Billy's Move

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Billy's Move Page 14

by Karen Clow

  Tony was standing outside the office door, as she approached he opened it. A few seconds later she followed him in, closing the door behind her. Grabbing her arm and spinning her round towards him, they kissed passionately. “Why didn’t you text me Tony to say you were coming?” “I was at a party with my wife so I couldn’t, but I’m here now.” “Didn’t you’re wife mind you leaving the party?” Completely ignoring the question he said, “You look very sexy in that skirt!” “Thanks do you like it, I only bought it today.” “Yeah I like it, but if you’re not out with me I think it’s too short!” Thinking he was only joking and being a prude she jokingly replied, “Oh behave, you sound like my granddad!” His expression told her that she shouldn’t have said it, especially when he said, “Well that’s something me and your granddad have in common then, we don’t like our women looking like tarts!” Taking offence at his remarks she snapped at him, “Fuck off Tony, I was only joking, don’t be so fucking sensitive and never refer to me as a tart! In case you hadn’t noticed this is what young girls wear when they’re out clubbing!” Pulling her back to him he kissed her and said, “I can’t help it, I don’t like the idea of other men ogling you that’s all, and talking of other blokes who’s the one you’re here with.” “That’s Cole, the one I went to see Cold Play with.” Looking relieved he replied, “The queer boy?” “Don’t call him that, he’s lovely, I want you to meet him and don’t say anything nasty!” Lightening the mood because he knew he’d been rude he pulled her close and squeezed her buttocks. As he pressed her against him, she could feel he was hard. Running her hand down to his crutch she gently squeezed him. “Fuck me babe I’ve got to have you now,” he said as he raised her skirt. Then moving from in front of her to behind, he pushed her down over the office desk before pulling her panties down and thrusting into her several times before pulling her top up so he could grope her breasts. Just as he was about to come Jamie, one of the doormen opened the door. With her head facing the other way and the noise from the club, Lydia hadn’t heard him. Tony quickly signalled to him to get out, as he carried on fucking her. Jamie backed out through the door closing it quietly behind him, just as she said, “Oh God Tony, don’t stop I’m coming!”

  Back inside the club Jamie said to Billy and George, “Don’t go in the office for a while fella’s, your mate Tony is fucking some young bit of stuff in there!” George looked at Billy and said, “He can do what he likes in his clubs, but I’m not happy about him doing it in ours!” Because Billy had known Tony a long time, he felt he should try and defend him so he said, “Don’t worry about it George, I’ll have a word with him. Trouble with Tony he still thinks he’s fucking seventeen!” George still didn’t look happy as he replied, “Well perhaps someone should tell him that he’s not, and then he can stop making a spectacle of himself!”

  In the office Tony was straightening his clothes and combing his hair before going back in to the club. Lydia left a few seconds before him after having arranged for him to come to her table.

  Tony ordered a drink at the bar before making his way to where she was sitting. Approaching her table he smiled and said, “Alright babe.” She surprised him by saying, “Hi Tony, this is Cole, I’ve told him all about us, he’s been dying to meet you!” Offering his hand Tony said, “Pleased to meet you Cole, Lydia’s told me a lot about you too, thanks for looking after her for me.” Cole could sense the contempt he had for him; being gay he came across that a lot. “We look after each other don’t we Lyd? I’m always telling her that if I wake up one morning straight, she’ll be the first woman I sleep with!” Sarcastically Tony replied, “Maybe she wouldn’t want to sleep with you Cole even if you were straight!” Lydia could feel the animosity and jealousy that Tony was projecting. Cole was her friend and she would defend him. Looking over at Tony she said, “Are you joking, look at him he’s gorgeous! I would be in there like a shot, I’ve seen him in his underwear and believe me Tony he has a great body!” Determined to stab back he replied, “Yeah I suppose he’s ok if you like those pretty boy types!” Leaning forward she landed a smacker on Tony’s lips, before saying; “You’re what I like, so stop acting like a jealous school boy!” Tony sat with one arm around her and the other under the table on her thigh. It was only when she asked him if he wanted to dance that he made the excuse that he needed to talk to his friends about business. Cole stood up and grabbing her hand said, “Come on then, I thought you wanted to dance!” As they made their way through the crowd Tony headed for the bar. Jamie was there as Tony walked up to him. Jamie said, “Sorry about earlier Tony, didn’t know you were in there.” Then jokingly he added, “She’s a bit of a goer isn’t she, you want to watch you don’t have a fucking heart attack!” The two men obviously liked one another. As they talked Jamie noticed that Tony kept watching her as she danced. “Be careful Tony, don’t let her get to you mate. Just have a bit of fun, nothing too serious; it’s a dangerous road to go down.” “I appreciate the advice Jamie but I can handle her, I’m just not sure if she can handle me!”

  With the time approaching two in the morning, Tony told her that he would have to be going. Grinning she said, “Do I get a proper kiss goodbye or will I have to wait till you’re down again because your friends can see us?” Pulling her over to him he kissed her passionately, his ego was bursting at that moment; he didn’t care if people could see him, including his friends.

  He arrived back home just after three, entering the house quietly because everyone was a sleep. Not wanting to make the same mistake as before he had a shower before getting into bed, the last thing he wanted was Isabella smelling Lydia’s perfume. Lying awake he remembered what Jamie had said about just having fun, easier said than done because she was having a strange effect on him. Making him take risks, which was something he didn’t do, but just how far was he prepared to go and what would the consequences be if they were caught.


  Maria heard Billy and George come in around half three, she hadn’t slept properly since learning she had a brother. Mickey wasn’t having the same trouble; after having Maria make love to him; he went out like a light.

  When his phone rang at eight that morning he didn’t even stir. It was only when he came down for breakfast around ten and Maria told him it had rung several times that he looked at it. Playing back the voice-mail he said, “It was Tony, I’ll call him back now.” She poured him a cup of tea as he made the call. “Alright Tony, what’s up?” Maria could tell from his expression and his reply that something had happened at the pub. Looking concerned she interrupted his conversation and said, “Are Ann and Shaun ok?” “Hang on a minute Tony.” He smiled at her and said, “They’re fine babe, I’ll talk to you in a minute.” Then he put his phone back to his ear and said, “Sorry about that Tony, but you know how Maria worries over Shaun.” “Tell you the truth Mickey she’s right to be worried, we need to sort this out and the sooner the better. Any chance of you coming up tomorrow, I’ve arranged for some of the lads to meet me there at three.” “Yeah that should be ok, I’ll get back to you if anything crops up and I can’t make it.” “See you tomorrow; I’m just going to call Shane. I couldn’t get hold of him earlier.” “Catch you later Tony.”

  While he’d been on the phone Monica and the older children had returned from the stables. “Morning Mickey, any sign of George?” “Don’t know babe, I’ve only just come downstairs.” “I’ll give him a shout; the bugger woke me up when he came in last night, it was half four by the time I got to sleep, so if he thinks he’s lying in till dinner time, he’s got another thing coming!” Mickey grinned and said, “And what was you doing till four in the morning!” Jokingly she replied, “Not what you’re thinking, I wouldn’t have minded if we had been but George wanted to talk!” Raising his eyebrows Mickey said, “What on earth did he talk about?” Looking slightly serious she replied, “The club and Tony!” “What’s he been up to then?” It was obvious that because the kids were there she didn’t want to go into details. So she
simply smiled and said, “I’m sure George will tell you when he gets up.” Maria had been listening to their conversation; she had a bad feeling that the reference to Tony had something to do with the girl he’d met when the club re-opened.

  Before Monica could call him, George came downstairs, followed ten minutes later by Billy. They sat talking to Mickey while Monica cooked their breakfast. Maria was busy putting the triplets down for a nap. Mary had taken the four older children outside to play football, while Den was sorting out his office in the annexe.

  “Monica was telling us that you kept her up half the night talking George,” said Maria as she entered the kitchen. Joking he replied, “I hope that was all she said we were doing!” Everyone laughed. Then Mickey piped in, “Everything ok at the club last night?” With his mouth full of food, Billy just nodded, but George replied, “Yeah the club was busy, apart from a couple of dick heads who couldn’t handle their drink, everything ran smoothly. I wasn’t very impressed with Tony though, I’ll be having a word with him.” Mickey looked at Billy before replying, “What’s Tony been getting up to then?” “Need you ask, he was all over that young girl who I could care less about, but I wasn’t impressed when he took her to the office.” Trying to lighten the conversation, Billy said, “Don’t let it bother you George; he’s probably blown her out by now, it’s just Tony being Tony, that’s all!” To everyone’s surprise George replied, “I know what he’s like and personally I don’t care who he sleeps with, I’m just saying I wasn’t impressed that he did it at our club! There’s a time and place for everything, what he does at his clubs is up to him, but M4 is my business and it won’t happen again. What if someone else had walked in on him, one of the young girls from the bar, it’s not happening Billy and I shall tell him so!” Mickey could see the look on Maria’s face was one of total disgust; by contrast the look on George’s was one of anger. Knowing Tony wouldn’t be impressed with George talking to him, Mickey said, “Leave it with me, I’ll talk to him George.” “No need Mickey, I can do it.” Wanting to defuse what could potentially become a feud, he jokingly replied, “Best not go falling out over some girl, I’m sure Tony didn’t mean any harm.” “I dare say you’re right, but Tony has no involvement with the club, he’s taking fucking liberties!” Monica knew that Mickey was trying to reason with George, the last thing anyone would want would be an ongoing row. Despite Tony not having any financial input with the club, she knew it would be in everyone’s best interests to keep him on side because there may come a time when they would need his help. Resting her hand on George’s shoulder, she said “Mickey’s right darling, let him speak to Tony. We don’t want to let one small indiscretion cause any bad feeling, it wouldn’t be sensible would it?” Although George wanted to deal with it personally, he knew that she was right and he was new to the club game. Maybe letting Mickey speak to him would be the better option; after all they had been friends for years. Looking up at her he replied, “I wouldn’t be rude about it; I would simply tell him it’s not happening again, but if you think it would be better for Mickey to tell him that’s fine by me, as long as he knows!” “Oh I’ll make sure he knows,” said Mickey, “like you George I’m not happy about it, after all I have got money in M4 too, so let’s keep it running smoothly!” “What time are you picking Jess up Billy,” said Maria. Laughing he replied “I told her half twelve but as I’m running late, I’ll call her and make it half one, she won’t mind.” Monica interrupted and said, “She’s a really nice girl Billy, I think you’ve got a good one there.” “I know I have, which reminds me Maria, any chance you could have Becky next Thursday? I know Jess has only just moved out and she wouldn’t ask you, but I want to take her out.” “Of course we’ll have her, I’ve really missed her she’s such a little poppet.” “Thanks babe I know I’m a cheeky bastard, but do you think she could stay overnight? Then we won’t have to rush back, I can take her to the club.” “No problem just let me know what time you’ll be bringing her.” Mickey interrupted and jokingly said, “Will you be coming home Billy, or have you got other ideas?” “I’m can’t answer that Mick it’ll be up to Jess, I haven’t even told her we’re going, it’s a surprise.” He could sense that Billy would have said something to him about her had the others not have been there.

  “Oh by the way Monica, talking of people staying, I asked Mickey about you and he was fine about it,” said Maria. Excitedly Monica looked over at him and said, “Are you sure Mickey, she’s hasn’t blackmailed you into this has she!” Grinning he replied, “Well let’s just say by the time she’d finished with me last night, I would have agreed to anything!” Everyone laughed as Billy said “You poor bastard, no wonder you look knackered this morning!” Everyone laughed. “George isn’t that wonderful, you can tell our buyer we’ll be gone within ten days,” said Monica. “Yes, thanks very much you two, but are you sure its ok, we don’t want to put on you.” “Its fine George, just glad to help out,” said Mickey.


  Isabella was waiting for Carlo; he had called to say he was driving back from university with a friend for a few days. Tony had gone out but promised her that he would be back by the time he arrived. Although she was suspicious about her husband’s recent loving behaviour towards her, she was happy that he was making an effort, especially with Carlo. When he was a little boy he had been devoted to his dad, it was only as he grew up and realised he wasn’t the wonderful husband and father that he should have been that their relationship changed. Often missing his football matches after giving him his word that he would be there, were it not for the love he had for his mother he would have told his dad what he thought of him. One thing he knew, his mother was devoted to both of them and always made excuses for his dad. He hated the way his dad took her for granted and the way she always defended him out of her love and loyalty.

  To her surprise Tony kept to his word and returned home ten minutes before Carlo arrived. The moment Carlo arrived he embraced his mum before he introduced her to his friend James, who he’d invited to stay at their house. Just like Carlo he was handsome, although totally different in colouring with blond hair and blue eyes. Isabella was in no doubt when they were out together there wouldn’t be a shortage of female admirers. As she looked at Carlo she couldn’t help but see he was a younger version of his dad, with his wavy black hair and beautiful dark brown eyes which complemented his olive skin perfectly. Holding out her hand out to James, he made her blush by saying, “Carlo never told me his mum was such a beauty.” Jokingly Carlo said, “Watch him mum; he’s got a thing for older women!” They all looked round as his dad’s voice said, “Good job she’s happily married then isn’t it!” With a sarcastic tone Carlo looked at his friend and said, “This is my dad, Tony.” It was obvious to Carlo that his friend had taken an instant dislike to Tony and the feeling was mutual. Carlo had talked to James about his family, especially his dad’s womanising and how hurt he was over his mum putting up with it. Despite his youth, James was more than a match for Tony, which was clear when he said sarcastically, “Pleased to meet you, Carlo has told me all about you. I’m glad you’re here because he said you’re out most of the time.” Isabella looked at her son raising her eyebrows and discreetly giving a look that told him she knew James had just put Tony in his place. Tony was well aware that James was trying to impress not only his son but his wife. Replying sarcastically he said, “I’m a very successful man James, I have lots of business to attend to. Perhaps one day if you ever manage to become successful, you’ll understand it better.” Isabella could feel the tension building between them, especially when James replied, “Actually Mr Ramon, I’m already very successful; my grandfather left me some money three years ago. Fortunately I know a bit about the stock market and the last time I checked my bank balance, I think I was worth somewhere in the region of three million.”

  “You boys must be starving, can I get you something,” said Isabella, hoping to change the subject. “Thanks mum, just a sandwich or something woul
d be great!” She tried hard to involve Tony in the conversation as they ate and talked about university, but it was obvious to her that his thoughts were elsewhere; she knew it was because of a text he received ten minutes earlier.

  Trying to keep the conversation light she said, “So what are your plans for tonight Carlo are you going to spend some time at home with us? Sophia and the boys are so excited about you being here, they should be back soon. I hope you’ve warned James that Sophia will expect you take her out somewhere while you’re home. I’ve told her you’ve probably got things planned, but you know what she’s like, between her and your brothers I think she’s already got somewhere in mind. So don’t go letting her talk you into doing anything you don’t want to, but I did hear the word bowling mentioned.” “Great,” said James, “we love bowling don’t we Carlo, why don’t we all go!” Tony interrupted and said, “We’ll leave bowling to you kids, I’ve got business to tend to at the club and I’m sure your mother has got something to do Carlo?” With a sad expression on her face she said, “Do you have to go out tonight Tony, Carlo’s only here for a few days.” “Sorry babe, I can’t change it, I’m meeting someone later.” Although he had made it sound like business, she knew it was a woman. Seeing the disappointment on her face, James looked at her and said, “Oh that’s a pity, but there’s no reason why you can’t join us Isabella.” Blushing she tried to make a joke of it so as not to upset Tony. Smiling she said, “Thank you for the offer James, but I don’t bowl and Tony’s right I have lots of things to do, some other time perhaps.” Before he could reply Carlo said sarcastically, “What things mum?” Momentarily stumped for words because he’d caught her off guard, she nervously replied, “I’ve got some things I want to sort out for the church bazaar, Father Michael was only saying the other day they need more goods.” “When is the bazaar mum?” Realising he was going to make an issue of it so he could talk her into going bowling, she replied, “I’m not sure if it’s next weekend or the one after, so I must start sorting things out.” “Please mum, come with us, I don’t see much of you and I really want you to come.” Tony could see that she was feeling guilty about not going, so he interrupted and said, “She doesn’t want to go bowling, she’s told you she’s got things to do.” Unable to contain his frustration Carlo snapped at him and said, “No she hasn’t dad, it’s because you don’t want her to go. Heaven forbid she can have a life outside this house!” Before his dad could retaliate she said, “Don’t talk to your father like that, it’s very rude especially in front of James. I’m sure you will have a lovely time, whether I go or not, it’s just unfortunate that your dad has business to tend to.” Giving her a look of anger he replied, “Yes mum and we all know what sort of business it is, don’t we?” “That’s enough Carlo, please let’s not fight, I’m so happy you’re here.” Tony was seething. As she finished talking he said, “You’re not a boy anymore Carlo, so don’t ever make the mistake of speaking about me like that again. This is my house and I expect you to respect me in it!” Isabella started to cry and asked them not to argue, but Carlo couldn’t remain silent. Out of love for his mother he said, “God mum how can you stand it? I wish I’d never come back, we’ll book into a hotel, it’ll be better for everyone.” Sobbing she looked at Tony and said, “Please Tony, tell him we want him to stay, please.” Arrogantly he replied, “As long as he keeps out of my way he can do whatever he likes!” Then with a nasty look on his face he looked at Carlo and said, “Look at your mother, does it make you feel like a big man because you’ve reduced her to tears? She wants you to stay, at least have the decency to do that.” With that he stood up to leave the room, but as he reached the door he stopped instantly when Carlo said, “I’m not the one who makes her cry dad, she’s been crying for years but you wouldn’t know that would you, because you were never here. Like when I was a little boy and I used to go into her room because I could hear her crying, even then she defended you, when she knew you were out with another woman. I used to pray in church for her to leave you, or for you to leave her for one of your tarts!” Isabella was now crying and begging them to stop. It was only stopped when James intervened and said, “Carlo stop it, look at your mum.” Standing up, Carlo walked over to her and put his arm around her as he said, “Sorry mum, I can’t stay here. Tell the kids I’ll pick them up later to take them out, promise me mum you’ll have dinner with me tomorrow.” Trying to control her sobbing she replied, “Please Carlo, don’t go.” Tony interrupted and said, “Stay for your mother, look how upset she is.” Standing there Isabella gripped her son’s hand and said, “Please Carlo, I can cook for you tonight.” “You don’t have to cook for us mum, we can eat out.” “Oh but I want to, I was going to do your favourite home made cannelloni.” Feeling really bad that she was virtually begging him to stay he said, “Ok mum, I’m sorry I upset you, I shouldn’t have said anything.” “I know it’s hard for you, the trouble is you are so like your dad, please make up for me Carlo.” Purely for her he glanced over at Tony and said, “I hate seeing her like this, while I’m here I will respect you.” Although it was technically an apology, it was telling Tony that he wasn’t sorry for what he’d said, it was simply a compromise. Never the less if it made her happy, his dad was prepared to accept it as one. Suddenly the door burst open and Sophia rushed towards Carlo, hurling herself at him she hugged him. Then she realised that James was watching them. Despite only being thirteen she was beginning to notice the opposite sex, especially when they were as handsome as him. “Is this your friend Carlo?” she asked. Grinning at James he replied, “You’ve probably gathered this is Sophia,” then pointing at the two boys he continued, “That one is Vito and the little scrap is Anthony!” James quickly became comfortable with them, especially when he suggested them all going bowling.


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