Sweet Emotion: East Coast Sugar Daddies: Book 1

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Sweet Emotion: East Coast Sugar Daddies: Book 1 Page 11

by Bates, Austin

  It’s okay to adapt.

  Wasn’t that what I had spent my career helping others to do? And here Kade was doing it for me. This shouldn’t be happening. This…

  “Relax,” he said. He leaned down over me and pressed his lips to mine, a brief touch of a kiss before pulling away. “Just let me show you this.”

  “No,” I whispered. “Go away, Kade.”

  “No way.” He kissed me again, this time on my forehead. He smoothed my sweaty hair with his hand. His attention was so gentle, so kind, so loving, the tight, tangled knot of anger and embarrassment inside me unraveled. The components were still there, but I no longer felt… blocked.

  Because of him.

  “It’s okay to need help yourself, Harrison,” he said. “Everyone needs help. I do this all the time, helping with this stuff. I’ve seen all sorts of things. It’s just life.”

  “Just life?”

  “Everyone has something that works best for them. I… I want to be that something for you. That’s why I came. So, just let me show you an easier way to do this and I’ll leave you alone again.”

  I had no idea how to respond to that. His logic could not be refuted, yet I was so used to refusing what he had offered me. But, I… I needed him. His help. That was a truth that could not be denied.

  I nodded, because I didn’t know what words to say.

  Kade held my feet and moved them in closer to the rest of my body, instructing me on how I could use a bar or even the underside of a couch for this. He slid his hand under my back and lifted up. I arched for him, my breath shuddering in my throat.

  “Pull inward,” he said, his hand still on my back, the other on my feet. “Imagine you’re drawing your heels to your ass. Pulling in. Like a magnet. Can you feel your muscles stretching? It doesn’t hurt, does it? It’s uncomfortable, but it shouldn’t hurt. That’s because you’ve given yourself more of a support here.” He touched my hip. “Like an actual bridge. You can relax now.”

  I lowered myself onto my back, trying to catch my breath. He was right about how much easier that had been. It was amazing how such a simple change could make something so much better.

  A simple change…

  I looked at Kade, at his warm smile, the soft glow of his eyes.

  I had told him to go away, had denied his help. One simple change from that…

  I reached out to him and drew his body to mine, catching his lips and kissing him. I closed my eyes and gave in to what I had known was right all along: my feelings for him.

  Kade wrapped his arms around me, sliding his body over mine so there was no space between us. His lips brushed mine, soft and sweet, stirring desire in my loins. My cock hardened, pressed at the front of my boxer shorts.

  Kade felt my erection and shifted on me, placing his thigh against me. He pressed forward. I gasped and lifted my hips a little, shoving back at him. I clutched his shoulders, heat tensing my muscles.

  “Know what’s good exercise?” Kade murmured. His breath was hot on my mouth, searing my lips. I kissed him harder, tugging at his lower lip, thrusting my tongue into his mouth when he moaned. I knew the answer to his question and I slid my hands down over his back, to his ass. I massaged him with my fingertips and he rubbed himself into my hands, gasping and moaning into my mouth. His hard dick rubbed on my thigh, his own need more than a little apparent.

  “Kade,” I said, and tugged on his jeans. Primal, animal need burned inside me, shoving away all other thoughts of where we were and what situation we were in. “Kade, I…”

  He silenced me with a kiss, our tongues playing together, sucking and thrusting. I gripped his ass and pulled him tighter to me. His hips writhed, grinding against mine, his rhythm wild and unsteady. The sound of loud, rapid breathing filled the office.

  Had I been tired before? So exhausted I could barely get through a few simple exercises? Those feelings were so far gone I could barely recall them at all, replaced with surges of adrenaline and heat and energy. I felt unrestrained, unfettered, unbothered by my disabilities. Despite them, I was still a man, an alpha, and here was an omega begging me in breathless whimpers.

  “Fuck me, Harrison. Please, fuck me! Make me come! I need you!”

  “Lotion,” I growled. I put my hands on his shoulders, pushing him up and off me. “Top drawer.”

  Kade sprang up and bounded over to my desk, his erection leading the way. He retrieved the lotion from my desk drawer and came back to me in a hurry, fumbling with his jeans and yanking one leg out to free his firm, round ass.

  God, he was so adorable and hot when he did that, biting his lip as if he couldn’t wait a moment longer.

  I lifted my hips and lowered my boxers, my cock springing into the air.

  Kade dropped to his knees with the lotion in hand and pumped out what must have been half of the bottle into his hand, clearly not wanting to take any chances that it would dry out on us. He reached for my cock, his slick, warm fingers gliding up and down my shaft.

  My breath catching in my throat, I pumped myself in his hand and let out a groan. Tingles ran through my entire body, my muscles quivering.

  Kade moved over my body, and crouched with his hands on my chest and his ass positioned right over my cock. He grinned down at me, light dancing in his sunlight eyes. “Ready?”

  In answer, I arched my back and pushed up until the tip of my oozing, needy, slick cock pressed on his asshole. Electric desire raced through me and I cried out, tossing my head back.

  Kade gasped and slid himself down onto me, bracing himself with his hands as he lowered. I penetrated him an inch and almost came right then and there at the feel of his muscles gripping me. I felt the edge rapidly approach, knew I was cresting the peak. Then, he relaxed his ass and the sharp intensity of my oncoming orgasm faded to a more manageable level. Inch by inch, pausing occasionally, he took me inside him.

  “Kade,” I murmured, just his name. Over and over. Couldn’t get enough of the taste of the word. The smell of our sex filled the air around us, sweat and musk and lotion.


  Kade lifted up and then down on me, his inner walls rubbing all over my shaft. Stimuli from everywhere, no part of me left untouched. I shook and thrust from underneath him, making his body bounce on mine. He came down harder than before, and rocked back and forth, riding me in short little bucks.

  Grabbing his ass, I held him on me and matched his pace, felt my orgasm racing over me again and knew there was no way I’d be able to hold back this time.

  My cum burst inside Kade, filling him. He cried out and placed his hand on his dick, stroking himself once all the way to his tip while his hips writhed around. Then, he came, in a shuddering mass of spasms.

  And that was when the door rattled, accompanied by the distinctive sound of someone sliding a key into a lock.



  I had never moved so fast in my entire life, much less right after an orgasm. Everything in my body protested, my muscles quivering madly and hardly able to support myself as I lunged to my feet and shoved my bare leg back in my jeans. The key in the lock turned and the doorknob twisted.

  My heart pounded, terror trickling like ice water down my spine. I looked at Harrison and reached for him, hoping I could help him back into his chair before anyone came into the room. His hands were already occupied, pulling his boxers back up.

  The door flew open and a large number of well-dressed men and women flooded into the office -the office that smelled of sweat and sex. Judging from the looks on their faces, plus glances thrown in the direction of the lotion bottle lying on the floor next to Harrison, they knew exactly what sort of “exercise” we had been up to.

  Harrison propped himself up on his elbow and looked at the intruders from beneath his lowered eyelids. His eyes were hazy with the aftermath of sexual lust, his voice husky. “Yes?”

  “We need to speak with you,” one of the men demanded. “In the meeting room. Now.”

  “If you
must,” he agreed. He pushed up onto his hands and grabbed the side of his desk, maneuvering with a practiced motion into his wheelchair. Once he was there, he grabbed his pants and worked them up his legs.

  “As for him,” the man said, glaring at me, “the guards are on the way.”

  Harrison wheeled over to them and sighed, shaking his head. “You’ll have to cancel that.”


  Harrison glanced back at me and what I saw in his eyes made me shiver with pure delight, my heart lifting. It was the look of an alpha seeing the omega he had claimed. “Well, that’s my boyfriend. He’s going to stay right here while we have our meeting. Aren’t you, Kade?”

  “I-I am,” I agreed.

  “We’ll be right back then,” Harrison said. He moved forward, causing the others to move out of his way. “I’m sure this won’t take long.”

  Many backward glances were thrown in my direction as everyone filed out, judgment and confusion and contempt stark on the faces of those professional men and women. I lifted my hand, fluttering my fingers in a little wave. Screw ‘em. Harrison was the boss. I had every right to be here. I wasn’t going to move a single muscle until he came back for me.



  I was so used to dreading these board meetings that it surprised me when I remained confident all through the elevator ride and even to the meeting room. Still being flooded with hormones in the aftermath of sex might have had something to do with it, but I also suspected it had to do with the simple change I’d made.

  I had accepted help, and with my acceptance came sudden understanding of my position and the options laid out before me.

  As soon as everyone had come into the board room, Robert burst out, “What do you think you were doing? Are you even taking this charity seriously anymore?”


  A simple answer. Everything had become simple for me, so clear to see.

  Cecilia spoke for everyone else in the room. “What? What do you mean no?”

  I looked around at them all, these men and women who had been trusted advisors before something happened to set them on the wrong path. “I mean that, as much as I love the work Limitless Foundation does, the goals of its leaders no longer match with mine. Right here and right now, I am stepping down and taking my shares and my support with me.”

  Protests erupted, panicked and indignant, individual voices blurring together like the droning hum of a hive of bees. I held up my hand, waited for a silence that was slow to come. “I have realized I would be doing this no matter if I am a CEO or not. My reach is wide, but I have no desire to be impersonal. Being a CEO isn’t right for me. I’ll be turning my attention to smaller projects.”

  “But… who…”

  “Have you gone insane?”

  “What is the Foundation going to do without you?”

  Suddenly, a mellower voice broke through the high-pitched commotion. “That’s great, Mr. Carr.”

  Everyone turned to look at Charles. He shrank a little under their gaze, but kept his attention on me. “You always do what you think is best. I have faith in you.”

  I smiled. “Thank you. As for your concerns… Well, they aren’t my concerns anymore. I’ll have my departure confirmed and solidified by the end of the week. Goodbye, everyone. And, good luck in your pursuits.”

  I left, tuning out everything that was said behind my back, protests and complaints and pleas. I had made up my mind.

  I came back into my office to find Kade sitting behind my desk, rifling through my drawers. He glanced up at me and his eyes widened a little. “You look like a man who’s just made a huge decision.”

  “I have,” I agreed, coming over to him. I placed my arm around his waist and leaned my head on his side. He held his arm around my shoulders, and it felt so good and right. “But, it was a simple choice. I don’t belong here anymore. I want to switch my focus to more intimate, personal operations. No company involvement. Just me and the people I help.”

  Kade let his head rest on top of mine for a moment and then turned to face me. “You’re a fascinating man, Harrison. I think you can accomplish anything you put your mind to.”

  I took his hands between mine and looked into his eyes. It occurred to me that everything since the moment we met had led up to this. I wasn’t afraid. “What we have is more than a little special to me, Kade. Please, be my boyfriend. My second-in-command. My support.”

  Kade slid into my lap, put his arms around my neck, and kissed me in answer.

  Epilogue – Kade

  6 months later…

  I was hungry, so hungry it was difficult to balance stuffing my face with communication. This wasn’t unusual for me, not anymore. It was just a symptom of my condition.

  Sterling watched me eating everything in sight, which I’d been doing ever since we sat down for this lunch together and the waiter brought out our appetizer. He didn’t say anything, although I could tell he was trying to figure me out.

  We hardly had a chance to hang out for the past several months, because my life had gotten a lot busier. He didn’t know much of what was going on, and I didn’t know a lot about any developments in his life either, so when our schedules opened up at the same time, we both jumped on the chance. I’d been filling him in ever since, hardly giving him a chance to speak. I was too excited, too proud to stop talking for longer than the second it took to put more food in my mouth.

  “Harrison’s left the Limitless Foundation.”

  “What?” Sterling exclaimed.

  “I know! I thought he was crazy. But he’s...what did he call it... redirecting his assets.”

  Sterling stirred the ice in his soda. “What does that mean? What’s he doing?”

  “He wants to purchase several buildings near the rec center and make more disability-accessible gyms, playgrounds, and daycares for kids and young adults.” I ran out of breath, but kept talking anyway. There was so much to share.

  I was taking some online classes with the goal of becoming a licensed physical therapist. The time I’d spent with Harrison had opened my eyes to how much good I could do with my talents, and I fully intended to do just that. In fact, one of the buildings he wanted to buy would eventually become my clinic. I could even transfer my regular physical fitness work to take place there, too.

  “You’re going to bite off your own tongue,” Sterling commented when I finally reached the end of my speech and chomped on another chip loaded with salsa.

  I chewed, debating with myself for a moment over whether or not to tell him yet.

  Then, a warm hand settled on my shoulder. Harrison slid his arm around my waist, nuzzling his cheek on mine. “Give him a break, Sterling,” he reprimanded jokingly. “He’s eating for two now.”

  Sterling jumped to his feet, knocking over his chair. “I knew it! Kade! Congratulations!”

  I grinned and placed my hand on my stomach, leaning on Harrison. It was true. We were going to have a baby, become a family.

  Who would have ever thought a case of mistaken identity would lead to this? I certainly hadn’t, but I was so glad it did. I had everything I could ever ask for. A goal in life, a baby on the way, and an alpha I loved more than anything in the entire world.

  The End

  A Sneak Peek at Book 2…

  My fingers trembled around my cellphone. Actually, my entire fucking body was trembling.

  All I had to do was push the call button. Simple, right?

  Wrong. My entire future could depend on the phone call that followed. Not just my future, either. The baby…

  I swallowed hard, my free hand opening and closing against my thigh. I wanted what all people wanted: a good life. I was in college, trying to earn a degree so I could make money and travel the world someday. Nothing special.

  The baby changed everything.

  My baby. My accidental, unplanned baby, growing in my tummy right this very second. I couldn’t afford to keep it. It would ruin my entire life, and th
en that would ruin its life. But, shit, I couldn’t afford to get rid of it, either, and I wouldn’t have even if I could!

  This phone call was the only solution.

  My friend Aaron kept talking about an app he was working on that matched alphas with lots of money to people they could spoil. Finding one of those alphas would solve all my problems. They could look after me, and I could look after the baby in secret by using their money.

  The sooner, the better. It’s… going to get real hard, real soon.

  My heart pounding, my pulse ringing in my ears, I pushed the call button on my phone and brought it to my ear…

  Get ready for Book 2 Of East Coast Sugar Daddies, Sweet Success.

  Coming Soon…

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  Sweet Emotion

  East Coast Sugar Daddies: Book 1

  Austin Bates

  © 2018


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