Cowboy Bikers MC #4

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Cowboy Bikers MC #4 Page 1

by Esther E. Schmidt

  Cowboy Bikers MC #4

  By Esther E. Schmidt

  Copyright © 2020 by Esther E. Schmidt All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, without permission in writing from the author.

  This book is a work of fiction. Incidents, names, places, characters and other stuff mentioned in this book is the results of the author’s imagination. Cowboy Bikers MC is a work of fiction. If there is any resemblance, it is entirely coincidental.

  This content is for mature audiences only. Please do not read if sexual situations, violence and explicit language offends you.

  Cover design by:

  Esther E. Schmidt

  Editor #1:

  Christi Durbin

  Editor #2:

  Virginia Tesi Carey

  Cover Model:

  Peter Towers


  Jules Godfrey Photography


  Good friends are always around,

  no matter how hard times get.

  To all my (author) friends…

  this one’s for you.

  Table of contents











  – MAYVEN –

  I am so thirsty. If there was a river I would drop to my knees and put my head in the water to suck it all up. It’s not only the Texas heat in the middle of this screwed-up day, but I was drinking last night and tequila always makes me thirsty the day after. I don’t have a hangover, but I am freaking thirsty.

  Add in the fact that I’ve been walking for hours, haven’t seen anyone I can ask for a ride, and I need to walk at least another few miles before I arrive at my destination…yeah, it basically puts me in dry-throat-hell. Dammit. I didn’t plan any of this.

  Last night I was at a funeral in Shreveport, Louisiana, sipping tequila. I know, not your basic choice of drink when you’re at a funeral, but this wasn’t a normal funeral because my friend, Kay, is connected to an extended type of family. They held a special gathering where the liquor was flowing freely as a tribute to their fallen friend; Kay’s father.

  Kay doesn’t visit her extended family very often, which is the reason she asked me to go with her for support; so she could be there for her mother and pay her respects to her father. All went well until I saw something I shouldn’t have.

  The whole “in the wrong place at the wrong time” cliché. Except in my case there’s an added life or death angle to it. Exactly why I hightailed out of there and got on the first bus to head for the only person I know who could keep me safe and know what to do; my brother.

  And no, I didn’t leave my friend behind in the balance of danger. She was surrounded with her acquaintances and consoling her mother, absolutely oblivious as to what happened and what I saw.

  She must be worried with me leaving without letting her know and not returning to our shared apartment either. But I couldn’t since she had my phone when I went to the bathroom. Ugh. I was lucky enough I took my purse with me when I needed to pee, so I at least had money for the bus.

  Dammit, my mouth is as dry as the sand underneath my feet. I close my eyes and rub the sweat from my forehead. I blink a few times and take a deep breath before I start walking again. In the distance I notice a horse trotting toward me. Weird. No rider and yet there’s a saddle on his back.

  My brother and I grew up on a ranch, the both of us are skilled riders. Though my brother is still working with live cattle and riding horses. Me? It’s been awhile since I was on the back of a horse. But with my feet hurting like crazy, I might as well try to catch this horse and look for the owner since it came from the direction I’m heading in anyway.

  I hold my arms away from my body. “Whoa there, gorgeous. It’s all good. That’s a good boy. Girl. Whatever.”

  I manage to catch the reins and gently stroke the horse’s nose.

  “Look at you,” I croon. “Irregular blaze, while everything else is a nice brown color. Kinda like how I drink my coffee. Sorry, sweetie. I’m thirsty and I’ve been traveling all night and morning. Needless to say, I haven’t had any coffee.”

  I gently move to the side and even if he’s a bit skittish, I’d rather sit on his back than stand or walk beside him. My brother used to train horses and break them in for a living. I’ve helped him many times, mostly when horses are scared and skittish. Like this one here because the horse starts to walk as soon as I grab the saddle.

  Good thing you never forget how to ride, and I can move quick if I have to. My ass is in the saddle–and in full control of Coffee–with my next breath. Yes. I named him Coffee. I checked and he’s indeed a boy and I seriously need coffee and his color reminds me of the way I take it.

  Oh, this is way better. Being on a horse I’m higher up and can now enjoy a slight breeze along with resting my tired ass and feet. And I have to admit, it’s been way too long since I’ve been on the back of a horse. I missed it. And I missed my brother too.

  It’s been three years since I’ve seen him. We do talk on the phone but I’ve been busy with college and it’s not like we live right next door to each other. Getting closer to the ranch my brother lives at–which is located at the end of this road–my nerves start to get the better of me.

  I hope my brother is happy to see me. Even if he always mentioned I could come by any time or day. But you never know how people will react when you actually take them up on their offer and you need their help.

  I can see a man coming down the road. Maybe the owner of this horse? Though I can’t wave or yell because I have no clue how the horse will react. But the man doesn’t look happy at all. Another man comes rushing our way, but the angry man reaches me first.

  “Get off the fucking horse,” he growls and comes closer to grab the reins.

  The horse jumps to the side, clearly spooked by the idiot.

  “Could you try to be less loud and bouncy?” It takes effort for me to use a polite tone so the words might come out in a slight hiss.

  The other man arrives but the angry one is still trying to grab the horse, and he’s now cursing me out. The horse instantly starts to buck. My heart lurches but instinct kicks in and I have full control and smooth talk the horse back to a calm state.

  All while I’m fuming on the inside. Luckily the angry man is now standing a few feet away because I needed the room to regain control of the horse. What a stupid asshole. It’s clear he doesn’t know how to handle horses.

  “You okay, ma’am?” a guy wearing a Stetson with blond hair coming out from underneath it and a scruffy jaw says.

  His head tilts and so does my freaking heart. Wow. This man is gorgeous. Warm, blue eyes and a friendly face. Broad shoulders with tattoos covering his shoulders, arms, and peeking out underneath his leather cut and tank. He looks around my age. I’m twenty-one, maybe this guy is a little older? Twenty-five, tops. His lips move but I’m too busy gawking to hear what he says.

  His lips curl into a knowing smile before he kindly repeats his words, “Mind getting off the horse? I’ll make sure not to spook Toby, we don’t want him to start bucking again. And I’m sorry about Enzo, he’s an ass.”

  “Please tell me it’s not Enzo’s horse,” I sigh, feeling sorry for the horse.

  The man with the blue eyes chuckles. “Nah, it’s one of our new quarter horses. We train and then sell them. They belong to the MC, our ranch is up ahead. Enzo normally handles the Longhorns but he suddenly decided to help out with the horses.”

  “He sh
ould stick with the Longhorns.” I glance at Enzo who is still standing at a safe distance with his arms crossed in front of his chest, glaring at either me or the horse. Without thinking I mutter, “I hope one of the Longhorns pokes him in the ass next time he’s around them.”

  Another chuckle makes my gaze collide with blue ones again. He grabs the reins and holds out his hand for me to take. “The name is Ledger, and you are?”

  “Staying on this horse.” I give him a tiny smile. “Sorry. It’s been one heck of a night and I’ve been traveling for hours on end to get to my brother. And I’d rather stay on his back than to walk beside a skittish horse.”

  He tilts his head and scans my face. “You have to get off Toby sometime. Our ranch is right over there, and I’m sorry, but no visitors are allowed.”

  No visitors allowed? I didn’t travel hours on end to have nowhere to go. I’m in a life or death situation, not to mention the thirsty part adding to another life or death situation if I don’t start dehydrating soon.

  “We’ll see about that,” I snap and simultaneously drag the reins out of his hand and spur the horse on.

  Screw him. I’m not a visitor; I’m searching for my brother and hope to stay with him until I find out what to do with the rest of my life. The whole life or death situation has an effect on my future and I can only rely on my brother for help.

  I sadly don’t have the time to relish in the amazing feeling of riding at full speed because I have to take a hard left to head for the large ranch. Good thing the gate is open and so are the stables. I jump off and quickly guide the horse into one of the open stables. Routine allows me the speed to unsaddle and place the items in front of the stall after I lock the horse safely inside.

  I’m jogging in the direction of the large house when I see the two men running my way. Bye bye, boys. I’m way faster than those two slowpokes. Though my joy doesn’t last long when I step inside the house–which is actually the MC’s clubhouse–and at least ten pairs of eyes lock on me.

  “Shit,” I grumble.

  Ledger steps around me, his chest is rapidly rising and falling but other than that I wouldn’t say he’s out of breath. The other dude is panting like his life depends on it, and he’s giving me a death glare along with it. I should probably be happy he’s out of breath otherwise he would be cursing at me.

  “I told you no fucking visitors allowed,” Ledger states, his voice even but his eyes flare with anger.

  I step closer to him and jab my finger against his chest. “And I said, we’ll see about that.”

  I’m tired. Cranky. Thirsty. And I want my freaking brother. My breath rushes out of my lungs when his fingers wrap around my wrist and he pulls roughly, making me collide with muscled chest as his other hand grabs my hair to keep me in place.

  His lips go to my ear and he whispers low, “You’re inside the clubhouse of The Iron Hot Blood. A chick all alone…think long and hard what your next move will be.”

  I don’t have to think long and hard about my next move and jump into action. A move my brother taught me at a very young age and we spent years perfecting it. Knee to the balls; instant impact, instant result.

  “It will be a while until you can think about something long and hard, asshole,” I snap as Ledger is leaning over, gasping for his breath. I ignore him and glance around the room. “Colt? Are you here? Anyone of you seen my brother?”

  “Motherfucker,” Ledger growls and slowly rises to stalk toward me with a dominating stare. Was he this big before I kneed him in the balls? “Why the hell didn’t you tell me you’re Colt’s sister?”

  I cross my arms in front of my chest. “You didn’t ask.”

  He grabs his Stetson and slides his hand through his blond hair. Wow. I’d like to do that for him. It looks silky and great to pull when kissing. Wait. What? That’s it, my brain is fried.

  “Can I please have some water? I’ve been traveling all night and had to walk for hours.” My shoulders sag and suddenly everything comes crashing down on me and I feel very freaking tired.

  “Here you go, babe,” a man from my left says, holding out a bottle of water for me to take.

  Ledger snatches it from him. “Fuck off, Alfie. She’s Colt’s sister, you ain’t touching her, not even with a ten-foot pole, understood?”

  “You’re no fun,” Alfie mutters and shoots me a wink. “Come find me if you’re into some fun. I ain’t afraid of your brother.”

  “That would be a mistake on your part,” I mutter.

  A chuckle comes from behind Alfie and a man with black hair and green eyes steps closer to me. There’s a patch on his pecs stating he’s the vice president.

  “Roper?” I ask. The man merely raises his eyebrow in question. “My brother said I could always come to him if–” I stop the words from falling out and clear my throat. “Roper is the VP, Weston the president. I would really like to see my brother now. Can you please get him for me?”

  “Nice spill of details we’re already aware of. But I guess the main question here is, why didn’t you call to let him know you were coming over to see him?” Roper asks.

  “I didn’t plan anything.” My shoulders stiffen and the memory of what happened last night assaults me, reminding me how dangerous, ruthless, and deadly an MC can be. And I’m standing in the clubhouse of one now, not knowing any of these men.

  Ledger steps slightly in front of me. “Give her a chance to catch her breath before you start your third degree.”

  Without looking he holds out the bottle of water for me to take while he keeps his place to form a barrier between me and the other men.

  I greedily take the water and twist the cap off, draining half before I ask, “Why aren’t you getting my brother?”

  “He’s out, delivering a Longhorn bull we sold. Will be back in about two days.”

  “Ledger,” Roper snaps.

  “What? She’s Colt’s sister,” Ledger snaps back.

  Roper’s harsh eyes lock on mine. “We don’t know that. I didn’t even know he had living relatives, he never talks about them.”

  “She stayed in the saddle when Toby started bucking,” Ledger states.

  Alfie shoots me a grin. “Can handle anything between those sexy legs of yours can you now?”

  Ledger lunges at Alfie but Roper manages to intercept right before impact. “Alfie, out. You, church,” he growls at Ledger as he pushes him in the direction of a room. “You too, ma’am.”

  I drain the rest of the water and place the bottle on a nearby table before I follow both men into a room with a large table surrounded by chairs.

  “Sit,” Roper snaps and points at a chair.

  I plunk down in the one he assigned to me, happy to be off my feet.

  Ledger takes a seat beside me and leans forward to create yet again a barrier between me and Roper.

  Roper eyes the movement but ignores it when he asks, “What made you come here?”

  “I told you, I need to see my brother.”

  “And that still doesn’t answer my question. If you want to stay here, you’ll need–”

  “I’ll take responsibility. She’ll stay with me,” Ledger states.

  Roper pierces him with a hard stare. “You’re the quiet one, Ledger. She giving you a hard on? Take one of the willing pussies coming to the party tonight instead of thinking with your dick while you’re sitting at the fucking table here discussing club business. For all we know, she’s looking for a way in. Some fucked-up ex of Colt who wants to suck him dry.”

  This little fact makes me snort. “Colt doesn’t have any ex to come suck him dry. And I’m sure the sucking part only takes place if it involves his dick. My brother doesn’t commit and wouldn’t pick up a damn phone even if I did call him last night. But he is my brother and I can count on him. He’s the only one who can help me. You know what? I’ll leave. I’ll just go somewhere else and come back in two days. I’m sorry if I caused any trouble between you guys.” I try to get up but Ledger prevents me when he c
urls his fingers around my wrist.

  “Sit, we’re not done yet,” he snaps.

  “Nice to see your brain is still working. And her reply tells me she must be Colt’s sister since she voices the whole suck cock and phone thing without jealousy or repulsion, ruling her out as stray pussy.”

  “Geez, thanks,” I mutter.

  “I’m honoring your request, Ledger. But you make sure to be her shadow, got it? We have kids roaming around the ranch and we don’t want any trouble or shit escalating, understood?”

  Ledger gives Roper a nod and pulls me from my chair. “Come on, let’s get you settled.”

  I let him lead me out of the room as we stroll into the main space of their clubhouse. All eyes land on us but Ledger doesn’t stop and simply drags me along with him.

  “Where are we going?” I question.

  He doesn’t answer but leads us through a hall until he takes a hard left and enters a room. Ledger grabs a bag from behind the door and starts to throw clothes in it along with some other stuff. It’s a simple and small room without anything on the walls. There’s a bed, a TV, a closet, and a door leading to what looks like a tiny bathroom.

  In the time I’m ogling his room, he’s done packing a bag and is yet again wrapping his fingers around my wrist and guiding me through the hall and out of the clubhouse. He heads for a bike and shoves his stuff into one of the saddle bags.

  He hands me a helmet and I strap it on as I watch how this man straddles his bike. Stetson on, leaning his forearm on the gas tank as he eyes me, waiting for me to finish and hop on. Yes. Hopping. I’d sure like to hop onto his dick, my–in the gutter relishing–mind easily supplies.

  The visual assaulting my brain makes my cheeks heat and I instantly drop my gaze to the dirt and get on the bike. I grab his leather cut but he swings his hands back to snatch my wrists and pulls me forward so I’m now plastered against his back.

  “Your brother’s a biker for fuck’s sake. Don’t tell me you don’t know how to hold on,” he grumbles.


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