Billy's Move

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Billy's Move Page 48

by Karen Clow


  Jess had just woken up. Looking at the clock she was surprised she had slept in so late, it was quarter past ten. Leaving Billy asleep on the rug, she made her way to the kitchen to put the kettle on before going to use the toilet. Billy’s blood was still on the toilet seat and floor, looking at it she felt quite sick. After using the toilet, she sprayed disinfectant over everything and cleaned the bathroom, then washed her hands and face before going back to the kitchen to make the tea.

  Putting Billy’s jacket round her shoulders as she was only wearing the basque, she poured the tea. Carrying the cups into the lounge she placed them on the coffee table. She was just about to wake him, when something caught her eye. Lying just under the edge of the sofa she could see something, it was material bright pink. Kneeling down she reached over and picked it up. To her absolute horror it was a pair of skimpy knickers which didn’t belong to her. So upset and angry she didn’t quite know what to do. Laying them on Billy’s chest, she stood up and then made her way upstairs. Going over in her mind exactly how she would deal with the fact that Billy had slept with someone else as she laid on the bed and sobbed. Feeling sick to the pit of her stomach, she hugged the pillow. Suddenly she realised she could smell something, it was perfume. Sitting up she sniffed the pillow, smelling the perfume stronger, she pulled the covers back and there in her bed was a silver necklace with the initial R hanging from it. Devastated she felt so alone, she trusted him and he had abused that trust by sleeping with another woman just hours before he married her. With her head spinning, she took her basque off and put her dressing gown on. Unable to stop crying, she really didn’t know what to do. Finally she composed herself just long enough to call Maria. Mickey answered the call, recognising her voice he joked and said, “Morning babe, don’t tell me your ringing to say you’ve shagged poor Billy to death?” Suddenly she burst into tears and asked for Maria. Realising that something was very wrong he said, “Babe are you ok, what’s happened is Billy ok?” Barely able to speak clearly she replied, “He’s fine, please Mickey put Maria on.” Calling to his wife, as she appeared he passed her the phone and with his hand over the receiver and said, “It’s Jess, something’s happened babe, she’s crying.” Taking the phone Maria said, “Jess are you ok?” Hysterically Jess tried to tell her what she’d found. “Calm down Jess, I can’t understand you, are you saying that Billy slept with someone else?” “Yes, her necklace is in my bed, how could he do that Maria.” “Oh sweetheart stop crying have you asked him about it?” “No he’s asleep downstairs, I don’t want to speak to him.” “Listen sweetheart you have to talk to him, you just can’t jump to conclusions.” Slightly calmer since talking to her friend, Jess replied, “There was a pair of knickers in the lounge.” “Do you want us to come and get you Jess?” “I don’t know what to do Maria.” “Ok, for your own peace of mind you’ve got to talk to Billy, you can’t just leave it. Go and wake him up, tell him what you’ve found. Becky is fine here, so you can take as long as you need. When you’ve spoken to him, if you need me to I’ll come and get you, ok?” “Thanks Maria, sorry I called, but I just had to talk to someone.” “I know Jess, now go and talk to Billy.” “Thanks, I’ll call you later.”

  Mickey looked concerned as the call ended and he said, “What’s happened babe, is she alright?” Maria told him what Jess had said and how devastated and heart broken she was. “I think I need to have a word with Kevin,” said Mickey. Curiously she replied, “Why.” “Because when me and George went to get Becky’s shoes there were three girls there. I was going to tell you babe I just haven’t had the chance, but it wasn’t Billy it was Kev. The girls were naked and it was obvious what had gone on, but when Billy came to from his bang on the head, he didn’t know who they were. It certainly didn’t look to me as though he’d slept with any of them. He even asked one of them and she said he hadn’t. I think this could be down to Kev and poor Billy is going to take the blame.” “Go and speak to him Mickey, poor Jess is beside herself.”

  Back at the cottage, Jess sat on the sofa just staring at him asleep on the floor. Trying hard not to break down, she curled up and held the cushion close to her chest. Twenty minutes passed before he started to stir, slowly opening his eyes he looked at her and said, “Don’t I get a cuddle this morning then?” She didn’t reply she just stared at him with tears streaming down her face. Suddenly realising she was crying he sat up and said, “Babe what’s wrong?” Throwing the necklace at him she said, “You tell me Billy!” Picking the necklace up he noticed the knickers after they had fallen to the floor when he sat up. Looking at the necklace he frowned and said, “Babe what’s going on?” Sobbing hysterically she shouted, “I found that in our bed Billy!” Still in a state of shock he rallied to his feet and sat down next to her. “Get away from me Billy, how could you do that?” “Do what babe, I haven’t done anything.” “Oh please, I know you think I’m stupid because I lived in the country and you lived in London, well I’m not! I trusted you Billy; I thought you meant it when you said you loved me. You’re no better than Neville Howard, you’re all the same! If you want to sleep around then why did you marry me? I can’t believe you fucked someone in our bed!” Grabbing her arms he shouted, “Hang on a minute I never fucked anyone! I love you Jess, you know that!” “Let go of me Billy, don’t tell anymore lies! Your girlfriend not only left her necklace for me, she also left her knickers! Surely if nothing else other than this being our home, you could have checked, or did you want me to find them?” Shaking her harder he shouted, “I fucking swear babe, I never fucked anyone! I don’t know how those things ended up in our bed, but it fucking well doesn’t have anything to do with me! As far as I know I spent the entire fucking night unconscious on the toilet floor!” “Let me go Billy you’re hurting me!” Releasing her, he tried to hug her, but she scrambled to her feet shouting, “I’m going to get Becky, I don’t want you here when I get back! Call your girlfriend and tell her she can go to France with you!” Hysterically she ran out of the room and up the stairs to her bedroom. Billy ran after her, although he could see why she was upset he was angry that she didn’t believe him.

  Lying face down on the bed, she just sobbed uncontrollably. Stark naked he walked towards the bed and put his hand on her back as he said, “Babe, please listen to me. I didn’t do this, it was Kevin.” Rolling over she snapped, “Do you expect me to believe Kevin was in our bed! Oh please God, don’t tell me you were both in it!” Trying to hold his temper he tried reasoning with her, but she was screaming at him hysterically. Getting up off the bed she stood in front of him and screamed “Get away from me Billy, our marriage should never have happened!” Desperate to make her listen he grabbed her to prevent her from leaving. Suddenly she attacked him, slapping his face and screaming at him. Not wanting to hurt her, he threw her onto the bed and straddled over her to hold her down. Pinning her arms down above her head, he shouted at her to calm down. It was a few minutes later after realising her struggling was futile, she began to act more rationally. Billy could feel her body shaking as he looked down at her and said, “Babe I never did anything, why won’t you believe me?” Crying, but calmer she replied, “Please let me up, I want to collect Becky. It’s over Billy, let’s just try and accept that if I can’t trust you then this marriage will never work.” Almost on the verge of tears he replied, “You can trust me babe, this marriage will work.” “I’ll never trust you Billy, I don’t want to be here every night wondering what you’re doing, or more to the point who you’re doing it with? Now please let me up, I’ve got nothing else to say. I want to get Becky.” In a desperate attempt to make her believe him, he leaned forward and kissed her, but she started struggling in an effort to make him stop. Holding her down he kissed her again, despite the circumstances he wanted so badly to make love to her. Releasing her arms, he moved his hands down and pulled open her gown. Aware of what he wanted to do, she tried to pull her gown together as she said, “Billy let me up please.” Taking her hands he held
them as he tried to kiss her again. Again she began struggling against him and asking him to stop. With her gown now fully open and him straddled over her, she looked sad as she said, “Billy please, let me up.” “Babe, please believe me, I didn’t sleep with anyone you’re the only one I want. Like now I want you so badly, please babe lets not fight.” With the tears rolling down her face onto the pillow she replied, “I want to believe you, but I can’t.” Kissing her again before saying, “You can babe, because I didn’t do it. Do you really think I would do that, especially in our bed?” He felt her stop resisting him, so he moved down and knelt between her legs. Gently lying down over her, he began kissing her and fondling her breasts, even though she was still crying. A moment later he was making love to her. He could tell from her responses she was trying to resist him, but he knew her body wanted him as much as his wanted hers. Slowly and gently he continued to make love to her, until finally she put her arms around him. Feeling a rush of relief he quickened his pace, a few seconds later they were coming. Lying next to her he gently cuddled her and said, “Babe I know you think I’m guilty, but I’m not.” “I’m not sure how I feel at the moment. I don’t know if I want to be with you Billy.” “Don’t say that babe, we love each other. I would never do anything to hurt you Jess. Please tell me you know that?” Tearfully she replied, “I really thought I could trust you Billy, but I can’t. Something happened here and I think you did sleep with someone else.” Before he could reply the phone rang.

  Jess reached over to answer it. Grabbing her hand he said, “Ignore it, whoever it is they’ll ring back if it’s important, we need to sort this out Jess.” “What if it’s Maria it could be about Becky?” The phone stopped ringing as he said, “Becky’s fine, Maria will ring back if something’s up.” Just as she was about to reply, it rang again. Looking worried she said, “Please Billy just see if it’s Maria, please.” “Ok, but I want us to sort this out babe.” Reaching over he picked up the phone and said, “Hello.” “Oh Billy it’s me Maria, I was worried when you didn’t answer the phone. Mickey and Kevin are on their way over to you, I think Jess needs to hear what Kevin has to say.” “Has Kev said something about last night when he stayed here?” “Yes, that’s why they’re coming over. Jess told me what happened, can I just speak to her Billy; I know you didn’t do anything.” Passing the phone to Jess he said, “She wants to talk to you babe.” Jess listened to what her friend said, then after saying “Thank you,” she put the phone down. Billy was just staring at her as she said, “Mickey and Kevin are on their way here.” “I know babe, why didn’t you tell me you’d spoken to Maria?” She started to tell him, but was interrupted by the doorbell ringing. “Go and let them in Billy, while I put some clothes on.” Quickly he slipped on a pair of jeans, before he left to answer the door.

  The first words Kevin said as he opened the door were, “Sorry Billy.” “Fucking sorry Kev, I expect you are!” Mickey intervened and said, “Where’s Jess?” “Just getting dressed, she’ll be down in a second.” “Stick the kettle on Billy, Kev needs to talk to her.”

  Kevin felt really bad as Jess came downstairs; her face was all red and puffy from where she had been crying so much. “Tell her Kev,” said Mickey. “It was me who asked those girls to come back Jess, not Billy.” “I’d expect you to say that Kevin, you’re his best friend.” “Straight up babe, it’s the truth.” Mickey said, “Listen to him Jess, he’s telling the truth me and George can vouch for that.”

  Billy returned with the tea and sat listening to Kevin explaining to her what had actually happened. He even told her about Roxy following Billy up to the bedroom, but returning downstairs a few minutes later, when Billy went to use the bathroom. Jess just sat there her eyes welling with tears as Billy sat on the arm of her chair with his arm around her. Kevin finished his confession by saying, “I’ve got the girls’ numbers if you want I’ll call them so they can tell you as well. Honest babe, Billy never did anything.” Looking up at Billy she said, “I’m sorry.” Pulling her to him he replied, “Nothing to be sorry for babe, if I found what you had I’d have been the same way.” “Thank fuck that’s over,” said Mickey, “can I go home now?” Jess smiled and replied, “Thanks for everything, tell Maria we’ll be there within the hour.” “No rush, Maria was hoping you’d leave it for a couple of hours so we can take all the kids out with Charlie. She’s promised the twins that they can feed the ducks in the park; we were hoping to take Becky with us. She’s taken a real shine to Charlie and Scott.” Billy was quick to say, “Are you sure Mick, it would be nice if we had a couple of hours to ourselves.” “I’m certain, now I’m going, I’ll see you later.” Kev stood up and said, “I’ll be making tracks back to London, sorry about what happened.” Billy stood up, shook his hand and said, “Three women, you fucking greedy bastard!” Even Jess laughed as she hugged Kevin and kissed him on the cheek. They waved him off a few moments later.

  Alone in the cottage Billy hugged her and said, “What a fucking way to start married life! Any chance we could just forget this morning and start again from now?” Nodding her head she replied, “I think that would be a very good idea. I’m sorry I didn’t believe you.” “Forget it babe, as we’re starting again does that mean you’re going to cook me breakfast and then take me to bed for rampant sex?” Frowning she replied, “But we’ve only just had sex.” “I know, but that was just to make you listen to me, now we can do it properly like we should have done.” “Ok, just let me change the bedding and shower then I’ll cook breakfast while you shower.”

  Mickey was back at the house telling Maria what had happened. “Thank God, so do you think they’ll be alright now,” she asked. “I think so babe, one things for certain they love each other and Becky. Yeah I would say they’ve got everything they need to make it work, the only downfall may be the club we both know how hard that is.” Lovingly she looked at him and said, “Any regrets Mickey?” Frowning he replied, “What about us, not one.” “I meant giving up the clubs. I know you always say you don’t miss that life, but.” He cut in before she could say anymore and said, “But nothing babe, I mean it, I love what we have. All I meant was that Billy is just starting; believe me babe; I know there will be no shortage of old dogs throwing themselves at him. If he’s got any sense, he won’t let it go to his head, but he’s young and it’s hard. Girls like Jess don’t come along very often; let’s just hope she’s enough.” “Billy’s a good man, let’s hope you’re right Mickey and he doesn’t get sucked in by the negative side of club life.” “Only time will tell babe, now when are we going to the park?” “Shall we take a picnic and eat there then we can go now?” “Great idea, I’ll sort the kids while you sort the grub.”


  First thing Monday morning Billy was at the dentist, he was hoping to get his tooth fixed before they left later that day for their honeymoon. Talking to the dentist he said, “Can you sort it today?” Raising his eyebrows the dentist shook his head and replied, “I will need to make an impression of the tooth, so we can get you a false one made.” “A false one, I was hoping you could put that one back in?” “I’m afraid it’s not that simple, you see the whole tooth has come out there’s nothing to fix it too. The only other option would be a porcelain veneer, but they don’t come cheap.” “How much to get it done today, only I’m supposed to be going on my honeymoon later this afternoon.” “If I could do it today, which is doubtful, you’d be looking at around two thousand pounds.” Momentarily forgetting where he was Billy said, “Fuck me two grand for a tooth, even Dick Turpin wore a mask! I’m in the wrong fucking business.” Then he noticed the expression on the dentist’s face and said, “Sorry about that, but it was a bit of a shock, can you do it today I’ll pay cash?” Clearly surprised he replied, “If I prepared it now you’d have to come back at four. I could do it then when the practice closes.” “Ok let’s do that then,” said a relieved Billy.

  Just over an hour later he returned to the cottage and explained to Jess what was happe
ning. Grinning she replied, “I expect the money swung it for you, if that had been on the NHS you’d have been lucky to even see a dentist this week, let alone today. Maybe we should phone the hotel and tell them we’ll be there tomorrow, because I expect your mouth will be sore. We could just have a quiet night in with Becky, because we won’t see her for a few days and the last few days she’s hardly been here.” Smiling he replied, “I take it from that you’ve talked to Maria and decided to leave her here.” Nodding she smiled and replied, “I called her this morning, apparently Charlie and Scott really want her to stay so they can take her out with all the others.” “That’s great babe, but you know I would have taken her with us, because we are a family.” “I know and on that point I’ve got something to tell you.” Frowning he looked curious and said, “We are a family babe?” “Yes we are and that family is going to have another addition in about eight months time.” She felt concern as he just stood there staring at her; she had expected him to at least show some excitement. On the verge of tears she said, “Is it ok Billy, I thought you wanted another baby?” With his heart pounding he replied, “I do babe its fantastic! I’m just in shock that’s all. I didn’t think it would happen this quick!” Crying she replied, “But you told me not to have the injection Billy. I knew it would happen quickly; I only had sex once and fell for Becky. I can tell by your face you’re not really happy about it, maybe the test is wrong I might not be.” She stood up and began walking towards the kitchen. Billy grabbed her and in an excited voice said, “Fuck me we’re really going to have a baby?” For almost five minutes he hugged her and kissed her, lifted her off the ground and twirled her round. Finally he calmed down and said, “You don’t really think the test could be wrong, do you babe?” Smiling and shaking her head she replied, “I know its not, I’ve done two. I just didn’t think you wanted it.” “Of course I want it, apart from marrying you it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me! I love you babe.” “I love you too, now shall we call the hotel and tell then we’ll arrive tomorrow?”


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