Professor Richter's Rules

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Professor Richter's Rules Page 10

by Jessa York

  “Now that we’re already behind, let’s continue,” I said, heading back to my place. Opening up the file, I glanced down unnecessarily at my notes. “Homework from yesterday,” I said, flipping more pages. “How about we have one of you come down and write the first problem on the board?”

  Gazing up to my victim, I pointed straight to Paige. “You, in the third row from the back. Walk up to the board and start us on the question.”

  Her jaw dropped to the floor. She looked from side to side probably hoping someone else would get up. “Hello? Yes, you. The student who came in late. I’m sure you were just spending extra time studying, right?” I sneered, hoping my voice had a sharp enough bite to it.

  I really thought she’d start crying and run out. Well, I had hoped. Instead, she stood up shakily, pulling a piece of paper out of her binder. The redhead spoke quietly as Paige nodded.

  Holding onto the redhead’s arm, they stepped down the stairs at a snail’s pace. A man of mercy would have chosen someone else. However, that would have defeated my purpose.

  Once at the board, the redhead left. Turning to go back to her seat she shot me a look that could kill. Whatever.

  Speaking of Paige, she was currently struggling, wobbling a bit as she wrote on the big board. A twinge of guilt shot up my spine for making a spectacle of her.

  There were whispers around the room. I couldn’t make out what most of them were saying but I was fairly certain someone in the front row said, “What a dick.”

  He was correct. I was a dick for calling out this liar. It had to be done, though. Paige needed to drop my class. Today.

  Hopefully I’d scare her off and then she could haunt Professor Lee’s class next term.

  Yesterday’s jean shorts were replaced by tight, ass hugging jeans. My cock stirred while I stared at her heart shaped behind, remembering how delicious it was—how tasty she was. God, what I wouldn’t do to rip those pants off her, set her on my desk and—

  “Okay, that’s as far as I got,” Paige said, breaking me out of my daydream. She pulled down the hem of her tight shirt, her eyes looking everywhere except at me.

  Shaking my head, I wandered over to the board, taking my sweet time. Yanking the marker out of her hand, the scent of coconut wafted up my nose. I swear my cock twitched.

  While I ignored my lower region, I began crossing out and circling all of her errors. And there were many.

  She was obviously not a math whiz. “Did you even bother to read the assignment?” I asked as I pointed out more errors.

  “I did but I found it difficult.” Paige drew in a shaky breath. Part of me wanted to demand she leave immediately. The other part of me wanted to carry her out over my shoulder—directly to bed. How could I be so pissed at someone yet still want them so much?

  “Mmm, hmm. If you have intentions of passing this class, Miss—” I said, waiting for her to reply.

  “Flores.” She looked up at me with those beautiful, green eyes. Her chest rose and fell with quick, shallow breaths.

  “Thank you. If you have intentions of passing this class, Miss Flores, I strongly suggest doing all of the work required. Everything is written on the sheet I passed out yesterday. You were here yesterday, correct?” I asked, leaning in for emphasis.

  “Yes, sir,” she said, her face expressionless.

  “Oh yes, you were the one texting in class. I recall that now.” I laid that last one into her. “Go back to your seat now, Miss Flores. Do yourself a favor and leave your phone at home.”

  Shoulders hunched, she nodded, reaching for my table for support as she walked. The redhead hurried down the aisle to her rescue. Spinning around, I ground my teeth and continued on with the class.

  When there were only ten minutes or so left, I handed out a short quiz. In the unlikely event that Paige showed her embarrassed face tomorrow, this would be the final nail in the coffin that would make her quit for sure.



  “Back home we’d say that man either loves you to death or wants to cause your death. Land sakes alive, do you two know each other or what?” George asked while she helped me up the stairs.

  Stopping abruptly at her question, I shook my head. “No, of course not.”

  “Well, then, I’m wondering if he fancies you or if he straight out just wants to strangle you.” We started walking again. “I’ve never heard or seen a professor act like that before. He was a complete and utter jerk to you, sugar.”

  “No, no, I think he was making an example out of me because I was late.” And the fact that I didn’t drop his class like he’d wanted. The jackass.

  George turned her head. “Honey, you’re struggling to even walk. Anyone with a pair of eyes can see that. And anyone with half a brain—which he’s obviously missing—can assume it’s taking you longer to get around.”

  Shrugging, I tried to stop the tears I could feel behind my eyes. “He’s got a job to do. Me coming in late was disrespectful, I can see his point.”

  “Paige, you were ten seconds late. In fact, I saw a guy sneak in a minute after you did, and the picky professor didn’t say so much as boo to him.”

  Leading her over to the bench, I dropped down on it, thankful to be off my foot. Shifting, I raised my leg, hoping it would help with the near constant throbbing. “It’s college. He’s got to make a point and he used me to do it.”

  George lifted my leg so she could sit down then placed it on her lap. Pushing the hem of my jeans up, she examined my leg. “You’re much more charitable than I am, I’m afraid. If I were you, I’d give that man a piece of my mind.” Her deep green eyes looked up at me, full of sympathy.

  “It’s fine, really. I’ll just study more and then everything will be okay,” I said, flinching when she moved my foot to the side, testing it out.

  “Have you been to the doctor? I don’t like the looks of this. Not to mention you’re walking worse than yesterday.”

  She had that right. The pain was getting worse instead of better. Which sucked. I didn’t have time to go to the doctor. Who was I kidding? We didn’t have the money for it, either. “No, I’m okay. I think I just overdid it yesterday, walking around campus too much.”

  “Still, you should get someone to look at it.”

  “My friend is coming to help me get lunch. Maybe I’ll ask him to take me later,” I said, lying my face off. Alex was having lunch with me, but I had no intention of mentioning my foot or going to the doctor.

  Her eyes focused on something in the distance, following with great attention. “Good. You rest up and I’ll see you tomorrow. Take care now, ya hear?” Smoothly, she got up, laying my foot down gently then hurried off.

  When I looked up, I saw Jake making his way through the crowd. Our eyes met and locked like magnets, just like they always did. Seconds later, a vision of red clouded our stare. It was George, hands on her hips, stopping Jake in his tracks.

  He frowned at her then looked right at me. Moving her hands in front of herself as she spoke, Jake motioned with his arm that they keep walking. Even after he’d made a fool of me in class, I still watched his tight behind until he was completely out of view.


  “Professor Richter? May I have a moment of your time, please?” Paige’s redheaded cohort stormed toward me. By the look on her face it wasn’t because she’d enjoyed my class.

  “Yes, but just a moment,” I said, stopping amongst the throngs of students and professors trying to get past.

  “My name is Georgia. I was in your calculus class just now. I’ve got a question for you.”

  Exhaling loudly, I sidestepped a mob of teens all clumped together. “I can’t do it now, but I can stay tomorrow after class if you’d like?” Right now, I needed to go cool off. That confrontation with Min—Paige still had me hot under the collar—in more than one way. How could I still be so damn attracted to someone who infuriated me?

  “Hmm, not the kind of question I was meanin’. Now I don’t quite know how y
ou do things up here. But back home you treat a lady like a lady. Poor Paige was hurtin’, anyone could see that. Now you give me one good reason why you’d call up someone like that and make her walk even more?”

  Oh great, exactly what I needed. A member of the Paige fan club. Speaking of the devil, I caught sight of the blue eyes I can’t seem to get away from. Even as ridiculously crowded as this environment currently was, our eyes still found each other. “Can we walk and talk? I’m late for an appointment.”

  “Yes, of course,” she said while we dodged the crowd. “Now I need an answer as to why such an intelligent man like you would be so obtuse? Paige is clearly hurt. Why would you choose her to walk all the way down to the board?”

  Clearing my throat, I said, “I’ve seen hundreds of students in my short career, Miss—"

  “George. You can call me George, please,” she said, giving me a stilted smile.

  “George. Some students will do anything to get out of doing homework. Calculus is not the kind of class you can skip assignments. Once you’re behind, you’re in trouble and likely won’t be able to catch up.

  “If I’m tough on students, that’s why. Believe it or not I want you all to succeed. In order to be successful, you need to work hard and pay attention. Some think they’ll be able to sail through because they aced Algebra or high school Calculus. I can tell you that is not the case.”

  She certainly didn’t need to know the real reason I was so hard on Paige—I needed her to drop my class. Now. No matter how shitty it might make me feel to do so.

  “Professor Richter, I completely agree with everything you’re saying. I have to admit I won’t be one of your star students. To be honest, I tried every which way to get out of this class,” she said, her mouth in nearly a straight line. “Paige finds calculus difficult as well. All I’m sayin’ is you targeted that poor girl on the second day of classes.” She stepped in front of me, forcing me to stop.

  “She’s brand-new with stars in her eyes. I think you could have gone gentler with her.” George’s voice was low as her eyebrows raised slightly.

  My perverted mind flashed back to that night at my place when I did indeed go gentle with her. Then less so. Closing my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose as I tried my best to erase those memories, I said, “Look, George, I appreciate your suggestions. I really do. It’s my class and I’ll run things how I feel they should be run.” I gave her my best firm stare, hoping she’d give up and leave. “Students need to be kept in line and held accountable. I do that.” I motioned again for us to start walking. This was not the time of day to stand in the middle of the hallway.

  A few seconds later, George said, “Are you sweet on her, Professor Richter?” She tilted her head to the side, eyes squinting at me through her long lashes.

  Halting abruptly, I said, “Excuse me?” Completely thrown back with her observation.

  She came to a stop as well. “She’s a cute thing, you can’t deny that. Maybe she’s caught your eye? You’re only human after all.”

  “Have you lost your mind? She’s a student. I don’t sleep with students. Not only is that wrong, it’s also reason for dismissal.” George’s accurate assessment floored me. I hoped no one else sensed the history Paige and I had.

  “The heart wants what the heart wants.” George shrugged. “We don’t plan these things—they just happen.” Yeah, she could say that again. In no way, shape, or form had I planned on going home from the club with a student. Christ.

  “I assure you, George, she hasn’t caught my eye. Whatever you’re reading into is completely wrong.” Whatever she was picking up on spooked the hell out of me.

  “Hmm, it’s not unusual. Even I looked at her twice and I’m straight as an arrow, I assure you.” She grinned.

  “Is there anything else you need today?” I asked, wanting to get the hell away from her and this conversation.

  Her eyes looked down at her shoes for a second before looking up at me. “Give the kid a break, okay? She’s good people, I can tell these things. It’s her first year. Don’t scare her off. You acted like a complete ass today. Admit it to her and apologize.”

  George’s words hit me directly in the solar plexus. “I’ll see you in class tomorrow. Good day,” I said, stepping around her, getting away as fast as I possibly could. Apologize? I did not think so. If anyone needed to apologize, it would be Paige.



  “How’s the foot today?” George asked as she whirled in two minutes before the start of class. Two coffees in hand.

  “Better I think,” I said, trying to be positive. The pain had kept me up all night. I counted it as a blessing because I was grateful for the extra study time.

  George handed me one of the coffees, gazing at me critically. “You sure? Did you go get it checked?”

  “Not yet. If it gets any worse, I’ll go,” I said, taking a careful sip.

  She sat down, crossing her legs as she spoke. “I can drive you down. There’s a quiet little walk-in clinic near my place.”

  Why was she being so nice? “I’ll let you know, thanks.”

  I got out my books, pens and the homework I’d attempted, praying it was done correctly. “You did the assignment?” George poked her head over my work.

  “I tried,” I said, defeated.

  She smiled at me, squeezing my arm. “That’s all we can do, sugar. Try our best,” she said, taking a sip of her coffee. “Oh, that’s hotter than I thought.” Her eyes traveled up, over my head. “So’s that. Too bad he’s a dick wrapped up in wolf’s clothing.” George jerked her head to Professor Richter as he walked down the aisle beside us.

  “Isn’t that a wolf in sheep’s clothing?” I questioned her, confused at her words.

  “Darlin’, if there’s one thing I enjoy, it’s a wolf.” She giggled, poking my shoulder. “What I will not stand for is that wolf not treating a woman with the respect she deserves.” Shrugging her shoulders while she set her coffee down, she said, “It’s just a cryin’ shame, that’s all. God gave him all that.” Sticking her index finger out, she waved it in Jake’s direction. “And he insists on acting like he did. That makes any man, even a hot one, look ugly.”

  Suspicious and more than a little curious I decided to ask her the burning question on my mind since yesterday. “What did you guys talk about yesterday? In the hall?”

  She kept her eyes forward. “Oh, this and that. Nothin’ to concern you.”

  That I doubted.

  “I have the results of your quizzes from yesterday. If you could all come down in an orderly fashion and find yours, please,” Jake said, spreading the quizzes out on the long table. The front rows got up, then everyone else followed suit.

  When it was our row’s turn, George stepped over me. “Want me to grab yours? I promise not to look,” she smiled down at me.

  The pain in my ankle was worse than the pain of letting her see the probable failing mark on my paper. “Please,” I replied, the butterflies in my stomach making me feel a bit ill.

  “I’ll be right back.” Off she swayed down the steps. Once she reached the table, Jake walked toward her with a folded sheet of paper in his hand. They spoke briefly as she nodded her head.

  On her way back up, she kept her word, not peeking at what was likely my quiz. Instead frowning at the paper in her hand. “Geez Louise, I thought I did better than that,” she mumbled, squeezing by me. “Ugh, looks like I’ll need some tutoring if this is any indication how the semester will go.”

  She handed me the folded paper, sighing as she placed hers on the desk in front of her. It read, 58%. Yikes. Opening my exam, I instantly felt like throwing up. Written in dark red ink, it read, “Did you pass grade twelve calc? In order to take this class you need to have that as a prerequisite. Please see the office to make arrangements if you haven’t.”

  There were so many red circles on that page it looked like a freaking Christmas tree. Further down the page, he’d written, “These errors are
all extremely juvenile. I’m not sure you’re cut out for this class. I recommend dropping it.” The classroom began to spin when I looked at the bottom for my mark, 32%.

  I flipped it over on my desk, my hand over my heart as it beat out of control.

  “What in the heck is going on?” George asked, putting her hand on my back. “You’re white as a ghost?”

  The ability to speak had vanished. I needed to get out of here. Reaching over, I scooped up my backpack, grabbing my pens to shove in it. “Paige,” George called to me but I ignored her. My quiz flew to the floor. I knew I had exactly twenty seconds before the dams would burst and I’d start bawling.

  Screw the quiz. Screw this class. And most of all, screw the damn professor for humiliating me like this. I’d like to say I ran out of the classroom but with the current state of my stupid foot, it was more of a hobble.

  “Paige, come back, we’ll work on it,” I heard George say.

  Turning my head back to her, I said, “I’m done.”

  I made it three steps out of the classroom before I broke down.


  That should just about do it. I kept talking, still unable to take my eyes off Paige. The look of shock on her face while she read her paper made me almost regret being that hard on her. Almost. This was for the best, I knew that. It was her own fault for making me go this far. If she would have bailed on the first day this never would have happened.

  As she swung her backpack over her shoulder, she didn’t even notice her coffee crashing to the floor. The big faker just kept limping up the stairs until that curvy ass of hers was finally out of the class. When the door shut, I took a relieved sigh. “I guess not everyone is impressed with my marking style. One way to ensure you get a good mark is to study.”

  Pivoting, I picked up a marker, heading to the board. “Now, let’s go over this quiz one question at a time, shall we?”


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