Goodwin, Jerry, 337–38, 350
grand jury(ies)
AW discrimination claim, 290, 293, 324, 333, 346–50, 374–75
AW reindictment for Miller murder, 375–78, 383–86, 394, 406
exclusion of women and blacks, 122, 142, 214–15, 363–64
illegal testimony, 216–18, 291
selection improprieties, 256, 268, 271, 331, 387
Grassian, Stuart, 298–99
Green (Mr., gym teacher), 18
Griffin, Shana, 236–37
Guerin, Thomas, 247
Guillory, Elbert, 315
gun laws, 69
Gunnells, Mike, 97
Guyton, Donald. See Rahim, Malik
habeas corpus (the “Great Writ”)
AW filing/appeal, 292–93, 316–18, 325, 332, 345–48, 372, 375, 381–82, 394
Herman Wallace filing/appeal, 169, 330–31, 353
Herman Wallace relief and release, 363–64
King filing/ruling, 275
habitual felon laws, 54–55
Hamlin, Jethro (“Pop Skeeter), 17–18, 39
Hampton, Fred, 68, 70
Haney, Craig, 300–301, 333, 351, 410
Hanrahan, Noelle, 323–24, 326
Harold (Peewee’s brother), 21–22, 32
Harris, Charles (AW alias), 59, 60, 78–79
Henderson, C. Murray, 98–99, 106–1110, 130, 132, 145, 149, 215, 226, 239, 242–46, 270, 290–92, 322, 377
Hensley, Rebecca, 380
Herbert, Parnell, 402
Herman’s House (film), 328, 365
Herrero, Susan, 266, 290
Hicks, Brent, 307–12
Higginbotham, Patrick, 374
Hinds, Maria, 366, 380
Ho Chi Minh, 162
“the hole.” See dungeon; solitary confinement
“Holy Rollers,” 37
Honey, Avon, 315
honor (respecting a code/commitment), 15, 23, 31, 95, 176, 199, 207, 291
“hootenannies” (field wagons), 34
Hoover, J. Edgar, 69
hostages, 76, 82–83, 89–90, 197
The House That Herman Built (art exhibit), 328
Howell, Richard, 217–19, 225, 234
Hoyle, Lloyd, 98, 105–06, 110, 216
Hubbell, Webb, 303
human spirit, AW faith in, 329–30, 371, 414
hunger strike, 117, 119, 157–59, 250–52, 254–55
Hunt, Elayn, 151, 388
Hunter, Paul, 128
Hurricane Carla, 17
Hurricane Katrina, 342
“I Wait” (Woodfox), 170–71
Icky (anarchist), 236–37
incarceration rates, 345
industrial-prison complex, 236, 412
inmate clerks, 28, 31–32, 34
inmate guards, 25–26, 29–30, 42, 84, 86, 97–98, 108, 113–15, 119, 151, 193, 307
insanity. See mental illness; sanity
institutionalized racism. See also racism, v, 65–66, 92, 257
Angola prison, 98, 151, 389
Louisiana schools, 156
prison reform, 119–20
the Tombs, 59
International Action Center, 237
International Coalition to Free the Angola 3, 341
International Olympic Committee (IOC), 71
Iran, incarceration rate, 345
Irish, Corrine, 289, 330, 346
Isaac, Horace, 166
jack artist (robbing drug dealers), 44, 48
Jackson, Andrew, 162
Jackson, Brian A., 331, 362–65
Jackson, Chester (“Noxzema”)
arraigned for Miller murder, 109–10, 120
Black Panther connection, 97, 126, 389–90
Butler account of Miller murder, 215–18
interview notes, 268
out of court statements, 270, 293, 382, 391–92
trial for Brent Miller murder, 127–39, 142–49
turning state’s evidence against Herman, 234–35
witness testimony, 242, 272–74, 377
Jackson, Everett, 96, 135–37, 392
Jackson, George, 81, 89, 91, 161–62, 173
Jackson, Jesse, 68
James (friend in robbery of Tony’s Green Room), 53
James, Etta, 369
Jean, Vadim, 341
Jim Crow, living in the world of, 1–2, 7–9, 66, 197–98, 220–21, 342
Jindal, Piyush (“Bobby”), 303–06, 313, 315, 344, 353–54, 369, 385
Johnson, Ernest, 240, 247, 341, 342
Johnson, Leonard (“Mwalimu”), 395
Jolly, E. Grady, 374
Joseph, Andrew, 99
Joyner, Opal, 238
juveniles, incarceration/sentencing, 156, 196, 343, 374, 410–11
Kaepernick, Colin, 408
Kane, Alfred, 63
Kelley, William Melvin, 64
Kelly, August, 150–53, 275
Kemp, Brackin (“Firecracker”), 236–37
Kendall, George, 288–89, 293, 298, 300, 302, 325, 329–30, 332, 337, 346, 351–52, 356–57, 362, 378, 396, 398
Kennedy, Anthony, 396
“kill the pigs,” 309
Kimpel, Katherine, 289, 356, 362, 372
King, Carolyn Dineen, 394
King, Martin Luther, 379
King, Robert Hilary (aka Moja)
arrival at Angola, 113–14, 197–98
as political prisoner, 192–93, 263
August Kelly murder conviction/appeal, 150–53, 214, 275
autobiography, 413–14
battling the administration, 115–19, 121–24, 157–59, 165–68
hunger strike, 250–52
making candy, 179–80
moved to Camp J, 159–60, 168–69, 201–02
playing chess, 180
protesting prison conditions, 284, 286–88, 303–04, 313
psychiatric evaluation, 297–301
reading/becoming self-educated, 161–62
retrial and release from Angola, 275–77
saving the life of Colonel Bolt, 187
sent to the dungeon, 115
standing together with AW and Hooks, 261–65
support from the outside, 280, 297
surviving/resisting breaking, 195, 198–200
Kinsey, Charles, 406
kitchen workers, 28, 32, 87, 107, 132–33, 135
Kowalska, Nina, 331–32
Ku Klux Klan (KKK), 8, 151, 219, 234
La Grange, NC, 2
Laborde, Pam, 354
In the Land of the Free (film), 341
Latino, incarceration rates, 345, 407
Lawrence (neighborhood bully), 14–15
Le Blanc, James M., 344, 346, 348
LeBoeuf, Denny, 303
Lee, Bob, 68
Little Red Book (Mao), 83, 86
lockdown review board (90-day review board), 191–93, 262–63, 312, 337, 408
“locked up.” See dungeon (being “locked up”)
“loitering” laws/charges, 8, 197–98
Loube, Harmony, 289
Louisiana, Campbell v., 375
Louisiana Agri-Can Company, 225
Louisiana Attorney General, 302, 318–28, 348–49, 371, 375, 384–86, 393, 398, 400
Louisiana Board of Pardons, 226, 313
Louisiana Code of Criminal Procedure, 331
Louisiana Court of Appeal, 289
Louisiana Department of Health, 119
Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, 98, 117, 123–24, 151, 161, 191, 226, 263, 287, 344, 354–55, 408, 414
Louisiana District Court(s), 169, 218, 234, 277, 289–92, 296, 350, 373, 384, 400–401
Louisiana First Circuit Court of Appeal, 316
Louisiana House Judiciary Committee, 304
Louisiana House of Representatives, 82, 119, 393
Louisiana Public Records Act, 267
Louisiana State Penitentiary. See Angola prison
Louisiana Supr
eme Court, 153, 214, 257, 289, 296, 316, 330, 349–50, 399
Louverture, Toussaint, 162
lynching, 8, 71, 290, 319
Mabel, James (AW brother), 3, 17
Mable, Haywood (AW brother), 3, 17
Mable, James B. (Daddy), 1–3, 17
Mable, Michael, 3, 17, 32, 205, 221–22, 228, 238, 248, 318–19, 332, 353, 356, 370, 380, 395–96, 399–400, 402–03, 405
Mable, Pam, 238
Mable, Ruby Edwards
AW love for mother, 342
death/funeral, 222–23
growing up under Jim Crow, 220–21
lack of choices in life, 8
making a better life for children, 5–6
marriage and spousal abuse, 1–4
protecting AW growing up, 7, 14
visiting AW in prison, 32
Mable, Violetta. See Augustine, Violetta Mable
Macho Man (Angola colonel), 250–51
Maggio, Ross, 160
Malcolm X, 161, 162, 173, 208, 250–51
Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, 413
“Man of Steel” (Wallace), 200
Mandela, Nelson, 84, 173, 199, 213–14, 287, 411
Mao Tse-tung, 83
Mariel boatlift of 1980, 231
Marsellus, Howard, 291
Martin, Trayvon, 356
Maryland, Brady v. (1963), 256
Mason, Rory, 97
Matthew 25:35-36, 342
McDonnell, Nancy R., 341
McDuff, Rob, 289, 378, 385, 387, 397
Mèndez, Juan E., 343, 368–69
mental illness. See also sanity, protecting/struggle to maintain, 252, 253, 278–79, 410–11, 413
Mexico City Summer Olympics (1968), 70–71
militants/militancy, labeling/punishment, 99, 105–07, 109–10, 150, 215, 388–90
Miller, Brent, murder of
about the killing, 240–41
accusation of AW, 99–102, 109
arraigning the accused, 120–21
AW first trial, 126–41
AW second trial, getting ready, 214–19, 226–29
AW second trial, moved to Amite City, 230–35
AW second trial, reconviction, 236–56
AW third trial, plea deal, 397–402
beatings and retribution for, 103–05
Herman Wallace trial, 142–49
official accounts of, 105–07
reinvestigation/new theories, 387–92
setting aside the AW habeas relief, 393–96
spreading the blame, 120
Miller, Nix, 101, 120–21
Miller, Stan, 249
Mitchell, Arthur, 122
Mizell, Billie, 302–04, 369
Montegut, Gilbert
Black Panther connection, 126, 389–90
Brent Miller murder, arraigned for, 109–10, 120
Brent Miller murder, framed for, 227, 242–43
Brent Miller trial, 127–39, 141–49, 389–91
Butler account of Miller murder, 215–19
grand jury selection, 142
interview notes, 268
witness testimony, 272–74
Moore, Hillar C., III, 366
morality/moral compass, maintaining a sense of, 79, 92, 114, 206–07, 301, 348
Morgan, Rachel, 277, 290–92, 296
Mueller, Robert, 306, 315
Mukasey, Michael, 306
Mulford Act of 1967, 69
Murphy, Tessa, 331, 353
music, as refuge/escape, 125, 213, 329, 366
national anthem, taking a knee, 408
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 142, 220, 228, 349–50, 407
National Coalition to Free the Angola 3. See also Free the Angola 4
beginning of, 261–65
creating the support and legal teams, 288–96
effectiveness of efforts, 329
King working outside with, 313, 373
protesting Camp J conditions, 284
selling candy to support, 277
support for AW, 286
support for habeas corpus petition, 275
support for Herman Wallace release, 355
support from Amnesty International, 331–32
National Commission n Correctional Health Care, 354
National Football League, 408
National Prison Project (ACLU), 341
National Rainbow Coalition, 68
national Registry of Exonerations (NRE), 409–10
National Rifle Association (NRA), 69
Native American Housing Committee, 68
Native Americans, 162
Native Son (Wright), 170, 208
Nazi Germany, 71
“Nelson Mandela Rules,” 411
Nelson Mandela’s Institute for Global Dialogue, 287
Neville, Charles, 37
New Orleans
6th Ward, 3–4, 46
13th Ward, 195–96
as “prison capital of the world,” 345
AW birth and living in, 1–2, 221
AW family departure to LaGrange, NC, 2–3
AW family escape from Daddy’s abuse, 3–4
AW friends in lockup from, 25, 27–28, 37, 91, 195–97
AW making a home in, 4–9, 318
AW relocation to Harlem, 58
AW return from lockups, 38, 46, 402
Civil War-era “convict-leasing,” 24–25
Contemporary Arts Center, 328
dealing drugs, 48
gangs/gang activities, 14–16, 18–19, 24, 46
habitual felon law, 54–55
Herman transferred to hospital, 365–66
Hurricane Katrina, 342
Mardi Gras, 4, 7
NAACP Legal Defense Fund, 349–50
national hearing on penal reform, 91, 306
police misconduct, 321, 342
presence of ACLU, 263
presence of Black Panthers, 80–81, 104, 126–27, 236–40, 263, 402
segregation and Jim Crow, 7–9
VOTE activist group, 409
New Orleans Legal Assistance (NOLA), 168
New Orleans Times-Picayune, 105, 120, 283, 345
New York City
AW drug buying trips, 48
AW escape from New Orleans, 56–58
AW extradition to New Orleans, 79
AW plea deal and Rikers Island, 78–79
Black Panther presence, 58
incarceration at the Tombs, 58–60, 79, 410
incarceration in New Queens, 76–78
number of prisoners incarcerated, 74
prisoner riots, 74–78
New York Times, 63, 411
Newton, Huey P., 67–69, 72, 91, 126–27, 405, 407
“nigger” (racial slur), 7–8, 24, 30, 35, 77, 100–101, 228
“nigger lover,” 90
Nigger Miles (inmate guard), 42
Nightly News (TV program), 316
19th Judicial District Court, Baton Rouge, 169, 218, 234, 277, 289–92, 296, 350, 373
90-day review board. See lockdown review board
Noland, Christine, 316, 317
noncontact visits. See also contact visits, 111, 202
Obama, Barack, 412
Oliveaux, Bobby, 226, 245, 291
Olympic Games, 70–71
one-percenters, 379
orderlies, selection/function, 26, 41–42, 82, 125, 157–60, 166, 179, 181–82, 190, 251, 291, 314–15, 329
Orleans Parish Prison, 41, 47, 49, 52, 56, 97, 113, 119, 196–98, 236, 360, 376
Panther tier, 80–83
Orwell, George, 71
Owen, Priscilla, 394
Panther 21, 64, 79
parking cars, 18–19
AW eligibility/release on, 38–41
AW violation, 41, 45
granting/denial//revoking, 234, 246, 322, 409
Louisiana incarceration rate vs., 345
release of Robert King, 113
ence to life without, 156, 250
Pastors for Peace, 237
“peepers,” 152, 180, 335
Peewee (AW girlfriend), 21–22
Pegram, Tory, 294, 303, 341, 373
Peltier, Leonard, 409
Pete (Ruby Mable boyfriend), 7
petition of grievance. See also administrative remedy procedure, 75, 116, 122–24, 157
petition of review, 123–24
Phelps, C. Paul, 291
Picou, Leon, 128, 138–39, 226
“pigs,” 71, 81–82, 106, 171, 216, 242, 309
pimps, 26, 32, 44, 94–95, 391
“playing draft,” 43
plea deals, 53–54, 78, 149, 233–34, 275, 399–400
police brutality
accepted as way of life, 16
interrogation techniques, 54
K-9 dogs “give ‘em the bite,” 18
Panthers standing up against, 58, 67–69, 92
post-Katrina killings, 342
repercussions for rioting, 75–78
superficial changes in the system, 406–07
political prisoners, 88, 99, 238, 263, 284, 306, 409
“Power to the People” (rallying cry/song), 71, 91, 284, 372
Pratt, Ashaki, 240
Pratt, Elmer (“Geronimo Ji-Jaga”), 237–38, 240, 341–42
pride, maintaining a sense of, 63, 81, 92–93, 208, 290, 367
Prince, Howard, 363–65
Prison Legal News (social media site), 412–13
Prison Radio (radio station), 326
prison reform, 82, 99, 119–20, 374
prison-industrial complex, 236, 412
private prisons, 410, 412
Promise of Justice Initiative, 350, 354
prostitution, 5, 58, 92, 94, 97
Pruden, Anne, 261–63
Quandt, Katie Rose, 354
Queens House of Detention (New Queens), 76–78
racism. See also institutionalized racism, 8, 71, 106, 162, 195, 241, 309–11, 407–09, 411
rag men, 197–98
Rahim, Malik (aka Donald Guyton), 80, 83, 126, 196–97, 236–40, 261, 263, 369, 403
Rainbow Coalition, 68
RAND Corporation, 413
Randle, Michael, 341
attempt on AW, 28
AW allegations/charges, 217, 318–26, 349, 375–76
AW “antirape squad,” 93–94, 155, 238
being “turned out,” 25–29
Brotherhood protection from, 389
creating a sex slave, 93–95
“fresh fish day,” 25–26, 43, 94
gal-boys (“sissies”), 26, 97, 391
imprisonment for, 128, 216, 226–27, 292
pimps, 26, 32, 44, 391
“rape artists,” 26, 155
ratting out/snitch, 32, 49, 95, 97, 128–29, 133, 390–91
read, learning how to, 163–64
Reagan, Ronald, 69, 372
Reb (6th Ward neighbor), 46–47
Reception Center (RC), 25–27, 41–43, 84–85, 94, 103
reclassification (“reclass”) board. See lockdown review board
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