12 Naughty Days of Christmas 2020

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12 Naughty Days of Christmas 2020 Page 71

by Megan McCoy

Afterwards, they somehow made their way through the dark house to the master bedroom. He held her on his lap on the overstuffed chair by the tall window, watching the moon slowly move over the snow-capped mountains in the distance. He had one arm wrapped around her waist and slowly stroked her thigh with the other. Only the thin throw blanket he’d grabbed off the back of the chair covered them, but they were creating enough heat to not catch a chill.

  “Christmas was so lonely this year,” he said quietly, his cheek pressed against her loose hair. “This has been so… unexpected. And nice. I don’t want it to end.”

  “Well, we have like nine hours until sunrise,” she replied with a laugh. Every time he ran his fingers over her skin, she arched her back a little, rubbing her delicious ass over his practically uninterrupted erection.

  He grinned and pressed his lips to her ear, replying in a low, stern voice, “That’s not what I meant, historian.”

  He heard her exhale. “I know. Tomorrow’s my last day, though. December thirtieth I have to be out of here. Legally, I mean. It’s in the will.”

  “Yeah, I know, but it’s so close to New Year’s, and really, what are they going to do, send the Last Will and Testament police out here to arrest you?” He smiled at her giggle and kissed behind her ear.

  “I don’t know, foreman. That sounds like rule breaking. And Pryce Browning wouldn’t have been happy at all with Holly if she’d disregarded a dead man’s wishes.”

  “Make no mistake, Little Miss Eve.” He grabbed under her knee and hooked it over his, spreading her open and making her suck in a breath as the cotton blanket dropped to a heap on the floor. “Bill liked you. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have been in the will. And that clairvoyant bastard must have known that I’d like you, or else he would have scheduled your visits in November and early December like the rest of your relatives. That’s my busiest time of year selling the livestock at auction. I’m hardly ever here then, maybe once or twice a week.”

  “You think?” she asked, suddenly clutching his forearm as he popped her other leg over his and began caressing the unbelievably soft skin inside the top of her thigh. She let out an adorable high moan when he cupped her breast and drew her earlobe into his mouth.

  “He wanted you. Out here with me. Under this late December moon.” He’d never been surer of anything. What a sneaky son of a bitch. Even Bradley didn’t know that he was attracted to cute, nerdy, asthmatic historians. How had Bill Childress known?

  Eve inhaled and arched her back again, rubbing over his erection and bringing him back to the task at hand. He simultaneously circled her clitoris and nipple, speaking in a low, deep voice in her ear. He told her what a good girl she was being. He dipped his finger down between her silky folds of skin and curled his finger inside her, brushing his thumb over her and feeling her tighten around him.

  “Stay with me until New Year’s Day,” he rumbled into her ear, almost ready to burst himself. The friction of her ass rubbing around his cock was getting him there.

  “Yes!” she shouted, so tight around his finger and so lovely as she came. She mumbled some agreement about staying as she writhed on his lap, and that was it for him. He had to grunt out a few expletives as he gripped her hips and buried his face into her neck.

  They breathed heavily in the quiet room for a second, before she turned and curled up under his chin and arm in a way that endeared him so much to her it scared him. He’d never had this. He’d never known he even wanted it.

  “Boy you sure know how to get your way, Bradley Daniels. But if the Last Will and Testament police come, I’m giving you up as an accomplice.”

  He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her, kissing the top of her head. Shit. He’d go to jail for her. He’d do anything for her.

  Chapter 8

  The Bridal Express, Eastbound

  “An annulment is easy.”

  Holly peeled her face off the cold windows of the train car and wiped her damp cheeks. She was surprised she wasn’t all cried out. It had been two days of straight bawling on that train ride, only Zeke and Sarah Zachary to console her. And Rose, who was their daughter, it turned out. Rose had given her space, but remained close from the moment the Zacharys had seen Holly on the depot platform in Silver Creek City.

  They’d rushed to her, worried as to why she was there on their return trip to their headquarters in Washington, D.C. She’d explained everything, including the fact that Pryce would not consummate the marriage. Zeke Zachary had cursed him and declared that Pryce Browning would never be a client again. Sarah had tutted and fussed over her and promised that it wasn’t her fault. And Rose had taken her hand and held her close on the shiny walnut seats of the last train car as they pulled away and Silver Creek City became a speck in the distant mountains.

  “What’s hard is deciding to leave it all behind.”

  Holly nodded at Rose’s wisdom and looked back out at the snowy, flat terrain passing by. “It wasn’t a decision, really.”

  Rose slipped an arm around her shoulder and sighed. “Was he just awful?”

  Holly sniffled and shook her head, as more moisture filled her eyes. “That’s the problem. He was wonderful. He just… didn’t think I was good enough.”

  “Well,” Rose said, folding her arms over her chest. “It’s his loss, anyway. And as my friend Athena, who does my hair would say, screw him!”

  She was so stunned at the language that she blurted out a quick laugh. It had felt good and she was grateful for the companionship. She leaned back and settled in for the rest of the ride, at least taking comfort in that.

  They arrived the next night, deboarding the train at the busy station, and took a black coach back to the academy. Holly was worried. Would they promise her to a new husband? Would they turn her away? Would they let her stay, at least until she could find a way to stand on her own? What would she even do for work?

  “Who is that?” Rose blurted, disturbing the silence of the ride down the streets with dim gas lamp lighting.

  The carriage stopped and they all got out, curious to see the large, dark figure looming at the bottom of the steps to the academy. He wore a dark coat and hat, and they could see the air steam out of his mouth with each breath.

  “I’m here for my wife.”

  The Zacharys looked at one another cautiously, but Holly, unafraid, took a step forward.

  “Christ Almighty.” She shook her head and shivered, maybe from the cold, maybe from something else. “Pryce?”

  The Zacharys looked absolutely shocked, as the large man appeared at Holly’s side in two strides.

  Holly looked confused. “What… What are you… How did you get here?” She wasn’t sure which question to start with. She was sure of one thing, though. He looked angry.

  “Mr. Browning, the marriage was never consummated, therefore the marriage contract is null and void. You have no rights to her as your wife.” Zeke Zachary was about to go on, when Pryce suddenly knelt down in front of Holly and took his hat off, his anger dissipating into something that looked like desperation.

  “Holly, I’ve been a terrible husband, and I’m sorry. I’m gone all day while you do all the washing and cooking, and then I still discipline you after all you do. And I’m sorry. You have to believe me, Holly. I need you. I thought these last two weeks, we’d been getting to know each other, getting along. I didn’t convey that very well. My feelings, I mean. And that’s my fault. I love you, Holly. I want you. I need you.”

  Holly’s mouth was wide open as she stared at him. Her stomach fluttered, though, at his words. Her heart warmed instantly, she had to admit, just at the sight of him.

  “Pryce, I-”

  “But you gave me no indication that you were going to leave me.” His voice turned as cold as the wind blowing through the brownstones around them. He stood slowly. “And that’s on you. I said no lying, Holly, and I meant it. Lying by omission is just as bad. You should have told me how you were feeling. Why you thought you had to leave me. Am I wrong?

  He was so calm, that Holly was just a little frightened. Of him hurting her? Never. Of what he was planning? Definitely. She cleared her throat and straightened her shoulders. “I love you, too, Pryce. But is that enough? When we’re trapped inside during a long winter. When you’ve run out of invented ways I’ve disobeyed you. Then what?”

  She jolted slightly as he stepped forward and gently held her shoulders, staring right into her eyes. “Then we make love all night long.”

  Holly felt her face heat as she turned her eyes towards the Zacharys, who couldn’t look away if they’d tried. Then she turned and wondered what she was supposed to say to that.

  “Starting tonight,” Pryce declared, picking Holly up under her arms and practically tossing her into the black carriage next to him. He turned to Zeke Zachary. “Unless you object, of course? Otherwise, come and call at the Willard in the morning, if you’d like. We’ll be on a train home by tomorrow afternoon.”

  No one said anything. The Zacharys stood in the middle of the street, speechless. Holly sat next to Pryce in the small coach, his presence seemed to make it feel even smaller. He held her hand in his, gently rubbing his thumb along her knuckles.

  “Pryce… I… Are you sure…”

  “It’s you.” His answer was short and certain, and the look in his eyes dared her to argue with him. “It’s only you for me, Holly. I promise that I will let you know that every day for the rest of my life.”

  “Pryce,” she whispered, looking deep into his eyes.

  He took her face into his hands and looked eagerly down at her. Then he pressed his mouth against her soft, waiting lips, kissing her in a way she’d never known two people could. It made her a little more enthusiastic about the upcoming lovemaking of their evening.

  “After your bath and your discipline, we’ll spend the rest of the night doing more of that,” he said with a playful grin.

  Holly pulled back as far as the carriage would let her, and cried out an agitated, “What?”

  Pryce had hopped on the fastest train he could find, The St Louis Express Line. Then he’d rushed to the Zachary’s Companions of the West building. It was easy enough to find, since he’d spent so much time corresponding in the past. He’d found her. His beautiful little wife. He’d apologized. He’d told her exactly what he wanted and how it would be.

  Then he waited.

  All she had to do was look up at him with those trusting eyes. There was longing behind them. Longing for him, he knew. He knew she loved him. He’d just done a poor job of showing her his own feelings. Hiring someone to find a wife had been the easy part, apparently. Keeping her was the problem.

  She said his name in the sweet southern accent, a smile playing on her lips, and that was it. He had her in the coach, heading towards the Willard Hotel, two tickets back home already booked for the next day. It wasn’t until he dropped his itinerary on her that he saw the little bit of the gumption he’d grown to adore. Then he knew he really had her back.

  She didn’t fight him, really, but did strongly object. All through the majestic lobby, up the grand staircase, down the wide hallway lined with tall double doors, and into the corner suite. He knew if he won her back she’d be weary and grimy from the long trip, so he’d had the hotel fill the clawed-foot tub with steaming hot water.

  She looked so appreciatively at it, that she didn’t notice as he started to undress.

  “Oh!” she squeaked primly, turning her body and facing away as he stood next to his pile of clothes. She continued to avoid staring at him as he calmly walked across the white octagonal tile floor and eased into the steaming water.

  “Time to get in, Holly.” Nodding, he knew she knew they’d have to eventually see one another naked. Her modesty was sweet, but he needed her to follow his instructions too. He had a lot planned for the evening.

  She slowly and torturously began to remove her coat, that blue dress she’d had on for three days, laced ankle boots, tight corset, and that was when she paused.

  Pryce relaxed in the large tub and raised a single brow at her. “All of it, Holly.”

  She nodded and reached for the hem of her thin white undershirt. She peeled it off, revealing a pair of perfect breasts. Pryce bit his lip, as she dropped her petticoat, opened the back of her bloomers and let them fall in a white heap. She followed with the long, white stockings tied high on her thighs, then quickly tiptoed across the cold tile and leapt into the water in front of him.

  They cleaned quickly, Pryce moving things along maybe a little faster than Holly wanted, but he needed things to proceed. He stepped out and wrapped the thin towel around his hips, then helped her out as she tried desperately to hide herself. He rubbed the second towel up and down her body, then tossed it aside.

  “Come on, Holly.” He took her hand and led her out into the dark room, a bed and sofa lit only by the fire. He sat on the end of the bed and quickly pulled her naked, slender frame over his lap. “Now it’s time for your spanking.”

  “Pryce, I’m sorry. I really, really am!” She struggled over his thigh as he hitched it on the soft bed, letting her drape over one leg. She kicked her legs back, though, and even banged her fists in an adorable, frustrated way.

  He raised his hand and smacked it down pretty hard, causing her to cry out, but stop kicking.


  He rubbed his hand over her extremely soft skin and then slapped his hand down again.

  “When I couldn’t find you after I left the bank, I felt a little part of myself die, Holly Browning.” He growled out the statement, so he decided to take a quick breath and continue rubbing the round cheeks of his beautiful wife. “And now I have a lot of apologizing to do around town, because I hollered in everyone’s face until someone told me they thought they saw you at the train depot.”

  She whimpered, maybe out of remorse, maybe because she didn’t like being over his knee, but he quickly smacked his hand down a dozen more times. Her skin was turning very pink and warm.

  “You are my wife. You can be certain that I will spend the rest of my life making sure you know what that means.” He grabbed her shoulders and turned her to sit on his lap, feeling the heat from her backside through his towel. He stared into her eyes. “It means I love you. Forever. You’re mine and I’m yours. We do this, we do everything, together. Do you understand?”

  She nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck, crying into his shoulder. “Yes, yes. I’m so sorry, Pryce. For running away. For worrying you. For giving up on you. It’s my fault, too. And I know, I know, now, that you’ve been telling me how you feel in your own way.” She exhaled and looked down, frowning and disappointed.

  Pryce took her chin in his hand and tilted her head up. “From now on I’m also going to actually say the words when I want to tell you how I feel, all right?”

  She nodded, so gorgeous with watery blue eyes, sitting naked on his lap after he’d spanked her. Which brought him to his final point.

  “You left without talking to me. Without telling me why. I told you I don’t like lying, Holly, didn’t I? That people can get hurt?”

  She looked guiltily up at him and nodded.

  “I’m going to show you how much I love you right here.” He nodded over his shoulder at the bed and smiled at her blush. “I’m going to do it as much as possible, as the matter of fact. But for the next week, Holly Browning, you’ll be getting a hard spanking before I do so.”

  Her mouth dropped open as she looked up at him, cheeks pink, but finally bit her lip and nodded in acceptance. He didn’t know what he’d done to deserve her, but he wasn’t letting her get away again.

  Carefully, he turned and laid her back on the dark comforter, her skin and hair a pale shock against it. He kissed up her leg, crawling up her body like a predator, licking where she needed it, nipping where she wanted it, and finally pressing the length of his body into hers with a deep kiss on her soft lips.

  She answered him with enthusiasm, holding his neck and wr
apping her legs around him. It was perfect anyway, but when she spoke, he almost reached his climax right there.

  “I love you, Pryce,” she whispered against his lips.

  “Love you forever,” he replied with a grin, slowly entering her, so as not to hurt her.

  They must have made love a handful of times, before finally sleeping in the luxurious suite. The next day they stayed in bed, eating lazily and learning more and more about one another. When it was time to leave, they made their way through the hotel and the city, hand in hand, kissing and touching on the way to the train station like the pair of newlyweds that they were.

  Pryce grinned at her as they boarded their sleeping car, knowing that she knew she’d be spanked at least three times in there, but also loved. And he couldn’t wait to show her the surprise he had waiting at home.

  Chapter 9

  Silver Creek

  Eve’s boots stomped on the wide deck by the creek as she tried to get the snow off. She pulled her hood back and smiled as the sun set over the mountains, light reflecting off the winding creek and making it look, well, silver. She bet that under the moonlight it looked even more so.

  She walked past the Adirondack chairs under the pine trees with a frown, though. The white tags tied with strings that she’d seen on almost all of the furniture in the house were even out there on the party deck. They were marking each item that her relatives had called “dibs” on. She hadn’t claimed anything yet. She just couldn’t bring herself to separate the antiques from their rightful home.

  She didn’t really want to separate herself from that home, either. First, she didn’t really have a place to return to. Her ex had given her four months in the Georgetown condo before kicking her out, and as of December thirty-first she was hereby kicked out. But she hadn’t found a new place yet. She’d been traveling so much for work that she hadn’t had time.

  Then on Christmas day she’d gotten the call from Ms. Simson, the attorney for Bill’s estate, and she’d figured what better way to close out the year than on the beautiful ranch. She really hadn’t expected to find Bradley, which made the fact that she had to leave and go back to DC alone and with no home, even worse.


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