t know. And I don’t care. But if Steven dies, someone here is going to kill you. I won’t defend you if they execute you.” Elliot smiled sarcastically, “Well thanks a bunch then.” She prepared to slap him a third time, but refrained.

  The following morning, the entire safe zone had discovered what Elliot had done. Although Steven had indeed survived, Elliot was not deemed to be a safe individual. He was being kept in a hotel room, guarded at all times. He received his first visitor of the day – it was Gwen. She sat on the bed opposite him. “So I’ve um… I’ve heard some people talking. Olivia I think is the one who made this decision. They are indeed going to execute you Elliot, I’m sorry.” He nodded in acceptance, “It’s fine. I had a good run anyway. I did a lot in twenty-six years of life. Things which most couldn’t even do in a hundred.” More visitors entered the room, it was Erica and Price, with two – what appeared to be – guards. “It’s time…” Erica informed Elliot and Gwen.

  All the residents stood in the streets, watching as Elliot was guided to his death. He was taken through several roads with guards behind him. The whole way, Gwen followed him as well. At the end of the last road, Andy and Vincent stood with Annabelle. Watching Elliot with a look of remorse, she mimed the word ‘Dreams’ to him. He then turned away from his newly found comrades, towards Olivia in front of him. Elliot was thrown to his knees. Priming her pistol, Olivia began a speech, “This man. The man you see brought to you on his knees, is no man at all. This man is a backstabber and a coward. For last night, he made an attempt on my brother’s life,” everyone paused momentarily, “Thankfully, he survived. But my brother’s survival relied heavily on our medical staff. All of whom I am grateful to be among our community today. Without them, this scumbag would have gotten his way.” Elliot looked up at her sorrowfully. “I look upon his face,” she looked at him while continuing her speech, “There once was a time where I would’ve seen a sweet teenage boy. A kind teenage boy who puts his friends first. Sure, not everyone was fortunate enough to make it, but at least that teenager tried. And heck, that’s a lot for a sixteen-year-old to take on board. But now, when I look upon his face ten years later, I see a psychopath. I no longer see my friend. He has already died on the inside, now, we only have to dispose of the shell.” She pressed the gun against the back of his head. Gwen, Vincent and Andy all closed their eyes and looked away, Annabelle looked straight at him however, still remorsefully.

  “Stop!” A familiar strong voice bellowed out, attracting everyone’s attention. When they saw who it was, there were many gasps. Grasping the bandage around his waist, Steven limped towards Elliot and Olivia. “He is forgiven!” he bellowed out a second command. Olivia shook her head at her brother, “Why? He tried to kill you!” He continued to limp towards them, “For all the reasons you said. For everything he endured at age sixteen. On the inside, that boy is still there.” Olivia’s look of confusion turned to one of vindictiveness as she placed the pistol against Elliot’s head a second time. “I tried to kill him!” Steven rushed his words out, as Olivia dropped the gun in shock. “You… what?” Steven breathed in deeply. “I tried to kill him,” he repeated to everyone, “Because I was short-sighted. Because I was afraid. He could have killed me! At multiple points! But he didn’t!” Gwen sighed out embarrassment – she realised Elliot was telling her the truth all along. “He saved me even. If he hadn’t of stabbed me when he di
d, I would have ended up killing him – that in turn would have gotten me killed also. Two men could have died last night! But this morning, both said men are still alive.” He looked back at Elliot, “You are pardoned for your crimes. All of them – including Charlie.” They shared a look of remembrance, before Steven limped back to Erica in the crowd. Olivia put the pistol back into safe mode, and with her multi-purpose knife, she cut Elliot’s zip-ties. “Thank you,” he looked at her, but she was too ashamed to return a look at him, and instead ran off towards her brother. He felt a hand on his shoulder, “Elliot, I am sorry!” Gwen helped him back up. “It’s ok… it’s very much ok.” He looked back at Olivia running towards her brother.

  In the main hospital, Erica was still treating Steven’s wound. Olivia came to visit him. “I honestly cannot believe you would try something like that!” Olivia scolded him. “I’m sorry,” he couldn’t bring himself to look up at his sister. “You’re sorry? Really? I mean what kind of rotten cell in your brain prompted you to try and kill our only true friend? Do you even remember how many times he saved us back in the old days?” Again, Steven felt ashamed of himself. “I just… I wanted to protect you.” She looked disgusted by that response, “By killing him in cold blood, right?” He winced as Erica applied a new bandage. “I know I was wrong, but at the time all I could think about was everyone we lost. I know now that he tried his best to keep everyone alive. I’m sorry.” But she did not accept his apology, “Steven, you’re the leader of this place. You are meant to set an example to our two-hundred or so residents. What kind of an example is this?” He remained silent. “I might be your sister, but I am also the second-in-command of this city. It is my solemn duty to relieve you of command. I’m taking control as leader of this place with immediate effect. Your ability to bear weapons will be revoked, you will remain a gate guard, but nothing else. An armed guard will be with you at all times. I’m sorry brother, but this is the way it has to be.” Without another word, she turned to leave the hospital.

  “Olivia wait,” he recalled his sister as he reached into his pocket, producing a set of keys. “The keys to the armoury and the emergency food storage. Give them to Elliot as an apology from me.” She hesitated for several moments, before opting to go ahead with Steven’s request. “There’s several AK47s down there, remember. He once told me they were his favourite out of my extensive collection.” Olivia interrupted him, “An illegal collection.” He ignored that remark and continued, “Whatever else he wants, give it to him. I wasn’t thinking straight.” Olivia nodded, “Oh you bet he is going to get whatever he wants. You on the other hand, from Hero to Zero… wow, that really is a first for you.” With that final scold, Olivia stormed out of the hospital. “She’ll come around,” Erica tried to comfort Steven, “That’s the thing,” he responded, “I’m not entirely convinced that she will this time…”

  Elliot stood overlooking the Thames from a boat harbour. Many thoughts were running through his mind. “A penny for them?” Gwen appeared next to him, startling him a second time, “How many more times are you going to sneak up on me like that?” He joked. “Listen Elliot, I really am sorry you know,” he put his hand up, “There’s nothing to apologise for.” He reverted back into silence, continuing to stare at the water. Gwen waited a few seconds before speaking again, “I can almost hear Olivia going mad at Steven,” she tried to brighten the mood with humour, “I tell you I would hate to be him right now!” Elliot slowly turned to face her with a sarcastic look. Gwen realised how stupid of a comment that was, “Fair point. I mean, putting the stabbing part aside. Actually wait, that means… no, I mean. Ah whatever.” She gave up. Again, several more seconds passed before either of them spoke, “Your husband. You knew him for an extremely long time,” Elliot spoke now, “You only lost him a few months ago. What kept you going? What stopped you from going crazy? Please.” She looked into the water as well, “Annabelle did.”

  On a mission to find Elliot, Olivia came across Annabelle around one of the campfires. The two had not interacted meaningfully as of yet. “It’s Annabelle, right?” Olivia began, “It’s Olivia, right?” she mimicked her words. Olivia joined her at the campfire, “What’re you up to sitting here alone then?” she asked. “I’m just… I’m thinking.” Annabelle answered. “What about?” She shrugged, “I don’t really know. Just everything.” Olivia cut straight to the chase, “Have you seen Elliot? I need to see him.” She shook her head, “I would have if it wasn’t for your psychotic brother.” Olivia clenched her fist at first, but then released upon realising that she actually agreed with Annabelle. “I knew this place had a dark secret. Right from the moment we arrived. I see it now; Steven is the dark secret.” Olivia nodded reluctantly, “He’s strong. He’s very strong. But at the same time he has… issues. He always has. Elliot’s leadership skills in the old days were what kept him calm.” Annabelle squinted at her, “Oh so is that why he tried to kill him then?” Olivia clenched her fist a second time, but again released it – she didn’t want to follow her brother’s footsteps. “It was nice meeting you,” Olivia left her with those words and continued to search for Elliot.

  Gwen and Elliot were still sharing a deep moment at the Thames. “I was angry, furious,” she was still telling him about her husband’s death, “The man who killed him, every night for many nights I had dreams of murdering him in the most brutal ways possible. One night I dreamt about skinning him alive, another night I dream about giving him paper cuts in between his toes and fingers, letting them sting him to death.” Elliot felt her grip the railing intensely. “But then, every dream ended the same way. They always ended with my daughter looking at me, like she doesn’t know who I am anymore,” she looked up from the river and at Elliot, “That’s how I coped with it. I remained strong for her.” He nodded amidst deep thought, now taking his turn to open up about loss. “When my first best friend died, I was torn. So lost and cold. Despite everyone around me, I still felt alone. But eventually, I knew I had to accept it. The entire time I’d been dwelling on it, but that was when I noticed all the people around me – it was for them. They were the reason why I had to stay strong. By the time I lost my second best friend, I could get a grip of myself sooner. But even to this day, they haunt me Gwen. My sins, my ghosts, they haunt me.” They looked at each other deeply. “We’re strong people. That’s why we’ve made it this far. But sometimes, I think we live too long Gwen. Steven was right, I do carry the curse of Death around with me.” She patted his back, “That’s not true Elliot. When I first met you, I pointed a gun at you. Look at us now, literally a couple of days onwards.” He shook his head, “If I stay here, you will die. That’s why I was on my own when you first saw me – I hadn’t met too many people in the apocalypse before now, but everyone I did meet I abandoned so that they would survive. I brought you here so that you could live. Now my job is done, I can go back out into the wilderness.” He moved away from the railings, and strolled towards the nearest gate. “Elliot? Are you serious? Elliot, wait!” She went after him.

  From a distance, Olivia noticed Gwen going after Elliot. She looked curious, and went over to them. “Gwen,” she called to her, “What’s happening?” Gwen pointed to him, “He’s leaving! He thinks he’s cursed!” She sighed, “Dammit Steven,” she gave Gwen the keys to the armoury and chased after Elliot. “Elliot, stop!” He kept on walking, but she caught up to him, “Stop this! Come on, please!” Grabbing his arm, she spun him around. “I’m cursed, Olivia. You were right. I’m not that teenager you met all those years ago.” She pulled him back, “I was just angry. I didn’t mean it! Elliot please, don’t go. You are not cursed! You belong here with us! You belong here with me.” He shook his head, “I just don’t though. I literally do not belong anywhere that has anyone nearby.” Shaking off Olivia’s grip, he continued his journey towards the nearest gate. “Elliot wait,” he was preparing to tell her to leave him alone, but before he could, she ran up to him and pulled him towards her, kissing him.

m a distance, Gwen watched their kiss and slightly smiled at it. “I thought so,” she laughed to herself.

  They held the kiss for some time, before slowly pulling away from each other. “That’s why you have to stay,” she smiled at him. “It’s why I have to leave,” he contrasted, “I can’t risk you getting hurt for that reason.” Still, she smiled, “Say it. Say the reason why.” He looked into her eyes, “You know why.” She looked at him to prompt him into saying it. “Olivia… the way I feel about you. I don’t know if it’s real. We haven’t seen each other in years,” she held onto him tightly, “But it is real Elliot. You can feel it too; I know you can!” He shook his head reluctantly, “I want to feel it, but I can’t. It’s not the right time now, and it never will be – not in this world.” They looked at each other for a few more seconds before Elliot continued towards the gate. Hopelessly, she watched him move on. “Come on, just let him go dear,” Gwen comforted Olivia. “Listen, I’ll keep an eye on him from a distance. If anything goes wrong, I’ll bring him straight back here, ok?” Still watching Elliot walk away, she nodded to answer Gwen. “I’ll come back for you. I promise.” She headed to a different gate to evade Elliot’s suspicions.

  Andy and Vincent had settled right in. In one of the pubs, they were playing card games with some of the locals. “Go on Andy, all in!” One of the men suggested, “Oh come now Keith, you think I’m clueless about your deck?” They were having a fantastic time. “Hey Vince’, give us some advice,” Andy turned to his teammate. “Do what he said, all in Andy!” The crowd around the table were all rather drunk. “Alright then… All in!” Andy slammed his card deck on the table, as the cheers around the table increased to a rather loud volume. “Ha! You fool!” Keith placed down just one of his cards, causing the crowd to roar even louder. “Beth, come here babe!” He called one of the woman down to him, “Give us a kiss!” And so she did. Again, unnecessarily loud cheers prevailed. “Alright lads, keep it down!” She suggested.


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