The Vermilion Strain : Post-Apocalyptic Extinction

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The Vermilion Strain : Post-Apocalyptic Extinction Page 12

by S A Ison

  “Casper sent me out to recruit and to also get supplies. He said I could get what I wanted.” Flynn shrugged.

  “Really?” The man asked, clearly not believing.

  “Yeah, really. I already found a woman. She’d almost dead, but I think with some food and water, she’ll live.” Flynn said and nodded to the back seat. Both men looked in and Flynn rolled down the back window. The stench of her reached both men and they jerked back, covering their noses.

  “Jesus Christ, she smells like death warmed over.” Danny expostulated, his hand covering his face.

  “Hey, she’s just about dead, but Casper wants me to find people. I figure she’d be really grateful. Besides, this is what we’re supposed to be doing isn’t it?” He asked, looking each man in the eye.

  “Fine, maybe try to clean her up before you take her to Casper. He might have a shit fit, if he smells her. Christ, she stinks. What’s the password?”

  Flynn leans forward, looking cautiously over his shoulder.

  “King Casper.” He whispered. The two men nodded approvingly and moved the large bar that blocked the way. Flynn nodded to the men and pulled forward. He drove slowly away. He’d wait until he was a couple miles away and then he’d haul ass. He’d drive and when his gas got low, he’d find a car and take the gas or the car. But he’d get the hell out of this place and he’d get the hell away from the mad man, Casper.


  Emma’s breath was coming in harsh pants. She was terrified, but they needed to find out who was in the store with them. If they were a threat. Why would they just not announce themselves? She’d only seen the movement of someone going past. She watched as Paadi’s flashlight bounced around the aisles. They came around and Emma ran into Paadi when she stopped abruptly. Looking around Paadi’s shoulder, she saw two little girls, cowering in a corner.

  “Oh my gosh, it’s two children.” Emma breathed.

  “Girls, where are your parents?” Paadi asked softly, squatting down in front of them. Both girls were thin and filthy. The older one looked to be near ten years old, the other, perhaps about six. The older one held the younger one protectively. The older one was black, with wild tangled hair. The younger girl was white, with dark hair, in wild knots. Their eyes were large and fearful.

  “Girls, I’m Emma, and I’m a nurse and Paadi, she’s a police officer. We won’t hurt you; we want to help you.” Emma said softly.

  The older girl looked from her to Paadi, then back to Emma. Emma could see that the girl was thinking.

  “I’m Amanda. This is Lisa.” The older girl answered cautiously.

  “Hi Amanda, I’m glad to meet you. You too Lisa. Are your parents still alive honey?” Emma asked gently.

  “No, they’re dead. My mom, my dad and brothers.” Amanda said and her voice broke and tears slid down her thin cheeks.

  “I’m so sorry Amanda. Are Lisa’s parents alive? Does she have any family?”

  “No, but she doesn’t talk either. I think something bad happened to her. I found her, I don’t know her real name, I just gave her the name Lisa.” Amanda said in a small voice.

  Emma felt her heart break for the girls. They’d found each other and Amanda had taken the smaller child into her care.

  “Amanda, me and Paadi live over at Winter park. We have a nice home; we have a lot of food and water. We have two nice dogs that help keep us safe. We also have another boy, Cooper, he’s four. We have plenty of room there, we can build you a nice room. Would you like to come live with us? We’d take good care of you and keep you safe.”

  Amanda seemed to think about it and Emma held her breath. She could not leave these children here to fend for themselves. They would take the children regardless of what Amanda said, it would just be easier if the two girls agreed.

  “I think that would be a good idea. There are some scary men around and we’ve been hiding a long time. I got Lisa from them.” Amanda whispered in confidence. Emma felt her blood begin to rise with rage, but she tamped it down. She needed to stay calm. She could feel fury burn off of Paadi and she looked over. Paadi’s dark brown eyes were burning with an inner blue flame.

  “Well, you’ll be safe with us. We’ll make sure no one hurts you, ever again. If you help us, we’re going to get cake mix and I’m going to try to make a cake. If you want, you two can pick out what you like. How does that sound?” Paadi asked, a stiff smile on her face. She was trying hard not to show the rage that bubbled below the surface.

  Both girls nodded and smiled tentatively. Reaching out a hand, Emma took each of the girl’s dirty hands. Paadi took Lisa’s small hand and Emma took Amanda’s. They didn’t want the girls to change their mind and bolt. They made their way back to the cake aisle and the girls picked out chocolate cake and strawberry cake. Emma figured they’d come back later and pick up more supplies. For now, she wanted to get the girls back to the camp.

  All four left the store and Emma helped the girls up into the truck. Looking back over her shoulder, she smiled at the two.

  “How about we stop and find you two a bed to sleep in? Also, do you guys like chickens? We have chickens.” She grinned. Lisa’s eyes went wide and a small smile creased her dirty face.

  “I’d like a bed to sleep on.” Amanda said softly, her hand holding the younger girl’s small hand.

  “Okay, we’ll head over and pick you each a bed and then we’ll head home. We’ll introduce you to Cooper and also to Daisy and Buddy. They’re nice dogs. They protect us.” Emma said, starting up the truck. She pulled away from the store and began to drive to the mattress store. Her mind was reeling from what Amanda had said. She’d tell Brian about the men. It was disturbing. She was sure that Paadi would shoot them on sight. Her face pulsed with rage, she wanted to kill those men herself. How could they do that to a child? She felt her eyes prickle with tears and she tamped down on the sorrow. The girls needed a strong woman, not a weeping one.

  She pulled into the mattress store and she and Paadi got out.

  “Did you girls want to come in to choose?” Paadi asked. At their nods, Paadi opened the door and helped the girls out. They’d have to get clothing for the girls, a lot of clothing. That could wait for another day, or perhaps she or Paadi could head back out and pick some up. Her biggest priority was to get these girls home. Safe.

  Half an hour later, the girls were helping with the mattresses, box springs and bedframes. They put the new beds into the trailer, it was a tight fit and they had to rearrange some of the supplies, they swung the doors and shut it tight.

  “Well, well, look what we got here.” A man said, his voice mocking. Both Emma and Paadi whirled around, and Paadi’s weapon was out and pointed at the man.

  “Whoa, whoa! We mean no harm ladies.” A man, dressed in a torn T-shirt, said. He had filthy jeans and unlaced boots. He had dirty blond hair and a large gap in his front teeth, as he grinned nervously. His face was covered with heavy freckles. The other man, thin, with dark brown hair and rat like eyes, beady and constantly moving. He stood behind the blond man.

  Emma pulled her weapon as well and she looked down when she heard Lisa whimpering. She saw that the little girl had wet herself. Paadi saw it as well, and her eyes blazed.

  “Are these the men who hurt you?” She asked Lisa softly.

  “They are.” Amanda said in a dead voice. Before Emma could respond, she jerked as four shots rang out. Her eyes flew to the men and then to Paadi, who’d just shot both men. Emma’s mouth hung open in shock and she looked back at Paadi, who walked over to the downed men. She stood over them and Emma pulled both girls to her, holding them tight.

  “You fuckers are done.” Paadi hissed in a low voice and spit on each man. Both men still moved and twitched, but that was just the brain dying. After a minute, both moved no more. Paadi turned around and looked at both girls.

  “Those bastards won’t ever hurt you again. You never have to worry that they’ll find you. You understand Lisa, you never have to worry again. Aunti Paadi took
’em out. You’re safe now, honey.” Paadi said softly, her hand petting the child’s tangled hair.

  “I’m Hailey, not Lisa.” Hailey said in a tiny voice. Paadi picked the little girl up and hugged her tightly to her. Her brown eyes filled with tears and she rocked the girl in her arms. Emma looked down at Amanda and saw the girl crying as well, but smiling.

  “Let’s go home girls.” Emma said and hugged Amanda and helped her into the truck. It had happened so fast, but she was glad that Paadi had killed those bastards. She wasn’t sure if it were good that the children saw the killing, but the girls knew at least, that they’d never have to worry about those men again. Hailey’s speaking proved that it was maybe a good thing.


  Brian stood back and wiped the sweat from his face. The two poles were in the ground. He had planted the poles down about two feet. He’d opened a bag of Quikrete and filled the holes. The concrete should set up quickly. He looked over when he heard the truck engine and figured it was BJ, moving his RV. The dogs and Cooper were by the chicken coop and Cooper ran over to stand with Brian.

  Brian watched as BJ moved the large fifth wheel expertly and backed it over to where he’d indicated earlier that morning. It was a nice-looking camper. He’d liked to get a look at it. They would have to set up some kind of small wood stove in the thing. That would be tricky, he’d not want to burn the thing down. He’d have to talk to BJ about that, but they could figure it out later. Now, they’d get him settled in his spot.

  When he’d first arrived, Brian had wondered how he’d get everything done, that needed getting done by himself. It wouldn’t have been that big of a problem, but he had Cooper to care for and think about. He couldn’t afford to screw that up, the child’s very life depended on him. Then, Emma and her friend came. Two more helping hands and two more defenders of their home. It was nice having other adults around as well. He didn’t feel that tight panic sensation that clung to him daily.

  Now, they had BJ. The man seemed to be a good guy. Only time would tell. Brian considered himself a pretty good judge of character and he thought that Emma and Paadi were as well. They’d each agreed, and Brian suspected that if Paadi didn’t agree, they’d know about it quick. He chuckled at the thought. Her accent cracked him up. It was a pleasure listening to her. He walked over to the large RV, Cooper in his arms.

  BJ jumped out of the truck, grinning.

  “Watch this.” He grinned and pushed a button. The RV began to extend arms from below and Brian watched as the camper began to right itself, self-leveling.

  “Self-leveling. I also have three bump outs.” BJ announced and pushed another button and the sides of the RV began to expand outward.

  “Wow, nice man, really nice. You mind if I come in and take a look?” Brian asked, his eyes crinkled in excitement, he put Cooper down and the boy jumped up and down in excitement, his mouth open in awe.

  “Oh cool!” The child cried excitedly, hopping up and down beside Brian, like a flea.

  “Sure, let me give you the nickel tour.” BJ laughed and ruffled Cooper’s thatch of blond hair.

  Brian picked Cooper back up and stepped up into the RV. He was surprised at how spacious it was. Though the space was packed with supplies, Brian could tell it was a very nice space indeed. At one end, there was a leather couch, bags and boxes stacked neatly on the three leather cushions. Beside the couch were two reclining chairs. Across from the chairs was a mounted flat screen TV and below, an electric fireplace. Beside the reclining chairs was a kitchen table with two chairs. They were wooden and looked well made. There was a center island with a double sink. The countertop was Corian, but looked nice, it was a speckled cream color.

  The kitchen was small but neat, with plenty of cabinets and a small pantry. Opening them up, he saw they were well stocked and neat. The kitchen had a gas stove top, and microwave but no oven.

  “Wow, I’ve never been in one of these. This is nice BJ.” Brian smiled; he was impressed.

  “It’s only about three years old, so it’s still shiny. I also have solar panels, so I can still watch TV, use the fireplace. I’ve got a quite a few propane tanks for the hot water heater and stove. The propane tanks had been taken on my last toll booth, so I had to pick up more. I have some in the storage under the RV and in the back of the truck. I’ve got enough for now, but I’m thinking I should get more.”

  “I’ve also got a few propane tanks as well. I was thinking about building a shed away from the house, in the woods, to store them. I don’t like having them too near.” Brian said.

  “That’s a good idea, no need for something to explode, Christ, that would set off a chain reaction. I can help build the shed. I’m pretty good with a hammer.” BJ grinned.

  “Damn, that’s great. I just put up poles for a clothes line, the women are picking up buckets to do the wash.”

  “Here, let me show you something.” BJ sniggered and walked to the other end of the RV. Sliding open a door, BJ stepped aside so Brian could look in.

  “Wow, nice bathroom.” Brian breathed, his eyes looking over the large shower, which had supplies stacked inside, a toilet and vanity. It looked like a normal bathroom. Then BJ opened another door and inside were two sets of bunkbeds. They were also crammed with even more supplies, box food, toilet paper, and canned foods.

  “This is where the boys slept. Passed this is the master bedroom.” BJ said and Brian caught the sadness in the man’s voice at the mention of his sons. He looked into a large bedroom, and was impressed. It looked like a queen-sized bed with night stands on each side. There was what looked like a closet with sliding mirror doors and a highboy chest of drawers. BJ went over to the closet and slid the door open. Inside was a small washing machine.

  “Holy crap, does that washing machine work?” Brian asked, amazed.

  “Sure does. I can only use it on sunny days, but I think this will handle our laundry problem. If not all of it, perhaps most of it. Now that I have access to all that water in the lake, I can use the RV’s pump. I have a couple of hoses that I can run to the lake. It will be a hell of a lot easier now. Also, if you want, you all can use the shower if you’d like. Especially if I can get more propane tanks. I also picked up spare parts and filters for my systems over at Keystone RV in Greencastle, on my way here. I should be good to go for years.” BJ said.

  “How will you dump the black water?” Brian asked, he knew only a little about RVs, but he knew the black water, or waste water had to go someplace.

  “That’s why I parked way over here. I was thinking about digging a deep trench. Perhaps I can get some PVC pipes and run it out and down away from the RV. I could make something like a leach field, since it will only be me using the toilet.”

  “That sounds like a good idea. I’ve got shovels and also plenty of PVC piping and elbows as well as Rectorseal. I was planning on setting up a bath tub in one of the toilet stalls in the house. We have four stalls with toilets and I figured I’d rig something up with a bath tub. I found an acrylic slipper tub over at Lowes. Maybe we can go over later today and pick it up. This place has a septic system in it.” Brian said, as both men left the RV. Brian set Cooper down and he ran off to play. Brian kept an eye on the boy.

  “That’s great. Man, you’re way ahead of the game.” BJ said, smiling.

  “I’ve been going crazy, trying to think of everything we might need. I knew plumbing and building was in my future here. So, I’d picked up as much as I could, every time I stopped at Lowes or other hardware stores. I have a solar system; I just need to figure out how to set it up.” Brian said, leading BJ to the house, where much of the supplies were kept.

  “I can help you with that. I hooked mine up. My wife, Clair, wanted power at all times.” BJ said, though he choked a bit on his wife’s name. Brian saw that the man’s wounds were still fresh.

  “I understand BJ, I lost my Christa as well.” He said softly. BJ cleared his throat and wiped at his eyes.

  “Thanks. It’s still hard. S
till so damned fresh. Anyway, if you want, after the sheds and the leach field, we can build a platform, and maybe see if we can’t make it rotate, to catch the sun. Put the solar panels on it and build a housing shed for the equipment. Easy peasy.” He laughed and Brian started laughing as well. The list just kept getting longer and longer, but he had someone here to help him with it and his shoulders felt a little lighter.

  “We’ll need to pick up some insulation, to insulate the underneath of your RV. We want to ensure nothing freezes this winter. We can pick some up when we get the tub.” Brian suggested.

  “Good idea. Otherwise, it would kinda be useless, at least for the winter.” BJ agreed.

  Both men walked to the house, Brian keeping an eye on the busy Cooper, who was now down by the water. The child just about tired him out. He’d not been around too many children. The boy had boundless energy and he was getting used to being daddy to him. The thought made him smile.

  “Coop, stay where I can see you. Don’t go in that water.” He called from the double doors at the house.

  “Okay daddy.” He called out. Daisy was running up and down the beach and Coop chased after her. Going into the house, he grabbed a couple of shovels.

  “Let’s get a trench dug.” Brian grinned. Both men took shovels over to the RV. Cooper came running.

  “Can I help daddy?” Cooper chirped.

  “You sure can buddy. Go get a shovel in the house. Thanks Tiger.” Brian grinned at BJ.

  “You’re lucky to have him and I think he is very lucky to have you.” BJ said, watching the child.

  “I have to say; he saved my life. He’s a sweet child. I’m proud to call him my own. I hope I can protect him.”

  “I think and hope, with all of us, we can raise this child to be a healthy and happy young man. My god, I am horrified to think about all those lost children out there. My heart breaks. I lost mine, but you found yours. You know, I thought God hated me, for taking away my family. But, seeing your child, Cooper, I think God took my family to His home in heaven, but God blessed you with a child who needed you.” BJ said, his voice choked with emotion. He wiped at his tears and cleared his voice as Cooper came up, the shovel twice his size.


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