A Fantasy About Love

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A Fantasy About Love Page 15

by Opal Cole

  She hugged me and kissed me hard. "You're right, my dear. I shall remember this" and got up to finish breakfast, but I heard her whisper to herself "...but you can take me anytime and anyhow, whatever you say..."

  We sat down for breakfast and she wore reluctantly the knitted cover. It was a good breakfast and then she started to smile. She shifted around a bit and suddenly, the holes in the cover adjusted to expose both her nipples. She smirked and said that she was dressed, as demanded. It was very tempting to take it off, but by now, my pride was involved. I just looked but did not touch. It was a contest of wills and I won.

  We cleaned up and retired to the sitting room. As yesterday, I sat down, and Maureen put her head into my lap. "What are we going to do today, my love?"

  "Didn't you say we could fool around and go out tomorrow? Perhaps the only problem is what are we going to eat? I saw that the pantry is almost empty. How do you live here, darling? Toast and jam? If you wanted fried eggs, it would be OK; if not, we have to go out."

  That was a very difficult choice. Fooling around with her was on the top of every priority list for me; letting her starving, however, was not recommendable. So we ended up with a compromise: we could fool around until noon, and then we would go out for lunch, buy some things for dinner and come back to fool around again. Perfect executive decision! She shifted her body around, stretched with pleasure and asked: "Here or there?" Her cover had slipped up a lot and not only were her nipples blinking at me, but when she opened her legs a bit her pussy also seemed to say: please touch me. Since we were very comfortable on the couch I decided to stay and put my hands around her and pulled her close. One hand was wandering around and surprisingly ended up holding one breast, rubbing a nipple gently. I kissed her with all my love and she melted into me.

  Then she opened her eyes and said: "EOA, my dear?" I stared at her and she said: "Since you don't seem to understand simple letters, do you know the phrase 'what is good for the goose is good for the gander?´ Take your clothes off, you fool."

  So I did what I was ordered, and we fooled around. We never went too far but occasionally came close and it was a lot of fun as I was happy to feast on her breasts, kissing her pussy lips and she licking my penis. It was by common agreement that we did not get too far, since she still was sensitive, but frustrating as it was, it was wonderful. We learned a bit more about the body of the other person, what it liked and what not, talked a lot of nonsense, and seemed to get closer every moment.

  When noon came, Maureen looked up and had tears in her eyes. "These are not tears of despair, they are tears of happiness. I have never been so happy in my life, James."

  "And I'll do everything that you will say this every day, my love."

  Reluctantly we got up and dressed. She did not get my favorite top, and when I complained, she said that that piece was reserved for the moments when we could be alone so that I could take it off. She was dressed up nicely: tight black trousers, a white shirt with the top buttons already open, the pendant hanging between her breasts, and golden sandals. I put on casual clothes also and off we went. I told her that I would select the restaurant, but as compensation she had do drive. "You are an evil taskmaster. How can you treat me this way after all I have done for you yesterday and today?" but there was a huge smile on her face as she took the keys of the Porsche.

  We had decided to go back to Luigi's and the face he made when we entered was priceless.

  "James! And the beautiful Maureen! You did run fast enough so that he could catch you! My lady, you look wonderful! Let me kiss your hand! "And he did with enthusiasm. "James, you finally did something intelligent and follow the advice of a friend! You kept her as I said! Congratulations!" And now he shook my hand with great fervor. "Today the meal is on me! Select whatever you want! I'll take my best wines out for you!"

  Maureen was a bit stunned by his bubbling nature, but recovered fast.

  "Luigi, why don't you surprise us? You select the dishes and the wine. We trust you completely!"

  He seemed to grow another four inches with the praise he received and led us to a table at the back, where we would not be disturbed. "I'll send you a glass of wine, but now excuse me! I have to work!"

  Maureen looked at me and raised her eyebrow. "I told you already that I helped his brother in New York, and when I arrived here, I was able to resolve a problem for him, too. He believes he owes me something and despite my protests, he treats me like nobility, but he always charged his exaggerated prices, the devil. You, love, seem to have been promoted to royalty. Treasure it!"

  She smiled and her dimples appeared again. Have I said already how lovely she is? The glasses of white wine appeared, a nice good house wine. Then Luigi came back with the starter, a King crab salad beautifully presented and accompanies by a glass of Great Western sparkling wine. The piece de resistance was a Dover sole with mixed salad and a bottle of a wine I had never seen before. Luigi asked Maureen to taste it (I looked at him, but he shrugged and said that the lady understood wines better than I) and she smelled and swirled and sipped (she did not spit, however) and looked surprised.

  "This is a strange wine, but it is good. What is it?"

  "It is a Trebbiano d'Abruzzo from the Azienda Agricola Valentini, a wine you rarely see, but which I like. Enjoy the meal and the wine."

  The matching was perfect and Maureen was satisfied, and as she was satisfied, so was I. A fruit for dessert, black coffee and to my surprise, no bill. It really was on him and I thanked him; Maureen gave him a kiss on each cheek, and he smiled from ear to ear. "Lady, keep him. He is not completely ugly nor is he dumb, and he has his good moments."

  She said that she would think about it.

  Going back to the car, she commented that she just had saved me way more than a hundred dollars; how was I now going to spend this on her? A woman always needed a new bag, shoes, belts, scarves or any other accessories that were new and pretty...

  I handed her the keys to the Porsche and told her to drive. We went back to the Opera House since I remembered that I had seen an ad for a Mozart piano concerto that night. Two seats were still available, and I told her that this was the way we would spend the money she had saved. She protested, but not very much, that this was money spent for us and she wanted something for her. Therefore, I took her to a shopping mall and we went to the jeweler store where I had bought the pendant.

  "Since you insist, my dear, let's see what they have."

  Now she protested strongly; she did not want anything expensive, an ice cream would be wonderful, but I had thought about this and remembered to have seen an opal ring with the same colors as the pendant. I dragged her into the store and the owner, who had sold me the adornment, came to greet us. He looked pleased at the picture of my beautiful friend with the pendant on her neck and told me that I had found the perfect fit of a precious stone to a beautiful woman. Maureen blushed and said that she liked the stone very much.

  Turning to me, the owner asked whether there was anything else he could do for me. I reminded him about the ring, and he carried it to the counter. It was beautiful, with the same colors and in a graceful golden circular setting. I asked Maureen to try it and it fitted well on her finger. When I told him I wanted it, Maureen pulled me aside. "Are you crazy? This ring is very expensive, and you have given me so much already; I don't want it!"

  The salesman looked at us surprised; it must have been one of the very few times that a woman did not want to receive a jewel. I told him to ignore her and when we left the store, she now with the pendant and the ring, I said that she could call her mother now and state that she had received a ring. Was I perfect now?

  In front of everyone, she turned to me and hugged me that my ribs threatened to break.

  "James, that was a joke. You are perfect with or without a ring, with or without presents; you're perfect just being at my side and loving me."

  I kissed her and asked whether we could, therefore, return the ring? To judge from her reaction that
was not an option anymore. She told me that she wanted to go to a pharmacy and buy some cream; we saw one on the other side of the corridor and entered.

  There were few people there, just a group of young women at the cashier. Maureen told me to buy some specific soap she liked, and I went off looking for it. It took some time and I went back to ask for further instructions. She was standing already at the cashier's counter with the young women around her whispering and laughing. When I came closer, they stopped and to my surprise, Maureen was red all over. The women made that five-second analysis that only they can do and that tells them everything about a man: his upbringing, his status, his financial situation and whether he is good in bed. The result must have been good - they turned to Maureen and one said: "He's OK; go for it, girl! "

  Maureen blushed even more, took her parcel, threw some money to the cashier and taking my hand, ran out of the store.

  She turned to me and said "Don't even ask!" and dragged me away from the store. Even from the distance we could the women still laughing, and Maureen accelerated her paces. I opened my mouth and she pressed my hand. "I told you not to ask!"

  I know when I am beaten and steered her to a coffee shop to calm her down. She had returned to her normal tanned skin color, but was still breathing heavily. She took a deep breath to calm down: "I apologize, but the situation was awful for me in the pharmacy. I will tell you later - it is a surprise for you, but can we stop talking about it now? You will be rewarded!"

  We had ice cream, passed a delicatessen and bought some food for the night, and then went back to the flat. She grinned and called her mother and told her that now she had the ring, too, and that she thought that I had the potential to become perfect, under the appropriate female guidance, naturally. Then we showered together and tired, went to bed, embraced each other and fell asleep and as I was accustomed now, with my hand on her breast. It was nice to go to sleep in the arms of the person you love, and to know that she will be there when you wake up.

  The alarm bell woke us up and she told me to shower in the other bedroom - she needed this one. When I was ready, I waited for her in the sitting room.

  She appeared happy as ever, wearing her black dress from yesterday, but today her breasts were covered by a white silk blouse. Her hair was made up again; her face had its little discreet makeup with her lovely lips shining and her eyes sparkling, and the dress accentuated her perfect body. Her finger showed her opal ring and her neck the pendant. "Am I presentable, my lord?"

  "You look like royalty - may I be your consort? I shall protect you from all evil!"

  I took her arm and we walked out; when I passed my hand over her back she smiled and said it was just her and the dress, no intermediates. I passed my hand again and there was really no bra and no panties. She was getting adventurous - and I liked it a lot!

  This time I drove to the opera and the Mozart Piano Concerto 21 was sad and lovely. Especially in the second movement the melody hangs in the air, surrounded by soft flutes, and it seemed to express all the sadness in this world. It has always been connected to a Swedish movie 'Elvira Madigan' where in the 1800s an officer falls in love with an actress, the society does not accept the relationship and the two decide to commit suicide. The final scene in the movie, where they rested under a willow tree beside a creek, looked at each other and drank the poison, had always caught my emotions. With the Mozart movement playing softly and sadly, I had to swallow to not to cry. Germans are emotional, too!

  During the intermission, I bought her a glass of champagne and she left me for a moment. I had that strange feeling again - I didn't have to see her, but I knew exactly where she was. It must have been an aftermath from the moment when we made love. If she really was totally mine as she had said and her mother had confirmed, perhaps it was a boon for me because if she ever needed help, I could be at her side in a moment. It was good to know and something I wanted to discuss with her mother. She came back and most men turned their heads when she passed; I received jealous looks when she took my arms and leaned her head on my shoulder. Perhaps as a compensation for the slow Mozart, the other two pieces were entertaining. One was Haydn's symphony 'The Beat of the Kettledrum' and the other 'The Farewell', where at the end of the piece one player after the other leaves the stage and finally, only the maestro and the first violin player is left, looking at each other, shrugging their shoulders, and leaving also. It was fun, and Maureen enjoyed it visibly. She asked me why Haydn had done this, as she never had heard anything like this.

  I laughed. "Darling, Haydn had contracted two weeks with the Esterhazys in Hungary, but the Count wanted to keep them for himself longer than contracted, and the musicians became restless. Since Haydn didn't want to challenge his generous sponsor, he wrote this symphony and the Count seemed to have understood the message and let them go."

  We drove back to the flat and she asked whether we could eat the smoked salmon we had bought and drink some ice-cold vodka. I wondered about the vodka, but she said she wanted to relax and prepare.

  "Prepare for what?" She smiled mysteriously. "You will see. Did I not tell you that you will be rewarded?"

  I took out the salmon and the Grey Goose I always had in the freezer. I don't drink a lot, especially not distilled spirits, but I was always prepared for my few friends. It must have been in the fridge for months, since I had not yet acquired many friends close enough to invite to my home.

  When she came to the sitting room I stopped and stared. She surprised me again, dressed (or rather undressed) in a short shirt that consisted of a small strip going from her neck to apparently one inch above her pussy, with another strip going down her side and a third one down her back. These three strips were connected by even smaller horizontal strips with enough open space that the effect was dramatic: her breasts came out of the strips and hid again, and her pussy appeared off and on blinking at me.

  "My love, I adore the dresses you have shown me up to now, but they are really very different from the image I had of you even a few days ago. What happened? What did you do with them before we met or are they just for me?"

  "James, all of these covers and dresses I bought last week - I knew that we would make love and I wanted to please you before and afterwards. I know that you enjoy looking at my body and I enjoy offering it to you. Being nude is nice, but being partially covered can be more sensual, however, and I enjoy it when you take it off..."

  It took a conscientious effort not to take it off right now, but instead I offered her a slice of the salmon and a shot of the vodka. She threw it down and ate the salmon. I filled her glass again and looking at me, she downed it again. I stopped and asked her what was going on - she was not a person who wanted to get drunk. She poured herself another shot and blushed.

  "I need some support to say what I want to say, James. I've offered myself to you and you have taken me and made love in my mouth and in my pussy, and it was the most beautiful experience I ever had, not just physically, but especially emotionally. I've told you that I am yours, totally and without any limits. There is, however, one last limit I want to cross tonight. There is one place that you have not taken yet and I'm giving it to you now: make love in my ass, darling. I want to be yours in every way and in every place I can give you, and when you make me come in that special place, I know that we'll have done everything two people can do to bond themselves to the other one, and to be one person, one soul forever. Perhaps it sounds strange to you, but I feel that I have to do it. Please do this for me!"

  She threw herself into my arms hiding her head on my shoulder. She was red all over, but determined to make it happen. "Please, James. Do me now - I want to be yours in all openings my body has for you to fill!"

  I picked her up, carried her to our bedroom, undressed her and she practically ripped off my clothes. I placed her on the bed and looked at her - gloriously nude, slowly opening her legs to let me look at her mound, with her lips already puffy and slightly protruding. "Kiss me, darling. Kiss my pussy
and touch my ass. I want this!"

  Kissing her breasts and gliding down to her other lips, I kissed them tenderly and then penetrated her slit with my tongue. She moaned and tried to open her legs even more to give me better access, then murmured: "Not there, go to my other hole, please, pretty please!"

  I followed the path from her front opening to her little puckered anus. Like every man, I had had my dreams of doing it one day, but never had actually done it. I was as much a virgin here as she was.

  She threw her legs over my shoulders and I licked her lightly. Then she pushed her hips into my face. "Please, darling, I want it! Please open me and take me!"

  Continuing my efforts, I pushed my tongue into her anus, and she moaned.

  "Yes, darling, yes. More, please more!"

  I used my finger to help me opening her up. She whispered: "Take the cream beside the bed."

  I looked at where she was pointing at and there was a little tube. She pushed her hips up and placed a cushion under her body, presenting her body ever closer for my efforts. She opened the tube and placed a thick, transparent cream on one finger and rubbed the cream into her anus. Her voice became excited. "Do this for me, darling. Open me up and take me!"


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