Future in the Stars

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Future in the Stars Page 15

by D Patrick Wagner

  “Back to the ship, people. We have a full day of maintenance and cleanup.”

  None of the satiated beings argued as they left, stuffed and sleepy from excellent food and copious drinks.

  * * * * *

  Though sluggish from the previous evening’s festivities, the Griffin crew worked through their tasks as a swarm of shipyard repair people worked their own tasks onboard the heavily modified executive transport.

  As everyone worked, Hank and Krag led Dean, the new mechanical engineer, through his responsibilities. Now ensconced in the power generating room, the three looked up at the three huge fusion plants.

  “I have a question, Grandpa. Since everyone knows about the jump drives now, why does Griffin still have the regular propulsion and fusion drives?”

  “That’s a question for the Commander, Dean.”

  “A couple of reasons, Dean. The most important one is that, if someone doesn’t have the nanite inoculations, they will either have a pounding headache or blackout after a jump. You are going to find out both as we are going to jump first to Tolimar, then to Ballison.”

  “When we get to Ballison, do I get my nanite injections?”

  “Yes, Dean. If you give me a blood sample, I will have your personal nanite configuration ready for you when you arrive.”

  The three heard this over Griffin’s speaker system, as Igaklay’s avatar wasn’t present.

  “I’ll have Suraya withdraw a sample. Do you need any equipment, Igaklay?”

  “Just a blood chemistry analyzer, Commander.”

  “We’ve got one in our medical center, Preceptor.”

  “You said that there are a couple of reasons, Commander.”

  “Yes, Dean. Another reason is minute control over short distances. It is easier to approach something with our jets than to have multiple micro-jumps with the jump drive.”

  “I don’t understand. Why do you keep so much power? Wouldn’t one drive be good enough?”

  “That is a comfort thing for me. I know this ship. I know how it reacts. I want to keep it that way.”


  “See, Krag? I told you the lad was smart and nosey.”

  “You were right, Hank. Dean, you’ll do fine. Welcome aboard.”

  “Now, don’t forget. The Missis is expecting all of you at six o’clock.”

  “You know that the Elonians can’t drink alcohol or have caffeine, right?”

  “Ay. Anna’s been talking with Keiko about eating requirements. So, she has it under control. Now, I need to check on my people. I suspect you need to check on yours.”

  “Speaking of people, did you find anyone willing to join the wormhole ship voyage?”

  “Nae, Captain. All my people like where they are. Most have families. After the horror and fear of the last two years, the rest just like the peace and quiet. The shipyard is their home.”

  “How soon will Griffin be ready to sail?”

  “Today. My girl will be ready by the time you sit down for supper. My boy’s taken good care of her.”

  “Good. Dean, get up to your console. I want your check list ready by tomorrow morning. That’s when we leave.”

  “Aye, aye, Commander.”

  “Just Captain onboard ship, Dean.”

  “Aye, aye, Captain.”

  Dean almost saluted before he dashed off in his excited state.”

  “He’s a good one, Dean is.”

  “I think you’re right, Hank. See you tonight.”

  As Hank had said, the evening went off without a hitch. The Elonians continued to learn appreciate, and enjoy the Human lifestyle. Hank and his family accepted and became friends with the Elonians. True to his word, he had Griffin ready for flight by suppertime.

  Again sluggish, the crew boarded Griffin, this time with the addition of Dean Benton, and settled in for the jump to Tolimar.

  Aboard Griffin – Planet Tolimar

  At the dual sonic booms, the entire Trotzig population stopped whatever they were doing and looked up. Their eyes locked onto the strange ship which accompanied Griffin. As the two ships landed on the landing port next to the walled city, many of Tolimar’s populous pointed and gossiped about the new, strange ship brought by the savior of Tolimar.

  Two ramps dropped. The crews of the two ships exited, with Griffin’s going through the ceremony of arriving dignitaries. At the sight of Captain Long and Commander Marston, the Tolimar defenders ceased their training and stared at Captain Long’s strange ship.

  As Krag and Keiko led the entourage off Griffin, Sergeant Stein rushed over. Reaching Krag, he snapped to attention and flipped a crisp salute. Krag returned one of his own.

  “That is one funny looking ship, Commander. You find more aliens?”

  “Nope. It’s Ballisonian.”

  “They must think a whole lot differently than us or the Mortek.”

  “Yeah, they do. So, Garon. Is this your fulltime job, now?”

  “Yeah. With Planetary Security Services being kaput, there aren’t any credits coming in. besides, there’s not much call for a private security force anymore.”

  “They paying you well?”

  “Not like Planetary Security Services, but good enough. Besides, I kind of missed the military. It’s a good job.”

  “You are doing a great service For Tolimar. I’m sure that everyone is grateful for your service.”

  “Thank you, Ambassador.”

  Captain Long and his crew arrived to hear the conversation.

  “I like your new ride, Slim.”

  “It gets us from here to there.”

  “Strange looking armor.”

  “Eton says, it’s designed to protect the ship while it’s in transit.”


  “The A.I. that runs it.”

  “The armor looks like it’s cut blue diamonds.”

  “Pretty cool, huh?” Ollie, the ship’s pilot, remarked as he caught up with the group.

  “I don’t see a bridge. No portals.”

  The bridge is buried in the center.”

  “Like a command-and-control center. Where are the jets and cowlings?”

  “She doesn’t have any. When not in transit, she’s gravity driven.”

  “That is one weird ship, Slim. Sure you want to ride around in that?”

  “More than ever, Goran. Where’s Lieutenant Rosser? I don’t see him around.”

  “Take a guess.”


  “Got it in one.”

  “I saw it coming. They’re an item, then.”

  “They try to keep it secret, but, yeah. They’ve hooked up.”

  Krag stepped into the conversation between the two friends.

  “We need to talk to you and Corry.”

  “What about, Hawk?”


  “For Slim’s funny looking ship?”

  “Don’t knock my ride, dirt-sider. Yeah. We need some more crew, a science team and a security force.”

  “And recruitment for a Mortek frigate. Mistress Analyn is planning to visit Elonia.”

  “Let’s go see if we can pry the Lieutenant away from his true love. What about your Guardsmen?”

  “They took a couple of days off and got fat.” Krag paused and looked back at Griffin. “Tribune Ambakai!”

  Krag’s shout carried across the parade grounds. Both Ambakai and Boulos trotted over then came to attention.

  “Your squad looks slow. Out of shape. Sergeant Stein’s people want to help them with their problem.”

  “You are correct, Commander. We have spent too much time neglecting our training. We will remedy the issue.”

  The remaining Griffin crew waited while the Tolimar Sergeant led the Guardsmen to a group of Defenders and issued his orders. After he returned, they left for Shar’s.

  * * * * *

  When Krag and his crew pushed through the bar’s swinging doors, he saw the Feldmarschal of Tolimar’s Defense Force leaning forward, supported
by his crossed arms. On the other side of the bar, Shar also leaned over, her hands close to touching Rosser’s forearms.

  At the sound of the new entrants, both looked up. Shar pulled back and waved towards a collection of tables in a corner. Krag gave a head-cock at Rosser. Everyone collected around the tables Shar had indicated.

  “You and Shar make a good couple, Corry.”

  “It’s not like that, Krag.”

  “Uh huh.”

  Changing the subject, the Feldmarschal of the Tolimar Defense Forces asked, “What brings you to our little neck of the woods?”

  “People. We need a full crew for a Mortek frigate, and we need to flesh out Captain Long’s ship.”

  “You should see it, Lieutenant. It’s a weird looking duck.”

  “More like a moth.”

  “I need to take a look at that.”

  “Anyway, we are going to need a medical specialist to set up a hospital on Slim’s ship.”

  “You should talk to Charlie Thorne about that. He’s still running the hospital.”

  “We will.”

  “And don’t forget about a security force and science team, Hawk.”

  “That too. Also, patrol. Say eight militia.”

  “Don’t forget about a sensor specialist, a navigator and a communications specialist, Hawk.”

  “Yeah. Those too. Oh, and none of them can have nanites.”

  “Nanites won’t be a problem, Krag. Our boys are loaded with just their enhancements and go juice. How long are you going to need them?”

  “On the moth ship, permanent assignment. A long way into the big dark. They’ll be out of touch for at least two years.”

  “What have you got planned, now, Hawk?”

  “We made a promise to Igaklay.”

  Everyone focused their attention on the grey-green Ballisonian avatar.

  “Yes! Captain Long is going to search for my creators!”

  “It sounds like you need people without wives, husbands or kids.”

  “That would be best. Or girlfriends. That leaves you out, Corry.”

  “Har, har, Krag. I think some members of the jump squad that I and Doctor McCauley put together might want to join. Are you going to team them up with some Elonian Guardsmen?”

  “That’s the plan.”

  “Um, Commander?”

  “Yes, Gopai?”

  “What about the killer-bees?”

  “I hadn’t thought of that. Good idea. But they won’t work on the moth ship. Iggy tech. we should put some, on the frigate. Four should do.”

  “Then, you’re going to need four pilots. Also single. Or willing to move their family to Ballison.”

  “Yup. But, make that two. To keep things balanced, we’ll train a couple of Elonians.:”

  “I know of some hotshots that are itching for some action.”


  “Hawk, I like the idea of the killer bees. Igaklay, could you pass me their specs? Maybe we could get Bachman to make some.”

  Igaklay froze and unfroze.

  “The specifications are on your tablet, Captain.”

  “Thanks, Igaklay. Kimberly, you and Cansina, put together a sales job for Bachman. Let’s see if we can get some killer-bees onboard.”

  The goth hacker, now second in command of the Ballisonian wormhole ship, scratched a shaved spot on her head and nodded in acceptance.

  “That’s all we’ve got, Corry.”

  “You’re not asking for much, Krag.”

  “Yeah, but, I know you’ll pull through.”

  “I don’t know about the science people, but the rest, I’ll see what we can do.”

  “I’ve got a name for the ship, Captain.”

  “Oh, Kimberly? let’s hear it.”

  “Well, everyone keeps saying it looks like a moth, right? And we’re going to be wandering all over the stars. And well, there’s these moths on Cencore. I guess they came from Old Earth. They’re called gypsy moths. I used to play with them as a kid. Also, while in school, I became interested in a tribe of nomadic people who wandered Old Earth’s European continent. Gypsies. And, well, I liked their perspective on living.”

  “Yeah, Kimmy. I can see where you’d like being a vagabond.”

  “Anyway, I always have dreamed about just getting out and going. And here we are. We are going to wander the stars in a moth ship, not having a clear destination. We’re gypsies with a purpose. So, that’s what I came up with for the name of our ship. Gypsy.”

  “A double entendre. I like it. Gypsy it is.

  “Don’t I get a vote?”

  “No, Pilot. A ship is not a democracy. The Sub-Captain made a recommendation. And I, the Captain, approved. If you have a better idea, submit it to your immediate superior.”


  “Off ship, yes.. Onboard, Sub-Captain Baker.”

  Everyone watched Slim’s droll humor work over the newly named Gypsy’s young pilot.

  “This really blows.”

  “Slim’s right about the rules, Ollie. He’s just jerking your chain. Doctor McCauley and Mack do it to me all the time.”

  “Yeah, Dean. But, I get this twenty-four, seven.”

  “Now that I’m assigned to Griffin, Me too. We’re the newbies. We need to pay our dues.”

  “It still blows.”

  “Yeah. We do get to travel the stars. So cool.”

  As everyone seemed to wind down, and change to social chatter, the always observant Shar approached the table.

  “You all done with your business? Time to eat?”

  “Oh, yeah.“

  “Just ignore him, Shar. Ollie is a bottomless pit when it comes to food.”

  “I don’t mind feeding him. I made a lot of money off him when he raced.”

  “So, I get a free meal?”

  “No, Ollie. Since you aren’t racing anymore, you got to pay your way.”

  Everyone enjoyed Ollie squirm as Shar stuck her own needle in him.

  “But, I don’t have any credits.”

  Feeling sorry for the twenty-something boy, Keiko stepped in.

  “Don’t worry, Ollie. Since you are a member of the HEBA Merchant Fleet, we’ll pick up the tab.”


  “And that doesn’t mean you get to pad the bill, Shar.”

  “Who me? Ambassador, you wound my heart.”

  “How are your steaks, Shar?”

  “Fresh, Krag. The Roths have their meat packing plant running all day and all night. We get fresh shipments every day.”

  “Yeah. Jack told me. He’s got Jack’s Flash making deliveries all over the Federacy.”

  “That’s Ex-Federacy, Hawk. The board took a vote. If Weiskoff or anyone tries to put their boots on our necks again, it’s not going to happen.”


  This perked up Keiko’s ears.

  “Do you plan on going it alone?”

  “Well, this is a little premature, and I might be talking out of school, but, we were thinking that we’d join the HEB Alliance.”

  “Oh. That’s new. It’s a big decision. You should have the Governor call a special session.”

  “I think he’s planning to. Don’t tell him I told you.”

  “Mum’s the word. just let us know.”

  Shar held up her tablet.

  “Now, gentle beings, let’s get some food in those bellies and drinks down your gullets. Who’s first?”

  Naturally, Ollie got his hand up the quickest.

  Chapter 10

  Aboard Vengeance

  “Ready for the final jump, Captain.”

  “All stations, status report. Gunny, weapons hot.”

  “Aye, aye, Captain.

  Sitting in his command chair, Vice-Admiral Weiskoff looked over Vengeance’s bridge as its people prepared for the last jump which would bring the seized, modified Mortek ship to the outskirts of the Sol system. Impatient and driven, he forced himself to remain silent as Captain Brewer prepared his ship f
or the jump.

  After an intolerable five minutes, Captain Brewer turned to the Vice-Admiral.

  “Vengeance is prepared to jump, sir.”

  “Do it, Captain.”

  “Aye, aye, sir.”

  Five hundred lightyears from the Sol system, the heavily modified Mortek cruiser winked from existence. At the outskirts of the Sol system, the same ship seemed to materialize from nothing.

  “Look alive, people. Gunny, see anything?”

  “Nothing close, Captain.”

  “The gate?”

  “Yes, sir. According to our historical data, the gate is still holding position just outside of Saturn.”

  “No activity?”

  “None, sir. Wait! I found a small ship near Saturn.”

  “Put it up on the screen, Mr. Bradley.”

  The entire bridge, including Vice-Admiral Weiskoff. Got their first look at, what they thought to be, an Old Earth spaceship.

  “Small, Captain. It can’t hold too many people. Five, ten, at the most.”

  “This far out, it must be some sort of exploration ship.”

  “Or a sentry ship.”

  “That too, Mr. Bradley. Admiral, orders?”

  “We hold and wait to see what it does, Captain.”

  “Aye, aye, Admiral.”

  “Captain, she just did a power burn towards a large moon.”

  “Bring up a map of this system, Mr. Bradley.”

  Everyone saw a window open with a map of the system.

  ”Titan. She’s ducking behind Titan, Captain.”

  “The ship is still burning towards Titan, sir.”

  “How fast?”

  “Four-point two SOL and accelerating.”

  “That must be rattling some teeth.”

  “Focus, Mr. Collins. Be ready to move.”

  “Aye, aye, Captain.”

  “Captain, open a broadband channel.”

  “Aye, aye, Admiral.”

  Captain Brewer nodded to his com specialist.

  “All Channels open, Captain.”

  Vice-Admiral Weiskoff cleared his throat and began to speak the first words spoken between the Sol System and the Federacy in over a hundred years.

  Aboard UMCR Scout Ship 210

  Almost a thousand years ago, the colonization of Mars had begun. The seven trillionaires who had bankrolled the project had succeeded in slicing out their own fiefdoms, massive networks of domes which littered the red planet like seven clumps of metallic mushrooms.


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