Fearless (The Privileged of Pembroke High #5)

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Fearless (The Privileged of Pembroke High #5) Page 7

by Ivy Fox

  A few hours pass before Reid walks down the stairs with a visibly less shaken Maya under his arm.

  “How are you feeling, Maya?”

  “Better. Thank you,” she replies sheepishly.

  “Good. I’m glad.”

  I turn my attention to Reid, who can’t take his eyes off the girl at his side.

  “I’m taking Maya with me.”

  “Are you now?” I cross my arms over my chest.

  “Yeah, I am,” he retorts steadfastly.

  “And what am I supposed to tell Saint? He’ll be here any minute to pick her up and take her home.”

  His features grow cold at the mention of my black-eyed devil. He only simmers when Maya presses her open palm to his chest.

  “It’s okay, Elle. Saint knows that taking me home tonight is not an option. I’ll call and explain that I found a place to stay.”

  I had my suspicions that whatever was tormenting Maya is related to her parents. I never asked her directly, but over the years, both Saint and Chad have mentioned that her home life wasn’t much of one. Still, letting her leave with Reid like this without talking to Saint first doesn’t sit well with me. While I’m unsure if Reid can do right by Maya, I know that Saint always has.

  “Hmm. I won’t lie to him.”

  “And she’s not asking you to,” he seethes, nostrils flaring. “If he gets here before Maya has a chance to call him, just tell him I picked her up and took her somewhere safe. I’ll deal with Saint.”

  More like he’ll deal with you, but whatever.

  “Here,” he adds, pulling out his wallet and handing me a wad of cash.

  “What’s this for?”

  “You don’t need to know that. Just give it to Saint. I’ll get the rest for him tomorrow.”

  I don’t like this.

  Not one bit.

  Just exactly what type of trouble is Maya in?

  “Thank you for taking care of me, Elle. I’m sorry I was such a bother,” Maya interjects, her eyelids so swollen it must physically pain her to keep them open.

  “You were no trouble at all. I just wish I could have been of better help.”

  “You did help me. You brought me him,” she explains, looking up at Reid like he hung the stars and moon for her.

  There is a twist in my gut that warns me this is going to end very badly. I’ve known Reid for most of my life, and while he and his mother, Claire, are the better pair in the Hurst family, anyone that shares the same genes as Addison can’t be trusted. Not to mention that, for all intents and purposes, he’s supposed to be Lace Manning’s boyfriend. Not Maya’s.

  “Maya, are you good with Reid taking you? If you need a place to stay, you’re welcome to stay here with me. There are plenty of guestrooms to choose from, and Henry would love to have a do-over. She makes a mean chili,” I state animatedly, while not so subtly giving Maya an alternative to Reid’s offer.

  I feel the weight of his annoyed stare on me, drilling holes in my head, but it fails to intimidate me.

  “Thank you, but I’m going with Reid.” She smiles with that same doting love sparkling in her gaze.

  She loves him. That much is clear.

  Reid’s true feelings for her are still an enigma to me.

  I guess lately, when boys pretending to be men speak words of love, my hackles rise in distrust. But that’s my baggage to deal with. Right now, my concern is purely for Maya.

  I lean in and give her a hug, forcing Reid to move his arm away from her waist.

  “Call me if you need anything. You still have my phone number, don’t you?”

  She nods.

  “Good. Text me when you get to where you’re going.”

  I pull out of the hug and then snap my attention to the guy Maya believes is her knight in shining armor. I don’t have the heart to tell her such a thing doesn’t exist, but something tells me that, sooner or later, Reid will make that painfully clear to her all on his own.

  “Take good care of Maya. If you don’t, my brothers aren’t the only ones who can put your balls in a blender.” I gift him my best Grayson smile to drive the point home.

  He stiffly nods before possessively pulling Maya to his side and taking her God knows where. I know that wherever he’s taking her, it can’t be to his place. It would only take Senator Hurst a mere second to smell Maya’s humble origins. Say what you will about the great Senator of New York City, but Charles Hurst isn’t known for taking in strays—much less teenage girls from the projects his son is most likely sleeping with.

  Poor Maya.

  Even if Reid grows a pair and breaks up with Lace, he’ll never be man enough to go against his father’s wishes. And being in a relationship with a girl beneath their station is definitely a big faux pas the senator will not tolerate. Not to mention, Addison won’t like her little brother lavishing attention on anyone that isn’t her. Her narcissistic attitude won’t take too kindly to anyone who takes her limelight away.

  Their relationship was doomed from the start.

  When Saint finally arrives at my doorstep, butterflies immediately erupt in my belly. I try to simmer them down, but it’s a hard thing to pull off when he looks like he just stepped out of a West Side Story rehearsal in a black leather jacket and ripped-up jeans.


  Does this make Saint the Maria to my Tony?

  “So, this is your place, huh?” he questions, scanning his new surroundings. “Pretty fancy.”

  “It’s home.” I shrug.

  “If by home, you mean palace, then yes, it is.”

  The sudden wistful look in his gaze unsettles me, and I quickly make conversation to pull his attention off the manor and back where it needs to be.

  “Did Maya call you?”

  “Yeah. She called me as I was about to come here,” he states, with his hands shoved in his front pockets.

  “Really? Then why did you come over anyway if you knew she wasn’t here?”

  “I wanted to thank you personally for looking after her today. It meant a lot.”

  “Any time.”

  “I hope there won’t be a next time,” he mumbles under his breath.

  “Yeah, me too.”

  The way he stares intensely into my eyes has my skin heating up, my blushing cheeks the first to narc me out.

  “Are you hungry? Do you want to have dinner with us?” I ask, overtly chipper, trying hard to camouflage the way I’m feeling.

  “I hooked up with Boy Scout today.”

  The words have barely left him, yet they deliver such a punch to my gut that it’s a miracle I’m still standing.

  “Why are you telling me this?”

  “Because I want you to know that I’ll never lie to you. Even when it hurts like a mother.”

  I give him a curt nod, crossing my arms over my chest to protect me against anything else he might confess.

  “Wow. So much for going back to normal. That lasted what? Two weeks?”

  “You’re the one who wanted to sweep things under the rug, not me.”

  “Look how good that turned out for me?” I scoff, turning my back to him.

  “You’re upset.” He doesn’t say it as a question, just a fact neither one of us can hide from.

  I turn around and face him eye to eye.

  “You want the truth? I don’t know how to feel anymore. All we three seem to do is fight now, and for what?”

  He bridges the gap between us, holds me by the waist, and lifts my chin up.

  “Sometimes you have to fight for what you want.”

  “And just what exactly is that? What do you want?”

  “I thought I’d made that obvious. You. I want you.”

  I place my hands on his chest and push him away.

  “You want me so much that you hooked up with someone else before coming to see me. I’m a very lucky girl to have you fighting for her so passionately. You can show yourself out. We’re done her

  Chapter 7


  “Rugrat? Are you okay over there?” Rome asks out of the blue.


  “Your ice cream is melting. It’s not like you to not devour rocky road in one go.” His thick eyebrows pinch together, deep-rooted concern embedded in his expression.

  “I guess I’m not in an ice cream type of mood.” I shrug, pushing the bowl away.

  “Hmm,” he mumbles, pulling out a chair beside me. “What’s wrong, Elle? Something is troubling you, and it’s been going on for a while now. And don’t tell me it’s nothing because I know you better than that. You know you can tell me anything, right?”

  “I know. I’m just worried about the fashion show tomorrow. That’s all,” I lie, putting on what I hope constitutes a smile.

  “I don’t buy it. You’ve been different lately. Sad even.”

  I’m more than sad.

  I’m heartbroken.

  “Nope. All good here.”

  “Huh-uh. Okay, rugrat. You don’t want to tell me, then I can’t force you. Just know that you have me in your corner for whatever you need. Always.”

  This time the smile I throw at my brother is genuine.

  “You’ve been different too, you know?” I arch a mischievous brow.

  “Have I?” He chuckles, grabbing my melted ice cream and taking a spoonful for himself.

  “That right there is new.” I point at his boyish grin. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smile and laugh so much.”

  “I guess I’m happy.” He winks before tapping the end of the spoon to my nose and covering it in chocolate.

  I laugh at his fun-loving, playful gesture while grabbing a napkin to clean up the sticky mess he made.

  “I think the words you’re looking for are being in love.” I nudge his shoulder.

  His amber eyes light up, and a shy grin crests his lips—so unlike the stoic, unfeeling Roman Grayson that everyone is used to.

  “Love looks good on you, big brother.”

  “I see Snow told you about us.”

  “She did. She told me the minute I arrived from Aspen last month.”

  “Have you said anything to the twins about us?”

  “Not my place. Although they’ll eventually find out, Rome. Are you ready for the backlash that will entail?”

  He lets out a long exhale, leaning against the back of the kitchen chair.

  “If I had it my way, I would have already told them, but Snow wants to be the one to do it herself. I can’t push her into coming clean with the twins. She’ll do it when she feels ready. At least I hope she will.”

  “And when she does, what will that mean for you?”

  He shrugs.

  “I’m not sure. If Snow realizes that she only has enough room for them in her heart, then I will step aside and let them be happy. She’s suffered too much in one lifetime to go another minute being miserable. So have Oliver and Asher.”

  “So have you, Rome. Don’t you deserve a slice of happiness, too?”

  “If the people I love are happy, then so am I.”

  “How can you do that? Be so selfless?” I ask, honestly curious.

  “Who says I am? I want to be the guy who gets the girl, Elle. I’m not giving her up. I just don’t want her to be with me if she doesn’t truly love me.”

  I shake my head.

  “She does. I see it every time Holland looks at you. I’m surprised the twins haven’t picked up on it yet. Well, I’m not surprised Ash hasn’t since he’s not the sharpest tool in the shed, but Ollie is usually more astute.”

  “The only reason why they don’t suspect anything, it’s because Snow is still keeping them at arm’s length. But when she finally lets them in, I have faith that both Ollie and Ash will man up and be the men she deserves.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  He pulls me into a side hug and places a kiss on my temple.

  “No more worrying about your brother’s love life. It’s late, and you need to get some rest, rugrat. Tomorrow is a big day for you.”

  I nod, watching him leave the kitchen and head upstairs, most likely to Holland’s room to spend the night.

  Rome is right. I should go to sleep too, but I’m too restless. I’ve been this way since Saint told me he and Chad hooked up a few weeks ago, adding both of them to my shitlist.

  You wouldn’t know it by the way we act at school with one another, though. While we have eyes on us, we act like everything is fine. Or as close to fine as we can stomach to pretend. Chad and I act like we’re still two peas in a pod, while Saint is still the bane of my existence, even if it’s the furthest thing from the truth.

  I guess it’s a good thing that Ollie and Ash have switched their lunch hour to ours, so they can spend more time with our stepsister. The way they are always trying to get Holland’s undivided attention over lunch makes for good interference between the three of us.

  It’s the times when we’re alone with one another that the masks slip off, and we show how we’re truly feeling on the inside.




  And an overwhelming sense of loss.

  I really thought that if we pretended that nothing happened between us, then we could go back to how we used to be. But it seems it was just a fool’s errand. We can’t go back. A line has been crossed in the sand, and we jumped so far past it that we can’t even see it anymore.

  Calling it quits on my pensive thoughts, I walk upstairs to my room, brush my teeth and my hair, and slip under the covers. But even my nightly routine feels different now. Since I was in Elementary school, Chad and I would always call and wish each other a good night, but since Aspen, neither one of us has dared to make the awkward phone call.

  In a moment of weakness, I pick up my phone and do just that.

  I call him.

  Chad picks up on the first ring.

  “Elle?” he asks, his voice drowsy. “What time is it?”

  “A little past one, I think.”

  “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” he questions, sounding more alert.

  “No,” I admit.

  “Is it your dad?”


  “Then what’s wrong? Why are you calling me?”

  “Can’t a girl just call her best friend?”

  “You haven’t called me in over a month, Elle.”

  “I know. You haven’t either.” I sigh.

  “I wanted to. I just don’t know what to say to you anymore.”


  “Yeah. Ouch. This is hurting me too, Elle. I don’t know how to fix us.”

  “Me neither,” I confess somberly. “I thought that maybe if we had a clean slate, things would fix themselves.”

  “It isn’t working,” he retorts, his tone sounding just as miserable as mine.

  “I know that.”

  “What can I do, babe? What can I do to make it right again?”

  “Do you love him?” I hear myself ask, my heart beating a mile a minute, but all I’m met with is dead silence instead of answers. “Chad?”

  “I don’t know how to answer that.”

  “It’s a simple yes or no question, Chad. Do you love Saint?”

  “Do you?” he retorts with a bite.

  This time I’m the one who goes mute.

  “See? It’s not so simple, is it?” His voice has gone so arctic it chills me to the bone.

  “Are you angry at me right now?”

  “Fuck, Elle. How do you expect me not to be?”

  “I see.” I maul my lower lip.

  “No, I don’t think you do. I fucking miss us. I miss us so much that I think I’m losing my mind. But whatever we had, it’s changed now. And I’m still trying to learn all the rules before I can say for sure if I even want to play this game or not.”

  “Game? Is that how you see this?” I questi
on, aghast, my anger speaking louder than my will to mend fences.

  “That’s not what I meant.” He huffs exasperatedly.

  “That was always the problem. You never say what you mean. I’ve got to go. Goodnight.”

  I hear him call out my name, but I hang up anyway.

  How did we get this way?

  I was always so certain of everything. Of my feelings for Chad. Of the future we were supposed to have together. Now all of those dreams feel like they’re slipping through my fingers, and the harder I try to keep them in my grasp, the more they seem to disappear into an empty abyss.

  I stare at my phone and call the one person I promised myself I wouldn’t. He’s the one I should blame for everything that has gone wrong. He’s the guy who came into our lives and wreaked havoc with what was supposed to be an epic love story. If it wasn’t for him, none of us would be suffering like this.

  It is his fault, right?

  Isn’t it?

  Unlike Chad, Saint doesn’t pick up on the first ring. As I’m about to hang up before going to voicemail, his throaty voice finally answers.

  “Who dis?”

  I open my mouth to say something, but the words stay lodged in my throat.

  Why did I call him again?

  “Are you going to talk or what? It’s late, and I have to get my beauty sleep since some chick blackmailed me into doing a fucking fashion show tomorrow night.”

  I never blackmailed him.

  “Still not going to talk, huh?” I can almost hear the smirk that must be planted on his lush, full lips. “I know it’s you, Princess. Or did you forget I have your number?”

  I want to ask why he’s never called me then, but I don’t.

  “That’s okay. You don’t have to say anything. I can do all the talking.”

  I lay back in my bed and just listen to him breathe.

  “Can’t sleep, huh? Yeah. Been having a hard time of it, too. See, there’s this girl who’s been fucking with my head lately, and as much as I try, I can’t seem to get her out.”

  I scoff at that.

  “Ah, there’s my little hellcat.” His laugh on the other line warms my cold bones.

  “You know I was just thinking about you.” I hear him stretch on his bed.

  Sure, you were.


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