A Fantasy About Love

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A Fantasy About Love Page 5

by Opal Cole

  I paid the bill and the driver took us back to her hotel. I did not see very much of the trip -- I was busy kissing her. Finally, we broke apart and she put her head on my shoulders. I perceived that she was getting nervous: what would happen at the hotel? Would I want more than she was willing to give at this moment? The driver stopped and I led her to the lift.

  "Darling, I shall pick you up at eleven o'clock. Check out and we'll have brunch in one of the hotels. Your plane leaves at four in the afternoon, way too early for me, but what can I do? I'll drive you to the airport. Darling, this was the best day I've ever had in my life and I'm certain that it will only get better. I just hope that you feel the same. I'll let you get some sleep -- alone -- and please admire my respectful control you seem to believe I do not have. I would like to say more, but it's too early -- we have to sleep on this day and decide what we want."

  She hugged me; partly relieved and partly disappointed that the night had ended already. I was certain that she would feel much better tomorrow if I would let her go tonight. She hummed the last tune:

  ' ... Look into my eyes my love and see

  All the lovely things you are to me... '

  "Good night, darling. For me, it was also the best day of my life. I'll be waiting for you at eleven o'clock. If you're here a bit earlier just advise..."

  She looked around and turned to me. "Nobody looks..." and kissed me thoroughly. This was not only affection - this was also passion and perhaps a bit of love?

  "Sleep well and dream of me..."

  A last peck on my cheek and the lift doors closed. The driver opened the door for me and took me home. When he said goodbye, he hesitated a moment and said: "Sir, you are a very lucky man."

  Chapter 4: The Freckle Hunt

  I got up early and selected carefully how I would appear in front of Maureen this morning. It took me over 30 minutes to decide what to wear, a procedure that normally takes few minutes. I wanted to impress Maureen; stupid, but unavoidable.

  I had dressed in a nice grey slack, a light blue shirt, a soft light-blue cashmere, and comfortable dark blue loafers; casual, but seriously relaxed. I was waiting for the time to pass, but suddenly got my car, took the hood down as it was another glorious day, and headed off to the hotel. Traffic was non-existing, and I arrived at 9:30. A tip to the valet and again the car would be available immediately.

  The lobby was empty, and I sat down in one of the comfortable chairs looking out to the Sydney harbor. I had never tried sailing, but Peter had urged me to come out with him -- another promise that I would do it one day and that I had not kept. It was tempting, however. I looked at my watch and it was only 9:45; another hour to wait for my date to appear.

  Suddenly two hands covered my eyes and a sweet voice asked: "Who am I? And what are you doing here at this time? You said eleven o'clock!"

  "Well, you're the witch who spells innocent men like me. And I'm here because I could not wait any longer at home. I thought that if you came down a bit earlier, I would have some additional moments with you. Foolish, isn't it?"

  "Well, we both seem to be fools. I was certain you would come early. Let me sign the bill and we can be off."

  I was taken again with the grace of her moves and the happiness in her eyes. She was dressed in a little blue top, with small straps holding it up, but showing enough of her breasts, unrestrained by a bra. A little makeup to show off her cheeks and eyes -- and what beautiful huge eyes -- and a bit of gloss on her smiling lips. Tight jeans to accentuate her narrow waist and hips, and bluish sandals for her feet. A vision of elegance, simplicity and beauty. I watched her walking to the counter and was certain that she must have had ballet lessons because nobody could walk this graceful and sensuous way without having had years of exercises. Then she came back and embraced me.

  "You haven't said properly good morning to me. Have you forgotten how I said good evening to you?"

  She kissed me and I was lost -- again. It was not a kiss that you see in movies or read about in books with tongues battling and heavy breathing; it was a sweet, loving hello kiss showing the joy of meeting me and looking forward to the day. All the doubts I had the previous night whether this was real or not, vanished. This was it and I would keep it this way.

  "We've reservations at noon at the Hilton for brunch. It's still early, and may I suggest that we drive up to the Gap and enjoy the moment for a while?"

  "James, you decide today, and I follow. Get on, Macduff!"

  "If I'm Macduff, you better watch it. You will have to treat me nicely to escape an evil ending!"

  She stopped for a moment and gazing at me, said that whatever I would do, she had complete trust in me that it led to a good ending. How can you not love a woman like this?

  I handed her the keys and with a very satisfied grin she drove off. The directions were easy and after a short while we came to a spot that Peter had once shown me. I took a blanket from the Porsche and led her to a secluded spot overlooking the Gap where the ocean entered the Bay. It was a beautiful morning, not too hot yet, and a light breeze made the cirrus clouds coming in from the ocean chase each other. We heard the noise of the waves breaking way below, and the occasional scream of a gull.

  I spread the blanket and helped her to sit down comfortably. I had wondered what to say to her when we were alone, but it came naturally.

  "Maureen, yesterday was the best day of my life and I just want to say to you that everything I said last night, I repeat today. I still cannot explain what happened so suddenly, but it did happen. I've fallen in love and I don't want to lose you. These are my feelings and I certainly don't want to push you into something you are not certain off, but I want you to know how I feel. You've said that you trust me, and I'll never take anything that you're not willing to give freely. I will trust you the same way that whatever you say or do will be from your heart -- even if you tell me that you do not want to go on."

  She looked at me and took my hands tenderly.

  "James, I thought a lot about yesterday and what it meant to me -- and what it could mean in the future for me and perhaps for both of us. I also cannot explain what happened in a rational way. Let me tell you something about of my life. I'm the only child of a very happy couple and was raised to respect and love my family and my friends. Then my father died six years ago, and everything changed. My mother could not take my father's death well and enclosed herself in a mental shield that nobody could break -- not even I. Added to the revolt I felt about the death of my father, the breakdown of my relationship with my mother led me to do things I am not proud about today."

  Her eyes were tearing up.

  "For heaven's sake, I started to smoke marijuana, lost good friends and gained bad ones, and one day ended up in a police station because of a robbery that had gone bad. Not that I was involved, but I was in the same car that the two guys were using to get away. My mother came to the station and convinced the two guys and the police that I hadn't been involved -- I was just an almost innocent bystander. She took me home and we both cried for hours! She because she had abandoned me, me because I had committed stupid acts, and mainly that we had not communicated anymore. I was lucky that I had never gone too far -- for heaven's sake, I am still a virgin -- but I had messed up my life completely. It didn't help that I did not have a sister or a best friend; the friends I had driven away, and the sister had never appeared."

  There was a certain longing in her eyes that she had missed a friend, a confidant, someone to share joy and despair. She swallowed, took a deep breath and continued.

  "It took us a few months to reestablish our trust and today we're at least comfortable with each other. I'm still bearing, however, the scars from that period. I didn't let anybody come close to me after someone I still considered a friend, tried to use the situation to force me and almost raped me when I refused his advances, and from that moment on I kept to myself. My mother runs a big company in Brisbane and there have been many attempts to get to her through me."
br />   Her eyes lit up.

  "And then suddenly you appeared in my life. Out of nowhere, ignoring my barriers, and you took me on a different ride. You were a fun companion, polite, we had an interesting and occasional teasing conversation, common interests, and you just swept me along with you, and I liked that there was no attempt of a one-night adventure. I sensed that you started to like me and when you offered the tickets to the opera, I accepted almost immediately."

  I laughed: "Almost immediately? I could see your thoughts going forwards and backwards, but I was very glad that at the end you accepted the invitation."

  She grinned: "The way you almost clicked your heels when you said goodbye at the hotel and kissed my hand was so funny that without thinking I kissed you -- and to my surprise enjoyed it. The next day we walked in the park and it was different and wonderful. We kissed again and I felt safe and secure with you. Joan Sutherland was great and seeing your emotion after that aria turned my heart around. James, I feel that this is not a fling for you and I'm certain that it is not for me either -- it is something much more serious and it frightens me a bit. I don't want to lose you either, but how are we going to handle this?"

  All I could do was to take her into my arms and hug her. I kissed her eyes and lips tenderly to express my happiness, and my trust that we had a future together. Then I released her, which was difficult to do, and said: "We trust each other and love each other. We want to stay together and enjoy our life together. We'll find a way. Maureen, I don't want to lose you!"

  She started to sniffle and put her head on my shoulders. "James, I love you, too, and will do everything to never disappoint you and lose you."

  She went from sniffles to real tears and sobbed for a few moments. Then she stopped and looked at me. She took my hand and put it on her breast.

  "These are not tears of sadness, James, these are tears of happiness. Feel my heart and know that we'll build a life together -- I don't know yet how, but we will. " She started to grin. "Why are you not kissing me, lost the taste already?"

  This was an offer I could not refuse, and we lost track a bit of everything until she had to come up for breath. It had been a good idea to bring the blanket -- I wondered what would have happened to her top and jeans, or to my outfit. I still had my hand on her breast, and it felt wonderful. I squeezed it lightly and she seemed to enjoy it very much. This encouraged me to lean down and place a kiss on her nipple -- even through the light top I felt that it had hardened and stood up proudly.

  I always thought that the form of a female breast was the ultimate form of grace and elegance, and here was a prime example. I turned my head and nuzzled my nose in her hair luxuriating in its softness; I loved the way hers was so full and rich. Feeling that she enjoyed this procedure, I gave the soft skin of her neck a soft kiss, and then a few more, causing her to breathe more heavily. My lips slipped upward and nibbled on her earlobe, which made her giggle and goosebumps to appear on her arm, and then went down her side. I started nibbling gently with my teeth, which caused her to moan, interspersed with the giggles. The goosebumps were even more pronounced, and felt interesting to my hand, which had slipped away from her breast to stroke up and down her side, caressing her hip and upper leg, and on up her side until I returned to her breast.

  "Please don't wake me up if I'm dreaming. I've never seen anything so beautiful or felt so wonderful in my life."

  "My love, you are not dreaming. This is real and we will repeat and improve on it, and I hope many times. I don't want to spoil the moment, but did you not make a reservation for brunch?"

  I looked at my watch and was relieved. We still had another twenty minutes to go before we had to leave. I looked at her for a long time.

  "Do you know that you have thirteen freckles on your face?"

  "So what? Don't you like them? What are you going to do about them?"

  'Well, first of all, I like them. They tell me when you are teasing me or when you are embarrassed. They blush and are more visible. As I said I like them. What can I do about them? I read an article once in a magazine of alternative medicine that there was a theory that if each freckle was kissed with love, it would slowly fade away. The remedy was not immediate and had to be repeated many, many times. Can we try this?"

  "James, you're joking. This is rather foolish and can't be real, but, unfortunately, you don't have any signs that tell me if you make up this story. I swear that this will change rapidly in the future."

  "My love, I really read this, but the article admitted that the remedy had not been proven considering the time involved between starting the procedure and finishing it. Looking at you, I'd like very much to try out whether it works or not. Imagine if one day I receive the Nobel Prize in medicine for this important discovery!"

  She looked at me with a suspicious smile and suddenly changed her mind.

  "I don't want my freckles to disappear only in my face. If you want to start this, you have to complete the test on other areas also. For example, there are some on my shoulders."

  I looked closely and confirmed that there were five freckles. She said that a bit farther down there were more freckles. I said that I could not see them because the top covered that area, and if there were freckles there, there were probably more freckles in other areas of her body. And how could I find them? It would be a pleasure for me to hunt for them, but hunting needed a license from the owner of the property.

  "Well, let's discuss this. You say that you need a hunting license for finding and slaying freckles. How about I give you a license to hunt -- under the appropriate circumstances and you'll have to decide what appropriate means -- on all areas that are uncovered?"

  We both started to grin, and I upped the conversation.

  "That will not help very much. Most of the time the major part of the property is covered and how will we see the result of the remedy?"

  "Well, I could give you a special license -- under appropriate circumstances and I'd have to decide what appropriate means -- for a certain defined area and time?"

  She looked around and saw that we were alone -- nobody in sight. Her smile turned into a grin and she asked me how much time we had until we had to leave. I told her that to be in time for brunch, we had to leave in fifteen minutes.

  "I give you a special license to hunt for freckles for a period of ten minutes and in an area of four inches below the edge of my top."

  I looked at her, glanced at the top and asked her whether she knew what she was doing. She smiled, closed her eyes and said that she knew well what she was doing -- and that I should not waste any time because the clock was ticking.

  I leaned down and kissed her lips, telling myself not to linger too much because other intriguing areas were available for a very limited time, and slowly kissed my way down her neck to the little blue top. Four inches -- that would give my lips access to her breasts just to below the nipples. Looking again at her, I asked whether I could really go ahead, and she just asked: "Do you need a written invitation, Sir?" That ended my hesitation.

  I moved her straps down her shoulders and took the top part into my mouth, and very slowly drew the chemise down over her nipples. There they were: the most beautiful sight that I had ever seen. Her breasts formed small mounds on her chest, hardly flattened at all, and with their puffy areolae that were big for the size of her breasts, but were rapidly getting smaller and pointier, with the already partially hardened nipples sticking up. My lips slowly caressed the soft skin of her breasts, touching her gently. I sucked her left nipple into my mouth, laving it with my tongue. This brought a sound of pleasure from Maureen. Once more I stared in awe at those pert breasts of hers and my hands were pulled as if magnetically to caress and stroke them. She smiled when I grasped the nipples between my thumbs and the lower knuckle of my first finger and plucked them, while simultaneously caressing the slope of her breast with my other fingers. She leaned forward, with her tumbling hair tickling my face, and gently placed a kiss on the tip of my nose.
br />   "That feels so nice, James. Keep doing that. I feel it all the way through my body."

  I lost myself worshipping her breasts and she started to moan a little bit. She touched my hands and placed them firmly on her breasts.

  "Touch me, James. Kiss me here. I've never felt like this before. Please hold me tight and love me."

  I moved her top down completely and adored the sight and the touch of my hands on her soft skin. She held me close and I kissed her left, then her right breast again and stayed a bit in the valley between the two. What a wonderful feeling! Suddenly the alarm sounded -- the ten minutes had passed. She opened her eyes and looked at me, her body flushing and her face glowing. She pressed my hands once more on her breasts and sat up.

  "James, I didn't plan to be carried away, but I don't rue one moment. You are what I want, and I look forward eagerly to the next freckle hunt. I have to penalize you, however. I gave you permission to hunt for four inches and you went down considerably farther. Let me think what your penalty should be -- ten kisses? Fifty kisses? Considering that I did cooperate in your surpassing the limits of the special license, I believe that I'll suspend the penalty and give you a grace period until the next exercise. Then we can see whether you can control yourself better -- and whether I can be more objective. Probably not, but we can always try, and try again, and even try other areas. Do you agree?"

  She stopped. "James, do I make sense?"

  I was as emotional as she was but tried to maintain the teasing tone.

  "I believe that the penalty is not strong enough. I should work longer on bigger areas, and spend much more time exercising again and again, until finally, we both succeed in what we want."


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