Billy's Move

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Billy's Move Page 28

by Karen Clow

  Tony stood up and said, “If there’s nothing else, I’ll be making a move, I’ve got other business to see to.” Shaun was surprised he was leaving. After thanking him for all he’d done, he said, “Is everything alright Tony?” “Yeah, why do you ask?” “No reason, only you seem a bit uptight and if I’m honest I was surprised the way you laid into King.” “Yeah I’m normally more controlled than that, but I wasn’t about to let the fat bastard think we were pussies. I’ve got a lot on my mind at the moment Shaun, but I’m glad today happened.” “Me too Tony, I’ll catch up with you soon.”

  After saying his goodbyes, Tony left with Shane. Reggie left a few minutes later, but not before he’d gone over to the bar to say goodbye to Ann and thank her again for the cake. With the others gone, Mickey sat talking to Shaun. “What’s going on with Tony,” said the big Irishman. Shaking his head Mickey replied, “Fuck knows, but we’re lucky he didn’t cause a fucking riot earlier. There’s definitely something not right with him, Isabella is always on the phone to Maria and from what I gather even she’s finding him hard to cope with. He’s still seeing that girl down my way, fuck only knows why, she’s nothing special and he could get what he wants from his girls at the club. I just hope he doesn’t lose it like he did with his last mistress, especially on my fucking doorstep!” They talked about Tony for a while then Mickey said, “Actually Shaun there’s something I want to talk to you about.” Nodding Shaun replied, “What’s on your mind is everything alright with the families?” “Yeah the families great Shaun, it’s about the pub.” Before Mickey had a chance to tell him Shaun said, “You want to sell your share, I can understand that. If it wasn’t for you and my Maria I wouldn’t even have a pub.” Mickey had to smile when Shaun referred to his wife as his Maria, the affection he had for her was like that of a loving father. “How did you know Shaun, has Maria said anything?” “She didn’t have to, I know as well as everyone things have changed for you since you left London and I’m pleased. Like with this bit of bother with Barry King, I know you felt obligated to be here today. I wondered for a long time when this would happen, I’m surprised you didn’t want out sooner. Obviously I don’t want to sell to anyone Mickey, but I can’t afford to buy you out.” “I understand that Shaun, but I know I speak for Maria that the money wouldn’t be an issue. I’m sure we could just leave things as they are but sign everything over to you.” Feeling humble that they would do that for him, he replied, “Thanks for the offer Mickey but I couldn’t do that, I’d feel like a sponge. I’ve thought about asking my kids, but Ann worries about them. Realistically Tony would be the best choice, if there was ever any trouble he would be the man to ask to help me out. Like now, he was great sending Terry and the others round, especially as he doesn’t even have a stake in the place. I just suppose I don’t want anyone else making decisions I’ve got used to being the landlord, I knew with you I had a free hand.” Mickey thought about it for a moment and then replied, “What if I sold you a ten percent share of my half that would give you the lions share, sixty, forty, and the other side of that coin would be I could wait indefinitely for your money.” The Irishman looked quite choked as he said, “I’d really appreciate that, you and my Maria couldn’t be better to me if you were my own kin.” “Well I know Maria would be happy with that, she looks on you like her father, which brings me to say she’s had a letter this morning from her brother.” “I bet she’s well chuffed, but what do you think about it?” “I think it’s going to turn out ok; he’s a Marine, sounds alright. She asked me to tell you, maybe later you and Ann could give her a bell she’s so excited about it.” “Too fucking right, I’ll bell her.” They had another drink then Mickey left.

  Isabella was surprised when Tony came home just before six; she hadn’t expected to see him till the following morning, but from the moment he walked in she could tell that something was bothering him. All he had thought about since that morning was Lydia and the pregnancy; he’d made up his mind that when he saw her he would convince her to have an abortion. Now he was home, all he could think about was where Isabella had been earlier that day. Trying not to show her surprise at his return she said, “Are you here for dinner, only I haven’t prepared anything because the kids are all out.” “Out where?” “Sophia is at Trudy’s, they’re dropping her back about nine and the boys have gone bowling.” “Whatever you’re having Belle I’ll have the same.” Suddenly feeling as though she was treading on egg shells she replied, “I was only going to have a sandwich, because I ate out at lunch time.” Instantly she noticed his expression change as he replied, “You never said you were going out for lunch today, who did you go with?” Concerned as to where the conversation might end, she replied, “No one, I was on my own.” Almost as though he was interrogating her he said, “Where was you today, I tried to get hold of you but your mobile was switched off?” “Just shopping.” “So what did you buy then?” Nervously she replied, “Just a few bits and pieces.” “I want to see what you bought, show me.” Trying to change the subject she acted blasé and said, “Oh it was nothing much, just some cards and bits.” With a very aggressive tone he snapped, “So fucking show me!” Moving away from him because she felt threatened, she replied, “Tony stop it, I feel as though you don’t believe me.” Grabbing her roughly by the arm he shouted, “That’s because I don’t! If I find out you’re seeing someone else make no mistake Belle, I’ll fucking kill you!” Struggling to pull away from him she started crying as she shouted, “Let me go, what is wrong with you? Something has happened to you Tony; you’ve turned into a bully! You should know I’d never be unfaithful, so why are you treating me like this, I can’t take anymore!” Suddenly without any warning he slapped her face with such force that even though he was holding her arm, she fell back against the work top. Then he shouted “You’ve changed Belle, going out for lunch and doing things you never did before, what am I supposed to think? I wanted us to have another baby, but you won’t!” Screaming and sobbing she replied, “How would you know if I’ve changed, you’re never here, nothing I do is right anymore! It’s as though you don’t want to be with me but you won’t leave, so you’re taking it out on me. Whatever is going on Tony it’s not my fault, so please just leave me alone! Trying to intimidate her he pulled her up in front of him, now standing just a couple of inches away from her face he said, “What am I meant to think Belle, if you went shopping you would have bought things, so where the fuck are they?” With him still holding her, she reached over to her handbag and tried to take something out. Grabbing the bag in temper he tipped the contents out onto the table and said, “What are you looking for?” Sobbing and shaking hysterically she picked up her purse and screamed, “It’s in there!” watching her struggle to open her purse, he let her go. Taking out some receipts she threw them at him and screamed, “It was a surprise for your birthday!” When he picked them up, she saw her opportunity to get away and ran out of the kitchen and up the stairs to her bedroom.

  Back in the kitchen he went through the receipts, the first one was for a man’s solid gold ring, which had been ordered and paid for in his size. The next one was a paid for day at the race track, including driving a formula one car. The last receipt was for a luxury over night stay for two people at a top hotel. Feeling sick to the pit of his stomach, he made his way upstairs to apologise but when he opened the bedroom door, she screamed at him to go away. It was then he noticed she was packing a case on the bed. “Belle I’m sorry, I know I’m a fucking idiot!” “I don’t want to talk to you Tony, I’m leaving!” Angry, not only with her, but with himself he replied, “You’re not going anywhere babe.” “I am Tony; I can’t stay here with you. I’m going to stay with your mum for a couple of days. I want you gone when I get back!” Sensing that she meant it, he shouted, “I fucking said you’re not going anywhere, we need you here!” So fuelled with anger over his belligerent attitude, she snapped back through her tears and shouted, “Who needs me Tony, the kids, because you certainly don’t! You could have a
house keeper to look after you; God knows she’d probably see more of you than I do, especially if she’s young and you fancied her! So please don’t tell me you need me you lying bastard, our marriage is over, now leave me alone!” “I love you Belle, I’m not letting you go.” “Then do the decent thing for once in your life and you go!” Knowing he’d pushed her too far he made his way towards her, frightened she backed away from him and screamed at him to leave her alone. Pushing her against the wall he tried to kiss her, but she pushed him away. “Belle please, don’t push me away, you know we’ll always be together. I need you babe.” “Get away from me Tony, don’t touch me!” Pressing up against her and pinning her to the wall he kissed her again, only this time he was so forceful she couldn’t move as his lips pressed on hers. When he stopped and started necking with her she couldn’t push him off. Crying she repeatedly said, “Please don’t Tony!” Ignoring her he lifted her skirt and pulled her panties down, as he groped her he said, “Come on babe, you know you want it, isn’t it always good with us?” Feeling a sudden rush of defiance she replied, “No Tony it isn’t, most of the time I think you’re only doing it out of duty!” He didn’t reply and just continued to maul her. Standing there pinned to the wall she felt sick as she said, “I don’t want you Tony, please don’t do this.” “You know that’s not true babe, you do want me. I don’t want us to fight; I want us to make love.” She felt him fumbling with his trousers then she felt his cock touching her. Struggling to get away, she begged him not to do it, as she felt him try to enter her she said, “Stop it Tony, I hate you!” He stopped instantly and withdrew from her. Never once before had she ever said anything like that, releasing his grip from her, he backed away and said, “Belle don’t say that.” Defiantly she repeated over and over, “I hate you, I hate you!” No matter what he said she just wouldn’t stop saying it, so he slapped her, but she still said it, so he slapped her again and again. Finally she stopped more through exhaustion than anything else. Walking away from him she sat on the bed and just sobbed hysterically. Sitting down next to her, he reached out to hold her hand, but she pulled hers away and said, “Tony its over I want you to go. Maybe you could move in with whoever you’ve been seeing down in Kent, and don’t say you’re not because I’m not stupid!” Shocked by her words, but left with no choice but to try and defend himself he said, “I’m not seeing anyone babe, I love you Belle.” Sick of hearing his lies she said, “I’m going downstairs Tony; I’ll tell the children when they come in.” Still in shock he replied, “Tell them what?” “That I want you to leave; it’ll be better coming from me.” Never in his life had he felt so vulnerable or afraid. Almost on the brink of tears he said, “I told you Belle no one is leaving, I love you!” In a last ditch effort to get through to him, she replied, “I’m sorry Tony but I don’t love you. I don’t want to be married to you anymore. You’re the one who’s changed, not me! ” Desperate he said, “You do love me, I know you do, so please don’t do this Belle. We can work it out. I’m sorry for everything I’ve ever done to wrong you babe.” Tearfully she looked at him and replied, “Its too late, I don’t want to work it out Tony, I can’t take anymore. Let’s just try and be civilised, if not for us for the kids.” Placing his arm around her he changed tactics and said, “Babe, make love to me please.” Shaking her head in disbelief she replied, “Tony its over. I don’t want to make love to you ever again!” Unable to comprehend what she was saying he pushed her down onto the bed, her instinct was to fight him, but she didn’t have any fight left. Crying she looked at him and said, “I don’t want you here Tony, now please let me up, doing this won’t change anything.” Kissing her neck he replied, “Babe, you know you don’t mean that, I need you so bad, I can’t be without you. Please Belle, it can be like it was before, especially if we had another baby.” “For God’s sake Tony, what is so important about having another child?” Before he could reply she thought about it and added, “Oh God, you’ve got someone pregnant haven’t you? That’s why you keep on about babies, how could I have been so stupid?” With Lydia’s words rushing through his head he replied, “Don’t talk fucking stupid, I want us to have a baby!” “Believe me Tony, if you have got another woman pregnant that would definitely be the end of us.” Even though he’d lied about having a child with someone else, he was relieved when she’d said, ‘it would be the end of them.’ At that moment he knew that she wasn’t going to leave, despite what she’d said.

  After she’d finished shouting she just laid there as he mauled all over her, even when he entered her, she just laid there looking up at the ceiling. When he rolled over she never spoke but got up and headed towards the en suite to take a shower. Lying on the bed, he told himself over and over that she wouldn’t really leave him. When she returned to the bedroom he noticed how bruised her face was, but he never said anything. He watched her as she put clean clothes on and brushed her hair. It wasn’t until she walked towards the door he said, “Where you going babe?” Without looking round at him she replied, “Downstairs.”

  Isabella had hardly spoken to Tony since their argument. Even though he had tried to be nice by saying things like, “If you like when the kids get home me and you could go out to eat.” She felt relieved when the boys returned just before nine, more for her to have someone to talk to so she didn’t have to speak to her husband. The moment Vito saw her he said, “Mum what happened to your face?” Making light of it she replied, “Oh that, I fell over while I was out shopping today. God only knows how I managed it, one minute I was walking along, the next I was in the kerb!” Despite what she’d said Vito knew from the way his father looked when he’d asked her, that she hadn’t fallen over. Feeling braver because her sons were there, she asked Tony what time he was going out. Everyone looked surprised when he replied, “I’m not, I thought it would be nice to spend some time with you lot. I haven’t even had a proper chance to ask how the football trials went.” While the boys talked to their dad, Isabella asked if any of them wanted anything to eat. Anthony was the first to say, “Yeah I’ll have whatever is going mum.” His brother added, “We only had burger and chips an hour ago!” Looking at Tony she said, “Do you want anything?” “What are you doing babe, if you like I can send out for something?” Without giving him eye contact she said, “I’m making sandwiches, but you have whatever you like.” “No a sandwich will be fine babe.”

  Just as she entered the kitchen Sophia returned. “Mum what have you done to your face; it looks awful.” She told her the same story as she’d told her brothers before asking if she wanted anything to eat. “No thanks I had a big dinner,” said Sophia. Then she heard Tony’s voice, looking at her mum she said, “What’s dad doing home?” “Why don’t you ask him Sophia?”

  After taking the sandwiches in for the others, she sat quietly in the kitchen on her own to eat hers. Her mind kept asking why Tony was treating her so badly, the only conclusion she could come to was, despite what he’d said he really didn’t want to be there. Her heart was breaking as she thought about it; all she had ever done was love him and try to be a good wife and mother. Just as she wiped a tear from her eye Vito appeared, “Mum why you are out here, why don’t you come in the lounge with us?” “I’ll be in shortly; I just wanted some quiet time because I’ve got a headache.” Standing there staring at her he said, “Did dad do that to your face mum?” Instantly she replied, “No of course not, I told you I fell.” Something about the way she replied told him she was lying, but he never said anything, instead he asked her again to join them. Walking back into the lounge with her son, she told them she was going to take a bath.

  When she’d gone Sophia asked her dad if everything was ok. Looking shocked he replied, “Of course it is, why did you ask?” Anthony interrupted and said, “Because of mum.” Tony looked curious and said, “What do you mean?” Sophia threw her brother a look of distaste then said, “Nothing, we just wondered.” “Wondered what,” said her dad. “Nothing dad, really.” Looking over at Anthony he said, “Everyt
hing’s ok with mum isn’t it?” He could tell by Anthony’s face that he wanted to say something, so looking right at him he said, “Tell me Anthony, is something wrong?” “Mums been to the hospital dad, I heard her telling Carlo on the phone.” “What did she say?” “I only heard her say she’ll have the results on Friday; she is going to be ok isn’t she dad?” Having no idea what might be wrong, he tried to sound reassuring as he replied, “Of course she is son.”

  Tony left the kids talking and watching the TV and went into his study from where he called Carlo. It was obvious when his son answered that he was surprised to hear his dad’s voice. Carlo instantly said, “Is mum ok?” He knew it wasn’t a social call when Tony replied, “I don’t know Carlo, you tell me.” Taking offence at his dads tone he replied, “What did you call for dad?” “I need to know why your mum has been to hospital.” “Why don’t you ask her?” Then he sarcastically added, “Oh I forgot you’re never there are you, mum means nothing to you does she dad?” Controlling his anger Tony said, “I know you hate me Carlo and perhaps I haven’t been the best of fathers, but please tell me about your mum, because regardless of what you think, I love her!” Something in his voice told Carlo he was actually concerned, so after a few moments he replied, “She’s found a lump in her breast dad.” “When?” “A few weeks ago, I begged her to get it checked, but she wouldn’t. Last week I finally managed to convince her to go, but she’s scared dad, she made me swear I wouldn’t tell anyone.” There was a long silence before Tony said, “Thanks for telling me, it’s been good to talk Carlo.” Wanting so much for the rift between him and his dad to heal he replied, “Yeah it has, maybe you could call again sometime?” “I’d like that Carlo.” “Give my love to mum.” “I will, goodnight son.”


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