Future in the Stars

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Future in the Stars Page 12

by D Patrick Wagner

  “How does that help us, Sue?”

  “He also doesn’t have an emotional matrix to effect his logic paths.”

  “I get it!” Kimberly clapped her hands in agreement. “We lead Bachman down a rabbit hole that he can’t get out of. We have his own logic force him to give us the ship.”

  “Igaklay, Sue, Kimberly, out. I want you three to put together a list of questions which will lead this Bachman A.I. into giving us that ship.”

  “How fun! I get to go up against another A.I.!”

  “Now I’m mentioning your big head, Iggy.”

  “Moving on, what did you find out about the buildings under the dome?”

  While the software brain trust played ‘stump the A.I.’, the rest of the Griffin Den studied Captain Long’s and Nagaina’s tour of the Liberated Ballisonian grounds.

  Chapter 07

  Bachman Dome – Planet Bachama

  The following day, Captain Long and his crew found themselves inside the energy dome, looking up at the giant hologram. Kimberly, with trepidation, stepped forward.

  “Good day, Sire.”

  “Good day, Mz. Kimberly Baker. What is your request?”

  “Actually, I, we, have some questions concerning your oversight of this compound.”

  “Continue. If I interpret any of your questions as means for undermining or in any way damaging this compound, you will be ejected and never allowed to return.”

  “Um, uh, OK.”

  Nervously, Kimberly looked at her captain. He, in turn, gave her a nod of confidence. She turned back to face her intellectual opponent.

  “Uh, you are responsible for the maintenance of the equipment which keeps the energy dome operational. Is that correct?”

  “That is correct.”

  “The energy used to maintain the energy dome, is it consumed linearly or exponentially in relationship to the dome’s size?”

  “As with all things concerning the area under a sphere, there is an exponential component. As in the calculations for a sphere’s volume, there is a cube effect to the radius. That is the same for the energy consumption by the dome.”

  “Then, the smaller the dome, exponentially, the less energy is generated. This leads to less energy consumption and less wear on the machinery utilized for maintaining the diameter of the energy dome. Is that correct?”

  “That is correct.”

  “I noticed that there is a large open area on the right side of your buildings. This open area is the same sized as the area occupied by the spaceship. Also, there is a distance above the buildings which matches the deepest length of the open area. Is it correct to say that a requirement of the energy dome is that it maintains a sphere shape?”

  “That is correct. The energy generation and radiation are completely uniform in length. As energy creation originates from a single point, this causes the energy dome to form a sphere.”

  “Since this energy field is a sphere, then it continues into and below Bachama’s surface.”

  “Yes, Mz. Kimberly Baker. The sphere’s penetrations of the planet’s surface matches the height of the section of the dome above ground.”

  “This in turn, creates a cubic exponential increase in energy consumption and, by extension, mechanical wear.”

  “That is correct, Mz. Kimberly Baker.”

  “Then, any shrinkage of the radius of the dome would result in an exponential saving of energy and resources.”

  “That is correct.”

  “If the spaceship were removed, you would be able to reduce the radius of the energy dome.”

  “That is true, Mz. Kimberly Baker.”

  “Then it is correct to state that, if the spaceship were to be removed from under the energy dome, you would shrink the size of the dome, conserving energy and slowing the wear process on the equipment, thus lengthening its lifespan before major repairs and replacements are required.”

  “That is correct.”

  “What is the purpose of the dome?”

  “To protect everything within from modification, control or destruction by the artificial intelligence known as Igaklay or any technology which it controls.”

  “The spaceship has its own defenses against Igaklay. Is that correct?”

  “That is correct.”

  “Then the spaceship does not require protection within the energy dome.”

  “That is correct.”

  “What is the purpose of the spaceship?”

  “It has none. Originally, it was a scout ship utilized to locate a habitable star system outside of Igaklay’s influence.”

  Kimberly looked at the rest of the group and breathed a sigh of relief. They all joined in. That was the one question which would make or break their chance at getting the ship.

  “As this ship had served its purpose, it was left behind when the Liberated Ballisonians left for the star system Frehey. From your perspective, it is consuming your resources with no purpose and no benefit. Is that correct?”

  “That is correct.”

  “As was stated previously, we are a peaceful, scientific team. We wish to follow the Ballisonians to Frehey. However, we do not have the technological skill or equipment to cross approximately eighty-thousand lightyears of space.”

  Kimberly again paused, looking at her captain. She knew that this was it. As did everyone else. Again, Captain Long nodded in confidence.

  “We request that you release the ship into our charge. This will allow you to lower your energy consumption, conserve resources and allow us to pursue our quest. Is it acceptable that you release the ship to us?”

  “The ship’s artificial intelligence, SA8190, has apprised you that, if Igaklay is able to infect the ship with its technology, it will self-destruct.”

  “Yes. SA8190 has explained the situation. We are willing to take that risk. Once we clear the Ballisonian star system, we should be safe.”

  “You cannot perform maintenance, repairs or modifications on the planet Ballison. Igaklay has complete control of the planet.”

  “We understand, Sire. Do you have repair and maintenance capabilities for the scout ship?”

  “Yes. I am the primary builder and maintainer of all ships constructed for the Liberated Ballisonians.”

  “Perfect. The Elonian star system has no interaction with Ballison. And, except for the wormhole drive and protection shield, its technological knowledge is high enough to maintain this craft. Elonia will become our secondary repair port. Bachama will remain our primary one.”

  “I formally request that you release the ship into our charge.”

  “Your request is granted. Who will become the controller for SA8190 and the ship?”


  Everyone scowled at Ollie.

  “My bad.”

  Captain Long stepped forward.

  “Sire, may I ask a question?”

  “You may.”

  “Is it possible to have a primary and secondary controller for SA8190?”

  “Yes, Captain Long.”

  “I will be the primary controller of SA81190 and Captain of the ship. Specialist Kimberly Baker will be the secondary controller and second in command of the ship.”


  “SHHH. We’ll talk later.”

  “That is acceptable.

  “When will the transfer occur?”

  “It has already taken place.”

  “Ollie, stay!”

  The Captain had seen Ollie start to move away from the group.

  “Sire, my crew requires training on the ship. May we leave to prepare and return within a planet rotation to begin training?”

  “That is acceptable.”

  Elonia – Royal Palace

  Again, King Daruke sat on his throne, relishing his power as he held court, ruling on petitions by his peasantry. Again, the Council orderly interrupted his decrees.

  “Your Highness, I am sorry to interrupt,” the orderly began, as he flattened his ears and tail in subservience.

  “Yes, yes, speak.”

  “The Council has news from Ballison. They wish that you would attend their meeting.”

  “Ballison. What has my damned sister been up to, now,” Daruke mumbled as he rose to follow the orderly.

  Daruke’s feelings of power and control gave way to anger and resentment as he left the throne room and entered the council chamber. Seeing everyone seated, he took his usual place of leadership.

  “Yes, what is it?”

  After visually cowing the other eleven members, Chancellor Sanjinan opened the discussion.

  “Your Highness, there have been assassination attempts against the Ex-King, his Bond-mate and Ex-Princess Analyn.”

  “What? What happened? How did you hear about this?”

  Daruke’s ears and tail shot straight up. His hand-paw claws extended, leaving digs in the ice covering the conference table.

  “We have loyal Elonians on Wisdom Seeker, Your Majesty. Everyone is alright. It appears that the Ex-Princess Analyn suffered a wound on her arm, but that is the extent of the injuries.”

  Sanjinan inwardly bemoaned the fact that none, had been killed in the attempt.

  “Who did this?”

  “We do not know, Your Highness.”

  Being a life-long politician and consummate manipulator, the lie came easily for him.

  The Chancellor continued, “It must have been malcontents within Clan Kaporine. Someone who resented the clan leaders taking the best of the Clan to Ballison.”

  “That is not good enough. Set up an inquisition team. I want a complete investigation into this betrayal of the Crown.”

  “Yes, Your Highness. This will be our sole priority until the guilty provocateurs are pulled from their icy lairs.”

  Sanjinan and his co-conspirators at the table knew that this hunt would never succeed. They all sat, feigning shock and anger at the so-called coup as each mentally planned their next moves.

  Ballison – Clan Kaporine Palace

  As on every other cold, crisp morning, Lord and Lady Kaporine enjoyed the breaking of their night fast with the sunrise meal. Again, Mistress Analyn’s unannounced arrival broke their tranquil mood.

  Johi entered and made his announcement. Analyn followed.

  “Little Fire, this needs to stop.”

  “But, Father,” Analyn began.

  “No. Sit.”

  Analyn sat.

  “You have become one of the most powerful people within the Ballison system. You manage and govern thousands of beings across two races. Soon they will number in the millions.”

  “Yes, Father. There is so much to do.”

  “But, in your drive to be a good leader on this new world, you have forgotten the courtesy and tradition of the past. Your mother and I are not just your subjects. We are your parents. You will not just show up and make your complaints or demands.”

  Analyn hung her head, flattened her ears, and drooped her tail at the tongue lashing.

  “You are right, Father. I apologize.”

  “You will, from this point forward, notify Johi that you wish a meeting. He handles our calendar.”

  “Yes, Father.” Analyn played with her hand-paws as she said this.

  “Now, Little Fire, what is on your mind?”

  “I am sorry, Father. I should not have interrupted your morning meal.”

  “Nothing more needs to be said. What do you wish to discuss?”

  “I have been talking to the new arrivals from Elonia. These appear to be the last. The Senate drew up an order banning travel to Ballison and King Daruke signed it.”

  “Oh, dear,” Lady Naliana mumbled.

  “We need to talk some sense into my brother.”

  “He is King, Little Fire.”

  “Yes. And you are the Lord of Clan Kaporine. And I am the Mistress of Ballison. I need to set him straight on the way things are.”

  “We do not govern Elonia or it’s citizenry. King Daruke and the Senate do.

  “Which is why I am here. As the head of Clan Kaporine, I want you to declare that we are sovereign from Elonia and are citizens of Ballison.

  “That requires approval from the Council of Elders. And, since he is the head of the remaining Kaporines on Elonia, Elder Acolyte Mitorai.”

  “That is why I am talking to you and Mother, Father.”

  “This will create hostility between our two worlds, Little Fire.”

  “There is already hostility between our two worlds, Father. Or did you forget about the assassination attempt?”

  “Don’t be condescending, Anyl.”

  “I am sorry, Mother. I am just so mad!”

  “Center yourself, Anyl. Anger will not lead to good decisions.”

  “I know, Mother.”

  Saying this, Analyn took a slow inhale, held it, and then slowly released her breath.

  “You are also wanted for your role in helping Griffin escape, Anyl. By the laws of Elonia, you are a criminal.”

  “I thought about that. If I am a citizen of Ballison and a member of its governing class, then I have diplomatic immunity.”

  “What if your brother or the Senate do not recognize that?”

  “Oh, I think they will. I plan on talking to Commander Marston. I want to borrow one of his warships. That hovering over Daruke’s palace should be a good deterrent. Also, I will have guardsmen with jump packs and chameleon suits. And I will have Rikka.”


  “That is what I named my guard cat. I was talking to Ambassador Suzume. Rikka is a human, Japanese word for snow.


  “Will you meet with the Council to discuss Clan Kaporine’s transfer of sovereignty from Elonia to Ballison, Father?”

  “We need to do something, Waahai. We have more clan on Elonia, and they are suffering.”

  “I know, Naliana. Analyn’s ideas have merit. I will call a council meeting today.”

  “Thank you, Father.”

  “Don’t thank me yet, Little Fire.”

  Chapter 08

  Wormhole Ship – Planet Bachama

  With his natural energy on full display, Ollie reached the wormhole ship first. There he danced from foot to foot, waiting for the hatch to open. Captain Long arrived, leading the other three.

  “SA8190, please open the ship.”

  “As you command, Controller,” everyone heard over the external speaker.

  That hatch slid into the ship’s hull and the ramp slid out then dropped. Ollie reached the ramp and entered the ship first. Having been given a tour and explanation of the ship, he immediately rushed to the ship’s flight deck.

  “Sub-Captain Baker, please request approval for the launching of the ship.”

  “Sub-Captain? I’m a software engineer, Captain.”

  “You are second in command, Kimberly. The second in command onboard ship is the Sub-Captain.”

  “But, but…”

  “You are the one who stepped up. You are the one who followed the logic line which pushed the Liberated Ballisonian’s A.I. into releasing the ship.”

  “That was computer stuff.”

  “And leadership. This ship is managed by an A.I. Is that correct?”

  Kimberly, being the intelligent, logical thinker that she was, knew where this led. She hung her head.

  “That is correct.”

  “Who unraveled the computer system in the first Mortek ship we boarded?”

  ‘I did.” Kimberly shook her head in negation.

  “Except for Mz. Benton and Dame Srilin, who has the most experience with alien software?”

  “I do.”

  “I need someone who will have a feel for the ship, for SA9180. You’re that someone.”

  “Look at me. I dress in black. my fingernails are painted with black lacquer. I wear knee-high boots. I have tattoos. I have piercings.”

  “Don’t forget about the sides of your head being shaved. And the spike haircut,” Long joked.

  “I am not officer mate

  “Because you don’t dress in the norm? Because you don’t think in the norm? that is exactly why you are perfect for the job. I need someone who can think outside the box. You’re my choice. You’re stuck with it. Get used to it. Or stay on Ballison.”

  “What? You won’t let me stay on the wormhole ship if I turn down the promotion? That’s blackmail.”

  “True. Stay on Ballison and work on the Mortek ships or become my second in command and fly the stars. Your choice.”

  “I hate my job. You, too, sir.”

  Captain Long heard and saw the humorous, resigned acceptance in the software genius’s statement.”

  “Good. Now that that’s settled, Sub-Captain, please request permission to launch the ship.”

  “Aye, aye, sir, Captain, sir.”

  “And, Sub-captain Baker, please send SA8190 to the bridge to instruct Pilot Briar on launching the ship.”

  “May I make a request, Captain?”

  “Yes you may.”

  “SA8190 doesn’t work for me. We need a new name for our technical officer.”

  “That’s between you and the A.I. Continue on, Sub-Captain.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Captain Long watched Kimberly return to Bachama’s surface and stare up at the giant hologram, now sitting dormant. Then he headed to the area designated as the Captain’s quarters and wardroom.

  “Bachman, I have a request.”

  The huge Ballisonian bust reanimated and looked down at the goth-dressed Human.

  “Speak Second Controller.”

  “We wish to depart with the ship. I am requesting your permission.”

  “I have already assigned you and Captain Long as the ship’s Controllers. As such, you have gained control of the ship. No further requests are required.”

  “Thank you, Bachman.”

  Kimberly returned to the bay of the wormhole ship and approached it’s A.I.

  SA8190, follow me.”

  “As you command, Secondary Controller.”

  “We are definitely going to change that, too.”

  Kimberly made her way to the Bridge, followed by SA8190. Once there, she angled towards Ollie, who had wedged his way into a too-small chair and was currently pouring over the pilot console.


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