A Fantasy About Love

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A Fantasy About Love Page 10

by Opal Cole

  "I love you, my darling, and never let me go."

  I kissed her deeply and pulled her body into mine. Suddenly I realized that more than fifteen minutes had passed and that we were in dangerous territory.

  "Darling, I have to go. The taxi is waiting, and I don't want your mother to get angry with you or me. Sleep well, dream of me and I'll see you tomorrow."

  She protested, but finally agreed. A final kiss and my promise that I would be back at nine o'clock. She led me to the door and pushed my hands on her breasts. "Never forget that these are yours and they need a lot of attention; but go now and come back tomorrow early."

  I had to think a lot on the way to the hotel, and after taking a shower and going to bed, I tried to analyze what had happened. My feelings for Maureen were growing deeper every day, and I knew what I wanted - and I believe I knew what she wanted, but Eileen? Where was the aggressive woman that everybody was afraid of? My colleagues - especially Peter - were scared of her, and the stories I had heard about courtesy being discarded and meetings abandoned were awful. The woman I had met showed nothing of this; she treated me like a friend and her worries about my relationship with her daughter were utterly justified. Perhaps tomorrow I could find a solution to my doubts?

  Chapter 7: A Change in Relationships

  I woke up smiling and anxious to get over to Maureen's place. Not knowing what would happen, I went back to my casual slacks and shirt, checked out, got my luggage and a taxi, and arrived at five minutes to nine.

  Maureen seemed to have been waiting when I rang the bell, as the door was opened immediately. She was a pleasure for my eyes - a transparent cover and what seemed to be a very small bikini underneath. Her eyes were smiling and her lips invited my kiss. I embraced her and said that I had missed her already. She whispered "I, too, darling...", returned the embrace and stood there for a moment leaning into my body until a little cough separated us.

  Eileen was standing behind her, dressed smartly, but rather conservative. I went forward and she extended her hand "Welcome, James". The difference between Maureen and Eileen could not have been greater. One smart business woman and one exuberant young woman smiling up to her ears. Had I misunderstood Eileen's words yesterday? She asked me to come in and stopped before entering the living room.

  "James, I want to apologize for yesterday evening, I behaved not appropriate for the situation."

  I looked at Maureen asking for help, but she just stood there letting me handle the problem on my own.

  "I do not understand, Eileen. I can still call you Eileen?" She nodded. "In which way did you behave inappropriately?"

  She blushed and said in a low voice: "I gave you a kiss. You are with Maureen and I should not have kissed you."

  I still did not understand.

  "Eileen, we had an understanding yesterday and you said that I was now part of your family. Family can kiss each other, can't they? On top of which you are a beautiful woman and I enjoyed it very much. I was surprised, but I did enjoy it. Is Maureen upset?"

  Maureen shook her head vigorously and said: "Mom, you can kiss James any time you want, and I give you full permission to enjoy it, but if you, James, just look at another woman, I scratch your eyes out. Be careful!"

  Eileen looked at Maureen and then at me, and it seemed like a heavy weight was dropping from her shoulders. "So both of you are satisfied with this?"

  Maureen and I nodded and then I stepped forward and hugged her. She put her head on my shoulders and gave me a hug in return. Maureen came to us and embraced us both.

  "Mom, give him a kiss so that any possible misunderstanding is cleared. Let me show you how it is done."

  And Maureen gave me a blood-curdling kiss that let me steamed up and Eileen with her eyes wide open.

  "Mom, this is the way you do it. You didn´t have much practice during the last years, but James knows how to kiss - and other things - and I loan him to you for practice. Kissing, Mom, nothing else!"

  She started to laugh and exploded. "If you could look at each other! Blushing all over! But go ahead, Mom. Show me whether you still remember how to do it."

  Eileen looked at Maureen, who nodded with a tender smile, and then lifted her head and offered her lips. I lightly brushed my lips against hers, and Maureen observed with a smirk that this was supposed to be a kiss, not a little peck. I looked at Maureen whether she really meant it and she nodded, whispering: "Go ahead."

  I took Eileen in my arms and started to kiss her, deeply and with feeling, and opened her lips with my tongue. She hesitated a moment and then responded with her tongue coming out and caressing my own. I dove in and spoiled her mouth, pushing my tongue deep into her mouth and sucking her tongue into my mouth. It was sensuous and exciting, and when we stopped for breathing, her knees trembled, and she almost fell down. I had to keep her tight in my arms until she recovered slowly.

  I heard Maureen applauding saying that this was a kiss worth its name, and could we please go in now and have breakfast? Eileen opened her eyes and I could see that she had accepted that things had changed. She started to smile and gave me another kiss, this one slowly and with much warmth. She stepped back and said "Wow" and then "Have I told you that you are always welcome in this house?"

  Maureen took my luggage and pulled me towards the staircase. "Mom, James will change into something more comfortable, and I would suggest that you do the same. We'll have breakfast and then go to the pool, so put a bikini on. I know that you have some quite exciting ones and James will probably drool all over you. This would be OK as long as he drools all over me first..."

  Eileen seemed to shudder and then moved like she had just woken up. That kiss must have had a deeper impression than I thought, but at this moment I was quite confused again. So the only thing left for me was to follow Maureen and receive guidance on how to behave. I mean kissing Eileen was exciting, but Maureen was the woman of my life.

  I followed her up the staircase to a guest room and she said to change into a swimming trunk and a Bermuda. I took those items out and waited for her to leave. She looked at me as if I was loony.

  "What are you waiting for? I am hungry and Mother will be waiting for breakfast. Are you embarrassed in front of me? You have seen all of me and I of you. Actually, you have progressed above the seeing part to the touching part. So go on and change, and I will definitively not leave this room."

  I shrugged and took off my slacks and my shirt and looking at Maureen, slowly took my jockeys off, too. She stared as slowly I was bare and licked her lips. My penis had become excited and was standing up looking at her. She slowly moved forward and touched it, and then licked the top. I reacted strongly to her touch: who would not, feeling the lips of your woman on your shaft?

  She murmured "I love seeing you excited. I love making you excited, and I love feeling you excited..." and then she took me into her mouth. Her tongue was going up and down on my erection, her hand was stroking the shaft faster and faster, and it took no time at all for me to explode. At the last moment she lifted her dead, and my eruption caught her fully in the face. There was the creamy liquid on her lips, her cheeks, her eyebrow, her hair and some had even dropped to her breast. She smiled contently and licked her lips, then wiped my seeds off her face and body with her finger, took it into her mouth and licked it slowly, saying: "This is all mine, and I am not going to waste it. You left me yesterday contented, but you were frustrated, so this is your reward, my love."

  I was trying to get my knees straight again because I had almost fainted with excitement at the moment I exploded. Maureen laughed and got my trunks and Bermuda. "You are so easy to love, and seeing you excited makes me happy. I promise you that this will improve every time, but you have to let me practice a lot!"

  I changed and we went back to the breakfast room. Eileen was already waiting for us. She had changed to an outfit similar to Maureen's, a transparent cover with a bikini that seemed to be even smaller than Maureen's - and Maureen's did not cover a lot. The pool
would be very interesting!

  Eileen gazed at us and asked: "Did you get lost on your way? I've been waiting for some time already!"

  Maureen blushed (and I must not have been very far from this also) and said that she had to show me the room, and then she had to take care of something. Eileen started to smirk and said that she could imagine very well what she had to take care of. "And by the way, you missed a bit." and she put her finger at her left eye, wiped it along the border, and put it into her mouth, licking it lazily.

  Maureen blushed furiously and said "Mom!" and ran out of the room. Eileen looked at me and said smilingly that she was grateful to me that this family had returned to its origin and warm bond, and that she could tease her daughter again. "We have a future together again and thanks to you, I'll not forget this, but never hurt my daughter!"

  "Ma'am, yes, Ma'am, but remember that this way together is for all of us, and we all have to decide where we'll go. Nobody can force the other person to follow a way he doesn't want, at least not forever. With all due respect, you don't have to remind me all the time that I will be punished by you if anything bad happens between Maureen and me. For me, the fact alone that this could happen would be punishment enough."

  She got up and came over to my side. Taking my head into her hands, she brushed a kiss on my lips and said: "I apologize. From what I have been seeing these days, both of you will be very happy together, and forever."

  At this moment Maureen came back and coughed very loudly.

  "Mom, first of all: what did you mean when you said that I had missed something? There was nothing there! And why are you kissing James? Once per day is not enough?"

  Eileen smiled, saying that she did not know why Maureen was upset. She had thought that there was a white creamy smudge on the side of her eye and that perhaps Maureen had missed it when she got up. Perhaps it had been something else and had already vanished, and that there were many ways a white, sticky cream could have been on her skin. Could Maureen perhaps share with us her ideas how this could have happened? And kissing James: First, Maureen had said that she could kiss him as often as she wanted - and there were no restrictions to once a day - and since James had said something quite nice, she rewarded him with a little kiss. Anything wrong with this?

  Maureen blushed again and changed the subject.

  "I am hungry. Let's get on with breakfast. James, there is coffee, tea and champagne, and everything else you might want. Sit down, please."

  I suggested first some champagne, and both agreed. We had a leisurely breakfast and after helping the ladies to clean up, I went to the pool. It was hot, there was a light breeze and the sun was starting to burn. I arranged towels and the sun umbrellas, and when I turned around to look for Maureen, I had to close my eyes and then to open them again, not believing what I saw. The two ladies discarded the cover and appeared in their bikinis.

  Maureen I could understand - I had seen much more of her body than was visible now, but Eileen? Her bikini was an invitation for arrest for indecent exposure. Her top covered her areolae, but not much of the two mounds - and what beautiful, firm and upstanding mounds they were. She must have shaved her bottom curls and the bikini or whatever the name for this little piece of cloth was, seemed to cover most of her pussy lips, and when she turned over, none of her cheeks, the string vanishing in her crack. She had a beautiful body, obviously finely tuned by exercises, very similar to Maureen's beauty, but womanlier, with more pronounced gracious curves and full breasts, but a miracle to look at. The next time I would see her in a Boardroom, it would be difficult to maintain my focus.

  Maureen said "MOM!" and looked with surprise and a certain wonderment at Eileen. "Where did you get this bikini? And the courage to wear it today? This should be prohibited for indecency!"

  "My child, in some states it actually is, but you told me to come back to life, to enjoy it and make the most out of it. During the last years, after your father's death, I lived in hell. I abandoned you and I was just the successful CEO, driven to compete. The happiness you showed me the last week and the evening we three were together, gave me a push to live again. I could have dressed in a severe one-piece, but I thought what the hell, go for it. By the way, the other bikinis I have are smaller still ... James, stop staring! Have you not seen a woman in a bikini before?"

  I looked at Maureen and back to Eileen, comparing the two women. "Eileen, I don't want to be Paris and will not decide which of you is prettier. Both of you are in a special class of your own and I'm grateful that you let me look at you. And one more comment: I'd like to thank you that you are Maureen's mother. At least I know now where she got her beauty from."

  Eileen stepped forward and gave me a kiss, not very chaste, but not in Maureen's class. I looked at Maureen and she whispered. "Enjoy it."

  It was still early in the morning, not yet eleven o'clock and the sun had burned off the last clouds. After a while, Eileen said that she would get some lemonade and left for the kitchen. I asked Maureen what was happening. I very much enjoyed the view but was uncertain what it meant. Was there an invitation to look? Would it be impolite to stare? How could I hide my erection, and she should remember that there was not only one beautiful and scantily clothed lady, but there were two!

  "James, go with the flow. I see today my mother as she was when dad was still alive. Remember that we went occasionally to a nudist beach, and here in our privacy, we often went nude. She seems to be very comfortable around you, which is a huge compliment, and perhaps is ready for a bit of male attention. I love her very much, and if your attention will lift some of the burden that she has been carrying all these years, I'm all for it. You are both adult people and know how far you can go - I trust you blindly (and more you than her at this moment) and all I can say is go with the flow."

  I looked around: a high shrubbery hedge surrounded the pool and considering the distance to the street and the neighboring houses, it was difficult to imagine that someone observe us at the pool. I understood what Maureen meant why she mentioned that her parents and she would often stay nude at the pool.

  Eileen came back with the lemonade and three glasses and poured for us. We lay down on the chaise lounges and tried to get fried. Suddenly Maureen said that she needed to put some sun protector on. Since I am not stupid, I offered immediately to do her back, which she accepted gracefully. I got up, put a lot of cream on my hand and started to rub it into her skin, first on her shoulders, then on her back. The strap of her bikini was in my way and she said to open the clasp - again, I obeyed orders immediately! The two sides fell to her side and I was free to rub the protector all over her. She protested that it tickled; I saved that interesting information for later use and continued my massage. When I arrived at her waist and hip, the situation became more interesting. She had already shown that she liked this, but what would she do in front of her mother? I came to the delicate area and stopped.

  "James, go on, I don't want to burn."

  Since she had asked me to remove the strap at the top, I assumed that I could also move the bottom part without serious problems. I took the panties and pushed everything into the crack of her ass and rubbed gently and firmly the sunscreen into her body. I heard her mumbling "Chicken", but what could I do? Take it off and Eileen would kill me? I ended up oiling her long legs and she was satisfied with the services provided.

  "You can do this all day, James. I feel safe and protected now."

  When I went back to my chair, Eileen called me. "I thought you were a gentleman! Will you let me burn or will you provide to me the same service as Maureen has received? Is there a discrimination against older women?"

  I looked for help to Maureen and again she nodded. Moving over to Eileen´s chair, I grabbed the sunscreen lotion and poured it on my hands, and slowly massaged her shoulders. She moved a bit to accommodate her body and said: "That is nice, James. Continue, please."

  I put some more lotion on my hands and moved downwards. There was a strap again - really
just a small string and I wondered what do now? Follow Maureen´s instruction or wait for anything that Eileen would say? As Maureen had whispered, I was a chicken and glided underneath the strap without opening it. ¨Good boy...¨ was the only reaction.

  The next challenge arrived when I came to her bottom part. The textile was minimal already and practically vanished in the crack of her cheeks. Well, there goes for nothing and I rubbed my hands all over her cheeks. She opened her legs a tiny bit and I rubbed the lotion in as far as my hands would go without forcing any protest. Then I moved on to her legs - and they were very pretty, long legs obviously maintained by running many miles - and finished my job, work that I would repeat gladly any day. Her body was more feminine than Maureen´s, with her hips a bit more flared, but with her skin as soft as Maureen´s.

  "Ma´am, your servant has finished. Anything more he could do?"

  "No, thank you kindly. It was an outstanding feat and you will be well rewarded! But, pray tell, who will protect you against the glaring sun?"

  Maureen jumped up and grabbed the lotion. "I shall do this, Mom. He is mine and it is my duty and pleasure to do this."

  Was there some positioning and perhaps even some jealousy in her voice? In any case, she did her best to massage my body and took some more liberties that I had allowed myself. I had to remain on my stomach for a while whilst I was trying to control myself, but thinking about baseball, calculus and other cold subjects I managed it. When I turned around Maureen glanced downward to my trunks and was visibly disappointed when nothing showed. I grinned at her and murmured "German discipline."

  We stayed some time more on the chaise lounges and then Maureen decided to use the pool. "Come on, chickens" and jumped in. I followed, and we swam some laps until she slowed down and stopped at the border. "Mom, come on in! The water is fine!"


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