Risking It (Fake Boyfriend Duet Book 2)

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Risking It (Fake Boyfriend Duet Book 2) Page 6

by Madeleine Labitan

  He chuckles. "He'd been really grumpy, hadn't he?"

  "Oh, you have no idea."

  His deep blue eyes stare into mine, and I watch as his Adam's apple bobs in his throat. He moves closer. "Beanie?"


  "Can I kiss you?"

  My heart stops and I squeak out, "Y-You want to kiss me?"

  Duane swallows, then nods. "Yes."

  He wants to kiss me. Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God. What should I tell him?

  Say yes, dummy!

  I lick my lips, drawing his hooded eyes to them, and whisper, "Okay."

  "Let's get these out of the way first." Slowly, he raises his hands and takes my glasses off.

  I can feel my pulse hammering like crazy in my ears. I can't believe this is happening again. And there's no one around, just the two of us.

  Which tells me everything I need to know. Just like the last time, he's going to kiss me because he wants to kiss me.

  Swallowing hard, I watch as he moves a little more closer. Then he's leaning down—

  "Hey, man, what's taking so long? I thought you were just getting drinks."

  Gray's voice from the living room has us jumping away from each other so fast that my hip bumps against the counter.

  "Ow." I grimace in pain, clutching my hip.

  Duane's eyes widen, his arms reaching out toward me. "Are you okay?"

  I lift a hand. "I'm fine." Just a little embarrassed and pissed that we got interrupted. So close. "Here," I say, getting another glass of lemongrass iced tea for Gray. "You should go back before he comes barging in here."

  "Yeah. That's probably a good idea," he smirks, rubbing the back of his neck. Grabbing the drinks, he starts to head off. "So, uh, see you later?"

  I smile. "Definitely."


  "I guess that means we no longer have to think of ways to get them to talk," Indie says as I wait for her in front of her locker.

  "Yeah, that's what I was thinking."

  "How did they make up, anyway? Didn't Duane tell you?"

  "Not really."

  Aside from the fact that he refused to elaborate, I got sidetracked by our almost-kiss. I was so close to feeling his lips against mine but then we got interrupted.

  What's going on between us? Why does it feel like we're not faking it anymore? Well, at least I know I haven't been faking it. But Duane—it's starting to feel like he wants our relationship to be real.

  Oh, please let that be the case.

  Because how else am I going to interpret his weird actions the past few days? It's not like I'm being presumptuous here. I didn't just imagine those dark, intense looks and his hostility toward Justin. And that kiss…

  "What are you smiling about?" Indie's amused voice brings me back to the present.

  My cheeks burn. "Just, um, remembered something."

  "Uh-huh. Looks like a good memory to me." She gives a teasing smile. "By any chance, does it have something to do with Duane?"

  "Maybe." I bite back a smile of my own.

  "Well, don't keep me hanging. Tell me."

  And that's exactly what I do. I tell her about Duane and Heather's conversation I'd eavesdropped on. How I expected Duane to end our fake relationship but instead he brought me to The Ice Cream Shop. How I chanced upon Justin there and how Duane acted hostile around him. And at Brad's party, how I overheard Heather and Merritt talking about us. Then lastly, I tell her about the kiss in the shop and the almost-kiss in my kitchen, trying not to grin silly as I do so.

  Her eyes are wide, and her mouth is hanging open, by the time I'm done. "Oh, wow. So much has happened the last few days, huh?"

  "You have no idea." I blow out a breath, relieved that I'm now able to tell my best friend everything.

  "Okay, let's start with the kiss. Because oh my freaking God!" Indie waggles her eyebrows at me as we walk down the hall.

  I grin. "I know, right?"

  "You know, when it all started, I was really worried that you'd end up with a broken heart. I'm glad it's not turning out that way."

  "Are we really sure about that, though?" A small frown creases my forehead. "Heather is still certain that Duane will go back to her. Maybe she's right. Maybe he's just playing hard to get."

  She shoots me a pointed look. "Or maybe she's just believing what she wants to believe. She's just trying to convince herself that she hasn't lost Duane yet."

  My eyebrows rise. "You really think so?"

  "I mean, she's one of the Four Blondes. Those girls are always out of touch with reality."

  While I appreciate that Indie is being positive and supportive, I still have some apprehensions—okay, major apprehensions—about Duane. As much as I'm giddy and flustered by his kisses, my feet are still rooted to the ground. I can't trust him not to continue his plan to win Heather back. He still hasn't outright told me that he's already done with her. That he's already moved on from their relationship. He's still pretty much tight-lipped about that.

  So until that question is answered, I wouldn't be fully assured that we'd go somewhere.

  Right now, all I can do is hope.


  I'm crossing through the parking lot to get to my car when I see the boy leaning against a black SUV.

  The side of my lips pull up. "Justin Samuels."

  Grinning, he straightens to his full height and saunters toward me. "Are we starting a thing where you'll call me by my full name every time we see each other? If that's the case, I think it's just fair that you tell me yours so I can return the favor next time."

  "Sorry," I laugh. "I can't help it. And as for my last name, it's Turner."

  "So, Allie Turner?"

  "Allison Turner, actually. But, yeah, everyone calls me Allie."

  "Ah," he nods, smirking. "Got it."

  "What are you doing here, anyway? Are you waiting for someone? A sibling, friend, or a girlfriend maybe?" I let out a laugh. "Sorry, I'm being nosy. Just curious."

  "It's fine," he chuckles. "And to answer your question, it's none of the above. I'm waiting for Aunt Edna."

  "Wait." My eyes pop in surprise. "Edna as in Principal Hudson? She's your aunt?"

  "Yeah. She's my dad's sister." He runs a hand through his red hair. "Small world, huh?"

  I smile. "You can say that."

  Justin shifts on his feet, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "So, uh, where's your boyfriend?"

  "Boyfriend?" My brows furrow. "Oh, you mean Duane."

  "Is he not your boyfriend? I mean, that's what he said at The Ice Cream Shop. And then I saw you two kissing."

  I feel my cheeks flame. "Yes. No. I mean," I shake my head, "it's complicated."

  His eyes narrow. "Complicated how?"


  "There you are." A kiss lands on my cheek before an arm drapes over my shoulders.

  Belly fluttering, I glance up and smile at Duane. "Hey."

  "Been looking all over for you, Beanie. You weren't going to ditch me, were you?"

  "Beanie?" Justin interjects with a raised brow.

  I wave a hand, rolling my eyes. "It's a long story."

  "Jason, right?" Duane finally acknowledges Justin in a slightly mocking tone, earning a glare from me.

  "It's Justin, actually," Justin corrects him before I can. "And you're Danny, right?"

  Duane flashes a dark smile. “Duane. But Allie already told you that.”

  The corner of Justin’s mouth tips up in a smirk. “Honestly, I don’t remember.”

  I squeeze my eyes shut, feeling a migraine coming. Is this seriously happening right now? I open an eye to take a peek.

  Yep. They're still locked in a stare-down.

  Why are boys like this?

  Before I can intervene, Justin glances down and takes his phone out of his pocket. “Aunt Edna is asking me to come to her office.”

  Well, thank God for that. “You probably shouldn’t keep her waiting.”

  “See you later?”

  I nod, smiling.

  He grins at me, then shoots Duane a slight smirk before heading toward the main building.

  “What a punk,” Duane scoffs behind me as we watch him walk away.

  I round on him with a glare. “And you’re a jerk.”

  He scowls at me. “Oh, I’m the jerk? He’s the one who came here and acted like a punk.”

  “Wrong. We were just talking, then you interrupted us and acted like a punk"—I use air quotes around the word—"by calling him Jason. I told you, his name is Justin.”

  He doesn’t say anything, his jaw clenching tightly.

  I study him. “Seriously, what’s your problem with him?”

  He still doesn’t respond, just glances away.

  My heart stutters in my chest. Something’s happening here. Something huge. And it’s about to change everything.

  “Duane, are you…” I swallow hard. “Are you jealous of Justin?”

  Slowly, his eyes snap back to mine, and the emotion I see in them staggers me. “Damn right I am.”

  I suck in a sharp breath, whispering, “Why?”

  He moves closer, his eyes sharp, piercing mine. “Do you really need me to spell it out, Beanie?”

  I just nod, my hands practically trembling as I grip the sides of the dress I’m wearing. While my heart is slamming furiously against my ribcage, threatening to spill out of me.

  He takes a visibly shaky breath, telling me I’m not the only one feeling flustered right now. “I can’t stop thinking about you, okay? Is that what you want to hear?” Running his fingers through his dark blonde hair, he goes on. "Ever since we started this whole fake girlfriend thing, you've been in my head. It's like you've set up camp and refused to leave."

  Holy crap! My eyes pop wide. "I, uh—"

  He takes my hand in his and licks his lips. “Allie, I think," he swallows hard, "I think I want this to be real."

  Oh, God. I think I’m going to faint.

  I shut my eyes. Focus. “But what about Heather? Isn’t she the one you want? I mean, she’s the reason why we started this whole thing. Now, you’re saying you don’t want her anymore?”

  Is this a dream? Because if it’s a dream then I don’t want to wake up.

  He squeezes my hand, his eyes gleaming with emotion. "Let's just say, being with you made me realize I really didn't want the things I thought I wanted. Does that make sense?"

  “No," I choke out on a laugh, happiness bursting inside me. "But they're the right words to say." Then I’m crossing the small distance between us and kissing him.


  I'm standing on a cloud nine. At least, that's exactly what it feels like these past few days. Ever since Duane confessed his feelings for me at the school parking lot, I've been smiling nonstop and feeling like I'm walking on clouds.

  Duane is my boyfriend now. Not a fake boyfriend, but a real boyfriend. It's really happening.

  I'd say I'm dreaming but no matter how many times I pinch myself, I'm not "waking up." I'm still very much in a relationship with the boy I love, who seems intent on proving that he's the perfect boyfriend.

  We're always together—in school and out of school—that Indie has been teasing me of being attached to his hip. To which I just respond with a smile and giggle.

  I have a feeling Gray already knows about this new development. I haven't told him anything, but he doesn't seem surprised to see Duane acting sweet toward me even at home. He'd just fake-gag and look away.

  Hah. I see it as payback for making me deal with his constant PDA with my best friend.

  Smiling at the group of senior girls passing by and greeting me, I stop at my locker to get some books. Opening the door, I quickly grab them. I just closed it when arms wrap around me followed by a kiss on my cheek.

  A grin breaks across my face. Speak of the boyfriend. I wait for Duane to let go before turning around to face him. “Good morning.”

  “Morning,” he smirks in that gorgeous way he does, taking the books from my arms and tucking it to his side. Draping his other arm over my shoulders, he led me away from my locker. “You fell asleep on me last night.”

  “I did, didn’t I?” I wince. “Sorry.”

  “It’s okay. I enjoyed hearing you snore.”

  “Hey, I don’t snore,” I argue, feeling my cheeks blush. I really don’t. Do I?

  "Want me to record it next time?" he teases.

  I glare up at him. "Don't you dare."

  Chuckling, he leans down for a quick kiss.

  "You guys are so cute." Kiera coos at us from her locker.

  "Right?" the girl next to her agrees. "So adorable."

  I just smile at them, not caring if they really mean it or not. They can think whatever they want. As far as I'm concerned, I'm happy.

  Stopping in front of my classroom, Duane turns to face me. "I was thinking we could get ice cream or something later, but I remembered I have lacrosse practice." He grimaces a little. "So how about I just swing by your house after?"

  I nibble my bottom lip. "That would be nice."

  His eyes darken. "You kill me when you do that."

  And that's exactly why I love doing it. But I don't tell him that. Instead, I lean up on my toes and kiss him.

  It's supposed to be a quick one, but Duane has another thing in mind. Pushing my glasses up to my head, he recaptures my lips and gives me a proper toe-curling kiss.

  Until a throat-clearing sound has us stepping away from each other. My first period teacher is already here, and she's shooting us a disapproving glance, making me blush and Duane smile sheepishly.

  "Later," he mouths with a wink before walking to his class.

  Smiling to myself, I quickly head inside the class, not wanting to be handed a detention slip.


  True to his word, Duane comes over to my house after his practice, trailing after Gray through the door just as I'm padding down the stairs.

  His big grin when he sees me makes my heart skip a beat. I will never not love how he looks at me. The way his face brightens up, as if the mere sight of me makes his whole day.

  Now, I know why Indie and Gray are attached at the hip at all times. Being in a relationship with the one you love is the best thing ever.

  Walking up to Duane with a big smile of my own, I slip my arms around his middle and press my cheek to his chest.

  "This again," Gray grumbles behind me, which I happily ignore.

  "Come on, let's go up to my room." I pull Duane's hand behind me. I've been wanting to binge-watch my favorite series on Netflix.

  "Actually, I'm hoping we can grab some snacks first. I'm kinda hungry," he says sheepishly, stopping me.

  "Well, you're in luck because Mom just ordered pizza." So instead of pulling him up to my room, I usher him to the kitchen where Gray is already seated and eating his slice of pizza.

  He groans when he sees us walking in. "No disgusting shit in here, okay?"

  I roll my eyes at him while Duane simply chuckles.

  While we dig into the pizza, Duane and Gray talk about practice and their teammates and their upcoming games. Lacrosse doesn't interest me so I tune them out, content to quietly browse through my Instagram feed.

  Until my eyes lands on Heather's latest post. It's a picture of her and the rest of the Four Blondes. They're smiling at the camera, and judging from the drinks at their table, they're at the smoothie place. It's the caption and not the picture that gets my attention though. Who needs boys when you've got awesome friends?

  I would have believed her if I didn't know how much she wants Duane back. But then, maybe she has really moved on this time. Who knows with girls like her who never run out of options?

  "Why are you being quiet?" Duane nudges me.

  I quickly scroll past Heather's picture before turning to him. "Nothing. Just checking my Instagram. Where did Gray go?" I didn't even notice him leave the kitchen.

  "He said he was going over to Indie's."

  "Of course," I snort
. Drinking the last of my soda, I shoot up to my feet. "Are you ready to go up to my room now?"

  "Yeah," he says, doing the same. "But first things first." He snakes an arm around my waist, drawing me to him. "I haven't got my kiss yet."

  "I'm pretty sure I already gave you one," I tease as butterflies dance in my belly, knowing full well I haven't.

  "Pretty sure you didn't." Then he puckers his lips playfully, making me laugh.

  "Your face looks weird." I bite my lip to keep from laughing again. "Sorry to say but the look doesn't suit you."

  "But I bet this one does," he murmurs, humor leaving him as he dips his head and slants his lips over mine.

  Kissing Duane Hollis will never get old. It's like listening to my favorite song on a loop and every start feels like the first time. I'll never get tired of the touch of his lips against mine and the way his kisses make me feel—like I'm floating in the air with no danger of falling.

  “So, I take it the two of you are dating now?”

  With a stiff back and wide eyes, I disentangle myself from Duane and turn to face my mom.

  My mom who's currently staring at us with an unreadable expression on her face. Yeah, I haven't told her and Dad about us yet. And she has been going out lately, so this is the first time she's seeing Duane and I act like a couple.

  God, this is awkward.

  Duane clears his throat, pink staining his cheeks. "Yes, Mrs. Turner. Allie and I are together now."

  Mom lifts a brow. "And Gray is okay with it?"

  I simply nod.

  I mean, it's true. Just as long as we're not acting too sweet in front of him, he's totally fine. Duane must have really given a good grovel for him to be suddenly "supportive" of us.

  "Well, that's good to hear." Mom glances between us before addressing me. "Just...keep your bedroom door open, okay?" Then she's walking off.

  Duane lets out a low chuckle. "For a moment there, I thought she was going to ask what my intentions are when it comes to you."

  I smirk. "Now, wouldn't that be fun?"

  "Yeah. For you," he scoffs. Then he's reaching for my hand. "Come on, Beanie, your TV show awaits."

  "Wait. I think I'd like to hear more about these intentions."


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