Innocent Obsession: A Mafia Romance (The Dirty Kings of Vegas Book 2)

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Innocent Obsession: A Mafia Romance (The Dirty Kings of Vegas Book 2) Page 5

by Frankie Love

  “Lucas Moretti has given me his word, son. I’ve negotiated a truce.”

  “Dad, I need to see her.”

  “I know, Paul. But first, you need to rest. The Morettis want to meet, but we’ve got a little breathing space. You need to have some faith.”

  I’m ripping out the tubes and wires, swinging my legs painfully out of the bed. Dad puts a hand on my shoulder. “What makes you think the Morettis will keep their word?”

  “We all know the code.”

  It’s not enough. “I won’t be able to think until I see her. I probably won’t even be able to speak, Dad. Not coherently.”

  Dad puts a firm grip on my shoulder. Holds my hand at the same time. “Son, we need you well. You don’t have to say or do anything, Paul. Leave it all to me.” His hand on my shoulder gives me strength. But what I need is to see Lucy. He says, “Your presence is all that’s required at the meet. Just show them your face. For goodwill. And it will be brief.” His fingers tighten on my shoulder. I see him losing patience.

  “Okay, Dad.” I get it. I can see that it has to be this way. But it will have to be quick.

  I’m going mad with every minute it takes. Getting dressed and ready, I’m impatient. I don’t want to wear the bandage, but the pretty nurse insists. “You shouldn’t even be out of sedation yet, Mr. O’Malley. You’re not well enough to be out of bed, never mind leave the hospital.”

  All the time it takes, driving to the empty opera house Lucas Moretti has chosen for the meet, every moment keeps me from Lucy. It grinds me up.

  Lucas Moretti is on the huge stage, sitting in a single spotlight at a big, polished table. Fucking Italian drama queen.

  As soon as the ritual greetings and the snarled pleasantries are out of the way and we sit, Lucas tells Dad, “You stole the King Pine out from under us.”

  Dad’s head cocks to one side. “Lucas…” He spreads his hands on the table. Ignoring Dad’s dark scowl, I jump in.

  “Lucas, King Pine’s owner was already working through the details of a deal with Dad. If anyone was trying to poach the place, it was you.”

  Lucas Moretti glowers as he pushes his knuckles into the table, about to rise. I lift my palm an inch. Drop my voice.

  “I understand about the staffing issue. Let me make that better. How about this; I’ll recruit elsewhere, but I’ll share with you, too. I heard about a great dealer school in Salt Lake City. They’ve been turning out fantastic talent.”

  Moretti looks like he’s munching a porcupine. “What about all the dancers?”

  That takes me by surprise. “I haven’t been taking your dancers.” My fists bunch. I’m reacting to the accusation. That’s not smart.

  I shift tack and tell him, “McQueen is my brother-in-law. He might help you out with dancers.” Lucas’ eyebrow goes up and he inclines his head, like he might be graceful enough to accept the favor as a concession. I lean forward and my voice lowers to a growl. “But make damned sure that your goons stay the fuck away from Lucy.”

  He seems unruffled, but the skin under his collar darkens. “Is she family now?”

  I tell him, “She’s under my protection. That’s all you need to know.”

  After that, I take Dad’s cue and shut up. But we’re pretty well done here.

  On the way out, Dad says, “You handled that well, Paul. I’m proud of you.”

  I tell him, “I don’t trust that fucker. I never will.”

  But I have something more important on my mind.

  As we get into the car, he asks me, “Are you serious about this girl?”

  “You bet I am. But she might not have me. After that bullshit, I couldn’t blame her if she ran a mile away. That’s really not the point, though.”

  “The code, Paul…”

  “Listen, Dad, fuck the code. The code didn’t stop them from taking her. And if Lucy turning me down makes her fair game, then I don’t give a fuck about the code. She doesn’t deserve this, Dad.”

  He says quietly, “Oh.”

  “What, Dad?”

  “You really are serious about her.”

  Chapter Eleven


  I can’t go to the O’Malleys’ compound. JoJo wants to see me, but I feel so confused and so bad that I can’t even face seeing her. I have got to get clear in my head.

  In a way, having to clean and straighten up my poor little apartment is a blessing. The physical labor takes my mind off the situation. Plus, I have to throw almost everything I own away. It’s all been trashed. So, this is going to be some kind of a new start, one way or another.

  The last thing to clean up in the living room is the smashed flower basket. I scoop the sad, smashed top hat basket, the flower stems, and the petals all onto a towel and lay it out on the kitchen table. Somehow I’m not ready to put it in the trash.

  Whatever I do, I can’t shake the nagging thought that I should have kept faith in my mystery admirer. I know that it’s nonsense. He never promised me anything. However long it’s been, if he hasn’t showed himself yet, he’s probably never going to.

  Before I sink into a funk, I tell Thomas to take me to King Pine. I want to be where Paul has been. Where he’s been happy.

  The bright lights are almost enough to shake me out of my gloom, but I overhear a croupier talking to a bartender: “Nobody knows. There are only rumors from the hospital. But we all hope he’s going to be okay.” And she leans across the bar to take the bartender’s hand.

  Thomas shadows me all over the casino. Everybody here seems so concerned about Paul. It’s obvious that they all have a lot of affection for him.

  I don’t remember any of my employers making the staff feel this way about them.

  Being here just makes me feel even more guilty. It’s not a time when I can play games to distract myself. I won’t drink alone. The pizzas here are great, and there are fantastic pastries, but I don’t even have an appetite.

  I ask Thomas to drive me home. Going back there is hard. The apartment I waited so long to get will always include the memory of the break-in. Those three men.

  But if I leave, I’ll lose the memory of the night before, too.

  Should I have waited, held off for my mystery man? What JoJo said makes perfect sense. My mystery man, my guardian angel, is nothing but a dream. Unless he pops up at my door, I should leave him as that.

  But I’m not tough enough for a relationship with an O’Malley. I’ve loved being around them all, and Paul really is a dream come true. But for me it’s just that, a dream.

  He’s ready for me. JoJo and all the O’Malleys are ready to accept me. But it’s time to confess that I don’t have what it takes to live in their world.

  Thomas pulls into the lot in front of my apartment.

  Paul stands at the doorway. My hero, with a bandage on his head.

  I can’t stop myself running to him, even though I feel so guilty. He’s holding a huge bouquet of flowers, in a basket shaped like a top hat.

  Before I can speak, he tells me, “Lucy, I feel so bad. I should not have let you be exposed in that way. None of it should ever have happened. I can’t do anything to make it up to you, I can only apologize.”

  “Paul,” my eyes sting, “it’s not your fault. It’s the life you were born into. It’s just how it is.”

  “No, Lucy. That’s not how it always is. The Morettis had a beef with the family. With me in particular. They should have brought it to me. What they did was totally out of line. I’ve dealt with Lucas Moretti. It will never happen again. All that matters to me now is that you’re safe. And you will be safe, forever. You have my guarantee.”

  I don’t know what to say as he hands me the flowers. “Your mystery man, Lucy, he’s here. Ready to take care of you. Ready to give you all you want and everything you need.”

  My heart pounds and tears fill my eyes. “You? You’re my admirer?”

  He nods, nervous. But his eyes lock with mine. “I was scared to tell you. Thought it would freak you out to k
now how long I’ve been obsessed with you.”

  I smile, despite everything that has transpired in the last few days. My fears fade as I look at Paul in a whole new light. The revelation makes me lightheaded. I reach for his hand, squeezing it. “I need to sit down. We should go inside.”

  Inside, my apartment is bare and clinically clean. It reminds me of the hospital. Gently, I reach up to touch the bandage on his head. He takes hold of my hand.

  “It’s okay. I’m fine.”

  “You’d tell me that even if you weren’t.”

  That actually gets a smile out of him. I soften and warm up inside.

  He says, “True. But I am.”

  I put the basket of flowers on the bare table.

  He looks around the apartment.

  “You must have worked hard. I saw how the place was.” Seeing me quiet, he holds out a hand to me. “The memory of that awful attack, I understand. Come with me. Come to the O’Malley compound. Come and live with me. Now, and forever.”

  “I know what it took for you to give that speech, Paul.” I touch his hand. “JoJo told me you had a stammer when you were younger.”

  He looks down. Like he’s ashamed.

  His eyes tilt up at me, pleading and pained. I squeeze his hand. “She told me they sent you to doctors, therapists, specialists, and none of them could do anything.” He takes a breath to speak, but I go on. I don’t want him to stop me. “She said you got on top of it yourself. Nobody knew how you did it. I know how you did it.”

  The brightness in his eyes is enough to make me weep. I hold his eyes with mine.

  “When you were ready, Paul, you made the choice. Once you’d decided, that was it. Nothing could stop you. That’s you, Paul. When you know what you want, nothing can stop you.”

  “We’ll see,” he says, holding me close. “Because I know what I want now, Lucy. I know you must have wanted to run as far and as fast as you could. Maybe you still do. And I don’t blame you. But I hope you’ll stay. I know that I may be the worst thing that has ever happened to you, but you are easily the best thing that has ever happened to me.”

  “I can’t live in your world, Paul. I’ll never survive. I’m not strong enough.”

  His arms enfold me. “I know that you’re more than strong enough. You can do it. And I want you to, more than anything, Lucy. But only if you want it. Otherwise, there’s just no point. And you don’t ever have to worry about survival or your safety. I’ll protect you.”

  He kisses me. “If you’ll accept me, there’s nothing I won’t do to make you happy. Night and day.” He holds my shoulders and looks deep into my eyes. “You were my first, Lucy, and you’ll be my last. I don’t want any other woman. Not ever. You’re all that I want and everything I need. You are my everything girl and I will do anything to be your everything man.”

  My eyes are brimming, and he tips my chin up towards his face.

  “Do you want me, Lucy? Do you want me enough to try?”

  I hesitate. I know what I should do. I should do what he said. I should run like there’s a fire at my heels. I haven’t the strength or the guts for the life he lives. I should say no and get out fast, while I still can.

  But I want him. I’ve always wanted him, from the first moment I saw him. I never thought I would be strong enough for him, or sexy enough.

  A sigh drags out of me. “I’ve always wanted it, Paul. I always wanted you. The only doubt I had was over the mystery Mister Perfect who admired me from afar. Now that I know you’re both of my dream men, how could I possibly say anything but yes?”

  Epilogue 1


  One Month Later

  We’re the first residents of the new presidential suite. Tonight, the high-rollers and whales of the gambling elite, the celebrities of Las Vegas society, and a lot of high-end media are traveling here.

  Tonight is the big relaunch, and the start of Old Vegas’ downtown revival. Like a giant neon phoenix, rising from the ashes of the King Pine’s long and storied history, the new casino, my casino is about to explode into life.

  Kingpin Casino and Downtown Resort opens tonight.

  But up in the spectacular penthouse suite, I have something much more important on my mind.

  Lucy is so beautiful in her fabulous ball gown. It seems almost a shame, what I plan to do to her gorgeous layers of Issey Miyake silk. But first, by the big window with the glittering view, over flutes of champagne, I have a question to ask her.

  “Lucy, I’ve always loved you.” It’s so hard to control myself when her face glows with that look of dirty innocence. She licks her lips and her eyes sparkle. I swallow hard. “I’ve always wanted you. Lucy. I’ve always needed you. And if I didn’t know it before, I certainly know now that I always will need you. All I have and all I’ll ever have is yours. So, I need to ask you,” her eyes widen as I drop to one knee, “will you be mine? Completely and forever? Will you let me love you and cherish you, have you and hold you, in sickness and in health? Will you marry me?”

  I take out the ring box with the five-carat diamond ring and hold it out to her.

  Her lips purse and her head shakes. “What took you so long, Paul? Will I marry you? Will I marry the father of my baby?”

  “What?” I almost drop the ring. She snatches it away.

  “Your face!”

  “Is it true?”

  “Of course it is, Paul. Probably from the first night. Your cock is like a telephone pole and you come like an elephant.”

  I sweep her up. “I need you wrapped up safe. You should be snuggled in soft sheets and covers, nestled up in cotton.”

  She looks shocked. “I don’t need anything of the sort.”

  “I know what you need.” My voice is thick. So is my cock.

  “I should carry you into the bedroom,” I growl. “But I can’t wait.”

  I set her down on the floor. Turn her to face the window and move her feet apart with my toe. She gasps.

  “What if someone’s looking?”

  I lean up against her, working my cock against her fabulous ass. Her hands are on the window. “Tinted glass.” I run my hand up the front of her thigh. Reach up. Into her skirt. When I find her panties, I growl into her ear, “You’re soaked.”

  “It’s you, Paul. I can’t help it.”

  I rip her panties and grind against her, angling my cock to reach her naked wet lips.

  My hand slides up over the delicious curves of her stomach, up to her soft breasts. Through the silk dress, I can feel her nipples hardening. I tweak them before I rip the front out of her pretty dress.

  “Oh, god, Paul!”

  Her head rolls back. “What am I going to wear?”

  “Doesn’t matter. I’m going to wear you.”

  “You’re going to wear me out.”

  “You’re tougher than you think.”

  She groans as I slip my fingers around her clit and press in slow circles. Above. Below. Around.

  My cock is so hard it’s aching. “I’m hurting for you, Lucy.”

  “Are you going to hurt me?”

  “No more than you like.”

  “Ohhh, Paul…”

  Her knees fall open, and she moans as I take out my cock. It’s huge. Hot and heavy, and bigger than ever. I slap it on her ass and her pussy. I know she wants to reach back. But she needs to keep both hands on the window.

  I rock the top ridge of my cock against her dripping lips. I love the feeling of being wrapped in her swollen wings.

  Then I pull back.

  Her voice is hoarse. “I know what’s coming.”

  My tip pops into her entrance. Her thighs tremble and she shivers as I make her wait. She pushes back with her ass. I chuckle as I roll back away.

  “Paul. Please…” she whimpers.

  I always make her wait. She hates it and she loves it.

  This time, it’s me who can’t wait too long.

  “AAAAAH! PAUL!” she howls and her legs tremble as I pound into her, stretc
hing her on my cock, splitting her wide. I angle hips up so I can saw higher and sharper into the front of her. The reflection her breasts bouncing in the window is enough to make me come. I have to relax and pace myself.

  I watch her lovely mouth dropping open, her eyes rolling.

  I slam harder into her. She collapses forward on one elbow and her head hangs. Then, as I drive even harder, the cheeks of her ass bang against me.

  I can’t believe we’ve started a baby already. This is all going to be so perfect.

  I need to keep going but hold back. Just long enough to make sure she comes at least once. Her walls are shuddering and pulling on my cock. I feel the flashes in her body and the gush in her pussy.

  Okay, that’s good. She moans in pleasure. I think I can make it happen twice for her.

  But her pussy is so wet. And so tight. And so needy.

  I bury myself all the way in.

  “Lucy, I love you so much. So fucking much I can hardly stand it.”

  “I love you, too, Paul.”

  By distracting myself, I get her to another peak, but thank god she comes fast.

  Then I let go. I slam my cock all the way up, all the way into her, harder and harder, till my balls slap on her mound. She pants my name and I claim hers. I hold her tight.

  Her back arches and her feet stamp. Her moans are like roars. She trembles and gushes on my thighs and my cock pumps her with a fountain of hot, sticky jizz.

  Fuck, I love this woman. And I plan on fucking her for the rest of my life.

  A while later, we’re snuggled on the couch. I still can’t get over her. I kiss her under her ear and murmur, “You didn’t answer my question, though.”

  “Oh? Which one?”

  “You are such a fucking tease.”

  “But you love it.”

  “You know me too well. So?”

  “Mmm… ” I’m about to lose it. And she knows it.


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