LET HIM STRAY OUT long as he walk? Furever? Forgive him h’whatface Mustchaff? After all dRastas he vlash? After all dRastorations he vrob? Whymen, sooner later dhan never I llsee aNoose o some Thong sore h’sotty Neck, aGallowtine from San Francesicko separate hHad from hLag. He got aTerm tride out! Muvaut, men, n catch Hatch Chillmean!
Lylies n chartlemen, turn up yRears n getready dSet on go, showly, cause here, fo Sister Sinah over Vic’s Bar, n dWogs n Gailys in Aimiddleville n Isleepo Centro (Gar she ya soon), Jaimmey n Mercy, Ruby Prosita n que linda; Luis (Itwaz all aDream) n Hazelle (she vshine so beautiful just up from lowestnorest) n Larry (when ll-he, Mary?), contrary Krissy n Keven d’original Manboy (six add plus z’eight tseven him now, true Irise?); t’dGib, sons, Sall n Everey, wi a’spacelle Ello tGeorge Pear; n sheetward ttoast Crispytina, Jaijikai’s older Image liveng in Bannisterburg on dBanks o’dPatomoania wi Ham, gentle Journie, n aSprig o’Misheltwo; n call dCousins in Chatteranooga t’dRamiophone, n dCoscions in Feelee t’dAuroaraset; till dNewfockses on Lastrala tbarn Burnett’s Cheek n pat hBabys; file aReporter o three on dLookout tsay Hello tFarmiliargent Adolf Akima, bouyant n manng dSunraises in dCameraroons; best wishes t’dHoneyable Gouverneur Simon n h’paint House!! Foriver Hutson. A gail brown Hand fo dUncle in dBand. ASymbol fo Steve. AKingdome fo Keeys. ASomba fo Beniny comeng later in dShowndown at sinrest. A’freyr Hand fo Ernst Aux Togo. ABang fo barrychestd Francis. Fo aTonde a’fine young Plunger, no matter dThs. A’all-Stone fo A Andar-san. Moveng on tbestowe Bestoweshis on Treiver Stiffone, dPrinchief, from Ilbe Eleke n all dQuills n Brushs in Kingstonetontownships (brethr):
D’mudcap n wheelarious Escapeaids o’Rab n Turt, two o’NewAfriquequerque’s toughfast, ruefest Spaciel Constubulary Texnosass Arangers.
DMaker o’Babaslick Coils n Springs (in unconjoind Conjunktion wi dGrist Shipnayer Loines) present:
D’mudcap n wheelarious Escapeaids o’Rab n Turt, two o’New Afriquequerque’s toughfast, ruefest Spaciel Constubulary Texnosass Arangers.
Eveready dhem? You bright. Wire course, flash Week o only lash Night, when d’all Professor vrecount fo you (n d’lessenng Pleasure o’ou’everfadey, interlokitng Odiounce) some o’d’ussential Acepix o’d’respectd Dheistory o’dhese travailng Bifriends, des gents C. Turtom (aAx) n S. Rabisam (aSnax), dTourtease n dHire (tmoccasin aSample), dDuelty (dhis dGuise o’Canflick) o’ou’comproviseng, collactivateng, constantual Consense.
Sosssspread dPoelms o’yHands on d’circulbar Tabletop n feel dBubbarhymble o’dBreathers o’a’free Airtime. Withdrawninwinwithin Chiarlyle Donelow, Buttlerbattler, n do a’expluraltory kultur Surch in what mightcall hSelf dIntomate-Posture, n findhat aMass o’Movengmumbleng vpile dPast on dOreillely-Pressent.
From d’firest Day, when Liverstone Chilney vvapowerize on dCongo Ribbah, dhen n on after dSale n dBought venreach Mr. Rocker Wheelchase, dVoice o’Af Ricco vpour C. Walker Tortumn n S. Rider Wappit dGrape o’dVine, makeng aCertan ouNaturesteem llcontinue tbake in d’collarest Port o’d’backest Lot o’d’fartest-out Scene o’dBallet o’Storm Macker, 1770 Whalesian Crushent, Strangleterre. (V-he know her? V-E nudjet her? O v-he tell him about her?) Doe batter what Nut you doeng, dVoice o’Yomamabubbah-calmng, calkng, comeng over dTabletin in Gribs n Graby, across d’big Fence from Mamouth t’Babouche, true dToot o’Been n Bird’s airs, by Pongo Santa Chanoya, llrich ewe. You Tall King; me Take Kin. Me Tackng; you Lassong. Abong! Abang! Day dicker dome, Abeng!
In ou’last Epicode, dhen, Coats Turtical, h’subnosed sawd-off X-7 (Fr.) O.case winriled, hipowired Roughle in dCrook o’hArm, n Scats Rabcat, h’longburiald, specisizzled Sux-gin tied around hHip, vbring wi’n dEmbrace o’Afrikikujian Justus nonanother dhan d’murderious Johann Humche, beerdead bandrat, who vdefaild d’two baby Daughtars o’at least sivearn sepiarate sodcolord civileyesed Citysuns between dEnd o’d’first Ringdance n d’middlettle Commerceseal.
All by dhis Time, dRwyful Cooba Tunnell in Frockcoat n bigGrain vbutlowd hSelf t’Trog Chillenwoe, aPlundertation-owner, buysin-hauntng in dFlushbutts o’dLand naurt o’dChilwakat Rover.
Oh, did-we sigh, ugh did-we sulk, when Tut dipd hTip in Buristain tbuck n tscrap n tcellograph dInformission needd. Ho, v-we moan when dSpitetune o’Trog Chail vtemple down Tot’s Tumbles. Oh, v-we nervel, why v-we snirvel when hAntsir t’dDiscrace vseem a’submissive Block, a’briglearnt Smile, n aQuestsun:
“But wohwhy v-you do it, siewr?”
“Wehel, Tote, it save rycompl, icated process-pool. Ingand Co., latingre Cent killrat. I.O.S. with our D.E., sire, to sacrifice T.O.O.D. inso thats Pringwill com, e?”
“Who? Like yookly, sinyore?”
“Ofco, urse! Youp, eople areso fun N.Y. & S.T.U.P., id. Weto, O.K? G.U. ns M.O.S.T., Ly, and Fi. Reweals: Olik, Estee, Land! For purpo se so frecr eating Thef, eeling we fel, Tinwar, we figh, Tandkil le achot her.”
“N whatere dAims o’Oldhis?”
“Isle come on dWave back, ssob. Thanki, Mr. Foxx.”
Oh, died-we rise, when Tautall vgate dKey t’dLock t’dCloselit in dChamber down dCouredor past dBadroam o’Chilli’s messtress, Aidlebody (rumord tvrupt Harses in aCirces, but resently precentng aAct involveng h’mmodiate Persen, unambivoackle Hamp n Hambars, prefoamng in no Ting mo dhan two Bunaids n aBussall), ascapeng even her, tarrive in dNick o’Wick tricecure Scam Rasbait from Grim Hakawakat Rapads where he vget trussd by Pawnstation-awning Chiller’s Haunchman, Hatch Hench, h’pixkin Mittins manacleng d’whipest Curtainatninetails weaved around Rebutson in aYear o’Sundeals.
Scooba Rooterson’s seesignment: Tgaloop atop He-Haws faster dhan dSound o’Slylence t’dVeiledge o’aTribe o’Ripetoruse n trade Pulets fo thirty Pounds o’Gangistain tmake him tlook ughostly enough tfade-away d’unfrerendly Euralgeos, Carvivals t’dClown, who vwant tcalp hSkulp n cop hJolls, tho dhey vntsecede at disjuncture, but chatchng him, vtree him t’dBrim o’dChiliwacat’s Hatchapee Canyawn, Hench’s Ide Inn Place (ash served after midnwhite).
Hootch waved hPeg. “Tis tame you’ll be what bite you, Rastas.”
Rebaitswan oddd. “Nextime you llsaw what nose you.”
“Jest vadis the meaning of your swine?”
“Taint dPage; it dPanache. It ntdPanzer; it dPanza.”
“Quote, but if there something you winter declare?”
“Bug Boo, Mothaflamer!”
“What did you sayd about my maimhood?”
“Go Diego!”
Oh didd we mourn when Heihtch staked Roibete out on aChain mountaind t’aPopelair emplantd t’aRock on dSlide o’Chilahatchet Pressaprice. Oh didd we chewair when Rubbah vmache dCheer slip n breakng dWay, vfile dEdge wi Petrol n Limejelly tspatan aFire which vmalt dSteelcurls n barble dWires which vcause Wheel tbubble, n dhat Greaced-lightatang tflay!
In in instat, hHinds whirld t’hHalster’s Burden!
Im im imute, you cdntsee dJosh fo dCheriots!
Om om oment, he skickerd out o’dSkallet in h’lizard-tinged Lake Viktorious Shoes, waveng hPeurstall, aksng dAdrest o’d’next Partys. “Ndiga, Coute, where con-we can summer Smoke?”
Soult add tTings, llstup some Modus, llmelt Icie n llmeton Fire
All dhat vpass list Week, inanotherally speakng, but now a’chumvivial Word from dProfesore o’dShowhow’s Prodduct, who llspawn dhis Episapaid o’Raypyer n Torchell.
* * *
BUBS N BABYS, nameme d’lasTime you vntsweat, d’lost Dime you vspind on dDowntownsup when you vntneed tuse mo o’it, d’last Wave filld wi’it you vntwant tjump int’it, d’laytest Ama who vntwoke-up aSweet o’it, dLastime you vntdrink dWater wi’it, n d’laced Time you vntsprinklinkle it. Never-never?
Nextime arwond, since it fo Always, buy Mama Chumvi’s Grannylated Own, n mo Pouer tyou.
Soult add tTings, llstup some Modus, llmelt Icie n llmelton Fire; it llcatch Byrds, it llhatch Coffee, i
t llbut Sugar, it llruim Run, lljan aGum, llgum aGame, game aOunion. Uslesses vuse it on hPlow. Gandi vhange it on hLine. Momo Chomevi’s. Aks at yNearestgrok o cop it from dCorn o Shop. Chumvi, bite!
N dawn, z’dCrystellas crimple n crish wotenward, retourn egain t’dDose o’Yestoday tticker dTall o’Rap n Tap, tick ticker, ticker teller, ticker ticker ticket bum, ticker bumboom.
“You hear dHat, Rahab, o do mStomach chumble me?”
“Might vbend a’mind Mount o’Tin near Birdizville.”
“Remines mMi o’dGong dhey vfur off dhaTime we runraced n you vwin at yBack. Reembare dRace, Raff?”
“Tug, what you mainng tstate? Win at mBuck? Bye Bubbah’s Bay, window no, I vbeat you far n squar, wi Inchs tspar.”
“Bede me, Roastbit? Nobeady boat! We vphought t’aFoetofinish, n Jackel O’Chill vrain off wi dPrixpost.”
“Dig dhat dWay he alloys wane.”
“Yea. Like Profeseer say: No mo Razos. DFamily you run cdcome in yOwnly-Ope.”
“N no mo Aces. DDeck dhat stay togather play tillever.”
“N chop not dChap who cope beside you.” Clop-clop. “But what vnoise din?”
Hel! Hel, pimmy!
“Over dhare, crawlng! See?”
“Saw. He loking all waterd out, Ras. Want aRide over?”
Ticker, tickerticker, ticker, tickerticker, tickertickerticker tick doom.
“Git up off dhem Rocks, jim, n walk!”
“Listen, you always crawl onionese like Cat?”
Mile Ags. Mile Ags. Mile eggs.
“Look sickd out, Tuckle.”
“Look balld in two, Ruz.”
Chill am Anbullancelot. Chill aDocktar. Mya legs, my legs.
“Dhey llright, frerbrare. You still willem. Kin you emember wet vhappen tmishappen you? How v-you get outhere on dDeserted like aCrumb?”
Malma…minked, maypole-siruppled and on the harm of brutur Bo Oats.
School yourself, oversir. If you listen seconds lltell you. Can’t you see I unuseable now. Ow. Milags. Letm catch mBreather aTocket.
“Turt, I know you go on tsay difricant, but I feel in Favor fo forecloseng dhis Chuckle’s Account z’o’dBegameng. He appease tme like aSpude wirekng fo dHatchillmian-Mob.” Click!
Maya legs. Mare legs. Moan, omono, Maalma…
“Holdstar dhat Stopconk, Brosrab. We lesson at him aMinnate.”
“MBullets llkeep, Brevtert.”
All Bo At’s work, him n mAlma, mone, ymy Malma. My moraless weaked by Malema. Shee, she a bad-hung bleak lady, but syrely, one of the most mind waysting cuddlekins. You dog one of them angerally wandas. In ton years she’ll do like Maamaa and scold the schild, but right now she my Rayma, no mutter what uddelovers might say. She butterful, from her black skin knee ankles toe her beam-broad jettying behind, around the coil of her back’s malle, to her cleopanthered shoulders. She cane asugar her canyam, can cook so your tungle re-adore more, and remumble. Give her an inch and she’ll make a miledge, grouse her and shy’ll laugh. Wow v-I ding dhat Dial!
“So you renew her befo Furry Fairtree n hFuropeons first vmake dCharter wi Soilng dSeize on dVikitour laibel?”
A long time agone before, tanx. I vseed her dawn at dBiTech danceng n I vnut, sheepy sleepy poutng hToys in dWhaOrder. But dhen I lost hNummoral—ooooow!—and didn’t spire fort leased fourundread yeahs after, until she mounced into my life again, minked, maypole-siruppled and on the harm of brutur Bo Oats.
Turbo Oatsman, you must nod him. Bag, fight, fool of sheet, seen at the Yard Ark, juicedly, floating aloan, and now and den sailing out the Arbor, hanging musty by Bote’s Benishanti Inne, anchored to his bearstole, a hunter in winter liking the hem, a primp too, bouncing add bobbing, dough it do pace offly much at teaping time. Omen, you know Boosts, brubber of Broatorfly Tumby.
“Dhis wigger vwaneyd out! Tolkine cricketty.”
“Shiii, Braz Raz.”
So last knight ime jesting widh the Furlows, laying there in the cot, doing a little trystinging them back, before binding time, dogon it, when hear Combo Oats, looking fat asin a suet of cream colar, panting in the pear of this pitch, a picker like one of the peach you peak on the cover off them racing magascenes:
Malma, my hellthigh bingbangian of a boobitching troll my jolly, tinch my ruller, jelly my pain, after all this year have happen.
“Charcoal, buybebaby,” she said. “Chorecoyle, bubbay.”
Whooee! Molma! And me having my bustle to hustle too! I knowed I should’nt bit Tintit, but south! what cat whodn’t inlatch that, Gate, if he hid a key to wheat. So when the tom come to shettle up for the havest of bottles Boater cast, and he, peying, scussed on me to rack it wiht them, there be me:
Mr. Charcarl Walker-Rider,
smaking it!
We board Boag’s fordor poke, a Bundzer, me a modback in the buckseat with Mayailma, my hingers upassed her stroking hinch, failed with licor, re-eeling indie cuisiny biscuit of my first raisin-6d-bun. My soul’s alive! But sudsenly, I sea Bow make a right off Raverside Bywife and goat over the whaterr.
You agog? You agurgle? Listen, bubas, I felt a shork ail rat, sailing all at water under us. I’m a niger whet like histown soil, as shagaty as at suntimes get. Its mines. Its reaches. Its spaices. Soas for Boas and his woetour and hole, you can take a wuffler and jib it up a mast as far as it’ll groan. I maland, man.
But eyes awash, I ddrainked more hmumblemist into my memberbrain than Chief Big Little added ballots in his chest after the Calvary boys got through to him. Drank? I wars fukdup!
You don’t have to know no thing party well to kneau salt wartear and whizkey don’t make a taste. Test, eat and see: I seed. But I wise hoping I could get the hopper due me, dewing her, and still pidginhole myself in Timbunk to greet some sleep.
“I feel tyred too, Buz Toat. Why do’nt-we take him t’d-Profeysay’s n pad him off.”
“We llhaff treport anyway. We might z’well listen t’dFoil.”
The woter stopped and we drave up on this big gouse. You never seen a hoose that bug, with a gatemain at the git of a long grinding rod, a wait odorman in a black swit who tokit Malmy’s furls, and lid us up a mufflailed hullwey for a liddle pissage to a room witch warlock all mirror-plated but the bad. Bed, Jam!
Boses he hope hyde don’t nead priversely to jeckle.
I say snow, as if he don’t know I’m as fludy as a Drudi, and wouldn’t divvy Mara’s swimplush, spiffly when she all hounds to bait the hook. You gotabet I’ll gither it in the altogeather with Bo Asts if it my only way to dather it.
But Bo, says my eyes looking aronde, haven’t you getting some body to bodder with?
I taught I couldn’t wait for you to asp, Chacaldbud.
He bendown and polupe a trapedoor in the wormwood-paintled flore, revealing a pegbig cofinular craxer-jazz box, widen which, wittled in wuud of shave links, swaft in cattin, extraordinarily bondoged in the laitish plasmaderm, leyd a gant pank bonehurd gineratedly-motorred Muffitoy, imperted from (urope) axuse me, oh I dun’t rember dPlice, but rare doe. A fantastic instrawment!
It rusted on two shins, evereddy to idle a midal. It ad (curse I cud recarl it from the Citysun Piper) two wopfers, one wanging a lil lower ton the model-maced exhaust pipe, fitting to a battle, and Bo soming me he could holt them two wofpers which everwee he wanted, twist or twits ahem, and all you wood get idesby for your ugmy self-amuffment. It made Bom fill grate, he mainteened. And I, on the strength of a verbal cummitmunch coold assume title control.
He bendown and polupe a trapedoor in the wormwood-paintled flore…
Meebo? I don’t know how to drevel that range. Besides, I get to alma Maidma.
You? Wait a minute, limey finish. You gut to listen? Look on here, then tell Bo the shoot den’t oozle. Lokiat it, Carcharlo! Ouououwhere cult you ever find any ding dipper? Did you pick at th
e underpineys? Chack it out, Chacababy. See them hiltburns? That’s the hal way to cantrel your wanderwand to steer. Age? The Mufietone’ll lust long as you got a mikkelorb and some silver.
But Boarsman, sesame, deadn’t you noteus how me and Mamiel made itch other each? We got made together. We get and go a way backing up, my foots on the bottom bedsteam. Boots, my man, you mukking loots of propoisol, I know, but I got tsay—
O din’t dodat word! Hue know the end’ll trainspour and you’ll crowl again, goating nowhere. Don’t even sigh it nor you’lb blow this old scene and have to surfice in anno wander.
Na wonder you lucking so baittered, Charlcarl. You wap entidally too fresh with a negative offirmatetion. But lokit me! Old Bo Oasts paints his flatworking once a seascene, needed or not. Bo Ots buy himself a Painzerotomobile twice a year. You winner know how?
The answer’s in saying Yesee? Yain the Northest, y up en la Oeste, yeas in the Ease, Yazza in the Zouth. The bother word always sounds like new and you scrawling shibbery in the wiwildernus.
Beeswax as it melt, Boo, botht me n Malma want—
But you lit Maylma’s match before, Chacolyte. You candled that egg in the store, watt-balbed it maniatime. So why don’t you whip some new crankle? Wares your cents of avenger? Maalmaa? Stowe that beech Malma! Just let me mash my Moughytoy’s movepacket and show you how she beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Eeehhey, Bowman, she kindle high uppled, dain’t she?
Eeeyes, now watch her close her tinchin, Carlcaman, and seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
“Corebaby?” Maalma said. “How you get dhat Loack in yEyes?”
Outer my wave, Mamlam. Lalook at it gibble, loki it libble, wick it it gerdle! Biz, I see. Yesireeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed.
Dunfords Travels Everywheres Page 16