Kitty Kitty

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Kitty Kitty Page 4

by Vale, Lani Lynn

  “They’re gonna think you’re smart,” Sin disagreed. “Deke!”

  Deke, a six-foot-nine powerhouse who had a couple of screws loose, looked up from where he was still reading a book at the picnic table. “What?”

  “Can you come here and read while making sure no one gets close to her?” Sin asked. “That way I can go save dumbass over there?”

  “The fucking moron who started this all?” Deke asked. “How about you just let him die?”

  A shiver ran through me.

  Deke wasn’t all there.

  Not in a ‘he has something wrong with his brain kind of way’ but in a ‘he has no fucking morals’ kind of way.

  That was why he was in here.

  Some asshole had thought it’d be funny to hurt his kid.

  So what had Deke done? Deke had run over him with his car. Twice. Popped the douchebag’s head like a watermelon by running over it.

  Then, when he got out and the guy was lying down on the ground, bleeding and broken, Deke had pulled his gun and shot him in the dick.

  Though, granted, Deke had been kind of justified, which was why he’d only gotten ten years in here, and not life.

  See, it came out in court that the same moronic motherfucker had tried to come onto Deke’s sixteen-year-old before, and Deke had told him to back off.

  The guy obviously hadn’t taken the warning for what it was, and Deke hadn’t been playing around.

  “What’s in it for me?” Deke went back to his book.

  “The ‘good inmate’ thing that allows you to have macaroni…” Sin left it hanging.

  Good inmates got special privileges. Like being able to buy Kraft Macaroni from the prison store and using a special lounge to cook it.

  Deke really fucking liked that.

  Then again, who didn’t like macaroni?

  “Fine,” Deke grumbled as he unfolded his massive frame from the picnic table.

  The table groaned as it was relieved of his weight, and it was only then that I saw the entire thing shift back to where all four legs rested on the ground instead of only three.

  “Thanks, Deke.” Sin tossed me a look over his shoulder that clearly said ‘stay here.’

  I stayed.

  I wasn’t stupid.

  I wasn’t going to get into a hundred men battling it out to the death.

  There were no rules here.

  But I also wasn’t going to be able to lie around and allow a fellow guard, inmate or not, to have his life taken away.

  I moved slightly to the side when Deke stood directly in front of me and started to read again.

  “If you stay behind me, nobody will see you, and I won’t have to do anything besides stand here. If you move, and people see a guard behind me, that means that they’ll come over here and engage. Which, I don’t want to do. I haven’t finished this book yet, and I’m on the last chapter,” Deke grumbled.

  I sighed and moved a little farther back until he was covering me. Mostly. And then peeked around his arm again.

  Sin was stalking across the courtyard, avoiding punches and kicks, looking like the utter badass that he was as he made his way toward Drummond.

  Drummond was turning purple now, and the man on top of him was laughing.

  Sin stopped when one guy flung himself into the path that Sin was making toward Drummond, with a shank the size of his arm in his hand.

  Sin shook his head and held up his hands placatingly.

  The man swung at Sin, but Sin did a complicated move that I never even saw coming.

  One second he was standing, the next he was on the ground with a gasping fish face after Sin had all but punched him in the throat.

  Sin stepped over him, picked up the shank, and kept walking.

  This time, nobody stepped into his path. Maybe it was the really pissed off face that Sin was wearing, or the fact that he had a shiv. Whatever the reason, when he got to the man choking Drummond, all he did was place the crude plastic to the man’s throat and poke him.

  The man dropped the shirt, which Sin then picked up and tossed over his shoulder casually, making me realize that it was his.

  He gave one last look at the inmate who was quickly getting up off the guard and then reached unceremoniously for Drummond.

  He had him by the collar of his flack vest and was dragging him our way when it happened.

  Drummond seized the weapon in Sin’s hands and yanked it out of his hold, causing his entire hand to filet open.

  Sin cursed and dropped him to the ground, kicking him away from him as he used the t-shirt in his hand to wrap around his profusely bleeding hand. He tossed Drummond a furious, pissed off look and left him there, still gasping, with the shiv.

  I gritted my teeth and growled in anger as Sin made his way back toward me.

  Another inmate was upon Drummond then, and Drummond’s scream of pain as the inmate punched him and stole his shiv did nothing to cause Sin to turn around.

  Not that I blamed him.

  Drummond, again, was a dumbass.

  “Damn, this is a good book,” the big man in front of me said when Sin was two steps away.

  “What’s it about?” Sin asked as he chanced a look at his hand.

  He grimaced and replaced the shirt over his hand, but I saw the damage to it.

  That was going to need a shit ton of stitches.

  Luckily, before I could say that to him, the guards in riot gear came out and started to rein in all the inmates.

  “You two get behind me so they don’t think that you’re being bad boys,” I ordered as I stepped in front of them.

  Sin hissed in an angry breath, but ultimately allowed me to do what I could.

  “It’s about a man and a woman who are in a plane crash. The man, or boy really, is just barely sixteen. He crashes with his tutor, who’s like twenty-five or something. They’ve been on this abandoned island for years after this plane crash, and the kid’s grown. I think. I skipped a bit to get to this part. Now they’re together.” He paused. “They have kids on this island and everything before they’re rescued.”

  That actually sounded kind of awful.

  Why would anyone want to raise kids on an abandoned island?

  Then again, if I was left with a man that I found attractive, like Sin, and we were stranded, and I didn’t have any birth control? Well, depending on however long it took me to get rescued, say five years, I’d likely have five kids back to back.

  Sin was just that hot and delectable and irresistible to me.

  “It ends with them getting rescued, her being charged with statutory rape, and then them running off into the sunset together anyway.” He paused. “Guess he was underage when they first did it. That’s kind of sucky how it ended. His parents were douchebags.”

  I looked at him over my shoulder, taking my eyes away from the guards that were getting the inmates in line, and said, “So you’d be okay with a man that was say, ten years older than your daughter getting her pregnant when she was sixteen?”

  “My daughter is a smart cookie. If that’s what she wants, who the hell am I to deny her anyway? Statutory rape is supposed to stop some thirty-year-old from talking some dumbass kid, say thirteen, into doing it. They’re too young yet to make those kinds of decisions.” He told me. “Here, read it. I’ll bet you like it when you read how it was done.”

  I might.

  I took the book just in time to see a man come running my way.

  The man that’d taken the shiv.

  He had it up over his head like a goddamn sword and was bringing it down toward my face when I instinctively raised the book up high over my head.

  I caught the shiv with the book, twisted it, and then helped the guy onto the ground with a kick of my steel-toed boots straight to the balls.

  I heard a disgusting sounding pop, and then he was crying and wheezing on the ground.

  “Damn,” Deke said. “That was a twenty-dollar book.”

  I felt Sin’s hands on my hip for a
few short seconds. Then he was pushing me forward so that he could reach for the shiv.

  “Don’t touch it,” I recommended. “They’re on their way and they’re all antsy. They’re going to see you with that and think you’re the enemy.”

  Sin sighed and stood back straight.

  “Fuck,” he grumbled.

  I backed up until Sin’s body was pressed to mine.

  And that was when I felt it.

  His hard cock. Pressed against my backside.

  • • •

  “Another fight in the yard,” I heard someone grumble. “Want to guess who is responsible again?”

  “Drummond,” the doctor said as he tied the last stitch into Sin’s hand and then stood up with a stretch. “Of fucking course.”

  “You think you can handle this, Mackenzie?” the nurse and the doctor asked at once.

  I rolled my eyes. “Of course, I can handle this. Go. Before that dumbass bleeds out in the yard.”

  Both men left before the words had fully left my mouth.

  “That was a mistake.”

  I turned to see Sin now standing, his body tense.

  The thin orange pants he was wearing did very, very little to hide the erection straining the seams.

  I’d always, always, wanted to see past them. To see what lay underneath that ugly orange fabric.

  At this point, I couldn’t see anything freakin’ orange without thinking about his cock.

  And hell, it didn’t even have to be hard for it to get my attention.

  Like today, for example.

  He’d been running in the yard, and he was wearing prison-issued boxers underneath those ugly orange pants. And with each powerful stride he took, the fabric would bunch just well enough over his cock that I could see the outline of his penis head.

  “Yeah?” I asked, feeling myself move closer.

  “Yeah,” he agreed. “Don’t come any closer to me.”

  I moved closer.

  I couldn’t stop myself.

  “Or what?” I asked breathlessly.

  It’d been a very long time since he’d gotten here. Not long as in years, but long as in, he’d been slowly killing me.

  You know that song “Killing Me Softly” by Fugees? I didn’t exactly know if the song itself meant what I felt when I heard it and thought of what Sin did to me. But in my mind, that song represented everything that I couldn’t have.

  It’d all begun when he was a drill instructor and I was a lowly recruit.

  Then it’d morphed into something more after he’d done what he’d done to wind up in prison. All for me.

  Stolen glances.

  Rare touches.

  Those things were what I lived for since he’d gotten inside.

  And I knew that nobody understood my deep-seated need to stay with the man—stay close—but it made sense to me.

  Because it led me to this moment in time.

  Me so fucking close to the man that I could walk right up and touch him if I wanted to. If he’d let me.

  “You know,” I said softly as I moved around the room. “Your name really is fitting.”

  He grinned and looked away, his body so tense that his veins were pulsing along the surface of his skin.

  I reached for the wrap that the nurse had been about to put around Sin’s hand before she left and walked up to him slowly.

  He tensed, not in fear, but in anticipation.

  How did I know it was anticipation?

  Because his cock was still hard, pulsing now, and the closer I moved to him, the more the veins in his neck popped out, and the tighter his fist clenched.

  “Sit down,” I urged. “I can’t reach you all the way over there.”

  Sin tensed but moved until he was sitting once again.

  His cock, yet again, was straining his pants, but neither one of us paid it any mind as he slowly got himself situated on the gurney in front of me.

  “You’re gonna have to be careful with this hand for a while,” I found myself saying.

  He grunted out a ‘yeah’ but didn’t say much more as he watched me come toward him.

  The moment that my hand brushed his, a hiss left his throat, and our eyes met.

  Keeping my eyes on his, I blindly wrapped the wrap around the palm of his hand.

  Likely, it resembled a three-year-old’s attempt at doctoring her ‘baby.’


  Sin’s eyes held me captive, and I couldn’t look away even if I tried.

  The moment that the sticky fabric reached its end, I pressed down lightly and dropped my hands to my sides.

  Only, when I did, the tips of two fingers brushed against the hard length of him.

  We both froze.

  Him because I’d just touched his cock, and me because, oh my God. I’d just touched his cock.

  One second, he was staring into my eyes, and the next I found myself up against him, pulled in tight, with his mouth on mine.

  Our kiss was… savage.

  There was no other word for it.

  There were years of pent-up feelings—rage, need, desire, desperation—in that kiss.

  But one thing I knew for sure.

  After this kiss, I would never be the same.

  His mouth tasted like copper. Blood. Whether it was the fist to the face he’d taken—I hadn’t seen it happen, but I could see the evidence of the swelling and slight bruising around his mouth—or the fact that I’d cut him with my teeth in my exuberance, I didn’t know.

  What I did know was that there was such a firestorm going on in my blood that I was finding it hard to breathe, let alone think.

  When he pulled back, both of us were gasping for air.

  Then we weren’t thinking anymore.

  With two smooth, quick strides he was leading me to the wall in the back of the small room, behind a small partitioned curtain.

  Then we were tearing at each other’s clothes.

  Luckily, I’d taken off my belt when I’d come in here because it was uncomfortable.

  Unluckily, I still had on my tight as hell pants, and there was no way in hell I was getting my boots undone anytime soon.

  They had laces all the way up to mid-calf.

  Understanding dawned on his face, which caused him to pull back.

  “Get your pants down,” he ordered. “And turn around.”

  I didn’t so much as hesitate.

  The moment that those raspy words came out of that beautiful mouth, I acted like that was the one and only order that I would ever hear again.

  He let me go just far enough to allow me to move.

  That, and allow himself to get his pants down to around his ankles.

  I didn’t look down.


  But I could feel him there, only a scant inch away, practically pressed up against my body, as he slowly worked the length of his cock with his fist.

  Closing my eyes, I frantically pulled at the buttons of my pants, and at one point, my knuckles brushed against something hot, soft, and warm.

  I moaned and pulled at my pants, clawing myself in the process of pushing them down over my generous hips.

  The moment that they were far enough down that I would have to bend over, I turned around.

  Then did the bending.

  He hissed when my backside pressed against his tip.

  “Son of a bitch,” I heard him say.

  “Hurry,” I pleaded. “Just fucking hurry.”

  He knew the why of my urgency.

  We would only get a few minutes, max, to make this happen.

  A few minutes for him to get inside of me, fuck me to hell and back, make us both come, and then separate.

  I felt his tip at my entrance, and I had enough forethought to slam my hand over my mouth just before his cock was thrust so hard and deep inside of me that I could do nothing more than scream.

  “Shhh,” he growled, his hands latching on to both hips. “I want to be able to come. Won’t be able to if you get them
in here before I do.”

  I closed my eyes and moaned, the soft sound filling the large room despite his warnings.

  He tightened his hands on my hips, likely leaving bruises.

  But I didn’t care.

  All I could think about was how good having his big cock inside of me felt, finally.

  It felt like everything I’d ever imagined it would be.

  Jesus Christ, there really were no words.

  He thrust into me hard and fast, his body slamming into mine so hard that a steady slap-slap-slap filled the room.

  There was no way that anybody would be able to mistake it for anything other than what it was if they happened upon the sound—or us.

  His hands tightened even harder on my hips, and I knew he was close.

  Fingers snaking down to between my legs, I hurriedly circled my clit with two fingers, amazed at how wet I was.

  But honestly, I shouldn’t be all that amazed.

  I mean, this was Sin that was inside me. Sin that’d kissed me. Sin that was going to come deep inside of me.

  Three of my most-wanted things.

  “Fuck, you’re beautiful,” he growled as he pushed into me with a little more force than he had been previously.

  That’s when I heard the talking.

  The guards were nearby.

  They were bullshitting about something. The riot. The fact that Drummond got his ass kicked, and was even then getting the reaming of a lifetime from the warden for his actions.

  I pressed my face against my hand and clenched my teeth, feeling the start of something so intense deep in my belly that at first, I got a little scared.

  Listen, I’d had orgasms before. I lost my virginity in the back seat of a borrowed pickup truck to the town bad boy.

  It was awful, and from then on, I’d promised myself that if I was going to have sex again, it was going to be with someone that meant something to me.

  And Sin meant something.

  Sin meant a whole lot of something.

  Even more, he knew what to do with his cock.

  That, or I was just that far gone for him that it didn’t matter what he did.

  I was going to orgasm.

  I’d just never experienced something so intense before, and I hadn’t even had the orgasm yet.

  But oh, boy, could I feel it building.

  It was building hard and fast and there was not a damn thing that I could do to stop it, even if I’d wanted to—which I didn’t.


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