THE REAPING: What the O.J. Simpson Murder Case Did to America

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THE REAPING: What the O.J. Simpson Murder Case Did to America Page 11

by Steven Travers


  Since the beginning of America, there have always been African-Americans who have advocated the cause of African-Americans. Frederick Douglass, George Washington Carver, and Booker T. Washington were eloquent statesman. W.E.B. Du Bois, who founded the NAACP, believed in a more radical approach, emphasizing separation and elitism instead of the traditional Christian view that whites and blacks could find common bonds, largely because God created all men equal.

  After World War II, the Civil Rights Movement gained steam, but splintered into factions as well. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is hailed as a hero today because he largely emphasized the Christianity of Douglass, Carver, and Washington, but he was not without controversy.

  The Nation of Islam created a fissure in the Civil Rights Movement. The Black Panthers radicalized it into militancy. The assassination of Dr. King fractured it forever. In the wake of King’s murder, many moral African-American voices have ascended, giving valuable leadership to America. Many, many charlatans have emerged at the same time.

  Three of the worst have been Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan. Jackson, who was part of Dr. King’s inner circle and by his side when he was slain in Memphis, at some point learned that within the Civil Rights Movement there exists a cottage industry of race extortion. Essentially, this niche involves bussing in blacks with signs and bullhorns to some business with deep pockets, where with maximum press exposure they organize a boycott, picket or protest, until “deep pockets” pays them a substantial fee to make them go away without a lawsuit.

  Al Sharpton honed this style to a fine edge when he claimed a young black girl had been raped by white men. When it was discovered to be a total lie, it did not stop a large portion of the black community from supporting each subsequent charge and protest against all perceived “racist” entities in the years since.

  Farrakhan has made a career out of pure hate and lies, distorting the Muslim religion and placing forth the untruth that white people are spawns of the devil, and that Judaism is a “gutter religion.”

  Barack Hussein Obama learned these lessons well. He became a “community organizer,” representing a group called ACORN (Associations of Community for Reform Now). Using the methods of Jackson and Sharpton with a slightly more subtle tone, he carried on their “tradition.”

  This was the tradition Johnnie Cochran understood well. It would be incorrect to say that if the O.J. Simpson case had never gone to trial; if Cochran had never played the “race card”; that all would be well in America today. The Simpson case indeed wreaked havoc on the United States. Nobody can truly say with certainty, but without the Simpson trial Barack Obama might not have won the Presidency in 2008. He might not have defeated Hillary Rodham Clinton in the Democratic primaries.

  As terrible as the Simpson case was, seemingly loosing upon the world a virulent strain of hatred and anger of Biblical proportions, it along with Obama’s Presidency fits into a larger mosaic, and that mosaic has a name: social justice.

  When President George W. Bush, adorned in a flak jacket, announced triumph in Iraq in 2003, the Republicans felt, as the Democrats may have felt in 1964, 1976 and 1992, that they were the “winners of history.” An unknown Asian-American Washington state legislator named Gary Locke was offered as the Democrats’ sacrificial lamb to “rebut” Bush’s State of the Union speech. When Bush and his party swept aside all opposition, winning with a record number of votes in 2004, hubris marked their victory.

  How did they blow it? In short, instead of annihilating the terrorists of Iraq in a major display of force in 2005, they fought, almost Vietnam-style, with their “hands tied behind their backs.” A war that could have been handled by 2005 dragged on and on. Even though the Surge effectively “won” it in 2007, it was not a satisfying victory. Violence continued. Nobody was happy with the outcome. Nation building failed, and it cost the country so much money that one of the great economies ever achieved, reaching a crest in 2007, was lost after the Democrats took over Congress.

  Illegal immigration was not handled properly. Bush also spent tremendously, falling into the age-old corruptions of D.C. budget temptations. When the sub-prime crisis caught him by surprise, he opened the door wide open for Barack Obama and the Left when he signed the first stimulus package. He was practically telling them to bring Socialism to America, and in so doing signed a death sentence for the John McCain-Sarah Palin ticket.

  Barack Obama emerged out of nowhere. The first time most Americans ever heard of him was when he spoke at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. Even Rush Limbaugh announced after his speech that “he’s got it,” the charisma a winning candidate must have. The old, tired Hillary Clinton was shocked first to see Obama had a chance, then actually losing to him in the 2008 primaries. No man had ever been elected President whose name was unknown to 99 percent of the public a mere four years before their election. Teddy Roosevelt had risen in similar fast manner, but he had been a crusading New York politician, cleaning up Tammany Hall in the 1880s. He disappeared to “find himself” on a Montana cowboy ranch after his first wife died, but returned to the scene.

  Barack Hussein Obama arrived with the mother of all agendas. At the heart of his goal was the concept of social justice, which on the surface sounds . . . cool, but is not the same as military justice, criminal justice, or just plain justice. It is based on the notion that world white males dominate history. At one point, Asians and Arabs were the world dynasties, while white Europeans were still living in caves, wearing animal skins. Warm weather played a major role in historical development. The peoples of the Middle East, once the Persian Empire, lived in warmth, allowing them to freely move about, invent things, and engage in commerce.

  The warm weather Europeans, Greeks and Romans, were the first to emerge as empires of intellect, philosophy and military conquest. After the birth of Christ, the religion spread to Europe but was largely rejected by dark-skinned peoples in Asia Minor. The Renaissance ensued, with Europeans at the head of the new world order. But the Catholic Church, according to the accusations of social justice, imposed racist, violent doctrines on indigenous peoples, namely through the Spanish Inquisition. Colonization ensued. America was born with the “original sin” of slavery. Even after fighting a war to free blacks, they were subjected to another 100 years of prejudice before the country won two world wars and finally, as Dr. King said, “lived up to its creed” and embraced civil rights for all throughout the land.

  But for many blacks, Latinos and others, it was not enough. Victimology spread. Race extortion, reparation, a desire to repair past wrongs by extracting from the modern day white man, whose ancestors had committed these crimes, became the driving force of a new ideology called social justice. At the heart of this philosophy is the belief that whites, particularly males and those who espouse pride in past accomplishments, whether it be Western Civilization, the Constitution, even winning World War II, were racist, corrupt, immoral, illegitimate, and needed to be replaced by history.

  Many have argued who Barack Hussein Obama is. Where he comes from, what he has read and believes, what drives him. Many argue that he is not one of those “victims” who holds this grudge against Caucasians, that he himself is half-white, and that he is not an advocate of this particularly virulent brand of social justice; indeed, that social justice is not a pejorative in the first place, as the term liberalism has become. After a review of five years of his Presidency, there are a large number of citizens who have come to believe that he does believe in this philosophy. This leads to the great question, to be answered in subsequent culture battles for the soul of America: what side will win?

  It does not start with Barack Obama. He is a product of something that was around long before he was even born, yet he is, despite the mocking of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and his numerous detractors, “the one” the Left has long been waiting for, a messianic figure of liberalism who is to them what Jesus Christ was to the Jewish prophets. He is their hopes
and dreams, imagined in their minds for over 100 years, this vision manifest in flesh and blood to fulfill their goal of rebellion.

  The 1960s wrought a social, cultural and political revolution that, some 50 years later, can now be viewed as a cancer that has grown and grown and grown ever since. The Reagan Revolution put it in remission, but it is an unstoppable tumor. The drugs, the long hair, the sexual immorality, the unpatriotic protests, the rejection of capitalism and traditional moral values; this was the fuel the Left needed to feed the engine of social justice.

  The Jonas’s, the Samuels, the Ezekiels, the John the Baptists of the Left were Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Voltaire, Immanuel Kant, Henry David Thoreau, Emma Goldman, Jean-Paul Sarte, Albert Camus, Che Guevara, and Noam Chomsky. They looked for their North Star not in Heaven, but in the seeds of revolution in Russia, China, Cambodia . . . Kenya.

  His father was a Kenyan. Obama wrote two biographies, both before he accomplished much of anything. There was a sense that because he was half-black, and came also from a mixture of racial identities including Islam, Indonesia, American hippy culture and the plains of Kansas, this made him unusual and interesting enough to publish books about himself. Apparently, for somebody with this background to be smart enough to write a book, to be educated and advance in the world, led back to the affirmative action notion that such a person should be given a publishing deal while so many others faced rejection.

  He is not always a truth teller. He invents scenarios and stories to further his view of himself. The first evidence of this comes in his books. He writes of a grandfather who was tortured by the British for fighting on the side of the Mau Mau rebellion, but evidence uncovered by his biographer, David Maraniss, disputes this. He writes of official discrimination and prejudice faced by his father, who ran out on his mother. This premise has many holes in it, including evidence that it was his mother who wanted out as much as his father abandoning the family to return to Africa, seeking a political career.

  There is an odd psychosis in inventing stories to enhance prejudice against his father, since he was an African-born black man married to a white American woman in the early 1960s. Unquestionably, there was plenty of prejudice against such a pairing, even in a place like Hawaii, but Obama felt the need to go beyond the ordinary run of the mill taunts and looks, enhancing it to a more political level of discrimination, possibly to “justify” his father’s decision to leave.

  His mother, who had some education and was a capable woman, was left to fend for herself. A single mother with a half-black child, there was scorn directed at her. It is in reading Obama’s views of his mother and her parents that we begin to see the formation of his character. His mom was a hippy girl, a flower child of the ‘60s. Her decision to marry and bare the son of a black was not merely physical lust or love, but a political act of white guilt, a form of reparations against age-old injustice. It was difficult for her. His grandparents, white folks from the Midwestern plains raised Obama in large measure, and all that entails. He was “colored,” but he was their flesh and blood and they loved him. He loved them back.

  Yet, in his biographies, he finds complaint with them. First, he belies a lack of real respect for his mother, the guilty hippy child. There is anger in Obama, and not the kind of anger that identifies with guilt, his mother’s or his. He cannot identify with the plainspoken Americanism of his grandparents, who he apologizes for because they lacked, in his view, true enlightenment. The prospect of black criminals in his grandmother’s proximity frightened her. His mother’s approach likely would have been to reason with them, make them love her, and if they robbed, even raped her, to consider it small reparation for her “guilt.” The grandmother understandably wanted to avoid them. Neither approach was satisfactory to Obama. He oddly found himself identifying not with his guilty mother or accusatory grandmother, but with the black criminals, the real “victims” in his emerging world. In his writings he declares allegiance to blackness, and a definite rejection of whiteness. He finds and enters in these and subsequent years membership in a victim class of the oppressed, the plundered and the exploited. All he has, all people like him ever had, has been stolen by the white man, and in his world the white man, “the Man” is America. He does not find the lack of logic in this any more than Oliver Stone does in his “zero sum game” argument, given to Michael Douglas’s Gordon Gekko, who makes the faulty analogy that for one man to get rich, he must steal from a poor man even though the poor man has nothing than can be stolen. This is the nebulous notion of the rich man making the poor fella get a credit card and max it out so he has something that can be stolen. Or, the Indian thieves who always left enough in the Mexican village’s they plundered so the Mexicans could survive to grow harvests the Indians could steal from again the following year.

  Obama was born in Hawaii. Neither of his parents could know that his middle name (Hussein) and last name would be the same or nearly the same as the two greatest American post-Cold War enemies (Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden). Many have said he was not born there, and the evidence is somewhat sketchy. He never produced real birth certificates, which is apparently the way Hawaii does it, but it was confusing. An announcement appeared in the paper, but his mother could have placed that there by sending in a note. Despite Right-wing arguments to the contrary, however, it appears he was born in Honolulu in 1961, shortly after statehood, and therefore he is an American.

  But there was also Indonesia. His mother re-married an Indonesian Muslim man who moved the family to Indonesia, where he apparently set out to raise his step-son under the auspices of Islam. He attended a madrassa. Muslim madrassas are filled with political hatred against the United States. To the extent that they were in the 1960s, and that the one Obama attended was one of those; this can only be speculated on. But then a telling event occurred, which speaks to Obama’s character. His stepfather was an Indonesian man named Otero. His mother giving himself to a man like this was further evidence of her white guilt, using sex and marriage as a political act of . . . social justice.

  But Otero was hired by, and became a successful executive with, an American corporation located in Indonesia. Obama’s mother immediately left him and took her son back to the U.S. Apparently, the act of making a good living for an American corporation was the ultimate sell-out, “treason” against social justice.

  Maraniss’s research indicates that while he learned much about Islam, came to admire its beauty and even grandeur, he remained an American, returning to his home country while still young, not a fully formed religious person.

  His mother died of cancer. Obama was left with his grandparents. He attended Punahou School in Honolulu, one of the most prestigious private academies in America. It was expensive and academically arduous. How he got in and who paid for it are unanswered questions. Perhaps he had the grades and his grandparents forked over the tuition money. The conspiracy theorists offer the scenario that he was “sponsored” by some nefarious political organization, not unlike the “Yuri” character who turns out to be Kevin Costner in No Way Out. These are the people who look at Bill Clinton in like manner. Clinton was the son of a woman who was likely a “gangster’s moll” in the mob town of Hot Springs, Arkansas. She paid her gambling debts via “favors,” and had children by different men. The thread on Clinton is that these criminal elements recognized his academic and political potential early, then decided to pay his way up the ladder of an elite education, supposedly so he would be their guy in power down the road.

  In Obama’s case, an actual person emerges who fosters this theory. His name was Frank Marshall Davis. He was black and a card-carrying member of the Communist Party. When Obama was a child, he was placed under the tutelage of Davis. It is likely that over the next years, Davis taught young Barack not only how to be a Communist, but how to hide his Communism while rising in capitalist America. The veneer would be social justice. Communism had attempted to infiltrate the Civil Rights Movement at least since the 1940s.
A black Communist named Paul Robeson indoctrinated two young black entertainers, Harry Belafonte and Sidney Poitier. Poitier realized such affiliation would destroy his career and became apolitical. Belafonte was radicalized and remains so to this day.

  Baseball star Jackie Robinson warned the House Un-American Activities Committee that the Communists had infiltrated civil rights. By the 1960s, light was shed on their blatant attempts to Communize black America. While just a theory, it is not out of the realm of possibility – this being the height of the Cold War after Nikita Khrushchev told the U.S. “we will bury you” – that hundreds of Frank Marshall Davis’s were sent out to indoctrinate hundreds of Barack Obamas, hoping one of them would take, would be sharp enough and savvy enough, to play the system well enough, to rise all the way to . . . ?

  Just as likely, Obama benefited from relatively new affirmative action policies kicking in to full extent by the late 1970s. Being black and probably unable to pay, he was what affirmative action was all about. His own biography describes not a good student, as Bill Clinton was, but a lazy slacker and drifter who smoked reefer, sniffed blow, drank copious amounts of beer, hung out with ne’r-do-wells, druggies, dealers, low lifes and criminals, was part of the notoriously skanky Waikiki beach scene, and whose only “healthy” interest was basketball. Since he did not have money to pay for the expensive cocaine he formed a years-long habit for, one can only speculate what he did to pay for it.

  This does not describe the kind of academic over-achiever who against all odds makes it to Occidental College or Columbia University. From all indications, affirmative action was his ticket from Punahou to Occidental to Columbia to Harvard Law School. Others see Muslim handlers or Communists behind his rise. There is no evidence beyond Davis. His influence and activities have never been fleshed out beyond all proof.

  Others argue that even though these scenarios may not be true, his political formation was as if it was. Each school was ludicrously expensive and incredibly hard to get into. Each was in a big city that cost a lot of money to live in. Each featured a social scene in which wealth and prestige were keys to advancement. There is no evidence he worked his way through college, but he always had money to wear the right clothes, attend the right parties, and ingratiate himself with the right people, just as Clinton came from nothing, but freely traveled, even to Moscow during the height of the Vietnam War, without a care in the world.

  Nobody knows his grades, how he was accepted, or who paid the bills. Some speculated that he applied as a foreign student and declared his religion to be Muslim. Possibly there were affirmative action slots for students of this background and this was how he entered, via a lie. Without actually producing the records, the speculation continues.

  Acceptance to and even graduation from Columbia is one thing, but acceptance to Harvard Law School is quite another. No matter how much preference he received, he surely was a student of promise and accomplishment. Still, he was elected editor of the Harvard Law Review, a very political position very likely awarded him so the powers that be could feel good about themselves for givin’ it to the black fella. Most editors of the Review have a long paper trail of theses, papers and opinions. Obama does not. His was a reward of social justice.

  His wife, Michelle apparently received the same kind of preferential treatment in the Ivy League. Her response to every possible benefit and benevolent gift bestowed on her by America was to write a thesis claiming the world made it extra tough for her because she was black. The main argument backing up her claim was that being surrounded by intelligent whites put her at a disadvantage (?).

  Obama graduated from Harvard Law School, but the mystery continued. He spent a short amount of time working at a private company, which he described as being “behind enemy lines.” At a young age, he undoubtedly sees only Big Government as worthy. Private enterprise is the “white man’s world,” and this is the world of the colonizers and immoralists of an illegitimate history. He was an adjunct professor at Harvard. Nobody remembers much about this. There are no students who step forth and recall him. He may have been a glorified teacher’s aide. He wrote nothing; no books, theses, opinions. An adjunct is a nebulous hanger-on from semester to semester at any college. This period has been described as one that makes him a “Constitutional law professor.” He came under the auspices of a professor named Derek Bell, a radical black liberation theologist, typical of ethnic studies programs by this time. He also associated with Professor Henry Louis Gates, whose Left-wing view of black victimhood influenced him. Professors like Bell and Gates were singularly responsible for the huge liberal turn that had long marked Harvard, which by this time was in full swing.

  In the early 1990s, Obama attempted to embark on a career path that says as much about him as any other factor. He wanted to be a writer. Nobody really knows who his influences were. They likely were not Ernest Hemingway or Jack Kerouac, but rather James Baldwin and Noam Chomsky. This was a particularly conspiratorial period in African-American history. The CIA was said to have invented AIDS so as to wipe out blacks. They were said to have planted drugs in the ghettos (according to The Godfather, the mob did that). The existence of liquor stores on every street corner was the white man’s doing, to keep the brother’s down, or so said Laurence Fishburne in The Boyz in the Hood. So many Africans were thrown overboard in 400 years of the slave trade that it changed the migration habits of sharks. A great “university,” the “University of Luxor,” was supposed to have been the center of world knowledge before the white man came along and filled the world with lies. The devil was a blue-eyed white man called Magog, or something like that; an invention of Louis Farrakhan, who came up with some kind of “Creationist” story along these lines. Jews and Koreans would not hire the blacks pimping and prostituting their women in front of their stores, thus giving “cause” for riots in New York, L.A. . . . and setting the murderer O.J. Simpson free!

  Blacks were looking for self-identity. They had joined cause with the radical forces of the Anti-War Movement, but that was over, the white hippies now in corporations, academia and suburbia, but many blacks were still in the ghettos. The Black Panthers were all but over with. Many blacks deserted that way of thinking for traditional Christianity. But what of those left behind? Like Germans willing to believe Hitler’s lies, to believe that somebody else was to be skapegoated for their failings, they needed to invent scenarios and paradigms favoring their point of view.

  Barack Hussein Obama looked around and decided on his paradigm. In 1991 he landed a literary agent, who created a pamphlet including a short Obama biography. It stated that Obama was born in Kenya. Why did it state that? He was apparently not born in Kenya, which of course, if he had been, would have made him ineligible for the Presidency. But it was in lying about his birthplace in the early 1990s that Obama reveals his true nature, and not just the fact he is a liar. In trying to establish his identity as a writer, he decided – no doubt felt his best chance at getting published – was not to identify himself as a patriotic American citizen, but as a native, an African, a Muslim, an “other,” a victim, one of the colonized, the oppressed; somebody who had a story to tell of hatred, of white racism, of a struggle against a landscape of exploitation not just against him (non-existent), but against all he represented (the world). Thus did Obama begin to see even then that he was this messianic figure, “the one we’ve all been waiting for,” the child in a ghetto manger (or at least a beach manger near Waikiki), Rousseau and John Reed and Upton Sinclair and Camus and Chomsky the proverbial “wise men” gathered to pay homage to the arrival of a new age long prophesied.

  The writing career initially did not work out, but Obama came to Chicago, where he became a “community organizer.” Apparently this “job” paid well enough for him to buy an expensive home, which reminds one of the Copa scene in Goodfellas when young Ray Liotta explains his display of wealth and power with the breezy declaration, “I’m a union delegate.”

  As for his wife, Michell
e, she road Obama’s coattails all the way to a job paying around a half-million dollars a year as a “hospital coordinator.” So vital was this job that when her husband was elected President and they went to Washington, nobody replaced her. She had ascended to a new status within America, beyond affirmative action, to the high-priced professional black woman. This is a high-paying job large corporations pay to some educated minority not to work or actually accomplish tasks, but to fill out a new quota system, long established by the likes of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. It was a job created in large measure by the work of her husband. Something to trot out and display to the world as “proof” they are not racists.

  Obama never met Saul Alinsky, who died in 1972. Alinsky dedicated his books to Sirhan Sirhan, assassin of Robert F. Kennedy, and to Lucifer. He seems to be a real-life figure straight out of The Rolling Stones’ “Sympathy for the Devil.” Obama dedicated the book he eventually did write to Alinsky.

  Alinsky was a community organizer. He was, in fact, a street protestor, an extortionist, a rabble-rouser, an anarchist, and a Communist. Street protest had been around before America and, of course, manifested itself as “the Terrors” during the French Revolution. There were draft riots in New York in response to the Civil War. Emma Goldman and the anarchists organized riots during World War I. Communists and union organizers routinely stirred up riots during the Great Depression. Ronald Reagan faced these same people, now tools of Moscow, during his time as SAG president in the 1940s and 1950s.

  After relative peace during the Dwight Eisenhower ‘50s, a confluence of events turned the 1960s into a boiling hot cauldron. The Civil Rights Movement, the Anti-War Movement, and the free speech movement gave rise to the feminist movement, the environmentalist movement, and the gay rights movement. Reactionary Republicans like Ronald Reagan and Duke Wayne, and anti-Communist Southerners like George Wallace, argued that this nexus of protest, riot and rebellion was funded, or connected in some way, to international Communism. The liberals laughed and mocked this assertion. What, exactly, was international Communism? The Communist world was just that, internationalist, with varying headquarters, directions, money and orders coming from Moscow and Peking, to Vietnam, to Cuba, to Latin America, Asia and Africa; the Third World. The liberals said this was too disparate an “enemy” to be identified. They wanted to own the protests, to take credit for it, to believe it was the new America. They had taken it to the streets, they had “taken it all down, man.” The sentiment of these protestors was the sentiment of the youth, or so they believed.

  David Horowitz, who was one of those protestors, indeed was one of the protest organizers, was also one who later turned on them and divulged their secrets. A series of carefully hidden front organizations, many from Moscow, funneled through fellow traveler middlemen organizations, were indeed funding the 1960s street protests. Red-faced from revelations of the Blacklist, when the Hollywood Ten were exposed, and John Howard Lawson was identified as taking direct orders from his Communist handlers, the enemies of America became adept at banking, money laundering, and the tricks of financing revolution. Aside from Horowitz, others left the movement, as Whittaker Chambers had done, and in the 1990s the Venona Project confirmed it. Despite the fall of the Berlin Wall, however, dogged pursuers like conservative talk host Michael Savage identified some of these same fronts, using new names and new personnel, as the backers of anti-war protest during the Iraq War.

  Alinsky was at the heart of this disguised Communist movement. His official cover, still naively repeated by apologists like Bill Maher, was that he was out to “help black people.” He was an anti-American enemy of the U.S. out to hurt the country during the Vietnam War. He was a traitor, and he was a hero to Barack Obama.

  Alinsky tapped into something that lay dormant for a long time. Left-wing sentiment found nothing in traditional American values to cheer. Christianity, capitalism, entrepreneurial freedom, even athletic success, was considered bourgeois. Even President Obama, when asked during the 2009 All-Star Game to list some good memories of Chicago baseball, spoke of Cominsky Park. Even while discussing Our National Pastime, the man could not help a Freudian slip that Communized and Alinskyized the name of the venerable Comiskey Park, old home of the White Sox.

  Alinsky discovered that corporations could be shaken down for money to avoid accusations of racism; that business people would pay criminals not to break things and commit crimes. It was not a coincidence that Alinsky operated out of the Windy City, and that the 1969 Chicago riots – largely funded by third party Communist fronts – were the worst protests in American history. This was the world Obama admired and aspired to emulate, to be a part of, and to lead. He accomplished his task.

  It was also no coincidence that Obama’s race extortion work was in Chicago, first the home of Saul Alinsky, later of Jesse Jackson. With the Vietnam War over, the Persian Gulf War over almost before it was started, the only place to protest any more was in corporate America. Jackson and Obama found a lucrative race-baiting business, essentially promising not to march crowds of angry unionists and blacks in front of corporate headquarters buildings. They mixed this with environmental protest, aimed mainly at so-called Big Oil, shaking down large companies they accused of polluting the green environs. They railed against a steel company for perceived injustices.

  Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, former Weather Underground criminals and American Communists, discovered Obama’s work. Somehow, despite attempts to blow up the Pentagon, police stations, cops, and other symbols of America, they were allowed not only to freely walk about the Earth, but also to teach at the college level. Unable to be truly public figures, they needed a man to do their dirty work. That man was Barack Obama. They recruited him and launched his political indoctrination into the infamous Chicago Way, the single most corrupt Democrat organization in America.

  Obama needed to prove his bone fides with the black revolutionaries, so he joined the largest black liberation theology “church” in the nation, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United. It was there that Reverend Wright declared after 9/11 “no, no, no, not God bless America . . . Godd—n America.” Obama sat in his pews and soaked it all in for years. He claimed that under Reverend Wright he found Jesus Christ. Nobody can truly know what is in a man’s heart. God works in mysterious ways. The Bible also tells us the anti-Christ will come as “an angel of light,” professing belief in the Lord.

  Obama was elected to the Illinois state Senate. He rarely attended, usually voting present. He had no accomplishments. He spent most of his time writing his two biographies. With the backing of Ayers and his connections with the Annenberg School of Communications, Wright and the Chicago Way, he had enough name recognition to justify publication of two biographies despite not having done much of anything. He was the “angry black man with something to say,” the great voice of the Left.

  In 2004 Obama decided to run for the Senate. His opponent was eliminated using tried-and-true Alinsky techniques: illegal, criminal, immoral. Having ruined Jack Ryan’s family by opening his sealed divorce records, which was against the law, he cruised unopposed to victory, a major staple of the Alinsky playbook. The Left saw in him a rising star. At the 2004 DNC he proffered the fiction that Arab-American families cowered in the night because of President Bush. Only the election of John Kerry would free them from cowering. No Arab-Americans were cowering, and when Bush was re-elected, they continued not to cower.

  For four years he was “bored” in the Senate, as described by colleagues. He offered no legislation, accomplished nothing, and opposed all GOP initiatives that resembled what he later did as President. In 2008, he entered the primaries. U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton (D.-New York) was the odds-on favorite to capture the Democratic nomination. Sean Hannity was running what he termed the “stop Hillary express.”

  But Obama captured the hearts and minds of fanciful liberals. Then Rush Limbaugh stepped in. One of if not the most influential man in media history, what
he did in 2008 may have been his most influential moment. It also might have backfired, and in so doing, the great irony is that Limbaugh may be the reason Barack Obama was elected President.

  When Obama won a few primaries, Limbaugh instituted what he called “operation chaos.” Many of the states opened their primaries to all parties. Limbaugh urged Republicans to vote for either Hillary or Obama, depending on who was winning or losing during the course of a topsy-turvy primary season. It truly did create chaos within the Democratic Party, with Limbaugh laughing at them from on high. Then the Reverend Wright tapes hit. They had been hidden, but his 2001 assertion, “no, no, no . . . not God Bless America, Godd—n America,” surfaced. Limbaugh and the conservative media played it over and over.

  Senator Clinton tried to take advantage of it. Rumors that Obama was not born in America surfaced. Senator Clinton tried to take advantage of that, too, but she was walking a thin line. Criticism of a black man’s black preacher and assertions that a black man, who had a Muslim name and might be a Muslim, might not be an American . . . she was quickly charged with racism. Her husband fumed, telling former Vice President Al Gore that a few years ago Obama “would have been serving them coffee.”

  Then a funny thing happened. The Democrats analyzed Reverend Wright’s “Godd—n America” remarks, and the accusation that Obama had anti-American attitudes and . . . decided they kind of agreed with that way of thinking. He pulled ahead and was nominated at Denver amid statuary meant to depict him as like a Greek god.

  Throughout the summer, surprise Republican nominee John McCain, a Vietnam War hero once held by the Vietnamese Communists, trailed in the polls. He decided on a “game changer,” Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. At first unknown, her movie star good looks and common sense conservatism quickly buoyed the campaign. After the Republican convention, one poll favored McCain-Palin by 11 points. The general lead was actually five, but in mid-September they looked like winners.

  Then the sub-prime housing crisis completely destroyed the economy. President Bush told the country he was going against all his capitalist principles in signing a stimulus bill, which conservatives said was the first step towards Socialism. It was McCain’s death knell. He lost badly, his party falling with him.

  The anointed one had arrived.

  Obama worked closely for ACORN, a race extortion organization that was exposed by intrepid journalists to be illegal. They specialized in talking women into having abortions, or getting pimp-prostitution teams government benefits. They stirred up protest over “disenfranchisement,” placing forth the notion that the black vote was suppressed because conservatives tried to suppress the ability of illegals to vote, or for minorities to vote multiple times. In the mean time, the ability to vote remained as easy as getting an absentee ballot, voting, affixing a stamp, and placing it in a mailbox. They worked with the New Black Panther Party, who on Election Day in 2008 suppressed the white vote, deemed not a crime by Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder. After working hand-in-hand with ACORN for years, making numerous speeches on their behalf, praising their vital work in the rise of his career, and using them to help win, after their crimes were exposed by Fox News he no longer mentioned them.

  It is hard to really say who the most evil man in history was. Pontius Pilate gets some “votes,” but he was forced by the Sadducees into ordering the death of Christ. This was really pre-ordained by God as vital to man’s salvation, so in a strange way he was doing . . . God’s work? This borders on blasphemy so the subject is best dropped. Besides, we all killed Jesus. His death is our collective responsibility. In the 20th Century, there is of course Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Mao Tse-tung; take your pick. But among “non-criminals,” so called “respectable” men of politics and business, at least in the U.S. Joseph P. Kennedy is as good a candidate as any. His life and fate is cosmic. He orchestrated and pulled the strings in the rise to power of the Kennedy clan, who came this close to achieving monarchical status for generations, but in the end were felled by assassin’s bullets, scandal and immorality. In this Shakespearean drama, Kennedy’s sons were each felled by the stars that once favored them, but most ironic of all, the old man himself was felled by a stroke that forced him to sit, mute, and watch all of it unable to say a word. The unlikely Bush’s of Connecticut and Texas achieved far greater lasting power and impact than the Kennedys.

  In the 21st Century, we have George Soros. He is at least as evil as “Old Man Joe” Kennedy. He is the modern backer of the Democratic Party and of Barack Obama. He does it in the shadows, but his money and his manipulations are the strings this puppet master uses to plot the course of the Left. He is the final culmination of centuries of hatred, of social justice, of all the combined terrors wrought upon the Earth by what the narrator in the Ronald Reagan documentary In the Face of Evil calls “the Beast.”

  When Obama was elected President, some Christian fundamentalists asked whether he was the anti-Christ. This question has dogged Christianity for many years. Some felt Napoleon was for forcing the Pope out of the Vatican. Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin looked to be candidates, but Hitler committed suicide in the wake of defeat, Stalin’s nation was dismantled. World War II certainly made many think of Armageddon. The creation of national Israel has stirred the greatest “end of the world” talk. It clearly states in Revelation that this event is a necessary pre-cursor to Christ’s return. While the Bible is not clear on the existence of an anti-Christ, the history of man has definitely stirred within the spiritual the notion that a malevolent force exists, changing form, stirring up bad things, always rebelling against God.

  Movies like The Omen, its sequels, and the Left Behind novels further propelled the popular idea of an anti-Christ, a final battle between good and evil. The New Millennium had many on the lookout for “signs and wonders.” The Mayan calendar ended in 2012. A radio preacher named Harold Camping convinced many that the world would end on May 21, 2011. Many felt Obama’s election and ascendance just before that date meant that he was the man who would emerge from the “world of politics” to lead Satan’s armies. His looks discomfited some. Here was a multi-racial “man of the world,” which is the province of the devil since the Garden of Eden. He possessed a strange, almost trans-gender quality to him, equal parts feminine and masculine. Patriots felt no, an American would not be the anti-Christ. He would be a Communist, a Muslim, even a Jew. America was the new Promised Land. How could this righteous country be the place where such spawn rose, yet only the power of America, home of Wall Street, Hollywood, Washington and the United Nations, would give this man the forum to take over the world. Nobody can know. The believers must remain vigilant, on the watchtowers, watching, but the true nature of Obama, despite what he has done, is still mysterious. Talk that he is the devil is mocked by his legion of supporters.

  Many said America was no longer righteous. How could a country that aborts as many babies as people died in World War II, and elects Barack Obama President, still call itself righteous? Most of Europe and the rest of the world seemed far gone, no longer good, decent, and Christian, if ever they really were. America stood alone, it seemed, and within America a shrinking, marginalized Christian faithful fights to stem a tide that seems overwhelming and unstoppable. Only God can save us from ourselves.

  The many faults of the Left are exposed, but the Left cannot be shamed. Once these revelations resulted in people changing their minds, not voting for the immorally exposed, but the age of Obama revealed the terrible dilemma that perhaps the Left is in the majority. Polls say 18 percent of the people call themselves liberal, 40 percent conservative, but this does not reflect itself in elections. America is totally divided, and the question is who will get 50 percent plus one? After five years of Obama, he still stands strong. This never would have happened in past generations, but it now appears that all the bad things exposed by the Right, by Rush Limbaugh, by Fox News, are things the Left likes and supports! Most frustrating to conservatives is the fact that once,
people who did what Obama and most powerful Democrats in fact do, did so as paid spies of the Soviet Union, or fellow travelers of Communism. Today, this is simply policy, a political ideology the Left puts into place not for the purposes not of espionage or treason, but because they simply believe in it, and choose to implement it.

  When this happens, a tipping point is reached. The question in the 21st Century is whether this tide can be stemmed and turned back. Once upon a time a Reagan turned it back, but will a Reagan emerge? It seems only God can see us through. Or, will Soros be the dominant force of this century? Will the forces he unleashes, the power he hopes to attain, drive the world?

  Soros was a non-practicing Jew who helped the Nazis round up other Jews. His excuse was that if he did not do it, somebody else would. An atheist, after the war, he rose to great heights and power in the media and the financial world. In the 1990s he personally brought down the British pound, and orchestrated the Asian financial meltdown, not unlike the way Joseph P. Kennedy helped unleash the market forces of the Great Depression. Like Kennedy, Soros bet the other way and became wealthy beyond comprehension. He engaged in philanthropy, funding billions of dollars worth of money to “public causes” (read: social justice) meant to make him look charitable. These were Left-wing organizations meant to empower his causes and therefore Soros himself. Always he remained shadowy and nefarious.

  He opposed Republicans and George W. Bush. His organization was originally created in response to President Clinton’s Impeachment, when the mantra of the Left was to forget about it and just “move on.” When the Internet became the new tool of politics and innuendo, he formed, among other organizations designed to “fact check” Republicans and, like, Hustler publisher Larry Flynt, expose embarrassing things about conservatives and Christians.

  When the McCain-Palin ticket surged to a five-point lead in mid-September of 2008, magically, seemingly out of nowhere and at precisely the worst possible time to hurt the Republicans the most, the sub-prime housing crisis hit. Subsequent blame has been fixed on President Clinton, who started the policies that caused it, and Congressman Barney Frank (D.-Massachusetts), the politician who advocated and led its implementation, most notably to make it possible for minorities to own homes even if they could not afford them. After years of papering it over, when and only when Senator McCain appeared to be winning, did it fail. Those who somehow saw the black hand of George Soros – the man who bragged he broke the bank of England and sent Asia into financial crisis in 1997 - behind this were laughed off as conspiracy theorists.

  He remains behind the scenes. He avoids scandal or criminal prosecution. His money, power and international tentacles make it impossible to get to him. Efforts to expose him for what he is leave the accuser shouting in the wilderness, looking like a nut. Presidents and prime ministers come and go, but Soros remains, pulling the strings in a world so complicated and global no ordinary man can comprehend it. Whether he is a tool of a malevolent spirit, or just another bad guy; no man can pin such a thing on him, only suspect it, probably until it is too late. Such malevolence can be battled not with guns, as with Hitler, but with prayer.

  All of these forces of nature, more than 200 years of Left-wing efforts at establishing the “social contract” of Rousseau, were embodied in a single event. President Bush committed the worst act in the history of the Republican Party when he signed the first stimulus package, in response to the 2008 sub-prime crisis. In so doing, he destroyed McCain, handed the election to Obama, but worse yet, told the Democrats – elected en masse on Obama’s coattails – that America was now a Socialist country, so have at it.

  But Bush’s mistake was nothing compared to the second stimulus, signed by Obama a few weeks after his Inauguration, in February of 2009. Suddenly, over night, $5 trillion of new debt – Republicans claimed more money than all governments spent since the birth of Christ – were laden upon the United States of America. This will go down in history as the single worst thing any political figure ever did to the U.S. No amount of sunny, Reaganesque optimism, can truly belie the notion that nothing will overcome this event in our lifetimes.

  So monstrous, so terrible has been the stimulus and the resulting debt since then, that if Republicans were elected to all high offices for 20 years it, their policies would fall flat against social justice, which has been built upon the backs of President Roosevelt’s New Deal, then President Johnson’s Great Society, institutionalizing Big Government, entrenching it so thoroughly that it cannot be turned back. Besides, the media would excoriate the attempt to turn it back so that no human can be expected to have the stomach to see such a thing through. This set of circumstances is . . . just the way the devil would do it.

  These events lead one to ponder further. If a man were a spy, a traitor, an undercover agent working on behalf of America’s sworn enemies, whether those enemies were international Communism and its post-Berlin Wall progeny; Islamo-Fascism; George Soros; or a combination of all these evil forces combined into one package; and if that man ascended by the strings of this nefarious power all the way to the White House; and if once there desired to hurt the United States to the maximum effect; what then would he do?

  Would he use his power to explode nuclear weapons on our soil, killings millions? If the President so ordered such a thing, his orders would not be obeyed. The military powers that be would refuse, but if somehow he did manage to explode such weapons, it would fire up the patriotic elements of this country to such an extent that there would exist the political will to simply turn into fire all foreign enemies. This was the power we alone possessed after World War II, but chose not to use, until the Soviets exploded their first atomic weapon. Thus would the Arab world and anybody else we deemed our enemy be bombed “back into the stone age.” No enemy-President would want to unleash such forces. The last time this nation came together in such common purpose, Adolf Hitler’s armies were destroyed and the U.S. ascended to heights of power eclipsing Rome, Alexander’s Greece, or the British Empire. Furthermore, a destroyed America, its landscape an Apocalypse of devastation lacking infrastructure, would be of no value to those who would desire to use American power and institutions against her.

  To create the fullest impact of damage to the U.S., one would need to discourage her, reduce her power and place in the world, to weaken her from within. Osama bin Laden tried to do that by destroying the Twin Towers, but President Bush led a rally to all-time stock market highs in 2007. A TV program about the CIA some years ago posed the theory that the 1987 stock market crash was a last-ditch KGB plot that failed when the Reagan economy could not be stopped, leading to the final death throes of the U.S.S.R.

  The stock market can rebound. People will need to work jobs. But debt, the all-strangling debt that ended the British Empire, ultimately creating the failed Common Market, European Union, and other vestiges of a beaten-down Europe; debt is the way to destroy a country. The high essence of what a dedicated enemy of America would do to destroy her is precisely what Barack Obama actually did in February 2009. The destruction wrought on America by the stimulus package will not be overcome in our lifetimes, and maybe not in our grandchildren’s.

  It started right after the stimulus bill was signed. A CNBC economic reporter on the floor of the stock exchange had an on-air rant calling for a “tea party” revolution against it. At the 2009 All-Star Game in St. Louis, half the fans booed President Obama.

  The conservative media ramped up a daily exposition of criminality on the part of the ACLU and ACORN. Fox News ate up the ratings like a hungry lion. They featured conservatives like Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck, day-by-day dismantling the Obama myth. The “lame stream” media that made up the New York Times, the Washington Post, Time, Newsweek, and news programs on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, and MSNBC, all watched and read by nobody, not to mention the zero-ratings Air America; all these were failing in one way or another. Their excuse was the Obama economy, which saw the
Dow Jones fall to a 12-year low of 6,547 in response to the stimulus, or the Internet, but these business factors did not have an effect on successful operations like the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Times, Human Events, the Weekly Standard and Newsmax. Keith Olbermann was eventually fired. Rachel Maddow and a host of lesser lights simply got no ratings.

  Obama's supporters, including Jimmy Carter, began to state that his detractors were racist. In October 2009 Obama “won” the Nobel Peace Prize. His nomination for the Nobel came within weeks of his January inauguration and he had accomplished zero in the months since. It served to mock him further when he traveled to Copenhagen to lobby for the Olympics in Chicago and was turned down.

  Obama made a speech at West Point. The soldiers were falling asleep, and liberal commentator Chris Mathews called the U.S. Military Academy “enemy territory” for Obama. Millions of patriotic American citizens . . . made note of this.

  While Democrats consider great young people in the military to be the “enemy,” Obama bonded with anti-American Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez. Communist genocidalist Fidel Castro expressed great admiration for Obama.

  Obama failed to attend ceremonies for D-Day, the fall of the Berlin Wall or Pearl Harbor, preferring instead trips to places like Copenhagen to honor himself. Instead of watching the returns when Democrats got killed in the November elections, he was glued to a documentary about his “greatness.” A global warming summit failed despite Obama's plea to achieve “something.”

  The Democrats attempted to ramrod socialized medicine on an American public that opposed it, 70-30. They attempted to bribe and buy votes, breaking numerous ethical laws. They tried to sneak everything past the public in the dark of night. Obama's campaign promise of transparency, of televised hearings on C-SPAN, was revealed instead to be a lie.

  Obama's approval ratings headed towards 40 percent, the fastest drop in the quickest amount of time in the history of polling. In November 2009 Republican Chris Christie roundly won the Governorship of New Jersey and Republican Bob McDonnell wiped the floor with the Democrats in Virginia; both after Obama made personal appearances on behalf of his chosen candidates.

  Senator Kennedy’s death opened the door for the election in early 2010 of Republican Scott Brown for “Kennedy's seat” in the “Boston Massacre,” winning by six points. It was an astounding event. These were the first shots fired in a conservative reaction to President Obama, the first indication maybe America would repudiate him, and possibly all the Democrats long stood for in the form of the Kennedys, the Clintons, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Harry Reid, Barney Frank, ACORN,, Michael Moore, Code Pink, Bill Maher, Jeremiah Wright, William Ayers, “black liberation theology,” the legacy of the 1960s counter-culture, Hollywood, the “lame stream” media, the “blame America first” crowd indoctrinating our young from grade school to graduate school, man-made global warming, socialized health care ramrodders, displaced Communists, Socialism in America, and the “black hand” of George Soros.

  Meanwhile, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin spoke of a “fallen world,” of man's true relationship with God, and why the Founding Fathers favored limited government because they recognized the inherent corruption of men's souls. She was elevated to “rock star” status, her book selling in such extraordinary numbers as to be beyond mere phenomenon. Karl Rove exacted revenge on his detractors every day with words of wisdom in the Wall Street Journal and on Fox News.

  The growing Tea Party Movement was besmirched as “tea baggers” by CNN’s Anderson Cooper, who two years later revealed he was homosexual and, most likely therefore, an actual tea bagger, a term applied to gay male sex. Congresswoman Pelosi said the Tea Partiers were not a “grass roots” campaign, saying instead it was “Astro turf,” just like Hillary Clinton's “vast Right-wing conspiracy” consisted of millions of patriotic American citizens who had the temerity to register and vote!

  Senator Brown’s victory in Massachusetts denied the Democrats the vaunted 60th vote, the filibuster-proof number needed to pass nationalized health care. Hillarycare had failed in 1993, and Obamacare was no more popular, but Brown’s win secured its failure . . . except that Obama and Pelosi pushed it through using Congressional technicalities, not an actual Democratic vote. In 2012, the Supreme Court surprisingly upheld it as Constitutional. Health care reform mirrors, as Ann Coulter wrote in Demonic, “why the history of liberalism consists of replacing things that work with things that sounded good on paper.” Or, as Pol Pot once said, “It seemed that the only thing needed was sufficient willpower, and heaven would be found on Earth.”

  But the Right was suddenly energized in 2010. Could it be that the unbeatable Obama was human after all? Could the Congress be taken back, and after that, was it possible that Obama himself could be defeated, a prospect that seemed unthinkable on Election Day, not to mention Inauguration Day?

  In the 2010 midterms, the Republicans won sweeping victories. Obama himself described it as a “shellacking.” Obama's old Illinois Senate seat, sold by Democrat Governor Rod Blagojevich, and never actually “won” by Obama (he used an illegal court ruling to steal it from Jack Ryan in 2004), was captured by Republican Mark Kirk, a huge repudiation in the President’s home state.

  With the Middle East in flames while Obama “led from behind,” somehow managing to “snatch defeat from the jaws of victory,” the economy in the tank, Obama tried many tricks. He granted amnesty to illegal aliens and declared his support for gay marriage, acts meant not to bring the nation together, but to divide her. While nuclear weapons were no longer the huge issue they had been during the Cold War, Obama cut the American arsenal by alarming numbers, to the point of literally leaving the country unable to defend against a full-scale attack. Some went so far as to describe this act as “treasonous.”

  Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney won a spirited Republican primary campaign. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s big win repudiated public unions, setting the stage for a 2012 Presidential election that probably had more riding on it that any since Abraham Lincoln was elected in 1860. Every electoral indicator favored the Republicans. Newsweek, one of the most reliably liberal media outlets, told Obama to “hit the road, Barack” in their cover just a couple months before the election. A University of Colorado economic model that had been tried and true in each election since 1980 predicted a big Romney Electoral College victory. Political theorist Dick Morris said the Republicans would win in a landslide; not just the White House but also the Congress would swing back to the GOP. Every poll determined Republican enthusiasm, and therefore turnout, to be far greater. Romney surpassed Obama in fundraising. But the hidden influence of Soros, the prospect of another “September surprise,” kept the GOP on its toes.

  For reasons that have no logical answer, the Right – with the exception of a few web sites and scant mention by Dr. Michael Savage on his radio show – never raised any fuss over the fact that Obama ordered new vote-counting machines. In 2004 the Diebold machines had the audacity to inform the world that George W. Bush received more votes than any President in American history. This could not be repeated, so Obama ditched the Diebold machines and replaced them with machines made by a Spanish firm owned by George Soros!

  In mid-October, having destroyed Obama in debate, Romney surged to a seven-point lead in the Gallup poll, traditionally the most accurate of all the polling firms. Rasmussen, the most accurate pollster of the previous Presidential elections, had Romney up by four nationally, with small leads in key states Florida and Ohio, the weekend before the election. One large firm literally stopped polling in Florida, so sure was Romney’s win there. Several Republican Senators had “safe” leads right to the end.

  Someway, we are supposed to believe that in a little over two weeks, Obama erased a seven-point deficit to win by four, an 11-point swing in a race that until Election Day was called “too close to call,” fairly and squarely; that Ohio and Florida did not just go to Obama, but did so going away.
That those “safe” Republican Senators actually “lost.” That Republican turnout, after months of polling indicating great enthusiasm, was actually below the depressed McCain turnout, when his loss was a fait accompli more than a month before Election Day. That the Spanish firm owned by Soros did not create algorithms that conveniently did not count say, every third or fourth GOP vote in key precincts and states. That the devil is not the prince of the world.

  Inaugurated in January of 2013, despite an adoring press Obama’s approval ratings quickly sank back to their 2010 levels. The Right just threw their hands up in frustration. The damage was done. America was destroyed, no longer favored by God. It was too late. All was lost.

  Obama and his supporters learned a big lesson from the likes of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Johnnie Cochran. Blame all criticism and opposition on racism. The truth was of no value to them, and would not make them free.

  Blacks, who were told Obama’s victory would create a post-racial society; would lead to educational opportunities and employment; to less crime and more opportunity; saw none of this. The general attitude among “black leadership” was to blame white conservatives. The media played along.

  The Simpson case turned the courts into a farce. In 2006, a group of wealthy, white Duke University lacrosse players held a party. A black stripper created a complete lie, just as Tawana Brawley and Al Sharpton lied in 1989, saying she had been raped and molested. It was quickly determined that the players were innocent. It did not matter. The liberal media excoriated them for being white, wealthy, attending a privileged school like Duke, in the racist South, and playing an elite sport like lacrosse. It was a real-life Alice in Wonderland, with puffed-up black victimologists practically screaming, “Off with their heads!” Forced to prosecute because of the professional race lobby, the case went to courts, where eventually the Duke athletes were exonerated.

  A Hispanic man named George Zimmerman saw a black teenager named Trayvon Martin walking around his neighborhood in Florida. Zimmerman, the Neighborhood Watch commander, was suspicious and approached Martin, who told him, “Tonight’s the night you’re gonna die, motherf----r.”

  Martin then attacked him. Zimmerman had a gun and in the ensuing struggle it went off, killing Martin. When the media heard Zimmerman’s name, they assumed he was white, and therefore, according to the dictates of social justice, guilty. Guilty if not of this particular crime, but of history, and so he must be deemed guilty in the media, which is the court of social justice. Then they found out he was half-Hispanic. At that point they invented a term previously unheard of: “white Hispanic.”

  The local police believed Zimmerman and chose not to prosecute. The race extortion industry then swung into action, forcing them to. The jury heard the evidence and agreed Zimmerman was not guilty. Actual justice had been served.

  But Obama did not like this form of actual justice. He declared that if he had a son, he would look just like him. Then a mini-series aired on the History Channel called The Bible. In what is either coincidence or God revealing truth to those with eyes to see, the actor portraying Satan was a dead ringer for Obama. In the history of television, nobody ever resembled a real-life person more than Satan resembled Obama. Atheists just laughed at the nutty Christians for noticing this.

  The Zimmerman case was portrayed in the media as an example of a racist white America in which blacks are the victims of hatred, crime and discrimination; all the things Obama promised to get rid of but, in 2014, he had not come close to achieving. Then a “funny” thing happened. An epidemic of crime spread across the Fruited Plain. In case after case, it consisted of marauding gangs of violent, rampaging blacks seeking out, and murdering, innocent whites. Associated Press reports of these murders used words like “allegedly,” while not mentioning that the murderers were black. That was how conservatives knew they were black, which in the age of social media was quickly revealed to be fact.

  Obama and the race extortionists of this new, dark age responded in a way best described by the name of a Robert Downey movie from 1987: Less Than Zero.

  “Johnnie L. Cochran Jr. had transformed this case from a murder trial into a backhanded hearing about centuries of oppression and racism . . . in Birmingham, Montgomery, and Selma; in Watts, Detroit, and Washington, D.C.; in Kenya, Zimbabwe and the Sudan,” Chris Darden wrote in his memoir, In Contempt. “O.J. belittles those struggles.

  “The revolution is over when the revolutionaries have nothing better to do than decry the treatment of a millionaire who was given every deference by the system. The movement will be a farce when young blacks are forced to storm the streets, yelling ‘Remember Brentwood.’ ”

  Indeed, the farce Darden described has become national policy. African-Americans have long engaged in oral history, passing down stories from one generation to the next, using forums like barbershops, churches, and family dining tables. The Great Society largely removed the traditional black father from this equation, to be replaced by community organizers and race–baiters. Paul Robeson passed on the Big Lie to Harry Belafonte, who passed it on to Jesse Jackson, who passed it on to Al Sharpton, who passed it on to Louis Farrakhan, who passed it along to Barack Hussein Obama. There were a million other baton-passers along the way. These are the people who created a world in which black America cheered and danced like football fans whose team just won the Super Bowl, when O.J. Simpson was declared not guilty in 1995.

  At that moment, millions of white Americans, long sympathetic to the plight of black America, hardened their hearts. They now knew something about black America they wished they had not. Like Original Sin, this knowledge could not be undone.

  If in 50 years, or 100 years, a second American Civil war, a race war like the one Charles Manson hoped to enflame, or a war between the forces of the Right and the Left, ever breaks out, students of such a conflict will point to Johnnie Cochran and Barack Obama as among its first instigators, just as students of the French Revolution find the writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau its inspiration, the Communist Revolution started by Karl Marx.

  The Big Lie, which has always been with us and always will, is the tool of evil, of unrighteousness, playing to man’s fears, hatred and prejudices in a world where the great victims of one generations are the victimizers of the next. It is a vicious circle, and it is Satan’s way.

  As usual, God’s words say it best, as in Psalm 94: 1-5:

  O Lord God, to whom vengeance belongeth; O god, to whom vengeance shew


  Lift up thyself, thou judge of the earth; render a reward to the proud.

  Lord, how long shall the wicked, how long shall the wicked triumph?

  How long shall they utter and speak hard things? and all the workers of

  iniquity boast themselves?

  They break in pieces thy people, O Lord, and afflict thine heritage.

  Author’s final word

  I have a “problem” with black people. Naturally, this means I am prejudiced. That must be why I criticize Barack Obama. No other reasonable explanation exists. Of course, since the fact I am not prejudiced places itself before me as knowledge possessed by me, I therefore must look for more logical explanations.

  Besides, I am a highly educated, reasonable, thoughtful, well-read, compassionate and informed Christian who above all other commandments believes in Christ’s admonition, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Prejudice, to “pre-judge,” is to be biased by ignorance, by lack knowledge of what one criticizes. Disagree with me if you insist on being wrong, but to call me lacking in knowledge is of no good value to you.

  But to explain why I have a “problem’ with blacks, I need to start with my father, Donald E. Travers. Yes, the same Donald E. Travers who once taught a class at City College of San Francisco attended by O.J. Simpson. My father came from a prominent California family that had been in San Francisco since the Gold Rush, but the Great Depression wiped them out. A “welcome wagon�
�� came around to provide charity to the family, which my father rejected out of pride. He determined never to owe anything to anybody, and out of this was formed his lifelong conservative political philosophy.

  After serving as a Naval officer in the combat theatres of the South Pacific, Dad returned to California determined to get his teaching credential, and coach both high school track as well as cross-country. This he did, so successfully in fact that he was named to the hall of fame. After establishing himself at Lowell, an all-white, upper-middle class school, he decided to switch to Balboa High, in a gritty, blue-collar part of town. The reason was that the blacks who came to San Francisco to work in the San Francisco shipyards now had children entering the high schools, in particular Balboa. My father knew they were fast, and if he had the sprinters, he could win the city championship every year. He was right. They were fast, and he won, every year. His actions were also the opposite of “white flight.”

  I was too young to have seen any of this with my own eyes, but I have known some of the black athletes he coached, many whose company I enjoyed at hall of fame functions, banquets, re-unions, and two special events honoring my dad. I can state for a fact my father loved these kids, and they loved him right back, just like a father. It was pure, and it was beautiful.

  This was the way my father taught me. Innocent love for your fellow human being. To help when you can. To appreciate your good luck and pass it on to the less fortunate.

  In 1968, my father was a commander in the Naval Reserves. His duty at the time was to recruit young officer-candidates to the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland. For this purpose, he would spend two weeks every summer in Annapolis and nearby Washington, D.C. That was where he was in the late spring of 1968. Dad attended a Baltimore Orioles game and a Washington Senators game. He took in the sights.

  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had been assassinated recently, and there was racial unrest. He was told to be careful, especially when in uniform. One night he went to dinner at a restaurant, oddly enough named Blackie’s. Blackie’s was the place to go in D.C. Located near Capitol Hill, it was where all the deals were really done. Where Congressmen from different parties met for drinks to hammer out their differences. Where lobbyists lobbied, staffers networked, where powerful men carried on affairs. It was a place of political intrigue, a modern Acropolis.

  After a hearty meal of filet mignon, red wine, and a Bourbon nightcap, my father departed and got into his rental car. Then the side door opened, and a black criminal slipped in, immediately producing a knife, which my dad described as a “shiv.” He stuck it up against Dad’s neck, the edge just causing a small cut and a tiny droplet of blood.

  “Gimme yer wallet, yer watch, everything you got, you white motherf----r,” the criminal said to my dad. Slowly, without making any fast moves, my frightened father did as the criminal commanded. The criminal pocketed his score, and stared with hatred at my father. For a second, Daddy thought he was dead, but the criminal looked around. Blackie’s was still open and if he murdered this white man, a Naval officer, he might very well be caught and face life in prison. Probably strung out on drugs, he may not have thought so reasonably, but for whatever reason he pulled the knife away from my dear father and departed into the night. My dad was left shaking and vulnerable.

  When he returned home, he told my mother and I about this terrible event. I could tell, my father had changed. This being 1968, it was a year of great upheaval in which the King assassination, then Robert Kennedy’s assassination, played out against the socio-political ramifications of a Presidential campaign and the Vietnam War. Every night, my father returned from a long day of work – mornings teaching at CCSF, afternoons running a private law practice – to drink an increasing amount of Bourbon, watch the news, and lament over the rapid changes in America throughout the 1960s. After dinner, there was wine, then moroseness before heading to bed. My father was now an alcoholic.

  Every night, probably for some three or four years before 1968, and increasingly in the years after, an odd psychosis took over my father. The knife episode in D.C. seemed to crystallize events in his mind, but really it was the nightly droning of network news commentators that slowly drove him to distraction.

  The fact my father was not a racist was a beautiful truth that shone brightly in his life. It was a fact that made him proud, which he happily shared with his friends and family, and loved to hear affirmed by the black kids, now young men, he had successfully coached in the previous decade. Yet, despite this, every night he sat in front of the television and listened to learned men tell him that, no, Don Travers, you are wrong. You are mistaken. Yes, Don Travers, the fact is, you are a racist! Night after night, social ills were placed on the screen in front of him, commentary made, innuendos proffered, all meant to persuade dear old Dad that he, and other white men like him – the Greatest Generation that won World War II – were not the “great” men, the moral men who built a nation and saved the world; no, they were all that was wrong with it.

  Liberalism turned my father into an alcoholic.

  At some point, after several years of this, when I was now old enough to have mature conversations with my father, good old Dad just told me, “Steve, I’ve never been a prejudiced man. I taught you not to be. I thought I’d done a good job. But son of a bitch if these people are not making me prejudiced.”

  Dad’s use of the word “prejudice” was incorrect, of course. It was the opposite of that. He had not “pre-judged” anything. Instead, he was learning things, having his eyes opened, and with the use of a bottle of Jim Beam, losing his innocence. He was smart enough to tell me he was not really prejudiced, that he loved people, he felt compassion for blacks who faced real hardships, but when a Jesse Jackson, an Al Sharpton, a Louis Farrakhan would spew hatred on the television, my father was not happy about it!

  Eventually, Dad quit drinking, and because of it was able to live to see his granddaughter, my daughter Elizabeth, flower into young adulthood. In 2008, when Barack Obama was elected President, my dad, a lifelong Republican, voted for John McCain, but told my mother, “I like Obama. I’m proud we elected a black President. I wish him well.”

  I never really understood how Dad felt. I had certainly been taught to be fair and race-neutral. I was a good athlete and had a lot of African-American, Latino and Dominican teammates, who I got along with. I enjoyed diversity, hearing other people’s languages, of their culture and background. It was fun.

  Like most high school kids, I was immature, and that immaturity resulted in occasional bouts of racial stupidity, but it was never hatred. In my heart, I loved my fellow man. When I saw genuine goodwill, between others and myself or just among people, my heart would cry out and a little tear would well up in my eye.

  I even kind of liked Jesse Jackson. During the 1984 Democratic primaries between Walter Mondale and Gary Hart, I enjoyed Jackson speaking out about the responsibility of blacks to keep their families together and serve their communities. But as he radicalized, I lost my respect for Jackson, and I never liked Al Sharpton. But I thought these fellows to be buffoons, clowns, not to be taken seriously or fretted over. America would just roll along, creating excellence, leading the way like a “shining city on a hill,” as my hero Ronald Reagan called her.

  Then came the O.J. Simpson verdict. It was October 1995, and when he was pronounced not guilty, I uttered the N-word. I do not know when I used that word before, and have not used it since, in company or by myself. I am ashamed I used it then, but I used it. That case changed me, as it changed America, and for the first time I understood what my father meant back in the 1970s. The circumstances were different, but the general anger and frustration, at the media, the race industry, and liberals, who propelled so many lies, was now intense. I always staved off hate. My father once told me nobody should hate. I understand hate to be a victory for the devil, but over the next years, I despised the Clintons, and my feeling were visceral.

  I listened while the Democratic P
arty propelled the lie, just as they had when my dad watched Walter Cronkite, that I and those like me were racists. I despised the Democrats for practically rooting against America in Iraq, as they had rooted for the Communists in Vietnam.

  So yes, I have a problem with the lies of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, Johnnie Cochran and Barack Obama. Yes, I have a problem with the racial politics they play, or played, all based on those lies. I have a problem being called a racist when I am not one, just as my father did not like it when he was not one. Yes, I have a problem with black people blindly giving 90 percent of their vote every election to the Democrats, and I have a problem with their twice electing Barack Obama. I have a problem with ignoramuses who cannot enunciate English words, who vote for Obama because he gives them something called “Obamaphone,” deciding the future of my country. I have a problem with the fact that he never delivered on his promises to African-Americans, yet blacks seem mesmerized by him, unable to see what he really is. I see this and I think about how evil works, how it controls a fallen world.

  After 9/11, I became profoundly spiritual. I have always been a Christian, but in the 2000s I began reading the Bible every morning. I began to truly understand man’s relationship with God. I began to see the true evil of the world, in which thousands of innocent babies are aborted every day, some 60 million in America alone since Roe v. Wade. I began to think that an anti-Christ might be walking this Earth today. How else to explain such an increase in immorality and injustice, such hatred and propitiation of lies? Such massive unrighteousness.

  I do not know who or what Barack Obama is. I do know he is the worst President in American history. I do know the stimulus debt incurred with the single sweep of his pen in 2009 destroyed my country, and neither I nor my grandchildren will ever see it recover to where it was in my golden youth. Beyond that, I can only hope Obama is merely a politician I disagree with, and leave it there.

  I fear he is more sinister than that. As Thomas Paine once wrote, man cannot “unknow his knowledge, or unthink his thoughts.” My father’s innocence was stolen from him when a black criminal stuck a shiv against his throat in Washington, D.C. in 1968. Mine was stolen by Johnnie Cochran in Los Angeles, 1995, when he let a man I idolized and loved as a Trojan above all others, now proven to be a murderer, walk free, ostensibly because I, nor white people like me, including the Brown and Goldman families, did not deserve justice because of the Big Lie. That Big Lie was racism.

  “Ye shall known the truth, and the truth shall make ye free.”

  e wa



  2006 USC Football Media Guide. Los Angeles: University of Southern California, 2006.

  Barbieri, Paula. The Other Woman: My Years with O.J. Simpson. New York: Little

  Brown & Company, 1997.

  Bisheff, Steve and Loel Schrader. Fight On! The Colorful Story of USC Football. Nashville, TN: Cumberland House, 2006.

  Boyles, Bob, and Paul Guido. Fifty Years of College Football. Wilmington, DE: Sideline

  Communications, Inc., 2005.

  Bugliosi, Vincent. Outrage: The Five Reasons Why O.J. Simpson Got Away With

  Murder. New York: W.W. Norton & Comp[any, 1996.

  Clark, Marcia with Teresa Carpenter. Without a Doubt. New York: Viking Penguin,


  Clary, Jack. College Football’s Great Dynasties: USC. Popular Culture Ink, 1991.

  Darden Chris with Jess Walter. In Contempt. New York: Regan Books, 1996.

  Dershowitz, Alan M. Reasonable Doubts. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996.

  Fuhrman, Mark. Murder in Brentwood. Washington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing, Inc.,


  Game Day: Notre Dame Football. Foreword by Mike Golic. Chicago: Triumph Books, 2006.

  Game Day: Southern California Football. Foreword by Manfred Moore. Chicago: Triumph Books, 2006.

  Geragos, Mark and Pat Harris. Mistrial: An Inside Look at How the Criminal Justice

  System Works . . . and Sometimes Doesn’t. New York: Gotham Books, 2013.

  Gigliotti, Jim. Stadium Stories: USC Trojans. Guilford, CT: The Globe Pequot Press, 2005.

  Gildea, William and Christopher Jennison. The Fighting Irish. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,


  Goldman Family, The. I Did It.: Confessions of the Killer. New York: Beaufort Books,


  Fuhrman, Mark. Murder in Brentwood. Washington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing, Inc.,


  Lange, Det Tom and Det. Philip Vannatter. Evidence Dismissed: The Inside Story of the

  Police Investigation of O.J. Simpson. New York: Pocket Books, 1997.

  McKay, John, with Jim Perry. McKay: A Coach’s Story. New York: Atheneum, 1974.

  Peffley, Mark and Jon Hurwitz. Justice in America: The Separate Realities of Blacks and

  Whites. Cambridge, Mass.: Cambridge University Press, 2010.

  Petrocelli, Daniel with Peter Knobler. Triumph of Justice: The Final Judgment on then

  Simpson Saga. New York: Crown Publishers, Inc., 1998.

  Pierson, Don. The Trojans: Southern California Football. Chicago: Henry Regnery, 1974.

  Rappoport, Ken. The Trojans: A Story of Southern California Football. Huntsville, AL: Strode Publishers, 1974.

  Resnick, Faye D. with Mike Walker. Nicole Brown Simpson: The Private Diary of a Life

  Interrupted. Beverly Hills: Dove Books, 1994.

  Schiller, Lawrence and James Willwerth. American Tragedy: The Uncensored Story of

  the Simpson Defense. New York: Random House, 1996.

  Simpson, O.J. I Want to Tell You: My Response to Your Letters, Your Messages, Your

  Questions. New York: Little, Brown & Company, 1995.

  Spence, Gerry. O.J.: The Last Word. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1997.

  Toobin, Jeffrey. The Run of His Life: The People v. O.J. Simpson. New York: Random

  House, 1996.

  Travers, Steven. “The tradition of Troy.” Unpublished book proposal, 1995.

  ______. “When legends played.” StreetZebra, September, 1999.

  ______. “Legend: A conversation with John McKay.”, March, 2000.

  ______. “Rich McKay.”, April, 2000.

  ______. “Villa Park wins rivalry game.” Los Angeles Times, September 25, 2000.

  ______. “The eternal Trojan.”, September, 2000.

  ______. “It wasn’t a football game, it was a sighting.” StreetZebra, November, 2000.

  ______. “He was a legend of the old school variety.” Unpublished essay, 2001.

  ______. Barry Bonds: Baseball’s Superman. Champaign, IL: Sports Publishing, 2002.

  ______. God’s Country: A Conservative, Christian Worldview of How History Formed the United States Empire and America’s Manifest Destiny For the Twenty-first Century. Unblished manuscript, 2003.

  ______. “Dynasty: The new centurions of Troy.” Excerpted from The USC Trojans: College Football’s All-Time Greatest Dynasty. Lanham, MD: Taylor Trade Publishing, 2006 (based on “2005 USC Trojans: Greatest college football dynasty ever?” available at, July 4, 2005).

  ______. “Orange Countification: The true story of how the GOP helped the South rise again.” Unpublished essay, 2005.

  ______. “The four horsemen of Southern California.” Excerpted from The USC Trojans: College Football’s All-Time Greatest Dynasty. Lanham, MD: Taylor Trade Publishing, 2006.

  ______. The USC Trojans: College Football’s All-Time Greatest Dynasty. Lanham, Md.: Taylor Trade Publishing, 2006.

  ______. One Night, Two Teams: Alabama vs. USC and the Game That Changed a Nation. Lanham, MD: Taylor Trade Publishing, 2007.

  ______. Angels Essential: Everything You Need to Know to Be a Real Fan! Chicago: Triumph Books, 2007.

  ______. Dodgers Essential: Everything You Need to Know to Be a Real Fan! C
hicago: Triumph Books, 2007.

  ______. The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly Los Angeles Lakers: Heart-Pounding, Jaw-

  Dropping, and Gut-Wrenching Moments from Los Angeles Lakers History. Chicago: Triumph Books, 2007.

  ______. The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly Oakland Raiders: Heart-Pounding, Jaw-Dropping, and Gut-Wrenching Moments from Oakland Raiders History. Chicago: Triumph Books, 2008.

  ______. Trojans Essential: Everything You Need to Know to Be a Real Fan! Chicago: Triumph Books, 2008.

  ______. The 1969 Miracle Mets: The Improbable Story of the World’s Greatest Underdog Team. Guilford, CT: The Lyons Press, 2009.

  ______. Dodgers Past & Present. Minneapolis: MVP Books, 2009.

  ______. Pigskin Warriors: 140 Years of College Football’s Greatest Traditions, Games, and Stars. Lanham, MD: Taylor Trade Publishing, 2009.

  ______. A Tale of Three Cities: The 1962 Baseball Season in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Washington, D.C.: Potomac Books, Inc., 2009.

  ______. What It Means to Be a Trojan: Southern Cal’s Greatest Players Talk About Trojans Football. Chicago: Triumph Books, 2009.

  ______. The Duke, the Longhorns, and Chairman Mao. Lanham, Md.: Taylor Trade

  Publishing, 2014.

  ______. What Is Truth Powers That Were, Powers That Are. Unpublished manuscript,


  Weller, Sheila. Raging Heart: The intimate story of the tragic marriage of O.J. and

  Nicole Brown Simpson. New York: Pocket Books, 1995.

  Williams, Linda. Playing the Race Card: Melodramas of Black and White From Uncle

  Tom to O.J. Simpson. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2001.

  Yaeger, Don and Douglas S. Looney. Under the Tarnished Dome. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1993.

  Yaeger, Don, Sam Cunningham and John Papadakis. Turning of the Tide. New York: Center Street, 2006.






  ius plans tiu retiure tio Idaho, th home of the Aryan nation, was just a coincidence, accoding to Phillips. “look” he said. “Mark is a hot dog and has always been one. hde’s noit a raciust.”Dardsebn called all the bklacks cops whoi worked with Fuhrman. Non had a problem with him. Darden tol himself that malcvolm DVD/Documentaries

  Breaking the Huddle. New York: Home Box Office, 2008.

  Coach Paul “Bear” Bryant. New York: College Sports Television, 2005.

  History of USC Football, The. Produced and directed by Roger Springfield. Burbank,

  CA: Warner Home Video, 2005.

  Songs of Our Success. Hosted by Tony McEwen, 2003.

  Tackling Segregation. New York: College Sports Television, 2006.

  Additional video

  History of Notre Dame Football.

  Trojan Video Gold. Narrated by Tom Kelly. Los Angeles: University of Southern

  California, 1988.


  Author bio

  Steven Travers, a former professional baseball player with the St. Louis Cardinals and the Oakland A’s organizations, is the author of over 20 books, including the best-selling Barry Bonds: Baseball’s Superman, nominated for a Casey Award as Best Baseball Book of 2002; and One Night, Two Teams: Alabama vs. USC and the Game that Changed a Nation (a 2007 PNBA nominee, subject of the CBS/CSTV documentary Tackling Segregation, and soon to be a major motion picture). He pitched for the Redwood High School baseball team in California that won the national championship in his senior year, before attending college on an athletic scholarship and earning all-conference honors. A graduate of the University of Southern California, Steven coached at USC, Cal-Berkeley and in Europe; served in the Army; attended law school; and was a sports agent. He has written for the Los Angeles Times and was a columnist for StreetZebra magazine in L.A., and the San Francisco Examiner. His screenplays include The Lost Battalion, 21 and Wicked. He has a daughter, Elizabeth Travers Lee, and lives in California.

  Books written by Steven Travers

  One Night, Two Teams: Alabama vs. USC and the Game That Changed A Nation (also a documentary, Tackling Segregation, and soon to be a major motion picture)

  A’s Essential: Everything You Need to Know to Be A Real Fan!

  Trojans Essential: Everything You Need to Know to Be A Real Fan!

  Dodgers Essential: Everything You Need to Know to Be A Real Fan!

  Angels Essential: Everything You Need to Know to Be A Real Fan!

  D’Backs Essential: Everything You Need to Know to Be A Real

  The USC Trojans: College Football's All-Time Greatest Dynasty

  The Good, the Bad & the Ugly Los Angeles Lakers

  The Good, the Bad & the Ugly Oakland Raiders

  The Good, the Bad & the Ugly San Francisco 49ers

  Barry Bonds: Baseball’s Superman

  Pigskin Warriors: 140 Years of College Football's Greatest Games, Players and Traditions

  The 1969 Miracle Mets

  Dodgers Baseball Yesterday & Today

  A Tale of Three Cities: New York, L.A. and San Francisco During the 1962 Baseball Season

  What It Means To Be a Trojan: Southern Cal’s Greatest Players Talk About Trojans Football

  The Poet: The Life and Los Angeles Times of Jim Murray

  The Last Icon: Tom Seaver’s Town, His Team, and His Times

  God's Country: A Conservative, Christian Worldview of How History Formed the United States Empire and America's Manifest Destiny for the 21st Century

  Angry White Male

  The Writer’s Life

  The USC Mafia: From the Frat House to the White House to the Big House

  Ambition: My Struggles to Fail and Succeed in Baseball, Politics, Hollywood, Writing . . . and the Rocky Path I’ve Walked With Christ

  What Is Truth? Powers That Were, Powers That Are

  The Duke, the Longhorns, and Chairman Mao: John Wayne’s Political Odyssey

  The Reaping: What the O.J. Simpson Murder Case Did to America

  Praise for Steve Travers


  Steve Travers is the next great USC historian, in the tradition of Jim Murray, John Hall, and Mal Florence! . . . the Trojan Family needs your work. Fight On!

  - USC Head Football Coach Pete Carroll

  . . . Steve Travers tells us all about the exciting and remarkable football . . . . that not only changed the way the game is played; it . . . changed the world.

  - Winston Groom, author of Forrest Gump

  Steve Travers combines wit, humor, social pathos and historical knowledge with the kind of sports expertise that only an ex-jock is privy
to; it is reminiscent of the work of Jim Bouton, Pat Jordan and Dan Jenkins, combined with Jim Murray' turn of phrase, Hunter Thompson's hard-scrabble Truths, and David Halberstam's unique take on our nation's place in history. His writing is great storytelling, and the result is pure genius every time.

  - Westwood One radio personality Michael McDowd

  Steve Travers is a great writer, an educated athlete who knows how to get inside the player's heads, and when that happens, greatness occurs. He's gonna be a superstar.

  - San Francisco Examiner

  Steve Travers is a phenomenal writer, an artist who labors over every word to get it just right, and he has an encyclopedic knowledge of sports and history.

  - StreetZebra

  Steve Travers is a “Renaissance man.”

  - Jim Rome Show

  He is very qualified to continue to write books such as this one. Good job.

  - Marty Lurie/Right Off the Bat Oakland A's Pregame Host

  Steve's a literate ex-athlete, an ex-Trojan, and a veteran of Hollywood, too.

  - Lee "Hacksaw" Hamilton/XTRA Radio, San Diego

  You've done some good writin', dude.

  - KFOG Radio, San Francisco

  [Travers is] one of the great sportswriters on the current American scene.

  - Joe Shea/Radio Talk Host and Editor

  Travers appears to have the right credentials for the task.

  - USA Today Baseball Weekly

  A very interesting read which is not your average . . . book. . . . Steve has achieved his bona fides when it comes to having the credentials to write a book like this.

  - Geoff Metcalfe/KSFO Radio, San Francisco

  This is a fascinating book written by a man who knows his subject matter inside and out.

  — Irv Kaze/KRLA Radio, Los Angeles

  Travers . . . established himself as a writer of many dimensions . . . a natural.

  — John Jackson/Ross Valley Reporter

  Steve Travers is a true USC historian and a loyal Trojan!

  — Former USC football player John Papadakis

  Pete Carroll calls you "the next great USC historian," high praise indeed.

  - Rob Fukuzaki/ABC7, Los Angeles

  You’re a great writer and I always enjoy your musings, particularly on SC football – huge fan!

  - Oakland A’s general manager Billy Beane

  Steven Travers is one of the most accomplished sports journalists in our nation today and One Night, Two Teams is his defining work to this point.


  Travers, a USC grad, portrays the game and USC’s victory as a tipping point in the integration of college football and the South, a triumph for the forces of equality . . . his larger view of the game hits home in most respects, and he provides a compelling account- drawing from dozens of interviews with participants, coaches, drawing from dozens of others - of a clash between two schools with decidedly different approaches to the composition of their football rosters . . . All in all, an intriguing premise and a well-told story.

  - Wes Lukowsky, Booklist

  The book is not just about sports but how sports and that September 1970 game in particular relate to the intertwining of sports, race, politics, history, religion and philosophy.

  - Harold Abend, In Scope

  One Night . . . is a tour de force.

  - Marin I.J.

  Travers combines wit, humor and historical knowledge in his writings.

  - University of Southern California

  Wow what a great job!!!! . . . I love the book . . . It's one of those you look forward to reading at special times . . . I can't say enough!

  - Lonnie White, Los Angeles Times

  This is a book about American society. It sheds incredible light on little-known events that every American must know to understand this country . . . In 20 years, people will say of this book what they said about Roger Kahn's The Boys of Summer.

  - Fred Wallin, Business Talk radio

  Steve is the USC historian whose meticulous attention to detail is a revelation. He is the best chronicler of USC ever.

  - Chuck Hayes, CRN Sports Corner

  This is fabulous, just a terrific look at our history. Travers is one of the best writers around.

  - Rod Brooks, Fitz & Brooks Show, KNBR/San Francisco

  You have created a work of art here, an absolutely great book. We love your work.

  Bob Fitzgerald, “Fitz & Brooks Show,” KNBR/San Francisco

  When it comes to sports history, this is the man right here.

  - Gary Radnich, KRON/5, San Francisco

  Author Steven Travers discusses his new book . . .

  - Orange County Register

  . . . Join Steve Travers . . . at the Autograph Stage . . .

  - ESPN Radio

  . . . Steve Travers, author of One Night, Two Teams: Alabama vs. USC and the Game That Changed a Nation . . .

  - Los Angeles Daily News

  Steve Travers, a sports historian . . .

  - Los Alamitos News-Enterprise

  Hear this dynamic speaker tell how this famous game changed history.

  - Friends of the Los Alamitos-Rossmoor Library

  This is a fabulous book.

  - Michaela Pereira/ KTLA 5, Los Angeles

  Travers presents this particular game in 1970 as a metaphor for the profound changes in social history during the emancipation of the South.

  - Publishers Weekly

  . . . Explored in rich, painstaking detail by Steve Travers.

  - Jeff Prugh, L.A. Times beat writer who covered the 1970 USC-Alabama game

  You're a prolific talent.

  - Curtis Kim, KSRO Radio, Santa Rosa

  Is there anything you've not written?

  - Vernon Glenn, KRON/4, San Francisco

  You are the Poet Laureate of the USC Program! Please keep writing.

  - Tony Pattiz, USC class of 1980

  A's Essential: Everything You Need To Be a Real Fan offers a breezy history . . .

  - Bruce Dancis/Sacramento Bee

  What A’s Essential does give us in heaps is the history specific players and other A’s personnel . . . Travers manages to dig up plenty of interesting quotes and his knowledge of other writings about the A’s is voluminous. He finds enough fascinating material . . . interesting and add(s) to the reader’s experience with the book . . . A’s Essential can be a useful source to those who are students of A’s history

  - Brian James Oak/

  As an Oakland fan, I was therefore interested to find A’s Essential when browsing on Amazon recently

  - Matt Smith,

  (The chapter in One Night, Two Teams) on Martin Luther King - the description of the civil rights movement - your insights, the research - what an education I received from reading it. It should be required reading by every student in America! Every citizen. No wonder there were so many African Americans on the Mall a week ago! . . . I am sure there are many blacks who would say it is impossible for a white man to really understand the struggle. And, in one sense they are definitely right because you are not black. But, wow - I think you did an excellent job in bringing it together - telling the story and making me think!

  - Dwight Chapin, former Nixon White House appointments secretary

  Front and back dustcovers

  Everybody knows what happened 20 years ago. Many books were written from most every point of view. But what has happened since then? What did the O.J. Simpson murder case of 1994-1995 do to America?

  O.J. was already symbolic in many ways. He was the post-Jackie Robinson, post-Jim Brown, post-New Breed African-American, the beneficiary in living flesh of 400 years of struggle against tyranny, the first blossoms of freedom bestowed upon the American Black Man. He was their hopes and dreams embodied.

  Many said O.J. was “whiter” than many of the corporate executives who feted him, who played golf with him, who enabled him to get a free lunch and his pick of Caucasia
n women from one coast to another. He was the picture of what a charismatic, handsome black man can get if he plays his cards right, is non-threatening, and smiles the smile of the contented.

  He was a hero to white America, one of the first black celebrities to be fully embraced and given a free ride with no reservations. His predilection for sex with blond women never came back to hurt him. The world, apparently, had moved beyond that. In this respect, he was on the cutting edge of societal evolution.

  The city of Los Angeles and the state of California also thought of itself as being ahead of societal trends. While the South was embroiled in an intense civil rights struggle in the 1960s, black athletes in California appeared to gracefully mix with white teammates, from high schools to colleges to the professional ranks. But just as the 1965 Watts riots demonstrated that below this idyllic façade lay a simmering rage, so to did the O.J. murder trial some three decades later demonstrate that not all was well in the land of milk and honey.

  Today, much of our culture, our politics, and the continuing, polarizing divide between Left and Right owes itself to the O.J. case. The American black man today has not seamlessly fit into society as many felt he would. He often appears to walk about wearing a chip on his shoulder embodying centuries of slavery, colonization, and bigotry. After World War II, African-Americans made steady progress in civil rights, education and economic advancement. Then the Great Society was initiated, thus enslaving blacks to a welfare state that largely left them bereft of father figures.

  This created a simmering historical resentment, with blacks increasingly self-segregating; choosing only to hear, listen to, and believe their version of history, their cultural entertainment, and their political messages. This simmered just below the surface until June 12, 1994.

  What emerged from the murder trial of O.J. Simpson for the killing of his wife, the blond bombshell Nicole Brown Simpson, was a strange miasma of reality in which blacks increasingly felt justified in not holding themselves to the same standards as society. A crime committed by a black man, an indiscretion by a black cultural figure, an ethical violation by a black politician; these and many other incidents would become papered over, excused as somehow okay, because to give the black man a pass was some sort of strange “payback” for historical injustice. The very word “justice” became a lie, a code word for anti-colonial reparations that can never be paid back.

  Black-on-black murders and black-on-non-black crime, in South Africa, in Zimbabwe, in the U.S., and everyplace else, became the elephant in the room, not allowed to be spoken of, while the rare occasion of a non-black accused of a crime against a black, as in the George Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin murder trial, becomes big news.

  The O.J. case spawned the modern saturation of courtroom news, which has resulted in the enormous expansion of cable television. Wall-to-wall all-day news coverage practically was invented by the O.J. case. It changed the perception of sports personalities, which today has reached the point where average athletes are considered, ipso facto, quasi-criminals, steroid abusers in a scandal–ridden society. The self-image of the victim became a political tool, propelling numerous African-American elected officials, and driving the anti-colonial agenda of Barack Hussein Obama, whose election is viewed as payback for centuries of racism and intolerance.

  This book looks at the life, athletic career and movies of O.J. Simpson; the shattering news that destroyed what was, until the 1990s, the greatest of all American cities; and the shocking, Shakespearean ironies that have occurred in a continued twist of cosmic fate.

  Author/historian Steven Travers has written a book of narrative non-fiction in the Tom Wolfe style; a true crime and courtroom thriller that reads like a novel. Here are all the players of this most Shakespearean of dramas:

  Christopher Darden, “God’s lonely man,” the black prosecutor accused of treachery against his race.

  Johnnie Cochran, the evil race-baiter who used lies and untruths to perpetuate unjustice.

  F. Lee Bailey, the fallen legal eagle stooping to the worst of man’s fears.

  Robert Kardashian and Al Cowlings, the two loyalists who abandon all principle.

  Marcia Clark, the fighting woman looking for justice for a murdered white woman seemingly forgotten by justice.

  Faye Resnick, the beautiful, sensual temptress.

  Kato Kaelin, the court jester.

  The families (Browns, Goldmans, Simpsons), reduced to tears and ruined lies.

  Nicole Brown Simpson and Robert Goldman, reduced to pawns of racial politics.

  Mark Fuhrman, the “genocidal racist.”

  O.J., the man who walks through rain drops.


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