The Continuing tales of Bo Jon Littlehorse, P.I.

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The Continuing tales of Bo Jon Littlehorse, P.I. Page 7

by Danny E. Allen

  **“Leader of his people, Savora Tekasaw, please return-home. Your people now, know you are one who has served them-well…” Then the three hugged and smiled as Savora was now, free…

  The end

  The Tale of Josie Wiley


  “…Okay, Josie what’s next?” “…That deal was ‘sweet‘”, said Josh. Both, arriving at the pier-in black Lambhorghinis at the shore. Josie, was just after speaking with an operative, they were dressed-in black-business suits and dark sun-glasses. They’d just jacked-off a drug-heist “clean”, and now he was calling-in a deal-for it… “…8:45 a.m., meet you at Texas-museum under Captain Houston…” Josie put down the cell-phone, “We’ve got a deal, so the kilos will catch us 3 mill’ flat, the date is set”… “I got to hand it to you Josie, you’ve got-it all figured-out”… “Now, we go into plan-B.” “What’s that Jo?” “The armored-load”…


  The evening was slowly, falling-upon the big-city of Houston, along a knowled out-door café, set along the boulevard. As the coming, night-life goes-on the bustle of people, cars and restauranteering goes-on, two men well-dressed in western-style tuxedos expensive-boots and Ranger-hats sipping-on drinks while seemingly awaiting there confidantes on a double-date. The evening-air was warm and traffic went-by at a steady-rate, as rush-hour became late-night. Everyone was thinning-out, as it was getting-late. The two, still sat there as if their guests stood them-up. They-looked at their watches that’s when they went into action, an armored-truck rode-pass, on the street in front of the café patio at a constant rate-of-speed. Within minutes, Josie and Josh went into action, they synchronized watches and headed-for their separate-vehicles two sports-cars.

  The armored truck-driver, was driving his regular-route, his side-kick sat expecting the usual attention to job and the rear guard who rode with the currency was posedly, alert. The two front-seated men didn’t notice anything until the driver saw a sports-car appear in his rear side-mirror. They didn’t think much of the lone sports car it pulled up alongside and the guy in the car waved and smiled.

  It then drove-on as the truck continued its route…under a man-hole cover 12-yards ahead was an explosive-device set to go off when the armored transport stood over it… Within minutes the explosion blew the man-hole lid up into the center of the vehicle severing the axle stopping it cold-then went into the storage area knocking out the guard and then exiting like a bullet-like projectile through the roof. Then Josie and Josh went-into action. They put on their construction jump-suit hard-hats and started to unload bails of moneyed items. The man, inside was dazed-by the blasted then fell faint. They carried-out the job as intended in 4.5 minutes flat, and drove-off.

  The next-day the blasted truck was being carried-off from the crime-scene, which was then being roped-off for investigation, that part of the street was blocked and a gaping-hole stood where the man-hole lid once was, the Houston crime unit, Texas Rangers and CSI for the FBI, were now being brought-in to discover and start their part-of the crime-solving…

  Sgt. Ben Tolstoy, Lt. David Brigham, his four duty-officers and 18-policemen were doing an evidence-recovery with detection, examination and local-witness questioning. The case was working, on what was the crime of the month. They had said-it was an incredible act in defiance of law. A whole run-down from the enormous feat of catching one of the best protective-service, to a fast track-crime of modern-day, “Jesse James”. It appeared on t.v.-news, and the resulting APB of two-man thieves, was sent-out…


  Josie and Josh sat-on an auto-ferry heading across Galveston Bay. “Well, Josie another trick is down, I got to admit you have a mind-of genius, virtuosity and perfection…” “Yeah, Josh leave it all up to me and we’ll be going places…” “…Meet me at the house we’re going to party-tonight.” “Gotcha.” The two went their separate-ways. Ten-minutes later the ferry caught-fire and sank every one was rescued, above the waters in life-rafts.

  Josie and Josh appeared at the posh club dressed-in tuxedos. They were with Sallie, Josie’s long-time girlfriend and “main-squeeze”. She was the daughter of a wealthy-businessman, they met at a party and hit it off… She believed Josie was the son of a wealthy beef-farmer. They went-out once or twice a week. Josh came along as a bodyguard. He was armed and looked after Josie’s interests. They stayed at the club till 12 a.m. then Josie took Sallie for a walk on the beach… Josh stayed a-ways back to be there if anything might happen. “…Josie, when are you going to settle-down?” Sallie had been wanting him to marry her… “Well, when the stars say its time.” “And when is that going to be?” “One day.” They stayed on the beach till two, then Josh drove them home…

  At the condo, in out-skirts of Dallas, a maid was doing her duties around the house cleaning. Josie was seating at the breakfast table eating a Texas omelette, drinking a large-cup of coffee and toast with jam. Josh didn’t usually eat breakfast, he kept his keen-senses alert in case of danger, by midday they had headed-toward their next rendezvous, at the pier. He received the go-ahead call from his-operative and was about to close the deal. They drove home with 3 million in cash. Josie went-by his car-dealer to purchase a new roadster which was customized to all his specifications;he had a Platinum credit-card, a large investment-account and several checking-accounts. He and Josie started to set-up their next-deal. Some ranch property along the beef-belt. A large 1,800 acre beef-breeding, he’d sell to ranchers from El Paso for inside information on horse-breeding in Kentucky, breeding stakes, betting scores and the tenements of being a “bookie”…

  They had come-back speeding along the solitary back-highway route, arriving home at 7 p.m. They had the game and gone, by nightfall they’d spend the night at a bar, dressed in jeans and western-shirts playing and spending. 8:05 a.m., that morning the three-prong role of law enforcement had began detail, exacting and deciphering the clues to their-case, the detectives were on-site and all of the material-signs of evidence, scene scenarios and factors were slowly, falling-together. Sgt. Tolstoy was observing his officers, when a tall native-American was standing in front of him dressed in a dark brown leather jacket, an academic collared shirt with lace-tie and shark-skin pants. “My name is Littlehorse, Bo Jon Littlehorse p.I. may I be of service?”

  “Sgt. Ben Tolstoy, glad to meet you, Mr.Littlehorse.” “It seems we have a professional on our hands…” “Specific, first-evidence has shown that from initial event to the last final-getaway these guys knew how to break safety-zones.” “Evidence-1, one of the truck officers who amazingly, saw two-men in orange-jumpsuits and construction hard-hats jump into the blasted-open truck the two knew how long it would take, to what extent of damage was done…” “The abandonment, was by fast sports-cars some speedy-vehicle.” “…They had the process, nailed-down.” “From obvious-effects they were almost certain the stunt they pulled would come-down to an instant.” “’Pros’ real pros, probably well-skilled.” “Since yesterday, we’ve recovered, statements, residue and sightings which points to that there were no exaggerations, it was a scheme almost, ‘genius’”... “We’re doing checks right-now to conceive of a lead. Prepared, we understand from our team that within the week, we will come up with a criminal-profile…”

  “A reward, an APB and a derivative-background search was pre-imminent. We’d be pleased to allow you to work on our team…” Bo Jon went into the crime-zone, his high-detective skills operated on discretionary-terms. He looked all around the big-city street… He’d identified from his sequential estimates that it was a ‘worthiness‘-call... …Upon which bases, meant someone close-by had known all the parameters, from first-postulations, as a plot, to how logical the process was someone or someones had known all the points. Seeing the area deduced in how the principle-design, warding and proposal could form a straight-line to what would silence their apparent, substantial-noise.

  It was the pre-seminal aptitude, which th
e crime unit was being taken up, but frugally. He didn’t get close-up in wariness-noise but seeing, with propitious-clarity. This was the apposition that either-lesser ‘gold-shields’ would be easily, overlooked, or too many multiple of manifestations… He was looking, warding to all-aspects. If the case was to be solved somewhere along the streets and crevices that were etched there, along the blast-site and sitting, in-silence.

  ~After scanning the region, catching just what the police, the high-crimes unit were demonstrating… He spents 6-hours from the pull-away of the truck’s destructiveness, to several-rounds by trial and inquiry…*


  ...Josie and Josh met while in prison. Each, serving a 6-year term. They’d became close. Josie being the mastermind while Josh handled the ‘hard-tack’. He was a weapons expert and carried a marksman .45 caliber automatic. He knew about munitions;both, honed their skills while imprisoned. When they got out they knew exactly what they wanted to do;staying fast-friends and making plans of defying the law.

  Bo Jon’s trained and articulate-mind was calculating-by time of evening, he was driving those corridors pondering and mentally, extricating. Bo knew that at the “crux” of the investigative-furor was a robbers feasance dialectic that had, with ease, out-ran the law. He or they, were not simple, run-of-the-mill but quite contrite and abundantly, proficient. This meant there had been a successive-visage of how it all would turn-out. Somewhere this ‘mastermind’ or -‘minds’ were holding the upper-hand and to how out-wittingly of Texas’s Best. This gave Bo an instigate assertion that in their prevailing-ploy were not grievously, compelling but honoring a stoicism in execution and resolve. He decided to begin his case on these truism, but essence-vigils. He decided-to check his own-preliminaries, the connective ’compendiums’, and seek some rather far-sided instances, so productively, ‘obvious’ yet quite valued, in-function. …All, none-the-less, potential-grounds for the Indian-like study of hunted-prey… He decided that the law was so over-run with stringent-possibilities that would take them days instead of hours to just refine-it all. He would approach the crime, in a definitive-commence…

  By nightfall, he had hit some of the major-records, Policing and bureau-offices… He’d seen all the presumptions gathered, sight-orientations from the pick-bagging to the impact-relativities. He was already strategizing, somewhere within the message-mission of tending and tacit. He knew these-in, an inferential-theory that put him distant to the prurient-plight of police-officiate… He was wiser, more fundamental and explicative. He knew there was more to what meets-the-eye from proportionality to appropriation. While the Texas’ Best scanned-schematics, Bo was working above-ground enlisting the most thence of technique, problem-solving. He-visited, the arraignment-registrars, the traffic-patrol, penitentiary-records and a study of run-downs on access and retrieval at the state-wide bureau of investigation. Also, after making a deductive, ramification;he-made an Indian style hunting discovery that culminated-resources like “water” in the desert, made crucial and reticent.

  He began to surmise that there had really been an under-statement, of what was an specific under-score... There was more of an original-’tangent’ still up-in-the-air, this meant the perpetrators were in an easement;somehow, set-in “unknowing”, suspension… They knew how to use the element-of-‘self’ and secrecy. This meant someone, had all the conditionals, at-arms reach. A person who-could read the cards, well. He decided to form an erudite-design to the subjective-’mosaic’. From this point-of-view, he could now, use exception, instead-of exertion. When he did this, he was ‘open’ to the taciturn-design of dimension-awareness. He then, had more especial-entities…

  Josie was sitting-in front of the t.v. not really, watching. He’d been thinking of some of his accomplishments, enjoying the ‘rich-life’. He became wealthy beyond his wildest-’dreams’ and beyond what he thought possible. Now he was satisfied, fully, full-circle… He then, began to listen to the television. It was a news-report on the crime-of-the-decade. The FBI had a two million-dollar reward and an additional four-by the armored truck-services. They seemed to be erratically, trying to keep composure as an event that made the Division look-bad. He remained-attentive now, showing an unwavering-interest... They were making front-page news… He then decided to contemplate what he had really done all those years since imprisonment… He could not say he was admirable, or worthy of respect. That’s when he decided to make a change;he called Josh and talked to him about things. His devoted-friend could only see what his-friend had done with ease, he then told him to meet him at the Golden Flamingo with is only-girl, he’d meet them-there. When he hanged-up the receiver, he was quiet and knew now what he had to do.

  Bo had visited many recorded evidentiary-sites and read many of Houston area publication of the last-three days, he began to pick-up leads, they were refined and un-arbitrary but delving among them, were quite estimate, referenced. This man, or men were still within the vicinity somewhere out-in limbo,in concerted-space their trail was growing weaker but Bo Jon knew they held a quite unheralded-concomitance someone would add-water to a completing, abasement…

  In the Texas-area, a detectives’ chosen-’few’, held-together in order of a distending crime-origin though full-proof demanding a causal incursion. Popular-circumstances, would not let it undermined the responsibility of law, it would seep-out in bits and pieces;of the criminals, who had to be persons, as well... These two-ends, to a rope would eventually be tied-together. And on that circumspect, he had now-found, accounting, as he moved down the Texas-freeway…

  …There had been two sports-cars, recorded as sunk on Gaveston Bay soon after the crime;from bureau records, two-men were seen aboard their names were mentioned, then on check-out, they had shown up as aliases. He then, reported his findings-over to authorities… But once more, he had a quizzical estimation that the ritzy criminals where flighty yet swank, somehow this-compellation, was their crack-in the “stone”… He-realized as he’d taken a cruise-down the Texas-coastline that the cue de tau was up-coming, derision. That same-impact ,‘unknown’, would be mirrored to what would incitingly, happen to them. It-seemed a poetic-end to a big-style heist…

  Over the police-band came the issuance, of APB for Josie Calvin Wiley. Known-thief, convicted of robbery on two-counts, seven years earlier. And people-who had no reason to remember. Such at late-time of evening… Significant but necessarily, objective. Applying a sense of supposition, substantiation and indictiveness. He’d gathered intricacies used to predate the multiple-inspirational crime-polemic’s symmetry-in Bo’s amassedly established parametric-derivation. The crime was both a phenomena and/or act in reprisal-law of apposite predication…

  He stayed, both inquiring and attentive to what could come-down as simply serendipitous-incident. Which noted-men were satisfied-by “absolvency” but perhaps, comprimandingly. No, Bo had a feeling this assailant was what is known as a ‘perpetrator-officiando’. This, to Jon, is what made the case worthy of investigation. A symbolic of criminal-incision;an attributive-in involvers carried-out a successful-plot of ‘monetary’-contention. It was too, easy to assume or assert that a mid-city imposition could-be ‘done’. That’s what Bo recognized as predispose-contradictory. Bo further understood how, this now credible-act could prove ‘affordingly’, a vice of vocalized, commiting. It was, in this complication-involved, in incursive connotation… Bo, had begun his part in conferred-cause engaging-incurring, recount-ability. This, was a reconceiving, Bo Jon was “intermeshing” on his commendations-to this prioritized propensity; probably, between the two-‘forces’ of a maelstrom. Giving it, ‘new’-essence.

  Josie was on his way that he knew the authorities were coming close to discover who the culprit was, the reports appeared every four-hours on t.v. and radio. As he layed-out on the expensive-furniture which he began to realize it never was his, ‘honestly’. He started out for Tiajuana, Mexico. Which was 140-miles south
along I-170. It was true, they were moving-in by afternoon they had put-out a APB on the description of the possible perpetrators. It was early-morning when Josie was on the main-highway. But by then, search-stations were being put out in all-areas.

  Josie figured-on this. When he left his condo he knew he wouldn’t be coming back… He left a special Swiss account in Josh Willis and Sallie’s name. In which $39,000,000.00, was on account. Josie covered-up his trail to Josh, as he knew would lead to the sacrifice of freedom… Bo Jon heard it over radio-band, on his way to El Paso he made a right-turn and started south where he could reach the border check-point, a red high-speed car was surrounded and a man was being taken into custody. Bo, somehow realized a man had lost an ingenious-’battle’…

  The evening-before, Josie Wiley met with Josh, they had a straight-forward discussion which “wonderful“-Josie, didn’t lead-on to what was to occur. He had already made-up his mind, he was giving Josh the last-steps, in what had become an irrevocable choice and decision… It was his elaborate-scheme;the one, he reflected-on, in relief. -That night, Josh was to meet Sallie at the “Lonesome Dove”;an up-scale club, they were known to visit, on-occasion. Josh was to told to meet his girl and make her-happy… They, both sat and waited;until 8 p.m., as Josie had told them. Nine passed, then ten, then 10:30 p.m. until a waiter brought a message-call letter. Josh realized something was amiss, and looked-at it first…


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