Billy's Move

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Billy's Move Page 50

by Karen Clow

  She had only just put the phone down when it rang again. “Hello,” said Jess. “Is that Mrs Saxby?” “Yes.” “Good morning I’m Theresa Meehan, from Meridian News.” Oh no, thought Jess as she listened to her asking if they could come to the cottage to interview them. The moment the call ended Jess picked the baby up and headed upstairs to the bedroom. Just as she got there the phone rang again. Billy was awake as she entered the room and put Becky down on the bed with him. “Who the bloody hell keeps phoning,” he snapped. “Don’t answer it, it’s probably another reporter,” replied Jess. “Reporter, what you talking about babe,” he asked curiously.

  Sitting down on the bed she told him about the two previous calls she’d had that morning. “Fuck me babe, I told you those blokes were bodyguards, who did you say she was?” “I don’t know Lady something or another, her husband is something to do with the queen. You’d better get up because they’re coming at twelve to take your picture.”

  Donald Weiss and his photographer arrived early at half eleven. Shaking Billy’s hand he said, “Pleased to meet you Mr Saxby.” “Call me Billy and this is my wife Jess and our daughter Becky.” Offering his hand to Jess he said, “How does it feel being married to a hero?” Holding Becky on her hip, she blushed as she said, “He’s always been our hero.” The photographer took several photos of them together as a family. Then Donald asked him the circumstances as to why he’d decided to chase the robber. The look of surprise on his face said it all when Billy replied, “We’d been on honeymoon and were just leaving the hotel when the bloke ran into Jess and knocked her over. That was why I ran after him and thumped him.” Grinning Donald replied, “Well whatever the reason, Lady Weatherly-Ashton was very pleased that you secured her case.” As they talked the door bell rang, Jess got up to answer it, leaving Billy talking.

  Opening the door she knew it was the film crew from Meridian by the amount of gear they were carrying. A woman stepped forward and said, “Mrs Saxby, we spoke earlier on the phone.” Then reaching out her she said, “Terri Meehan Meridian News.” “Jess, I’m Billy’s wife.” Following Jess through into the lounge Terri nodded at Donald, it was obvious they’d met before when she said, “We really must stop meeting like this Don.”

  Donald thanked Billy and Jess then left with his cameraman. “Right, now he’s gone shall we push on, we’re hoping to get this out on tonight’s show,” said Terri. Raising her eyebrows Jess said, “What, you mean Billy will actually be on TV tonight?” “Yes of course, so let’s get on shall we.” She asked the family to sit on the sofa. While they were filmed, she chatted to them about the incident. Just like Billy had said to Donald he told her why he’d run after the bloke, although he did add that he was glad to have helped bring a criminal to justice.

  Within the hour they were leaving. Whilst everyone had been there Jess had unplugged the phone, simply because it had rung non-stop. No sooner had she plugged it back in that it rang. Checking the caller number before answering it she said, “Hi Maria.” “Sorry to bother you Jess, I just wanted to let you know that Becky’s shoes and coat are still here.” “Thanks, we’ll probably call in for them later if that’s ok?” “Of course it’s fine, oh and the twins loved the gifts you bought them, especially the French berets! They’re going to write you and Billy a thank you card. You were very naughty Jess; spending so much on all of us we didn’t expect anything.” “Don’t be daft after all you’ve done for us, it was our pleasure.” She went on to say about the reporters who had come to house. Maria said, “I’ll tell Mickey and the family that we’ve got to watch the local news tonight.” “See you later,” said Jess as she put the phone down. Grinning Billy and said, “What are we calling in for later?” “Just some stuff of Becky’s we left there.” “Don’t forget babe, I’m back down the club tonight.” “I know I wish you didn’t have to work every night.” “Once the club starts making more money babe, we’ll be able to afford more staff and then I’ll be home more.”

  The phone rang again. “Shall we nip over to Maria’s now babe, only that fucking phone is going out the window if we stay here,” said Billy. Laughing she picked Becky up and said, “Come on lets go to Aunty Maria’s before daddy loses his temper and we end up without a phone.”

  Less than thirty minutes later they arrived at Maria’s. Mickey opened the door and jokingly called out to Maria and his parents “Don’t worry its only Sir William and his good lady.” They all laughed as Billy said, “Piss off and get the kettle on knave!” Becky ran straight into the play room with the others.

  Mickey was just going to pick the twins up from school. Looking at Billy he said, “See you when I get back and then you can tell me all about your heroics.” In a very blasé manner Billy replied, “Nothing to tell Mick, some bloke knocked Jess over so I caught him and thumped him a few times. I had no idea whose fucking bag he’d nick and quite honestly I didn’t care.” Everyone laughed.

  By six o’clock Billy and his family were back at the cottage waiting for the Meridian news to come on. Jess was in the kitchen when he called out, “Come on babe, its just about to start.” They sat together on the sofa as they watched the programme. Billy grinned as the host said, “Today our reporter went along to meet local hero Billy Saxby, who whilst on his honeymoon tackled a mugger.” The host went on to talk about who the case belonged to etc. Billy and Jess laughed when Billy told the reporter that he hit the bloke because he’d knocked Jess over.

  No sooner had the clip finished when the phone started ringing; the first call was from George. When Billy picked up the phone; George joked and said, “Would I be speaking to Kent’s hero, Billy Saxby?” Recognising his voice Billy replied, “You would indeed, if you’ve rung for an autograph I’ll be at the M4 later this evening.” “Yeah, I thought the plug for the club was good, free advertising on TV, can’t be bad hey Billy?” They talked for several minutes before George said, “Ok, I’ll see you tonight.”

  Over the next two hours the phone rang non-stop. With Billy’s mates in London calling along with Shaun, Tony and of course Mickey, but it was the call that came just after Billy had left for the club that was a shock for Jess. She had been sitting watching the telly around nine thirty when she took the call, expecting it to be yet another of his friends, she said, “Hello,” but to her surprise the caller wasn’t a friend, it was her mother. “Hello Jess, we saw you on television.” Momentarily unable to answer her Jess just sat holding the phone before saying, “What do you want mum?” “Oh don’t be like that Jess, I know things weren’t good between us when you left, but can’t we forget all that now? You seem to have done very nicely. Me and dad was just saying you look like you’ve fallen on your feet, what with marrying a club owner and all.” Jess thought about what her mother had said, had she still been the shy quiet girl with no confidence she may have wanted a relationship with her mother, but her friends and Billy had changed all that, which her mother was just about to find out. Feeling a rush of bravado she replied, “Firstly, he’s not my dad and he never will be I hate him and do l have to remind you mum you threw me out, I never left. So no, I won’t be forgetting what happened; in fact, now I look back and know you did me the biggest favour of my life.” Sounding as though she was near to tears her mum said, “Our little granddaughter was beautiful, did you name her after Nan?” Coldly Jess replied, “Stop crying mum it won’t work. We don’t want anything to do with you, don’t ever call me again and stay away from my family!” In desperation her mum replied, “But we are your family Jess, we love you.” “Dad was the one who loved me mum, you only love yourself. I don’t want you in our lives, I’m happier now than I’ve ever been, so fuck off!” Then she slammed the phone down.

  Her mother was shocked that Jess had sworn at her, she had never heard her say anything like that before. Looking at her husband she said, “The little bitch, I told you it was a bad idea!” Arrogantly he replied, “Well you better get her to like you again unless you want to be out on the fucking streets! If we don’t g
et some money soon this house is gone!” “Yes and whose fucking fault is that, with your gambling and drinking?” Without a second thought he hit her, knocking her onto the floor as he shouted, “Fucking listen to me, if I don’t have ten grand by the end of next week people are going to come looking for me you stupid bitch!” In her anger she replied, “Good I hope they fucking kill you!” He punched her several times before he stormed out. Hearing the front door slam, she knew he would be drunk by the time he returned.

  Back at the cottage Jess called Billy’s mobile. “Hang on babe, I’ll call you back from the office, I can’t hear you because of the music,” he said as he answered her call. A few minutes later her phone rang, she answered it. “Alright babe, what’s up?” asked Billy. “Oh Billy I’m so angry, I’ve just had a call from my mother!” “Fuck me, what did she want?” “God only knows, money I expect.” “I hope you told her to fuck off?” Giggling she replied, “Actually that’s exactly what I said, I wished I could have seen the look on her face.” “That’s my girl,” joked Billy before he said, “Sorry babe I’ve got to go, George is working the door on his own. Why don’t you give Maria a call?” “Ok, I’m sorry I rang, I know you’re working, I was just so angry.” “You can call me anytime babe, you know that. I’ll see you later, I love you.” “I love you too, be careful and no fighting.” “Who me babe, never, you know how I hate violence.” After she blew him a kiss she ended the call and as he’d suggested she rang Maria.

  Mickey answered the call, “Alright babe,” he said as he recognised her voice, “I take it you want to speak to my good lady?” “Yes please, if she’s available,” replied Jess. “No problem babe, I’ll just get her. She’s on the computer e-mailing her brother, hang on a sec.” “Hi Jess,” said Maria as she picked up the phone. The two friends were chatting about Jess’s mum when Maria said, “It’s only just gone half nine, shall I pop over for half an hour?” “That would be great are you sure Mickey won’t mind?” “I know he won’t. He’s waiting to use the computer he’ll be glad, see you in ten minutes.” As she put the phone down Mickey grinned and said, “I take it you’re going over there?” “Is that ok darling, only her mother phoned her and I think she’s a bit worried?” “Just be careful, make sure you’ve got your phone on you and don’t be too late babe, I’ll wait up for you.” Kissing his cheek she replied, “Thanks darling, any problems just call me ok?”

  Jess heard her friend’s car pull up and opened the front door ready. Five minutes later they were sitting in the lounge drinking tea. Jess talked about the call from her mum. Maria said, “I’d be angry too after all this time, so do you think she called because you were on telly?” “Oh yeah, she hasn’t bothered to look me up before. She made a point of saying I looked like I’d done well marrying Billy and him owning a club, I expect she wants money.” “Really Jess, I thought she had a good pay out when you lost your dad?” “Oh she did, but they spent most of it by the time they kicked me out, I expect it’s all gone by now.” “How would you feel if she turned up here, after all she is still your mum?” “I thought about that after her call. If it had been before I had Becky, I probably would feel differently, but since having her and knowing what she means to me and how much I love her, I don’t want anything to do with my mother. I would never do to Becky what she did to me. She doesn’t love me Maria, she’s just a conniving bitch and she’s not coming near my family.” Maria started laughing. Confused Jess said, “What?” “You darling, a year ago you wouldn’t have said boo to a goose; Billy has certainly rubbed off on you.” “Not just Billy, you and Mickey have also had an impact on who I am now. The day I met you Maria, my life changed for the better, as for Billy he’s just the icing on the cake.” Smiling she replied, “Its good to see you so happy Jess, when I think of the sad young girl I met in the hospital that day, God how things have changed.” “I owe everything to you Maria.” “No darling you’re the one who’s turned your life around, I was just there to help and let’s not forget Billy; he’s certainly been a rock to you, hasn’t he?” Nodding her head she smiled and said, “I can’t tell you how much I love him, he’s just wonderful.”Jess talked about asking Mickey to help them write their wills. Maria said, “I’m sure he’d be only to happy to do it for you.” Looking serious Jess said, “Me and Billy wanted to ask you both something, but I don’t want you to feel that you’d have to say yes, because we realise it’s a big issue.” Laughing she replied, “What is it?” “If anything should happen to me and Billy, we would like you two to have custody of our children. I know you’ll have to discuss it with Mickey and it’s a really big thing to ask anyone, so we’d understand if you didn’t want to.” Nervously she waited for Maria to reply. To her delight and without hesitation Maria said, “We would love to have them, although I’m pretty sure you will outlive us.” “Thanks Maria, it means a lot to me, especially now my mum has contacted me, she’d only take them because we’d leave everything for them.” “Don’t you worry about that, Mickey would make sure she didn’t have any say in it.” Jess had just suggested making another pot of tea when Maria’s mobile bleeped; it was a message from Mickey. ‘Hi babe, is everything ok, only thought you’d be home by now? I’ll wait up, luv M xx’ Glancing at her watch Maria said, “God it’s almost one o’clock, I should be going home.” “One o’clock, I can’t believe how quick the time has gone, I thought it was about eleven,” said a surprised Jess.

  Standing at the door she thanked Maria for coming and then asked her to text her when she got home, just to let her know she’d arrived safely.

  Ten minutes after waving her off, Jess received the text, ‘home safe see you tmw luv m xx.’ It was almost two by the time Jess went to bed; she was still awake when Billy came home around three. “How was work,” asked Jess as he got into bed. “Sorry babe, did I wake you up?” “No I can’t sleep, I keep thinking about my mother.” Cuddling up to her he said, “Fuck her, you’ve got us we don’t need her.” Propping herself up on her elbow she kissed him passionately. “Steady on babe or you’ll make me horny,” said Billy. “Good,” she replied as she ran her hand down the bed and touched him. Before he could do or say anything she threw the duvet back and began making her way down his body, kissing his chest then his stomach before taking him into her mouth. Billy stroked her hair and told her he loved her, before pushing her head down onto him as he came. As she moved back up and lay next to him, he said, “Fuck me babe, your mother can ring every night if this is going to be the result!” Playfully she tickled him before wrapping her arms around him and falling asleep.

  It was the following morning having left Billy sleeping, Jess was eating breakfast with Becky when the phone rang, answering it she said, “Hello.” “Jess its mum; please don’t put the phone down.” “What do you want, I told you to leave us alone.” “I know and I can understand that, but I would really love to be able to talk to you. I know I can’t change what happened, but is there any chance we could move forward from that?” “No mum there isn’t, I’m really happy now. I don’t need you in my life!” “What about the baby, after all I am her grandmother.” Laughing out loud Jess replied, “Funny that mum, I can remember you telling me that you didn’t want anything to do with me and my bastard!” “Oh Jess, I’m so sorry but I was grieving for your dad, try and understand what it was like for me.” “Grieving for dad, you couldn’t bury him quick enough! Now I meant what I said, don’t ever contact me again. I want nothing to do with you.” Jess slammed the phone down, she was so angry.

  Billy got up because he’d heard Jess shouting. Like her he was also angry when she told him about the call. “Do you want me to go round there babe and have a word with them,” he asked. Shaking her head she replied, “No, with any luck she’s taken the hint.”

  While Jess was getting support from Billy, a few miles away her mother was arguing with her stepdad over the call and the fact she’d failed to get Jess to listen to her. Slapping her several times he shouted, “You had best get her to listen to you
, I need that money within a few days!” Screaming and crying she replied, “Why don’t you fucking understand, she doesn’t want anything to do with us and quite frankly who could blame her?” Punching her in the face he snapped back, “Then it looks like I’ll have to deal with it myself!” “Oh and just exactly what are you going to do; she hates you more than she does me.” “I know, but she obviously loves the kid.” “What do you mean by that?” “I mean you stupid bitch, we snatch the kid.” “I’ll forget I heard you say that, there’s no way I’m getting involved with that!” “You’ll do as I fucking tell you bitch, all you need to do is keep her talking, so I can grab the kid.” “No way, if we’re caught we could go to prison.” Slapping her again he shouted, “Well the alternative is worse, I told you people want their money back. So unless you come up with something better we’re doing it!” “No I won’t, she’s my daughter and that baby is my granddaughter.” “Huh like you care about that, we’ll grab her and bring her back here, just for a couple of days. Once they’ve coughed up the ten grand we’ll let her go.” Too afraid to argue with him she just sat quietly, hoping that he would soon go out.


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