Future in the Stars

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Future in the Stars Page 6

by D Patrick Wagner

  “OK, Professor.”

  Professor Wellington waited patiently while Ramsey worked his air-gapped tablet, verifying the voracity of the video.

  “It’s all here, Professor.”

  “Let’s reconnect the power then go and entertain our benefactor.”

  * * * * *

  By the time the Vice-Admiral arrived with Lieutenants Clarke and Hartman, Wellington and Ramsey had succeeded in loading the record of their research and pulled the pertinent video footage, marking stop points for fixed display.

  As the two in the conference room heard the clattering of people climbing the stairs, they settled in and composed themselves. They both knew what a review from Number Three entailed and prepared for the emotional and verbal dictatorial onslaught.

  Someone pulled the door open. Vice-Admiral Weiskoff strode through. His two subordinates followed. Without any preamble, Weiskoff took the head of the table and nodded to Clark and Hartman. Both sat.

  “Well, Professor, where do we stand with the jump drive?”

  “Doctor Ramsey, would you please activate the first clip?”

  The short clip ran, ending with a still of the jump drive in its cradle, enclosed within the acid-bath cylinder.

  “As you can see, this is the initial state before our inspection. The wall behind is part of the Faraday cage. At this time, it is fully functional. The only tools inside are battery powered. No outside electrical source reaches within the cage.”

  The Professor worked his tablet and a red dot covered a dark hole in the casing.

  “This is where the first component of the bi-compound acid had been drained. Mr. Ramsey?”

  Ramsey worked his tablet. Another snippet ran, pausing at its end.

  “Here is the drive, with the outer shell removed. We used handheld cutters to remove it. We didn’t use any laser cutters or torches. Everything was done manually.”

  “Who did the actual work?”

  “Myself and Doctor Ramsey. I felt that this project was too important to bring in other people.”

  “You made the right call. Continue.”

  “Mr. Ramsey, if you please.”

  The next still displayed the actual jump drive.

  “This is the second-to-last picture. As you can see, we have succeeded in draining the second component of the acid bath and removing the inner shell, completely isolating the jump drive.”

  “I see that the bands are still blue.”

  “Yes, Admiral. The jump drive appears fully operational.”


  Doctor Ramsey brought up the last sequence.

  “And here, we’ve pulled the dark matter collector. We measured the electrical flow between the collector and the drive. The results are astounding. That unit is generating five hundred amps and a thousand volts.”

  “How does that black matter power source generate so much power?”

  “We have no idea. With that much power being generated I don’t think that it is a good idea to try to reverse engineer that dark energy battery.”

  “We will have to do it someday. There’s no competing with anyone who has access to unlimited, unending power sources.”

  “I understand your concern, Admiral. It is just that, at the current time, we have no technology or even technical theory on how the battery actually works. Touching it could be catastrophic.”

  “I understand your fear, Doctor. Try to work up a plan on how to proceed with learning this dark matter tech.”

  “Yes, sir. It is something I want to do, anyway. It’s just that, I’m currently at a loss on even how to begin.”

  “You’ll figure it out. You always do.”

  “Yes, sir. I’ll do my best, sir.”

  Lieutenant Hartman, Chief Engineer of first Odin, now Vengeance, leaned forward, studying the screen.

  “During our discussions, the Vice-Admiral stated that he wants this jump drive completely isolated from any ship electronics. How do you plan on powering the unit, if not with the dark matter collector?”

  “Nuclear battery, Lieutenant. Well, given the amount of electricity the collector generates, a clover leaf of batteries.”

  “I can see that. What about the activation of the unit?”

  “That is actually very simple. The jump drive is a one-trick pony. You point it in the right direction and bombard it with X-rays. The strength of the bombardment determines the length of the jump.”

  “That’s why, when we fired upon that criminal’s ship with our X-cannon, Marston jumped five hundred lightyears into the Big Dark.”

  “That is my assessment, Admiral. Continuing, we keep the drive in a Faraday cage bolted to the ship. The X-ray generator is external to the box. We control the length of the jump by the speed of the ship and the amount of X-rays.”

  “And you have the capability to vary the X-ray bombardment?”

  “Yes, Admiral. Both in intensity and width.”

  “Well done, Professor.”

  “Thank you, Admiral.”

  “Where do we stand with the gravity generator?”

  “Since Doctor McCauley provided me with the engineering specs, all we need to do is build one and test it. We understand that technology. That’s being done in the machine shop behind us.”


  “For both, we’ll be ready to install the jump drive and gravity generator within a month. All I need is a ship.”

  “We’ll be using the same freighter that we used to retrieve the jump drive. I’m having a Mortek derelict stripped of its plating and using it to armor the freighter. Oh, and no quant-coms on the freighter. Understood?”

  “Understood, Admiral. There is one thing, though.”


  “This jump drive came out of a Mortek cruiser. It is of a magnitude much more powerful than the one that Marston stole. It’s way too powerful for that small freighter.”

  “Good point. We are still going to install it in the freighter. Test it at very low levels. You are to use the freighter as a proof of concept. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, Admiral.”

  “Good. We’ll be going to the Sol system. We should be back within six weeks. I want the ship ready to sail by then.”

  “Six weeks. Aye, aye, sir.”

  “One final point, Professor.”

  “Yes, Admiral?”

  “We’ve been collecting these jump drives for the last couple of hundred years. We have a warehouse full of them.”

  “But, they’re all inactive.”

  “Now you know what your next assignment will be. We know that they are powered by dark matter collectors and that X-rays activate them. Get them up and running.”

  “Yes, sir. I will assemble a team and we will begin testing the units as soon as they arrive.”

  “Thank you, gentlemen. We can finally get out from under that bastard Marston’s thumb.”

  Ballison Medical Center

  For two days with no sleep, Analyn, Mistress of Ballison, never left Mahajani’s bedside. Sitting, staring through the glass of the medical pod, the grieving Elonian watched every intake of breath, every movement of an arm. She would see the stump slightly shift and she would take a breath, one of pain and sadness.

  Throughout her bereavement, all she could do was hope that Bashia would shine her light on Mahi and bring him back to her. Until now, Analyn never truly understood how much the large Guardsman and personal bodyguard meant to her.

  During the first day, her father and mother came to sit with her. Her mother held her paw and stroked her fur. Her father spent most of his time standing and staring into the cover glass, almost willing for the broken Elonian warrior to rise.

  Food was brought. The Lord and Dame of Clan Kaporine cajoled their daughter into eating. With drooping tail and sagging ears, Analyn complied.

  When she finished, they left her to her vigil, quietly leaving, carrying the same anguish as their daughter. During the time of their daughter’s pain, Analyn’s pa
rents took over the daily governing of Ballison and the preparations for new arrivals.

  During the second day, Master Varrini and Vidhee paid the grieving Analyn a visit.

  “My Mistress, it is time for you to leave.”

  “I can’t, Master Varrini. Mahi needs me.”

  Vidhee put her mechanical paw on Analyn’s shoulder.

  “Yes, he does, Mistress Analyn. I am glad that you finally see that. But, for now, Sir Mahajani needs Preceptor Igaklay’s expertise even more.”


  “Preceptor Igaklay has finished growing the repairs to Sir Mahajani’s wounds, Mistress. The insertions are something which you should not watch.”

  “But Mahi might need me!”

  “No, Mistress. You will just be in the way. Let the Preceptor do his work. Besides, I have something to show you.”


  “You shall see. And I need your guidance on how to proceed.”

  “Igaklay, are you sure that Mahi will be alright?”

  “I am the protector of Den Griffin, Mistress Analyn. Igaklay’s voice resonated from the speaker system. “I give you my word that I will do everything in my power to ensure that Sir Mahajani is safe and recovering.”

  “Bring him back, Igaklay.”

  “That is my intention, Mistress Analyn.”

  “I will follow you Master Varrini.”

  As Analyn rose from her vigil chair, three medical robots floated into the room, followed by a more complicated machine and a sealed container. Working their ways around the mechanical arrivals, Analyn, Vidhee and Varrini exited then were immediately surrounded by eight Kaporine Guardsmen with weapons at the ready, tails high, eyes focused, and noses quivering.

  “This way, Mistress.”

  Master Varrini led the heavily armed group, Vidhee, and a sad Analyn down a hallway then to a door leading to another room. Four Guardsmen took up positions at the entrance. Four more quartered the room, checking every corner, wall, ceiling, and floor. Once satisfied, they stepped back and allowed Mistress Analyn to enter.

  Master Engineer Varrini led her to another closed medical pod, followed by Vidhee. He worked the panel and the lid swung up and open.

  Mistress Analyn saw an animal which she had only seen on Mack’s data pad. The Old Earth snow leopard lay on its side, almost three meters long, with more than a third of it being its tail.

  “What is this, Master Varrini?”

  “Your companion, what the Humans call a ‘pet’, Mistress.”

  “A pet?”

  “Yes. Preceptor Igaklay has been having discussions with Honorable Vidhee and Legate Buster about companions and personal protectors. They had arrived at the conclusion that you should have a pet.”

  “Where did this pet come from?”

  “While Preceptor Igaklay had been growing the replacement organs for Sir Mahajani, he has been growing this snow leopard. It isn’t complete, yet. There is still more growth to be done.”

  “The four of you have decided that I need a pet.”

  “Yes. And an always diligent protector.”

  “That is Sir Mahajani’s responsibility.”

  “As it shall remain, Mistress. We felt that this snow leopard would be an excellent addition.”

  “So, what do you need me for?”

  “We need two decisions. This first is, should this snow leopard be a seed bringer or a cub bearer?”

  “This creation will be able to birth cubs if it is a bearer?”

  “No, Mistress. The sex is just for your comfort.”

  “Cub bearer, then. What else?”

  “During our discussions, the Ballisonian Supreme Court, has given approval to having this snow leopard possess a level two artificial intelligence. This means that, within its pre-defined programming, it is capable of self-learning, making decisions and taking individual actions. However, it will not be self-aware. It will be totally dedicated to you and your safety.”

  “And I am to keep this pet with me at all times.”

  “Mistress Analyn, if I may?”

  Analyn heard Buster’s voice over the room’s speakers, coming from the human star system known as Atlantius.

  ”Yes, Buster?”

  “There is another domesticated animal on Old Earth which became actual members of families. They were called ‘dogs’. With a high degree of intelligence, almost a level two in intelligence, they became friends and loyal protectors of the families. Especially for the children.”

  “But, this snow leopard is a cat. I have seen pictures of the Old Earth dogs.”

  “Yes. They are very loyal and very loving. Old Earth cats are more independent and self centered. The people of Old Earth had a saying. It says, ‘dogs have masters, cats have servants’.”

  “Yes, Mistress! After studying all of Old Earth’s historical data on dogs, we have created a profile for your pet! We are going to give you a cat with a dog’s attitude!”

  “I don’t need it.”

  “With the utmost respect, Mistress, I disagree.”

  “Why is that, Vidhee?”

  “This level two A.I. will never sleep. It will always be on alert. And, if it meets Buster’s expectations, it will become a companion.”

  “There are also some specially installed capabilities, Mistress.”

  “They are, Master Varrini?”

  “Although this snow leopard appears a normal animal, its hide is a poly-metallurgical compound almost impervious to projectiles. Taken from the design of Commander Marston’s chain armor, the fur will disperse any energy weapons output. When it morphs into its defense mode, it becomes a formidable fighting machine. Its retractable claws are constructed of a human molecule known as reidite, harder than our hardest crystals. They are edged with another molecule called ‘graphene’. The edges will slice through anything. This artificial snow leopard is a very powerful defender.”

  “You are giving me a weapon for a pet.”

  “Yes, Mistress. But also a companion.”

  “I don’t want it. I have Mahi.”

  “Please, Mistress. Give this snow leopard a try. It is for your safety. If you don’t like having it in your presence, we can reprogram it and make it loyal to your parents. Just give it a try.”

  “Only because you asked, Vidhee. I do not guarantee that I will like having this pet around all the time.”

  “That is all we ask, Mistress. Just a try.”

  “Fine. When may I see Mahi again?”

  “Soon, Mistress! The surgeries are going very well!”

  “We shall see, Preceptor. We shall see.”

  Chapter 04

  Aboard Griffin - Atlantius Space

  The crew of Griffin stared through the viewing screen at the five ships floating off their port. Krag nodded his approval.

  “Looking good, Igaklay. Do you formally state that they are ready to jump to Ballison?”

  Igaklay’s avatar kept staring at the five ships.

  “Yes, Commander. I have full control of all five ships. Do you want me to jump them to the midpoint now?”

  “Let’s make sure jack is ready. Please contact Jack’s Flash.”

  “Will do.”

  “Jack here. That you, Hawk?”

  “Yeah, Jack. You ready to get to Ballison?”

  ‘More than ready, Hawk. There could not be a more boring spot in space.”

  “You could have taken some R and R on Pantea.”

  “Nah. I saw the vids on your visit. The locals don’t like strangers. So, we decided to stay onboard.”

  “Well, the ships are ready. Igaklay is going to jump them to the midpoint. Once all five have left, follow. Is that OK with you?”

  “Sure is.”

  “Igaklay, please jump the ships.”

  Two ships watched five ships flash from local existence. Griffin watched Jack’s Flash follow.

  “Now that we have a pause, Krag, I need to talk to you about something that happened on Ballison, a couple of weeks a

  “That sounds ominous.”

  Keiko took a breath, knowing how Krag would react.

  “Analyn just told me. There was an assassination attempt against Lord and Lady Kaporine and Mistress Analyn.”

  “What? Two weeks ago? How are they? Are they hurt?”

  “No. everyone’s alright. Except for Sir Mahajani. He sustained some severe injuries. But, thanks to Preceptor Igaklay, he will recover.”

  Krag glared first at Keiko then at Igaklay.

  “Igaklay, you knew about this?”

  “Yes, I did, Commander.”

  “You knew about the assassination attempt, and you didn’t tell me?”

  “Mistress Analyn requested that I didn’t. She stated that it was Kaporine business and that she would handle it.”

  “You should have told me, Igaklay.”

  “I assessed that Mistress Analyn was correct in her reasoning. The assassination attempt was a Kaporine Clan issue implemented by Elonians. Therefore, I agreed to not inform you of the situation.”

  “You are wrong, Igaklay. Keiko, explain to him about support and commitment. We’re going to Ballison. Immediately.”

  “You’re right, Krag. Igaklay, your reasoning didn’t take into account the fact that, even though this assassination attempt was against the Kaporine Clan by Elonians, it also was against Den Griffin, against Ballison and, importantly, against HEBA.”

  “But, Mistress Analyn made me promise, Ambassador.”

  “You should have refused. You should have analysed the situation and realized that it effected all of HEBA and Ballison.”

  Igaklay’s avatar froze for less than a second.

  “I see my logic error, Ambassador. I apologize to you, Commander. I mistakenly separated the logic management of Clan Kaporine from HEBA and the rest of Ballison. I will develop a new logic routine which constantly monitors the interrelations of all aspects of Ballison and any outside influences.”

  “Especially in concerns to Mistress Analyn, Igaklay. Who did this?”

  “There is no factual data which points to a specific party, but, through logic, I believe that the attempt came from Elonia.”

  “Great. Just great. Krag, you’re right. We need to get back to Ballison.”


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