A Fantasy About Love

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A Fantasy About Love Page 12

by Opal Cole

  She shook her head, fondly remembering those moments.

  "She knew that you would be coming to Brisbane to make a presentation and she told me that she would try to rattle you - you were too good to be true, but you passed with flying colors. She liked the way you came to our home and how you treated me."

  She bent forward and took my hands.

  ¨When I told her about our picnic, she changed. I had taken you to the hotel and my mother was waiting, expecting to be told the latest news. Darling, I broke down and told her everything - how we kissed, that you undressed me, that we touched each other all over, that you made me cum, and that when I wanted to take me, you withdrew because of your promise to me not to take anything not given freely. And I told her how frustrated I was and how happy that I had found finally a man I could trust. We were crying at the end - women do cry, you know - and when you arrived you were accepted as my man, and part of our family. She had told me already that she would probably invite you to dinner and she did that after our conversation. You saw how moved she was when I called her 'Mom', and that removed the last restraints."

  A happy smile appeared on her face, and she pulled my arms around her shoulders, pushing her face into my chest.

  ¨Today was the last straw. I almost fainted when I saw Mom in that indecent bikini, but you never blinked. We all had fun, you massaged me with desire, but her with respect, and then we all were in the pool. She had not laughed so much in the last years, and she had so much fun that she never realized that she was suddenly topless. There was a moment she almost returned to her former self, but I caught her, and she relaxed and opened herself to our eyes. She's a beautiful woman, and she deserves to be admired. You were the perfect gentleman again and I believe that from now on, you are family, but don't get your hopes up - I don't believe that you will see Mom topless again! You have reunited a family again and Mom and I are grateful. You know that you can have everything from me that you desire, and Mom might have similar thoughts - within decent limits, I hope. So there you are: are you satisfied?"

  Now her smile changed to a grin.

  "And you never answered my question. Are my breasts as pretty as Mom's?"

  "Darling, they are different in a very important way. Your Mom's breasts are beautiful, as are yours. They are well rounded, a bit fuller than yours, but yours are a bit firmer. Her nipples are bigger than yours, but yours are pointier, but the real difference is that her breasts are hers, and yours are mine."

  "Good answer."

  I thought about her long explanation and understood better what I had gotten involved in. It made me doubtful whether I could fulfill the expectations that the two ladies had obviously raised, but I would do my best to keep my promises. I looked at my watch and tried to jump up, but Maureen grasped my penis - still erect from its previous exercise - and asked where I was going to. I pointed to the bathroom and said I needed a shower, change, and get to the airport. She moaned and stated that there was still time.

  "Get up, woman. Duty calls."

  "Can I shower with you? It will save water and two years ago we had a long draught in Brisbane!"

  So we showered and I made certain that no inch on her body was untouched, as was she. There were a few parts I had to check with my mouth and tongue, and my shaft was miraculously clean even after having cum once more in her mouth. We dressed again and I helped her, studiously checking to make certain that the bra fitted closely and did not show anything to another man, and went down to the sitting room. Eileen was waiting and glanced at her watch.

  "Did you lose your time? You are late. May I ask what you have been doing all this time?"

  The only response was a short "No" from Maureen and she said that she would get me to the airport in time.

  "And by the way, James has asked me to come to Sydney for the weekend and stay with him, and I've told him that I would do this. I'll tell you later, but we have to go now."

  Eileen got up, smiled, looked at her daughter and embraced me closely. She kissed me soundly and with emotion, with her tongue coming out a bit and tickling my mouth. Surprised, I responded until Maureen coughed. Eileen stepped back and said that the weekend had been wonderful and that she was expecting to see me here soon again.

  This time I stepped forward and hugged her. "Thank you for everything and especially that you let me love your daughter." and gave her another deep kiss. She blushed all over and looked at Maureen who was standing there tapping her feet. "This is all your fault because you started this!"

  Maureen blushed also and said that she knew this, had approved the original idea, but did not expect it to go so far! But she said also that she was happy with everything. When I turned to leave, Eileen stopped me and said that I owed her twenty-five dollars. I looked at Maureen, who was also at a loss what she was talking about.

  "Remember the poor Rogerio who was waiting for you at the restaurant and you left the back door. He charged me 25 dollars for overtime, and I want my money back!"

  Under protest I handed her the money; after all, we had told him not to wait, but she stood there with her hand waiting so I complied. She accompanied us to the door - which deserved another kiss - and Maureen took me to the airport. She was quiet and shortly before we arrived, she said "I am surprised and worried about Mom. This is not her usual behavior. She was always fun to be with and teased everyone, but today it went way beyond this. Don´t worry, I'll resolve this."

  I said good bye at the boarding gate and had to hurry, since we had spent more time clinging to each other and kissing than looking at the clock, and promising to wait for her on Friday, I went back to Sydney.

  When I arrived at the apartment the phone was already ringing. Maureen wanted to know how the flight was and whether I had enjoyed my stay in Brisbane. This led to an extended conversation on how much I missed her already, how much I was looking forward to Friday, and how wonderful she was to me. It took a conscientious effort to put the phone down and prepare for the new week.

  Chapter 8: The Commitment

  Monday morning was busy at the office. Frank called me in and asked for a briefing on the meeting with NT. He was satisfied with the potential we had opened, told us to carry on and to go all out to secure this account. Peter walked later into my office and complimented me, too. He had heard already from my colleagues about the difficult start, but also how I had managed to keep temperatures cool.

  "If you manage to get this account, you will have earned many brownie points in this company. We always walked out of the lady's office with our tail between our legs, but tell me: did you meet Maureen? I heard that you stayed a day in Brisbane."

  "Yes, we met, I took her for dinner and we even had a picnic the other day. She is a lovely lady and I am interested in maintaining our contact."

  "Do you remember that you did not want to come to my party? Am I your friend or not? Just look out for the mother - she will probably want to castrate you."

  I told him that everything was under control and we talked about business. At night I called Maureen and we talked a long time about us and our future. She told me that she had a long conversation with her mother and Eileen was apparently a bit embarrassed, but Maureen told her not to worry. She had found her mother again and had told her everything, even that we almost had made love, but that I had resisted at the last moment, honoring my promises.

  Eileen was shocked about the liberties we had taken, but apparently impressed that we had not gone too far. At the end, she was very happy for Maureen and hoped that I would accept her love also. Maureen felt that her mother was returning to be the soft and caring person she had been before her father's death, and my love was very happy about this. It took us many minutes to finish the call.

  And so the week went: hard work during the day, long conversation in the evening. The presentation I wanted to make to NT was slowly taking form, and on Wednesday I received the notice that a customer had signed a big extension contract based on the presentation we had made a few
weeks ago. My boss called me in and complimented me on the success of my work in Australia, far beyond of what they had expected. My only response was that I did not work alone, but that the quality of the colleagues I had found here was outstanding. All they needed was pointing them in the right direction, installing drive and ambition into everyone, and leading the team. He smiled and said that there was something more to this than just what I had said, but he was happy with me and my team. Using the opportunity, I told him that we were ahead of the schedule and that I had a friend coming in on Friday. I wanted to leave early and take Monday off. He agreed and I left happy that our time together was now assured.

  Maureen told me on Thursday night that her flight left at 7:30 and that she would be in Sydney at ten o'clock. There was no way that I could make this, and I asked her to take a taxi and go directly to the apartment. The porter had been told already that I was expecting a visitor and she would have no problem at all entering the flat.

  I had already made the purchases for the dinner I was to cook for Maureen and cleaned the apartment not once, but twice - female eyes can always find something they don't like. There was room for her clothes in my wardrobe and drawers.

  Friday morning was a torture: sitting in the office with customers and trying to get another order whilst I was thinking that Maureen was already on her way to the flat was rather difficult. Peter, who was sitting in on the meeting, looked at me twice and whispered: "What is the matter? You are not concentrated - focus! "

  In the end, they left promising to think about our proposal and I took a deep breath. I said goodbye to everyone and when Peter asked me to have a drink with him that night, I brushed him off, saying that I had already another commitment. He mumbled that I had changed in the last weeks, and not to my better. I would have to tell him one evening what had happened. I would have promised everything to get rid of him and left.

  When I opened the door to the flat a hurricane almost floored me. Maureen jumped into my arms and kissed me like the world would end tonight. She hugged me and kissed me and said that she loved me and why was I so late and would I please give her a real kiss to realize that I had my woman in my arms?

  This was easy to do, and I did it with enthusiasm. Finally, I managed to close the door, sat her down and looked at her. She took a step back and looked at me. Her eyes were light green in the dim light, her nose freckled and with a slight upward tilt at the tip. Her lips were full, pink and parted ever so slightly, and I wanted to taste them desperately. I stood up and took her cheeks gently in my hands and kissed her, softly at first, but it flared quickly. The urgency and desire wasn't only mine as she put her hands around my face and pulled me to her. We kissed and then she stepped back once more, looking at me.

  Her face was shining, her smile was brilliant, her eyes were sparkling, and seeing her standing there, I had to embrace her again and kiss her with all my love. I led her to the living room and taking her hands, sat down on the couch. She was dressed in her little bluish top and a short white skirt, complemented by her pretty little open blue sandals. She smiled when she saw me looking at the top. "Do you know why I wear this? It is so easy to take off..."

  I could not withstand the temptation and my hands were sliding underneath to hold her - no 'my' - breasts, firm as I remembered, and with her nipples already rock hard. I pushed her head on my chest and kissed her soft hair.

  "Darling, you do not know how much I missed you and I'm so happy that you're here and will stay with me these days."

  And we just stayed that way for a while, I holding her close, she leaning her head against my chest, and both overwhelmed with the other's presence. Then I took her face in my hands, kissed her eyes, her nose and her lips, and pulled her up. "I had a meeting with customers; let me change to something more casual. Where is your luggage?"

  "I put it already in our bedroom. Do you mind?"

  I told her that I was not certain whether she preferred the guest room or mine and had prepared both. She looked at me with that look that only women possess that sad certainty that men are either idiots, fools, or both, but with the hope that she had found a fool who could be taught manners.

  "James, if you don't know by this time where I want my things, I get them and go back to Brisbane. So make up your mind!"

  I told her that I was certain where her place was in my apartment and in my heart, but my grandmother had taught me that I should never take anything for granted when I was with a girl, and that I always should leave an option open for her. That way I would be certain that she did what she wanted, not what she believed I wanted.

  "She was a wise woman, and she taught you well. Are you going to change or not?"

  I led her into my - no, now our - bedroom and took off my jacket.

  "I suggest that we go out for lunch and then have a nice, cozy afternoon in the flat. We need to talk, but now I need a shower."

  She grinned and asked whether I wanted company; seductively lifting her top and with her breasts and nipples becoming visible, she whispered that it had been a long flight and perhaps she needed a shower, too?

  "No, darling, not now. If we start to fool around, we will never make it to lunch. And before you make any salacious remarks: have patience, little grasshopper."

  I stepped into the bathroom and turned on the shower. When I looked back, she was standing leaning against the open door. "Go on, at least I can see what I cannot touch..."

  I shrugged: what else could I do? Taking everything off, I stepped into the shower, but could not avoid seeing her standing there and licking her lips. I finished and looked for my towel. She said to keep still, she would dry me. Stepping back, I asked for mercy - if she went any further, I could not take it anymore and it would be just an erotic romp, not the caress we had planned and that we deserved after all our patience.

  "You are a spoilsport, my love, but as always until today, you are right. Come on, get ready so that we can come home earlier."

  I took out a sports shirt, some nice jeans and loafers, and off we went. There was a nice little restaurant not far from the flat and the food was excellent: John Dory for her, a steak for me. We each asked for a glass of wine and discarded the dessert. Maureen was in good form, commenting on her week, on her studies, and how wonderful her relationship with her mother had become.

  Walking back to the apartment I took her hand and pulled her close to me. When we arrived, I got the bottle of wine I had selected for this afternoon, a Seville Estate Chardonnay. She tasted it and asked whether I had taken lessons - this was a good wine with 'white peaches ... crunchy citrus ... some oak...'

  ¨Yes, but do you like it?"

  "It is delicious, darling. By the way, I saw an empty bottle of the Grange in your display cupboard. Is it what I suspect?"

  I nodded and replied that that bottle would always stay with me to remind me that a wonderful woman had shared it with me. And now she was sharing much more with me: herself. Maureen looked at me and came forward to kiss me.

  "James, you always seem to have the right words for the right moment and that moment has come. I will give myself to you tonight and we will share our lives forever."

  I poured the wine and toasted her thanking her for being here with me. She sipped the wine and leaned forward, giving me a light and soft kiss. "I'll be here for you forever, my love."

  We sat down on the couch and she laid her head on my lap, wriggling her body until she was comfortable. Smiling tenderly, she took my hand and placed it on her breast. "Remember, this is the only way I want to converse with you."

  I looked at her for a long time and then started.

  "First: I have received the results of the checkup I had a week before last and it is all clear. I also bought some, actually many, condoms."

  "You will not need them. I am on the pill for some time. My periods need regulation and my doctor gave me these pills, saying they are the perfect remedy. I will get pregnant only if both of us want it."

  I looked at her
for a long time, seeing the love in her eyes; nevertheless, there were commitments to be discussed, very serious commitments.

  "My love, I love you and I know that you love me. Have you thought about this during the week? That you will not be alone anymore, deciding alone what you want, but will have to consider another person all the time? But how deep is this love? Is it enough to last a lifetime?"

  I took her hands in mine.

  "I'm here on a three-year assignment and if I stayed with IBM, I will be transferred to another location. Will you come willingly with me? Will you accept that I'm not the perfect gentleman every day, 24 hours a day? There will be moments when you'll be angry with me and others when I will be upset. Will we be able to settle our disputes at night with a kiss, or will we go to sleep angry? I want a lifelong commitment, not a few months of sexual satisfaction, and then an empty life saying a depressed goodbye."

  I looked deep into her eyes, telling her how important this was for me.

  "I know that I love you from the bottom of my heart, and I want to be with you every day of my life. I've made my decision. Have you made yours?"

  She started to cry, making me wonder what I had said to make her unhappy. Then she stopped and smiled at me.

  "James, my love, I've been waiting to hear these words from you. I made my decisions last weekend, but you didn't want to hear it then. Let me say it loud and clear: I love you also from the bottom of my heart and want to stay with you all my life. I'm not an angel either, and I've had my angry moments. I cannot see, however, that I'll be angry enough to go to sleep without kissing you, without making peace. Darling, I'm yours and I give myself freely."


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