Billy's Move

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Billy's Move Page 8

by Karen Clow


  Later that day and unbeknown to Mickey and the others Tony was driving down to Kent to see Lydia. Unlike his other women since meeting her he had texted and called her every day and sent her flowers. She was having a profound effect on him; possibly because his other women would chase him and basically do all the running, which in most cases gave him a free hand to treat them with little to no respect once he’d had them. Lydia was different. She was intelligent, independent and best of all she didn’t come with baggage. Tony liked his women to be at his beck and call, Lydia was the type of girl who would never see herself as one of those women. Tony had called her earlier to say he’d be there around three that afternoon as she was off work that day. His plan was to bed her before taking her out for dinner later that evening.

  Pulling up outside her place, he could see her looking out of the window. As he approached the door, she opened it and looking at the large bouquet he was carrying she grinned and said, “You should stop buying me flowers or I might think you’re serious about us.” Taking the flowers from him she turned to enter the hallway, Tony followed her in, closing the door behind them before slipping his arms around her waist and kissing her neck passionately. Turning to face him and still holding the flowers she kissed him, it was a long lingering kiss. Running his hands over her he said, “Take me to bed babe, I want to do disgusting things to you.” “Don’t you want a drink or something first?” “No we can drink afterwards, I’ve been imagining this all fucking day!”

  Less than five minutes later he was undressing her in the bedroom. Once naked he threw her gently on the bed, “I had a feeling we’d end up here, I’ve got something for you,” she said. “What might that be,” he asked curiously. Seconds later she leaned over and opened her bedside draw taking out a can of squirty cream. Although he felt excited he grinned and said, “Won’t that make a lot of mess?” Sexily she replied, “Not if you lick it off before it runs onto the bed, allow me.” Pushing him back on the bed she squirted a line down his chest and proceeded to seductively lick it off. When she squirted the next line further down his body he said, “Better save some of that for me.” Without stopping she replied, “Don’t worry you’ve got your own can!” Although he was a very experienced lover having used sex aids and role play, he had never in his life wanted anything as much as what she was doing at that moment. The desire he had for her was overwhelming, the way she touched and licked the cream off, was driving him wild. Lydia teased him by squirting the cream just short of his cock, even when he said breathlessly, “Take me in your mouth babe,” she ignored his desperate plea and continued to slowly work her way down to him. Finally the moment he’d been waiting for, when she virtually covered his erect cock in cream. Then slowly she began licking it off, with every movement of her tongue he was anticipating her taking him fully into her mouth, but she made him wait till she’d licked all the cream off. He cried out her name as she sucked him, harder and harder she worked on him using her tongue to increase his pleasure. Holding her head firmly as he came in her mouth, he sighed, “Fuck me babe that was the mother of all fucking blow jobs!” Lydia laid next to him on the bed, his head was still reeling from what she’d done. Leaning across him she took another can of cream from the bedside drawer, then looking down at him she said, “Your turn and make sure you use it all!” Joking he replied, “What if I don’t like cream?” “Not a problem, you can use marmite for all I care as long as you lick it all off!” Rolling over he squirted cream onto her nipple and began slowly licking it off, repeating the process with the other nipple. Taking his time he gradually made his way down to her belly button then her thigh, he knew what she wanted, but just like she had done to him he teased her. Squirting cream down her legs working his way towards her feet, before moving back up to the inside of her thigh. Finally his tongue made contact, but instead of taking his time he flicked his tongue over her so rapidly she burst into orgasm almost instantly. Taking her hands away from his head she reached up to grip the headboard as her body jerked and shook, screaming out his name in the throes of passion. Surprised to feel his erection as he moved his body over hers she expected him to enter her, instead he asked her to roll over. Still throbbing from the intensity of her orgasm she did as he asked. Kneeling behind her he pulled her from the waist so she was in a kneeling with her head and chest sprawled out over the bed. Running his hands across her buttocks he leant over and kissed her back and to her surprise said, “I want to arse fuck you baby.” Without actually answering him she pushed her buttocks hard against him, which was all he needed to know she didn’t object. On entering her she groaned and clenched the bed sheet in her hands. Gripping her firmly by the hips he slowly started to fuck her. The more she groaned the deeper he thrust into her, releasing one hand which he slid round her and began touching her with his fingers. The more he stimulated her the more she flexed her buttocks, which only heightened his pleasure, a few minutes later he was coming.

  Lying breathless next to one another he said, “Fuck me that was fantastic babe!” “I agree Tony, that performance was worthy of a ten!” They kissed passionately for several minutes and then she said, “So shall we take a shower then you can take me to dinner. I’m hungry; sex always gives me an appetite.” Despite Tony agreeing to take her out to eat, he would have preferred to stay there and sleep before he had to drive home, he was knackered.

  One hour and twenty minutes later they were entering a high class restaurant. While waiting for their meals her mobile rang, Tony listened intently as she said, “Hi Cole, how are you? I’d love to, what time will you pick me up? Yes that’s great I’ll see you then, sorry I can’t chat now, I’m having dinner with a friend, see you Thursday.” Tony was staring at her as she put her phone back in her bag; it was as she looked at him and smiled she noticed that he didn’t look very happy. Ignoring it she said, “The food here is supposedly excellent.” “Who was that on the phone?” Making light of his curiosity she replied, “Just a friend no one important.” Feeling angry he said, “What, a friend like me, are you seeing someone else?” Taking offence at his tone she matched his sarcasm by saying, “No, I’m not sleeping with him if that’s what you mean!” With a menacing stare he replied, “Don’t play me for a prick!” Shocked by his sudden change along with his use of foul language, she said, “Keep your voice down and don’t ever speak to me like that again! I told you he’s just a friend, I take it you don’t mind me having friends. Not that it’s any of your business Tony, but Cole is gay, in fact I have several friends who I go out with, so if that’s a problem for you then deal with it or go back to London. Have you forgotten that you’re the one who’s married and you’re the one who’s playing me! Do you really expect me to believe I’m the first woman you’ve slept with outside of your marriage!” Knowing he’d been wrong and he shouldn’t have shown his true colours so early into their relationship, he reached over the table and taking her hand said, “Sorry babe, you’re right I’m just a jealous bastard, so where are you going on Thursday then, if you don’t mind me asking.” Despite his apology and outward show of remorse, he was angry to think that she was going out with another man, even if she was telling the truth about him being gay, but he knew enough about women to know that if he pushed it he could lose her and he had no intentions of letting that happen. “I don’t mind,” said Lydia, “I would have told you anyway, Cole’s got tickets to see Cold Play next Thursday, but his partner can’t go because he’s away on business. I often go with him when Christian is away; it’s great because I know he’s not going to hit on me, even if he wasn’t gay I wouldn’t be interested, he’s not really my type.”

  They left the restaurant around half eight. As Tony drove she said, “How long will you be staying?” “Not too long babe, I’ve got an early start tomorrow, I’ll probably push off about ten. I’ll try and get down again in a few days, it just depends on business.” “Can I ask you something Tony?” “Doesn’t your wife mind you being out all the time, it can’
t be much fun for her.” Tony didn’t like any of his women talking about Isabella, but considering he had already upset her earlier that evening he thought better of snapping at her. Instead he calmly replied, “She knows I put in a lot of hours.” “She must be very understanding and it’s a good job you take Viagra!” “Who said I take Viagra and why would it be good if I did?” “Well let’s face it your performance is very impressive for a man of your age and I would imagine you still have sex with your wife so she doesn’t become suspicious. I couldn’t stand it with you always working and she probably knows you sleep with other women, if I was her I’d find myself a lover.” Tony could feel his temper rising even though he knew she hadn’t really meant anything nasty. Squeezing her leg as he drove he said, “Lets change the subject shall we, I’d rather talk about us.” There was something in the way he said it that told Lydia the topic was closed. Fortunately she didn’t push the issue, a few minutes later they pulled up outside her place.

  Inside she asked him to pour them both a drink while she changed into something more comfortable. Ten minutes later she returned wearing a pair of silk pyjamas. “Feel better,” he asked. “Yes thanks I love dressing up to go out, but once I’m home I like to lounge about and feel comfortable.” Sitting down next to him she said, “I’ve had a lovely time.” Leaning over he kissed her passionately before replying, “Me too babe.” They kissed and touched each other until he said, “I think I’d best be going before I have to fuck you again!” Laughing she replied, “It’s the PJs that do it!” “It’s got fuck all to do with the PJs, it’s because you make me horny! Now I must get going, I’d like to get back to London before half eleven.” Smiling she replied, “Ok” then she leaned over to kiss him again and running her hand over his crotch giggled and said, “You should zip that up before you go!” She was referring to the fact that his fly was open. Still kissing him she fumbled to pull his zip up, but as she did she felt his erection, so slipping her hand inside his trousers she squeezed him through his boxers.” “Babe I’ve got to go, I’ll save that for the next time.” Ignoring him she looked down and undid the button, fully opening the top of his trousers. Tugging at her arm he repeated, “Babe I’ve got to go.” Taking out his cock she leaned over him and took it in her mouth, as she moved up and down, she stopped momentarily and said, “If you’ve really got to go, I’ll stop.” Knowing he was at the point of no return she giggled when he replied, “Oh no babe don’t fucking stop!” Then he gripped her head firmly with one hand and slipped his other hand down the back of her PJs and squeezed her buttocks. After sucking him for several minutes she stopped and removed her pyjama bottoms, before straddling over him. Tony raised her top to feel her breasts before she lifted her arms into the air allowing him to pull it off over her head. As he kissed and sucked her breasts she went down hard on him, reaching orgasm first and then continuing to fuck him until he came. Climbing off of him she slumped down next to him on the sofa and said, “God that was great! Without a doubt the best sex I’ve had for a long time.” Tony jokingly replied, “If it’s going to be like this every time we get together maybe I should get some Viagra!” “I can’t believe you can fuck like this without taking it!” “Well I don’t!” “Do you want to take a shower before you go, or you could stay the night if you wanted to?” “Babe I’ve got to go home.” “I know, your wife will be wondering where you’ve got to.” Tony could sense a hint of sarcasm in her voice, so he replied, “Yes she will and I hope we’re not going to have this conversation every time I’m here. You know the score Lydia, so lets just enjoy it ok!” Snuggling up to him she said, “I’m sorry, it’s just that I really like it when you’re here. I know your situation and it’s wrong of me to lay guilt at your feet, but no body has ever turned me on the way you do.” Trying to make light of things he replied, “I bet you say that to all the men you sleep with!” With a serious look on her face she replied, “I told you Tony, I haven’t had many sexual partners and believe me none of them have ever had this effect on me, if they had I wouldn’t have finished with them!” “I really enjoy being here too babe, but I’ve got responsibilities and I’ll never leave my family.” Lydia looked sad as she said, “Are you and your wife still in love Tony?” His experience with women was that if you tell them you’re not in a happy marriage, they will continually ask you to leave. The other fact was that if you tell them you love your wife they feel used and often get bitter and nasty, but he decided to be truthful and replied, “Yes I’m still in love with my wife Lydia. I know that’s not what you wanted to hear, but you deserve the truth if this is going to work.” “You’re right Tony, that’s not what I hoped you say, but at least I know this will never be anything more than an affair, thank you for your honesty.” They kissed again before Tony stood up and said, “Babe I really must go.”

  Fifteen minutes later she was closing the front door behind him. After he left Lydia curled up on the sofa and watched TV. She had meant what she’d said to him that no man had ever come close to him. Subconsciously she asked herself if the affair should continue, knowing that they would never be totally together and the last thing she wanted was to end up hating him because he wouldn’t leave his wife.

  After making herself a hot chocolate she went over in her mind what she wanted out of life, the more she thought the more she convinced herself that seeing him occasionally was ok by her. She wasn’t looking for anything permanent because she was a career girl who wanted to travel. Tony would give her the part time love that she needed, so she decided she wouldn’t ask him about his life in London. She would be happy to spend time with him whenever she could.

  Tony was having similar thoughts as he drove. If Lydia could keep his time with her separate from his married life he felt they could have a permanent relationship. What he’d said about still being in love with Isabella had been true; despite his womanising he had always loved her. Remembering what Lydia had said about his wife being very understanding and that if she was married to him she would take a lover, he knew that Isabella would never be unfaithful; ironically although he was successful in business and with women he knew she was his rock. She was the one who kept him grounded and held the family together, always supportive of him, no matter what; she was always there for him. Their children adored her, as did he, although he didn’t always show it.

  Pulling into his drive, he told himself that he would take her out more often and tell her that he loved her. It was his way of dealing with the rare pangs of guilt he had from time to time, usually following sex with another woman.

  The house was quiet as he entered the hallway; everyone was in bed as he made his way into the bedroom. Isabella had stopped waiting up for him years before, because often he wouldn’t come home till the early hours of the morning. It was as he got undressed next to the bed she woke and asked him what the time was. “It’s around half eleven, did I wake you?” “Not really, I didn’t come up till eleven.” Then as he got into bed she rolled over and said, “You’re home early, is everything alright?” “Fine babe, why would something have to be up for me to want to come home early?” he said as he put his arm around her and kissed her.

  Tony had noticed that over the past months she had stopped initiating sex, he believed it was because he came home so late. Kissing her again he fondled her breasts. Isabella still loved it when he touched her, the feelings she had for him were real. Over the years she had learnt to live with the way he was, she knew he had other women and although she never really accepted it, only on rare occasions she would say something. Feeling happy that he wanted to make love to her, she began kissing his chest, it was then that she knew he had been with another woman, not only could she smell Lydia’s perfume, but she could taste it. Feeling totally betrayed she stopped kissing him and said, “We don’t have to do this Tony just because you’re home early, I’m really tired.” Sensing sadness in her voice he replied, “It’s got nothing to do with being home early, it’s because I want to make love to you. Or are you telling m
e you don’t want me to?” “Of course not, it’s just that I’m really tired and I’ve got my monthly, so I couldn’t make love to you anyway.” In an outward show of affection he said, “So does that mean we can’t kiss and cuddle?” Sensing that she was hesitating from saying something, he pulled her closer and said, “Is something up babe? If you really don’t feel up to doing anything, just say so.” “I wish we didn’t have to have these conversations late at night Tony, it would have been nice if you had been home for dinner with us at least once in the last week.” Aware she was unhappy that he hadn’t spent much time with his family, he wanted to change the subject. He was simply too tired to debate it, spending time with Lydia had depleted his energy levels, but he wanted to be sure that was the only reason Isabella seemed distant, so he said, “Is that why you don’t want sex, because I haven’t been home for dinner this week?” “Let’s just get some sleep Tony; we can talk in the morning.” With her reply he knew something was bothering her and there was no way he was going to leave it till the morning. “I’m sorry babe; I’ll make sure I’m home for dinner tomorrow. Now are you going to give me a proper kiss?” A few seconds later she kissed him then surprised him by saying, “I love you Tony, so you don’t have to do this ok, I know you don’t really want to, so why don’t we just go to sleep.” For the first time in their marriage, he wondered if she knew about his affair. Reassuringly he said, “Why do you think I don’t want to do this, I miss you babe.” “Really Tony, we hardly ever make love anymore.” “What’s going on Belle and don’t say nothing.” Near to tears she replied, “Do you really want me to tell you?” “If something’s up of course I want you to tell me, I’m your husband!” “Next time you come home early for sex at least have the decency to wash your lovers perfume off before you get into our bed, it’s insulting!”


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