Billy's Move

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Billy's Move Page 30

by Karen Clow

  Pulling her back down as she went to stand up he said, “This is not about whether you’re ill or not is it Belle, what’s going on?” “Please Tony let me go, I don’t want you to hurt me anymore.” “I promise I won’t hurt you babe, now tell me.” In her heart she felt that she had nothing left to lose, so she looked right at him and said, “I know about Lydia, that’s why I want you to leave.” In total shock he replied, “How?” “When you were asleep she sent you a text message, I read it.” Picking his phone up from the table he read the message. ‘Hi I’m looking forward to going out tonight, wish you were here now making love to me, luv Lydia xxx.’ With his heart pounding he looked at Belle and said, “Babe she means nothing to me.” “It doesn’t matter now Tony, actually it was a relief. At least I know why you’ve been acting the way you have towards me. You can leave whenever you like.”

  As Tony tried to talk his way out of the mess he was in, all he could think was he wanted to kill Lydia. How could she have been so stupid, she knew there was always a chance that someone might read his messages. Belle was crying as he repeated over and over how sorry he was and that Lydia meant nothing to him. Unnerved by her calmness, he felt sick as he talked to her. Finally she couldn’t listen to him pleading anymore, standing up she said, “Tony, I want to ask you one thing, how old is she?” Trying to act as though Lydia was insignificant he shrugged his shoulders and said, “I don’t know, she was just some bird I met at Mickey’s club. I’ll never see her again Belle, I give you my word babe.” “Don’t lie to me Tony, so is she twenty, twenty five please don’t tell me she’s sixteen!” Angry that she would even think that, he snapped saying, “No she’s not fucking sixteen, she’s in her twenties!” Standing her ground she replied, “It would never be the same now, our marriage is over; let’s just accept that I don’t want to be with you anymore.” Tears rolling down his face, not only through his love for Belle but also his anger over Lydia; he said, “Please Belle, lets sort this out babe, I love you.” In a calm and dignified manner she replied, “Any love I had for you Tony died this morning when I read that text.” “Babe, let me call her now in front of you and tell her she means nothing and I don’t want to see her again!” “No Tony, call and tell her that you’ll be leaving me, so you can be with her, tell her I’ll give you a divorce.” Desperately wanting to shake her to make her listen to what he’d been saying he said, “I don’t want to be with her, why don’t you understand that Belle?” By that point she was crying and shaking her head as she said, “Can we not talk about it anymore Tony, it’s just too upsetting. What’s done is done; we can’t change it, so let’s just get things sorted out. I don’t want all this hanging over me when I go to the hospital on Friday. Perhaps we should have done this a long time ago, I’m only sorry I wasn’t enough for you.”

  With his heart breaking he said, “You’ve always been enough for me Belle. I’m not leaving; here with you is where I want to be.” Angry and exhausted she screamed at him, “Tony it’s over, if you wanted to be with me why did you need her? Call Mickey ask him to sort everything out for us. Just go out somewhere, go and see Lydia, but please just leave me in peace!” Storming out, she headed for the stairs.

  Tony sat with his head in his hands, he knew in his heart that she still loved him, but now she knew about Lydia there was no way she could stay with him, she had too much pride for that. Throughout their married life she’d known he’d had many women, but she never knew who they were, now she did and it was the end. Ironically had she not have had the lump, she probably would have forgiven him, but if nothing else her illness had made her realise that life is too short and if something isn’t right you should do something about it before it’s too late.

  In his temper he called Lydia’s number but it went straight to her answer phone, shouting into it he said, “It’s over Lydia, you should have thought twice before leaving that message! I told you before I love my wife!” Belle had heard him from the landing, with her heart heavy yet relieved, she walked into her bedroom and lay on the bed.

  Several minutes later she heard him coming up the stairs, as he opened the door she said tearfully, “Please go away Tony, I can’t talk to you anymore.” “I’ve told Lydia I don’t want anymore to do with her babe. I only met her once, she’s nothing.” “Oh God Tony when are you going to stop lying, how stupid do you think I am! Like the night of Jess’s house warming, I knew you weren’t helping Mickey, you were seeing her! Just go away, please!” Ignoring her he laid down beside her and put his arm around her. Instantly she got up and headed towards the door. “Babe, please come back, I only want to talk,” he said pitifully. Turning to look at him she replied, “I told you there’s nothing to talk about and I know you Tony, you’ll think if we have sex now everything will be alright, well it won’t, not this time!” Then he surprised even her as he broke down and sobbed, “Please Belle, please I love you!” Walking back over to the bed, she just stood there looking down upon him and said, “Stop it Tony, it doesn’t have to be like this. Please just stop crying, I’m going out for a walk to clear my head.” Tugging at her heart strings he sobbed, “Please babe, just talk to me please.” When she sat down on the bed, he tried to pull her gently down next to him. Looking shattered she said, “Say what you want to say Tony then I can go out.” “Babe please, I love you I’m so sorry Belle, please believe me.” Tears rolling down her face she replied, “I do believe you Tony, but it’s too late. I always knew in my heart this day would come. I expect she’s young and beautiful like the girls at the club. At least I won’t have to suffer the indignity of going there anymore.” Clutching at her arm he replied, “What do you mean babe?” “Oh please Tony; every time you took me there, I knew which girl you were sleeping with just by the way they looked at me.” Knowing she was right and how horrible that must have been for her, he begged her to forgive him. “I told you Tony, I’ve already forgiven you. I would like us to stay friends; it will be hard for me not having you in my life.” “I am in your life babe, you are my life!” Standing up she said, “Not anymore, I’m sorry Tony.”

  Then she walked through the door without looking back. A few minutes later Tony heard the front door slam. With his head buzzing, he took out his mobile and called Carlo, when his son answered Tony sobbed down the phone. Carlo thought that something had happened to Isabella, in an effort to understand what his dad was saying, he shouted at him to pull himself together. Over five minutes had past since his dad made the call, yet Carlo had still only made out that his mum was leaving. Finally he said, “Dad I’m driving over, tell mum I’ll be there within the next two hours.” Then he hung up.

  An hour and forty five minutes later, Carlo pulled up at the house. His dad was waiting at the front door for him. Carlo immediately noticed how dishevelled his dad looked and that he had been crying. “Where’s mum, is she inside?” was the first thing Carlo asked. “No, I don’t know where she is, she said she was only going for a walk, but that was two hours ago!” Walking back to his car he Carlo said, “I’ll find her dad, call my mobile if she turns up here.” Tony walked to the car and spoke to him through the window, “Please Carlo, tell her how much I love her, please help me!” “I’ll find her dad,” he replied as he pulled away. Just as Tony went back in the house his mobile rang. Assuming it was Isabella, he didn’t check the caller ID before answering it. “Belle, where are you babe?” “It’s me Lydia; I just got your message, what’s going on Tony?” Seething with anger on hearing her voice he shouted, “What’s going on, you fucking stupid bitch, why did you send that fucking text about seeing me tonight?” Sounding sincere she replied, “I’m so sorry I didn’t think anyone else would see it.” “Well you were fucking wrong, my wife saw it and now she wants a fucking divorce!” “Oh God I had no idea.” “Just fuck off Lydia, I wished I’d never fucking clapped eyes on you!” “Fuck off yourself; I’ll let you know whether you have a son or a daughter in about six months time!” With that she cut the call off. Tony poured himself a scotch, which
he downed in one through sheer anger.

  Carlo had driven round for twenty minutes looking for his mum and trying to think where she might be, he decided to check out the park where he’d taken her with James. Unable to drive his car in, he parked at the gates and continued on foot. After walking for almost thirty minutes past endless rows of flower beds and ponds, he spotted her sitting down by the edge of the lake. Walking over to her he thought how lonely she appeared sitting there. She jumped as he sat down beside her. “Carlo what are you doing here?” she asked as he kissed her cheek. “Dad called me mum; he’s worried about you, what’s going on?” Her eyes welled with tears as she replied, “Didn’t your father tell you, we’re getting divorced, and before you say anything bad about him, it’s me who wants it.” Taking a closer look at her face and seeing the bruises she’d tried to hide under her make up, he said, “Did he do that to you? “No I fell when I was out shopping. I wished you hadn’t told your dad about the hospital. “Sorry mum, I didn’t want to, but he really was concerned and I thought he had a right to know.” “How long can you stay Carlo?” “As long as you need me too mum, actually I’ve only got a couple of lectures this week and I can easily catch up on those.” “Would you mind taking me to the hospital on Friday? I did ask your father, but I’d rather he didn’t now.” “Mum what’s happened?” Unable to look at him, she fiddled with the grass and replied, “He’s got someone else.” Carlo was stunned at first then angry. “Mum, please say you’re joking?” “No it’s not a joke, that’s why I want him to leave.” Putting his arm around her, he said, “I hate him mum how can he do this to you. I’m glad you’ve finally realised what a low life he is!” Instantly she sprang to Tony defence and said, “Don’t you ever talk about your father like that, I won’t have it. Despite what he’s done, I still love him. The more I think about everything, the more I hope it is cancer and then I won’t have to worry about him. God knows I might finally get some peace!” Carlo just stared at her unable to comprehend what she’d just said. Watching her as the tears rolled down her face, he knew is was just a defence because she couldn’t believe what was happening.

  Wiping her eyes she smiled and said, “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said that. I just feel so angry over your dad, words cannot describe it. I don’t know what else I could have done to make him love me.” Carlo hugged her and said, “Don’t cry mum, he’s not worth it, and don’t ever put yourself down he couldn’t wish for a better wife, it’s just the way he is. Shall we go home; I’ll even cook for us tonight if you like?” Nodding her head she tried to smile as she replied, “That would be lovely, but I couldn’t do it justice, I feel sick to the pit of my stomach.”

  Standing up he reached out his hand to help her. “Is your father still at home Carlo?” “Yes mum, but I can tell him to leave if you want me to?” “I don’t want him there; he’s meeting that woman tonight I don’t want him coming home to us afterwards. If he can’t stay with her, he can book into a hotel!”

  Isabella was disappointed when she saw Tony’s car outside the house, she had hoped he would have gone out by the time she returned. The atmosphere was heavy as they walked in and Tony rushed along the hall and said, “Thank God babe, where have you been? You said you were only going for a walk, I was worried.” “You don’t have to worry about me anymore Tony, I thought I made that clear earlier.”

  Feeling humble because his son was there he choose his words carefully as he replied, “Babe come on, can we sit down and talk in private. I’ve sorted some things out.” “If you’re referring to Lydia, Carlo knows all about her. I’ll tell the others when they get home, which should be any moment now.” Frustrated by her unwillingness to even discuss it, he shouted, “For fuck sake Belle, what is it you want me to do or say?”

  Carlo could see his mum was upset, so he cut in and said, “Just leave her alone dad, she wants you to leave!” Then he sarcastically added, “Anyway, shouldn’t you be getting ready to see your tart?” Seething with anger and unable to control his temper Tony retaliated, “Shut your fucking mouth Carlo, this is between me and your mother. If I want your opinion I’ll fucking ask for it!” In defence of his mother Carlo arrogantly replied, “Fucking look at her, how could you treat her like this. Just look at her face dad, we both know she didn’t fall and she’s worth a million of those fucking tarts you sleep with!” Before his dad could reply, Isabella cut in and shouted, “Stop it, I don’t want you two fighting, just leave Tony!” Walking off in a terrible temper Tony shouted, “I told you, I’m not fucking going anywhere. I’ll talk to you later Belle!” Carlo moved to follow him, but Isabella grabbed his arm and tearfully said, “Please Carlo just leave it.”

  Making their way to the kitchen he made a cup of tea, and sat down with her at the table. While they talked Sophia and her brothers returned. Excitedly Sophia hugged Carlo and asked how long he was there for, but before he could answer she heard Vito say, “Mum are you alright, why is Carlo here, has something happened?” On the brink of tears she just nodded, unable to tell him. Looking at his brother Vito said, “Carlo what’s happened, why is mum crying?” Before he could reply Tony appeared and said, “It’s me who’s upset your mum; she wants me to move out. I don’t want to, but she won’t even talk about it.” Carlo knew exactly what his dad was doing; he was trying to make it sound as though it was her fault, especially as he knew Sophia would take his side. “Tell them why dad, why mum wants you to leave?” “Be quiet Carlo, it’s got nothing to do with you!” “So why did you call me then dad and ask me to try and convince mum to let you stay? Why don’t you tell them dad, you’re the big man, so tell them!” “I don’t want to hurt you Carlo, but I will if you don’t shut your fucking mouth!” Having listened to them arguing; Isabella interrupted and said, “Tell them Tony or I will.” All three kids kept asking what it was.

  Tony was still trying to tip toe round the subject, when despite feeling fraught Isabella began to say, “Your dad is leaving because he’s got a new girlfriend” Before she could say another word, Tony grabbed her and said, “Belle don’t, there’s no need for them to know. I’ve told you we’ll work this out!” “Let go of me Tony, you’re hurting me.” “If you shut up, I will!” Becoming hysterical she screamed, “Let me go!” Carlo grabbed his dad’s arm and shouted, “Let her go dad!” Tony pushed him with such force he hit the wall.” Belle was screaming, the kids were shouting and Tony’s temper was fast spiralling out of control. Shaking Belle, he snapped saying, “Just fucking tell them that we’re going to sort this out!” “Leave me alone, you’re hurting me,” screamed Belle. Suddenly Carlo punched his dad in the face and yelled, “Let her go dad!” Instantly Tony retaliated with a series of punches. Isabella was trying to grab her husband in an effort to stop him from hurting their son. Sophia was shaking and crying, Anthony and Vito were trying to stop their dad from hurting their brother, but the father and son fight continued. It was clear that Carlo was no match for his dad when within seconds he was on the floor and his dad standing over him shouting, “I fucking warned you, now fuck off and leave me and your mother alone to sort this out!”


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